Frame 2-storey houses. DIY frame house: photos of construction stages

The buildings 20.06.2020
The buildings

In order to build a two-story frame house, it is necessary to clearly understand the list of all the necessary types of work, the algorithm for their implementation and the possibility of using certain design solutions. It is necessary to adhere to all the recommendations of specialists, which allows you to perform the tasks set before yourself in a high-quality and reliable manner.

Distinctive features of the construction of frame buildings are fast terms of work, low financial costs, environmental safety and good operational properties of structures. That is why such houses are currently in significant demand, both in Russia and in many other countries of the world.

Construction features

One of the main features of the construction of frame houses is that they can be built without problems in a fairly short period of time. In just a month, a new building can be completely ready for a family to move in. In addition, at present there is an opportunity to order a turnkey two-story frame house 7 by 7 or 8 by 8 meters.

Sectional building with basic elements.

Video of the construction of frame houses on our website. Thanks to this, the process of erection of buildings can be constantly monitored, I am guided by the experience of other people.

Advantages of a two-story house

Almost anyone can build a two-story frame house with their own hands. This requires certain knowledge, which can be obtained from this article. And construction skills develop in a very fast period of time.

Experts attribute the following qualities to the main advantages of two-story houses:

  1. Possibility to build a house on a limited plot of land. If the area of ​​his possessions does not allow a person to build a large house on one floor, the construction of a two-story frame building is the most reliable and correct way out of this situation.
  2. Freeing up space on the site for a garden, vegetable garden or playground. Both in rural and urban areas, the listed elements of the exterior of the house are quite necessary for most people.
  3. Saving money. This is primarily due to the compact dimensions of some structural elements that require significant financial costs. First of all, this applies to the roof, foundation and thermal insulation layers. Therefore, the price of two-story frame houses is quite affordable for most residents of the country.
  4. The possibility of clear zoning of the internal space. The layout of the two-story frame house allows you to create rooms for receiving guests and the main life on the ground floor, and bedrooms on the second floor.
  5. Nice and presentable appearance. With street lights on the façade, the frame structure will stand out from all other buildings on the street, attracting the eyes of the neighbors.

A finished house with two floors.

At the same time, it is important to understand not only why these buildings should be erected, but also how to build a two-story frame house so that it can be used for a long time for the benefit of the owner and his family.

Step-by-step instruction

In order to build a frame house, you need to have previously created the corresponding step-by-step instructions. It includes a detailed description of all stages of work - from laying the foundation to external wall decoration. If you follow this guide, in the end it is possible to achieve the planned result, which is fully consistent with the chosen project.


Two-story frame house projects involve the use of the most popular types of foundations. Among them it is worth paying attention to:

  • Columnar;
  • Pile-screw;
  • Ribbon.

Strapping with a bar.

The most preferable for a frame house is a pile-screw foundation. This is due to the simplicity of its use, low cash costs, as well as the possibility of using it on various types of soils. If the soil on the site is loose enough, then the use of piles is the best option to ensure the stability of the entire structure.

The main advantages of screw-pile foundations:

  • There is no need to use special equipment;
  • Operational installation - up to 24 hours;
  • A large number of types of piles;
  • Excellent load-bearing capacity;
  • Carrying out all work at a low price, as well as the purchase of materials;
  • Possibility of installation at any time of the year.

The pile screw foundation is tied with a bar.

The main disadvantage of the pile-screw foundation is the impossibility of organizing a basement under the building. In order to get started, it is necessary to properly prepare the selected area. In any case, the entire surface must be flat and free of vegetation.

The installation of piles in the corners should be carried out to a depth of about 0.5 m. The step between the elements should be insignificant - from 0.7 to 1.2 m. To complete the creation of the foundation from the piles, it is necessary to concretize the shafts and install the heads.

Ground floor frame

The process of the lower strapping should be carried out from a bar of 150x150, 200x250 or 200x200 m in size. Before laying the bar, their tops should be lubricated with mastic. It is necessary to place them on a double layer of roofing material, which will act as waterproofing. Additionally, the strapping beam should be treated with an antiseptic.

On a note.

The timber must be installed on the prepared piles along the perimeter. It is necessary to fasten it in a paw and using nails up to 120 mm long. Corners should be reinforced with metal corners or brackets.

In the photo of two-story frame houses, you can see that the installation of the power frame is quite simple. For this, boards of various sizes are used - 100x50, 150x50 and 200x50 mm.

Power frame of the house.

Top strapping

The construction of a two-story frame house should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of specialists based on existing knowledge and experience. Having made the upper strapping of the frame of the lower floor, it is necessary to make the second upper strapping and thereby tie the vertical posts together.

