House 7 to 7 is two-storey with a garage. Projects of two-storey houses with a garage

Encyclopedia of Plants 13.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Every owner country house knows how important it is to have not only a car, but also a specially equipped area for it, where you can create comfortable conditions for storage and maintenance of the machine. Today there are several options for placing a garage on the site. The article will consider projects of houses with a garage under one roof: the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution, as well as the features of planning and construction.

Projects of one-story houses with a garage under one roof: advantages and disadvantages

Ventilation device in the cellar and basement of the garage. Metal garage ventilation.

What are the requirements for a house project with a garage for 2 cars?

In order for the use of garages in subsequent years to be comfortable, even at the planning and construction stage, it is necessary to adhere to certain standards, among which the main ones are:

  • the area allotted for one car should not be less than 18 m². This is necessary first of all so that almost any can be put into the garage. a car... Indeed, even if today the dimensions of your car are very modest, in a few years everything may change, and this must be taken into account;

With garage for 2 cars

  • standards provide for free space as follows: 70 cm on the right and left, and at least another 70 cm of headroom for the front and rear of the car;
  • the gate to the garage should be such that the exit is not difficult. Usually standard sizes are 2.5x2 m in width and height, respectively. The garage height standards in a private house also provide that the ceiling of the car box must be at least 2.2 m.

Helpful advice! Since the car is made of metal, it is easy to corrode if stored under improper conditions. Therefore, it is advisable to provide high-quality heating and ventilation systems.

Styles and materials for building a house with a garage under one roof: photo examples

When viewing photos of garages in private houses, it should be noted that often this part of the building looks inorganic with its environment. Often, the garage looks unnatural against the background of an exquisite house, spoiling the perception of the whole picture with its appearance.

Let's consider what materials can be used for construction, as well as what styles of design are most suitable for construction.

  1. Russian manor or, more simply, a house made of timber, with or without a garage. As a rule, such structures made of wood are popular outside the city and are rarely erected within the boundaries of large settlements... Looking through the projects of houses from a bar with a garage, you can see that such a familiar material as wood can be used to implement very unusual, but rather practical ideas.
  2. House in English style differs in its simplicity and sophistication at the same time. Simple lines and geometric shapes can be complemented by columns or stucco, which sets the house apart from the rest. A wide variety of materials can be used for construction. Including can be found with a garage.
  3. Empire style is the most solemn style, in which every feature of the building should create a festive mood. It is far from the easiest solution when it comes to the need to arrange a garage attached to the house. The photos, however, perfectly demonstrate how effective the result can be if you approach this issue with due attention.

Helpful advice! Among non-standard ideas, you can consider the project one-storey house with attic and garage. The implementation of such an idea will allow you to create additional living space even if the garage and upper rooms have to be attached to an existing house.

The best materials for the implementation of projects of houses with a garage: photo examples

As for the choice of the most suitable building material, then it is worth carefully weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Let's take a quick look at the most popular ones:

  • wooden houses "breathe" the best and are highly environmentally friendly. As for the main claims - flammability and a tendency to decay, modern processing compositions have long ago solved these problems. So the only significant drawback of this solution is the high cost of the material;
  • foam concrete or aerated concrete blocks- materials featuring excellent thermal insulation characteristics... Among other advantages, it is worth noting excellent sound insulation properties, incombustibility and a rather high strength indicator. However, do not forget about the disadvantages, for example, in the case of using cement-sand mortar for masonry, the presence of cold bridges is ensured, and special glue will cost several times more;

  • brick has been the undisputed leader for many years. The features of this material include heavy weight, which is the reason for the need to lay a solid foundation. In addition, the cost of a brick cannot be called low, which, nevertheless, is fully justified by its strength, thermal insulation properties, as well as long term service.

Projects of houses with a garage and a bath under one roof: combination features

Despite the fact that the implementation of the plan for a one-story house with a garage is in itself not an easy task, many owners do not stop at this, additionally creating other structures - a gazebo, a sauna, a veranda, etc. It is often provided in projects of one-story houses with a garage and a terrace with a bath, which by themselves would take up too much free space on the site ...

Countryside can be designed with maximum convenience, for example, with a built-in sauna and garage

Such a solution has its own difficulties, but at the same time retains the advantages that are in the case of any combination - saving time, effort, building materials. In addition, there is no need to travel a significant distance from one object to another.

