Do-it-yourself country house - a simple step-by-step instruction for stylish summer houses (75 photos). How to build a country house with your own hands (57 photos) - the technology of building a frame structure How to build a small cottage

landscaping 30.08.2019

I can no longer imagine myself in the city in the summer, especially on hot days when I want to escape from the stuffy metropolis to nature. For me, a dacha is, first of all, a place where I relax, where I draw strength directly from the ground I walk on and from the air I breathe.

We build everything on our site with our own hands, without hiring workers. Even if it is a long time, it allows you to fully live the process, because it is the process in this case and important. And according to my observations, many people love summer cottages precisely because of this.

But even if you decide that construction is the lot of professionals, and decide to hire a team, then it's okay! Get inspired, look for your project and be happy on your land in your home!

Choosing a place for the construction of a country house with your own hands

There are many opinions about where it is better to locate the future home. In any case, the last decision is always made locally, so general recommendations can be as follows: from neighboring areas by 3 meters, from the street by 5 meters, from the passage by 3 meters.

Do-it-yourself country house - where to build on the site

In the above diagram, everything is painted according to distances, look, study, apply on your site. If you have a summer cottage of 6 acres, or 9 acres, and you do not plan to sell it, then you can simply put it anywhere, this is your right. All norms are conditional, except for the distances to neighbors, but even here there are houses that stand literally on the border.

Projects of small country houses

As part of this material I do not set the task to tell about all the stages of construction. I just want to introduce you to some interesting ideas submit different options for you to consider.

For simple country houses, you can offer one-story project no attic. Dimensions 6 x 7 meters. There is a lot of space in the house, you can place both the utility block and living quarters.

The project of a one-story country house is increasing!

It is rare when you meet a house without a terrace, or some kind of structure for rest on fresh air. Therefore, either think over a house with a porch right away, or create an opportunity in the future to make an additional extension for gatherings. Summer is so short and it is not at all interesting to spend it indoors, even if it is a country house.

Projects of country houses with an attic

One-story buildings may be of interest to those who use the cottage exclusively for temporary residence, let's say, weekend visits. There are also those who live on their own suburban area throughout the warm season. It is recommended for such people to build a house with an attic in order to make better use of the space on the site.

Project of a house with an attic and small terrace— is increasing!

On the second attic floor, you can place a bedroom, or a storage room for everything that may not be in demand for a long time.

The project of a house with a terrace and an attic is increasing!

If you love views and cannot imagine yourself without horizons, then plan a living room in the attic, in this case you will always be aware of what is happening in the area.

Here's another one interesting project one-story country house that you can build with your own hands. He is with open veranda, bedroom, living room combined with kitchen, bathroom and utility room. An option for those who like solidity and compactness.

Do-it-yourself country house - an option with an attic

Highly nice idea project of a country house with an attic, the plan can be enlarged and considered in detail. Please note that the project provides for bathrooms both on the ground floor and in the attic.

Do-it-yourself country house - a simple project

Another simple country house project with a kitchen, living room, bathroom and bedroom. Such plans, of course, involve some costs, for kitchen utensils and plumbing. But if you plan to spend some time in your dacha, then I think it’s better to organize everything fully than to go to the toilet on the outskirts of the site.

Too interesting solution country house with their own hands. The plan can be enlarged, consider everything in detail. This house also has a combined living room with kitchen, bedroom, outdoor terrace, bathroom and hozblok.

Fairy country house do it yourself

And I called this project a fairy tale house. It has a single space, with a kitchen front and a separate bathroom. There is also a fireplace in the house. Such a building can be a second home on the site, where you can have guests who have visited you.

Do-it-yourself country house - Laying the foundation

Usually light country houses can be placed on a columnar foundation. The figure above shows an example of this type of foundation. It is best to use dense stone, but concrete pillars are often made. A layer of gravel should be poured under the stone, this will be a pillow that will take on all the deformations of the soil.

Please note that the thicker the gravel layer, the more reliable your building will stand. A layer of waterproofing must be laid between gravel and soil.

On such a columnar foundation, you can put houses made of timber, logs, frame buildings. Such a foundation will withstand even a house with an attic.

You can get acquainted with the classification of strip foundations by clicking on the picture above.

The diagram above shows an example strip foundation from brick. In the figure you can see what points need to be considered during construction. This is waterproofing, and a basement, and the presence of a blind area so that water from the roof does not leak under the foundation.
When laying the foundation for the house, consider the depth of soil freezing and the level ground water.

