How to build a panel house with your own hands. Do-it-yourself country panel houses for recreation Frame panel houses how to build pedestals

The buildings 30.08.2019
The buildings

Quite often, among the desires of modern youth, and not only, one of the first points is the construction own house. Often the choice falls on. One of the main advantages is that you yourself can choose the place where the building will stand. If you build a frame panel house with your own hands - then you yourself will be responsible for the quality and know its device.

Construction of frame-panel houses

Recently, in Europe, and in our country, the most popular type of construction is the construction of frame- panel houses, and with their own hands. How to build with your own hands, the advantages of such construction:

  • The shortest construction time - even without experience in construction, it can be built in 1-2 months;
  • Purchase building materials significantly saves the budget on its own;
  • Quite simple, the frame of a panel house can be built by studying photos and articles on the site;
  • Can be dispensed with minimal cost compared to other building materials or the purchase of finished housing;
  • Possibility to freeze at almost any stage without prejudice to future construction.

The only negative if you want to do it yourself is that if you buy all the building materials yourself, some elements will not fit perfectly. You can buy a ready-made kit for building from the factory or order frame-panel house Full construction. But if you have at least a little experience in construction or you hold a hammer with confidence, then this will not be a problem.

Installation of a frame-panel building with a crane.

Consider the construction of a frame-panel house in stages. We already have a project for a frame-panel house and a plot of land for construction. What to do next?

The foundation of a frame-panel building

The choice of what should be the foundation of a frame-panel house depends on many factors:

  1. The nature of the soil on which your frame-panel house will stand.
  2. Floors of construction.
  3. Location - Opportunity strong winds if the area is open, flooding.

Most often, a pile-grillage or tape foundation is chosen. Consider the first option, as more reliable and common in the construction of frame-panel houses.

Pile-grillage foundation

Pile wells are drilled using a manual or motorized drill, asbestos-cement or PVC pipes are selected as formwork required size. You can also choose manually rolled roofing felt pipes. Reinforcement bars are installed inside - from 3 to 4 pieces, fastened together in the form of a square or triangle. iron bars the reinforcement should stick out of the piles so that they can be connected to the grillage.

The piles are connected with reinforcement and poured with concrete.

Next, the piles are poured with concrete. After installing the piles, a formwork is made for the grillage, in which the same reinforcement bars are placed, interconnected. At this stage, the main thing is not to forget about the future installation of communications and leave the opportunity to make them in the future. Lay segments plastic pipes across, so that the foundation for the frame-panel house was made in accordance with all the rules.

For the subsequent installation of the lower trim, we fix the studs in the foundation tape. At the corners of the foundation - with steps of 300 mm, in all other areas - with a step of up to 2 meters. The studs will connect the frame of the panel building and the foundation in the future.

On a note

The drying time of the foundation can also be different, from 5-10 days in summer, and up to several weeks in winter. Most often, the foundations of frame-panel houses are made in the fall and left to "stand" until spring, covering upper part foundation with polyethylene.

Waterproofing and bedding

The foundation of the frame-panel house is ready, but in order for it not to be damaged over time, it is necessary upper layer waterproofing, usually choose bitumen, waterproofing or roofing material. You can combine bitumen with roofing material, here it's up to you.

Waterproofing with bitumen in a pile-grillage foundation.

Next, install the bed. A dry beam or board is selected, which is installed around the entire perimeter of the foundation, the edges are aligned along the outer edge of the foundation. Where the studs are installed, holes are made with a drill.

Installation of strapping and lag

According to the video instructions for frame-panel houses, we install a strapping of boards 150 * 50 mm, on the edge, nail it to the installed bed, in increments of 400-500 mm. To this strapping, we begin to fasten the logs for the floor - the same boards 150 * 50 mm, installed on the edge and fixed at the end with three nails on both sides. The lag installation step is from 300-500 mm, depending on the future load.

The lower piping of the pile-grillage foundation.

Floor installation and insulation

After installing the foundation for the future floor, it must be insulated. The thickness of the insulation should not be less than 150-200 mm. And here, although experts do not advise choosing economical foam or expanded polystyrene boards, they admit that they are not afraid of moisture and can be installed without installing a subfloor.

Scheme of pile-grillage foundation.

