Installation of timber imitation: video, do-it-yourself. How to fix an imitation of a beam: a small master class Finishing nails for imitation of a beam

Landscaping and planning 15.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

Imitated timber is called thin boards made from solid wood species. This product is characterized by low cost, long-term use and environmental friendliness.

The structures are equipped with special tongues and grooves, which greatly facilitate the process of their installation. That is why every owner of private housing who has opted for this type of facade decoration, knows how to fix an imitation of a bar.

An imitation of a bar is considered to be panels processed in such a way that they do not differ in appearance from natural facing material. The trapezoidal nature of the base allows them to imitate a beam.

This option for finishing the building is made from coniferous and deciduous wood. The properties of the false beam are close to the lining, but it is much more massive, and its front side is processed in a more thorough way.

Boards imitating timber are distinguished by the following positive points:

  1. Resistant to rot, climate change and insect attack.
  2. High coefficient of thermal insulation.
  3. Light weight, reducing the load on the facade surface.
  4. No cracking throughout the entire service life.
  5. The presence of grooves that contribute to the removal of condensate through the back of the panel.

Preparatory work prior to the installation of false timber

Initially, the material contains about 14 percent moisture. When bad weather conditions, providing high humidity, it may increase slightly, absorbing additional water.

Fastening the imitation timber immediately after purchase may lead to its further cracking and deformation, therefore, an initial week-long stay in the conditions in which it will be used in the future is useful for the simulated product. In other words, the boards must be freed from packaging and left for 7 days in the open.

It is advisable to spend this period of time on the manufacture of the crate. These are strong bars that are attached to the walls of the building in a vertical position with nails or screws. The distance between the elements is in the range from 40 to 60 centimeters.

Between the bars of the crate, materials intended for warming the house are laid. Then the process of installing the membrane is carried out, which performs the function of wind protection.

Types of fastening of a pseudo-beam on the facade surface

First of all, the boards are treated with a special antiseptic, which will significantly extend them. operational period. After that, the installation process begins, based on a movement from the bottom up, with a distance of 15 cm from the bottom of the facade.

Do-it-yourself installation of a beam imitation can be carried out in one of three ways:

  1. Fixing panels with nails. This technology is the simplest and cheapest. It involves the use of galvanized nails, which are driven into the boards through the spikes. However, this often leads to a violation of the attractiveness of the appearance of the lining and deformation of the product as a result of hammer blows.
  2. The use of screws and self-tapping screws. For successful installation of a material that imitates natural timber, self-tapping screws and screws are attached to the spike at an angle that is 45 degrees. Another variation is to drill holes in the front of the panel. All openings are subsequently filled with adhesive and isolated from prying eyes by using wooden plugs.
  3. Kleimer operation. This method is based on installation using stamped products made of steel. Installable brackets connect the panels to the guide rails by simple hanging. Despite the simplicity, this type of fastening is not popular because it does not guarantee 100% reliability.

Stages of installation of structures

Do-it-yourself imitation of a beam is mounted quite easily. It can be done without resorting to the help of professional builders. To do this, you just need to follow this algorithm:

  1. With the help of the water level, a line is beaten off corresponding to the location of the first board.
  2. The attachment of the first bar occurs from above and below.
  3. All subsequent structures are fastened using the tongue and groove technology and are fixed only at the top.
  4. A board located at the top of the facade in order to obtain right size, sawn with an electric jigsaw.
  5. The panel, installed in the corner of the building, is cut down at a 45-degree angle.
  6. The alignment of the joints is carried out on a vertical rail.

Strict observance of the above actions will allow even an amateur to understand how to properly fix the imitation of a beam.

If a year after finishing the house, the imitation of the timber is still firmly attached to the wall, then the fasteners were chosen correctly. But how to avoid annoying mistakes and do right choice in time? Read on for the detailed answer!

How to fasten imitation timber: an overview of existing solutions

Those who have never encountered this material are warned in advance: it must be mounted exclusively on the crate. This design provides ventilation inside and prevents wood decay. The crate is a flat and solid base that prevents warping due to seasonal changes in humidity - of course, only with sufficient strength of the fasteners.

The materials for the lathing, as well as the imitation of the beam itself, are best ordered from manufacturers, which include our company. In this case, you will receive lumber that did not have time to stale in warehouses and without intermediary margins. In addition to well-dried and tightly packed boards, you can always get professional advice from us.


The most ordinary nails securely hold heavy exterior finish but visible at close range. Although there are various tricks to disguise the hats, it is better to use a special version of this fastener.