The figure shows an example of the correct laying of the foundation, taking into account freezing and water level.

Separately, I want to say about the blind area - it is necessary for strip foundations. The picture above illustrates everything perfectly. Thus, the blind area prevents dampness of the foundation and prevents its destruction.

Do-it-yourself country house - Floor and walls

The floors are laid on logs, usually a thick board 50 x 150 mm. A 100 mm insulation is placed between the lags.

We made a crate from a rough board under the lags, from below, a heater was already placed on it. A vapor barrier was spread on top, fastened to the logs with a stapler. And already on the vapor barrier, taking into account the space for ventilation, a subfloor was laid, on which an OSB slab was laid. You can also lay a board. Whoever likes it. We also laid linoleum on top.

In the photo you can see the stage of laying the insulation between the lags on the floor. The insulation is 50 mm thick, therefore it is laid in two layers, with an offset.

Do-it-yourself walls of a country house

The most affordable technology for building a country house with your own hands is frame structures.

The photo shows a typical frame frame, which will later be sheathed outside and inside, and insulation will be laid in the cavity. Such structures are convenient, quickly built, do not require large investments, and in terms of quality they are quite suitable for living in the summer season.

Outside and inside, you can sheathe the frame with OSB sheets, between the sheathing - a heater, this is both fast and budget. Then it is already possible to sheathe the outside with siding, and from the inside with clapboard.

However, the outside can also be sheathed with natural clapboard, and then varnished. Good decision for holiday living.

Do-it-yourself country house - Roof installation

Now briefly on the roof. Usually it is made gable, but sometimes it can be single-sided. For example, we have a kitchen with a shed roof, and a living room with a gable roof. But this is for now, since we plan to attach a terrace to the kitchen, just with the direction to the gable.

Study the above picture, it gives instructions on how to attach the rafters to the Mauerlat, and also shows how you can make a skate.

The figure shows an approximate installation scheme of the roof. What and in what sequence goes on the roof.

Here is another roof covering scheme. Learn and build!

In the final, windows and doors are usually installed, finishing is done. But that is no longer within the scope of this article. That's all for me at home! But the topic is not closed, I will regularly return to it.

A suburban area is not only land with a garden and plantings. Many city dwellers come there for a good rest, so you need to have a house on the site. Not all summer residents have the opportunity to build a comfortable house on six acres. Many people get out of this situation by choosing the option of building an economy class house.

Inexperienced and novice summer residents are faced with the question of choosing cheap materials for construction. Below are examples of inexpensive and cozy country houses with visual photos.

Where to start building

Any construction begins with a plan on paper. The house outside the city is not intended for year-round use, but for the sake of comfort it requires familiarization with a typical project.

Among the projects of country houses in the lead with an attic or attic. This option allows you to abandon the construction on the site of the outbuildings. All inventory and working tools are stored in the attic. In addition to such a house, you can attach a veranda or terrace that acts as a dining room.

Strip foundation requires more time and cost. The positive side of it is that it allows you to use the room under the floor as a basement.

The next stage of preparation is the material of the "box" of the future building. There are several types of inexpensive and reliable building materials:

Frame-panel structures

The frame is mounted with a beam and sheathed wooden planks Fiberboard or chipboard. Expanded polystyrene, glass wool or polystyrene are used as insulation. The result is a house with minimal cost which can be used all year round.

The house from a bar differs in the durability. Construction work will cost more. When using cheap timber, there is a chance of encountering the problem of shrinkage of the building. As a result, cracks and gaps appear. The log house will also have to be insulated.

A clay house is the cheapest and easiest construction option. Building materials are right under your feet. The construction technique is similar to clay modeling.

The downside is the building process that is too long in time. It will take several seasons to build a clay dwelling.

The trailer is common among newcomers to summer residents. The best option for living in summer time or during the construction of a well-maintained house.

Construction of a frame structure

Frame construction belongs to the category of low-budget. Build country house do it yourself without the help of specialists is not difficult. If everyone necessary materials are ready, the term of work will last several weeks.

To build a house you will need:

  • bars for the frame;
  • self-tapping screws and corners;
  • wooden chipboard or fiberboard;
  • insulation;
  • piles for the foundation.

Stages of building a frame house

At the marked places, piles are driven in the corners. Mount concrete or brick supports under the joints of the walls. Then they lay down on them waterproofing material and tied with a channel.

A lattice of bars is laid around the entire perimeter. Placed on top of it wooden logs at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. All parts are fixed with corners and self-tapping screws.