Therefore, you can choose absolutely any insulation - whether it will be polystyrene or mineral wool. Next, lay the first floor of the boards and cover it with a sheet of plywood.

Installation of a frame-panel wall

It can happen in two ways - parts of the frame-panel wall of the house are assembled on the ground, and then they rise and are attached to the lower trim, fastened together by the upper trim. This is an easy way to assemble a frame- panel houses, the photo demonstrates the ease of installation at home without much effort.

Installation of frame-panel walls.

The second way - a set of ready-made frame-panel walls is bought at a factory where they make ready-made prefabricated houses. It is important correctly that not to disturb the geometry of the frame-panel house.

The choice is yours - the first method is fast enough, because the assembled elements are immediately mounted. However, if the finished fragment of the frame-panel wall is heavy enough, it will be difficult to lift it yourself.

On a note

The dimensions of the corner and side racks will depend on the size of the insulation and the number of storeys. If we build one-story houses frame-panel boards, enough boards 100x50 mm. The installation step is selected according to the width of the insulation.

Ceilings of a frame-panel building

We install floor beams. Of the two preferred methods - setting on the edge, or on support brackets. You can choose the method of fastening floor beams that is convenient for you, if you are building, frame-panel buildings have a high margin of safety.

Ceiling beams in a frame-panel structure.

If you are planning a 2-story building, then it is better to take thicker beams and make the step between them not so big. It is advisable to calculate the load so that the floor beams can withstand the weight with a margin. On the installed beams, you can immediately lay a draft floor or a future ceiling.

Installation of rafters and roofing

The device of the roof - gable or mansard will not differ much from each other. The only point of contention you will have when installing the roofing is that it should not be made of massive material in order to wooden beams and the ceilings of the frame-panel house withstood it without problems.

It is better to assemble the rafters on the ground, they must be pulled together by a bolted connection and a wind bolt. For better bonding with the Mauerlat, the joints can be reinforced with additional plates.

Building insulation

In addition to polystyrene and expanded polystyrene, the insulation of a frame-panel house can be made with basalt wool. Mineral wool has sufficiently high heat and sound insulation characteristics, but it can easily get wet from rain and moisture. Therefore, it is important to close it on both sides with moisture-proof layers of protection.

Scheme of the device of the wall of the frame-panel structure.

Mineral wool should be protected on both sides from additional moisture and vapors using a protective membrane.

After the insulation of the frame-panel house, wall cladding and installation of the roof, only Finishing work and installation of communications, and here there is a lot of room for your imagination and design ideas.

Own house, reliable, comfortable - a real dream. But most people start a grandiose construction project that will take a long time and require large financial investments. So how do you become the owner of your own house or cottage? There is a way out - frame-panel houses, which can be easily built with your own hands, with minimum investment funds.

This type of houses is very popular in the West, the buildings are built in a few weeks, they are durable, reliable and visually attractive. In this article, you can learn how to choose a place, start construction correctly, and what materials are needed to build your own frame-panel house.

Before construction work, you need to choose the right place for the house. As applied a large number of building elements made of wood, you should not place the building on too wet and waterlogged soil. Despite the strength of the structure, all parts and elements will eventually be exposed to moisture, which will worsen their condition and appearance.

It is impossible for old and sprawling trees to grow near the house. Their roots can damage a light foundation, causing the structure to skew or shrink over time.

It is desirable to build a house on a hill. Before starting work, it is required to check the soil for the presence of ground water. They can cause destruction and deformation of the building due to the instability of the soil above them.

Types of foundation for frame-panel houses

Since the structure of the building is light, it is not necessary to fill in a large foundation. For the house, you can use three types of supports.

    Screw piles.

  1. Strip foundation, not very buried in the ground.

Screw piles

Screw support for home- This is one of the simplest types of foundation. Making screw poles with your own hands is quite difficult, so building elements are purchased in specialized stores. Finished piles look like metal hollow pipes of different diameters and lengths with a pointed screw at the end. Piles can be installed using special equipment or on your own. The number of piles depends on the size and area of ​​the house.

Piles can be driven into any soil, while seasonality does not affect the technology of work. A pile screwed in at an angle cannot be removed. Better to leave it in the ground. A twisted pile will not fulfill its functions and, after the foundation has been erected, may skew to the side.

