Choose furniture for a small room. Beautiful hall - face of the house: the secrets of the design how to use free space

Encyclopedia plants 16.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Some give preference to space, others - comfort, but sometimes the circumstances are stronger than our desires and everything that remains for us is to work out what we have.

How to furnish with furniture small room?

This question is tormented by many, because you really want our living space, even a small, not only cozy and beautiful, but also functional. There are several secrets with which you can make space visually more and give the interior trendy look. In order to furnish the small room cozy and stylish, you will need: compact furniture, hinged shelves, big mirror, Bright curtains, as well as various accessories. Before entering out the interior design, you need to decide on color gamut. If you planned to hold repair work And you want to visually expand the room, then preference is worth paying beige or pale pink shades. There is another secret to the increase in space: the difference is 1-2 tones of the ceiling and walls. The ceiling should be lighter.

Selection of furniture for small rooms

This is one of the most important steps. The selected furniture should be comfortable and very functional. Today, furniture stores and manufacturers provide us great amount This product, for every taste and color. In order to understand how to cut the room to furnish right, it is worth thinking about what the subject of the interior is the most space in your residential room. If your choice stops on the bed, then you should purchase modern option lifting beds. In the afternoon, it can serve you a compact cabinet, a comfortable sofa or folding chair, and in the evening a comfortable sleeping place. An equally necessary subject in the apartment will be a folding or retractable table, which will not take unnecessary space, and in its destination it will not extend the usual table.

Another useful acquisition that will help you understand how it is convenient to furnish the room, hinged shelves will be. This is a very comfortable furniture that serves as a place for various baubles, books and other little things. So you will free the place in the bedside tables and the cabinet for more roomy things. The wardrobe will become an indispensable furniture in your small room. When placement of furniture, consider such nuances as the lack of empty slots and slots between interior items, because due to this space you can release more places in the room.

An inherent attribute will become a huge, which is not only very convenient to use, will help increase the space and make it much lighter. The same effect can be obtained at the expense of the game of light. It is necessary to distribute the light at different angles of the room. An important element In the design of the interior of a small room will be curtains. Prefer the vertical strip in light tones. In this case, the walls will seem higher.

To create an additional space, you can make a podium inside which boxes for clothes and various things will be placed. Another creative solution can be the installation of annetsol under the ceiling. If you like to watch TV, then place it on the wall. Air conditioning in this case can be mounted in the ceiling.

In order to decide and understand how you want to furnish your small room, listen to your desires and preferences. Staff in the role of a designer, show your creativity, embody your ideas. Give the will of fantasies and decorate the wall original, paintings, frames. The main thing remember that in everything there should be a sense of measure and style.

As a rule, the creators of the interior design of a small room set two main tasks - to ensure the maximum functionality of the room, and visually increase its volume.

To accommodate the necessary interior items in such space, you need to use each square centimeter Square. Therefore, for such premises, it is best to make design in styles involving sharp lines, simple geometric shapes and no lush decor, namely:

  • minimalism
  • high tech
  • constructivism

and some others.

When creating the interior of a small room, it is necessary as interesting as possible to compose interior items. For example, if in a small space you need to place two beds, then it is better to do on different levels. You can buy a two-level bed, or make one bed a little higher than the other. Thus, the space becomes more alive and comfortable.

Monophonic walls can be decorated with small posters, lines, paintings. To issue such work is better in the frame with glass made from a monochrome non-smoked baguette. Reflections and glare on glass give the interior charm.

And the depth of space will give mirrors, glossy and brilliant items.

We plan the interior depending on the type of room

Of course, the planning of the interior of any room begins with the fact that you need to decide on the functionality of the room. So, for example, if this is a bedroom, then we only have to accommodate a bed and a small wardrobe to equip the room. But with the living room you will have to work much more.

Little bedroom design

Surprise no one will arise, of course, but it is the design of a small bedroom to equip the easiest. The bedroom is a place for real relaxation and rest. Only here you can relax after a hard working day.