Next mount vertical racks, firmly resting on the bar grating. The finished frame is tied and attic logs are placed on top of it. Next up is the framing work. wooden slabs. At this stage, holes are left for windows and doors.

Now you need to decide on the choice of roof for a country house. Most summer residents choose gable and shed roofs. As an economy, the second option deserves more attention. When building a roof, do not forget about the vapor barrier. The roof will be inexpensive sheets of corrugated board or ondulin.

Facing the outside is done using siding. Before this, the outer walls are insulated with special materials. Instead of plastic windows install ordinary wooden without double-glazed windows. This approach will significantly reduce the cost of construction.

With the help of simple and simple tips the country house will be ready for operation in less than a month. Those who do not have enough time for construction can contact construction company, where they will offer to build a house for a turnkey cottage at an affordable price.

A few words about the interior

No matter how the house looks from the outside, inside the country house must meet all the requirements of our time. Gone are the days when a cottage in the country was used for cooking and lodging for the night.

Rest in the country - first of all, comfort and organization inside the house. There are many budget methods satisfy the most desired interior solutions.

Country - country style in the interior. Here you can not do without cabinets and shelves, curtained with curtains with embroidery. Will look good crochet napkins, tablecloths and rugs from old clothes.

Build a full-fledged, reliable, beautiful and comfortable country house with my own hands- almost every owner dreams about it land plot.

Building your own home is an incredibly rewarding experience and a great opportunity to save money. cash, because all construction activities can be handled on their own without the involvement of third-party specialists. You just need to choose the right one construction material.

Recently, country houses made of foam blocks have become more and more popular. This building material has good performance characteristics, is fireproof and relatively light.

The blocks are large in size, which allows you to build various kinds of buildings with maximum speed. Working at an average pace, a house can be built in just a couple of months.

As for the monetary costs of construction, building a house from foam blocks will require much less material investments than arranging brick construction, but slightly larger than the construction of a similar wooden house.

Advantages and disadvantages of foam blocks



  1. Low tolerance for high loads.
  2. Low rate of curing, accompanied by shrinkage.
  3. Risk of cracks.

It is best to use blocks made of high-quality autoclaved foam concrete. Such material is less prone to shrinkage.

The bearing row of masonry is necessarily reinforced with reinforcement.

Foundation for the house

The best option for a foundation for a country house from the material in question is a strip base. The foundation structure must be reinforced.

The dimensions of the tape are quite standard. The width of the tape should be 100-200 mm greater than the thickness of the walls of the house. The depth of the slab is up to 600 mm. Base - no more than 400 mm.

The foundation is set up in a few simple steps.

Video - Foundation

First step

Mark the base in accordance with the layout of the future country house. For marking, use any suitable pegs and an ordinary rope.

Second step

Dig a trench according to the markings. Install formwork.

Third step

Fill the bottom of the trench with a 30 cm layer of sand and gravel. The backfill must be well compacted. Backfill in layers of 100 mm.

Fourth step

Cover the walls and bottom of the pit with moisture-proof material.

Fifth step

Lay the reinforcing layer. Assemble a mesh from 10-12 mm bars with cells no more than 15x15 cm. Tie up the joints of the reinforcing bars with steel wire.

sixth step

Pour concrete. It is important that there are no air voids in the fill. To eliminate voids, use a vibrator or pierce the fill with a rebar.

seventh step

Cover the frozen foundation with moisture-proof material (roofing material). Lay the strips with a minimum of 15 cm overlap.

Video - We build a country house from a foam block

Wall construction

Start building walls. First make sure that the foundation structure is horizontal. It is important that the height difference does not exceed 30 mm. In case of existing more significant deviations, level them with cement mortar.

It is important that the foam blocks are laid strictly horizontally along the longitudinal and transverse edges. Use a level to check if it is level. If distortions are found, correct the position of the foam block with an ordinary rubber mallet.

Video - Foam block laying

The starting row of foam blocks must be laid out especially carefully. The accuracy of the construction of the entire country house directly depends on the correctness of its installation.

First step. Find the highest point concrete base. At this stage, a level will help you.

Second step. Lay the first building element in the corner closest to the highest point of the foundation.

Third step. Install foam blocks in the remaining corners of the base.

Fourth step. Pull the rope between the corner foam blocks along the top edge of the wall.

Fifth step. Fill the initial row with foam blocks in accordance with the stretched cord. If you find any kind of irregularities in the evenness of the masonry, eliminate them with a sanding board, or even better - with a planer. Remove dirt with a brush.