To create a columnar foundation, asbestos-cement pillars are purchased, which are dug into the ground per meter. Cement is poured into the middle of the columns, which strengthens their structure. The more columns, the more stable the foundation of the house is.

Strip foundation

Strip foundation - the order of construction

The creation of this support requires the presence of cement and the manufacture of formwork for pouring the structure. Since the house is light, the foundation can be poured shallow.

Materials for the construction of a frame-panel box at home

    A bar measuring at least 150 by 150 mm. With its help, horizontal lintels and vertical racks are erected in the building.

    Board or plywood for sheathing the frame.

    Warming material.

    Roofing material, with the help of which waterproofing is carried out between the mortgage beam and the foundation.

    Mounting foam.

    Mounting material: nails, anchors, self-tapping screws.

First of all, the room is waterproofed. To do this, roofing material is laid on the supporting pillars of the foundation in several layers. The layers are held together with bituminous mastic. Then the lag is laid.

The beam, which will serve as a lag, is laid with its ends on the base of the foundation. The middle of the lag should lie on the fundamental supports located inside the perimeter of the building.

The surface of the beam on which the floor will be laid in the room must be flat. To do this, it is recommended to first drive the wood through the thickness gauge or smooth out the bumps with a chainsaw.

To make the structure even, you need to use a level. If the lags do not meet the desired level, you can raise them by lining a solid board.


It is desirable to make the floor in the house two-level: rough and finish. Until the walls are erected, a rough board is laid. Insulation and laying of the final floor is carried out after the construction of walls and roofs.

For the draft floor, it is required batten having a thickness of at least 35 cm. The board is laid on logs fixed on the foundation.

Construction of the frame of the house

The connection of vertical and horizontal support beams in the construction of the house is carried out not only with the use of fittings. When connecting at the ends of the supporting logs, special grooves are cut out, equal to half bar thickness. The connection of these grooves is carried out using wooden pins, which are called dowels. A hole is drilled in the grooves, having a smaller diameter than the diameter of the dowel, so that the connection of the supporting elements occurs under tension.

The base of the frame must be made of 2 levels: the beams along the perimeter of the foundation are stacked on top of each other. The top beam is used to fasten the vertical racks of the frame. It cuts as many grooves as there are racks in the design of the house.

Racks are installed in grooves, fastened with dowels and additionally supported by special boards called jibs. The jibs will prevent warping of the frame structure. After all the racks are installed, the upper logs are tied. In the beams laid on the racks, the grooves into which the vertical racks are inserted should also be sawn. Before finally fixing the racks in the harness from the upper logs, it is advisable to make sure that the frame is built without distortions and defects.

Vertical racks are fixed in the upper trim of the beams using long nails(hundreds). The jibs are removed after the erection of the frame from the beams.

Then you need to attach horizontal jumpers from the beams between the vertical posts. Their connection is also carried out using sawn grooves and long nails. The frame is thus further strengthened.

Sheathing of vertical racks can be done with plywood or board. The material is required to be attached to vertical and horizontal posts with a solid shield, without gaps. Openings for windows and doors should remain free. They are formed in the process of building sheathing.

Most often used for frame-panel houses double slope design roofs. It looks like a triangle, is easy to install, and perfectly protects the building from precipitation.

The process of installing a roof can be divided into three stages.

To build a roof, the following material is required.

    Beams, at least 15 by 15 cm.

    Board for crates.

    Mounting accessories.

    Roofing material.

It is not recommended to use heavy materials, such as, for example, clay tiles, for mounting the roof. They noticeably make the structure of the house heavier, which is very dangerous for the frame and foundation.

Roof installation begins with laying load-bearing beams, which are laid on the wall structure after 40 - 50 cm. The edges of the beams should protrude from the outer walls by at least 40 cm. This is necessary so that precipitation does not fall on the walls and under the roof. A board is laid on the beams, which will become the floor of the attic. The board is fastened with nails or self-tapping screws to the beams.

Then mounted roof structure roofs. Triangular gables are installed on both sides of the house. They form the height of the roof. The tops of the pediments are connected by timber. Then rafters are attached to this beam and to the supporting upper strapping. They should fit snugly against the beams, not go beyond the structure. A strapping of boards is attached to the rafters, which make the structure more reliable and resistant.

