Projects of houses from a vertical bar. Vertical Beam Rack for House Construction Vertical Beam House Production

landscaping 29.08.2019

A bar is a log hewn on one or more sides, most often of a square section. Traditionally it is made from conifers wood - cedar, larch, spruce or pine.

Comparative characteristics of the technology of building a house from glued, double, vertical, profiled and ordinary timber

Glued laminated timber made from radially sawn wood. Then these cuts (they are also called lamellas) are dried to 10-12% moisture, and then glued together. After that, the blanks are given the usual square shape. The maximum possible length obtained using this technology is 18 meters.
It is stronger than ordinary, does not deform, is resistant to high humidity and fungus. It also has disadvantages, the main of which is the high price due to complex manufacturing technology.
An alternative to the traditional timber was the so-called double beam, whose name poorly reflects the true state of affairs. The technology with which Finnish manufacturers have learned to combine popular materials for the construction of main walls and partitions has provoked the appearance on the market of structures that look like solid wood timber. The reality is that it would be more accurate to call the structure a wooden sandwich wall. These are two boards placed on the edge with a thickness of 0.44 to 0.7 m and a height of up to 1.40 m.

The corners of the structure are mounted by cutting. Between the panels lay a heater - ecowool, mineral wool, polyurethane foam, flax fiber or chopped straw.
The main advantage of a double beam is good thermal insulation. The shrinkage percentage is 1-2%, so you do not need to wait six months after construction.

There is only one drawback - over time, some types of insulation become caked, forming cold cavities. But if you use ecowool, this does not happen.

The term " profiled" means the presence lock connection– profile various shapes. On one side of the workpiece there are grooves, on the other - spikes that perform guiding and fixing functions. This method guarantees a strong connection and excellent thermal insulation properties, since the crowns are interconnected very tightly. At the same time, the outer side of the beam is flat or rounded to simulate a structure made of logs.
Common types of profile connections:

  • comb, which is a design with several spikes;
  • profiles with one and two spikes;
  • "Finnish" profile, which is a deepened expanded groove on one side and several parallel spikes on the other. This design minimizes heat loss;
  • profile with beveled chamfers and others.

Peculiarity vertical bar in complex form. When building a house, logs from such blanks are fixed vertically. This technology reduces the shrinkage period after construction is completed.
Many cuts increase the thermal insulation properties of the material. In addition, it is lightweight, so you can easily install it yourself.

Heat loss during winter operation of the house for each type of timber

Heat escapes through walls, windows, roof. Part of the heat is lost through ventilation.
The most significant heat loss is through the walls of the house. Their value is higher, the greater the temperature difference in the house and on the street. The amount of heat loss directly depends on the thermal insulation properties of the material from which the house is built.
The thermal conductivity of a material directly depends on its density: the higher the density, the lower the thermal conductivity.

The wood species from which the blanks are made have different densities. You need to know this when calculating heat loss in winter.
When calculating the heat loss of a house from a bar, the term heat transfer resistance is used - a value that characterizes the heat-shielding properties of building envelopes.
This characteristic shows how much heat is lost for a given temperature difference through a square meter of wall.
Calculation according to the formula:
Q = S * ΔT/R,

where Q - heat loss;
R is the heat transfer resistance;
S - construction area;
ΔT is the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures.
The value of the variable R is in the construction guides - SNiP II-3-79.

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Practicality and cost of building a house (capital construction costs)

Ordinary timber is the most affordable. This is due to low manufacturing costs and relatively simple technology. Environmental friendliness and low cost are its advantages, however, a house made of such material needs insulation and decoration.
Profiled (vertical also applies to it) timber is made using complex technology in several stages. This type of lumber corresponds to strict parameters, the accuracy of sawing in production is maintained within 1 mm. This technology increases the speed and quality of building a house, but at the same time increases the cost.
The manufacturing technology of glued beams is complex and lengthy. It improves utilitarian characteristics, but increases the cost. Minus - the deterioration of air circulation and the presence of adhesives.
Double timber is cheaper than glued timber and warmer than profiled timber. Price square meter double beam is comparable to the cost of solid wood from logs 150 * 150 mm, but without insulation.

Name of the bar

no deformation;
resistance to fungus, high humidity and insect damage;
does not require finishing.

high price;
the use of adhesives, due to the poor quality of some of them, delamination of wood is possible.

They enjoy great success due to their high energy-saving qualities and environmental friendliness. It would seem that nothing new can be invented, but it turns out that this is not so. Today the site has collected for you interesting material about what constitute houses from a vertical bar.

Houses built using this technology have big choice design solutions. The vertical arrangement of structural elements allows you to choose any height of ceilings and complex wall configurations.