Finishing nails with very small caps are designed specifically for finishing work. They are not hammered into the front surface, but into the spike at an angle of about 45 °. Thanks to this technique, no traces remain after the completion of the work and the result looks excellent. Screw nails are suitable for thick and heavy lumber. They create a much stronger connection and are also suitable for flush mounting.

self-tapping screws

Self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws are used by both professionals and amateurs. The greatest reliability is achieved when screwing them directly into the front surface. Hats are sunk, and then covered with a special solution, after which they become invisible even at close range. It can also be fastened with a secret method, screwing screws into the spike.

Outdoors, galvanized (yellow) screws are preferred. They have anti-corrosion properties and do not suffer from high humidity. When screwed directly into the plane of the board, they are much less noticeable than black ones. On sale, you can find special fasteners designed for wood paneling. They are equipped with a special tip that allows you to do without pre-drilling the hole.

If you were looking for an answer to the question of what is the best way to fasten an imitation of a bar, here it is: use self-tapping screws.

Clamps and building brackets

Hidden fasteners of this type are great for lining and other lightweight materials. They are unable to withstand the weight of a heavy imitation of timber, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of homeowners who are forced to redo and strengthen the skin. Since the clamps are attached under the groove, they can be used together with self-tapping screws, which are more convenient to screw into the spike. This approach will provide maximum strength, and the board will be pressed more evenly.

Liquid Nails

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Before finishing works many novice craftsmen want to know how to fix an imitation of timber inside or outside the house, as they make a choice in favor of this material. Such products are actually a variety wooden lining, therefore, all its qualities are inherent in it. Ecological purity and aesthetic appeal are especially appreciated by consumers.

Material base

Before fixing the finishing panels, it is necessary to prepare the surface properly. AT this case it is necessary to create an even and stable base that will not be subject to deformation. It is recommended to consider two basic options.

Lathing from boards or bars

Very often, fastening an imitation of a beam to a wall requires the creation load-bearing structure, since in most cases it is necessary to perform alignment.

As elements of the carrier system, bars with a different cross section or a thickness of at least 25 mm are usually used.

  1. Using the level, the most extreme racks are installed. If the wall is too uneven, then separate places pieces of wood are placed. When fixing, it is recommended to use self-tapping screws, since with their help you can pull out the elements of the crate;
  2. A string is stretched at the top, bottom and in the central part, along which the intermediate racks will be aligned. To do this, small screws are screwed in six places or cloves are clogged. The string used must be well taut;
  3. With a step of 40-50 cm, the remaining parts of the supporting structure are installed. Fasteners should be located at a distance of no more than 60 cm from each other. About 50 mm should be retreated from the floor and ceiling. In the presence of deflections in the lateral plane, it is necessary to use wood inserts.

If necessary, additional thermal insulation of the wall can be made using foamed polyethylene or mineral wool.
In the first case, the material is placed under the crate, and in the second - between its elements.

Racks frame structure

When erecting a new panel object finishing coating can be fixed directly to the elements of the finished frame. To protect the insulation, waterproofing is required. To create a ventilation gap, a control rail is usually mounted.

It's not news to anyone that the success of the designer's idea depends on the quality of the finish.

timber imitation

When it comes to interior design, design decision may be incorrectly implemented, because of which general atmosphere will be seriously harmed.

The decoration of the house in a rustic style, in which the room is simply overflowing with wood elements, is very popular today. In such a design, a very important role is assigned to the imitation of a bar, which can give the room a finished laconic appearance.

Imitation of a bar can be used for various reasons. Basically, it performs a decorative role, but it can also carry a completely functional load.

If the installation is done correctly, you will have the opportunity to zone the space, which will add even more extraordinaryness to your home. In the long years of service of the structure, there is no doubt at all.

Artificial timber is a high-quality, strong canvas that will not lose its attractive appearance during operation for many years.

The main types of material are shown in the table.

If you decide to sheathe a room with timber, and appreciate a lot of it positive qualities on merit, you most likely wondered how to fix an imitation of a bar?

Beam installation technology

Interior trim with imitation timber

A beam with imitation is a very unpretentious building material, the installation of which does not require you to have certain skills. Such an affordable do-it-yourself finish is easily implemented and is the main indicator due to which the material is so popular.

Do-it-yourself material installation has many similarities with lining fasteners, but needs less attention. But, some special nuances are still present.

After acquiring the material, he needs to acclimatize, for which it will be enough to withstand it for 7 days at rest. Such acclimatization is necessary so that during operation the material does not undergo excessive shrinkage. Also, such manipulations will simplify installation and it will be much easier to fix the canvas, after which it will last for many years.

