Warming outside a wooden house with uneven walls. Materials, recommendations, installation scheme for warming a wooden house from the outside

landscaping 25.06.2019

- this is the placement of a thermal layer inside the wall frame. In some situations, it is necessary to minimize heat loss by supplementing the internal thermal insulation with an external one. We will figure out how and how to insulate a wooden house from the outside, evaluate the characteristics, features of operation and installation of different materials.

The specifics of the insulation of frame houses from the outside

In rapidly erected buildings using Scandinavian or American technology, the role of a heat insulator is assigned directly wall panels. The insulation is mounted between the racks of the frame and is covered with a rough sheathing - wood-fiber panels, OSB boards etc.

However, with poor-quality work, improperly selected thickness or density of the heat insulator, the house may not retain heat well. To reduce the cost of paying for energy resources and improve the indoor climate in winter, additional insulation is required.

A set of requirements is put forward for a heat insulator for external walls:

  1. Low thermal conductivity. Among the heaters, this property can boast of: polystyrene foam and mineral wool.
  2. Minimum water absorption. Despite the additional protection of the heat-insulating layer from water, the insulation, one way or another, will come into contact with water vapor. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a material with low hygroscopicity.
  3. Fire safety. It is optimal if the insulation has the ability to self-extinguish, does not contribute to the spread of fire and smokes little during combustion.
  4. Light weight. Frames are built on a lightweight foundation and are not designed for significant loads.

In addition, facade insulation for exterior finish at home should hold linear dimensions well and not shrink. Additional requirements: environmental friendliness and affordable cost.

The choice of thermal insulation: characteristics and features of materials

The best option for insulation for outdoor use in frame construction- basalt wool. The material is heat-efficient and fireproof, but quite expensive. With a limited budget, foam or extruded polystyrene foam with flame retardants is suitable.

Video: facade insulation in a "wet" way

Wooden buildings retain heat much better than concrete or brick ones. But they also need additional insulation . Everyone knows that wooden buildings eventually give shrinkage. At the corners and at the seams of houses, cracks and crevices form, through which cold from the street enters the house.

To prevent all this, it is necessary to insulate the outside, how and with what to do it - read below. It is also worth noting that proper thermal insulation help home owners save on heating. But in order to maintain the desired microclimate indoors and extend the life of the tree, it is necessary to choose the right materials for insulation.

Choosing wall insulation, keep in mind that any tree absorbs moisture well. Therefore, it must be processed impregnations. In order for the room to have a favorable microclimate, it is necessary to take care of good ventilation in the room.

If the air exchange in the room is disturbed, then this will lead to the swelling of the tree and the formation of fungi and mold on it. To prevent the above problems, you must:

  1. Insulate only dry walls.
  2. Choose vapor-permeable thermal insulation materials.
  3. Make and waterproof walls.
  4. Leave an air gap between the insulation and the finish.

Before you start warming, prepare well all work surfaces. They should be free of mold and dirt. If they need repair, do it in advance. And check that there are no harmful insects on the tree.

Attention: if you plan to paint wood in the future, then the sealant and paint must be vapor-permeable.

Also, before warming the house, you must carefully read wall composition.

Keep in mind that the technology of warming a house made of wood provides for the presence of:

  • vapor barrier;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing;
  • exterior cladding (read:).

It is hydro and vapor barrier that will protect the tree from excess moisture.

How to insulate a wooden house?

On modern construction market provided extraordinarily a large assortment heaters. But keep in mind, not all of them are vapor permeable. As a rule, for wooden buildings use:

  • extruded ;
  • polyurethane foam.

You can choose what kind of insulation it is better to insulate a wooden house from the outside by reading the characteristics of each of them below.

How to properly insulate with mineral wool

Mineral wool is an excellent choice. If you opted for this material, then you will not need special skills and abilities to apply. Since the whole workflow will be quite easy and simple.

For execution quality work you only need to stock up free time, necessary tools and consumable. Before work, carefully prepare the surface and properly calculate right amount consumable.


Wooden houses are subject to shrinkage. Therefore, they need to be insulated only a few years after the construction.

