The interior of a small shower room. Bathroom design with shower

Engineering systems 04.03.2020
Engineering systems

The bathroom is a place where people relax both in body and soul. Naturally, this must be taken into account in the interior planning process. The solution of this problem must be approached seriously and responsibly, especially if the room is not impressive in size.

The bathroom needs to be stylish and practical. To save space, you can use a shower stall.


Shower cubicle instead of bath practical solution which has many advantages. It is ideal for small spaces as it takes up less space compared to a massive bath.

And the list of advantages does not end there. Installing a shower stall will help save water, and therefore pay less for utilities.


In planning, you need to be guided by the main principle. Everything should be ergonomic and comfortable for the owners. It is worth starting from the number of square meters, the size and shape of the shower stall. The latter must be chosen so that it harmoniously fits into general style premises.

A modern bathroom with a shower is a place for experimentation and creativity. But even here you need to know the measure. In particular, when choosing finishing building materials.

When choosing a style, decide what exactly you want to get - a place that helps to relax or recharge your batteries. A bathroom with a shower cabin can cope with both the first and the second task.

The main thing is to focus on the appropriate style: minimalism, hi-tech, modern, etc. If the size of the room allows, then even baroque decoration can be realized.

  • All plumbing in the room should be at a distance of thirty centimeters from each other;
  • The booth is often installed against the far wall from the entrance.
  • For families with small children, cabins with pallets are suitable. When choosing a box, you need to take into account the complexion of the residents. Great importance also has a cabin type. They are open and closed. Let's take a closer look at their features and benefits.

open models

They are equipped with side walls. main feature is the lack of rear panels. Attaches to walls and ceilings. They are the ones who act as essential elements her designs. The advantages include relatively low cost, the absence of unnecessary functions and maximum practicality.

Before planning the design of a bathroom with a shower open type, it must be borne in mind that its installation involves serious preparation. In particular, it is necessary to perform waterproofing, level the surfaces to which the box elements are attached, etc.

It is important to achieve the tightness of the mounted structure. Practice shows that even a minimal gap will lead to serious trouble. The cabin will leak, and the owners risk flooding the neighbors from below.

It is mounted only in the corner of the room. If you have a small bathroom with a shower, then order models with transparent doors. Such a booth will visually free up space, create a feeling of lightness and elegance.

closed models

This is a one piece construction. There are walls, a floor, and a ceiling. Boxes are made from various materials. They may differ in shape, size, and presence additional features. Pallets are made from the following materials:

  • Acrylic;
  • Steel;
  • Cast iron;
  • Ceramics.

Acrylic products are considered the most popular and in demand. They are distinguished by strength and low weight. The design does not lose the original color.

Cast iron is a heavy material. But it has its positive aspects. For example, the material perfectly saves heat. It is always covered with protective enamel, but it is prone to damage. Outer protective layer cracks quickly, scratches and scuffs appear on it

The walls and doors are made of special durable glass, resistant to shock and damage. Additionally, you can make sure that the booth is equipped with useful features: a contrast shower, ventilation, hydromassage, etc.

Photo of a bathroom with a shower

Planned bathroom renovations often turn into renovations. In an effort to create comfort, expand usable area, to modernize the environment, many are abandoning the standard large-sized bathroom model in favor of a more ergonomic design. Particularly relevant is the design of a bathroom with a shower cabin for small spaces.

Choosing a beautiful, functional model is half the battle. Harmoniously fitting it into the available space, creating an organic bathroom design is not an easy task. A shower cabin can either become an easy addition to any design.

Why choose a shower

A shower is a must for any bathroom. It's hard to imagine otherwise. Increasingly, apartment owners prefer full-fledged showers instead of standard bathrooms.