Finishing the house with imitation of timber and its installation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. An insulation material is applied to the brick surface (where you plan to mount the timber). To do this, the sheets are overlapped using any technology that is most suitable for you. How you do this is not very important, because in the future the sheets will be fixed with a crate.
  2. Next, the wall must be sheathed with a crate, for which a beam with a square section of 30 mm is most often used. This size is the most popular, but this is not a rule, but just a recommendation. The crate must be fixed in increments of 40 to 80 cm in relation to each other. The step length depends on the length of the surface, as well as on the dimensions of the insulation sheets. Installation of the crate can be done in different ways, it all depends on the basis of the surface.
  3. Then the space that has formed between the bars of the crate is best filled with any insulator, which is most often used as mineral wool or foam. Since insulation is a very important and significant process in the construction of any residential building, it is premature to think about its quality, because in the future, after the decoration is completed, such a finish will not be available.
  4. Now it is worth taking care of protecting the structure from the winds. To do this, the house can be covered with a film, fixing its edges in any way possible.

When all preparatory work come to an end, you can proceed to the direct installation of the bar imitation.

To do this, the timber is laid from the bottom up, carefully leveling the base bar with a level. After that, it will only be necessary to stick to the horizon.

The beam should be fixed with a spike to the top so that the next board falls into the groove without much difficulty.

Finishing a house with a bar can be done different ways, but the most convenient and widely used is the following technology:

  • with a self-tapping screw, the mount is screwed into the spike, adhering to an angle of 45 o, after which the recess becomes absolutely invisible to the eyes;
  • the self-tapping screw is screwed from the front side of the board as deep as possible so as not to spoil appearance finishes;
  • the beam can also be fixed with nails, which should fall strictly into the grooves (such a finish is less attractive, but more durable);
  • you can sheathe a house in another way, for the implementation of which you will need kleimers.

The use of kleimers is the most convenient way, which is distinguished by its reliability and does not distort the external attractiveness of the building. Finishing the building with kleimers does not require a lot of experience: timber sheathing is done from the inside of the spike on each subsequent tier. As a result, after the work done, you will get a solid fixation of the bars without the use of additional fasteners.

Cost of work

Imitation of timber in the house

If you are not eager to do such elementary work with your own hands, you should take the help of professionals who provide highly qualified services in this area.

The cost of the installation work of the bar depends on the availability of building materials from the customer, as well as on the territory that needs to be arranged in this way.

Also, the cost may be affected by the fame of the performing company, the weather in which the work will be performed and the necessary time frame in which you require the delivery of the object.

If we evaluate pricing policy on the market for such work (which includes laying insulating material, installing battens, processing and painting), then on average their cost varies within 1,500 rubles per 1 m 2.

Of course, such a cost may seem a little overpriced, but the work will be completed in a very short time, and the company will vouch for the quality of the finish with its own head. As a rule, well-known companies freely provide a guarantee for the work performed for a sufficiently long period, which will be the key to your peace of mind.

One of the most beautiful, aesthetic and practical materials is wood. Recently, home decoration with imitation timber has become very popular.

With its help, the building is clad both outside and inside, while flat or rounded elements can be used.

For sheathing the house inside or outside are used wooden panels having different thicknesses.

After finishing with such material, people get the impression that the house is completely made of timber; it can be used to clad houses made of various building materials.

The main advantages of finishing a house with imitation timber:

  • this material has high thermal insulation characteristics, so you not only decorate, but also insulate the facade;
  • this is natural material, it is environmentally friendly and safe for human health, so it can be safely used inside the house;
  • the material is relatively cheap and with its help any building can be made to look like a wooden house;
  • used for finishing buildings made of a variety of building materials;
  • easy and simple to install;
  • has a long service life;
  • improves the soundproofing characteristics of the house;
  • has a small weight.

Among the disadvantages of imitation timber, the following should be noted:

  1. as it is wooden material, then it has a high fire hazard, to reduce it, the panels are treated with flame retardants;
  2. if the integrity of the structure is violated, then the material may begin to rot and deform, therefore, the house must be constantly monitored and defects that have appeared immediately eliminated;
  3. periodically it is necessary to treat the surface with antiseptics and open it with varnish. If high-quality materials are used, then such processing should be done every 5-8 years;
  4. if rare wood species are used, then the price of such products will be high.

Mounting technology

Panels imitating timber have special interlock connections, so their installation is simple and quick, and any home master can cope with this task.

