A personal example of the construction of a frame country house: from the foundation to the roof. Do-it-yourself country house, how to build a country house, useful tips To build a country house yourself

Engineering systems 30.08.2019
Engineering systems

A country house can only be the first stage of a new life surrounded by nature. Behind him it is quite possible to master the construction of a large cottage. One-story frame country house- the best option for those who want to have convenient and comfortable economy class housing, built with their own hands. Such a structure can be built in just one season.

Foundation for giving

Boards are securely fastened to the roof frame and to the roof ridge. The distance between them can reach one meter.

crossbars, in checkerboard pattern, stingray boards are attached. The crossbars are located at a distance of half a meter from each other.


When the frame of the house is ready, you can proceed to the sheathing work.
. On the outside of the dwelling, it is often made of pressed moisture resistant sheets of which are fixed on the frame in a checkerboard pattern. At the joints between them, additional crossbars are installed.

Sheets are connected at the level of racks. From the inside, the frame is upholstered with boards or all the same plywood, according to the same principle as outside. Insulation sheets are placed between the inner and outer skins. In this capacity, you can use a variety of suitable material.

All wood used for panel country house, must be carefully treated with special anti-rot, and other damage. The ceiling frame is sheathed using the same technology as the house. From the bottom of the ceiling, you can start the finishing sheathing.


The roofing material should be determined even before the installation of the frame for the roof. After all, the adjustment of the installation of cross-beams and rafters in the frame should be carried out precisely under it.

It is far from always on a summer cottage that it makes sense to build a capital house suitable for living both in summer and in winter time. If the size of the plot is small, and the house itself will be used only for a short rest, then it makes sense to stop at the option of a small, pretty house. In addition to saving finances, this will also significantly speed up construction.

Ways to build country houses

The labor intensity, price and time spent on construction are highly dependent on the material chosen and the size of the house.

The following construction methods can be used:

  • brick building. It is used mainly for medium-sized houses, characterized by enough at great expense time. For small house there is no special use;

  • buildings from monolithic concrete - practically not used, especially for small buildings;
  • frame construction- can be called a universal technology, it is used both for the construction of small change houses, and for the construction of large two-story houses;

  • country houses from block containers- allow you to completely eliminate the construction stage, you just need to work with metal, cut holes for windows and doors.

Features of the placement of a country house

In relation to the development of the site, one should be guided by such standards as:

  • SNiP 30-02-97 - the issues of planning and location of individual buildings were considered, the project of a small country house is being prepared mainly taking into account this document;
  • SP 11-106-97 - concerns the legal side of the issue (development, coordination, approval).

The location of the building must take into account the requirements fire safety and sanitary and hygienic requirements.

Note! Fire distances should be taken into account only in relation to houses located on different sites.

Fire distances depend on the building material used. So, if the house is built of stone and reinforced concrete, then minimum distance between houses in neighboring areas should be 6 m. But in the case frame house using flame retardant building materials this distance increases to 10.0 m.

As for sanitary and hygienic standards, even a small country house should be located on the right distance, for example, from cesspool, compost heap, wells, outbuildings, etc. For example, the distance to the toilet should be at least 12.0 m, and to the bath or shower - 8.0 m.

frame construction

Briefly, this technology can be described as follows - a structure frame is created from beams and wooden planks, then the frame is sheathed. After that, only the interior and exterior finishes remain. Moreover, the technology does not change much, regardless of whether a small house is being built for a summer residence or a large building.

What should be the foundation

Since the load on it will be minimal, it will not even be necessary strip foundation. Its role is rather not to perceive a significant load, but to raise the structure above ground level. This must be done in order to protect the tree from decay.

Under small buildings a columnar foundation can be made not even from concrete or brick columns, but from dug into the ground wooden beams. Of course, the durability of such a structure is lower than that of concrete or brick, but the price of such a foundation is minimal.

Note! In this case, the part of the column located in the ground must be impregnated protective compounds and wrapped in waterproof material.

Installation of the lower trim bars

Small country houses weigh very little, so if bottom harness not securely fastened, the structure can easily slide off it, for example, in strong winds.

You can go two ways:

  • use anchor bolts;
  • leave reinforcing outlets in the concrete of the columnar foundation itself. Then in the bar you will need to make a hole equal to the diameter of the reinforcement and simply put the bar on it. The excess metal is simply cut off. This method is useful in that the bars can be easily replaced during repairs, just raise the houses above them.