Considering specifications mineral wool is worth highlighting:

  • incombustibility of the material;
  • no deformation;
  • ease of installation;
  • harmlessness and environmental friendliness;
  • affordable cost;
  • long service life.

If you have chosen mineral wool to insulate your home, please note that this material:

  • requires additional protective equipment during work (respirator, gloves, glasses);
  • absorbs moisture, so you must first make high-quality hydro and vapor barrier;
  • will not protect the tree from the formation of mold and fungi. Therefore, the walls will have to be additionally treated with special antiseptics.

When choosing mineral wool, you need to consider that it happens:

  1. Basalt.
  2. Glass.
  3. Slag.

Each individual option has its own characteristics. Basalt cotton has a high degree of rigidity. This material is available in slabs, it is easy to cut with any tools and it is a pleasure to work with it.

Concerning glass cotton wool, it is produced in rolls. It is not always convenient to work with it, as glass fibers strongly irritate the skin.

slag cotton wool is the most inexpensive. If you choose this particular material, carefully consider the choice of the manufacturer. Since unscrupulous companies can use raw materials harmful to people in the manufacture of their products.

The benefits of foam

You can also insulate your home with foam. This material also has a lot of advantages. The main ones include:

  • ease and simplicity in work;
  • light weight of the material;
  • excellent heat and sound insulation qualities;
  • resistance to negative factors;
  • long service life.

On the surface of the foam will not form no mold or fungus. It is fireproof, harmless and perfectly copes with sudden changes in temperature and high humidity.

Important: fit given material butt to butt. Make sure your home is well ventilated to prevent mold from growing on the walls.

Extruded polystyrene foam and its positive qualities

Expanded polystyrene is also in great demand and popular for home insulation. This material is:

  • durable and reliable;
  • durable;
  • easy to work;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • affordable in terms of price.

Continuing to list the positive aspects of extruded polystyrene foam, it is worth highlighting such technical qualities, how: resistance to burning, excellent heat and sound insulation qualities, high specifications. Expanded polystyrene is also resistant to mechanical damage and heavy loads.


Expanded polystyrene must be protected from ultraviolet rays. It can also be damaged by rodents.

But the main distinguishing feature of the material is its moisture resistance. Thanks to this, when warming, you can not even do steam and waterproofing.

How to insulate with polyurethane foam?

Polyurethane foam also has a wide range of applications in the external insulation of buildings. This material has benefits, how:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • light weight;
  • high thermal insulation qualities;
  • resistance to mechanical deformations and heavy loads;
  • resistance to the appearance of fungi and mold;
  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness.

This material is completely non-toxic and does not harm human health in any way. It does not burn under any circumstances and is universal. It is used not only for wall insulation, but also for attics and other similar premises.

Calculation of the thickness of the insulation

For effective insulation wooden house must be properly calculated heat insulator thickness.

Otherwise, an incorrectly selected thickness of the material will lead to condensation and dampness appearing on the walls of the building.

And too large a heat insulator will lead to a violation of the air circulation inside the room. Each manufacturer specifies necessary information for the consumer on their packaging.

note: the lower the thermal resistance of the wall, the larger the layer of heat insulator should be.

The main ways to insulate a wooden house from the outside

Technology Well

This technology can be called the most effective, but rather labor intensive and costly. It is most often used for brick buildings. This method consists in the fact that the heat insulator is attached to the facade by any convenient way, and a wall is attached to it.

This technique is used in places with severe climatic conditions where the air temperature drops below 50 degrees. Recently, this method has been used quite rarely, but it can also be used to insulate a wooden house.

Wet adhesive technology

This technology is most suitable for houses built from round logs and timber. For this you need to use external plaster in several layers.

This method is carried out in sequences:

  1. We carry out preparatory work.
  2. We fix the heater.
  3. We apply an adhesive mixture to the heat insulator and fasten the reinforcing mesh.
  4. We plaster the surface several times.
  5. We apply the finishing decorative layer.

To benefits such a method is worth mentioning.

Before insulating a wooden house from the outside, you need to correctly select all the materials. The building made of wood has its own characteristics. First of all, it is worth remembering why wood still retains its popularity. There are several reasons for this:

  • good thermal performance;
  • providing a comfortable microclimate in the building;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • safety;
  • the ability to pass air (the tree "breathes").