You can also consider interesting option more rational use available resources. For example, you can heat the garage from the stove, which is located in the bath. Sometimes this option is also used for partial heating of the house. However, in this case, it is important to design this moment so that the heat from the stove does not disappear, but can be used.

With garage and sauna under one roof

Important! This heating method is best used as an additional heating. Moreover, this method is not very effective when it comes to rooms with an area exceeding 100 m².

Looking through the photos of one-story houses with a garage, as well as more complex buildings, in which an attic or a bath is provided, one cannot fail to notice that such a solution is not only an opportunity to save money. For many, this is an opportunity to design a house that is as comfortable to use as possible, which allows you to conveniently store and maintain the cars in your family.

What to do if the personal plot is small, but you need to place a house and a garage. There is a way out: build a house combined with a garage. What needs to be foreseen?

Convenience of a home with a garage

For the owners of a large estate, it may not be important where to locate the storage space for the car: in the immediate vicinity of the house or on the border of the site. However, it is more rational to build a house combined with a garage. This is especially true for small plots, which, as a rule, are allocated in residential complexes. Why?

  • Construction and Decoration Materials in the process of construction. Only one wall, which is adjacent to the house, is built from expensive materials. For the rest, you can use other options. But not used.
  • Comfort guaranteed. Owners and family members do not need to run from one room to another with an umbrella in frosty or slushy weather. Usually they plan an additional entrance to the house directly from the garage.

  • It is easier to control the safety of a car than in a freestanding building. You can use a single security system at home.
  • Can be used as an additional utility room: to place things, cabinets, drawers that are rarely used.
  • The basement for storing vegetables and canning under the garage will be warmer and easier to get into.

  • Significant savings on communications: a common system with the house is always cheaper. If you install thermostats, then the temperature inside the room will be acceptable for the car, but there will not be a high flow rate of the coolant. A car that is stored in a warm place breaks less, the body lasts longer and is reliable in operation.
  • If the house is built-in, the owner saves time on clearing additional territory from snow, the car room and driveways are compactly located.

  • It is convenient to store garden tools: lawn mowers, chainsaws, trimmers, irrigation hoses, which, by the way, can be used to wash the car, snow removal tools and equipment.
  • It houses a workshop or a corner for repair work.

Do not place heating boilers for any type of fuel in this room. It is dangerous from a fire point of view. Also, do not store fuel (wood, briquettes, coal), even for fireplaces, barbecues and barbecues.

What are the features of such houses

Freestanding garages are traditionally considered outbuildings. Often, inexpensive are used in their construction. Construction Materials, and often do not even think about finishing. In contrast, the garages built into the ensemble of the house are designed in one stylistic key: color, finish, roof.

Pay attention to several features:

In small areas, a project with a built-in room for a car is unambiguously chosen, otherwise the organization of a cozy personal plot you can forget. A detached one takes up a lot of space, since in addition to the structure itself, it is necessary to make a reliable blind area around it, a driveway.

A house with a garage should be located so that there is a convenient access. If each time you have to do complex pirouettes around the courtyard to enter the building, the whole point of being there is lost. Any project should increase the comfort of life, not add problems.

Analyze finances. Building a building with an attached garage can add to the overall cost of the job. It is necessary to make an additional roof, install a more powerful heating boiler. A budget project with a built-in garage will help to save money.

Be sure to think about perspective. If, after building a house, you eventually think to buy another car, then immediately plan for two cars.

Consider whether you will be storing a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, jet ski or snowmobile in it. In this case, the dimensions are increased.

An important point is noise insulation. The sound of a car engine that starts under a bedroom or next to a nursery is unlikely to add comfort to life.

Construction technologies are constantly improving. Currently, it is difficult to build structures architectural form, it is possible to connect several functional buildings together.

How to make your garage last longer

For comfort, provide a transitional vestibule to reduce heat loss at home. Be sure to carry out heating. Install thermostats on the batteries to install optimal temperature and do not overload the boiler. On the one hand, you save on gas or electricity, on the other hand, you do not waste additional finances by regularly repairing your car.

Drain. It is not uncommon for owners to move in when it is raining or snowing. Puddles accumulate on the floor, the general humidity of the air rises, which negatively affects the machine and the structure. Install drainage that will drain water from the room outside the foundation and blind area.