Not without reason there is a trend of popularity of these technical means, because they are distinguished by a number of significant advantages:

  • Efficiency of water procedures. In the presence of a classic bowl, a shower unit is present, it is used much more often than the bathroom itself. Here the dependence is directly proportional to the time costs. Sometimes everyday bustle significantly limits the duration of water procedures. Take a shower much faster.
  • Saving water resources. Using a shower significantly reduces water costs. The cabin does not have to be filled with a large volume of water. The pressure of the flowing resource is adjusted as needed. The duration of the washing process is short.
  • Increase usable space. The shower cabin is just a godsend for a small bathroom. The use of compact models allows you to significantly save space.
  • Safe use. The use of anti-slip coatings on the shower tray allows us to talk about minimizing the risk of injury when taking water procedures.
  • Functionality. The latest developments allow you to choose among the variety of models offered. Equipping the cabins with all sorts of additional functions will satisfy the needs of the most demanding customer.
  • Aesthetics. Manufacturers care about the appearance of showers. Ergonomics original design allow you to create a unique environment, to embody interesting ideas design.

Shower cabin, having a rather weighty set positive qualities, requires careful maintenance. Embossed surfaces, joints need regular cleaning, otherwise the aesthetics of the design will quickly lose the required attractiveness.

Types of shower cabins

When preparing to renovate a bathroom with the installation of a shower cabin, first of all it is necessary to find a model that meets the requirements. The choice is great, it requires a serious approach, a thorough study of useful characteristics.

Any shower cabin is a design that limits the place of washing. Conventionally, the models are divided into open, closed.

Open showers

A similar model is often called a shower corner. It is equipped with side walls, but does not have its own base, rear panels. The model is mounted directly to the walls, ceiling of the bathroom, which become its continuation. An open shower cabin is economical, usually has only the most necessary functionality, without frills.

The installation of such a model requires the implementation of preparatory measures. Mandatory conditions are waterproofing, leveling the main surfaces of the bathroom: floor, walls, ceiling.

The need for additional actions is associated with the creation of tightness of the future shower enclosure. Work is carried out with high precision. Even an insignificant gap can regularly upset the owner with leakage, accumulation of water outside the shower space. In the absence of high-quality waterproofing, this is fraught with problems with neighbors.

The design is simple, so the set of functions is extremely limited. Installation of an open shower cabin is carried out exclusively in the corner of the room, or in a niche. It is possible to install such a cabin model directly on the bathroom floor. Saving space, money provided.

An open shower cabin, equipped with transparent internal doors, can significantly free up space, create the effect of lightness, weightlessness, elegance. Efficiency of use, visual space are important for limited spaces.

The absence of a pallet requires high-quality waterproofing, drain equipment. These actions "eat up" a few centimeters of the height of the room. Special attention should be given to the choice of tiles on the floor. Anti-slip options are most preferred.

The drain ladder is best made of high-quality stainless steel so it will last longer.

Enclosed showers

A closed cabin or shower box is a separate structure with its own walls, floor, ceiling. Functionality, tightness are guaranteed by the features of the model. Shower boxes are made of a variety of materials, differ in size, shape, availability additional features.

Cabin pallets vary in depth (3-45 cm), are made of:

  • acrylic;
  • cast iron;
  • Become;
  • Ceramics.

Acrylic pallets are the most popular. They are light, durable, retain heat, do not lose their color. Availability metal frame provides rigidity. Scratches, other minor operating defects are simply corrected with a special paste.

Cast iron is heavy, but retains heat well. Steel creates a lot of noise from the flow of flowing water. Both options are covered with enamel, which is excessively susceptible to mechanical damage: chips, scratches. Ceramics is hygienic, requires a minimum of effort to maintain. Cold surface, brittleness significantly impairs the properties.

Walls, doors are made of impact-resistant glass, acrylic. Opens in a sliding, hinged way. Roller rail structures are compact and have high tightness. Swing doors require additional space.

Additional functions of closed showers

Additional functionality allows you to get a number of significant advantages:

  • Hydromassage;
  • aromatherapy;
  • bath;
  • Tropical rain;
  • Cold and hot shower;
  • Chromotherapy;
  • Ventilation;
  • Voice control, telephone, radio;
  • Lighting, mirrors, shelves, dispensers, seats, handrails, etc.

