What is the difference between scientific style and popular science. Scientific style: its main characteristics

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Popular science style

Functional speech styles- a historically established system of speech means used in a particular area of ​​human communication; a kind of literary language that performs a specific function in communication.

There are 5 functional styles:

  • scientific - the meaning is to give an accurate and clear representation of scientific concepts (for example, terminological vocabulary)
  • official business - official correspondence, government acts, speeches; vocabulary is used that reflects official business relations (plenum, session, decision, decree, resolution)
  • journalistic - abstract words with a socio-political meaning are characteristic (humanity, progress, nationality, publicity, peace-loving)
  • colloquial - it is distinguished by a large semantic capacity and colorfulness, gives speech liveliness and expressiveness
  • artistic - used in fiction

scientific style

scientific style- style of scientific messages. The scope of this style is science, the recipients of text messages can be scientists, future specialists, students, just any person who is interested in a particular scientific field; the authors of the texts of this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of the style can be called the description of laws, the identification of patterns, the description of discoveries, learning, etc.

Its main function is the communication of information, as well as the proof of its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by a noun, a lot of abstract and material nouns.

Scientific style exists mainly in written monologue speech. Its genres are a scientific article, educational literature, a monograph, a school essay, etc. The stylistic features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguity), abstraction, generalization.

Formal business style

business style used for communication, informing in an official setting (the sphere of legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities). This style is used to draw up documents: laws, orders, decrees, characteristics, protocols, receipts, certificates. The scope of the official business style is law, the author is a lawyer, jurist, diplomat, just a citizen. Works in this style are addressed to the state, citizens of the state, institutions, employees, etc., in order to establish administrative and legal relations.

This style exists exclusively in the written form of speech, the type of speech is predominantly reasoning. The type of speech is most often a monologue, the type of communication is public. Style features - imperative (dutiful character), accuracy that does not allow two interpretations, standardization (strict composition of the text, accurate selection of facts and ways of presenting them), lack of emotionality.

The main function of the official business style is information (transfer of information). It is characterized by the presence of speech clichés, the generally accepted form of presentation, the standard presentation of the material, the widespread use of terminology and nomenclature names, the presence of complex unabbreviated words, abbreviations, verbal nouns, the predominance of direct word order.

Journalistic style

Journalistic style serves to influence people through the media. It is found in the genres of article, essay, reportage, feuilleton, interview, oratory and is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, emotionality, appraisal, invocativeness.

This style is used in the spheres of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not for a narrow circle of specialists, but for the general public, and the impact is directed not only to the mind, but also to the feelings of the addressee.

Conversational style

Conversational style serves for direct communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary.

The usual form of implementation of conversational style is dialogue, this style is more often used in oral speech. There is no pre-selection of language material in it. In this style of speech, extralinguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures, environment.

Art style

Art style influences the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality, and concreteness of speech.

The emotionality of the artistic style differs significantly from the emotionality of the colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style involves a preliminary selection of language means; all language means are used to create images.

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Used in the field of science and teaching. Its main features are the following: generalization and abstractness, terminology, emphasized logic. Secondary features: unambiguity, semantic accuracy, standardity, objectivity, brevity, rigor, clarity, non-categorical, impersonal, figurative, evaluative, etc.

There are three sub-styles: the proper scientific style of the text (articles, monographs, dissertations, scientific reports, speeches at scientific conferences, debates), scientific and educational (lectures, textbooks), messages, essays).

Scientific style: its main characteristics

Academician D.S. Likhachev pointed out in his works:

1. The requirements for scientific style are significantly different from the requirements for the language of fiction.

2. The use of metaphors and different images in the language of scientific work is permissible only if it is necessary to put a logical emphasis on a certain thought. In the scientific style, imagery is only a pedagogical device necessary to draw attention to the main idea of ​​the work.

3. Really good scientific style language should not be noticed by the reader. He should notice only the thought, and not the language in which the thought is expressed.