To give the frame structure the proper level of strength, it is necessary to additionally install diagonal jibs. They help prevent loosening of the entire two-story structure in the future.

Second floor frame

A 6 x 8 m two-storey frame house is erected in almost the same way as all other buildings of this type. The structure of the upper floor should be almost exactly the same as the features of the first floor.

Frame house with two floors.

The racks of the frame house must be installed on the second upper strapping in the same way as it was originally on the foundation. It is necessary to provide jibs between the elements, which will prevent the building from vibrating during gusts of wind. Tying the frame before installing the roof is carried out in the same way as between floors.

Roof installation

Turnkey two-story frame houses are made with the arrangement of various types of roofs. They can be flat, pitched, gable. If you do the work yourself, it is best to organize a gable roof. This is due to the simplicity of its design.

On a note.

The roof slope must be at least 25 degrees. It is best to keep the ramp angle between 35 and 50 degrees. The number of skates can be different - from 1 to 4.

Initially, it is worth installing the rafters, after which the crate is attached to them. Already on the latter, the selected roofing material should be fixed.

Wind protection

The project of a two-story frame house 6 by 8, 6 by 6 or 9 by 9 meters necessarily requires the performance of work aimed at protecting the house from various atmospheric phenomena. For this, appropriate films are most often used, which are attached from the outside of the building to the frame using a construction stapler.

TechnoNIKOL for protection.

The main functions of a windscreen are as follows:

  1. Preventing moisture from entering the house.
  2. Blocking the blowing of the building in weak places by gusts of wind.
  3. Ensuring the free exit of steam to the outside.

A suitable film or membrane is first attached to the frame, on top of which external finishing can be organized.


A two-story frame house 9 by 9, 8 by 8 or 6 by 6 meters must be properly insulated. This is due to the fact that in the winter time it will be cold and uncomfortable in the house without an appropriate layer.

Vertical cross insulation

It is necessary to lay insulation material between the frame rack. It is best to use mineral wool for this. The main thing is to place the insulation in such a way that there are no gaps anywhere that facilitate the penetration of cold air into the house.


The project of a two-story frame house 6x6, 8x8 or 9x9 involves the use of a wide variety of materials for exterior decoration. This applies to siding, imitation of timber, stone. The procedure for performing this type of work is as follows:

  1. Initially, you need to fix a crate made of 40x50 mm bars on the frame. In this case, the fastening step should be about 590 mm. In addition, metal profiles can be used.
  2. Before using the lathing on a building, you need to treat it with antiseptic and fireproof substances.
  3. Installation of the finishing coat is carried out in accordance with the type of material.

Exterior finish with imitation of masonry.

It is best to finish with environmentally friendly materials that allow you to create an unusual and attractive exterior image of the building.

House projects

A frame-panel house with an attic or terrace is the dream of many people. In order to build it, it is necessary to focus on the projects of these structures available in the network. They allow you to create the most successful layout, providing for the correct structure of the structure.

Frame house 6 by 6

The 6 by 6 two-storey frame house is a building that is especially suitable for the smallest plots. On the ground floor of such a structure, you can place an entrance hall and a common room with a kitchen. The last two rooms can be joined together to expand the space.

Construction scheme 6 by 6 m.

On the top floor, the project of a two-story frame house 6 by 6 meters allows you to organize either one large bedroom or two small rooms for rest.

The bathroom is best placed on the ground floor, allocating a small area for it. This can be done even under the stairs to the second floor, which allows you to significantly save free space, which a two-story 6x6 meter frame house cannot boast of.

Frame house 6 by 8

Two-story frame houses 6 by 8 meters are also very popular. They allow you to more efficiently organize the space of the building. The main thing for this is to think over the correct layout. It should be based on the number of family members, as well as the purpose of the structure.

The location of the premises of the building.

A 6x8 meter two-storey frame house allows you to organize an attic, balconies and many other elements that will not only be a beautiful addition to the building, but also an important functional part of it.

Frame house 9 by 9

The project of a two-story frame house 9 by 9 meters differs in that it allows, in addition to the obligatory rooms, to additionally allocate premises for an office, a dining room or a guest room.

Frame houses 9 by 9 meters cannot be accommodated in too small areas, where an additional playground, vegetable garden or garden will be organized. That is why it is very important to correctly pre-distribute the usable area in such a way that it is convenient to use the backyard territory.

Winter, construction sites are standing still, it's time to get ready for spring construction, collect information, think over projects, make decisions on what technology and what technology to start building in the spring, and it is not far off.

