Solar panels in outer space. Spacecraft and technology

reservoirs 20.09.2019

Solar sail 20 meters wide, developed by NASA

Solar sail (also called light sail or photon sail) - a device that uses pressure sunlight or laser on a mirror surface for propulsion.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "sunlight" (the flux of photons, it is it that is used by the solar sail) and (the flux elementary particles and ions, which is used for flying on an electric sail - another type of space sail).

The idea of ​​flying in space using a solar sail originated in Russia in the 1920s and belongs to one of the pioneers of rocket science, Friedrich Zander, who proceeded from the fact that particles of sunlight - photons - have an impulse and transfer it to any illuminated surface, creating pressure. The pressure of sunlight was first measured by the Russian physicist Pyotr Lebedev in 1900.

The pressure of sunlight is extremely small (in the Earth's orbit - about 9 10 −6 N/m 2) and decreases in proportion to the square of the distance from . However, a solar sail can operate for an almost unlimited period of time, and does not require any fuel at all, and therefore, in some cases, its use may be attractive. However, to date, none of the spacecraft has used a solar sail as the main engine.

Solar sail in starship projects

NASA's "Heliopause Electrostatic Fast Transit System" HERTS E-Sail

The solar sail is the most promising and realistic starship variant to date.

The advantage of a solar sailboat is the lack of fuel on board, which allows for a larger payload compared to spaceship on jet propulsion. However, the concept of a solar sail requires a sail that is light in weight and at the same time large in area.

The disadvantage of a solar sailboat is the dependence of acceleration on the distance to the Sun: the farther from the Sun, the lower the pressure of sunlight and thus the less acceleration of the sail, and beyond the pressure of sunlight and, accordingly, the efficiency of the solar sail will approach zero. The light pressure from the Sun is quite small, therefore, to increase acceleration, there are projects for accelerating a solar sailboat with laser installations from generating stations outside. However, these projects are faced with the problem of accurately targeting lasers at ultra-long distances and creating laser generators of the appropriate power.

Geoffrey Landis proposed to use to transfer energy through a laser from a base station to an interstellar probe with an ion engine, which provides some advantage over purely space sail(Currently this project is not feasible due to technical limitations).

Space regatta

In 1989, a competition was announced by the anniversary commission of the US Congress in honor of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America. His idea was to put into orbit several solar sailing ships developed in different countries, and holding a race under sail to . The entire journey was planned to be covered in 500 days. The United States, Canada, Great Britain, Italy, China, Japan and the Soviet Union submitted their applications for participation in the competition. The launch was to take place in 1992.

Applicants for participation began to drop out almost immediately, faced with a number of technical and economic problems. The collapse of the Soviet Union, however, did not lead to the cessation of work on the domestic project, which, according to the developers, had every chance of winning. But the regatta was canceled due to financial difficulties for the anniversary commission (and possibly due to a combination of reasons). The big show didn't take place. However, the Russian-made solar sail was created (the only one of all) jointly by NPO Energia and DKBA, and received the first prize of the competition.

Spacecraft using solar sail

Soviet scientists invented a scheme for the radiation-gravitational stabilization of a spacecraft, based on the use of a solar sail.

The first deployment of a solar sail in space was made in Russia on February 24, 1993 as part of the Znamya-2 project.

On May 21, 2010, the Japan Space Agency (JAXA) launched , carrying an IKAROS spacecraft with a solar sail and a meteorological apparatus to study . "IKAROS" is equipped with the thinnest membrane measuring 14 by 14 meters. With its help, it is supposed to study the features of the movement of vehicles with the help of sunlight. $16 million was spent on the creation of the device, the agency notes. The deployment of the solar sail began on June 3, 2010, and was successfully completed on June 10. Based on the frames transmitted from the IKAROS, it can be concluded that all 200 square meters of the ultra-thin fabric were successfully dealt with, and the thin-film solar panels began to generate energy.


Spacecraft series "Forecast"(mach. No. 501/510, No. 2512, No. 2513) - specialized Earth satellites that allow the installation on each of them of a complex of scientific instruments that differs from the previous ones, which have the ability to conduct long-term continuous data transmission in real time and are intended for astrophysical research, study solar activity and the natural mechanism of solar-terrestrial relations.

The series consists of 12 automatic space vehicles (SC "Prognoz-1" - "Prognoz-12"), launched in different calendar periods, starting from 1972 to 1996. The devices have been modernized twice.

The base unit is called SO("solar object"). It is designed to control the radiation activity of the Sun and predict the radiation safety of cosmonaut flights. Three satellites of this type were made (KA "Prognoz-1/3"). The development of projects, the approval of technical specifications and the management of flight tests were carried out by OKB NPO. S.A. Lavochkin. Production - at the machine-building plant "Vympel".

After a number of improvements were made to the on-board systems, the device received, starting from 1975, the name SO-M. During spacecraft flights "Forecast-4, -5, -6, -7, -8" unique studies of the structure of shock waves of the solar wind near the Earth were carried out. During the experiment carried out within the framework of the international project "Relict" (1983, the USSR, Czechoslovakia and France), on board the spacecraft "Forecast-9" the anisotropy of the relic radio emission over the celestial sphere was measured. Within the framework of the Soviet-Czechoslovak project "Intershock" (1985), a spacecraft was launched "Forecast-10". Its goal is to study the structure and characteristics of the shock wave and magnetopause arising from the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetosphere. In addition, important information about the radiation situation in near-Earth space was obtained during the flight.

As part of an international project "Interball"(1995) devices of a new generation were created, which received the designation SO-M2 ("Forecast-M2")

For each of the devices of the series "Forecast" its own scientific program which is based on the solution of the following fundamental scientific problems:

  • Study of physical characteristics solar plasma, particles of solar cosmic rays, interplanetary magnetic field, not perturbed by the Earth's magnetosphere, as well as long-term registration of the electromagnetic radiation of the Sun.
  • Studying the processes occurring inside the magnetosphere and on its boundary.


For launching the KA series "Forecast" used launch vehicle "Lightning" complete with upper stage "L".

SC launch "Forecast-1-10" carried out from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, spacecraft "Forecast-11,-12"- from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

To ensure the preparation, launch and control of satellites, the following improvements were made in the rocket and space complex:

  • in the accelerating block L" the tanks for the oxidizer and the control and stabilization system have been improved;
  • re-designed and manufactured control and test electrical equipment, equipment for pneumatic testing and checking the thermal control system for the technical position, modernized assembly and docking devices.


When choosing the parameters of satellite orbits "Forecast" The following main requirements were taken into account:

  • Ensuring the possibility of carrying out a scientific program.
  • Ensuring the possibility of long-term communication of ground-based measuring points with a satellite to control on-board systems, obtain trajectory, scientific and operational information, as well as for long radio communication sessions when recording data from scientific instruments in real time.
  • Ensuring a long time of existence of the orbit without correcting its parameters.
  • Use for launching satellites into orbits of the carrier rockets in operation and the exhausted routes of their flight.

Launching artificial Earth satellites into high-apogee orbits is challenging task and requires the analysis of various types of orbits that ensure the fulfillment of scientific tasks. Satellites of this class move in a complex force field, as they experience the disturbing influence of the moon. The choice of the date and time of launch during the launch of the Prognoz satellites was carried out according to the one developed at the NPO named after S.A. Lavochkin to the method of accelerated calculation of orbit evolutions with turn-by-turn integration.