Insulation is laid on the crate from the board, vapor barrier material and waterproofing are laid on it. A roof is mounted on top of the materials. After the roof is installed, it is required to carry out a drainage system around the perimeter of the house and storm sewer, which will remove moisture from the roof, from the walls and foundation of the building.

Video - How to properly mount rafters in a gable roof

Installation of doors and windows

If you plan to live in the house in the summer, then windows with one frame are enough. If the residence in the building will be year-round, then it is worth installing double-glazed windows with several glasses. This will help avoid heat loss.

In the same way is selected Entrance door to the house.

After the roof of the building is ready, windows and doors are inserted, it is required to insulate the frame of the house. Warming can be carried out both inside the house and outside. It is optimal to use two types of insulation.

Materials for external insulation

Each type of insulation has certain properties. If you plan to live in the house all year round, you can use several types of material at the same time. For example, mineral or glass wool are located between vertical bars frame. Plywood or boards are attached on top, expanded polystyrene plates are mounted on the boards and covered with isolon. Heat loss with such insulation of the building is minimal. Isolon also protects wooden elements buildings from moisture penetration.

Facade cladding is mounted on top of the insulation. It can be siding, imitation of rounded timber or other material that will decorate the facade of the house.

Materials for internal insulation of the house

Before insulating the walls inside the house, you need to cover everything wooden details special compounds that protect against decay, mold, pests. Then you need to choose the material with which the walls in the room will be lined.


The latter type of insulation is the most convenient for installation, and its surface does not require preliminary preparation for wallpapering or applying another coating. Use given material can be used not only for wall cladding, but also for the ceiling.

The last stage in the construction of a frame-panel house is the laying of internal electrical, plumbing and gas communications.

Video - Do-it-yourself frame-panel house

Build a house with your own hands without big financial costs Isn't it a tempting prospect? And if you think that it is real only for aces in the construction business, then you are simply not familiar with the technology of building shield dwellings. These houses require a minimum of finance, time and effort, so everyone can build them. You do not have to hire a team of professionals, rent heavy equipment and wait for months for your cherished home. All you need - step-by-step instruction, as well as photos and videos explaining the main points of construction. If you still don't believe this is possible, check out phased technology erecting a panel house - it will definitely dispel all doubts.

Preparatory design

The first step is project preparation. A panel house is assembled very easily, but in order to also guarantee the quality of construction, it is necessary to evaluate the entire scope of work in advance and streamline processes, and here one cannot do without a plan. It does not have to be very detailed - the main thing is that the following mandatory aspects are indicated:

  • dimensions of the building: number of storeys, base width, number of rooms and their area, ceiling height;
  • the location of the main and secondary rooms in the house;
  • placement of the main communications;
  • calculation of materials for the structure: the number, proportions and dimensions of panels for shields, wooden beams and boards for the frame, as well as heat-insulating materials.

Panel house project

Also at this stage, you need to decide where the panel house will be located. As for the ground, even weak soil is suitable here, because the building will be light. But it is important that the site is level, otherwise the construction will cause difficulties.

Foundation masonry

The second step is building the foundation. Since the shield dwelling is relatively light in weight, a columnar base will be quite enough here:

  • Mark up: on the selected site, mark four foundation points that will outline the perimeter of the future home. Diagonally, they should be exactly the same - deviations of even 1 cm are not allowed. Drive pegs around the perimeter of the site and pull the twine between them.
  • Dig holes for poles. Their depth should be 20-25 cm more than the depth of soil freezing, and their width should be about 60 cm.
  • Arrange a pillow of sand and gravel at the bottom of each hole: the height of each layer is 10-15 cm. Be sure to carefully tamp the pillows.
  • Lay waterproofing in the holes. Thick polyethylene or roofing material is suitable here.

Advice. Fix along the edges of the holes waterproofing material stones, so that during the subsequent pouring of the concrete mixture, it does not end up at the bottom of the pits.

  • Fill the pits with a 20-25 cm layer of concrete. Cover the filling with plastic wrap and remove it only when the mixture has set.
  • When the concrete dries, start laying bricks - in each hole, build columns of 3-4 bricks. Lay them until the posts rise above their holes by at least 20 cm.
  • Fill the gaps between the posts and pits with crushed stone, sand or gravel.