Last year, at this forum, I told how my brother and I were building a frame bath. Now I want to present you with a report with photographs and explanations of the construction process of a frame house. I hope that many forum members, who are going to build on their own, will learn something interesting and useful for themselves. It's about building this house:

Many of you buy and read DOM magazines, in the second issue of this year there is an article telling how our friend managed to build such a house in just a few holidays and a summer vacation. In the editorial office of the magazine, the text I prepared was reduced a little, some of the photographs and drawings were removed, but nevertheless, I think that the construction technology is clear to many.

Here I will present to your attention the full text with a large number of photos, I will try to answer your questions, just do not contact me as a professional builder, I am the same as most of you, I will gladly tell you about all the intricacies of the entire technological process used by me when construction of frame houses.

They decided to build a one-story house using frame technology, for such a structure, you can use a columnar foundation, which will not take much time and effort, and you can erect the frame of such a house under a roof without interior decoration within a few days.

Project. The family of the owner of the house consists of four people, which means that the house should have at least three bedrooms, one large guest room, a kitchen, a toilet room with a shower, a large terrace for evening tea drinking and outdoor dining. A typical country house of a family with an average income. They took the development of the project of the house very seriously, since not only the issue of the convenience of the house in operation depends on it, but also the price of the house, the construction technology and the time it takes to build and make the exterior and interior decoration of the house.

Initially, it was planned to make two bay windows so that the house had, as it seemed to us, an unusual appearance. But in the process of working on the drawings of the frame details, they came to the decision that without bay windows, construction time and costs could be significantly reduced, and the house would be warmer and more practical. Based on these conditions and their technical capabilities, we made a project at home.

The entrance to the house is through the terrace - 13m2, in the winter season it will function as a cold vestibule, from which we pass into a small heated corridor - 5m2, in which there is a hanger for outerwear and a shelf for shoes. From this corridor you can get to the parents' bedroom - 11m2, to the toilet - 6m2 and the kitchen - 18m2. The kitchen consists of two zones, next to the front door is a working area with a sink, a work table, a gas stove, a refrigerator and shelves, further there is a dining area with a large table, a corner sofa and a metal fireplace stove, from which you can get into a guest room of 21m2 and children's bedrooms - 8.6m2 and 10.8m2.

Foundation. Since they decided to build the house with a light one-story frame technology, measuring 11 by 9 meters, the foundation of the house was made with a pillar, using asbestos-cement pipes filled with concrete mortar. Such a foundation can be made very quickly, and there is no need to wait for a month until the cement is completely hardened.

With the help of a benzo drill, holes with a diameter of 200 mm were drilled in the ground. to a depth of about one meter. The distance between the posts is 80-90cm.
Asbestos-cement pipes with an inner diameter of 100 mm and a length of 1.3 m were installed according to the level in the drilled holes. They sprinkled sand around the pipes, poured water and tamped it, poured concrete mortar into the pipes in the proportion: a bucket of cement, four buckets of sand and five to six buckets of rubble. In the pipes on which the floor logs will rest, special plates were installed for fastening the logs.
In two days off, 125 pipes were installed and filled with concrete.

Wells were drilled to a depth of about one meter.

The pipes were installed according to the level and plumb line, then they were sprinkled around with sand and thrombosed.

The pipes were filled with concrete mortar through a special funnel.

During the May holidays, from May 7-9, all the foundation pipes of the future house were installed and filled with concrete.

Frame houses are very popular with developers. This is due to the fact that they are built in short terms, require a minimum of money, have excellent performance characteristics and are environmentally friendly.

If someone has a desire to start building just such a house, then in this article you can get information on how to do it. Here everything is scheduled in stages. At the same time, it means that all the preparatory, and most importantly, organizational measures have been carried out and a permit has been obtained to build a house. What does that require?

The foundation is selected at will and can be columnar, pile-screw, tape, etc. This article examines an example of building a frame house with a pile-screw type of foundation.

This type of foundation is suitable for those areas where there is loose or unstable soil. This type of foundation has a number of advantages, such as:

  • There is no need to involve special equipment for its construction.
  • The foundation is being built in a short time: one day is enough to mount it.
  • Huge selection of building materials (piles).
  • The foundation has excellent load-bearing characteristics.
  • This is a cheap foundation option compared to other types of foundations.
  • The foundation is installed at any time of the year.

On a note! The presence of the pile-screw foundation does not allow equipping a basement in the house. This is a significant drawback of this option.

How to calculate the number of piles?

The piles must have the correct geometric shape and high-quality blades. Suitable piles can be selected from the corresponding table.