The hydromassage function is the most requested. Elastic jets of water supplied by nozzles promote relaxation, improve blood circulation, metabolism, help in the fight against excess weight, cellulite. Caution should be exercised by hypertensive patients, cancer patients, during the period of exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Hydromassage is divided into vertical, horizontal. Water is supplied by nozzles located in a special way. It is possible to regulate the pressure of jets, air. The number of nozzles, the ability to regulate will tell you about the quality of hydromassage procedures. The possibility of turns, regulation of pressure, direction, the presence of high-quality filters must be clarified when buying.

The bath function is obtained by creating high humidity air at relatively low water temperatures. Steam generator distributes tiny particles fan, creating a bath microclimate. The function works only at a certain pressure in the pipes.

Aromatherapy distributes a pleasant scent around the cabin. Tropical rain disperses the smallest water droplets, helping to relieve stress. A contrast shower alternates between hot and cold jets, providing stress relief, hardening the body. Chromotherapy tints the water with LED light. Color perception helps to improve the body.

Variety of others useful features selected according to personal needs. Many properties of a closed shower cabin are simply not used by the owners, so it is better to choose the necessary set in advance.

A variety of possibilities creates the need to supply electricity. It is better to allocate a separate line with mandatory grounding.

Small bathroom with shower

The available space influences which shower room interior design you prefer. Perhaps the limited space will indicate a complete rejection of the standard bathroom, or a replacement for a more compact model.

For modest-sized rooms, it is preferable to make a choice of shower enclosures. It will turn out to significantly save space, it is possible to accommodate a classic bath and toilet. An open shower cabin is installed in a corner space that is usually little used. If the bathroom is combined, perhaps the layout of the space will be better.

The presence of a niche of suitable dimensions allows you to put a closed compact model. The possibility of summing up the necessary communications will be the determining factor. Pay attention to models with sliding doors.

Transparent booths are preferred, or painted in light colors. So the space will look less busy, light shades will add volume. Pallet is better to choose medium depth. He is able to cope with his main function, will not load the interior.

Finishing a small bathroom is best done with light materials. The combination of a darker floor, the lower extremity of the walls and very light central, upper borders, separated by a low-contrast border - a classic design model small space.

The presence of a mirror required condition. Reflective surfaces can expand the space. Even the ceiling can be mirrored, but it is better to give preference to the film, because it does not pose a danger.

If it is difficult to refuse a classic bathroom, but you want to have a shower, you can choose something in between: a bathroom equipped with shower panels. Outwardly, it resembles an ordinary cabin. It is also possible to equip the bathroom with hermetic screens on rails.

Spacious bathroom with shower

Having a colossal space allows you to make an informed choice. Fully focus on shower cabin design, bathroom interior design.

You definitely don't have to sacrifice here. necessary elements a comfortable bathroom to accommodate a multifunctional booth. However, often in a large bathroom, the shower is also placed in the corner. This location is convenient, provides the best ergonomics. Rational use space always gives a lot of additional opportunities.

The possibility of acquiring an autonomous monoblock is an essential advantage of a spacious bathroom. A separate shower cabin has a number of significant advantages. A wide range of additional functions can diversify water procedures, additionally take care of beauty and health.

When choosing a spacious shower cabin, you need to think not only about the rationality of use, but also about proper placement in the interior of the bathroom. The presence of unrestricted space allows you to place the block not only in the corner, but along the perimeter of the wall or even in the center.

The substantial area of ​​the bathroom allows you to freely arrange all the elements. Here it is better to resort to zonal division of space. To delimit the place of water procedures, storage of accessories, a bathroom, a bathroom. Large spaces allow you to freely accommodate a couch, chair.

Design features of a bathroom with a shower

A successful bathroom interior with a shower cabin is easier to create for owners of a substantial area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. In any case, you need to consider everything possible options perform measurements and calculations. Drawing up a project will greatly simplify the task.

It is also possible to rationally use a small space and at the same time harmoniously fit a shower cabin into the interior. You should look ahead to existing options, design, clarify dimensions, installation options.

Decide what items will be in the room, their configuration and location. After all, the shower cabin in any case will take up enough space. Convenient access to the sink, washing machine, locker, toilet bowl must be provided. The presence and location of the boiler, heated towel rail are also important.