Foundation for a panel house

  • From above, cover each brick column with roofing material or bituminous mastic.
  • Close the resulting foundation with a pick-up - a low stone, brick or wooden wall. This will make the design more attractive.

box construction

The third step is the construction of walls, floors and ceilings.

First you need to waterproof the foundation and install on it bottom harness. Further, logs for the floor are mounted in the grooves of the decoupling. Lay them at intervals equal to the thickness thermal insulation material, which will subsequently insulate the base of the floor. From below, thin wooden bars need to be attached to the logs - a rough flooring will be formed on them.

Then install the supporting racks for the frame at the corners of the structure. After leveling the racks, fix them with special temporary jibs. Next, fasten the top harness to the racks.

Construction of a panel house box

Now you need to increase the frame - install already familiar racks along the perimeter of the lower trim in increments of 50-100 cm. Do not forget to leave openings for doors and windows. Then lay the upper logs - the roof will be installed on them.

After that, you can remove the jibs and start filling the frame with shields. It is advisable to buy ready-made panels - with insulation and waterproofing inside. You just have to adjust the products to the size of your frame and install them in free gaps. Shields must be not only fixed on the frame racks, but also interconnected. To do this, use self-tapping screws. The corners of the structure must be closed with metal corners.

Important! All parts of the box must be carefully treated with antiseptic and fire-fighting compounds, otherwise there can be no question of the durability of the house structure. You also need to fill all the gaps between the shields and racks with sealant.

Roof erection

The fourth step is the construction of the roof. For panel houses, it is recommended to build a single or gable roof - both of them are absolutely functional and do not require large amounts of work.

The construction technology involves two main stages:

  • Rafter installation. First, fix the Mauerlat on the upper trim - a structure made of timber with a section of 10 x 10. Prepare wooden beams for truss system. Each rafter is separately attached to the finished Mauerlat - at this stage, you are already forming one or two slopes, depending on the chosen roof option. Roofing nails, self-tapping screws, metal plates can be used as fixing elements. Between themselves, the rafters must be connected with special gear overlays. The installation step of the rafter legs should be equal to the gaps between the frame racks. As for the size of the spans, this figure can vary from 2.5 m to 5 m - it all depends on the section of the beams.

Advice. If you make maximum spans of 5 m, the rafters must be protected with props.

  • Roof laying. Metal roofing is most often used as a roofing material - it is characterized by strength, easy installation, attractive appearance and low weight, which is especially important in the construction of panel buildings. Sheets of materials are mounted with an overlap of 15 cm. The tiles are attached to the rafters with self-tapping screws through the wave.

Outdoor and indoor work

The fifth step, which is also the final one, is the performance of various external and internal works.

First of all, it is necessary to carry out engineering networks and communications: heating, water supply, electricity, sewerage, ventilation, etc. Next, windows and doors are installed - you left openings for them at the stage of building the box. Then the exterior finish is done. There are several options here:

  • vinyl;
  • block house;
  • lining;
  • decorative plaster;
  • a natural stone.

It is quite easy to work with all these materials. The main thing is accuracy: so that later you do not have to dismantle the material due to inconsistencies and an unaesthetic appearance, always start finishing from the corner.

For use mineral wool- It is durable and can withstand a wide range of temperatures. To begin with, cover the walls and the subfloor with waterproofing - lay parchment paper on them, securing it to the work surfaces with slats. Then prepare the mineral wool and lay it on the walls and floors, fixing wooden blocks. The latter are recommended to be laid vertically.

Next lay the finished floor. As a rule, different variations of wood finishes are used for this: parquet, flooring, edged boards etc. And after that, you can safely proceed to the lining of the internal surfaces and the finishing design of the space.

Fast, reliable, cheap - this is how you can characterize the construction of a panel house. As you can see, the technology of its construction is indeed very simple and affordable. So, if you have been thinking about your own home for a long time, but are afraid to take on the construction of a traditional building, perhaps a lightweight alternative in the form of a panel house is just your option.