Sometimes designers make a decision to combine the bedroom with another room (for example, the living room), but sometimes this solution is not entirely appropriate, so as not to lose privacy inherent in the bedroom. If you decide to make a bedroom separately, you should thoroughly think about its arrangement to make the room with light and spacious.

One of the most important roles in the bedroom improvement plays color ratio. It's no secret that light colors Able to increase the space, and dark, on the contrary, is to reduce. The output suggests unequivocal: the bedroom needs to be issued in bright shades.

The best color decision will be the design in such shades:

  • light blue;
  • beige;
  • light green.

According to experts, it is these colors that most beneficially affect the consciousness of a person, they allow you to relax as much as possible and do not miss a minute have a nice rest. By the way, you can add a little solar yellow color that only good and optimistic dreams will give you.

Lighting on a par with color scheme plays a huge role in design. This is especially true of small rooms. In order to make the bulk room, you need to add soft light sources.

For small bedrooms, you also need to choose sources of scattered color to which the lamps can be attributed, equipped with:

  • caps;
  • lampshades;
  • plafones.

In no case should not leave the windows without decor, because so you will make the room less cozy and sweet.

The best for the decoration of the window is suitable:

  • soft fabric curtains;
  • tulle;
  • curtains with drapery.

Little living room design

If we talk about competent, then it is worth starting with the obvious things that are that bulky furniture in such an interior will look ridiculous. If your room is narrow, then you need the minimum loading of the most necessary furniture. One of long Walls at narrow room It is worth leaving free, and the functional sofa needs to be located near the second. In the central part of the room, you can put a square table, and to install the plasma panel to the end part.

One of the most profitable solutions for the design of small living rooms is the installation of modular furniture, which in modern furniture stores is presented in quite large configurations.

Naturally, the living room is not obliged to perform the same functions as the storage room, but it is possible that you want to keep various books in your cozy living room, logs or discs. In this case, it will not work out without a functional integrated cabinet.

As in all other rooms, the cuisine arrangement board is very simple - use bright shades that will help expand the space at least visually.

If you have chosen kitchen set white color, then keep in mind that the color of the lower facade headset can be any. Light better make a table top, apron, walls, as well as upper facades. White interior looks easier and fresh. In order to get rid of the brain effect, it is worth only to add bright accessories.

Choose style for a small room

The interior style plays a key role in the solid perception of the room. Based on the selected style, you need to select furniture and accessories. There is a huge number of interior styles that are somehow interesting for design. But, you need to choose the style suitable for your taste and room.

In fact, this style is considered the most popular in the interior. He gives the interior of some perfect calm and harmony.

In order to issue a small room in modern style Use:

If you have chosen a classic to make your room, then be prepared that there will be a lot of work on it. The point is not even that the classic style requires space. In order to make it possible to implement all the ideas, it is worth competently think over the location of the furniture.

Still pay attention to the fact that classic style It is worth using only natural materialswhich make it really luxurious.

Provence style is able to recreate a cozy french province. In your apartment. Recently, this style is used very often, since it is incredibly harmonious, cozy and comfortable.

For registration of premises in the style of Provence, you need to use:

  • many accessories;
  • natural materials (textiles, wood, stone);
  • furniture, artificially aged.

This style is able to turn even the smallest room in a comfortable village dwelling. As well as in the style of Provence, only natural materials, including fabrics. It will also not be superfluous to add various accessories (for example, bright mugs or plates).

Middle Kingdom is famous for its competent location of furniture even in the smallest rooms. For the main thing - the maximum functionality, which is:

  • simple furniture;
  • laconic accessories;
  • bright color scheme.

Minimalism in the interior

Characteristic features of minimalism:

  • lack of fastened decor;
  • form conciseness;
  • graphicity.

It is very important that in the room it was as much free space as possible and how less furnitureBut it must be functional.

Modern materials apply for the manufacture of furniture:

The main thing in this style is proper layout Spaces, as well as its visual separation using partitions from fabric and color solutions.

Color Solution for Interior Design

The design of small interiors is performed in a single color vein, and for rooms less than 10 square meters It is better to choose a very light and monochrome color gamut.