As for the corners, the bars are connected to each other “in a paw”, with more complex options no point in messing around. For added strength, both beams are connected with wooden dowels. Lags are laid for the floor.

Frame installation

The frame for a small house in the country is made of beams (10x15, 15x15 or 10x10 cm) - installed in the corners, the upper trim is also made from them, wooden planks (4x10 cm) - suitable for logs, rafters and floor beams, as well as wooden planks ( for example, 8x3 cm) - for frame racks.

The installation instructions look like this:

  • racks of beams are installed in the corners; for greater strength, they are put on the dowel connecting the beams of the lower harness. Additionally, they can be fixed with metal corners;

  • racks can be attached to the bottom trim either only with metal corners, or by complete or incomplete cutting;

  • the bars of the upper trim give rigidity to the structure;
  • floor beams are laid;

  • rafter system is mounted;
  • frame is being sheathed.

Note! The frame racks are fixed with temporary braces for the construction period, then they are removed and permanent braces are installed.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the roof. Since the load on the truss system will be small, you can use a hanging truss system.

In this case, the load will be transferred to the walls of the house. The crossbar is responsible for the rigidity of the rafter frame.

Container Houses

Ordinary shipping containers can turn into beautiful little summer cottages. At the same time, the size of the building is limited by the size of the container itself; if desired, several containers can be combined at once.

All work in this case is reduced to the transportation of the container and its external and interior decoration. When ennobling a conventional container, it is enough to simply cut holes in the metal for windows and doors, while metal must be left in the corners, otherwise the rigidity of the structure will be insufficient. If there is a problem with the power supply at the site, then renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will help.

From the inside, you will definitely need to warm the house. This must be done even if accommodation is planned exclusively in warm weather. The fact is that the heat insulator is also a good sound insulator.

The frame for insulation is assembled from wooden bars, and the space between them is filled with any suitable material, there are no special restrictions. Styrofoam, mineral wool, mineral wool boards, etc. can be used.

Note! The container can easily be stolen, so that this does not happen, it is advisable to weld its lower part to the foundation pillars.

The result is a structure that is quite suitable for living. As for size, even the smallest country house it is quite capable of providing a comfortable overnight stay for 2-4 people, this is quite enough for an average family.


There is a small house in almost every suburban area. Every summer resident can build a small country house with his own hands, and the information in this article will help determine the optimal construction technology. The focus is on frame technology, as the most promising for solving such problems ().

The video in this article shows the process of building a small country house.

The need to build a compact house may arise due to different reasons. For example, such a small design is perfect for placement in a summer cottage that is not used for permanent residence. In a small house it will be possible to change clothes comfortably, fold things and spend the night.

Of course, ready-made change houses are sold on the market, but the quality of their workmanship often leaves much to be desired, and the cost is definitely overpriced. For the same money, you can build a great little house on your own.

Nothing complicated in self construction no compact design. Follow the guide and everything will definitely work out.

Any construction must begin with planning, without which the construction will take much more time, finances and effort. There is a possibility that finished construction built without a plan will not meet your needs and expectations.

For a small house, it is not necessary to draw up detailed documentation with many drawings. Even a simple sketch will suffice, indicating the main dimensions, communications and other design features.

First think over the order of the internal organization of the future small house. Will he have only one room, or will there be enough space for arranging a small kitchen and small bathroom? At this point, be guided by your personal preferences and capabilities.

For example, many prudent owners use a very interesting technique: they raise the ceiling and equip sleeping place in the attic. This solution allows you to significantly save usable space.

It is recommended to pay special attention to the experience of the Japanese. Even on a few square meters, they manage to place everything necessary to create a comfortable and cozy environment, because even a mini house is still a house in which it is definitely more convenient than on the street.

This guide will give instructions for building a fairly simple little house. Approximately 75% of the space will be occupied by living quarters, and the remaining space will be used for placing a pantry and dry closet.

If with free space everything is very complicated, you can make separate entrances to the mentioned premises from the street. If there are no such problems with free space, and you do not want to constantly go outside, equip the entrance to the technical room from the living quarters.

Make changes to the plan if you wish. For example, instead of a pantry, you can equip a kitchenette with a table, a couple of folding chairs or small stools and a compact stove.

After the approval of the plan, proceed directly to the implementation of construction activities. Start by arranging the foundation.


For the construction of a small house, the simplest foundation of blocks is perfect. Highly interesting solution invented by Western private developers. They create a foundation block with four channels. A reinforcing bar is inserted into each of these channels. The rods themselves are driven into the ground. As a result, the block is securely attached to the ground.