Panel house construction technology: video

Construction of a panel house: photo

Living in a private house has many advantages over living in an apartment. People living in rhythm modern world, as a rule, prefer to relax away from the bustle of the city, and the construction of a private house is often the solution to this problem.

A well-built panel house is strong enough to withstand a magnitude 9 earthquake.

Often a purchase land plot under construction is expensive, so in order to save money, you can build a private house with your own hands. This will greatly reduce your cost of owning your own home.

The main advantages of a panel house

Before the beginning construction works you need to decide what type of structure you want to build. The most common version of houses built with their own hands is frame-panel. You can build a panel house from various materials. For the frame, a beam or board can be used. It is very important to correctly distribute the load on the foundation of the structure.

Such structures are characterized, first of all, by durability and strength. The construction of a panel house implies the creation of safe and healthy comfortable conditions residence, therefore, in many respects, houses frame-panel type superior to structures made of concrete, stone or timber. Optimal temperature and indoor humidity are created thanks to the vapor and heat insulation layers between the inner and outer layers of the walls.

A well-built panel house is able to withstand a magnitude 9 earthquake, which indicates its high strength and reliability. Even in the most difficult weather conditions the officially recognized life of such a house is 75 years. The cost of heating such a house is less than brick or concrete buildings of the same size. This is due to the fact that the walls of the panel house are warmer than those of stone.

You can install gas or electrical system heating. It is possible to use any other energy carriers. Network engineering such a building can be hidden inside the walls due to their special structure. In addition, it is possible to cope with the construction of a panel house in just 3 months, that is, in 1 summer season.

The advantages of a frame-panel house are as follows:

  1. Fast construction and low costs.
  2. The ability to create a structure of any shape and any size at your discretion due to the flexibility of the design.
  3. Such a building is quite light, so the cost of the foundation will be reduced.
  4. The dry wood used to build panel houses does not shrink, so you do not have to worry about the shape of the house over time. It is a durable and environmentally friendly material.
  5. The structure, erected in accordance with all the rules, has a 4 degree of fire resistance.

All these advantages should have convinced you that building a panel house is the right decision, if you still doubted it. If you have made the final decision, then you can begin to study the technology of building a panel house.

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The technology of building a frame-panel house

In order for the panel house to turn out to be really strong and reliable, certain conditions must be observed during its construction. First of all, you need to fill in the grillage or foundation. It is recommended to wait a month after their manufacture. After this time, one can count concrete base strong enough.

When pouring the foundation, it is necessary to provide for the installation of anchors under the lower row of timber in its thickness. In this case, the anchors should rise above the foundation surface by 10 cm.

When purchasing material for making a frame, pay attention to how well it is dried. It is advisable to choose dry boards, in which case the building will not sag. If you find that the process of drying the beam for the frame has not yet been completed, then you need to assemble the frame as soon as possible and sew up its OSB. It is necessary to purchase oriented strand boards in advance so that, if necessary, they can quickly sew up the frame with them at hand.

Treat with an antiseptic assembled structure will be problematic, so you must use it before installing all wooden materials. Use a regular roofing material for waterproofing a house and a special one with a topping for the roof.

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What fixtures do you need?

If you've stocked up on supplies, it's time to think about necessary tools and fasteners, which are just as important as the base material. The number of fasteners that you will require is quite difficult to accurately determine, however, professionals in the construction industry say that the average number is as follows:

  1. Nails 120 mm - 5 kg, 100 mm - 3 kg, 50 mm - 1 kg.
  2. Self-tapping screws 100 mm - 500 pcs., 50 mm - 100 pcs.

Can be on initial stage installation to determine how much Supplies you spent, and based on this, calculate how much you need to buy. The calculation is carried out not by volume or footage of parts, but by their number.

Fasteners for construction.

In addition, prepare the following set of tools:

  • saw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • square;
  • building level;
  • axe;
  • crowbar;
  • drill.

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Some nuances of building a panel house

Pay due attention to the insulation of the house.

The best option for insulation is basalt wool, which allows you to make a panel house with walls 15-20 cm thick warmer than a brick house with a wall thickness of 40 cm. You can use fiberglass heat-insulating materials, expanded polystyrene foam or foam plastic. The use of polystyrene is quite common due to its low cost, ease of installation and high strength. It does not emit substances that are dangerous to nature and human health. The thickness of the frame of the house will depend on the thickness of the insulation used, so you need to decide in advance what material you will use and purchase it.