Small rooms advise decorate in cold colors, because items painted in cold colors, such as blue, blue, green, lilac, seem a little further than they really.

The cozy atmosphere will create such warm colors:

  • beige
  • light pink
  • peach

Therefore, you can combine warm and cold shades to create interior design of such objects.

Walls should be monophonic or with non-latch small patterns. Absolutely contraindicated - wallpaper with large ornaments. Look very good in such places walls different colorbut weathered in one color scheme. Such a color solution visually increases the room space, and makes it more attractive. For example, you can make one color wall egg shelland the rest are light brown. In addition, one of the walls may have inappropriate stripes or ornaments.

When creating interior design for small rooms, the contrast is possible in tone, but not in color. Confined combinations such as red and salad, yellow and blue. However, the tone contrast is quite acceptable. You can use combinations

  • dark gray
  • light gray
  • dark brown
  • beige

Little Room Furniture

If you are not lucky to have big apartments, then you probably thought about getting a room as functionally and compact.

Choose cabinet

The wardrobe you choose must certainly be functional, and its color must certainly be combined with your chosen interior style. As mentioned above, for small rooms it is recommended to use bright huesthat increase the space of optic.

The ideal option for a cabinet for a small room will be in which you can place all the necessary things. All shelves must be functionally located. Another opportunity to visually enlarge the room - add more mirrors.

Bed in the interior of a small bedroom

Absolutely all free space in the room is able to take a large bedAnd for a small room it is just unnecessary. Therefore, you need to think about alternatives. For example, french pendant bedsthat can be removed in the afternoon to completely free the space.

Literate interior of a small room in Khrushchev

The loud echo of the USSR - Khrushchev, who faced almost all residents of the post-Soviet space. Some lived in such apartments in childhood, some - moved only recently and decided to completely remake it.

Rooms in Khrushchev are small, but they can also be made really incredibly comfortable and cozy using proven methods. The most appropriate style for Khrushchev is minimalism or provence.

How to make a window in a small room

They can be made of lightweight materials, you can use translucent air fabrics, as they give the window to the depth, and they skip the daylight well.

What ceilings fit for a small room?

The main design rule states that all the details of the interior must certainly be selected in one color scheme. Main role In visual expansion of space, if it concerns the ceiling, plays its surface. Recently, designers prefer materials that have a reflective effect.

Right wallpapers for small size

It's no secret that one of the main roles in the interior design plays the walls of the walls, and this is most often wallpaper. And then there are many questions, among which the choice of drawing, colors and wallpaper textures.

Wallpaper characteristics for a small room:

  • light shades;
  • lack of drawing (or it must be very small);
  • simple textures.

Of course, the color of the wallpaper can be selected different, but you do not need to use truly dark shades that exactly stole most space. Provided that there is little light in the room, it is better to use warm shades, and when good lighting Ideally come cold shades.

The bedroom is a room in which we spend a significant part of the time. It is here we sleep, make lessons and having fun. It is quite reasonable to have a desire to equip a comfortable room with an insertion, which will continue your individuality.


Part 1


    Homemade headboard. The headboard bed is an outstanding, but dear piece of furniture. So why not make it with your own hands? Install the cornice over the bed and hang an unusual patchwork, so that it turned out the headboard.

    • You can also purchase wall decorations on the Internet, which look like a headboard. They are not so expensive, but at the same time they are easily attached and removed from the walls.
  1. Decorate the ceiling fan. They ate you bored a simple white ceiling fan, it can be decorated with colored self-adhesive paper. Come up with bright patterns that will revive your fan even in the off state.

    • Before applying the paper, do not forget to wash the blades of the fan from dust and dirt.
  2. Create a constellation on the ceiling. When it comes to jewelry, many often forget that you can decorate the ceiling, but no one bothers you to make it memorable. With help different materials On the ceiling of the bedroom you can create a whole galaxy. Use stars with an adhesive base, stickers in the form of stars, luminous paint and flickering garlands.