Standalone models require more space, they are more difficult to fit into the interior. We'll have to think through the design in detail, compare appearance monoblock with the intended picture of the room. Such models, with an unsuccessful approach, look somewhat ridiculous against the general background. Like space ship in the middle of an open field.

Prefabricated models, assuming the absence of the rear wall of the booth - it is replaced by a stationary, tiled one, fit into the interior much easier. If the booth is transparent, it looks organic with any design. It is more difficult for a colored frame to support the overall design theme of a bathroom with a shower. You will have to try to choose finishing materials to match or choose universal ones.

Finishing, renovation, design

Choosing the style of the bathroom, it is worth deciding on the main task - calm relaxation or recharging with energy. The space can be made light, calm, classic or bright, dynamic. When choosing a style, it is better to be guided by modern trends, because the shower cabin is a fresh trend and it is much more difficult to beat it with a classic design. Minimalism, hi-tech, modern go well with small spaces. In a large space, you can embody a loft, classic or even baroque.

It is better to hide communications in the walls, and if the bathroom is combined, bring it into a common box. The box is made of drywall, leaving a window with a shutter door. A cabinet with communications can be decorated by connecting it into a common interior line. By creating niche shelves on the box, you can additionally solve the issue of storing small things.

The choice of plumbing fixtures of unusual shapes and colors will add originality to the space. The main thing is that the selected non-standard fit into overall design. The combination of ceramic tiles and mosaics can refresh the interior. Finishing materials can be any, the main thing is that they meet the requirements of moisture resistance, hygiene.

A shower cabin is not a luxury, but a necessity. A bathroom equipped with a shower cabin can be functional, beautiful, meet all modern requirements. Various models will find their home in the space of any size, all kinds of design. The presence of a shower cabin in the bathroom will make life easier and easier to take care of yourself.

Small-sized apartments in modern cities often have cramped bathrooms, so small in size that it seems impossible to place plumbing equipment and necessary communications in them. Look at the photo - how well the shower cabin fits into the interior of a tiny bathroom. This invention has become an outlet for design. This article is all about bathroom design with.

Choosing a shower enclosure for a small bathroom

Giving preference to a shower, many believe that in this way they can save space, this is especially true for small rooms. But often the bath has the same dimensions as the shower cabin, and the latter, due to its high height, looks very voluminous and cumbersome. When choosing a shower for a small bathroom, you should be guided by certain rules:

Shower options

It is worth recognizing that there are very few options for placing a shower in small bathrooms:

  • The most frequently chosen solution is the installation of equipment in the corner of the room. This option is acceptable in rooms correct form, closer to the square. In the photo you can see several options for installing shower cabins in small square-shaped rooms.

Corner shower cubicle

  • Shower allowed in protrusions and recesses if available in the bathroom. When placing a shower, gaps between plumbing fixtures, furniture and a cubicle should be provided, which are at least 0.15 m.
  • The shower should not block access to the washing machine, should not interfere with the opening of cabinet doors and bedside tables.

We install a shower cabin in accordance with the existing layout of the bathroom. Plan your layout plumbing equipment and furniture in the bathroom, especially indoors small area, it is necessary taking into account the location of the front door. The attached photos show how to properly position the necessary equipment.

The location of the shower in a square bathroom

  • With the door in the middle square room, the shower cabin can be installed in any corner.
  • If the room is rectangular with an entrance in the middle, the shower cabin is installed along one of the long walls.
  • If the doors are located in the corners of the room, then the shower cabin should be installed in the opposite corner.
  • The cut corner of the bathroom will balance the installation of a shower stall in it.
  • If the door in the bathroom is “shifted” from the center to the side, then the showers will look most harmonious in the far corners or along the far wall.

Calculate the place so that it is convenient to leave the shower

How does the color of the shower stall affect the harmonious design of the bathroom

The influence of the color of the shower equipment on the creation of an overall harmonious space is enormous. Light color shower cubicle: white, Ivory, pale blue - is able to visually expand the room, especially when completing all bathroom equipment in a single style solution.