There are no restrictions on manufacturers and materials for the manufacture of doors and windows; you can choose them based on your personal preferences and financial capabilities. It is necessary to strive to ensure that they harmoniously fit into the design of the house as a whole.

To enter communications into the panel house, you must use suitable materials. Use metal or plastic corrugated pipes to hide communications systems inside walls. They will provide reliable protection electrical wiring, water supply pipeline, ventilation and other communication systems.

The choice of roofing materials for a panel house is extremely wide. The most common can be called tiles. She may be various kinds: flexible, polymer sand, bituminous or natural. You can independently determine the best option for you.

The construction of frame-panel houses is no less popular today than, for example, brick houses. And for good reason: a panel house can be used all year round if you equip it heating systems. If you decide to build a frame house yourself, but don’t know where to start, use the recommendations presented in this article.

Before understanding the intricacies of construction frame house, you should consider the positive and negative points associated with buildings of this type. Among the many advantages, we highlight the most significant:

  • At the heart of the frame-panel house, a frame is provided, hidden inside the structure, and therefore is not affected by atmospheric phenomena.
  • Among the main advantages of buildings frame type their reasonable cost also applies. Compare: a brick house will cost 30-40% more than a frame structure.
  • High build speed. Most often, from the beginning of the construction process to the commissioning of the house, it will take no more than 6 months.
  • Due to the light weight of frame structures, they can be erected on a weak foundation and on almost all types of soil.
  • The materials used in the construction of frame-panel houses are reliable and durable.

The disadvantages, and there are only three of them, include:

  • Floors. The technology for building frame-type houses does not allow building more than two floors. As a rule, these are one-story houses. It should be noted that the price of a two-story building for square meter, will in this case be comparable to the cost of a brick house.
  • The operational period of frame houses is not calculated in centuries, normative term his service is 75 years. In fact, it can be 90-100 years.
  • It must be understood that remodeling frame buildings not possible. To complete it, you will have to disassemble the structure completely.

Attention! At self construction a frame-panel house cannot do without specialized equipment due to the weight of the material.

Foundation for a frame house

The best option for the foundation for houses of frame-panel type is considered to be a columnar foundation. The tape type of the base will be justified if the building is panned big house, or if it is lined with bricks from the outside. But this species foundation, as well as tape-pillar, will be quite expensive.

To build a columnar foundation, first of all, decide on the choice of material for the pillars themselves. It could be:

  • rubble stone;
  • metal pipes;
  • monolithic reinforced concrete;
  • brick;
  • wood;
  • asbestos-cement pipes;
  • blocks 20x20x40.

Each of these materials has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, wood is the cheapest, but also short-lived material in this case. Rolled metal (pipes) will last a long time, respectively, and its price is much higher. Therefore, reinforced concrete, brick or blocks are most often used for pillars.

The construction of the foundation is carried out in stages as follows:

1. breakdown. At the required distance from the fence, put two starting points and measure the width and length of the future house from them. Mark the remaining extreme points of the base. Do not forget to check the diagonals, which must be the same (but a difference of 1-2 cm is acceptable). After that, mark the foundation for the partitions.

2. You can start digging a hole for a foundation. If the foundation is planned from blocks or bricks, it is necessary to dig a hole 100-200 mm lower than the frost level, measuring 60 by 80 cm. The configuration of the pit can be straight or with an extension at the bottom. The presence of such an expansion allows you to increase the bearing capacity of the foundation by increasing the area.

3. Next step: waterproofing installation. As a waterproofing, as a rule, roofing material or thick polyethylene film. At the same time, the edges of the film are pressed with a stone so that it does not end up at the bottom of the pit when pouring concrete. If the foundation is built from blocks (20x20x40), the waterproofing layer is laid after the pillars are laid out.

4. If you decide make poles from asbestos-cement pipes or concrete, do not forget to reinforce them. This can be done using two or four fittings, connecting them with wire jumpers. Then place all this inside the dug hole.

5. Create formwork from planks.

6. Pour concrete in layers of 20-30 cm, ramming it. Install a hairpin 12-16 mm in diameter, 40-50 cm high at the top of the posts. It will be required for the installation of the base.