Screw pile (pipe diameter)Installation stepApplication
219 3-10 Houses, piers, hangars
159 2-5 Likewise
133 2-5 Likewise
108 2-5 Heavy gates, piers, hangars, houses, fences
89 2-4 Can be used as additional piles, for houses, utility blocks
76 1-3 Light buildings, terraces, signs, traffic signs
59 0.5-2 Likewise

On a note! In conditions when the soil is clayey, work should be carried out in dry, not rainy weather. Piles are installed strictly vertically.

In the case of using piles of large thickness, you will have to use the help of special equipment. If you choose piles of the optimal diameter, then you can do with your own efforts. In this case, it is much easier to decide on the same level of pile installation.

To begin with, the necessary markings are carried out on the site and the site is being prepared. It is desirable that it be horizontally flat and can serve as a kind of guideline for the depth of the piles.

The next step is to determine the perimeter of the future foundation. For this, metal rods are hammered at its corners, after which a rope is pulled between them. It is necessary to check that the future foundation has right angles.

First of all, piles are installed at the corners to a depth of at least 0.5 meters. Although it all depends on the type of soil. It is better to install the piles together: one screws them in, and the second controls the verticality. Having installed the piles at the corners of the building, they proceed to the installation of intermediate piles, which can be located at a distance of 0.7-1.2 meters from one another. All piles are screwed in to the required depth, after which they proceed to leveling, concreting and mounting heads on the piles.

For this operation, beams with a size of 150x150 mm, 200x200 mm and 200x250 mm will fit. Before laying the beams, the tops of the piles are coated with mastic and a couple of layers of roofing material are laid. This is the so-called waterproofing. The bars should be treated with an antiseptic.

The beams are mounted around the entire perimeter of the future building and are interconnected in half a tree, using 120 mm long nails. All joints are reinforced with corners, which are fastened with nails 50-60 mm long.

The bars are attached to the base with screws, while they fit into special heads and are well attracted with screws.

On top of the harness, a board is laid on the beams, which will block the joints of the beams. In the future, vertical posts of the future frame will be mounted on this board. The board is nailed to the timber with nails 100-120 mm long.

The subfloor is mounted on logs measuring 100 x 150 mm, installed every 0.6 meters. The logs are connected to the strapping by means of metal corners, after which a board is nailed onto the logs from above.

Insulation is laid in the openings between the logs, and a vapor barrier film is spread on it. After that, everything is covered with plywood. The plywood is taken thick and attached to the logs. In order for the floor to be level, the joists must be installed in the same horizontal plane.

For the installation of the frame, beams of the following dimensions are taken: 100x50 mm, 150x50 mm, 200x50 mm. First of all, vertical posts are installed at the corners of the structure. They are fastened securely with the help of reinforced metal corners. After that, proceed to the installation of the remaining racks, which are attached in the same way as the corner racks. Jib braces are attached to all racks, which minimize loosening of the structure.

The upper beam is connected at the corners by cutting, and to other uprights with the help of corners. For greater strength, diagonal slopes are installed.

They can be installed in three ways:

  • Through cutting.
  • With perforated brackets.
  • With metal corners.

Alternatively, it is recommended to combine several methods at the same time. This can be the option of cutting down and the option of using corners. Beams are installed directly on the upper strapping beam. Fastening can be done with self-tapping screws, but it is better to use nails, since they make it possible for the wood to expand freely when the humidity changes.

Roof installation is a rather laborious operation, which is worthy of a description in a separate article.

For this, there is a wide range of facing materials on sale, such as siding, timber simulants, artificial stone, etc. The work is carried out in the following order:

  • At the first stage, a lathing made of wooden beams with a size of 40x50 mm is installed. The pitch of the lathing is 0.6 m. Alternatively, the metal profile CD-60 from plasterboard systems will go.
  • If the lathing is made of wood, then it is advisable to cover it with an antiseptic and fire-resistant material.
  • After the lathing is ready, proceed to the installation of the facing material.

In the process of work, one should not forget about the insulation of a residential building. As a rule, everything is subject to insulation: floor, roof and walls. Do not forget about the vapor barrier film.

The building is almost ready, it only remains to carry out the interior decoration of the living space. You can take advantage of many options here, especially since each room requires its own approach. And such rooms as a bathroom and a kitchen are subject to exceptional finishes.

Photo report of the construction of a frame house on their own

Here you can see in stages, the construction of a frame house with your own hands on weekends.

A two-storey frame house is a capital structure, the basis of which is a solid wooden frame. Residential buildings built using this technology are suitable for permanent residence even in harsh climatic conditions. They have many advantages that dispel the doubts of skeptics.

The advantages of two-story frame houses

Choosing two floors instead of one allows you to save space on the site and reduce the cost of building a foundation, purchasing roofing materials and installing a roof. The construction of two-story frame houses is much cheaper, faster and easier than the construction of buildings from blocks, bricks, logs, concrete.