In the project under consideration, the foundation will consist of six such blocks. You will place four blocks at the corners of the future building, the remaining two - under the internal partition.

You can make blocks yourself from concrete or buy them in ready-made.

Dig a hole 200 mm deep with sides corresponding to the dimensions of the blocks.

Fill the hole with a 20 cm layer of sand and gravel. Pack the pillow carefully.

Install the blocks and insert the reinforcement in accordance with the recommendations given earlier.

Cover the blocks with a layer of roofing material.

Make sure that the blocks are installed evenly and proceed to the implementation of further planned activities.

floor laying

First step

Install the bottom trim. Make it from a bar with a section of 15x15 cm. To connect the strapping bars, use convenient option mounts. You can, for example, connect them using the tongue and groove method with additional reinforcement with glue and bolts.

Second step

Lay on top of the strapping a platform previously assembled from a 15x5 cm board.

Third step

Sew up the platform with plywood.

Fourth step

Turn the resulting box over and place the insulation in it.

Fifth step

Sew up the insulation with a double layer of plywood. Lay plywood 1.2 cm thick along the box, 0.9 cm thick across the box. As a result, the floor will have a thickness of 2.1 cm. Use PVA glue to fasten the plywood layers.

sixth step

From all sides, sew up the platform with roofing material.

On this floor is ready. If you wish, you can additionally trim it with other material to your taste.

Linoleum is perfect for finishing the floor.

First step

Treat the timber and boards intended for the construction of walls with an antiseptic.

Second step

Assemble the frame of the planned dimensions.

Third step

Set up the top harness.

Fourth step

Sheathe the entire structure with plywood.

Fifth step

Attach the windscreen to the outside of the walls. At the same time, this material will perform the functions of waterproofing.

In the process of building walls, do not forget to leave openings for mounting doors and double-glazed windows.

Arrangement of the roof structure

The roof structure must be such that in the future, when the door is opened, the roof overhang does not touch. For execution this rule the slope of the roof slope should be 25 degrees.

First step

Install rafters. To do this, use boards 10x5 cm. Use corners and self-tapping screws to fasten the boards.

Second step

Mount the roof ridge. For its manufacture, use a board 15x5 cm.

Third step

Additionally fasten the roof rafters with 10x2.5 cm puffs.

Fourth step

Attach 0.9 cm plywood to the rafters.

Fifth step

Lay on top of the finished base preferred roofing material. Good fit flexible tile. This is a relatively light material with good performance properties. In this case, the roof of a small house will have small area, so you won’t spend a lot of money on finishing material.

Doors and double-glazed windows

To create a healthy microclimate in the room, even if it is very small, you need to install windows. It is better to provide places for placing double-glazed windows even at the frame assembly stage.

To determine the optimal total window area, divide the floor area of ​​your small house by 5. Divide the resulting value by the number of windows you need.

If you plan to equip your small house with a bathroom and a kitchen, consider in advance the order of furniture placement so that the windows do not interfere with the normal use of the house in the future, but are a useful addition.

If possible, windows should be placed, focusing on the southeast direction, because on the north side sunlight very few, and low western Sun rays bad for the eyes.

Doors can be bought ready-made or you can make your own. It is enough to assemble the frame, fill the voids with thermal insulation (perfect mineral wool), sheathe the frame with plywood and upholster it with the desired material.

wall decoration


Proceed to exterior finish walls.


Proceed to interior decoration.

  1. Fix a layer of heat-insulating material.
  2. Cover the insulation with a layer of vapor barrier.
  3. Close the walls with clapboard.

On this wall decoration is ready. After that, it is recommended to start arranging the ceiling and make the porch to your taste. These activities are best done before the start of the arrangement of the roof structure.

Furnish and technical equipment of a small house to your taste.

Ceiling finish

  1. Cover the ceiling with vapor barrier material.
  2. Fix the thermal insulation material.
  3. Sheathe the ceiling with insulating layers of clapboard.

You can lay boards in the attic. At this point, focus on the specifics of your particular situation, taking into account exactly how you will use your attic.

Necessary communications

If necessary, bring electrical wiring, sewerage and water supply into the house.

For heating a small house, both an electric heater and a gas convector are well suited. Such gas convectors use liquefied gas as fuel. To ensure the most efficient heat distribution, the system should be equipped with a galvanized steel reflector.

The gas convector must be equipped with a chimney. The chimney is carefully insulated to prevent fires. To protect the chimney from snow, rain and various debris, install a special protective visor on its street end.