After the first row is completely filled, reinforcing bars should be laid on top of the foam blocks. In the future, the reinforcement must be laid after the installation of each 4th row.

Lay a smoothly curved steel rod in the corners.

First step. Using a grinder, prepare strobes measuring 40x40 mm at a distance of at least 60 mm from the edge of the building block.

Second step. Clean the grooves of dust and moisten them with clean water.

Third step. Fill in the strobes cement mortar about half the volume.

Fourth step. Lay the moistened rebars in the strobes.

Fifth step. Fill the recesses with mortar to the end.

At the location of the overlap, the armored belt must be monolithic. It will make the structure more rigid.

Rest 1-2 hours after laying out the first row of blocks. During this time, the solution will have time to grab. Keep laying out the walls.

Proceed to the construction of internal partitions.

First step. Mark on the bearing wall the place of interface with the partition.

Second step. Insert stainless steel anchors into the intended area. Insert one end into the load-bearing wall, fix the other end into the seam of the partition. Such fasteners must be inserted into the load-bearing wall through one row of blocks.

Third step. Secure the anchors with nails. It is also allowed to simply press the anchor into the mortar without using nails.

Openings for windows and double-glazed windows

Buy or make your own lintels from hollow foam blocks for arranging the floor. The cross section of such jumpers should look like the letter P.

Mark the cut sections on the foam block, and then remove the inside with a hammer.

Install hollow foam blocks that look like the letter P on top of the opening to be equipped. Install on wooden supports. For example, timber or boards are suitable.

Fasten the supports with nails to the side walls of the opening. Lay the rebar in the inner strips and pour the concrete. Do not remove the supports until the poured concrete has gained strength.

Also, foam blocks can be laid on top of the opening to be equipped on metal corners.

Roof structure

Arrange the floor of the house from wooden beams and start building the roof.

Choose the shape and type of roof at your discretion. The order of arrangement of the roof remains the same:

  • rafters are installed;
  • crate is stuffed;
  • the necessary insulating materials are laid;
  • the final roofing is installed.

Choose the roofing material according to your personal preferences and available budget.

The surface layer of foam blocks is characterized by rather intense moisture absorption. Therefore, the finished walls must be closed with external decoration. Otherwise, they will darken very quickly and begin to rapidly collapse.

For exterior finish walls can be used various materials. Choose to your taste. The most commonly used solutions are:

Choose the most suitable exterior finish for you and get the job done.

In the end, all you have to do is interior decoration country house at your discretion, connect the necessary communications and systems, and then complete internal arrangement housing to your liking.

Warming of a country house from foam blocks

Self-construction of a country house from foam blocks is quite fast and not too expensive in financial terms event. Follow the recommendations received, and you will be able to build a reliable country house with your own hands.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself construction of a country house


For a plot for a summer house, get a house in a nearby village. This is an option. After all, some kind of road already leads to it, there is a power line, a well has been dug, so you are already provided with light and water. The acquired house will come in handy at first as a temporary shelter - for shelter from the weather, for storing tools. So, the first costs are made, proceed to the construction of a country house.

Start by laying out the foundation. If the area of ​​​​the site allows, it is advisable to build a house on the same level, closer to the ground. It is better to make the foundation tape from, reinforced with a metal mesh.
To make it, dig trenches according to the markings made in advance. Use black earth for, and collect and store clay in one place. It is unlikely that it will be possible to save something on cement, gravel and sand. You can only win on payment work force. In order to fill in, you can call friends and relatives. The work is hard, but does not require special qualifications.
After the concrete has hardened, make waterproofing. Now level the foundation with red brick masonry - make a base. Then put another layer of waterproofing.

Here comes the moment in construction when it is safe to say that it is impossible to find cheaper walls that you will build. Start installation wooden frame. Lay a strapping beam along the perimeter of the foundation. Set plumb wooden blocks section 50x75 mm. Make the distance between the bars along the thickness of the wall 30-40 cm. The distance between a pair of bars is 70-80 cm.

Put the clay, mined when digging a trench under the foundation, into a container, crush it and fill it with water. After some time, dip the straw into this clay milk and let it soak in this solution.
After impregnation, lay the straw on a grate or net. Let excess moisture drain.

Now, place the straw soaked in the clay solution in the formwork, fixed on the vertical bars of the frame. Compact the mass manual tamper let her dry.
When the wall "grabs", remove the formwork and transfer it to the next place. And so on until the height of all walls reaches the desired size.