Among the advantages of frame construction, it is worth highlighting:

  • High thermal efficiency, which is ensured by a special thermos technology used in construction.
  • Profitability during operation... The cost of heating for frame houses is an order of magnitude less than for providing heat to buildings made of stone or wood, built using traditional technologies.
  • Long service life. Frame-type houses do not require major repairs, as well as regular reconstruction of walls or foundations.
  • No shrinkage.
  • Resistance of materials to various external negative factors.
  • Non-combustibility of building materials.

It should be noted that the list of benefits is far from complete. Frame structures are distinguished by good sound insulation parameters and the absence of distortion of wall structures over the course of many years of operation. Interior arrangement and decoration can be made from almost any modern materials.

How to build a two-story frame house

Choosing, technology, according to which it is better to build a two-story frame house, you need to study each of them. The construction of insulated projects is a good alternative to the classic solution to the problem of buying or building a house. For construction today they use the newest and most modern technologies, safe and affordable materials.

A huge number of projects have been developed by specialists. And especially popular today are two-story frame houses, in which several generations of one family can live. Due to the large area, one can assume the possibility of space zoning in them. The technology itself is of particular interest to consumers, therefore, before starting construction, it is best to study all the subtleties of this process.

Features of the construction of a frame house

The skeleton of a two-story frame house, bearing the main load, is the frame. Can be distinguished two types of frames:

  • platform (including floor-by-floor construction of a house);
  • end-to-end (the racks of the first and second floors are end-to-end).

The platform-type framework is used more often. This can be explained by the fact that such a frame is very simple and quick to assemble. The design is distinguished by smaller dimensions and dimensions of all elements.

A platform view of a two-story frame is erected in the following order:

  1. Assembly of floor slabs, which are the basis for the walls of the first floor.
  2. Installation of ground floor racks.
  3. Installation of the upper floor of the first floor. This slab represents the floor of the second floor.
  4. Installation of racks on the second floor.
  5. Assembling the ceiling slabs of the second floor, which serve as an attic slab.

The double frame technology is more complex and time consuming. Through posts are temporarily fixed to other structural elements. This method helps to avoid deformation. The uprights pass through the intermediate floors without interruption and reach the base of the roof.

As a rule, frame houses of this type are more in demand among people who prefer the classic style. In such buildings, structures and building elements can also serve as interior elements at the same time.

For the manufacture of the frame is used bar of various sections. Each structural element of the frame is rigidly and firmly mounted using steel bolts, connecting corners, plates and other elements for fastening. Most often, from the outside, the frame is sheathed with plates, for example, DSP. Such boards can be manufactured using a wide variety of technologies, they are water-resistant and fire-resistant.

Technologies for the construction of two-story frame houses

Regardless of the type of frame, the following technologies can be used during the construction process:

  • Canadian - using platform panels or SIP panels;
  • German, including the assembly of panel panels;
  • frame-frame.

All of these technologies differ in different approaches to the completeness and use of panel panels. You can assemble the panels directly in production or with your own hands at the construction site of a two-story frame house.

The platform technology assumes the use of a pre-prepared platform and logs equipped with grooves for fastening double panels on the construction site. The shields are fastened using the upper strapping. The space between the panel boards is filled with insulation.

- This is a double slab or OSB, in which there is a foam layer. They are produced in the factory and then delivered to the construction site.

German technology implies the production of panel panels, the assembly of which is carried out entirely in the factory. Such panels are equipped with the necessary elements, from insulation materials to engineering communications. Almost all structural elements are assembled at the plant. Then all the parts are delivered to the site by means of special equipment.

Frame-frame technology is largely different from the previous two. The use of this technology provides for the implementation of all assembly work directly on the construction site. The frame of the house consists of glued beams, the cross-section of which is 150 mm. Further, it is sheathed with boards, taking into account the requirements of technology, or moisture-proof plates.

After completing these works, the walls are sheathed with special materials. Most often, frame-frame technology is used when building a house with your own hands. This technology is considered simpler and more flexible; its use does not require the use of special equipment. It makes it possible to subsequently make the necessary changes to the design and architectural characteristics of the building.

Stages of construction of a frame house in two floors

At the very beginning of work, it is installed on a previously prepared foundation, which will act as the base of the entire frame. For the installation of the lower strapping, beams of the required size are used, less often boards or logs. When the floor beams enter the strapping contour, it is performed in two rows. If the floor beams are located on the posts, the strapping contour is made in one row.