The insulation of a wooden house from the outside should be chosen so that all materials do not reduce the useful properties of wood. But sometimes it is difficult to do so. To choose a good insulating material, you will need to spend your time and study the basic information on the issue.

pie wall

Before insulating a wooden house from the outside, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the composition of the wall. After that, you can start choosing all necessary materials. The technology of warming a wooden house from the outside provides for the following layers:

  • vapor barrier;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing;
  • outer cladding.

Vapor barrier and waterproofing are required to protect the material from moisture. Many types of thermal insulation are destroyed or cease to perform their function when exposed to water.

The choice of insulation

What is the best way to insulate a wooden house from the outside? The most popular materials in the construction market are:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam or Penoplex.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages that you need to consider before deciding how and with what to insulate your own home.


Insulating a wooden house from the outside with your own hands in this case will be the cheapest. It can be bought almost everywhere. There are different types depending on the strength. Polyfoam has good thermal insulation performance, but the disadvantages include:

  • combustibility;
  • low strength;
  • resistance to mechanical damage.

Insulators for the walls of a wooden house of this type are not recommended for one reason: the foam practically does not let air through. This means that everything beneficial features wood, for which it is so valued as a material for the construction of cottages, are fading away.

Insulating a house made of wood with polystyrene foam is a rather pointless procedure. Yes, the room will be warm, but at the same time, the temperature and humidity regime will be disturbed due to lack of ventilation. The natural air exchange in the room is blocked, the arrangement of forced ventilation or air conditioning is required. Both options involve additional (and not small) costs, both during the construction process and during the operation of the building.

Also, the foam needs careful protection from moisture. Manufacturers claim that insulation wooden walls Styrofoam doesn't absorb water, but it doesn't. The polystyrene beads themselves are resistant to moisture, but it can accumulate in the space between them. Freezing water expands. The well-known law of physics does not apply here: water is the only substance that increases in volume with increasing temperature.

As the water expands, the pressure inside the material increases. This will eventually cause the styrofoam to crumble into individual balls in the first or second winter. To replace the external insulation will have to make a lot of effort and spend money.

Extruded polystyrene foam

To perform the insulation of the walls of a wooden house from the outside, you can consider using Penoplex. It is the closest relative of polystyrene, but is devoid of most of its shortcomings.

First of all, warming wooden houses this material is more durable. Penoplex is resistant to stress and mechanical damage. The second positive property is moisture resistance. The material is not afraid of moisture. This insulation for walls and ceilings can be used even without vapor barrier and waterproofing.
The benefits can also include:

  • high energy efficiency;
  • ease of installation;
  • ease of processing;
  • safety and environmental friendliness.

It is not recommended to use Penoplex for houses outside, but it will become ideal option for coverings. Such material is not afraid of loads. On top of it, it is enough to make a cement screed with a thickness of 30-50 mm. It can be used both for the floor of the first floor, and for attic floor. Also, very often expanded polystyrene is bought for floor insulation on the ground.

Mineral wool

What kind of insulation is better to protect the walls of the building? The answer here will be unequivocal. Both for the old wooden house and for the new one the best option will be mineral wool. It not only allows you to save the beneficial properties of wood, but also smoothes out its shortcomings.

If you insulate the walls of a wooden house from the outside with mineral wool, you can prevent a fire. Most of the materials in this group are non-combustible. This property distinguishes cotton wool from polystyrene and polystyrene foam.

Wall insulation in a wooden house outside with mineral wool conducts air well. When using it, you do not need to resort to additional ventilation measures: with the right choice of finishing material, the walls will continue to “breathe”. But this very finishing needs to be given special attention, otherwise you can ruin everything at the last stage.

You can insulate the walls of a wooden house using different types material:

Vapor barrier and waterproofing

How to properly insulate a wooden house from the outside? It is important to firmly remember one thing: the vapor barrier is laid from the side warm air, and waterproofing from the cold side. Both the outer and inner material can be produced in the form of films and membranes. For a building made of wood, it is recommended to choose the latter option. The films practically do not let air through, and the membranes “breathe”.