Often, condensation collects in such structures; to avoid this, plan ventilation. It can be supply and exhaust by means of a fan and passive (ventilation holes in the lower and upper parts opposite walls). Such systems prevent the ingress of exhaust gases, fuel odors and lubricants to living quarters.

except common system home security, it is advisable to provide for separate security systems... As a rule, the owners, having arrived home, turn off the secret police as a whole, and thieves can open the gates and steal the car.

It is rational to install on roofs solar panels, this will significantly save money on electricity.

Even at the planning stage, it is necessary to add to the package project documentation... This is a legal requirement. All buildings must be legalized.

Houses with built-in garages

This is an option for small areas. An option is to be located below ground level in the basement. To implement such a project, you need to make sure that the level of occurrence groundwater was sufficient. Otherwise, instead of a car, you will have to purchase an amphibian or install drainage pumps(which is completely irrational). Organize a gentle descent.

When planning, you need to take into account certain structural features of the house. The width of the room for the car should be 2-3 times less than the overall dimensions of the house. What is it for? If the size becomes larger, it is impossible to correctly install the supporting partitions.

Attached to the house options

This project requires a little more materials than the previous version. But you can save on soundproofing materials, do without ceiling soundproofing. It is enough to mount the soundproofing belt only on the wall that is adjacent to the house and the problem of the comfort of living rooms will be solved.

In such rooms it is easier to make drainage system... In this case, you can build a simpler ventilation and heating system, this will not affect the comfort of the house.

The only drawback is its large size. Often, the projects of such houses do not fit into the geometry of small (especially corner) plots. In this case, you need to consider a project with a built garage or build a separate building.

Build a solid foundation. The car puts a lot of stress on the base of the building. The foundation is being built at the same time. Otherwise, over time, shrinkage may begin, and the attached garage moves away from the house, forming cracks.

A little about the cons

We have already talked about the advantages, but there is nothing perfect in the world. Having learned about the cons, it is easier to foresee all the nuances at the planning and construction stage:

  • The place is fire hazardous.
  • There may be increased heat loss during the cold period. Open garage doors blow out all the heat from the room.
  • We need additional financial investments for thermal insulation, noise insulation materials, a more reliable ventilation system and waterproofing of the premises.
  • The garage located on the ground floor takes up the area that can be used for a full room. This problem arises when the family grows.
  • Thorough cleaning should be done regularly. Otherwise, dirt mixed with moisture, oil and fuel residues will get into living rooms.
  • We'll have to fight odors.

You need to regularly clean and fight odors.

Two-story houses with a garage, projects with photos of which are collected in this section, have undeniable advantages:

    There is an internal entrance to the garage, thanks to which you can go to the car without leaving the house.

    The garage space is heated by the heat of the residential part of the house.

    If desired, the garage can be made heated by connecting it to a common heating system.

    Projects two-story houses with garage occupy the site less space than a separate garage and cottage.

  • The construction of an attached garage is much cheaper than the construction of a detached building.

Most of the two-level cottages with garage extensions are designed one at a time, the most optimal scheme... In addition to the garage, the kitchen, dining room and living room are located on the ground floor. Sleeping rooms belong to upper part at home. However, you can purchase an architectural design in which on downstairs living rooms are also planned. Their purpose is determined by the owners. For example, someone needs an additional bedroom on the lower level of the house, someone has a home office, someone wants to have a special room for guests, etc.

You can order or buy a turnkey project from us

In projects of two-story houses, 2 bathrooms are usually laid - a small toilet room downstairs and master bathroom upstairs. If the house is large according to the project, then there may be another bathroom in the sleeping area. There may be several technical rooms. If there is an attached garage in the design, then it is advisable to locate the technical area next to it. Often, an attached garage is combined with a workshop or a boiler room. It is not difficult to order such a turnkey project. We design low-rise buildings of any configuration.

A two-storey house with a garage is the embodiment of the modern dream of comfort and security. In such a room there is a place for a large family, and for a garage, which will be reliably sheltered from snow and rain.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many options for the location of the garage on the site. Someone more like it to stand separately, under a canopy, others prefer that everything was under one roof. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

One of the main advantages of a single building is the saving of free space. Since the garage is located close to the house, the territory is freed up, which is important for small areas. Also, most often it is possible to maintain a uniform style, which makes the courtyard look neater and more beautiful.

