Vases from bottles in Provence style. Decoupage in the style of "Provence": the best ideas for creativity We decorate furniture in a simple master class quickly and easily with our own hands

Engineering systems 16.06.2019
Engineering systems

Decoupage of furniture in the Provence style, whose master class helps to easily master the decor technique, is a second life for her. Decoupage is an art, because furniture that has lost its appearance can “rejuvenate” again. After many years, the furniture gets old, it becomes not fashionable, but the quality is good, it's a pity to throw it away. The interior has changed a little, and now old wardrobe doesn't look good with the new wallpaper. Decoupage technique can correct the situation. You can use any pattern, any shade.

What is decoupage

Decoupage is a way decorative design various objects from many materials by gluing paper clippings, newspapers, fabrics, napkins, and other materials onto wooden, glass, metal surface, further coverage on top with varnish to secure and preserve the durability of the pattern.

Decoupage old furniture with his own hands will bring pleasure to the master from the process of work, the furniture will be unique and inimitable.

Technology Provence

Furniture can be decorated different styles. The Provence style is considered the most gentle, romantic, cozy, homely. Most often, kitchen furniture is decorated in this style. After all, delicate little things are very important in the kitchen to create a cozy atmosphere.

Provence is a fairly popular technique. It is associated with the countryside, therefore it is relevant in the kitchen with the sea and the sun, with the smell of herbs, trees, brings it closer to nature. The technique should include several required colors: white, cream, beige, pale yellow, pale green, pale blue, burnt turquoise, burnt orange, terracotta. Also, the Provence style is characterized by motifs of flowers, living and artificial leaves.

Provence is simplicity, naturalness, uncomplicatedness, tenderness, warmth.

We create gizmos in the style of Provence (video)

Decoupage kitchen

Decoupage of the kitchen will update the atmosphere, give cleanliness, freshness, novelty. Women spend a lot of time in the kitchen. The interior can become boring, thanks to this technology, you can add at least something new to the boring interior. Provence style will be an excellent choice.

If unable to purchase new furniture decoupage of the kitchen will help to refresh the interior and old furniture for a while. In the kitchen, furniture wears out and gets damaged faster than in other rooms. Therefore, some defects can be sealed with a beautiful pattern suitable for the kitchen.

Decoupage of the kitchen will help the creative hostess to realize the most fantastic dreams and desires for decorating kitchen furniture.

Bathroom furniture (video)

Now let's get down to the technique of decoupage furniture in the Provence style.

It is necessary to prepare a decoration item. The basic preparation master class consists of the following steps.

wooden surface needs to be sanded and primed. Sanding can be done with sandpaper or a grinder. After the material is inspected, and if chipped cracks are found, they must be carefully puttied, then sanded again. Now you can prime the entire surface, this must be done with a special primer or acrylic paint.

If there is a smooth varnish or paint coating on the surface, then it must be completely removed using a plume machine with medium-hard emery or a drill with a special nozzle. Then carefully wipe the workpiece, putty and sand.

This is the most difficult stage, it will properly prepare the surface so that the application fits well on the surface. Do-it-yourself furniture decoupage is a difficult process for beginners. You can train on decorating old furniture, if it doesn’t work out, then it won’t be a pity to throw it away. Surface preparation photo 1.

Now we select the motifs and materials of the application and prepare necessary tools. It can be an ordinary multi-layer paper napkin with a beautiful pattern, special paper for decoupage, pieces of wallpaper, fabric with a cute pattern. In addition, you need to prepare:

  • brushes with artificial bristles;
  • PVA glue or special glue for decoupage technique;
  • wood varnish or special varnish, it can be with different effects;
  • containers for liquid materials, rags, sponges.

To create the effect of antiquity, the workpiece must be painted over with white or apply 3 layers of white paint. Let each layer dry. Then, in places where you want to create an effect, wipe it with sandpaper of different hardness and grain size, with a metal brush.

Pictures are being prepared. Motifs are cut out of wallpaper, fabric, newspaper. Decoupage of furniture with wallpaper can be done from one type and a roll, or you can cut out motifs and make a picture or cut squares and lay out a mosaic. The wallpaper must also be well smeared with glue and allowed to soak a little before sticking. If it is a napkin, then it is removed upper layer with an image. Decoupage of furniture with napkins is done in the same way, only with more care so as not to tear the pattern.

Decoupage with a cloth is performed in the same way; before applying the pattern, a piece of fabric is well impregnated with glue. The master class will help the beginner do all the work. Photo of decor preparation 2.