    • Make sure the materials are glowing in the dark, otherwise the stars will be invisible at night.
    • For maximum effect, place the constellation right above the bed.
  3. Wall decoration. New color of the walls - one of the most simple ways Transform the room. It is important to think non-standard. Instead of boring monotone color, use one of the tricks to transform the walls:

    Experiment with interesting textures. Who said the walls to paint? Buy for accent Wall Unusual wallpaper. If there is no global changes in the home (painting the walls or glue the constant wallpaper), then buy temporary decorations on the Internet.

    • Stickers and wall decorations will also allow the room with a variety of textures and remarkable elements.
  4. Renovate old subject Furniture. If you have an old shabby table or chair, then it can be renovated with your own hands. Treat surface emery paperthen paint and replace the upholstery. On the Internet there are many educational materials that will give answers to all your questions.

Part 2


    Move the furniture. There are many reasons to change the placement of furniture: this will allow you to protect the floor, competently use seasonal lighting, but the most important thing is to give a room the new kind! You only need to rearrange the furniture to play a bedroom with new paints.

    • If you want to free up the storage space in a small room, then try lifting a bed above the floor. The backups can be online and in business stores.
  1. Mouse over to the closet. The mess is the main enemy of the organization of space. Understand with a mess: beat all your belongings, starting with clothes. Perform the inventory of the most important things and distribute all unnecessary.

    Use original solutions. A person feels comfort when it knows exactly where exactly the necessary things are. Buy storage materials and write the names of things to not forget where and what is.

    • Jewelry can be sprinkled or set off. So the chains do not confuse and decorate the room.
    • Use unusual way Store sunglasses (for example, on the shoulder).

Part 3.

  1. Decorate the room with photos. When the room is order, add personality to the room. Photos - great way decorate walls without large costs And surround yourself with close people or commemorative places.

    Hang posters and reproductions that characterize you as a person. You may think that artwork must be expensive, but there are many available options. Such pictures and posters can be bought on the site like Avito. If your friends are engaged in creativity, order them a special job for your bedroom.

  2. Buy a cork board. Such a board can be bought for small money on the Internet or any stationery store. On the cork board You can easily and conveniently secure different items or nostalgic photos.

    • Place tickets or programs of the concerts that you visited with friends.
    • The board must be neat and visually attractive, not chaotic.
  • When painting walls, use polyethylene film And newspapers to protect the floor. Also don't forget to cover various subjects Furniture.
  • When buying used goods and furniture, they should be inspected and thoroughly wash. Inside may be anything.
  • If global changes are prohibited, then discuss with parents or guardians, which can be changed and what you want to add. Tell me what you want to change the interior of the room.
  • Bed-attic (antlesol bed) will be good decision For a very small bedroom.


  • Do not start global changes In the bedroom without coordination with parents or guardians.
  • Do not use constant changes that can become out of time. You can hang on the wall poster's favorite group, but you do not need to draw their faces on the wall (if you are not ready to repaint the wall).

So historically it happened that small apartments and small rooms in them - the realities of the vast majority of urban residents. Although, based on modern opportunities, even rural residents, previously built real choirs, today seek rationality and maximum savings. Unconditional Beach small apartments And houses are small rooms. Naturally, the modest square limits the ability of the hostess, which constantly thinks about how to furnish a small room. The first advice that is worth it in this situation: do not rush. The interior carefully thought out to the smallest detail allows not only to save, but also makes it possible to fully solve the problem with how to furnish the small room, regardless of its parameters.

All work must be divided into three stages:

  • finish;
  • furnishings;
  • final decoration.

Before the furniture, it is worth well consider the color gamut of the future interior. Despite the fact that the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is small, it is possible to use dark shades of the color spectrum or a combination of several colors, a wallpaper with a large pattern. The last option will give the room a freshness and vital energy, but so that the room does not seem even less, it is better to dilute the interior, applying wallpapers on adjacent walls, but with a beautifully pronounced texture, wallpaper with an ornament.

During the problem with how to furnish a small room, a special place is given to furnishings. Choosing furniture, it is necessary to proceed from its practicality, multifunctionality and convenience of operation. The main condition to which the selected furnishings should correspond, is observance of the sizes. Bulky cabinets, massive dressers and beds - option not for our occasion.