The advantage is that this type of garage is very versatile. It can be converted into a storage space, a workshop, and so on. Even if the main space is occupied by a car, it will still fit some gardening accessories, tools or fishing rods.

Among undoubted merits garages of this type:

  • heating from communications at home;
  • the presence of one roof for the entire building;
  • access to the car without going outside, which is convenient in the cold season.

There is only one drawback of the house, which is located under the same roof as the garage. If the partition is not very tight, there are ventilation holes, then bad smell gasoline, exhaust gases can gradually penetrate into the living area. To avoid this, you need to very high quality finish the walls of the garage from the inside and conduct a good ventilation system.

Materials (edit)

For the construction of a 2-storey house with a garage space, different building materials are used, but the same for the entire building. The final choice usually depends on what means the family has. The most environmentally friendly are natural wood and brick.


The tree allows air to pass through, but does not release heat from the house, so in such a building you sleep well and breathe easily. The atmosphere is healthy and relaxing. Yes, and it's worth building wooden house small size is relatively inexpensive. Especially when you consider the fact that you can get by with the installation of a light foundation.

Houses built from a bar look beautiful. There are several types of it used in construction. Most a budget option Is a rectangular bar. But it also has an obvious drawback - the material is short-lived. In order to at least slightly extend its life, the surface needs to be varnished.

The second option is a high-quality profiled timber. It looks far from being as attractive as all other types of wood. It is usually used simply for additional insulation premises, which eliminates the need to waste time caulking the cracks. Due to the profiled timber, the walls are reliably protected, do not rot and retain heat better.

The last type of timber is glued. This is the most expensive and high quality option. It is used to decorate garages and two-story houses by those who are willing to pay for quality. Building a house from laminated veneer lumber is much faster.


Brick house is considered the most reliable and durable. This material does not need any additional protection. You don't even need to paint it, the brick itself looks attractive.

Types of garages

In relation to the main part of a two-story building, there are three main types of garage locations.


Above-ground garages can be divided into two subspecies: lateral - in the form of an extension, and a lower box. The first option is a room that is located close to the house, to the right or to the left. Such a garage is convenient because it can be added even several years after the main building was erected. Often times, homeowners will complement the garage with a door that leads into the house. As a rule, the entrance is combined with the hallway, rarely with the kitchen.

The lower above-ground garage is part of the first floor. Its construction should be thought out in advance, because other rooms will be located above it. This arrangement of the box can increase the height of the entire building, but the option is good because the garage is part of the house, which means that the space in the yard remains free.


A garage of this type is set up under the house. Either ground floor, or basement. In order for the car to enter freely inside, you need to equip a flat driveway under right angle... It should be foreseen that in the cold season, such a descent can be slippery.

As a result of the efforts made, home owners save space and reduce the amount of work with the soil, and often also lower the height of the entire building. In some cases, the garage can be combined. You can attach a sauna or workshop to it, for example. This saves space.

Planning and construction

Plan two-storey house the garage is always much more difficult than usual. There are many nuances that should not be forgotten in any case. After all, comfort and safety depend on it.

Location selection

The first step in building a house with a garage is choosing a location. First you need to decide: it will be an overground or underground building. At the same time, we must not forget that, according to safety rules, living quarters cannot be located above the garage.

The size of the building is also calculated in advance. If the family has more than one car, but several, this is also worth considering, and not only to allocate a larger area for the garage, but also to make an exit for two cars.

The gates can go either directly to the street or to the courtyard. You need to decide on the entrance in advance. Everything is done to make the car owner more comfortable. So, if the house is being built closer to the road, then it is more rational to make a garage with access to the street and save on the driveway

Project preparation

To build on the site two-storey house with a garage from scratch, it's not enough just to take this step. It is imperative to obtain the necessary permits and collect all the papers.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the drawing documents. Their list includes floor plans with accurate markings and the correct scale, schemes for conducting communications in the house. You will also need additional information on the construction of the foundation, stairs and other elements.

Communication and security

For comfortable use, the rebuilt garage must be adapted to suit your needs. Their list is usually short, and it is enough to keep the room warm, bright and safe.

It is at this stage that heating pipes are installed in the garage, if necessary, and plumbing is installed. If you plan to make the box heated, then you must not forget that you need to calculate all the costs so that later you do not face monetary problems due to high tariffs.