7. To increase the stability of the foundation, you need create a reinforced concrete grillage (optimal size which - 25x25 cm).

8. At the last stage, pick-up device - walls from the ground to the grillage. Do not forget to conduct the necessary communications before this.

The erection of the walls of a frame-panel house

After completing the construction of the foundation, proceed to the construction of the walls of the house. The algorithm for their construction is quite simple.

For work you will need tools:

  • a hammer;
  • drill;
  • grinder or hacksaw;
  • square;
  • screwdriver;
  • plumb;
  • metal ruler;
  • putty knife;
  • water level;
  • antiseptic for wooden elements.

Install the lower trim on the waterproofing of the foundation and align its horizontal and straightness of the corners. Then it will be necessary to lay the floor logs in the strapping grooves. The distance between them is best made equal to the thickness of the insulation that is planned to be laid between them. Install thin bars to the bottom of the lags, on which the subfloor will be laid in the future.

Treat the resulting design with an antiseptic. Further, in the corners of the house and between them, it is necessary to install load-bearing frame racks. After that, align them and secure with temporary jibs. On these racks you need to install the top harness. Don't forget to check again the horizontal and vertical of the entire structure.

At the distance of the floor lag, install the remaining racks frame walls leaving window and door openings. Fix the corners with iron corners with screws. Next, you need to install the upper floor joists. You can lay them in the same way as floor logs. The rafters will then be mounted on the floor logs, so they must be longer than the floor logs. The supporting racks of the frame are fastened with jibs. After that, you can remove the temporary jibs.

The walls outside are covered with vapor and waterproofing. Start doing this work from below, slightly overlapping bottom sheet top to avoid moisture. It is recommended to upholster the installed waterproofing with thin bars from the outside to form a ventilation gap.

Then you can do exterior finish(sheathing) decorative material. For example, eurolining. Install internal thermal insulation between the walls of the house, and cover the insulation with vapor and waterproofing.

Fulfilling interior decoration at home, try to nail thin bars to the insulation, as they did outside. If the finish is vertical, place the bars horizontally.

Attention! Expanded clay, boiler slag and other materials can be used to insulate walls, but the best option considered mineral wool.

The process of building a roof is one of the most important, and it must be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of specialists. The shape of the roof depends only on your preference, but for frame houses, a flat or pitched roof is most often used.

The type of roofing for the roof must be selected, taking into account the width, height of the frame house, as well as the features of its design. The truss system will depend on the type of roof chosen.

So, the process itself begins with the installation of rafters, which are fastened with roofing nails, metal plates, self-tapping screws and corners. Calculate the step based on the size of the rack (usually 40-100 cm). The span size is usually 2.5-5 m (depending on the section of the beams).

Each rafter should rest on a Mauerlat with a section of 10x10 cm, it must be fixed very firmly. Mounting methods may vary. Connect the rafter legs with serrated overlays. If the spans are more than 5 m, the installation of supports is necessary for the rafters.

crate under roofing depends on the choice of material. For example, when using a metal profile, a bar with a 50x50 mm section is used, and in the case of shingles, it is better to perform a continuous crate.

The correct flooring device guarantees the reliability of the roof truss system. The rafters are constructed from wooden beams with a step equal to the step of the wall frame racks. Do not forget to take into account the features of the type of roof that you decide to install. Installation of rafters for flat roof- the process is more complex and demanding special attention than for a gable roof. In the first case, the rafters carry a large load, and their step will depend on the slope of the roof.

As a ceiling for the roofs of frame houses, wooden beams are used, which have good strength. Plus, they are quite reliable and do not create a large load on the structure. Beams must be laid along a short span with a step that will be equal to the step of the frame racks.

Attention! Do not forget to take into account the load, beam section, spans and roofing material when calculating the pitch.

You can choose any roofing material, and yet the best option a metal tile is considered to be light in weight (therefore, it does not carry a large load on the roof), reliability, presentable appearance and easy installation.

Compliance simple rules and strict adherence to the recommendations will help you build a frame-panel house for short time and at a price affordable to you.

Video: How to build a frame-panel house?

We build a house from a bar with our own hands!

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