4. The main advantage of scientific language is clarity.

5. Other advantages of the scientific style are brevity, lightness, simplicity.

6. Scientific style involves the minimum use of subordinate clauses in scientific papers. Phrases should be short, the transition from one sentence to another should be natural and logical, “unnoticed”.

7. You should avoid the frequent use of pronouns that make you think that they are replaced by what they refer to.

8. No need to be afraid of repetition, try to get rid of them mechanically. One and the same concept should be denoted by the same term, it cannot be replaced by a synonym. Only such repetitions should be avoided that come from the poverty of the writer's language.

10. Scientific style calls for paying special attention to the quality of words. It is better to use the word "on the contrary" instead of "on the contrary", "difference" instead of "difference".

Scientific style texts: characteristics of language means

- high frequency (about 13%), prepositions, conjunctions, prepositional combinations (because of, with the help of, on the basis of, compared with ..., in relation to, in connection with ..., etc.);

- complex sentences (especially complex ones);

- sentences with introductory words, adverbial and participial phrases.

The scientific style should be familiar to everyone and everyone.

Scientific style is one of the functional varieties of the general literary language that serves the sphere of science and production and is realized in specialized book texts of various genres. The scientific style genres include an article, a monograph, a review, a review, a summary, an abstract, annotation, a textbook, a teaching aid, etc.

Popular science substyle is one of the stylistic and speech varieties of the scientific style, distinguished (in comparison with the actual scientific one) on the basis of the implementation of "additional" communication tasks - the need to "translate" special scientific information into the language of non-special knowledge, namely, the tasks of popularizing scientific knowledge for a wide audience.

A feature of the popular science sub-style is the combination of polar stylistic features in it: logic and emotionality, objectivity and subjectivity, abstractness and concreteness. In contrast to scientific prose, popular science literature has much less special terms and other proper scientific means.

Popular science substyle serves the process of popularization, dissemination of scientific information. Its task is to familiarize the addressee with a certain area of ​​knowledge and to form an initial cognitive interest in the phenomena of this area. A specific sign of such a speech is popularity, public accessibility of the presentation. This is due to the fact that the popular science text is addressed to a special addressee, to the so-called general audience. The subject of speech in such a text is the most general concepts, the most general patterns of a particular science, so general that they are of interest not only to specialists. Despite the public nature of the subject of speech, in popular science texts there are always many examples, facts that are interesting, problematic (and therefore easy to remember), at the same time clearly confirm certain theoretical positions. Giving examples provides concretization of the content and is one of the methods of popularization. Another method of popularization is an analogy, which allows you to "translate" scientific content into the language of everyday communication.

The main genre of the popular science sub-style is the popular science lecture. The communicative task of a popular science lecture is to convey knowledge from a particular field of science so that it is interesting and understandable to all listeners. Delivering a popular science lecture is an important activity of a specialist. When preparing it, it should be borne in mind that the lecturer must rework the content of the topic into the content of a particular lecture, that is, change the form of presentation: composition, style, language.

In modern linguistic stylistics, the issue of the status of the popular science type of speech in the system of functional styles of the Russian language has not been finally resolved. Some linguists (R.A. Budagov, I.R. Galperin, M.N. Kozhina, M.P. Senkevich, T.A. Timofeeva, N.M. Razinkina, L.A. Batasheva, etc.) consider the sphere scientific popularization within the framework of the scientific functional style as its variant variety - substyle. Scientific and functional style and popular science sub-style, being in close generic relations, are based on both common (single target setting, common communicative task - transferring the amount of scientific knowledge), and distinguishing them (private communicative tasks, various areas of functioning) . Another position on this issue belongs to M.K. Milykh, N.N. Mayevsky, N.Ya. Serdobintsev, G.A. Vasyuchenko and others, who consider the popular science type of speech as an independent functional style. At the same time, the classification of styles is based on such extralinguistic factors as the tasks and purpose of communication, the nature of the relationship between the author and the reader, as well as the content of the message.