It is also worth carrying out a good ventilation system. Everything unpleasant odors and gas vapors must be discharged outside and under no circumstances enter the house. This can lead to health problems.

For added comfort, the compact garage can also be extended soundproof panels... So fiddling with the car will not interfere with those who are in the house or want to sleep a little longer.

Arrangement of the second floor

It is also quite possible to arrange a room above the garage. Safety rules prohibit only placement on top of the living space. But nobody forbids to equip a workshop, or, for example, a winter garden in the room upstairs.

It is convenient to use the space above the garage to place an attic there. You can also do with a balcony. In the attic or balcony, they equip a greenhouse with a garden, however, smaller than in a full room. Such a technique will allow you to fill in the unlivable space and at the same time create a beautiful corner that will revitalize the house.

The planning of any house begins with the choice of its location. It is best to place your home so that as much light as possible gets into it. Hills are ideal for this. Since we will be talking about a house with a garage, it is worth taking care of a convenient entrance. Let's take a closer look at all the subtleties of the layout.

Two-story house: advantages and disadvantages

It is good to place a two-storey house on a small plot

The main advantages of two-story houses:

  • attractive appearance;
  • saving land area for construction;
  • the possibility of building a balcony;
  • savings in foundation construction due to the smaller area;
  • possibility of space division into separate zones.

The disadvantages of a two-story house the following factors can be attributed:

  • need for design and construction of stairs;
  • careful calculation and design of ventilation systems;
  • significant expenses for the installation of plumbing and heating systems.

How to plan the first floor

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Usually, on the first floor of a two-story building there is a public area, that is, premises common use ... It is also possible to arrange rooms for elderly family members here to save them from the difficult climb of stairs. Follow the link to see what they are. How to build a terrace with your own hands, you can watch the video.

Classic premises for the first floor:

  • kitchen;
  • canteen;
  • living room;
  • hallway;
  • pantry;
  • bathroom;
  • guest rooms.

By placing these premises on the ground floor, you will provide free access to them for both the owners and guests of the house.


Living space in the garage will allow you to create a stylish and fashionable space

When planning, the garage is located under the same roof with the house, or attached to it. As a rule, it has two entrances: from the house and through the central gate.

When planning the position of the garage, you need to pay Special attention convenient travel, both in summer and winter.


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With a classic layout, the second floor is a zone family vacation. The following premises are located on the second floor:

  • bedrooms;
  • children's rooms;
  • bathroom in the bedroom of adults;
  • shared bathroom with bath;
  • study;
  • wardrobe.

House on two floors

Do not place children's rooms and bedrooms above the garage. Since exhaust gases and gasoline vapors are harmful to the human body.

To exclude the ingress of these substances into living quarters, it is necessary to equip the garage with powerful forced-type ventilation.

Avoid large hallways on the second floor. It is enough to plan a small space in front of the stairs, into which all the doors of the located rooms will go.

Things to consider when planning

When designing a two-story house with a garage inside, it is necessary to take into account certain norms:

  1. Conducting communications... Heating and plumbing systems. When planning heating, you must take into account the cost of it;
  2. The garage must be equipped good system ventilation so that exhaust gases and unpleasant odors do not enter the room above the garage;
  3. It is worth taking care of high-quality sound insulation;
  4. The garage room is not heated to the same extent as the residential one, therefore it is necessary to consider floor insulation in the room above the garage;
  5. If a winter garden is planned to be located above the garage, it is worthwhile to carry out work on wall insulation;
  6. Electricity supply and accommodation lighting fixtures inside the house and in the garage;
  7. When planning construction and finishing costs, always throw in 20 percent for unexpected expenses.

What can be arranged above the garage

A wonderful view will open from the balcony

A conservatory, a terrace or a living room can be placed in the room above the garage.

A winter garden can be arranged above the garage. However, it should be borne in mind that this room requires a large number energy. Therefore, it will be advisable to make floor heating. Finish the walls of the room with good thermal insulation materials... This will significantly reduce heating costs.

It is especially important to place a winter garden above the garage if it is located on the south side of the house. Roof over winter garden should be steep so that snow does not accumulate on it in winter, and in summer, the sun does not heat the surface very much.

Living room

A two-story house needs to be properly designed

In the room above the garage it can be located and living room... The main thing is that it is not a nursery or a bedroom. In this room you can equip a home theater, a study, gym or a creative workshop.

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