It should be noted that ensuring the stability of the existence of the orbit by appropriately choosing the date and time of the launch made it possible to abandon the development and installation on the satellite of a complex and big weight autonomous correction systems.

KA "Forecast" is launched by the Molniya launch vehicle first into an intermediate orbit, and then by the booster rocket block L into the initial calculated orbit with the parameters:

apogee–500 km

perigee - 235 km

orbital inclination - 65 degrees.

Over time, the parameters of the orbit undergo some changes under the influence of the gravitational field of the Moon and the Sun.


Structurally satellite "Forecast" made in the form of a sealed cylindrical container with a diameter of 1500 mm and a height of 1200 mm, closed on both sides with spherical bottoms.

Outside, on the cover there is a frame on which the sensors of scientific equipment, an optical device of solar orientation, and antennas of the radio complex are mounted. On the cylindrical part of the body there are four panels of solar batteries and frames with scientific instruments installed on them, a thermal damper, microengines of the orientation system, cylinders with working gas for these engines. At the ends of the solar panels are installed: a magnetometer rod, antennas and other remote devices. Inside the container there are frames with devices of the radio engineering complex installed on them, electronic devices of the solar orientation system, scientific equipment, devices of the thermal control system and a buffer battery of power supply. The thermal regime of the station is provided by the active thermal control system (STR) of the instrument compartment in combination with passive thermal control means.

The thermal regime of blocks of scientific equipment and service equipment installed outside the instrument compartment is provided by passive means of thermal control. The stabilization of the satellite in space is carried out by rotating it relative to the longitudinal axis directed to the Sun. In this regard, one of the technical problems was to ensure the given moments of inertia of the device. Therefore, each satellite was balanced on a special stand.

Basic data of the satellite and its systems:

  • weight 850/1370 kg;
  • radio complex of the decimeter wave range - two on-board transmitters with a power of 10 W, the number of control commands 120-256;
  • informational content of the SC-Earth radio link up to 250 Kbaud;
  • information content of the telemetry system 800 and 3200 baud, storage device memory 108 hours and 80 MB
  • as part of the KPA;
  • the antenna-feeder system consists of two widely directional antennas, an antenna switch and an electronics unit;
  • solar orientation system - uniaxial, orientation accuracy 1 / 1.5 deg, satellite rotation speed around the longitudinal axis 3 deg / sec;
  • the system of executive bodies of the orientation system consists of gas nozzles, pneumatic valves, reducers and cylinders high pressure with nitrogen;
  • thermal control system - gas, closed type with partial screen-vacuum thermal insulation, temperature maintenance range inside the instrument container from 0 C to +40 C;
  • power supply system: solar batteries with a photoconverter area of ​​7 sq.m and a buffer storage battery with a capacity of 100 ampere-hours.

During the development and creation of the design of the satellite and its systems, the task assigned to NPO them. S.A. Lavochkin's task, as a result of which a universal satellite was created, which makes it possible to install scientific equipment on it in various configurations without repeated ground tests (static, vibration, thermal, and others). This significantly reduced financial and material costs.

Due to its versatility "Forecast" were widely used for scientific research under the program "Interkosmos". Particularly fruitful were joint experiments with scientific institutions Czechoslovakia, Hungary, France and Sweden, which made it possible to master and use a new scientific methodology, improve the technology of manufacturing scientific instruments, and use scientific equipment manufactured by other countries.


To ensure work with the Prognoz satellites in flight, flight programs were developed with typical communication sessions with ground measuring points, which were carried out:

  • checking the functioning of service systems and managing their work;
  • checking the performance of scientific equipment and managing its operation (switching on, off, calibration, etc.);
  • recording of scientific measurements and the state of onboard systems to memory devices;
  • writing off scientific and service information from memory devices;
  • direct transmission of information from scientific instruments;
  • more accurate orientation to the Sun by radio commands;
  • accurate binding of onboard time to Moscow;
  • trajectory measurements of orbital elements.

The duration of communication sessions ranged from 30 minutes to 2.0 hours. On each turn of the orbit, from 2 to 5 sessions of communication with the satellite were carried out.
Between April 1972 and October 2000, there were twelve fail-safe launches; all satellites have fully fulfilled the stipulated programs and have exceeded the guaranteed period of operation.


Spacecraft "Prognoz-1" Launched on April 14, 1972 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Working orbit parameters: perigee altitude - 956 km, apogee altitude - 201,000 km, inclination - 65 degrees, orbital period - 97 hours.
Research objectives:

  • obtaining data on the radiation activity of the Sun in order to provide the necessary information to the radiation safety service;
  • study of physics solar flares and solar cosmic rays;
  • study of the properties of the interplanetary medium and the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetosphere.

Spacecraft "Prognoz-2" Launched on June 29, 1972 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Operating orbit parameters: perigee altitude - 551.4 km, apogee altitude - 201,000 km, inclination - 65 degrees, orbital period - 97 hours.
The mass of the spacecraft is 845 kg.
Research objectives: the same as for the Prognoz-1 spacecraft. In addition, French-made instruments were installed to conduct experiments to study the characteristics of the solar wind of the outer regions of the magnetosphere - the Calypso device, as well as to study the gamma radiation of the Sun and search for neutrons solar origin- device "SNOW-1".

Spacecraft "Prognoz-3" Launched on February 15, 1973 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Working orbit parameters: perigee altitude - 590 km, apogee altitude - 200270 km, inclination - 64.98 degrees, orbital period - 96 hours.
The mass of the spacecraft is 836 kg.
Research objectives: the same as for the Prognoz-1 spacecraft.

Spacecraft "Prognoz-4" Launched on December 22, 1974 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Working orbit parameters: perigee altitude - 634 km, apogee altitude - 199000 km, inclination - 65 degrees, orbital period - 95.66 hours.
The mass of the spacecraft is 893 kg.
Research objectives: the same as for the Prognoz-1 spacecraft. The number of scientific instruments has been substantially increased and scientific research has been expanded.

Spacecraft "Prognoz-5" Launched on November 25, 1976 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Working orbit parameters: perigee altitude - 498 km, apogee altitude - 195120 km, inclination - 65 degrees, orbital period - 95.2 hours.
The mass of the spacecraft is 896 kg.
Research objectives: the same as for the Prognoz-1 spacecraft. Modernized, more accurate scientific equipment was installed, which made it possible to carry out more subtle measurements, including: studying the properties of the interplanetary medium and the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetosphere; concentration, temperature, direction and speed of protons; the position of the shock wave, as well as the study of cold plasma in the Earth's magnetosphere, the electrostatic RF field in the interplanetary plasma; neutral and ionized helium in the interplanetary medium. Measurements of the parameters and composition of the solar wind were continued using the French Calypso-2 instrument.

Spacecraft "Prognoz-6" Launched on September 22, 1977 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Working orbit parameters: perigee altitude - 495.5 km, apogee altitude - 197885 km, inclination - 65.4 degrees, orbital period - 94.8 hours.
The mass of the spacecraft is 894 kg.
Research objectives the same as for the Prognoz-1 spacecraft. Spectrometry was widely carried out: x-rays, protons and nuclei in the relativistic region, UV radiation, electrons in the high-energy region using the French Zhemo-S2 and SNEG-2MP instruments - gamma spectrometers.