The focus of a popular science article on such communicative goals as the analysis and explanation of scientific problems determines the assignment of this speech genre to the analytical type of text. As a result, a complex information-analytical functional content is obtained, the structural appearance of which is given by the scientific and journalistic functional style.

Goal settings, being implemented in a speech work, create the main qualities of the studied speech genre of a popular science article: information content, analyticity, publicism and abstractness. The genre quality is made up of the functional qualities of the compositional links of the speech genre: the heading complex, the introduction, the explicating main part and the conclusion-summary. Speech operations are materialized in operational forms: compositional-speech forms (CRF), architectonic-speech forms (monologue-dialogue) and forms of text expressiveness (tonality).

In our opinion, the scientific functional style and the popular science sub-style are in close generic relations, they are based on a common target setting and a common communicative task, expressed by the transfer of a certain amount of scientific knowledge. However, the texts of the popular science sub-style differ from the actual scientific works in their particular communicative tasks, various areas of functioning, and pronounced pragmatism. The addressee of popular science literature is a wide circle of readers, listeners who are interested in this problem, but who do not have sufficient knowledge of special terminology. However, the main advantage of an accessible presentation of scientific truths is to expand the circle of people who are able to use scientific information.

The means of verbal figurativeness, including metaphor, are widely used in the popular science work. The reason for the widespread use of the stylistic device of metaphor in popular science presentation is primarily that metaphor is a way to stimulate the reader's creative perception of a popular science text. The unexpectedness, unpredictability, originality of the metaphor allow you to go beyond the usual ideas (at the same time, the metaphor causes an associative appeal to things, phenomena of the everyday world), awakens the reader's creative activity, stimulates the emergence of new knowledge in him. The leading function of a metaphor in a popular science work is the disclosure of the essence of a scientific concept - a cognitive, heuristic function. Point out that the metaphor often introduces a scientific term. However, the functions of metaphor in the popular science presentation are much more diverse: they resort to metaphor when introducing new knowledge, as well as for interpreting old, well-known scientific provisions. Metaphor takes on a special, evaluative character in those parts of a popular science text where it is a question of presenting any new concepts or theories. In a popular science text as a whole, metaphors can play the role of a constructive element: metaphors, without creating an artistic image, can echo even at a distance, forming a certain system. Very frequent are such examples when a metaphor is placed at the level of a whole text, chapter or part of the text, participating in the explanation of a complex process, helping the author to develop a scientific thought, explain a complex problem. Thus, in the structure of a particular popular science text, marked expressive means (and not only syntactic ones) play an important role in fulfilling the communicative task of a popular science text, helping to implement the style-forming principle of popular science presentation - the principle of accessibility and visibility.

Elements of the compositional and semantic structure of popular science texts are also subordinated to the solution of the general communicative task of a popular science work: a special kind of introductory pretext, characteristic of the genre of a modern popular science article, the so-called heading complex, epigraph. Thus, the specificity of a popular science work is due, first of all, to the orientation towards a special type of reader and the need for the most optimal fulfillment of the main task of a popular science text - the task of popularizing scientific knowledge. At the same time, the stylistic and speech means and features of the popular science substyle and the scientific style largely coincide, differing only in the frequency of use, greater functional and style variability and communicative tasks.

An excerpt from the article:

The world economy, the author writes, will sooner or later be forced to use the material and energy resources of the solar system for at least one reason - the depletion of the Earth's raw material resources. But there is one psychological aspect that follows from the position expressed by B. Russell in 1952. B. Russell believed that if someday there was universal peace on Earth, people would satisfy their desire for adventure, in research, and not in destruction . And the knowledge of the solar system and the stars can become such an adventure, displacing the energy of destruction, which will probably solve a serious psychological problem. In addition, such powerful cultural and intellectual incentives can help humanity avoid the stagnation predicted by the modern philosopher F. Fukuyama.

The style of this text is popular science.