The customer may be offered a choice standard projects or you can create your own unique design building. Turnkey construction of houses from vertical timber is a successful and sought-after type of business. Here are examples architectural solutions buildings from a vertical beam:

What is the new technology of wooden housing construction from a vertical beam

The technology called Naturi was first tested in Austria about a hundred years ago. Now, thanks to the efforts of modern builders, it has been polished and brought to perfection.

Curvilinear cuts firmly connect the structural elements and at the same time practically do not shrink. Walls made of such material do not crack and do not deform under high load, and this allows you to increase the number of storeys wooden house up to 3 floors.

Requirements for materials for construction

The quality of the timber is an important component of successful construction. The most popular in this regard is larch wood. She is not afraid of temperature changes and almost does not deform from a long one. Another great option is cedar. Houses made of it will cost a lot, but as a bonus, you will get the healing effects of cedar wood.

Important requirements for a vertical bar:

  • absence of defects in the form of knots and cracks;
  • perfect drying, no more than 12 percent humidity;
  • strict geometric shapes.

Such houses can be treated with nothing from the inside and outside. The wood has a beautiful structure and can remain in its natural beauty.

Important! The technology of such construction requires factory processing of timber. You can't do it manually, so don't even try.

Before construction begins, all material is sorted.

What foundation is used for vertical timber houses

Wooden houses are relatively light in weight, so they do not require particularly durable and deepened. Traditionally, they are installed under such structures. In this case, the basement can be arranged in the house. The second most popular option for building a house from a vertical beam is a columnar foundation. The pillars are connected by a harness, on which it is mounted.

Important! The foundation for a wooden house must be equipped with reliable waterproofing so that moisture does not destroy the material of the walls.

What is the technology of building a house from a vertical beam

Assembling a house from a vertical beam is somewhat reminiscent of working with a children's designer.

It is important to control the vertical and horizontal planes using the building level

A feature of this assembly is that the corners have a monolithic structure. The whole assembly goes very quickly, the house can be assembled in a matter of days. Small air pockets remain inside the timber walls, which improve buildings.

Since the vertical glued timber has a very complex configuration of joints, the walls assembled from it are very strong. Additionally, the upper and lower edges of the walls are reinforced with tongues.

More about the technology in this video material:

For houses in middle lane Russia has enough material thickness of 18 centimeters. Given the minimum shrinkage period, the house can be occupied in 3-4 months.

Reviews of the owners about the advantages of houses from a vertical bursa

Each sandpiper praises his swamp, but practice shows that positive reviews about houses from a vertical bursa using Naturi technology are really fair. No wonder the innovation of the Austrians is spreading so rapidly around the world.

Happy owners of such cottages note short time construction and almost complete absence of shrinkage.

Such designs are distinguished by excellent energy saving. The vertical setting of the log does not allow wind and draft to penetrate through the walls. In general, the thermal conductivity of such a house is one and a half times lower than, for example, buildings made of cross-laid laminated timber.

When using this technology, there is no need to additionally lay or some kind of adhesive composition. Wood is located in its natural vertical position, and this gives additional advantages in finishing.

Disadvantages of vertical timber houses

It must be admitted that houses made of vertical timber are not without problems and shortcomings. Main disadvantage- the cost of the material. This is understandable, because the timber undergoes complex processing: it is dried according to special technology, make lock elements on it.

The second drawback worth mentioning is the impossibility of reusing elements. That is, such a house cannot be disassembled and assembled in a new place.

It is for this reason that it is so important to follow all the assembly rules, rework in case of failure will cost you too much.

Examples of projects and prices for vertical timber houses

From the vertical bursa, you can build classic buildings and houses with complex geometry. The designers of the developer company have a lot to offer interesting solutions. Architects suggest using moisture-resistant wood for the exterior walls, and healthy cedar or pine for interior walls.

Photo projects of houses from a vertical beam on the 1st floor

popular request owners From a vertical bursa, you can build the following houses:

There are several technologies for wooden housing construction, including the new Austrian Naturi technique. A vertical beam is used to erect the box. Wooden elements are made on special equipment. The complex geometric shape provides for the presence of special cuts located on four sides, a tongue-and-groove connection, and holes for dowels. Such buildings differ from the classic timber options in the assembly technique, operational characteristics and appearance.

Cottage built using vertical timber technology

Construction technology

Several layers of waterproofing are laid on the finished foundation to prevent moisture from entering the wooden elements. Racks are mounted in a vertical position to the lower and upper trim. The bottom row consists of a backing board laid in 2 rows. Holes are drilled in it for wooden dowels of round or square section 25 mm. The upper trim of boards with holes is fixed on beam supports located at some distance from each other. The installed vertical racks are connected to each other using such dowels, which are located along the length and on both sides - 2 fasteners in the upper part and 2 in the lower.