Arrangement of steam, wind and moisture insulating layers

Before insulating an old wooden house from the outside, it is worth checking the condition of the walls, ceilings and roofs, and if necessary, reinforcing them and protecting them from mold and fungus. A combination of such measures will extend the life of the building. Also, the insulated structure must be cleaned of dirt and dust.

At internal insulation There are many shortcomings, including costs First of all, isolate the formation of condensate. Therefore, your house, especially a wooden one, should be insulated from the outside - in this case, the internal temperature of the walls will drop very slowly. The location of the cold zone in this case will fall on the inside of the insulation, so it will not touch the wooden walls.

It is better to combine home insulation with vapor barrier material installed from the inside - this will not only prevent the penetration of cold from the outside, but also prevent condensate from accumulating in the structure and destroying it. As a result, the house will be warm, and the humidity level will always be normal.

Note! Between wooden wall and a heater should always leave a small air gap, otherwise mold will appear there and the structure will collapse sooner or later.

The modern building materials market offers a wide range of insulation, among which everyone can choose the appropriate option both in terms of quality and cost. The most popular of them today is mineral wool, so let's start with it.

The main advantage of this material is fire safety, which, in fact, makes it so popular. Moreover, mineral wool provides good ventilation, prevents the formation of rot and fungus, and also conducts heat very well.


  • the material easily loses its original shape;
  • it is short-lived - after a year of operation, almost half of the properties are lost.

The average cost of a cubic meter of mineral wool is approximately 1,500 rubles. This figure varies in one direction or another depending on the manufacturer and the technical characteristics of the material.

Another option that you can resort to when insulating a house made of wood. Styrofoam consists of many granules filled with air, which provides lightness and good thermal insulation.


  • excellent soundproofing properties;
  • long service life;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to deformation and decay;
  • high density;
  • resistance to temperature changes.


  • environmental insecurity;
  • prone to rapid fire.

But the main disadvantage of the material can be considered that it cannot be used for insulating wooden houses due to poor vapor permeability and.

A square meter of foam plastic costs from 50 to 300 rubles, depending on the thickness and the manufacturer of the spruce.

Penoplex is also widely used in the insulation of buildings. It is produced by extrusion, as a result of which a material of a homogeneous consistency is formed. The advantages of the material include:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • incombustibility;
  • safety;
  • ease of use;
  • water-repellent characteristics (due to the fact that there are no micropores in the cells);
  • the ability to withstand heavy physical exertion;
  • durability, resistance to decay;
  • low thermal conductivity.


  • upon contact with solvents of organic origin, the material is destroyed;
  • there are difficulties in trimming and fitting;
  • Vapor resistance can sometimes be more of a minus than a plus.

A cubic meter of foam plastic costs about 4,000 rubles. Warming a wooden house with such material is effective, but very expensive.

Note! If you want to insulate your home and protect it without spending a lot of money on it, then it is recommended to pay attention to mineral wool. It is on the use of this material that the technology below is based.

Isoplat is made from coniferous trees and no chemical binders are added. Due to this, the plate does not dry out and does not deform over time. In addition, Isoplat is environmentally friendly and as effective as the tree itself.


  • thermal insulation: 12 mm board = 44 mm solid wood
  • sound insulation from -23 dB
  • elasticity: the plate fits snugly to the frame, breaking cold bridges at the joints
  • vapor permeability: the plates remove excess moisture from the wall, preventing the formation of fungus and mold in the house
  • ease of installation: Isoplat is pressed against the wall and nailed, a ventilated facade is installed on top and that's it. No more materials and work will be required.
  • paraffin impregnation: protects walls from atmospheric moisture
  • 100% eco-friendly


  • - a higher price compared to other materials, but it will pay off, since Isoplat is guaranteed to "work" for more than 70 years and no alterations will be needed.

The first stage of work is to prepare necessary tools and building materials.

What will be required in the work

When warming a house you will need:

  • mineral wool;
  • scotch;
  • wooden slats(250mm thick);
  • nails;
  • polyethylene film;
  • staples;
  • boards, approximately 10x5mm;
  • slats, 5x3 cm;
  • waterproofing.

And now - directly to work.

First stage. Surface preparation

At the end of the installation, the outer walls of the house will remain closed, so for a start they should be protected from harmful microorganisms and decay. For this purpose, special compounds are applied to the surface, which must be allowed to dry completely. Usually it takes a little time and after a few days you can start installation.