This is where the big savings in construction ends. Then do the usual attic floor, install truss system. Attach the crate to it and lay the roof.
Internal and external heating boiler and thermal radiators.
Your country house is ready!

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Useful advice

To save money, purchase materials from trusted companies and at an affordable price.


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For the construction of a residential building with year-round use, it is necessary to choose a site with the possibility of supplying engineering communications and with good access roads. To issue land ownership and obtain a building permit agreed with all services, and only after that proceed directly to building.

You will need

  • -the passport
  • - title deeds for the land
  • -certificate of ownership
  • - building permit
  • - construction passport
  • -project
  • -sketch
  • -Construction Materials


First of all, it is necessary to bring electricity to the selected and registered in the property site. Without it, construction is simply impossible. Because a lot is always used in construction electrical appliances.

To connect to the central power line, you need to obtain a technical document from the supplier organization, draw up a project for supplying electricity to the site. This is done for a long time, so while you are given all the documents and permits, issue a construction passport and take a permit for building on the site.

Invite an architect to the site to draw up an architectural project for a residential building and a sketch of engineering communications.

With all the documents for the site, the project and the sketch, contact the department of architecture and urban planning of your area. After reviewing your documents, a preliminary construction document will be drawn up for you, which must be agreed with the utilities, administration and fire department. Only after all the approvals received, you will be issued a building passport and a building permit will be issued.

It is necessary to lay the foundation in strict accordance with the indicated place in the building passport. Since the red line of your street and the distance from other buildings are precisely calculated there.

The foundation must be installed below the freezing level of the soil and above the groundwater level. Choose the type of foundation depending on the structure being built and the materials from which it will be made. When planning to build a multi-level house or from heavy materials such as concrete or brick, you need to lay a reinforced strip foundation reinforcing cage.

When building a house made of wood or light structure consisting of one level, you can make a columnar foundation. But this is up to you and the condition of the soil on which you will build. For weak peaty or sandy soil, always install a strip or slab foundation. The durability and reliability of the structure always depends on the strength of the foundation.

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Quite a lot of people who live in city apartments think about their own country house. This desire can be made a reality. Building a cottage does not take too much time. A modern cottage is a beautiful, functional and reliable building. These figures are achieved thanks to the latest modern technologies.


Electricity and plumbing

If you want to spend time in the country with comfort, you need to take care of organizing simple household needs. So, for example, if you do not have light, then there will be no way to put a refrigerator. And this means that you will not be able to cook fully, since very few products can be stored. If you do not have a septic tank, then you will have to go to the toilet the old fashioned way. Today, the organization of electricity and sewerage is quite simple. It is worth paying for the services of conducting important highways to your site, and that's it - the problem is solved. The cost of such services is not particularly budgetary - all together it can come out about 200,000 rubles. But the result is worth it. In the house itself, it is necessary at the time of construction to provide for the possibility of laying electrical wires and sewer pipes. To do this, it is best to call professionals who will accurately calculate everything and do it as correctly and well as possible.

How long does it take to build a country house

On average, the construction of a country house takes from several days to 2-3 weeks. Depends on the type of house, the materials from which it is built, and many other factors. The cost of construction varies between 500 - 700 thousand rubles. In case of purchase finished houses pricing depends on company policy.

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Modern dacha owners strive to keep up with the times and build original buildings on the site of the former Soviet monotonous country houses. In order to combine unusualness and functionality, not only good taste is required, but also special knowledge.

Carefully consider the planning of the land in your country house. Available space should be used as rationally as possible. If you have difficulties in the planning process, contact a specialist or consult with friends who are experienced gardeners.

If you are re-building a summer house or re-planning an old one, clearly formulate for yourself the answer to the question - why do you need a summer house. Often, the slightest change, such as a change of furniture or a simple rearrangement, satisfies the owner. If you are building a house anew and want to make it truly functional, then, of course, pay attention to all kinds of design solutions and smart houses. Those who come to the dacha for work, who do not need living rooms, can save dozens square meters site by building a folding "smart" house. It will store all the tools and necessary accessories.

If you need a house in which you will spend several months of the year, then the construction or planning of the cottage should be approached more systematically. First of all, equip the sanitary room. Bath lovers can combine all the amenities in the same building. Spend hot water, sewer or use a modern dry closet. Also be sure to take care and protect yourself from insects in summer period- install mosquito nets on the windows. For a comfortable stay in autumn, spring or even winter period consider the heating system of your house. For a small building, a large stove or fireplace is quite suitable, in multi-room houses it is better to use heaters. Finally, for a comfortable long stay in the country, highlight private room to furnish the kitchen. It can be a full-fledged kitchen or a corner of the most necessary household appliances- stoves, refrigerators, sinks.