Good in this situation minimalism. Before you furnish a small bedroom, choose the most necessary furniture items: bed, bedside tables or chest, refusing a bulky wardrobe. Solve the problem with storage compartments, you can with the help of opening sections in the bed, a ottoman or bedside table. The built-in furniture will help in this. For visual expansion of the room space, you can use mirrors by placing them on entrance doors Either on the cabinet doors.

If it is limited to several meters? Using simple designer methods for separating space for zones and modern technologies! For example, sleeping place It is more practical to equip it will make it possible to carve out space for games and get additional sections (in the sofa) for things or toys. Do not be afraid to use additional sources of lighting, they create comfort and fill the room with light. The lighting should be both ubiquitous - ceiling and point. Having drawning a small room, it should be remembered that the light in it should be a lot, and accessories will be at a minimum, otherwise the effect of litters will be created, besides, the room will be visually becoming even less.

How to furnish the best bedroom interests many. But there are nuances for which you should pay attention.
After all, you can decide how to furnish the bedroom, but a completely different option if your bedroom serves as a cabinet. In this article we will close this question.
The video in this article will help to clearly see and understand what it is for you. After all, the room can be quite different.

If you think, how to furnish a bed with 15 meters or how to furnish 9 sq m, then this question is not as important in terms of the room, because both options are rather small. And here you have to give special attention Zoning and issues of increasing the room visually.
You will also need to choose compact, but comfortable furniture. After all, the premises should not be lit.
First of all, you need to see the photo and make a picture of exactly what you want to see. Everything can be done with your own hands and the price of materials can be quite different, it is available to any person.

The most valid color solutions for the bedroom

The bedroom is used by most people to relax. And this means that it must be performed in peaceful, calm shades.
Let's look at the question of how to furnish narrow bedroom. Just like to furnish and that it is necessary to envisage.


  • Light tones are not only pleasantly perceived by the man tired per day, but also help visually expand the space of the room, which is undoubtedly very important. For it, you can choose any bright shade and there is no need to limitate only beige and white.
  • It is very important to take into account the location of the room when choosing between warm and cold shades of one or another color. If the bedroom windows come to the north, it is better to choose warm tones, and if south is cold.
  • In order to diversify a boring interior in design you can use accents bright colorwhich will stand out in contrast with the total color range. As such accents, a bright wall is located near the head of the bed, or a photo wallpaper with a saturated and bright image, or a carpet, etc.

Furniture for a small bedroom

Little bedroom provides for the presence of a minimum of furniture:

  • Of course, there must be a bed in this room, but in order for it to not look cumbersome, it is better to give preference to models without unnecessary elements. So, for example, a bed without legs can be called best option For a similar room, since it looks less than the usual, and also allows you to visually lift the ceiling.
  • having a small size perfectly bunk bedwhich can be not only a sleeping place for the baby, but also an object for his games.

In general, the multifunctionality of the furniture has recently become a specific designer trend.
For small rooms, various solutions are invented:

  • Can combine with racks or shelves, which allows you to keep storing things, books, decor elements more convenient and not loading general form Rooms,
  • Closet - perfect solution For a small bedroom, as it allows you to store a lot of things, while not occupying a lot of space. If such a cabinet will have a mirror, then put it at the night table, or buy a special dressing table is absolutely not necessary, as well as such a move will allow visually only to increase the space in the room.
  • If things for storage are not so much, then you can give preference to the chest or generally restrict ourselves to the boxes located under the bed.

Proper setting of a small bedroom

At the beginning it is necessary to establish a composite center, which in any bedroom is definitely a bed.

Attention: when it is selected for her best place, With the location of other elements of furniture and decor, it will be not difficult to understand.