Second phase. vapor barrier

Wooden houses are good because they do not need a layer of air between the vapor barrier and outer surface walls. For this reason, you can immediately attach polyethylene film. Wooden slats are nailed to a flat surface (about every meter), to which a layer of vapor barrier is attached with brackets. This distance is necessary to ensure proper ventilation. Holes are made at the bottom and top between the slats to eliminate the possibility of moisture accumulation and increase the intensity of air circulation.

The points of attachment of the film to the rails must be sealed with adhesive tape, which will protect the insulation from moisture penetration.

Third stage. Frame construction

Next, you need to create a framework. The boards should be nailed, being installed "on edge", with a step of 1.5-2 cm less than the width of the insulation board. By the way, mineral wool has sufficient rigidity to be placed in a frame without additional fasteners. In any case, the sheets of material will not slip.

Note! Professionals advise to install in our climate zone two layers of insulation. It is characteristic that the joints between the plates of the first and second layers should not coincide.

Fourth stage. Waterproofing

The final stage of work is the installation of waterproofing, designed to protect the insulation from moisture penetration. The membrane is ideal for this - its special structure provides air access, thus creating additional ventilation, and at the same time does not allow moisture to pass to the mineral wool.

The waterproofing must be attached to the frame in the same way as the vapor barrier. At the joints, this creates a 2-centimeter overlap. The joints themselves are glued with adhesive tape to ensure tightness.

Fifth stage. Ventilated facade

If you do all these procedures, then a ventilated facade is created in parallel. It is designed to circulate air currents between the waterproofing and the outer layer of the surface finish. For this reason, it is necessary to create an additional frame layer. A similar crate is being constructed, but this time the slats are used in a different size - 3x5 cm. A fine-mesh iron mesh is installed at the bottom of the frame, which will prevent the penetration of insects and small rodents.

Sixth stage. Facade decoration

What material will be used in the decoration of the facade depends entirely on the design features, financial capabilities and personal wishes of the owner. For example, to give the house an attractive appearance, can:

  • sheathe with clapboard;
  • finish it with facade tiles;
  • sheathe with boards;
  • build vinyl siding.

by the most suitable option siding is considered, but when installing it, you need to follow some rules.

  1. First of all, when finishing with siding, you should move from the bottom up.
  2. Be sure to leave a gap of 1 cm between the panels of the material.
  3. To fix the siding, you must use nails or self-tapping screws.

Possible mounting options

Before you start warming a wooden house, you need to find out what its load-bearing capacity is. When building simple frame buildings predominantly used strip foundation. Therefore, in this case, it will be necessary to install an additional plinth, made in the form of a strip under the lining. It is desirable that the base is directly connected to the foundation.

The insulating layer is attached to the frame, we have already talked about this.

Sometimes, when insulating, a hinged frame is used, for the manufacture of which perforated profiles from aluminium. Also, external walls can be insulated with light materials, for example, pressed flax or wood chips. Of course, the effectiveness of these materials cannot be compared with mineral wool or foam.

As a conclusion

High-quality heaters are available today to every owner of a wooden house. If all the work is carried out correctly, the result will be not only a cozy atmosphere, but also significant budget savings. Moreover, such a house will look beautiful and presentable - in any case, the owner will have something to be proud of.

Video - Insulation of the walls of a wooden house

Warming a wooden house with your own hands is a difficult, time-consuming task, but doable. In the presence of quality system heating buildings made of durable wood do not need additional insulation. The tree itself retains heat well inside, through it heat exchange with external environment passes much more slowly than through a brick. But still there are situations when it is impossible to do without insulation of the facade.

under construction modern building, it is difficult to imagine without the use of innovative thermal insulation materials. Our houses are literally wrapped in heat-insulating structures. Heaters are designed to create additional comfort in the room , save heat, save our financial resources by avoiding unnecessary heat consumption. And of course, heaters together with vapor barrier films contribute significantly reduce the impact of atmospheric phenomena, extending the life of our homes.

When is it necessary to insulate walls?