Spacecraft "Prognoz-7" Launched on October 30, 1978 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Working orbit parameters: perigee altitude - 467 km, apogee altitude - 199300 km, inclination - 65 degrees, orbital period - 95.74 hours.
The mass of the spacecraft is 940 kg.
Research objectives the same as for the Prognoz-1 spacecraft: continuation of research into the radiation activity of the Sun, solar plasma and the interplanetary medium, joint experiments of the USSR under the Interkosmos program with Czechoslovakia - Plasmag, RF-2P devices; VNR - Plasmag device; France - devices "SNOW-2MP", "Zhemo-S2", "Galaktika"; Sweden - the device "Promix". Increase in the composition of scientific instruments.

Spacecraft "Prognoz-8" Launched on December 25, 1980 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Working orbit parameters: perigee altitude - 556.5 km, apogee altitude - 198770 km, inclination - 65 degrees, orbital period - 95.39 hours.
The mass of the spacecraft is 934 kg.
The main scientific task The complex of experiments was the study of the fine structure of the shock wave and the magnetopause, as well as some questions of the physics of the magnetosphere and solar activity. To solve these problems, fine measurements of near-Earth plasma characteristics were combined with low-frequency measurements in the frequency range below 10 hertz. The "direct transmission" mode was used at the moment of crossing the magnetopause. To solve problems, Prognoz-8 is equipped with scientific equipment manufactured in the USSR, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Sweden.

Spacecraft Prognoz-9 Launched on July 1, 1983 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Working orbit parameters: perigee altitude - 361 km, apogee altitude - 727620 km, inclination - 65.3 degrees, orbital period - 25.46 days.
Scientific program within the international project "Relic" was carried out in the following way:
mapping of the celestial sphere in the wavelength range of 8 mm;
registration of bursts of cosmic gamma radiation in the energy range 20 keV - 1 MeV;
measurement of X-ray radiation from the Sun in the energy range 2 - 160 keV;
measurement of magnetic fields with a strength of 0.2 - 60 gamma;
study of ultraviolet radiation;
registration of temporal and spectral characteristics of solar X-ray bursts and other studies.

Spacecraft "Prognoz-10" Launched on April 26, 1985 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Working orbit parameters: perigee altitude - 400 km, apogee altitude - 200,000 km, inclination - 65 degrees, orbital period - 4 days.
The mass of the spacecraft is 933 kg.
The scientific program was carried out within the framework of the international project "Intershock". The main goal is to study the structure and characteristics of the shock wave and magnetopause arising from the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetosphere. During the flight, important information about the radiation situation in near-Earth space was obtained.

Two more devices of the Prognoz series - the Prognoz-11 spacecraft (Interball-1) and the Prognoz-12 spacecraft (Interball-2), created on the basis of SO-M2, became the basis for the implementation of the unique international project Interball, description which is given below. The spacecraft Prognoz-11 (Interball-1) was launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome on August 3, 1995. The spacecraft Prognoz-12 (Interball-2) was launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome on August 29, 1996.


Mission realization "Interball" (KA "Interball-1" and "Interball-2") was recognized by the world scientific community as an outstanding contribution to the study of the physics of near-Earth space and solar-terrestrial relations. Its main goal was to study the physical mechanisms that are responsible for the transfer of solar wind energy to the magnetosphere, its accumulation there and subsequent dissipation in the tail and auroral regions of the magnetosphere, in the ionosphere and upper atmosphere during magnetospheric substorms.
The uniqueness of the project is due to the fact that, along with the study of global, large-scale phenomena in near-Earth outer space, a fine, small-scale structure of phenomena is studied, which is possible on the basis of a comparison of data obtained from the main vehicles and their subsatellites. For project implementation "Interball" organization of simultaneous operation of four satellites is envisaged. One pair in the main KA "Interball" and subsatellite "Magion", launched together with the main one, then separated from it, operates in a highly elliptical orbit, the apogee of which passes through the tail region of the magnetosphere at a distance of more than 100,000 km from the Earth, the other pair - in an orbit with an apogee height of 20,000 km, crossing the auroral region of the Earth's magnetosphere above aurora oval.
The main satellites of the project "Interball" - AES "Prognoz-M2", they are equipped with sets of scientific equipment that performs the main measurements of parameters in accordance with the research program.
To separate spatial and temporal variations of physical parameters and study subtle processes in near-Earth outer space, the same parameters, but with less detail, are measured on subsatellites that are located at distances from the main ones comparable to the scales of spatial variations of the studied phenomena. As subsatellites used spacecraft series "Magion" produced in the Czech Republic.


spacecraft "Interball-1" And "Interball-2" they are identical in design, differing only in the complexes of scientific and auxiliary equipment installed on board.
The main constructive power unit of the spacecraft is a hermetically sealed cylindrical instrument container. Inside it, service equipment and electronic blocks of a number of scientific instruments are installed on two frames. 4 solar panels, solar sensors, balloons with the working fluid of the attitude control system, brackets with gas engines, antennas for communication with the Earth, as well as the upper frame, side frames and a spacer for installing scientific instruments outside the spacecraft are mounted outside.
The on-board systems and service equipment include: a main radio complex (2 sets), a telemetry system, a program-time system, an antenna-feeder system (2 sets), an autonomous control system, an attitude control system (2 sets), a power supply system, a thermal control system , the system of executive organs of orientation.
In order to significantly reduce electrostatic and electromagnetic interference, the spacecraft uses electromagnetically clean solar batteries (their photoconverters are covered on both sides with a conductive coating electrically connected to the spacecraft body) and a metallized EVTI, also electrically connected to the body.


The ground control complex (GCC) includes the Flight Control Center CDKS (Evpatoria, Ukraine), the Information Processing Center of the G.N. Ballistic Center TsNIIMash (Korolev), Ballistic Center of the Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS. Separate command and measuring complexes OKIK-10, -12 operate at the launch site as part of the control complex. -04, -09, -13.
During the orbital flight with the spacecraft "Interball-1" work:
Complex "Kvant-D" TsUP TsDKS (Evpatoria) with antennas ADU-1000 (K1, transmitting), ADU-1000 (K2 and K3 - receiving), P-2.500 (reserve transmitting), P-400P (reserve transmitting).
Complex "Kvant-D" together with the complex "Saturn-MSD" OKIK-15 (Ussuriysk / Galenki) with antennas P-200P (transmitting), P-400 (receiving), P-2500 (receiving-transmitting, backup).
Complex "Kvant-P" (2nd trunk) OKIK-14 (Schelkovo) with P-200P (transmitting) and KTNA-200 (receiving) antennas.
The ground scientific complex includes the scientific information processing center AKONI-C at IKI RAS, the IKI-RAN terminal station at OKIK-16 (Evpatoria), information reception points in the area of ​​Tarusa and Bear Lakes.
The Magion apparatus is controlled from the Czech control point in Panska Ves, scientific information is received there and at the Russian points in Bear Lakes, Tarusa and Apatity.
The general management of the launch and control of the Interball spacecraft is carried out by the State Commission. By the decision of the State Commission, the Main Operational Management Group (GOGU) was created.