The docking points are closed from the inside and outside with curly planks, which are made from different types of wood. For the outer cladding, moisture-resistant and non-rotting larch is used, for the inside, cedar is suitable, which has useful properties. Finishing elements are fastened with a tongue-and-groove connection. The result is a massive and extra strong wooden box, resistant to wind and vertical loads.

On our website you can see the most popular projects from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Features of vertical timber houses

Increasingly for assembly wooden houses vertical bar is used. The new technology of wooden housing construction has a number of features:

    The assembly of vertical racks is carried out similarly to the Lego constructor. High accuracy of manufactured elements guarantees the speed of construction and the correct geometry of a wooden building.

    Naturi technology is based on the application of environmentally friendly clean materials- when erecting the box and for finishing are not used adhesive compositions, artificial insulation.

    The tree gives off not only heat, but forms air inside the room, which is saturated essential oils, which have a positive effect on respiratory organs person.

    elevated thermal insulation characteristics buildings are achieved by air gaps formed inside the vertical elements. Due to the complex shape of the profile and the tight connection of all elements, cold bridges are excluded.

    Vertically located beam has a low shrinkage rate - 80% less compared to other types of materials. Such a feature wall material from wood is explained by the fact that dimensional changes occur along, and not across the fibers. The walls are not subject to deformation even with seasonal temperature fluctuations.

The minimum shrinkage of the vertical beam allows you to start finishing work almost immediately after installation

    No need to create additional insulation, finishing outside and inside, thereby reducing the overall cost of construction.

    You can move into a house from a vertical beam immediately after finishing work is completed.

The durability of a house from a vertical beam depends on the quality wooden elements. The main thing is not only the absence of defects and knots, but also full compliance technological process drying. First, the timber is given natural drying under the influence natural environment, after which it enters a special chamber, where the moisture content of the wood is brought to 14% (not higher). On the construction site The material is delivered in thermally insulating packaging. After installation, the bars gain moisture from the air, swell and adhere to each other tightly, so that they cannot be separated. Wooden houses using Naturi technology cannot be dismantled.

Video description

Visually about the Naturi technology - houses from a vertical beam, see the following video:

The construction market has a large selection of house designs and prices

Buildings are being built according to Austrian technology no higher than 3 floors, more often erected two-storey house from a bar. Designers offer a wide variety of forms of houses from a vertical bar. Projects and prices are so diverse that they can satisfy the needs of both a large and a small family of two. The best option houses to choose from finished projects taking into account the features of the landscape and the size of a particular territory. We offer to view several options for a house made of timber: projects, photos are taken from the websites of construction companies.

Two-storey house with an attic

Two-storey house 9x15 m attic floor under the roof is made of vertical timber using Naturi technology. Foundation - strip foundation. Exterior trim elements made of larch 200x50 mm in size. load-bearing walls and internal partitions with a section of 200x200 mm are made of coniferous species. Interior decoration made of cedar planks. The roof is metal. The building is warm and spacious, suitable for a large family of 5-6 people.

House with a balcony

Project two-story house 8x12 m with a balcony made of vertical timber, made according to Austrian technology. Foundation monolithic slab. A larch underlayment board with a section of 200x50 mm is laid along the perimeter of the 1st floor. The material of the outer walls and internal load-bearing partitions consists of conifers. Vertical columns 200x200 mm in size. Humidity of a bar is not less than 12-14%. Floor beams 100x200 mm with a pitch of 600 mm in the axes. roofing material metal tile. The house is intended for a family of 3-4 people. Such a project, for example, is offered by IC "White Crane" - timber houses are its specialty. The price of the project is from 20,000 rubles, if you order turnkey construction, then the design is done free of charge.

Cottage with covered terrace

The original project of the house is an ideal solution for a site with a slight slope. Number of floors - 2, total area - 329 sq. m., terrace area - 102 sq. m. All external walls made according to Naturi technology from a bar 200 mm thick. Internal walls- frame execution. The project provides for 3 bathrooms, a garage, a shed. The residential building is bright and spacious. It can comfortably accommodate a family with 2-3 children and family members of the older generation.

Two-storey house with a covered terrace on a slope

Cottage with a combined roof: flat and shed

Modern residential building for permanent residence on a turnkey basis with large windows of 245 sq. m. Terraces occupy an area of ​​82 square meters. m. Ecological and functional housing stands out for its original architecture. The residential building can be used for permanent residence or as a summer residence. Suitable for a family of 2-3 people.

The price for the wall kit is from 3,560,000 rubles.

And if you plan a very small housing, you can build a house from a 6x6 timber, such houses are usually chosen for summer cottages, where a house is needed to take a break from the bustle of the city.