Attention! Black, blue, steel shower cubicles look massive, bulky and require a large amount of free space. For small rooms, such colors of plumbing equipment are not recommended.

Subtleties and tricks when designing a bathroom

In a cramped bathroom, design needs to be thought through to the smallest detail, many aspects matter, even the quality of the rug. All accessories in a small bathroom should be selected according to special rules:

  • Mirrors and a mirror surface of the ceiling visually expand the room. Be sure to get a mirror and hang it on opposite wall from the shower.

  • A separate conversation about rugs - they visually narrow the space. It is not necessary to cover the floor in the bathroom with carpets and rugs, especially shaggy ones. In addition, dust accumulates in rugs, they serve as a source of mold and fungus development.
  • Minimalism in the decoration of small bathrooms with showers - that's best option when choosing a style. The main thing here is not to overdo it - you should provide storage space household chemicals, washing powders, toothpaste, toilet paper and other bathroom accessories. Cabinets or shelves can be placed on the sides of the shower stall, providing the necessary gaps between the equipment.

Avoid a lot decorative elements in small bathrooms

  • The economic aspect should also be taken into account when buying a shower cabin - cheap models will not last long, and they are not reliable either. You should purchase shower cabins from well-known companies that have proven themselves positively.

Given the simple rules, making a bathroom with a shower cubicle a multifunctional and comfortable room is not difficult even for inexperienced designers.

Installing a shower in a small bathroom: video

Shower cabin for a small bathroom: photo

Water procedures are an obligatory daily ritual of a person. But what about the owners of small apartments, where the size of the bathroom does not allow you to place all the desired plumbing? The compact shower cubicle is a modern alternative to the traditional bathtub. And the variety of materials for its arrangement allows you to turn it into a stylish shower room. Do you agree?

It does not require much space, saves water and time allotted for hygiene procedures. And most importantly - such a design is quite affordable to do it yourself, according to your own design and measurements. Let's take a closer look at how a shower stall is made of tiles in three versions - with a ready-made or home-made pallet, as well as without it.

We will talk about how to independently build a shower room from tiles, what materials and tools will be required for this. The article also contains expert advice and the main nuances that you should pay attention to during construction. And the videos posted in the material clearly demonstrate the arrangement of a pallet made of tiles for a shower stall.

Although today in plumbing stores you can choose the situation for any interior style, homemade shower stalls do not lose popularity. The main reasons are the volumetric dimensions and the impressive cost of really high-quality factory products.

Budget options are most often made of inexpensive plastic and with cheap components, which soon manifest themselves in all their glory in the form. Some of them can be eliminated with your own hands, and to repair individual elements of the shower cabin, you will have to turn to the masters.

The color design of plastic booths is rather meager - most often they are available in white or silver, while ceramic elements will allow you to design a shower corner in the same style as the bathroom

In addition, many cabins are equipped with all kinds of electronics - from a radio station to a steam generator, lighting effects and a Charcot shower, the need for which is very doubtful, but they significantly increase the cost of plumbing.

In addition, factory products are made according to a standard size range, which does not always fit small rooms in country houses or apartments of old buildings, where every centimeter counts.

Factory cabins are demanding on the evenness of floor and wall surfaces, and in the manufacture of a homemade shower, these errors can be eliminated during the construction process.

Therefore, a homemade tile shower has several advantages:

  • Reliability and simplicity- construction with ceramic cladding is much stronger than the plastic walls of standard showers, so it will last a long time.
  • Opportunity to create an original design- in addition to the shape for the booth itself, you can experiment with its design, because the assortment of mosaics, tiles and porcelain stoneware is very diverse.
  • Safety and environmental friendliness- ceramics do not conduct electricity and do not emit unpleasant odors (unlike some types of plastic).
  • Easy Care- it is easy to take care of the tiles, they do not turn yellow, they are undemanding to detergents and is easily cleaned of limescale after hard water and soap streaks.

There are not so many drawbacks to a tiled booth (of course, if its installation is carried out in accordance with all the rules and in compliance with the slope). Basically, poor sound insulation is noted, which is solved by laying an additional layer under the screed or installing a finished pallet.