The first spacecraft of the project - Interball 1 (CO-M2 #512, Tail Probe) with its sub-satellite Magion-4 was launched from the launcher 17P32-3 (317/3) of the Plesetsk Cosmodrome on August 3, 1995 into orbit with an apogee of 193,000 km and an inclination of 62.8 degrees.
The second CA Interball-2 (CO-M2 #513, Auroral Probe) with the Magion-5 subsatellite, it was launched from the 17P32-3 (317/3) launcher of the Plesetsk Cosmodrome on August 29, 1996 into orbit with an apogee of 20,000 km and an inclination of 62.8 degrees.
launching spacecraft "Interball-1,-2" into working orbits carried out with the help of Molniya launch vehicles. Launch weight of launch vehicle with spacecraft ~ 305500 kg. Dry weight of block 2BL - 1200 kg, filled - 7.0 tons
The separation of the subsatellites was carried out 4 days after launch.
Scientific research were carried out both in communication sessions in the mode of direct information transfer (IT) and in offline mode. The scientific equipment worked throughout the entire orbit, with the exception of the zone of radiation belts, in which the instruments of the plasma complex were turned off.


Spacecraft series "Forecast" Together with the complexes of scientific equipment installed on them, which are being improved from satellite to satellite, they are a unique system for studying solar activity and its effect on the near-Earth environment, astrophysical research on the study of microwave background radiation in the millimeter range, and the use of crews of manned space complexes in services for heliogeophysical and radiation safety. and implementation of international scientific programs.
Of particular note is that the high-apogee satellites "Forecast" gave extensive material for the radiation safety service of manned space complexes: equipment for measuring the radiation characteristics of galactic and solar cosmic rays was developed, the Sosna instrumentation complex was developed and manufactured, providing information to this service. Satellite "Forecast" carried out the function of a patrol vehicle, providing the information necessary for the operational assessment of the radiation situation for the crews of the Salyut stations.
Between April 1972 and August 1996, there were twelve successful launches; all satellites have fully completed the stipulated programs and have exceeded the guaranteed period of operation:


The first experiments in the field of studying the processes of solar activity, carried out in the 60s, showed the need to create specialized Earth satellites with high apogee orbits, orientation to the Sun, long time existence, with the ability to carry out long-term continuous transmission of data in real time. The creation of universal satellites of this type was a difficult task. scientific and technical task. Special requirements dictated by the need to set up experimental studies of solar activity and the interplanetary medium, as well as the replacement of newly created scientific equipment, predetermined technical solutions satellite structures and systems. It required the creation of a fundamentally new design of satellites, their onboard service equipment, a new set of scientific instruments, which together form a new research space system. This system, designed, manufactured and implemented during 1969-2000. called "Forecast". The main contribution to the development and manufacture of the Prognoz satellites was made by a team of specialists from NPO named after N.N. S.A. Lavochkin and the Vympel plant.
In the process of creating spacecraft of the Prognoz series, especially in the 90s of the last century, new technologies were actively introduced during ground testing and preparation of the product for regular operation. NPO named after S.A. Lavochkin was the first in Russia to start delivering vehicles to the test site in a state of almost complete readiness for launch. So, satellites "Interball-1, -2" and sub-satellites Magion-4, -5 passed the so-called. quasi-polygon tests at the enterprise, due to which it was possible to minimize spacecraft checks at the cosmodrome.
The flight program of the spacecraft of the Interball mission was successfully completed with a significant excess of the scope of the assigned tasks. The service life of the spacecraft "Interball-1, -2" exceeded the specified according to the TOR by 5 and 2.5 times, respectively. This became possible due to the reliable operation of the onboard systems, the precise organization of the work of the LOCT, as well as the onboard software possibilities of adaptation to changing, including unforeseen, conditions of the spacecraft functioning.
According to the most prominent scientists in the entire history of research into solar-terrestrial relations in the Soviet Union and Russia, the INTERBALL multi-satellite project has become one of the most successful missions to study physical processes in near-Earth outer space.
As a result of the implementation of this project, experimental material unique in its value, volume and quality was collected, which became possible, first of all, due to a significant increase in the volume of transmitted from spacecraft scientific information and the implementation of simultaneous multi-satellite observations both at close distances and in spaced regions of the Earth's magnetosphere. This predetermined the high level of scientific results of the project. Based on the results of the studies performed, more than 500 papers have already been published, various in topics and approaches to the analysis of measurement data. The archive of measurement data of the INTERBALL project collected at IKI RAS is about 300 GB in total. It is open to the world scientific community, and today quite a few Russian and foreign researchers in the physics of near-Earth space use data from this archive in their work.

This project not only expanded our knowledge about the magnetosphere and the solar wind flowing around it, but also revealed the "weak points" of the mission and thus stimulated the further development of multisatellite methods. So, for example, with the help of "Interball" it was impossible to follow the development of cosmic processes in three-dimensional space. Due to the fact that the measurements were made only at two points in space, an idea of ​​the structure of the object and its movement could be obtained only for one direction. This drawback was eliminated in the Cluster mission (European Space Agency, ESA), which has the task of measuring already at four points in space by four identical satellites that form a regular tetrahedron in space.

The invention relates to space technology and can be used in power supply systems for spacecraft (SC). The solar battery (BS) contains panels and a frame that are repeatedly opened and folded synchronously. SC, frame and panels are interconnected by means of swivel joints (SHS). All loops are connected in series by a cable transmission with pulleys. For reusable transfer of the BS to the open and folded position, an engine is provided, installed in one of the loops. Each loop contains drive springs that provide full opening or folding of the solar battery, and a locking device that fixes the open position of the BS, made in the form of a spring-loaded hook. To control the locking devices, each hook is kinematically connected to the timing system pulley installed in the corresponding AL. The technical result of the invention is the provision of reusable opening and folding of the BS and its fixation in extreme positions with a given rigidity. 5 ill.

The present invention relates to space technology, namely to the construction of solar panels, and can be used in energy saving systems of spacecraft (SC).

A device for separating and opening the flaps of a battery of a solar spacecraft (patent RU No. 24418170, B64G 1/44) is known, containing a frame rigidly fixed to the drive shaft and two packs of flaps. The packages are fixed on the frame by the lower flaps, and the middle flaps are hingedly connected to the bottom flap and to the upper flap. In the axes of the hinges, cocked springs (torsion bars) are installed, which open the sashes to the working position.

Known battery solar spacecraft (patent RU No. 2460676 C2, B64G 1/44). The solar battery consists of two panels, each of which consists of two half-panels, including root, middle and outer wings hinged to each other and sequentially assembled into a package. The half-panels are interconnected on one side by means of four spring-loaded clamps, and on the other - by four ties in the support units. Two brackets are installed in pairs on the sashes. Brackets mounted on the end leaf are equipped with axes that interact in the process of opening the panels with profiled protrusions made on brackets mounted on the root leaf. This ensures the opening of the panels in a "roll" way, in which the doors are retracted, excluding the possibility of their collision with the SC equipment during opening.

A solar battery is known (patent RU No. 2485026 C2, B64G 1/44), containing a frame, upper and lower wings, connected in pairs by hinges, on the axis of which torsion bars are fixed, at the other ends of which brackets are installed, in which cocking mechanisms of torsion bars are placed, the brackets are fixed on the torsion bars with the possibility of rotation and are installed in the initial position symmetrically to the axis of the torsion bars, the location of which ensures that the cocking mechanisms twist the torsion bars in only one direction, ensuring the opening of the solar battery.