Vocabulary The above passage consists of the following layers:

  • common words: author, position, people;
  • terms: stagnation, solar system;
  • general scientific vocabulary: aspect, philosopher, economics;
  • abstract vocabulary: peace, knowledge;
  • scientific phraseology: material resources, psychological aspect, intellectual incentives.

In morphology this text should be highlighted:

  • the numerical predominance of nouns and adjectives in the analyzed passage over verbs;
  • characteristic use of neuter nouns that denote an abstract concept: knowledge, exploration, exhaustion;
  • the absence of verbs in the second person (both singular and plural), since they are unusual for scientific speech;
  • the predominance of descriptive adjectives: material, energy, cultural, intellectual.

Syntax has the following features:

  • there is a tendency to build complex, complex sentences with subordinate explanatory clauses: B. Russell believed that if someday there will be universal peace on Earth ..., ... which will probably solve a serious psychological problem;
  • a simple sentence is complicated by introductory words and an introductory construction (in addition, probably), as well as participial phrases: displacing the energy of destruction predicted by the modern philosopher F. Fukuyama;
  • sentences use the usual word order - direct: But there is one psychological aspect that follows from the position expressed by B. Russell in 1952;
  • according to the purpose of the statement, as a rule, the sentences are narrative.

Scientific and journalistic style: case study

In one of the previous articles on speech styles, we have already analyzed one of the examples of such a substyle. However, in that case, the features of the journalistic style prevailed, and not the scientific style, as this time.

You can view the previous analysis and compare by clicking on the link to this article.

And now let's look at a new piece of scientific and journalistic text.

An excerpt from the article:

In the normative assessment of redundant combinations, it must be borne in mind that many of them serve stylistic purposes, are one of the ways to strengthen the sign of a purposeful characteristic of the subject of the utterance. It is no coincidence that the combination of synonyms and some tautological combinations have a common psycho-emotional basis, focusing on a meaningful representation by repeating the same or related signals. We, noted the outstanding Russian scientist A. A. Potebnya, in order to better express our thought, pile up words that mean approximately the same thing. In oral folk art, in classical and modern literature, there are many combinations of words that, to one degree or another, repeat (strengthen) the main feature of the concept being expressed. But after all, no one will reject such, for example, widely used expressions as the true truth, all sorts of things, not to hear it, to shout with a cry, around and around, etc.

The cited text, as already mentioned, is written in a scientific and journalistic substyle.

Extralinguistic Features: conciseness, brevity and abstract presentation, the use of citations.


  • commonly used words: ways, feature, combination, creativity;
  • terms: redundant combinations, synonyms, tautological combinations, concentration of attention, signals;
  • colloquial words: pile up, spoil;
  • abstract words: basis, degrees, combinations, sign;
  • speech cliches: must be borne in mind, are one of the ways, not by chance, by repetition;
  • phraseological units and stable combinations: the true truth, all sorts of things, not to hear, to shout with a cry, around and around.

Let's analyze the morphology. The following features are noted:

  • the theme of the text dictates the combination of the morphological features of the scientific style with the features of the journalistic style;
  • abstract nouns are used in the genitive, dative and accusative cases: a sign of a purposeful characteristic, signals, our thought;
  • there is a fundamental coincidence of the author and the narrator;
  • characteristically used present tense verbs in the 3rd person plural. numbers with a generalized value of the subject of action: are, serve, have;
  • over verbs in the text, nouns and adjectives have a quantitative predominance;
  • the use of a large number of personal and demonstrative pronouns is noted: of them, we, ours, none.


  • for the most part, the sentences (which is typical for journalism) are non-voluminous, simple structure: We, noted the outstanding Russian scientist A. A. Potebnya, in order to better express our thought, pile up words that mean approximately the same thing.;
  • according to the purpose of the statement - narrative and incentive;
  • emotional sentences: but after all, no one will reject such, for example, widely used expressions as the true truth, all sorts of things;
  • standard designs: it must be borne in mind that ...; in order to better express our thought, we pile up words that ...; for example;
  • a quote woven into the text without references or quotation marks.