On this small country house is ready. You did an excellent job without involving third-party specialists for this, which allowed you to save a significant amount of money, and made sure that there is nothing complicated in the construction of such structures - you just need to follow the instructions in everything and follow the advice of professional builders. You can start using your own built house.

Successful work!

Video - DIY small house

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M Many residents of megacities dream of buying a plot and a comfortable house outside the city, albeit a small one. In some cases, it is easier and cheaper to build a house yourself than to buy a ready-made one. Do right choice projects of country houses for 6 acres will help, photos of which are in in large numbers presented in our review. It is believed that building a house is very difficult. But some projects of country buildings are distinguished by their extraordinary simplicity.

Comfortable cottage building of small size

Projects of country houses for 6 acres: photos, options and building requirements

To create a solid and durable building, you need to choose a quality project for a country house for 6 acres. Photos of the best options can be seen in the interior. Before choosing, you should decide on the materials and a convenient place for the future design.

What building materials are used in the construction?

For the construction of suburban buildings can be used a wide range various materials. The most commonly used options are:

  • It belongs to the most popular. Such buildings are built during the season and are distinguished by simple technology. The frame system is assembled from a bar, which is sheathed with special plywood or clapboard. Refers to best options in terms of quality and price. Also, this material is characterized by a long service life.

  • Some buildings are made from profiled timber. It takes several months to build the structure. Also, about six months is allotted for shrinkage. Such structures do not require external finishing.

  • Stone buildings are made of, and cinder blocks. Such structures require long terms erection, as a powerful foundation is used and the walls are built in rows. Before construction work, it is necessary to prepare a detailed project. Houses made of stone and brick are distinguished by increased strength and reliability.

Useful information! The choice of building material is influenced by its cost in a particular region, personal preferences and the type of foundation. Frame buildings and structures made of timber are mounted on screw or columnar bases.

Video: small houses for a plot of 6 acres

How to build a turnkey country house inexpensively: prices

For those who do not want to spend a lot of time on construction works the best option can become a turnkey country house inexpensively. Prices for structures can be seen in a special catalog of the selected construction organization. Suitable option can fit any budget. The cost of the structure is influenced by the type of structure, material and dimensions of the structure.

A 5 * 5 m house made of lining and timber will cost about 100 thousand rubles. A building with a porch and a canopy or veranda will require a larger investment, more than 200 thousand rubles.

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Features of mounting a house with your own hands

Peculiarities installation work depends on the choice of a particular material. The structure of the timber has many positive qualities. similar material treated with stain and various protective compounds. Under the design, you can use a lightweight version of the foundation. In this case, the roof can be gable.

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you purchased country cottage area? Then we can safely congratulate you on the beginning of your country life! Surely this was a long-awaited event for you, and now you are looking forward to growing your own fruits, vegetables and just a wonderful vacation as far as possible from the bustle of the city. Very often, plots are sold with houses already built on them, but if this is not your case, and you definitely want to build a summer house on your own, then our article is for you. Today we'll talk about types. country houses, materials for their construction and how to inexpensively build a country house with your own hands.

How to save

Basically for giving choose small compact houses consisting of a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom and a veranda. Building a country house with your own hands is not necessarily a costly and time-consuming process. It is quite possible to choose an inexpensive house project that meets all your requirements of comfort and convenience. If the budget is strictly limited, then you can save on building materials. The main thing is that the building is safe. Before starting construction, you need to choose the exact location of the future home, choose a ready-made one or create your own project and decide on the materials.

Location selection

Construction of country houses without fail starts with choosing a location. Basically, the area of ​​​​such a house is from 24 to 30 square meters. Larger dimensions are used much less often, most often - this is no longer a house for the summer season, but a place where you can live all year round big family. When planning the location of the house, you should mainly rely on the requirements of your gardening partnership. But there are basic requirements that do not depend on the region and local administration. Namely:

To avoid flooding during heavy rains and melting snow, it is better to build a cottage on an elevated place. Excessive moisture leads to faster deterioration of the materials from which you will build. This is especially true of frame wooden houses.

Types of country houses

Most often, one-story buildings with an open or open veranda are erected in the country. closed type. Very popular cottages with an attic- since it can store a considerable amount of things that are not used daily. If attic space missing, then the roof will be ceiling. There are three most common types of country houses:

  • log cabin;
  • frame country house;
  • block or brick house.