In order for the cottage to become a cozy and functional holiday home, build covered veranda or a porch so that dirt and moisture do not penetrate into the rooms.

The dream of many citizens is a beautiful small house outside the city, where you can escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, hide from the heat, feel the pleasant freshness of the earth under your feet instead of hot asphalt. But just not for everyone these dreams get a real embodiment, it seems that a country house is both difficult, and expensive, and long. In fact, building a country house with your own hands is quite simple.

We plan space

Choosing a place for a future country house is not the time for hasty decisions, because there are not so many places. Thoughtful competent planning help to use every piece of land as efficiently as possible. Even though this is your land, you will have to fulfill a number of requirements, maintaining a minimum distance:

  • from the street - 5 m
  • from the road - 3 m
  • from the neighboring site - 3 m

We do not consider the option with a lowland - water will accumulate there. Optimally - the highest place on the site in its northern (north-western) part.

Projects of small country houses

Considering standard projects country houses, it is easy to see that the undisputed favorite is one-story building with an attic. This is a time-tested version of a country house, while you can refuse a utility block, because inventory and household supplies can be stored in the attic.

A terrace can be attached to the house - in summer it can be used as a dining room. Two-storey country houses often obtained without actually erecting a “clean” second floor, instead of it attic. Then on the first floor you can plan the kitchen and living room, and the second floor - under the personal space (bedrooms) of the owners.

Advice! You can save a lot on the heating system - even at the most modest prices for the installation of a classic (boiler, pipes and radiators) accounts for 15-20% of the total budget. If you are building a small country house with your own hands, where you intend to live only in the "season" (late spring - early autumn), then you can use electric or infrared heaters to heat it in bad weather.

Prefabricated country houses are becoming very popular - unpretentious, outwardly monotonous parallelepipeds with roof changed interesting in architectural plan buildings, with an improved layout, one / two floors.

You buy a kind of building kit, such a country house is easy to build, having only basic knowledge about construction. The main thing is that it already provides for all systems - electrical wiring, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing. This will help to avoid many mistakes that beginners make when they decide to build a country house with their own hands.

A collapsible country house is designed for a long vacation with family or friends, it is larger in area, it can be one or two floors, with an improved layout. This house is equipped technical room, kitchen, lounges and bathroom, equipped with heating, ventilation, air conditioning, supplied with electricity.

The house can be equipped with a water heater, sink, countertop, hanging shelves, shower cabin necessary plumbing. After installing such a country house, no additional repair work, it is completely ready for operation.

Laying the foundation

The choice of the type of foundation is directly related to the choice of material from which the house will be built, as well as the number of storeys. Light houses (from rounded wood, beam, frame houses and modular) can be erected on a columnar or screw foundation, heavy (brick, aerated concrete, stone, concrete blocks) and two-storey houses will require the laying of a strip foundation (as an option - prefabricated, from reinforced concrete blocks) around the entire perimeter and under bearing walls at home.

It is important to know the depth of soil freezing - the foundation should be laid below this level, taking into account the level at which groundwater occurs.

In the basement, it is required to equip waterproofing at a level of 0.2-0.5 m from the ground. If the soil is dry enough (sand), a cement-sand screed 2-4 cm thick can be made as a screed. For wet soil, roofing material will need to be laid on top of such a screed - in two layers. Alternatively, roofing material can be glued onto a dry screed using hot mastic. Waterproofing is arranged below the expected level of laying beams for the floor.

Advice! In the basement, to ensure ventilation of the subfloor, small holes are made, which are covered with a protective mesh.

A blind area is created around the basement, its width is at least 70 cm (it should protrude further than the overhang of the eaves), which has a slight slope directed from the walls of the house. To do this, remove upper layer earth, clay (sand) is poured, on top of it - a layer of gravel (gravel, broken brick) and poured with concrete (rolled up with asphalt).

Floor and walls

Flooring begins with laying the log. To insulate the floor between the lags, a heater is laid, on top of which a vapor barrier is laid out. It is attached to the lags with a stapler, the joints are glued with adhesive tape. Then a subfloor is laid, for which an unedged, cheapest board is used, having previously treated it with a remedy for dampness and decay. And then they spread the finishing floor. AT two-story house serve as a frame for the floor on the second floor ceiling beams first.

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