The closest to the claimed design (prototype) is a solar battery (patent RU No. 2258640 C1, B64G 1/44), containing panels, folded according to the "accordion" scheme, and a frame with a drive mechanism. The panels are interconnected through the frame with the spacecraft by means of drive springs and a cable transmission with pulleys. The drive mechanism has a motor and a pulley connected by a cable transmission to an intermediate pulley. The engine and pulley are fixed to the spacecraft with a bracket. The movable element of the engine is fastened to the frame.

The disadvantages of the above designs are:

The inability of the structure to repeatedly take the open and folded position;

Lock the panels and frame repeatedly in the folded and unfolded position and remove the fixation to transfer to the open and folded position.

The objective of the claimed invention is to eliminate the shortcomings of the known analogues.

The problem is solved by the fact that the solar battery of the spacecraft, containing panels and a frame connected to each other through the frame with the spacecraft, with coaxial swivel joints located at the edges with pulleys connected in pairs by a cable transmission, according to the claimed invention, has an engine installed in one of swivel joints, capable of repeatedly transferring the solar battery from the folded position to the open position and back with constant speed movement, and drive springs included in each swivel joint capable of rotating the panels and the frame both in the direction of opening and folding the solar battery, while the first half of the way in the process of opening or folding the solar battery, the drive springs create rotation in the opposite direction rotation of the movable element of the engine, and the second half of the way - create a rotation in the direction of rotation of the movable element of the engine, providing full disclosure or folding of the solar battery in its extreme positions, and in each swivel connecting the panels to each other, as well as the panel to the frame, there are locking devices made in the form of a spring-loaded hook that engages with the deployable element in the open position, which is engaged or disengaged by interacting with the synchronization system pulley installed in the same swivel joint, in the process of opening or folding the solar battery for ensuring the specified rigidity in the open position, in turn, in the swivel connecting the frame and the spacecraft, a locking device is installed, made in the form of a spring-loaded hook that engages with the deployable (foldable) element, both in the folded position and in the open position of the solar battery , which is disengaged or engaged, interacting with the moving element of the engine in the process of opening or folding the solar battery to provide the specified rigidity in the open or folded position.

The design of the solar battery is illustrated by drawings, where in Fig. 1 shows a solar panel in a folded position, installed on a spacecraft. In FIG. 2 shows a solar array in the open position, mounted on a spacecraft. In FIG. 3 and FIG. 4 shows enlarged views of the open solar array along arrows C and D. FIG. 5 shows enlarged remote elements D and E.

The technical result of the invention is the provision of reusable opening and folding of the solar battery and its fixation in extreme positions with a given rigidity.

The specified technical result of the invention is achieved by the fact that:

The solar battery, containing panels 1 and a frame 2, deployed (folded) synchronously and connected to each other through the frame with the spacecraft 3, has coaxial swivel joints 4 located at the edges with pulleys 5 connected by a cable transmission 6, equipped with a motor 7, which has a kinematic connection with pulleys 5 and is able to repeatedly transfer the solar battery from the folded position to the open position and back with a given speed of movement, and also fixed with the bracket 10 motionless relative to the spacecraft, and the movable element of the engine 8 is fastened to the frame 2 with a gap that allows idle rotation of the moving element of the engine relative to the frame at an angle α;

Drive springs 9, which are part of each swivel joint 4, are capable of rotating panels 1 and frame 2 both in the direction of opening and folding the solar battery, while the first half of the way in the process of opening or folding, the drive spring 9 creates rotation in the opposite direction rotation of the movable element of the engine 8, and the second half of the way - creates rotation in the direction of rotation of the movable element of the engine 8, providing full disclosure or folding of the solar battery;

Locking devices installed in each swivel connecting panels 1 and/or panel 1 with frame 2 are made in the form of a spring-loaded hook 11 rotating around an axis 12 fixed relative to panel 1 (frame 2), which interacts with pulley 5 installed in the same swivel joint 4, coaxially with it, with the possibility of idle rotation relative to the attached panel 1 (frame 2) at an angle β, and engages with the axis 13, fixed relative to the attached panel 1 (frame 2);

The locking device installed in the swivel joint 4, connecting the frame 2 and the spacecraft 3, is made in the form of a spring-loaded hook 14, which rotates around the axis 15, which is fixed relative to the spacecraft 3, and interacts with the moving element of the engine 8, engaging with the axis 16, fixed relative to the panel 1, connected to the frame 2, in the folded position of the solar battery and behind the axle 17, fixed relative to the frame 2 in the open position of the solar battery.

The process of reusable opening and folding of the solar battery is as follows:

1. The opening is synchronous, both the engine 7 and the drive springs 9, installed in each swivel 4, are involved.

The solar battery is in the folded position. Panels 1 and frame 2 are folded and fixed on the spacecraft 3 using locks 18. After triggering device 19, locks 18 release panels 1 and frame 2, which remain in their original position and continue to be held by drive springs 9 installed in each swivel joint 4, working for folding the solar battery, and a locking device installed in the swivel joint 4 between the spacecraft 3 and the frame 2. After the start of the engine 7, its movable element 8 rotates in the gaps that provide idling relative to the frame 2, in the direction of opening, while spring-loaded the hook 14 of the locking device disengages from the axle mounted on the panel 1 associated with the frame 2. begins to unfold synchronously under the action of the engine 7 and cable transmission. At the same time, the motor 7 provides a constant opening speed for half of the way, overcoming the moment of resistance of the drive springs 9, and the second half of the way provides a constant opening speed, holding back the solar battery, opened under the action of the moment created by the drive springs 9. During the opening, the pulleys 5, installed with the possibility idle and associated with hooks 14 locking devices installed in hinged joints 4 between panels 1, panel 1 and frame 2, sequentially rotate relative to panels 1 and frame 2 on which they are installed, and provide the possibility for hooks 14 in all locking devices in the open position to engage the axle.

2. Folding (re-folding) - synchronous, both the engine 7 and the drive springs 9 take part.

The solar battery is in the open position and is held by drive springs 9 and locking devices installed in each swivel joint 4. After the start of the engine 7, its movable element 8 rotates in the gaps that provide idling relative to the frame 2, in the direction of folding, while the hook 14 the locking device disengages from the axle fixed relative to the frame 2. After the movable element 8 of the engine selects the idle clearance and the hook 14 completely releases the axle, it engages with the frame and the structure begins to fold synchronously under the action of the engine 7 and the cable transmission . At the same time, the motor 7 provides a constant opening speed for half of the way, overcoming the moment of resistance of the drive springs 9, and the second half of the way provides a constant opening speed, holding back the solar battery, opened under the action of the moment created by the drive springs 9. During folding, the pulleys 5, installed with the possibility of idle travel and associated with hooks 14 locking devices installed in hinged joints 4 between panels 1, panel 1 and frame 2, sequentially rotate relative to the panels 1 and frame 2 on which they are installed, and interacting with the hooks 14 of the locking mechanisms of panels 1 and frame 2 , disengage them from the axle. Having folded panels 1, they abut against the locks on the body of the spacecraft 3 and are held by drive springs 9 installed in each hinged joint 4. At this moment, the movable element 8 of the engine rotates in the gaps that provide idling relative to the frame 2, while the hook 14 of the locking device enters into engagement with the axis mounted on the panel 1, connected with the frame 2. The solar battery is in the folded position and is held by the drive springs 9 installed in each swivel joint 4, and the locking device installed in the swivel joint 4 between the KA 3 and the frame 2.