Now wide brush We apply glue to the workpiece and to the paper. In places where you do not need to stick paper, glue masking tape. In order for the drawing to fit well, it is necessary to impregnate the material with glue. After 5 minutes, we place a paper or rag pattern on the smeared surface. Tightly fix, smooth with a second dry brush or velvet roller. Smooth over the entire surface from the center to the edge with a roller. You have to be careful not to tear the pattern. Photo gluing pattern 3.

After the glue dries, sand the edges with sandpaper, removing excess paper. The last stage of varnishing. Apply with a brush acrylic lacquer over paper or fabric. Thus, fixing and maintaining the integrity of the picture. Photo varnishing 4.

Decoupage is a technique for decorating objects by applying a pattern to them. It is most convenient and easiest to use a napkin with any suitable or liked image as a picture. A napkin can be either the most ordinary, pulled out of a pack of everyday use, or an exclusive and very expensive one.

A unique product will help to make additional design - applying a contour, paints, sparkles and other things. On one product, you can combine several different napkins.

Given the peculiarities of the work of each master, it is almost never possible to find two similarly designed objects.

The subtleties of design in the style of "Provence"

If you purchase pictures and images for decoupage in the Provence style, you will be able to fill the object with lightness, antiquity, naturalness, simplicity and rustic motifs. The appearance of such a product will always attract attention with warmth and comfort.

If you pay attention to the photo of decoupage in the Provence style, it is immediately clear that there are no restrictions for the author: you can add beauty and style to furniture, dishes, wooden, metal, glass objects, walls, doors and more, which creates a huge field of activity and a flight of thought for professionals and amateurs of this business.

Learning this technique is not at all difficult. You can visit the decoupage master class. If we talk about the Provence style, then the items after decoration should look like they have been used by more than one generation.

In addition, you need to choose the right pictures: rustic motifs, pets, a lot of fresh flowers - in vases, in bouquets, in baskets, images of meadows, fields, spices, everything is sunny and bright, in the end, a retro photo - all this will help create the unique atmosphere of ancient French courtyards.

At the same time, special aging paints, textures, play of colors, lace inserts and more are used.

Instruction for beginners

To decorate a couple of gizmos in your home using decoupage in rural style, you need to prepare the following materials: dishwashing detergent, primers, pictures, special varnish for aging, acrylic yacht varnish, PVA glue, brushes, scissors, sponge or piece of foam rubber for coloring, sandpaper. And then:

The surface of the object must be thoroughly cleaned of contaminants. detergent. If glue, paint or varnish remains, they are removed with sandpaper.

When the paint dries, choose a pattern that is suitable in size, coat it well with glue and carefully, slowly, put it in a previously determined place, carefully straightening it. A layer of glue is again applied on top, removing the remaining bubbles, bumps and roughness.

To complete the plot, paint is applied to the sponge or foam rubber desired color and lightly press it along the edges of the picture.

The effect of haze, blur is created, the cut edges of the napkin or the pictures turn into a finished composition, which after two times is varnished and allowed to dry

You can additionally decorate the product with contours, textures, shiny varnishes, paints and others.

At the end, if there are roughness, they are removed with sandpaper.

Decoupage furniture in the style of "Provence"

The most noticeable detail of any room is the furniture. If you decorate it in the style of "Provence", then the effect of a simple cozy rural house, furnished with taste, is guaranteed to you.

To give it even more exclusivity, they use all sorts of tricks: they create scuffs, shadows with the help of paints, golden or silver leaf, so that the paints look faded - they tint the surface with spots of paint of a different color, use craquelure varnish, which cracks after drying, as if the furniture was painted many years ago.

For decoration in the Provence style, it is better to choose furniture where there are many drawers, curls, carved elements. Cracks after craquelure should be filled with golden or silver paint, the surface of the furniture after painting with the main paint and applying drawings, wetted alternately with gold, brown, black paints.

Paint over the contours and corners with gray, highlight the monograms and curlicues with gold, if they are not there, it is not difficult to add using baguette paint.

All these small parts they will give a second life to old furniture or from new - they will create a unique product, saturated with the charm and luxury of past years.


In the same way, you can decorate any other wooden or plastic products, for example, decoupage a box in the Provence style. Decoupage decoration will help create a special, sincere atmosphere in your home, conducive to relaxation and peace.

In addition, making a design with your own hands, you can in the same style, with the same colors or a pattern to ennoble several objects at once, getting an unusual combination. The house will be different from the rest, individual and created exclusively for you.