It also seems to many that taking a shower while standing on a cold tile is not very comfortable. But in fact, ceramics quickly heat up under a warm stream, and if desired, a “warm floor” system and an additional heat-insulating layer can be installed under such a lining.

Options for arranging a homemade booth

If you decide to take on the design of the shower area in the bathroom on your own, first decide on the installation location of the future booth and its design.

Difficulty depends on design choice. preparatory work– the need to level the floor, installation of hydro, sound and heat insulation, installation of a ladder and piping

Depending on the height of the ceiling, the entrance to the sewer, the size of the free area and your building skills, three options are possible: with a purchased pallet, a ladder or a homemade pedestal.

Option # 1 - a shower with a ready-made pallet

If there is enough space in the bathroom, and the main goal of arranging a makeshift booth is a custom design, it is quite possible to make it easier for yourself and buy a ready-made pallet.

Moreover, in the plumbing store you can choose an option for any design and budget - it can be either a familiar snow-white pedestal made of acrylic, or a product made of beautiful artificial stone or reliable cast iron.

In order for the structure to be stable and without leaks, it may be necessary to align the junction of the walls at a right angle and the floor according to the level

In addition to the pallet itself, for installation you will need:

  • Flexible drain hose.
  • Corrugation and siphon.
  • Foam concrete.
  • Tile adhesive.
  • Silicone sealant with gun.
  • Roulette, level and pencil for marking.
  • Saw, wooden/rubber mallet.
  • Tray and trowel.

The installation of the pallet is carried out on a specially erected foundation, under which communications will hide. First you need to make a markup: lay the pallet on the place chosen for installation and circle the contours with a pencil.

Then cut out four supports from foam concrete, which will support the base of the future booth, and check the evenness with a level (if necessary, the blocks are easily cut).

Pallet supports are fixed with ordinary tile adhesive, but if the design provides height-adjustable legs, the installation process will be much easier

Now you need to attach the drain. To do this, it is necessary to return the pallet to the supports and outline the location of the siphon on the floor through the drain hole. Remove the pan again and attach to drain pipe so that it matches the markup.

If the entrance to the sewer is located at a distance from the drain of the future cabin, use a corrugation or pipe of a suitable diameter, carefully sealing the joints

Then the foundation is erected from the supports of foam concrete blocks cut in height and attached to the tile adhesive. When the base is prepared, its upper surface is coated with the same tile adhesive, a pallet is installed on top and adjusted with a wooden or rubber hammer according to the level.

At the final stage, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of the structure. To do this, the edges of the pallet must be wiped with a clean cloth, degreased and walked along the joints silicone sealant. It remains to install the siphon in the pallet and tile the foam concrete foundation with tiles.

Do you have an acrylic, cast iron or marble pallet? On our site there is a installation of pallets from various materials. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them.

Option # 2 - designing a booth with a ladder

An effective solution that looks attractive in photographs modern interiors- a single-level booth without podiums and drops.

Such a shower perfect option for small bathrooms, especially if it is equipped with transparent glass doors, and the walls and floor are decorated from the same materials or in a related color scheme with basic trim. As a result, the design is airy and stylish.

To increase the space in a small room, the booth can be left without side partitions, replacing them with curtains or doors that fold into a compact "accordion"

To do this, you need to equip the corner not with a pallet, but. But it is best to plan such a design at the repair stage, because you will have to raise the floor by at least 15 cm in order to hide communications under the concrete layer.

The second option is to drill a hole in the screed for the drain and a groove for supplying sewer pipe. But this is if the thickness of the "pie" on the floor allows you to disguise communications, because it is impossible to hammer floor slabs.