Video description

See the following video for more about houses made of vertical timber:

On our website you can also get acquainted with the most popular projects of wooden houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".


Residential buildings made of vertical timber are light, high-strength and comfortable for both seasonal and permanent residence. The assembly of the walls is completed in a few weeks. The technology is economical and profitable, which has become the main reason for its popularity among developers.

? It is these questions that arise before any developer who decides to build a house. And if stone buildings are traditionally associated with reliable and durable structures that practically do not shrink, then a cottage built of wood, despite the excellent microclimate, "l lives his life" for a long time, continuing to sit down and forcing their owners to delay finishing.

It is required to combine the strength of a concrete monolithic structure with the advantages of a wooden frame - until recently, most FORUMHOUSE users would say that this is impossible. But technology does not stand still - every year in Europe, the popularity of a new method of building a wooden house is growing - NATURI , or as it is also called, technology of building a house from a vertically installed timber.

The country - the ancestor of this technology is Austria, but it is known for certain that in Moscow vertical logs could be found 150 years ago. And if in our country this technology is still little known, then in countries such as Germany, France and Austria, this method of building wooden houses has gained a lot of fans. It cannot be said that vertical bar - so new technology wooden housing construction.

NATURI technology - Western approach

The creator of the technology is Georg Ganaus.

The Austrian was puzzled by the question - how can one build an energy-efficient and high-tech wooden house and at the same time get rid of such a significant problem as shrinkage. And, as the urban legend says, the solution to the problem was suggested to him by nature itself.

After all, a tree trunk, set up, can withstand a load 5 times greater than that laid horizontally.

It remains only to come up with a method of installation and solve another problem, namely, to save the wooden structure from such an operation as sealing gaps. Taking the production technology of glued laminated timber as a basis, Georg Ganaus improved it, having ensured that after the installation of a vertical beam, the wall turns into and has the appearance of a finishing coating.

In 2000, the first house was built using the new technology. NATURI.

How is the vertical laying of timber

The essence of this novelty in housing construction technology is this. The wall is assembled according to the principle of a puzzle from small bars. As you can see in the photo, the beam has a complex cross-sectional pattern, which allows using the connection system tongue/groove and additional fastening with a dowel, to assemble a wall of almost any thickness and shape.

With vertical laying, it is possible to create any curved surfaces, and due to the fact that a small gap remains between the bars, which contains air, the wall does not require additional insulation.

The vertical frame of a wooden house has great strength. This is achieved due to the fact that the tree, initially dry and containing a small percentage of moisture, enters the construction site in a special thermal insulation film, and after assembly it picks up a little moisture from the air and, swelling, the bars literally tightly adhere to each other.

It is easy to build using this technology, but, thanks to the above-mentioned feature, it is impossible to disassemble the house.

To fix a vertically installed beam in the foundation, two technological solutions are used:

  1. Technological holes are made in the foundation in advance - grooves into which a vertical beam can be installed, but this can lead to rotting of the lower ends, so the following method is most often used;
  2. A beam impregnated with fire and bioprotection is laid horizontally on the foundation - this is done so that the ends of the vertically installed beam do not rot. Then, a special board with holes for pins is fixed to this beam, called a crown crown, thanks to which the elements are fastened together

Vertical timber is a new technology for the construction of private houses made of wood. This construction technology came to us from Austria, where the climate is almost the same as ours, and maybe even more severe, especially considering the mountainous areas where snow loads longer and the winds are stronger.

A house built using this technology can be compared with energy saving house. That is, you get a durable and warm house. Not used in construction adhesive joints, no heater. Everything is done with natural wood. main idea- vertical position of the beam.

By placing the tree in a vertical position, we get rid of such unpleasant characteristics of wooden houses as shrinkage, shrinkage, etc. After the completion of the construction of the house, no supervision is needed, and after shrinkage work and modifications, there are no post-shrink jacks and sliding elements. According to the technological features, the house is similar to a stone one, but still remains wooden.

Wall elements are vertical bars with cuts that will not allow the tree to deform. The joints between the bars are closed with outer and inner segments. These are wooden planks that can be made from different types of wood, which allows you to use them with external and inside different breeds, which in turn allows you to save on construction.

The log itself is very light. For its installation, you do not need to use a crane or other lifting mechanisms. There are cuts in the log on four sides, this improves thermal characteristics material by filling them with air.

Installation is very easy, no heavy physical labor. In fact, the house can be manually moved from one place to another.

The walls are assembled on wooden dowels, that is, each log is fastened with a dowel from above and below and additionally four dowels along the length, two from above and two from below. This is also the disadvantage that it is impossible to build houses with an attic floor, only full floors.

Vertical beam. Video

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