To perform the work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • calculated number of panels;
  • timber with a section of 50x50 mm, which is used to create a crate;
  • beam section 25x50 mm for the counter-lattice;
  • suspensions;
  • jigsaw;
  • a hammer;
  • measuring instruments;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • kleimers, if the installation is carried out inside the building.

First, preparatory work is carried out, during which the surface of the walls is cleaned of dirt and dust.

After that, the installation of a wooden crate is carried out, for which bars with a section of 50x50 or 25x50mm can be used, it all depends on the thickness of the insulation. If the wall is flat, then the crate can be mounted directly on it, in other cases, the installation is carried out using suspensions.

On flat wooden walls the crate is fastened with self-tapping screws, in other cases, its installation is carried out using dowels.

A vapor barrier of the walls is necessarily carried out; for this, a special film is attached under the crate. They do this with an overlap, which should be 10-15 cm, and with the help of adhesive tape all joints are well glued.

Facade finishing

If the imitation of timber is mounted on the facade of the building, then heat-insulating material must be laid. For this, both rolled and matte materials are suitable.

Depending on the purpose of the building and climate zone, in which it is located, the thickness of the insulation may be different, but usually it is 50-100 mm. Thermal insulation material laid between the crate on the vapor barrier.

Outside, the insulation must be protected with a wind-moisture protective membrane and all its joints are again glued with adhesive tape.

After laying the moisture-proof film, it is necessary to install a counter-lattice on it, for this, bars with a section of 25x50 mm are used, it is needed to create normal ventilation of the sheathing material.

Some masters do not make a counter-lattice due to the fact that there are ventilation recesses on the panels, but they may not be enough to ensure normal ventilation, therefore wooden elements start to rot and fall apart.

Now you can proceed to the installation of panels, work starts from the bottom and moves up. The upper edge of the panel is attached to the crate with self-tapping screws, after which the groove of the next panel is put on the spike of the previous one and it is fixed again with self-tapping screws.

If it becomes necessary to screw the panel through, then the head of the screw is slightly recessed, after which it is covered with a mixture of varnish and sawdust, and when the composition dries, this place is treated with sandpaper.

If you purchased unpainted panels, then they must be treated with an antiseptic and varnish, it is better to do this before installation, since then it will be more difficult to paint over the joints.

Ways of fastening panels and creating joints, outside

Depending on the width and thickness of the panels used, their fastening can be done in several ways:

  1. anodized self-tapping screws through the panel itself, but after that it will be necessary to mask their hats with wooden inserts or putty;
  2. at an angle of 45 degrees into the spike of the panel, so that the material does not crack, it is recommended to make a hole first;
  3. with nails, in this case the panel will be able to move a little, and will not crack. The length of the nail or self-tapping screw should be such that it can enter the crate for 2/3 of its length;
  4. using clamps, but this method is suitable for panels of small thickness, so it is usually used indoors.

There are several ways to join boards in the corners:

  • by washing them down at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • with a decorative wooden block, it must be purchased separately;
  • with the help of boards interconnected by the letter "G".

If it becomes necessary to join the panels in length, then this can be done through a plank, which is equal in thickness to the skin or by washing down the edges at an angle of 45 degrees.

After doing installation work, the imitation of the timber is coated with a deep penetration antiseptic, allowed to dry, and then a decorative and protective coating of the desired shade is applied and everything is varnished, waxed or painted.

When conducting interior decoration two layers are enough paintwork, outside they need three.

How to mount indoors

The peculiarity of these works is that the use of insulation is optional, so you can take thinner bars or a galvanized profile.

If the walls of the room are even, then the imitation of a beam can be mounted without a crate, so you can save free space.

If the installation is carried out in a heated room, then the panels can be painted no earlier than a month after their installation, it takes time for them to dry out, after which small cracks will not form on the surface.


Since panels with a thickness of 16-21 cm are used indoors, their fastening can be done using clamps or self-tapping screws.

Reinforced climber

These are special metal elements in the form of a bracket that allow you to securely fasten the panels to the crate, while remaining invisible, the size of the kleimers (number) is selected taking into account the thickness of the rear groove of the panels.

Reinforced kleimer is suitable for fastening imitation timber both indoors and when cladding the facade.

self-tapping screws

In addition, imitation timber can be fastened with galvanized screws or self-tapping screws, as well as building, screw or finishing nails.


If you want to transform your home, make it beautiful and unique, while spending little money, carry out its lining.

At correct installation timber imitation, you will get an excellent result that will delight you for many years and all this will be done by hand.

Useful video

Sheathing the house with an imitation of timber in the video below:

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