The connection of the corners is carried out using direct lock... After installing the lower strapping and fixing it to the foundation with the help of metal spikes, proceed to the installation of the bearing racks. Racks are subdivided into corner and ordinary, made of timber with a thickness of at least 50 cm.

Plank braces are attached to the uprights for added rigidity. As a rule, the upper harness is attached to the supplied posts with the help of straight spikes. When using a floor frame, ceiling beams will be mounted in it. After that, the bearing racks of the second floor are installed by analogy with the first.

For wall insulation of a two-story frame house, basalt slabs are used, the thickness of which should not be less than 50 cm. In order to avoid cold bridges, the sheets are laid with an overlap. For external cladding, high-quality lining, siding or special plates are used. To evaporate excess moisture from the insulation layers, it is imperative to leave a gap of up to 30 mm.

Two-storey frame house with an attic

The space allotted for the attic is often used as the second floor of a frame house. But to implement such a solution, the construction of the roof slopes must be designed in a special way so that, if necessary, the attic space can be increased. Such a floor is called an attic floor, and the solution itself makes it possible to significantly save building materials and increase the living space.

Very often, the attic floor serves as a study or bedroom. The advantage of arranging the attic can be called a more budgetary cost, due to the exclusion of overlapping of the upper sections of the walls.

Frameworks are especially in demand attic houses of compact size... The standard dimensions of such buildings are 6x4, 6x6, 6x8 or 8x8 m. The total area of ​​such a house will be from 50 to 130 square meters. m.

The most popular sizes of two-story frame houses

From the total area of ​​the house, not only the cost of construction is envy, but also the cost of maintenance. You need to choose taking into account the size of the site, the composition of the family and personal needs.

The dimensions of the house are 6x4, and the project requires a minimum number of rooms. As a rule, the total area of ​​the building is 40 sq. m. The attic floor of such a house is reserved for a bedroom, and on the first floor there is a kitchen and a living room. The walls of the house are a frame made of timber 100x100 mm or 100x50 mm. The ceilings are beams with dimensions of 150x150 mm. The choice of foundation depends on the type of soil - from pile to slab.

From the outside, the house is sheathed with OSB boards. Izospan is suitable as waterproofing, and basalt sheets with a thickness of 100 mm are suitable as insulation. Outside, the house can be finished with siding or decorative tiles. For the roof, metal or ondulin is suitable.

Frame house on two floors 6x6

The area of ​​a 6x6 two-story frame house is 64 sq. m. Due to the large area in such a house, it is easy to design several more premises, in addition to the kitchen, bedroom and living room. For example, on the ground floor you can place a living room, a bathroom and even a sauna with a shower. On the second floor there are several rooms, or two bedrooms and an office.

Frame house on two floors 8x8

The dimensions of the house give more possibilities for design and engineering. The area of ​​such a cottage is about 120 sq. m. In addition to the kitchen and dining room, on the ground floor you can also place a children's room, living room, bathroom, shower, sauna or other premises at the discretion of the owner.

Second floor a frame house is suitable for placing several bedrooms, an office, a rest room. Depending on the roof configuration and design option, the attic floor may have different ceiling levels. The roof can be gable, pitched, curly or other type.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the soil on the site, for construction, you can choose both a concrete and a foundation on piles. Traditionally, all common areas are located on the ground floor. But at the request of the owner of the house, the layout of the interior space can be changed in accordance with the needs and possibilities.

A comfortable two-story frame house can solve the housing problem at minimal cost. Unlike an ordinary apartment, such housing is more economical, ergo-efficient and functional. A house made from natural materials will be reliable, environmentally friendly and durable.

Video: building a house with an area of ​​160 sq. m

A warm and inexpensive house that can be built in one season is the dream of any owner. It is these requirements that frame house-building meets. The low weight of all structural elements makes it possible to do without the use of lifting and other special equipment, and modern heat-insulating materials make frame houses suitable for life even in the harsh northern winters. But it is not enough to know how to build a frame house, it is necessary to comply with all the requirements of the technology and take into account the phased features of the construction of the structure. We asked the specialists of the "City of Houses" company to tell us about all the nuances of frame housing construction.

Finished view of a frame house Source

Basic rules for frame construction

So that the final result of the construction does not disappoint, before building it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the simple rules:

  • The main criterion when choosing sawn timber is quality... It is better to give preference to kiln-dried wood than wood of natural moisture, which can crack when dry. A good option would be technical drying of the timber, which minimizes the amount of moisture in the tree.
  • Entrust the work to professionals... Building a house in which you will live is not the most suitable platform for experiments, if something is done wrong, at best it will lead to uncomfortable living conditions, and at worst - to emergency situations. And this is not even taking into account the fact that construction is not only the construction of walls, but also many narrow-profile types of work: wiring communications (sewage, electricity, heating), roofing work at a height and much more.