The re-opening is synchronous, both the engine 7 and the drive springs 9, installed in the hinge joints 4, are involved.

The solar battery is in the folded position and, resting on the locks installed on the spacecraft 3, is held by the drive springs 9 installed in each swivel joint 4, working to fold the solar battery, and the locking device installed in the swivel joint 4 of the spacecraft 3 and the frame 2. After the start of the engine 7, its movable element 8 rotates in the gaps that provide idling relative to the frame 2, in the direction of opening, while the hook 14 of the locking device disengages from the axis mounted on the panel 1 associated with the frame 2. After that as the movable element 8 of the engine selects the idle clearance and the hook 14 completely releases the axle, it engages with the frame 2, and the structure begins to unfold synchronously under the action of the engine 7 and the synchronization system. At the same time, the motor 7 provides a constant opening speed for half of the way, overcoming the moment of resistance of the drive springs 9, and the second half of the way provides a constant opening speed, holding back the solar battery, opened under the action of the moment created by the drive springs 9. During the opening, the pulleys 5, installed with the possibility idle and associated with hooks 14 locking devices installed in hinged joints 4 between panels 1, panel 1 and frame 2, sequentially rotate relative to panels 1 and frame 2 on which they are installed, and provide the possibility for hooks 14 in all locking devices in the open position to engage the axle.

During operation as part of a spacecraft, a solar battery can take the following configurations:

Transport configuration:

all solar panels are folded and held on the spacecraft with locks;

Open configuration (multiple):

all solar panels are deployed and held in place by actuating springs and locking devices.;

Folded configuration (multiple):

All solar panels are folded and held by drive springs and locking devices.

A solar battery of a spacecraft, containing panels and a frame connected to each other through a frame with a spacecraft, with coaxial swivel joints located at the edges with pulleys connected in pairs by a cable transmission, characterized in that the solar battery has a motor installed in one of the swivel joints, capable of repeatedly transferring the solar battery from the folded position to the expanded position and back with a constant speed of movement, and the drive springs included in each hinged joint, capable of rotating the panels and frame both in the direction of opening and in the direction of folding the solar battery, while the first half of the way in the process of opening or folding the solar array, the drive springs create rotation in the opposite direction of rotation of the moving element of the engine, and the second half of the way they create rotation in the direction of rotation of the moving element of the engine, ensuring full opening or folding of the solar array hinged in its extreme positions, and in each swivel connecting the panels to each other, as well as the panel to the frame, locking devices are installed, made in the form of a spring-loaded hook that engages with the deployable element in the open position, which is engaged or disengaged, interacting with the synchronization system pulley installed in the same swivel joint, in the process of opening or folding the solar battery, to ensure a given rigidity in the open position, in turn, a locking device is installed in the swivel joint connecting the frame and the spacecraft, made in the form of a spring a hook that engages with the deployable / collapsible element both in the folded position and in the expanded position of the solar battery, which is disengaged or engaged, interacting with the moving element of the engine in the process of opening or folding the solar battery to provide a given gesture bones in an open or folded position.

Similar patents:

The invention relates to the control of the angular motion of a spacecraft (SC) with power gyroscopes (SG) and solar panels (SB) installed on mutually opposite sides of the SC.

The invention relates to the control of the relative motion of spacecraft (SC), mainly with uniaxially rotating solar panels (SB). During the flight, the spacecraft oriented along the local vertical continuously rotates along the course, and the SB panels synchronously and continuously turn normal to the Sun.

The invention relates to the determination of the mass-inertial characteristics of space vehicles (SC). According to the method, when the direction to the Sun coincides with the plane of the orbit of the spacecraft, they combine building axis KA corresponding to its maximum moment of inertia, with this direction.

The group of inventions relates to the collection, conversion and transmission of solar energy to consumers. The system contains, as the main elements, such elements as primary (2), intermediate (4, 5) and transmitting (10) mirrors, as well as an energy module (8).

The invention relates to onboard power supply systems (PSS), mainly low-orbit spacecraft (SC) with a triaxial orientation. SEP contains solar battery panels with a device for changing their orientation, placed on the outer side of the side honeycomb panels of the instrument container.

The invention relates to the power supply of spacecraft (SC) with the help of solar panels (SB), having a positive output power of their rear surface. The method includes measuring the height (H) of the circumcircular orbit of the spacecraft and the angle (ε) between the direction to the Sun and the geocentric radius vector of the spacecraft. When ε is in a certain interval, depending on H, on the angles (f1, f2) of the half-opening of the zones of sensitivity of the working and back surfaces of the SB and on the maximum value of the angle (f1 *) between the normal to the working surface of the SB and the direction to the Sun, the SB is deployed in the position at which the Earth's radiation enters the SB outside the specified sensitivity zones. This position corresponds to the alignment of the specified normal with the plane containing the direction to the Sun and the radius vector of the spacecraft. In this case, the angle (ρ) between this normal and the SC radius vector lies in the interval depending on ε, f1, f2, f1*, H and the angle (γ) between the directions from the SC to the nadir and to the terminator point closest to the SC. In this position, the voltage, current and output power of the SB are measured, taking into account the angles ε and ρ. The technical result consists in minimizing the influence of the Earth's radiation when determining the output power of the SB. 1 ill.

The invention relates to the power supply of spacecraft (SC) using solar panels (SB). The method includes turning the SB panel into the working position and measuring the current from the SB at the moments when radiation from the Earth enters the non-working side of the SB panel. The current value of the angle of incidence (α) of solar radiation on the surface of the SB is determined. With a value of α in a given range, determined by the characteristics of the optical protective coating of the working surface of the SB and the geometric parameters of its sensitivity zone, the current value of the current (I) from the SB is measured. The output current of the SB is determined by the value of I with a correction factor depending on α and k - absolute indicator refraction of the protective coating SB. The technical result consists in taking into account the effect of refraction and reflection of solar radiation by an optical protective coating on the measured output current of the SB. 1 ill.

The invention relates to the power supply of spacecraft (SC) using solar panels (SB). The method includes turning the SB panel into the working position, measuring the voltage (U) and current (I) from the SB at the moments when the radiation from the Earth enters the non-working side of the SB panel, and determining the output power of the SB. At the same time, the spacecraft and SB are deployed until the minimum illumination of the working surface of the SB is reached by solar radiation reflected from the surface of the spacecraft at A< ε, где А – угол между вектором нормали к рабочей поверхности СБ и вектором направления на Солнце; ε - угол полураствора так называемой зоны чувствительности этой рабочей поверхности. В дальнейшем измеряют значения U, I и А, определяя максимальную выходную мощность СБ как U. I/cos(А). Технический результат состоит в снижении влияния отраженного от поверхности КА излучения на измеряемую выходную мощность СБ. 1 ил.