Decoupage photo in Provence style

Every owner of residential real estate wants any room in his house or apartment to be attractive, interesting and unique. For this, it is best to use various techniques implemented on their own and contributing to the unusual design of any piece of furniture. An excellent solution is the decoupage of furniture in the Provence style master class will provide an opportunity to master the technique. Due self-fulfillment the decoration process does not need to spend a lot of money to get bright and sophisticated interior items.

Creating a Provence style involves artificial aging various surfaces furniture. Decoupage is a unique technique that allows you to get vintage things. A video tutorial of this process is located at the end of the article.

Decoupage can be done different ways involving the use of a variety of colors, the use of various textile or paper ornaments.

The decoupage method is becoming popular, involving the use of a special crackle varnish. It is applied to different surfaces quite a significant layer, and often several layers are used at once. As it dries, numerous cracks appear on the surfaces of the interior item, and they are quite interesting and unusual, so this solution fits perfectly into the Provence style. After drying, it is recommended to cover the surfaces with paints of a suitable color, and decoupage is fixed with a transparent varnish.

Other popular do-it-yourself furniture aging techniques include:

  • mechanical influences involve the use of various tools, with the help of which various cuts, cracks or scratches appear on the furniture surfaces, and they should not be applied in a chaotic manner, since they must first be made optimal scheme for excellent results;
  • chemical influences involve the use of different chemicals on the surface of the furniture, and vinegar and ammonia are considered the most popular for this, providing a change appearance different products;
  • thermal methods involve the use of high temperature or open fire, and a special blowtorch is often used, but when using this method with your own hands, you should be especially careful not to cause significant damage to yourself, and the training video is also preliminarily studied;
  • application of numerous special liquid funds, and they can be applied with brushes, rollers, a spray gun or other tools, and their choice depends on what kind of result you want to get.

It is decoupage that is considered the most popular way to change the appearance of any piece of furniture. It involves the use of exquisite and unique ornaments. To implement the process with your own hands, you should prepare in advance different images on paper or textiles. Surface preparation depends on what material the furniture is made of.

Features of preparing different styles

Provence is popular stylistic direction with sophistication and attractiveness. Decoupage for him is considered optimal solution, and certain features are taken into account for this:

  • most often, furniture for the kitchen is finished, since Provence is often chosen for this room, and this is due to the formation of a cozy and calm environment that contributes to a pleasant and measured process of cooking and eating;
  • warm and pastel shades are selected to create a soft and comfortable environment;
  • applications are considered optimal, presented in the form of various flowers and angels, small children or various vegetation;
  • pigments of a golden or bronze hue are considered ideal;
  • well, various fit into the Provence style forged items interior, therefore it is desirable for various lockers and drawers to choose fittings made of metal and having high decorative properties;
  • to fix the structure on furniture, it is recommended to use matte varnish, since glossy shades are considered unsuitable for the chosen interior style.

Decoupage of kitchen furniture is considered quite simple to create, so it is allowed to do all the steps with your own hands. To do this, the surfaces and materials intended for this work are initially prepared, and then the necessary actions are sequentially performed.

Tools and materials

The first stage of work is to prepare the necessary elements for its implementation. The materials can vary significantly, as they are completely dependent on which technology is used, as well as what results are planned to be obtained.

For decoupage furniture in the Provence style, the master class describes the need for elements:

  • acrylic paint, and is usually chosen white material, but it may have other light colors;
  • a high quality brush, from which the pile should not fall out during operation, and its size should be medium;
  • colorless varnish, which ensures the fixation of the resulting coloring coating;
  • gilded or bronze paint, and its choice depends on the wishes of the owners of the dwelling;
  • matte glaze, and best of all, if it is created from polyurethane;
  • PVA glue diluted with water;
  • various stencils, on the basis of which various ornaments and drawings will be obtained;
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes.

It is the above materials that are most often used to create optimal decoupage. Other elements may be presented on training videos, as this point depends on the structure being created.


  • initially, various boxes and facades are removed, which are planned to be decorated;
  • various fasteners are dismantled from them so as not to contaminate them with the means used;
  • surfaces are cleaned of various contaminants and stains, and it is also not allowed that there are greasy stains;
  • if there is an old varnish or paint, then these coatings will certainly be cleaned with sandpaper, but the material itself from which the furniture is made cannot be damaged during the work;
  • after the work is completed, the bases are treated with degreasing compounds.

After such quality work you can proceed to the direct process of decoupage. On video preparatory stages can be seen below.