When installing a drain, it is important to provide for the possibility of repairing and replacing it, so if you install a siphon, always leave an inspection passage, but the design of the drain is more reliable, therefore it allows you to use a monolithic screed

  1. First you need to mark up for the future booth, determine the place for the ladder bowl, where the water from the shower will flow.
  2. Then, to the place of the shower drain, you need to bring a pipe that enters the sewer drain. Here it is desirable to provide for a slope of 3% (although 1-2% is possible for a linear ladder) and a permissible angle of rotation at the entrance to the sewer within 30-45 °. Under these conditions, it will be possible to clean the clogged pipe with an ordinary plumbing cable.
  3. After measurements, the ladder is installed on supports of the required height and attached to the pipe.
  4. When all communications are installed and connected, you can perform concrete screed. But even here it is important to make a bevel of 4-5 cm for each meter of length towards the drain bowl so that the water does not stagnate on the floor, but goes into the drain.

At the final stage, you need to make a water supply and close the booth with glass or plastic doors, which you can buy along with fixtures in a plumbing store or make it yourself.

In an economical version, for example, when organizing a shower in country house, you can get by with curtains made of polyethylene or waterproof fabric.

Option # 3 - a shower room with a makeshift tray

Instead of a factory podium, you can make a solid base for a booth on a brick or concrete foundation, which will only be lined with ceramic tiles or mosaics.

The dimensions of such a shower completely depend on your preferences - it can be either a modest corner or a real mini-pool with high sides.

But such a capital solution can be very difficult to implement in practice, because in addition to the pedestal itself, you will need high-quality waterproofing, and the plumbing connection must be thought out in detail.

Therefore, we will consider in more detail the main stages of such construction, so that it is easier to assess the front of the upcoming work and our own forces.

Making a booth from scratch: step by step instructions

First, decide on the shape of the future booth and make markings for it on the floor. The easiest way is to make a square or rectangular shower in a corner or niche, but if you wish, you can also build a trapezoidal or semicircular design.

But although a lot here depends on the layout and the availability of free space in the bathroom, please note that the minimum dimensions of a comfortable cabin are 90 * 90 cm.

Step # 1 - select materials and tools

To equip the booth, you will need the usual set of tools, which are likely to be found in stocks. home master: level, pencil and tape measure, mortar and glue trowel, grout spatulas, roller and brush.

To stir the solutions, it would be nice to stock up on a construction mixer, otherwise you will have to prepare the mixture manually.

From the materials you need to prepare:

  • Moisture-resistant single brick (silicate can also be used, but with mandatory treatment with hydrophobic agents).
  • Reinforcing mesh with cells 10 * 10 cm.
  • Mix for coupler M-200.
  • Waterproofing mastics or roll materials.
  • Insulation.
  • Tiles or mosaics with crosses for layout.
  • Tile adhesive, grout and acrylic sealant.

It is also necessary to purchase plumbing parts in advance for - pipes, a drain or a siphon with all the necessary connections.

Step # 2 - we bring pipes and build a foundation

So, the place is chosen, you can start building. First you need to remove the old coating from the floor and walls.

If the floor is fairly even, you can immediately process it, but if there are significant differences, you should first perform a rough screed (for heat and sound insulation, you can lay glass wool, polystyrene foam or mineral fiber).

Perform the installation of communications: from the sewer, it is necessary to bring the pipe to the installation site of the siphon or drain with a slope of at least 1%, and from the water supply, to cut a supply for hot and cold water into the wall

After drying, insulation is applied to the surface of the floor and wall, for example, bituminous mastic or liquid rubber. Roll materials can also be used, but the ideal option is polymerizing impregnations ( liquid glass), which are used to isolate pools.

When solidified, they form a water-impermeable coating that will reliably protect against leaks.

Pipes should also be processed, leaving only valves and outlets open.

Waterproofing is a mandatory step when building a shower room with your own hands, because it can save you from the problem of flooding your neighbors, fungus and wear building materials in contact with water

For the base, you can take a moisture-resistant red brick, which is laid on the tile adhesive for masonry around the perimeter of the future booth, forming the sides. Then a ladder with a water seal or a standard siphon is installed and connected to the sewer pipe.

After that, the floor is laid with bricks or poured with a self-leveling mixture (3-5 cm thick) using a reinforcing mesh.

It remains to carefully wipe all the joints and cracks with a solution of sand and cement, dry and coat with waterproofing again, without affecting the siphon.