A professional team builds a frame house in a short time Source

  • Every little thing matters... Trying to save money on fastening materials, insulation or wood impregnations can be expensive. Low-quality, but cheap insulation can release harmful substances that are hazardous to health. Insecure fastening of elements can lead to a violation of the integrity of the frame.

The technology of building a frame house is a step-by-step work, which in itself will help save budget funds. Therefore, you should not save on building materials.

Choosing a place on the site

Two groups of factors that affect the place of the future home are of a recommendatory and binding nature.

The latter include:

  • Fire protection standards... They regulate the rules for the location of buildings, depending on the fire hazard. For example, the distance between buildings made of non-combustible materials is at least 6 meters, for wood and other combustible materials - 12 m.
  • Sanitary standards... They regulate the distance from the house to outbuildings, power lines, trees and other things.

For the correct choice of the location of the house, many factors must be taken into account. Source

  • Horizon orientation... Exit windows to the south or east will allow you to achieve maximum natural light.
  • Consideration of prevailing winds... It is not necessary to arrange additional windows and doors on the leeward side.
  • Distance to the carriageway... The further the distance to the road, the quieter it will be in the house, but will increase the driveway.
  • External view from the window... The arrangement of windows overlooking the garden is preferable, rather than to the courtyard of the estate and to the outbuildings.

To comply with all norms and choose the most suitable place, you must contact the design organization.

The foundation for the house - the foundation of the foundations

A solid foundation is the key to a solid and durable home. For frame buildings, a foundation of one of the following types is usually erected:

  • shallow tape;
  • pile-screw.

In the first case, first earthwork will be carried out so that there is where to fill the foundation, then the formwork is made and a reinforcing frame is laid out in it.

The second stage is concrete pouring. It is technologically correct to do this in one go, but sometimes layer-by-layer filling is also allowed. As the formwork hardens, the formwork is removed - the foundation must gain strength within 30 days. After that, waterproofing work is carried out, and the assembly of the lower trim begins.

Diagram of a strip foundation for a frame house Source

The pile foundation, in turn, is considered one of the most budgetary and fast-built.

The pile is a thick metal pipe, the end of which is equipped with a helical blade. They are twisted into the ground using special equipment. There are some types of driven piles, but they are rarely used.


Video description

What are the pros and cons of a pile screw foundation? Is it possible to make a high-quality foundation for little money? More in the video:

Piles are an innovative method of foundation installation that has recently appeared on the domestic market. Therefore, while he is enjoying the distrust of consumers. However, correct installation in compliance with all requirements will ensure the reliability of the building and a long service life.

Bottom rail and floor

To protect the piping from moisture from below, roofing material or waterproofing material is laid on the foundation. You can use bitumen mastic, but it will be more expensive than roll material. Sometimes materials are combined: once the foundation is covered with mastic, and waterproofing is laid on top.

The assembly of a frame house begins with strapping. For it, boards with a section of 15x5 cm or a beam of 15x15 cm are used. The boards are laid along the perimeter and aligned along the outer edge of the foundation. In the right places, holes are drilled for the studs. The second layer of boards is laid in such a way as to overlap the lower joints of the boards. This gives the structure additional strength. It is easier and faster to install timber, but its price is higher than that of boards. In addition, the overall load-bearing capacity of a double board will be higher than that of a single bar.

This is what pinned lags look like. Source

A board 20x5 cm on the edge is installed on the harness. It is also aligned to the outer edge of the foundation and secured with self-tapping screws. Lags are mounted from boards of the same section. Fastened with self-tapping screws or special corners. The installation step is 30-60 cm.

Important! The longer the span of the log, the smaller the step. This will ensure an even distribution of the load on the floor, minimize the bending of the log and eliminate the "trampoline" effect.

The next stage is insulation. It is important to choose high-quality insulation here.

Joints with lags must be sealed with sealing materials Source

Important! It is undesirable to use foam. It belongs to combustible materials, therefore it is an increased danger for wooden structures. Most often, stone wool slabs are used for floor insulation.

An edged board 10x2.5 cm is used for the construction of the subfloor. Plywood with a thickness of 0.5–0.6 cm is laid on top of it. You can lay plywood sheets immediately without flooring from the boards. In this case, the thickness of the sheets should be at least 1.5 cm. This option is faster, but in some cases more expensive. Like masonry, plywood is laid out in a staggered manner. A gap of several centimeters between the sheets compensates for expansion with an increase in air humidity.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of frame houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

A strong frame is the key to a strong home

There are two possible schemes for the construction of a frame house:

  • construction of a wall on the floor and its subsequent installation in an upright position;
  • assembly of all elements at once in place.