The invention relates to space technology. A method for monitoring the current state of a solar battery (SB) panel of a spacecraft (SC) includes turning the SB panel into positions in which the working surface of the SB is illuminated by the Sun, measuring current values ​​from the SB, comparing a determined parameter characterizing the current state of the SB panel with the given values, and control of the current state of the SB panel based on the comparison results. Additionally, the direction vector to the Sun is measured in the coordinate system associated with the spacecraft, the angle of the SB alignment to its current discrete position is determined, the current values ​​of the angle of incidence of solar radiation on the surface of the SB protective coating are determined, the SB is rotated to at least two selected discrete positions of the SB, the the value of the current from the SB. The state of the SB panel is assessed by the state of its optical protective coating, characterized by the current value of its absolute refractive index, determined by the angle of incidence of solar radiation on the surface of the SB protective coating and the current values. The technical result of the invention is to provide an estimate of the current value of the absolute refractive index of the protective coating SB. 1 ill.

The invention relates to the design of deployable solar panels (SB) spacecraft. SB has a flexible film-honeycomb structure, the honeycombs of which are made in the form of four- or six-sided pyramids. The pyramids are connected to each other along the edges of their imaginary bases. Photoelectric converters are placed on the side faces of the pyramids, receiving solar radiation from the specified bases. In the deployed position, the SB can have a spherical configuration, in which the tops of all pyramids converge in the center of the sphere. On the working surface of the Security Council, m. a protective film with special properties is placed. The cellular structure of the SB in the deployed position can be eliminated by heating it to the film evaporation temperature or higher. The technical result of the invention is to increase the efficiency of the SB by increasing the absorption coefficient by increasing the number of light re-reflections from the photoreceiving layer inside the pyramids, as well as to reduce the dependence of the absorption coefficient on the angle of incidence of solar radiation and to simplify the manufacturing technology and operation of the SB. 14 w.p. f-ly, 5 ill.

The invention relates to space technology. A method for monitoring the current state of a solar battery (SB) panel of a spacecraft (SC) with inertial actuators includes orienting the normal to the working surface of the SB on the Sun, measuring current values ​​from the SB and monitoring the current state of the SB based on the results of comparing the current measured current values ​​and current values, measured during previous flight stages. Monitoring the state of the SB panel is performed by comparing the obtained current values ​​from the SB, each of which is multiplied by the ratio of the squares of the current value of the distance from the Earth to the Sun determined at the time of the corresponding current measurement and the average distance from the Earth to the Sun. The technical result of the invention is to increase the accuracy of assessing the current efficiency of the SB, providing the same conditions for measuring the current from the SB against the background of a regular flight of the spacecraft in an orientation at which the total external disturbing moment per turn reaches a minimum value.

The invention relates to space technology. A method for monitoring the current state of a solar battery (SB) panel of a spacecraft (SC) includes orientation of the working surface of the SB to the Sun, measuring the current values ​​from the SB, monitoring the current state of the SB based on the results of comparing the current measured current values ​​and the current values ​​measured at previous flight stages. Additionally, the orbital orientation of the spacecraft is maintained, in which the axis of rotation of the SB is perpendicular to the plane of the orbit and the normal to the working surface of the SB in a given discrete position is directed to the zenith. The SB is sequentially turned into discrete positions, in which the value of the angle between the normal to the working surface of the SB and the direction to the Sun is less than a fixed value, the values ​​of the angle between the direction to the Sun and the spacecraft orbital plane are measured at the moments of passage of the subsolar point of the orbit turns. The current from the SB is measured at the moment of passing the subsolar point of the orbit, at which the measured value of the angle reaches a local minimum, the current value of the distance from the Earth to the Sun is determined. The technical result of the invention is to increase the efficiency of monitoring the state of the spacecraft SB.

The invention relates to space technology. The method for monitoring the current state of a solar battery (SB) panel of a space vehicle (SC) includes turning the SB relative to the direction to the Sun, measuring the current values ​​from the SB, comparing the measured current values ​​with the specified values, and monitoring the current state of the SB panel based on the results of the comparison. Additionally, for each structural group of photocells of the SB panel, the SB is rotated relative to the spacecraft to a specified initial position, a specified initial orientation of the spacecraft is built, and it is rotated around a given rotation vector until it passes through the positions, in one of which all the photocells of the group are illuminated by the Sun, and in the other, they are shaded from Sun by the KA body. During the turn of the spacecraft, the current from the SA is continuously measured and the orientation parameters of the spacecraft are determined. The SB is rotated relative to the spacecraft to another specified initial position and the above operations are repeated. After performing operations for all structural groups of photocells of the SB panel, the measured values ​​of currents from the SB are compared with their calculated values. Based on the results of the comparison, the operability of groups of photocells is determined. The technical result of the invention is to ensure the determination of the operability of specific structural groups of photocells of the SB panel. 2 ill.

Usage: in the field of electrical engineering in autonomous power supply systems (PSS) of spacecraft (SC). EFFECT: increased reliability of spacecraft operation by limiting the magnitude of a short-term decrease in the output voltage of the power supply system in case of failure of elements in the "hot" reserve. According to the method of supplying the load with direct current in an autonomous spacecraft power supply system containing a solar battery connected to the load, from "n" single loads connected in parallel through a stabilized voltage converter and an output filter, batteries connected through discharge converters to the input of the output filter , charging converters, power circuits between the output of the output filter and single loads are designed with resistances based on the ratio: In - rated current of a single load, A; ρ - resistivity, Ohm⋅mm2/m; l is the length of the power circuit between the output of the output filter and a single load, m; j - selected current density, A/mm2; Ikz.max - allowable maximum short-term short-circuit current in a single load circuit, A. In addition, the output filters of an autonomous power supply system are calculated taking into account the allowable short-term short-circuit current. 1 w.p. f-ly, 1 ill.

The invention relates to space technology and can be used in spacecraft power supply systems. The solar battery contains panels and a frame that are repeatedly opened and folded synchronously. KA, frame and panels are interconnected by means of articulated joints. All loops are connected in series by a cable transmission with pulleys. For reusable transfer of the BS to the open and folded position, an engine is provided, installed in one of the loops. Each loop contains drive springs that provide full opening or folding of the solar battery, and a locking device that fixes the open position of the BS, made in the form of a spring-loaded hook. To control the locking devices, each hook is kinematically connected to the timing system pulley installed in the corresponding AL. The technical result of the invention is the provision of reusable opening and folding of the BS and its fixation in extreme positions with a given rigidity. 5 ill.

These are photovoltaic converters - semiconductor devices that convert solar energy into direct electricity. Simply put, these are the main elements of the device that we call "solar panels". With the help of such batteries, artificial satellites of the Earth operate in space orbits. Such batteries are made here in Krasnodar - at the Saturn plant. The plant management invited the author of this blog to look at the production process and write about it in his diary.

1. The enterprise in Krasnodar is part of the structure of the Federal Space Agency, but Saturn is owned by the Ochakovo company, which literally saved this production in the 90s. The owners of Ochakovo bought out a controlling stake, which almost went to the Americans. Ochakovo has invested heavily here, purchased modern equipment, managed to retain specialists, and now Saturn is one of the two leaders in the Russian market for the production of solar and storage batteries for the needs of the space industry - civil and military. All the profit that Saturn receives remains here in Krasnodar and goes to the development of the production base.

2. So, it all starts here - on the site of the so-called. gas phase epitaxy. There is a gas reactor in this room, in which a crystalline layer is grown on a germanium substrate for three hours, which will serve as the basis for a future photocell. The cost of such an installation is about three million euros.