  • In order for the room to be too overloaded, it is better to leave free space in the center of the bedroom. It is possible to place the perimeter of the bedroom all the furniture so that there is no free space between it. Bedside tables Do not have to be higher than the bed itself.
  • In terms of color, designers do not advise to combine too bright or contrasting shades for furniture and walls. You can choose a couple of shades, harmonizing each other, it can be bright tones, but it is desirable to refuse from pure white.
  • Some decorative accents may be present in the decoration of a small bedroom. But you should not bother her small details.
    It is better to give preference to one bright element that you need to position somewhere in the corner, as this will help add some perspective. Also using an elongated accentuating decoration can be a bit visually lifting the ceilings.
  • Furniture upholstery and other textiles in a small room is better to choose either monophonic or small, but non-contrast ornament. Otherwise, large or bright textures will not fit into the overall interior of a small room.

How to visually expand the space

Of course, many dream of a large spacious bedroom, but not always it is really so. But in a small room, you can achieve the necessary effect. Applying several ways to optical illusion.

Glass and mirror elementsA large mirror will allow visually to expand the space, and a few small can be able to hide the boundaries of the room.
  • It is best for the mirrors to choose a place in front of the window, as in this way they will be able to reflect the natural light and fill them the room.
  • If for any reason the mirrors in the room are not possible, it is possible to replace them with mirror surfaces, such as stained glass, tiles, panels, etc.
  • Furniture in a small room can be a mirror, such as a table, shelves, racks or doors. This will minimize the workload of the room.
Glossy coatingsFor visual expansion of space, you can give preference to glossy paint to finish the walls. Interesting: but it is very important that the shade of such coatings is too bright, as it will negatively affect the psyche of people in the room.
  • It is better to choose bedtime tones.
  • It is also important that the surface of the walls that will be painted does not have any irregularities, as they will only be emphasized by glossy glitter.
  • Stretch ceilings made in glossa can also visually expand the space in the room. With good lighting, they allow pulling the ceilings. Currently, there is a huge number of different pattern variations for such ceilings.
  • An excellent solution for the bedroom can be a ceiling that has a drawing in the form of an imitation of the starry sky.
Illusion with wallpaperIn order to achieve one or another visual effect, you can use photo wallpaper, the choice of which is huge today. In most cases, they depict natural landscapes or views of various cities.
  • Under such wallpaper it is better to give only one wall, giving it the role of an accent in the room and thus increasing the bedroom space.
  • Choosing a wall for photo wallpapers, you should not stop on a narrow surface in a rectangular bedroom, as it will be visually stretching the bedroom, and it will become similar to the tunnel.
  • Change the proportions of surfaces in the room slightly slightly. The narrow wall can be expanded with horizontal strips, and the ceiling easily rises due to the vertical line.
  • It is better to refrain from choosing wallpaper with large and too rich drawings for a small bedroom, as they will make it only less. The richness of the picture will kill all the harmony in the design of the room, and therefore comfort in it.
ShineWith the help of proper lighting, you can also achieve some visual effects in small bedroom. It is better to abandon the classic central bright lamp and smash the room into several light zones. For example, if there are several lamps or sconces around the perimeter of the room, the ceiling will be visually raised when they are turned on. You can also create in bedroom and multi-level lighting.
BalconyExcellent, if the balcony is adjacent to the bedroom, as you can really expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe room at the expense of it. It can be a continuation of the room, becoming a place for reading or work. You can do this by placing certain elements of furniture on it. Also balconies carries a large number of Day natural light.

If there are no windows in the bedroom

Sometimes B. one-room apartment large room divided into several small premises, highlighting the bedroom in this way. But as a result, the obtained room may not have windows at all.
It does not always mean that the bedroom will be dark and gloomy.
You can make it more comfortable using multiple receptions:

Imitation windowThis is comparative new reception In design, but quite effective for premises that do not have windows. To do this, the wall is placed on the wall, imitating the window. It can be filled in different ways, for example, with the help of photographic, stained glass, mirrors, etc. You can also use real curtains that make this reception more believable, as well as backlight. This technique can be called very original and creative.
Glass partitionWhen applying a partition made of glass, or partially glass wall integrity General big room Will not be broken. It is not necessary to use clear glassIt can have any drawing or color.

How to furnish a small room you now know. The instruction is and you can begin creativity. And the question of the bedroom is 9 squares how to furnish the emerging no longer will be, most importantly find the appropriate option.

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