Insulation of a wooden house from the outside is advisable to carry out under the following conditions:

  1. The gaps between the logs of the walls are poorly sealed, drafts enter the house, enhancing heat exchange with the external environment.
  2. The thickness of the wood used is not enough to keep the heat inside the room. As a rule, walls made of thin timber or logs with a small section are subject to insulation in this case.
  3. If the house is built from still raw wood, during the drying process it can be deformed in some areas. This leads to the expansion of the gaps between the elements of the wall. Heat is dissipated through them.
  4. An incorrectly selected method of joining logs or timber on the crowns ensures the formation of cracks.
  5. A house set on soil with a low bearing capacity is prone to subsidence. This may cause cracks to appear.

How and with what to insulate the facade of a wooden house?

Construction country houses provides for the stage of facade insulation and interior spaces. This event helps to reduce the amount of resources consumed heating system while maintaining optimum temperature in a dwelling. Its implementation begins with the definition of the material used to build the walls. Masonry is equipped with foam or technical wool. These products are fixed with dowels attached to the surface like a crate.

To leave a ventilation gap, it is not recommended to fit the fixed plates very tightly. But most people prefer to build houses from natural wood. The centuries-old popularity of this material is due to environmental safety, ease of processing and other positive properties. To wooden structure became suitable for permanent residence, its outer side is subjected to insulation operations, carried out according to special technological rules.

How to insulate the facade of a wooden house?

If the building was erected using wood, the outer part of the wall is lined with a material that has the ability to "breathe" and maintains a healthy interior microclimate. Arrangement of free spaces intended for circulation fresh air, prevents moistening of the structure by condensates. reproduction small pests slowed down by antibacterial impregnations, and the minimum self-ignition temperature parameter is increased by flame retardant compounds.

Detected gaps are carefully filled with a quality substance. polyurethane foam. The gaps between the details of the pre-built battens are equipped with mineral wool vapor barrier boards. Laying a waterproofing layer will block the path of moisture to the elements of the insulating structure. The extension of the outer cladding occurs through the installation of siding panels, wooden lining and other similar coatings.

How to insulate the facade of the building?

The modern construction industry is constantly evolving, periodically generating new Decoration Materials. A special kind of mineral wool boards has recently appeared on sale. The surface covered with them is allowed to be treated immediately plaster mixture, ignoring the preparatory operations and the installation of additional coatings. When insulating a wooden house, some craftsmen use a special liquid. After filling the internal cavities of the wall, it gradually hardens upon contact with air masses.

The formed layer reliably seals cracks, blocks the way for drafts, and retains thermal energy inside the premises. The final stage suggests treating the surface with a paint and varnish substance or plaster composition. Experts recommend not to use facade pigments during the insulation of a wooden building, the correct implementation of which will preserve a cozy atmosphere in the premises during the onset of the cold season.

Basic moments. Warming of a wooden house.

Warming wooden buildings carried out no earlier than 2-3 years after graduation construction works. Complete subsidence of the house is the main condition before starting finishing work. Otherwise, when the structure is deformed, the insulation may also be damaged. As a result, all the work will go down the drain.

The complexity of facade insulation depends on the type of wood used in construction. Wooden house outside having a roan external wall made of timber is much easier to equip with insulation than a log structure. Special attention when choosing a suitable heat-saving material, it is necessary to pay attention to its vapor permeability.

Do not regret the time spent on the crate of the facade of a wooden house, in the future, when carrying out work on insulation, this will not only help save time on installing insulation, but also facilitate all stages of work.

Do not forget that in order to protect the insulation from wind, atmospheric moisture, snow and other negative phenomena, as well as to remove vapors resulting from human activity, it is necessary to use the Izospan type. As it turned out, anyone, even the most the best insulation protecting our home, itself requires protection from moisture and wind.

Carrying moisture into wooden houses is at least important point than keeping warm. The most suitable option in this case is a combination of mineral wool and special film membranes.