3. After that, the substrate still has a long way to go: electrical contacts will be applied to both sides of the photocell (moreover, on the working side, the contact will have a “comb pattern”, the dimensions of which are carefully calculated to ensure maximum passage of sunlight), an anti-reflective coating will appear on the substrate coating, etc. - in total more than two dozen technological operations at various installations before the photocell becomes the basis of a solar battery.

4. Here, for example, is the installation of photolithography. Here, on the photocells, “patterns” of electrical contacts are formed. The machine performs all operations automatically, according to a given program. Here, the light is appropriate, which does not harm the photosensitive layer of the photocell - as before, in the era of analog photography, we used "red" lamps.

5. In the vacuum of the sputtering installation, electrical contacts and dielectrics are applied using an electron beam, as well as antireflection coatings are applied (they increase the current generated by the photocell by 30%).

6. Well, the photocell is ready and you can start assembling the solar battery. Tires are soldered to the surface of the photocell in order to then connect them to each other, and glued on them. safety glass, without which in space, under radiation conditions, a photocell may not withstand loads. And, although the thickness of the glass is only 0.12 mm, a battery with such photocells will work for a long time in orbit (more than fifteen years in high orbits).

7. Electrical connection photocells between themselves is carried out by silver contacts (they are called shank) with a thickness of only 0.02 mm.

8. To obtain the desired voltage in the network, produced by the solar battery, the photocells are connected in series. This is what a section of series-connected photocells looks like (photoelectric converters - that's right).

9. Finally, the solar panel is assembled. Only part of the battery is shown here - the panel in layout format. There can be up to eight such panels on the satellite, depending on how much power is needed. On modern communication satellites, it reaches 10 kW. Such panels will be mounted on a satellite, in space they will open up like wings and with their help we will watch satellite TV, use satellite Internet, navigation systems (Glonass satellites use Krasnodar solar panels).

10. When the spacecraft is illuminated by the Sun, the electricity generated by the solar battery feeds the systems of the apparatus, and the excess energy is stored in the battery. When the spacecraft is in the shadow of the Earth, the spacecraft uses the electricity stored in the battery. The nickel-hydrogen battery, having a high energy capacity (60 Wh/kg) and an almost inexhaustible resource, is widely used in spacecraft. The production of such batteries is another part of the work of the Saturn plant. In this picture, the assembly of nickel-hydrogen battery produced by Anatoly Dmitrievich Panin, holder of the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

11. Assembly site for nickel-hydrogen batteries. The filling of the battery is being prepared for placement in the case. The filling is positive and negative electrodes separated by separator paper - in them the transformation and accumulation of energy takes place.

12. Installation for electron-beam welding in vacuum, with which the battery case is made of thin metal.

13. Shop area where battery cases and parts are impact tested high blood pressure. Due to the fact that the accumulation of energy in the battery is accompanied by the formation of hydrogen, and the pressure inside the battery rises, leak testing is an integral part of the battery manufacturing process.

14. The body of the nickel-hydrogen battery is very important detail of all devices operating in space. The body is designed for a pressure of 60 kg·s/cm 2 , during testing the rupture occurred at a pressure of 148 kg·s/cm 2 .

15. Batteries tested for strength are filled with electrolyte and hydrogen, after which they are ready for use.

16. The body of the nickel-hydrogen battery is made of a special alloy of metals and must be mechanically strong, light and have high thermal conductivity. Batteries are installed in cells and do not touch each other.

17. Accumulators and batteries assembled from them are subjected to electrical tests at installations own production. In space, it will be impossible to fix or replace anything, so every product is carefully tested here.

18. All space technology is subjected to tests for mechanical effects using vibration stands that simulate the load during the launch of the spacecraft into orbit.

19. In general, the Saturn plant made the most favorable impression. The production is well organized, the workshops are clean and bright, the people are qualified, it is a pleasure and very interesting to communicate with such specialists for a person who is at least to some extent interested in our space. Left the Saturn good mood- it's always nice to look at a place where they don't practice empty chatter and do not shift papers, but do a real, serious business, successfully compete with the same manufacturers in other countries. There would be more of this in Russia.

The launch of the device, called Solar Probe Plus, will take place in the summer of 2018. It will orbit the Sun in 2021 and complete 24 complete revolutions. The probe will move in an elongated orbit. The closest distance between it and the star will be 6.2 million km. This is an absolute record: the closest distance that artificial vehicles approached the Sun was seven times longer. In addition, this distance is almost 10 times less than the distance between the Sun and its closest planet, Mercury.

The proposal to send an apparatus to a star first appeared in the United States in 1958. Nearly 50 years later, in 2005, NASA announced the study of the Sun's atmosphere as a flagship project and explained that the mission is waiting to be implemented and "is the most important priority (of the agency. — RT) when taking into account resources. From the very beginning for creating necessary equipment Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. It was left to the organization's specialists to develop scientific instruments that would allow researchers to answer key questions about the Sun's atmosphere. Other research centers will also take part in the project. These are several NASA laboratories, the California Institute of Technology, the University of California at Los Angeles and others.

old mysteries

Scientists are interested in two main questions that previous studies have not been able to unambiguously answer. The first of these: why is the solar corona hotter than its visible surface? The temperature of the surface of the Sun is several thousand degrees Celsius, while the temperature of the corona can reach millions of degrees. The second question is: what accelerates the solar wind - a stream of particles that escape from the corona at a speed of 300-1200 kilometers per second? Answers to them will help to understand quite earthly phenomena. The fact is that the solar wind causes magnetic storms and participates in the formation of auroras. The processes that occur in the atmosphere of the Sun can disrupt the operation of power systems, satellite systems and aircraft on Earth.

The observations of astronomers and the work of astrophysicists helped formulate these questions. However, they can be answered only by studying these phenomena from a close, albeit by cosmic standards, distance. The device, for which the construction phase began in 2014, will be launched to the Sun in the summer of 2018. Now its assembly is coming to an end.

“Solar Probe Plus will fly closer to the Sun than any other spacecraft, and almost 10 times closer than Mercury, which dictates many technical difficulties that we have never encountered before,” said Andrew Driesman, project manager at Applied Physics Laboratories. “Both from the point of view of finding ways to make a device that can withstand conditions in such proximity to the Sun, and from the point of view of collecting data, the idea of ​​​​building a functional probe of this kind has tormented engineers and scientists for decades. But we are finally one step closer to making it a reality.”

Touch the sun and don't get burned

Thanks to the materials and the carbon fiber shield, the device will be able to withstand temperatures up to almost 1400 degrees Celsius. Instruments on board will be able to measure the solar electromagnetic field, wind speed, density and temperature, as well as its structure. The telescope installed on the probe will be able to transmit images of phenomena occurring in the solar corona. In addition to the process of heating the corona and the movement of particles in it, the researchers hope to study the interaction between the layers of the star's atmosphere.

It is worth noting that stellar winds - the outflow of plasma from the stars - penetrate a significant part of outer space. For this reason, the study of the Sun will help scientists advance in the study of the atmosphere of other stars. However, it is also curious that the mission, according to NASA's Lika Gakhatakurta, will for the first time allow the inhabitants of the Earth to "touch, taste and smell the Sun."

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