Step-by-step instruction

This process is considered simple, and its steps depend on what materials are used. The standard procedure is divided into sequential steps:

  • a drawing is thought out that will be applied to the surface;
  • in accordance with the invented image, a stencil is made, and for this it is necessary to use paper with a low density index;
  • acrylic paint is applied to the prepared surface, and two layers are certainly created;
  • pre-made stencils are applied to the desired areas of the surface, after which a layer of glue is applied to them, for which a small brush is used;
  • the furniture is left in this state for about one hour, during which the glue will dry completely;
  • then a transparent varnish is applied, which dries within a few hours;
  • varnish is applied again on top, but it must be done on water based;
  • using a conventional hair dryer, a unique effect of a spread image is created, and in this state the furniture is left for about three hours;
  • a layer of bronze or gold paint is applied along the edges of the drawing made with a small brush.

After using any means, it is necessary to allow the structure to dry, and only then work continues.

The above procedure is the most simple and understandable for each person, so it is easy to do it yourself. You can watch a training video to take into account the main nuances and features of this work.

A good solution is to use the spraying technique. It makes it possible to obtain interior items that fit perfectly into the Provence style. The process itself is considered simple. For this, dark paint is purchased, as well as a brush, which is certainly equipped with stiff bristles. After the decoupage procedure described above, the structure is varnished. Next, a brush is brought to the surface, previously dipped in paint, after which you need to run your gloved hand over the bristles, and you need to move towards yourself. This will allow you to get a unique pattern on the surface of the furniture.

Thus, decoupage technology involves the use of actions that allow you to visually and artificially age various interior items. The procedure is considered easy to implement, and simple and accessible materials are used for it. This will allow you to get a truly unique and unusual furniture, which fits perfectly into the Provence style. It will be beautiful, unique and ideally suited to the needs and tastes of residential property owners.

Decoupage is a technique for imitating painting on any surface. It can be candles, interior items, furniture, decorations, etc. Decoupage can be done on the surface of any material: glass, plastic, wood.

The technique is popular due to the fact that, without having great talents and material capabilities, anyone can create beautiful, exclusive, stylish things.

There are several main types of this technique: direct decoupage, reverse, voluminous, smoky, decopatch. Each type has its own characteristic features.

For decorating with decoupage technique, use different materials: special decoupage paper, napkins, wallpaper, lace, fabrics. or cabinets with wall-matching wallpaper allows you to create fantastic interiors.

The most popular decoupage styles are: Provence, Victorianism, simple city, shabby chic, ethnic style.

When decoupage, various techniques are widely used, such as scuffs, craquelure, patination, shading, leaf and toning.

Decoupage furniture in Provence style: master class

Provence is the most common style. It is named after French province. This style implies a simple but elegant noble antiquity. characteristic features styles are pastel colors and whitewashed surfaces. A technique with scuffs and aging of things is often used.

Often used plots in the Provence style are plants (lavender, grapes, sunflowers, vegetables and fruits, olives, flowers), fields, village houses. The plots of the pictures are very simple, light.

Decoupage furniture in the Provence style aims to create a clean, calm atmosphere of the French countryside.

You will need:

  • primer;
  • acrylic paints;
  • PVA glue or decoupage glue;
  • napkins with a pattern or decoupage paper with a pattern;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • brushes;
  • sandpaper.

Decoupage technique

  1. The item to be decoupage is cleaned of dust and dirt. If there is varnish or paint, then they are removed by grinding with sandpaper with different size abrasive grain.
  2. Cover the surface with a primer. They do this so that the paints fit better and their consumption is more economical. It also allows you to level the surface and whitens it under the selected motif.
  3. Prepare the background for the picture. The paint is used to paint the intended place of drawing the drawing or to paint the object completely. It is usually recommended to apply several coats of paint for an even color. Let dry.
  4. Choose a pattern that fits the size of the available space and style. Carefully tear it out or cut it out of the napkin, trying not to damage the picture.
  5. The plot is placed in the right place, previously smeared with glue, carefully straightening it. A layer of glue is again applied over the drawing with a brush, moving from the center to the edges, removing air bubbles and folds. The glue applied on top will protect the drawing from destruction under the influence of the following coatings.
  6. Finishing edges and, if necessary, additional decoration with paints. Pour into the lid the paint that they want to paint over the edges. They take a piece of foam rubber, dip it in paint and leave light prints on the entire edge of the area to be decorated. The prints should create haze. To achieve this effect, before leaving an imprint on the object, the foam rubber is leaned several times against a draft sheet of paper, removing excess paint. The edges are processed in order to create the completeness of the composition, to give it a certain unified style. The painted details look very nice, combined in style with the plot of the picture. For example, it can be leaves or a vine located along the perimeter of the surface to be decorated.
  7. Let the work dry. If you want to do it quickly, you can use a hair dryer.
  8. Cover the surface with varnish in two layers. To do this, use both a special varnish for decoupage and ordinary varnish for wood.
  9. Grind the surface with sandpaper, eliminating roughness.