But what if you have a large family, and there is not as much space for construction as you would like? There is a wonderful way out - build two-storey house . The first floor can be used as a kitchen and living room, as well as a terrace, but on the second floor you will get excellent lounges.

When designing your cottage, take care of the insulation. Despite the fact that the summer house is used in the warm season and requires, as such, the insulation of the walls and floor, there are also rainy cold days on which you will certainly want to warm up. Most summer residents use such devices for heating as convectors, oil radiators and electric heaters. But if desired, the construction of a stove or fireplace can be included in the house project.

Material selection

If you have already prepared a project for your house, then it's time to start selection of material for its construction. The total cost of the house, its comfort and appearance directly depend on the choice of building materials.

The most popular material is undoubtedly wood. Many people opt for wood due to its environmental friendliness, pleasant smell and relatively low price. It remains only to choose - there will be a building made of timber or logs, or even give preference frame type. Despite the high flammability of this material, you should not be so afraid to build from wood. Indeed, today there is an incredible range of various impregnations and other coatings that protect wooden coverings from the effects of fire and minimize the risk of a sudden fire. Well, in general, it all depends on you - how accurate and responsible you are in security matters.

Build a brick house- a much more expensive undertaking. But there is a significant advantage over wood - the durability of such a structure and higher fire safety, since it is much less susceptible to fire. And when installing a stove or heating in such a house, it will be easy to overwinter. Probably the only drawback is the high financial costs and the longer construction process. In the same category, you can safely add block houses made of foam concrete and expanded clay concrete blocks.

Most often, several types of materials are used at once. For example, the house itself is framed and built of wood, and the foundation is built of concrete and bricks. In principle, this option can be called optimal, since it includes a moisture-resistant foundation and an excellent basis for frame wooden walls. It is the construction of this type of country house that we will consider in more detail.

Construction stages

To start clearly calculate the amount of all building materials needed to build the house. Decide in advance on color and texture solutions. The amount of purchased materials directly depends on the design of your house. If you do not have the time or desire to conduct thorough calculations of all expenses, then you can buy a model finished house in assembled form. This will simplify the construction process - after all, you only need to prepare the necessary area and, in fact, the assembly itself. But, if you still want to build a house inside and out with your own hands, then be patient and proceed to this, albeit difficult, but pleasant business.


You need to purchase:

  • sand, cement, crushed stone and expanded clay (middle fraction);
  • boards and bars of not the highest quality;
  • concrete blocks or bricks;
  • roofing material or other vapor barrier material.

There are two main types of foundation for summer houses: tape and columnar. Which one to choose is only your decision. Columnar is chosen much more often due to the lower need for building materials and simple execution, which can be easily handled alone. The strip foundation is stronger and more durable, but much more building materials will be required. And the construction process itself is quite time-consuming - you need to dig trenches along the perimeter of the house and all rooms, isolate it from moisture, lay reinforcement and fill everything concrete mortar. Moreover, it takes almost a month to solidify such a foundation.

Walls and roof

For building walls and roofs pre-purchase:

Further, the installation of support beams is carried out at a distance of at least 60 centimeters from each other. They are attached to the coronal bars with the help of metal corners. After that, you can start building walls. You can assemble the frame separately and attach it ready-made, or start assembling directly on the strapping bars. Bar size for frame walls should be no less than 10 by 10 centimeters. If you use boards, their cross section should be no less than 5 by 15 centimeters.

When installing uprights don't forget about openings for windows and doors. The door opening must be additionally strengthened with an additional rack. After the construction of the frame, they are engaged in its sheathing. Most often used lining. It is advisable to complete the sheathing process before covering the roof, as this will strengthen the entire structure and add rigidity to the walls.

When installing the roof it is necessary to determine its type. Flat roof more simple and economical in execution, but the most popular is still a gable. truss structure such a roof can be layered or hanging. For a small house load-bearing walls inside, a hanging truss system is quite suitable. hanging rafters fixed with a special pull and thereby remove the excessive load on the walls. The layered system, on the other hand, assumes the presence of load-bearing walls, on which there is an additional emphasis on the rafters. After installing the rafters and slope elements, you can proceed to the roofing.

This process starts with gaskets vapor barrier film - it is done perpendicularly rafter system, and each next layer must overlap the previous one. Only after that you can start laying corrugated board or other material you have chosen for coverage. Do not forget to organize a drainage system.

So, the walls are set, the roof is covered - which means that it's time to start installing windows and doors. Following this, you can insulate walls and floors and engage in interior finishing work.

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