The first method is usually used in factories for the production of modules of frame-panel houses. In some cases, assembly on the floor is easier than on-site, but the resulting structure will be heavy, so it will take several people to lift and install it.

Installation of an already assembled wall Source

Even one person can collect items vertically at once. This method is slower, but will help to avoid inaccuracies in dimensions - the parts are assembled "in place".

To calculate the step, there are special formulas that take into account the load on the structure. But in practice, most often the step between the posts depends on the width of the insulation. The distance between them should be a few centimeters less than the insulation. This will ensure a snug fit to the uprights and keep you warm.

There are two options for assembling the frame: on self-tapping screws or on nails.

Depending on the type of outer cladding, permanent or temporary cuttings are made. If the outer part is sheathed with sheet material with sufficient strength, it will add additional rigidity to the structure and a constant mowing will not be required.

If the exterior finish is tough, this option is possible for the installation of bevels Source

If the finishing material is type-setting - siding or clapboard, then permanent mowing will be required.

The installation of corner posts requires special attention. The technology is simple, but a simply installed vertical bar can freeze through. Therefore, a warm corner is used in the construction of frame houses.

Stands installed vertically are secured with slopes Source

If lumber is used with a smaller section or the owners additionally want to insulate the corner elements, then several options are possible:

  • To increase the thickness, two boards are nailed to the corner posts with a depth equal to the depth of the post and 5 cm wide. After external finishing, a special casing is stuffed into the corner, which provides an air gap between the corner and the casing board. This will reduce heat loss.
  • Before the beginning of the outer sheathing, a counter-batten is mounted that will hold the waterproofing. A 5x5 or 5x4 cm timber is usually used. 5 cm is the optimal size for the ventilation gap between the wall and the finishing material. The selected material is attached to the counter-lathing - lining, siding, imitation of a bar.


Ceiling beams are fastened to the upper trim using the cut-in method or to metal corners. The cut should not exceed 50% of the thickness of the upper strapping beam. The section and spacing of the beams depends on the purpose of the second floor.

  • If the presence of an attic or a full-fledged residential floor is expected, then the construction of the floor is similar to the floor of the first floor.
  • If there is only an attic at the top, then the beams are taken with a smaller section.

For the convenience of work, a subfloor is laid on the floor from a 10x2.5 cm board. This will facilitate movement and make the work safer.

If the house assumes a one-story structure, then the upper beams are mounted with a 30-centimeter release beyond the walls of the frame. This is done to secure the rafters.

Fastening beams Source

Installation of the rafter system

An important stage in the construction of a frame house, as in any other technology, is the choice of type and installation of the roof. Frame construction is positioned as a fast construction. Therefore, the usual gable design is most often chosen. Subject to all construction standards, the roof of a frame house can be built of any configuration and complexity, but this will take more time.

For good snow melting, the roof slope should be more than 28 degrees, but should not exceed 50 degrees - the wind load on such a roof increases several times.


For the construction of rafters, boards of 20x5 cm with a length of 6 m are taken. The first pair of rafters is assembled from two boards and installed on the edge of the frame. The same pair is installed on the opposite side. Between two pairs of rafters, cords are pulled on both sides to control the flatness of the roof. The rest of the rafters are exposed along them. The step between them varies from 60 to 80 cm, depending on the choice of insulation. For strengthening, wooden beams with a section of 20x5 cm are used. They fasten a pair of rafters like the letter "A".

Video description

How to make a truss system of a frame house is shown in the video:

The nature of the battens depends on the selected roofing material. It can be soft tiles, corrugated board or metal tiles. The limitation will be the weight of the roofing material. For example, the use of clay or clinker tiles is not recommended - a large weight will create additional stress on the frame of the house.

Photos of frame houses

Frame house with balcony Source

Frame house with classic German exterior finish Source

Original frame house with a small roof slope Source

Frame house with a veranda and a sloping roof Source

Factory-assembled two-storey frame house Source

Construction of a frame house in winter Source

Frame house with a 4-pitched combined roof Source


A frame house is a technology that is only gaining popularity in domestic housing construction. Short construction times and cost savings are significant advantages over other construction methods. But the technology of building a frame house will require strict adherence to all technological processes and stages of construction, which will make it possible to fully appreciate its merits.


The exhibition of houses "Low-rise country" expresses its sincere gratitude to the specialists of the company "City of Houses" for their help in creating the material.

The City of Houses company is its own design department, quality assurance and the use of proven and profitable solutions in the construction of country houses and cottages.

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