Examples of furniture decoupage in Provence style

Floral motifs of varying complexity are used using the aging technique.

Decoration using plots typical of Provence with flowers and lavender. Present additional elements painting.

Classical plots with flowers and greenery are usually used. Typical for Provence is the image of sunflowers. The photo of a chest of drawers with a sunflower clearly shows the use of cracking - craquelure. The effect is achieved when using special craquelure compositions that crack paint and varnish.

Also often there are plots depicting people and objects.

Greenery and lavender images on the cabinet doors, characteristic of rustic cuisine. Usually cabinet doors are decorated both from the outside and from the inside.

Shabby kitchen and storage shelves decorated with flowers and lavender.

6. An example of decoupage of furniture and doors in the Provence style

The same décor on the cabinet and doors brings them together in the same style, creating a simple country house feel. Such decoration is performed both using decoupage and painting.

Furniture decorated in Provence style looks good in country house, across open door which you can see the garden. It harmoniously fits into the interior of the apartment, if the rest of the items are designed in the same style. Provence creates an atmosphere of comfort and peace, helps to forget about worries and relax. Decoupage makes the transformation of furniture simple and accessible to everyone.

In this article, we will conduct a master class on decoupage furniture in Provence style. Decoupage technique is an inexpensive way to transform home furniture, which allows you to extend the life of old things and freshen up the interior.

Decoupage and aging is a very exciting, inexpensive and does not require any special skills.

DIY home furniture will be absolutely unique and priceless, it will delight the eyes of guests and hosts for many years. Furniture decoupage is actively used to create an interior in a Provencal style.

Style characteristics

Appeared in the 19th century in France and was named after a small French province.

Its main idea is to bring the interior closer to the peaceful rustic style protecting from the bustle of the city.

The main characteristics of the Provence style:

  1. open space filled with warm colors. Naturalness and relaxed lightness of the interior.
  2. The presence of a wooden or stone massive floor covering. For these purposes in modern conditions well-chosen tiles will also work.
  3. plastered walls, brickwork or use artificial stone. Wallpaper in this style is not used at all for decoration.
  4. The use of aged wrought iron furniture and other interior items.
  5. Curved lines and shapes, a light background, and the use of floral prints and plant designs.

Methods for aging furniture surfaces

  1. With the help of mechanical impact - the appearance of artificial cracks, scratches and other damage.
  2. With the help of chemical exposure, for example, vinegar, ammonia and craquelure varnishes, etc.
  3. Thermal exposure - using a blowtorch, open flame, etc.

An interesting way to age furniture is to use crackle varnish. Apply it to the surface in thick, even layers; when dried, the varnish gives unusual cracks.

After drying, the cracks are covered with gilding or dark paint. To fix the effect, they are covered with a layer of transparent varnish on top.

Preparing for decoupage

For embodiment design ideas such pieces of furniture as: a table, a chair, a stool, a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, a bed, etc. can serve with their own hands.

Small items are also suitable, which will perfectly decorate the kitchen, bedroom or living room in the style of the French countryside.

You can decouple as one thing in the interior, or several in the same motive, for example, bottles, wooden coasters, cutting boards and wall clock.

The main principle in creating comfort and coziness in the room is correct use materials and color combinations.

In addition to decoupage wall clock and other items, you can apply decor with satin ribbons, ropes, etc.


Necessary materials:

  • white or light acrylic paint;
  • medium sized brush;
  • colorless varnish;
  • sandpaper;
  • gilded paint;
  • matte glaze based on polyurethane;
  • PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • stencils.

Stages of work:

    1. The entire surface of the furniture must be thoroughly cleaned and dismantled from old paint and varnish with sandpaper so that it is perfectly smooth and even.
    2. Apply acrylic paint in 2 layers.
    3. Before work, you should carefully consider the drawing and its location on the furniture, prepare and cut a stencil from a napkin or not very thick paper.
    4. Apply a stencil to the selected place, apply a small layer of PVA solution with water on top with a brush and let dry (about 1 hour).

  1. Cover the surface with a clear varnish, let dry for several hours.
  2. Apply a water-based varnish on top and use a hair dryer to create the effect of an unusually spread pattern. Leave to dry for 3 hours.
  3. Using a small brush, apply a layer of gold paint around the edges of the picture.

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