We have another article on our website in which we examined the process of self-study in more detail, providing the material with step-by-step photos.

Step # 3 - assemble the frame and lay the tiles

If you want to arrange a full-fledged booth, and not a shower corner, you need to build partitions. Depending on the location, on one or both sides the cabin is already adjacent to the room wall.

The missing partitions can be made of moisture-resistant plywood or drywall, followed by cladding with the same tiles or mosaics. To do this, you need to build a frame from a metal profile, sheathe it with plasterboard, align the seams with putty and prime the surface.

If a drywall wall does not inspire you, you can build a partition from a transparent or frosted glass(preferably triplex), glass blocks, plastic panels

In order for the finish to lay down beautifully, it is important to level the surface of the frame well, especially if you want to veneer it with a mosaic that is whimsical to the quality of the base.

To do this, you can use plaster with subsequent treatment with moisture-resistant impregnation or a gypsum mixture.

If you chose complex shape for a pallet where there are smooth lines, roundings or a large number of corners, it is better to choose a sheet mosaic for cladding - it is easier to work with than with large tiles that need to be carefully measured and cut

After leveling, attach the cladding to the tile adhesive and process the seams with a moisture-resistant grout. When the mortar hardens, seal the joints of the tiles with the walls of the shower with sealant.

The better the laying is done and the smaller the tile gaps, the longer it will last. decorative coating in a humid environment.

Step #4 - Install Cabin Doors

To prevent water from splashing throughout the bathroom during hygiene procedures, it is advisable to protect the shower from all sides. The easiest option is to arrange or waterproof curtains.

But such a solution is more suitable for a shower in the country, but it is unlikely to decorate a room in an apartment. Therefore, you can buy ready-made sliding, folding or hinged doors or make them yourself from drywall or plywood.

Swing doors are the simplest solution for arranging a tile cabin, and although their design does not differ in tightness, it will perfectly protect against water splashes throughout the room.

But still the best option(both in design and level of moisture resistance) for arranging partitions of a makeshift booth - sliding polycarbonate or glass doors, not less than 6 mm thick.

You can cut and process the ends of the blanks in a glass workshop, and install them using ready-made canopies that are attached to both the ceiling and walls.

Building and design advice

To create your own unique design, you can combine different materials, without forgetting the practicality and safety of the future shower room. For example, for the floor it is desirable to choose a relief small tiles or mosaic - on a rough surface with frequent seams, there is less chance of slipping.

As finishing material for the pallet, you can also use multi-colored pebbles or other decor, filling the finish layer with a transparent sealant.

If desired, you can equip homemade design hydromassage and other functions from the arsenal of the factory hydrobox, but for this you will have to install additional pipes and make special editions

A few important nuances:

  1. To prevent water from building up in the pipes, an important rule must be observed: the entrance to the sewer must always be below the floor level. This determines the height of the pallet with a built-in siphon or drain.
  2. Before installing the drainage system, pay attention to throughput ladder: the larger it is, the faster the water will leave the pan. In some cases, for example, for a cabin with a rain shower function, a standard drain may not be able to cope with the flow of water.
  3. It is best to lay a whole tile or mosaic sheets on a pallet. To do this, at the stage of marking the booth, you can make a dry layout. If you cannot do without undercuts, install end caps on the saw cut.

When designing your future booth, think about comfortable little things.

At the construction stage, it is easy to provide various shelves or niches to accommodate all kinds of shampoos, gels and other hygiene items, or to build a small chair lined with tiles.

Building a homemade shower cabin with tile or mosaic cladding allows you to realize the most creative design ideas. And if you do all the work efficiently, not forgetting about the slopes and waterproofing of surfaces, such a shower will last much longer than plastic booths.

But if you are not confident in your construction skills, you can always involve professional builders or plumbers in the work.

Do you like tile showers and want to build one for yourself? If you still have any questions after reading our instructions, ask them in the block below.

Or do you want to supplement our material with practical recommendations for laying tiles, connecting to a water supply / sewerage system? Maybe you just finished building a shower stall? Write your comments and advice, add photos of your own booth - your experience will inspire many beginners in this business.

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