This text is a reasoning built in a logical chain “fact - analysis of a fact - conclusion”, moreover, the facts are conveyed in a scientific language, and their analysis and conclusions are in a journalistic one. In addition, despite the predominance of bright features of the scientific and journalistic style, in this passage there are also features of the artistic style - voluminous sentences with a large semantic load, etc.

To summarize: in general, the scientific style serves one purpose - the transfer of information to the addressee. And the semantic complexity of information and the selection of language means depend on the chosen substyle.

Scientific style of speech

Scientific style of speech

Scientific style of speech - functional style, which serves the field of science and technology, provides an educational process in higher education.

The specific features of this style are due to the purpose of scientific texts to convey objective information about nature, man and society. He receives new knowledge, stores and transmits it. The language of science is a natural language with elements of artificial languages ​​(calculations, graphs, symbols)


1) proper scientific, the addressee is scientists, and the goal is to obtain new knowledge about nature, man, society; (its genres are monograph, article, report),

2) scientific and educational, the addressee is new generations, the goal is the assimilation of the scientific picture of the world; (genres - textbook, manual, lecture),

3) scientific and technical, the addressee - specialists of a technical and technological profile, the purpose - the application of the achievements of fundamental science in practice; (genres - abstract, abstract, patent description, dictionary, reference book, catalog)

4) popular science, the addressee is the general population, the goal is to increase the general cultural level of the people ( feature article and etc.).

Specific features of the scientific style in all its varieties:

1) accurate and unambiguous expression of thoughts

2) abstract generalization

3) emphasized logical presentation

4) clarity, reasoning

Signs of substyles:

Own-scientific sub-style - academic presentation addressed to specialists, the accuracy of the information transmitted, the persuasiveness of the argument, the logical sequence of presentation, conciseness.

The popular science substyle is addressed to a wide readership, so scientific data should be presented in an accessible and entertaining way. He does not strive for brevity, for conciseness, but uses linguistic means close to journalism. The terminology is also used here.

The scientific and educational sub-style is addressed to future specialists, therefore it contains a lot of illustrative material, examples, explanations.

Linguistic features of the scientific style

abstraction and generalization- almost every word appears in a scientific text as a designation of an abstract concept or an abstract subject - “speed”, “time”, “quantity”, “quality”, “regularity”, “development”.

Often these words are used in the plural. including: "magnitudes", "frequencies", "forces", "latitudes", "voids", "speeds". “Let us accept the definition of molecules given by chemists as the smallest particles of a substance from which larger objects are built, and we will give a few arguments.” In the statement, each of the words expresses either a general concept (“definition”, “reasoning”), or an abstract object (“molecule”, “particle”, “substance”). Even specific vocabulary (“chemists”) stands for a general concept - these are not people known to us, but chemists as representatives of this field of knowledge, chemists in general.

Main features vocabulary scientific style:

1 homogeneity,

2 there are no vocabulary colloquial, evaluative, emotionally expressive,

3 many words of the middle gender: phenomenon, property, development,

4 a lot of abstract vocabulary - system, period, case,

5 compound words, abbreviations: PS (software), LC (life cycle);

The syntax uses complex sentences with participles, participial and participial phrases, temporal connection (in connection with something), simple sentences like what is what(hydrogen is a gas), impersonal sentences. Mostly declarative sentences are used, interrogative - in order to draw attention to the problem.

In scientific style, the pronoun is not accepted "I", it is replaced by "we" ("from our point of view", "it seems obvious to us").

The logic of scientific speech- another specific feature of it. Logic is present at all language levels: in a phrase, a sentence in a paragraph and between paragraphs, in general in the text.