Stages of work

All work on the insulation of the facade of the house is carried out in strict accordance with the following scheme:

  1. First, all the walls that will be covered with insulation are abundantly impregnated with moisture and fire retardant mixtures.
  2. After the walls have completely dried, the frame is made of wooden blocks. A heater will be fixed on it. The distance between the bars depends on the size of the insulation sheets.
  3. The material is placed in the niches of the frame. It should enter tightly, but without excessive pressure on individual areas. To fix the sheets, it is best to use dowels with a flat wide cap.
  4. The insulation layer is covered from above with membrane waterproofing. She must combine good protection from moisture and easily pass air inside.
  5. Rails are nailed along the frame beam, which increase the strength of fixing the sheets.
  6. From above is carried out final finishing clapboard, siding or other materials.

What is the best way to insulate a wooden house from the outside?

The market is literally filled with dozens of offers trading companies with colorful names - the best insulation. Insulation of a wooden house begins with the choice of insulation. When getting acquainted with the material, it is necessary to pay attention and be guided by such a characteristic as vapor permeability. For warming a wooden house, cellulose or mineral options, or a material called ecowool, are best suited.

in the insulation of wooden houses

Insulation contains rocks.The binding material is formaldehyde resins and other components. Stone wool stably endures high temperatures - up to 580 ° C, without changing its physical characteristics.

Low thermal conductivity and high vapor permeability create near ideal conditions for use, and warming a wooden house becomes an easy task.

Sold in the form of plates or rolls, for arranging drowning it is better to choose the most dense version of this material with an index of pzhv 175 or pzhv-200. The advantages of insulation include the fact that production work is carried out without special protective masks or gloves.

Modern material does not generate dust, does not irritate human skin, does not crumble over time. Insulation of a wooden house on the example of the use of stone wool from the company ROCKWOOL, watch the video:

Stone wool retains its shape well; when laying, it is easy to install even without a frame of the facade battens.

Mineral glass wool in the insulation of wooden houses

Second good decision insulation of the facade of a wooden house is one of the most famous and common types of insulation -. The composition of mineral wool is complex and consists of intertwined fibers of molten glass, rocks, and metallurgical slag.

Cotton wool is characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties, low hygroscopicity, and low thermal conductivity. Glass wool is easy to cut and install, even a novice can handle the work without difficulty, inherit to take precautions, be sure to use gloves and a face mask.

The indisputable advantage of mineral wool is the fact that mold or fungus does not spread in it at all and no living microorganisms start. All insects, ants, and bugs bypass this material far away. In addition, mineral wool does not contain toxic substances harmful to humans.

Due to the fact that mineral glass wool has a low cost, it is often used in works as an economy. financial resources. The material does not burn and is resistant to aggressive chemical environments.

Ecowool in the insulation of wooden houses

Ecowool is nothing more than ordinary paper and cardboard waste, pulp industry. Improvement in the properties of ecowool fiber is achieved by adding various antiseptics and flame retardants to cellulose.

Ecowool absorbs and releases moisture without changing the thermal insulation properties. The advantages of the material include good sound insulation, lack of vibration, resistance to the appearance of condensate, and also it does not emit hazardous substances for human health. Antiseptics that are found in ecowool fibers resist the reproduction of insects and other microorganisms.

The main negative point when working with ecowool is the laying technology. Firstly, the installation for supplying ecowool requires serious work skills, and secondly, the equipment is quite expensive. Of course, you can lay ecowool manually, but it will take too much time, and the distribution over the surface will be uneven and physically costly.


Wooden houses in Russia traditional look housing construction. Houses serve for decades, and sometimes overcome the age-old milestone. However, the time comes when the walls of the house dry out under the influence of time and lose their protective heat-insulating function. In connection with the “blowing” of heat from the dwelling, heating costs increase significantly.

The solution to extend the life of the house, and increase the thermal conductivity of the walls, are modern methods insulation. Best to use mineral heaters that have stood the test of time. Experts agree that today, stone wool is best suited for these purposes. For decades, stone wool has proven its benefits.

Finally. I would like to add that experts advise avoiding the use in work on the insulation of wooden houses. The fact is that artificial materials usually have poor vapor permeability. As a result of its use, they, as it were, completely seal the facade wall and create an obstacle to ventilation, this prevents the tree from “breathing”.

Complete sealing can lead to rotting wood, or at least the appearance of mold inside the house. The insulation of a wooden house and the use of polyurethane foam materials are not compatible, it is not only dangerous for the entire building, but can also be a threat to the health of households.

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