The principle of logic is implemented:

1) linking sentences with repeated nouns, often in combination with demonstrative pronouns;

2) the use of adverbs - “first”, “first of all”, “next”, “then”,

3) the use of introductory words expressing the relationship between parts of the statement - “therefore”, “secondly”, “so”, “thus”;

4) the use of unions - “because”, “because”, “to”;

5) the use of structures - "Now let's dwell on the properties ....", "Let's move on to the consideration of the issue ....", "Next, we note ..."

6) the predominance of complex sentences with an allied connection, especially complex ones.

The specificity of the style of scientific literature is connected with the specifics of technical theories. Technical theories describe objects that have yet to be created. Language means: the use of verbs in the future tense, in the imperative mood.

Various kinds of technological prescriptions, instructions, recipe requirements use a large set of standard expressions, verbal clichés, clichés (“after which it is necessary to do the following ...”, “it is necessary to follow the specified sequence ...”).

Forms of implementation of the scientific style, its genres: monographs, scientific articles, dissertations, abstracts, theses, reports at scientific conferences, technical documentation that is used in production, lectures, textbooks and teaching aids.

The scientific style language is supplemented by drawings, diagrams, graphs, symbols, formulas, diagrams.

Ways to create genres of scientific literature: description and discussion.

Scientific Description does not contain an event, it has no plot and characters. The goal is to reveal the signs of an object, phenomenon, to establish connections and relationships. Descriptions are usually short. There are descriptions detailed, detailed and concise, brief. In the center of this type of speech there can be one object, process, phenomenon or comparison. In scientific descriptions, they often resort to grouping objects, comparing and generalizing their features. Description is present in almost all genres of the scientific style of speech.

reasoning- the most common type of scientific speech. Its purpose is to verify the truth or falsity of any statement (thesis) with the help of such arguments that are not in doubt. Reasoning is built as a chain of inferences based on evidence and rebuttals. An example of the most rigorous reasoning: proof of theorems in mathematics, derivation of physical and chemical formulas.

Methods of logical organization of scientific text: deduction, induction, problem statement, analogy.

Deduction(lat. - derivation) - this is the movement of thought from the general to the particular, from general provisions and laws to particular provisions and laws. The deductive method of reasoning is actively used in scientific discussions, theoretical articles on controversial issues, and at seminars in universities.

The composition of deductive reasoning consists of three stages:

1) a thesis is put forward (from Greek - position, the truth of which must be proven), or hypothesis (from Greek - foundation, assumption).

2) the main part of the reasoning is the development of the thesis, proof of truth or refutation. Various types of arguments are used here - logical arguments

3) conclusions and suggestions.

inductive method(lat. - guidance) - this is the movement of thought from the particular to the general, the movement from the knowledge of individual facts to the knowledge of the general rule, to generalization.

Composition of induction:

1) in the introduction, the thesis is not put forward, but the purpose of the undertaken research is determined.

2) the main part - the accumulated facts are stated, the technology for their production is described, the analysis, comparison and synthesis of the material obtained is done.

3) on the basis of this, conclusions can be drawn, a pattern has been established, and the properties of the material have been determined. Scientific reports at conferences, monographs, reports on (NIRS) research work are built as inductive reasoning.

Problem statement involves the activation of mental activity by posing problematic issues, solving which, one can approach theoretical generalizations, the formulation of rules and patterns. This method has a long history and originates from the famous "Socratic conversations", when, with the help of skillfully posed questions and answers, the famous sage led his listeners to true knowledge. At this moment, one of the main advantages of the problem presentation is manifested: the listener's awareness that he is on the path of knowing the truth, is capable of discovery, he is involved in the researcher. This activates the mental and emotional capabilities, raises the level of self-esteem and contributes to the development of personality.

Analogy- in the presentation goes back to the logical operation "inference by analogy". Its essence can be formulated as follows: if two phenomena are similar in one or more respects, then they are probably similar in other respects. Inferences by analogy are approximate, therefore, many consider the analogy less acceptable for the genres of the scientific style of speech. However, analogy is a very effective means of visual explanation, so its use in scientific literature is especially important.

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