What you need for comfort in the house. How to create comfort in the house: Important details of your interior

Encyclopedia plants 16.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Recipes cozy home From our permanent author Anna Mulan

Most recently, I moved to new apartment. But the expected joy from moving did not experience. I could sit until the night in the beloved Starbucks: work, rest and inspired. There was more comfortable than at home. When I felt that I was already 80% conscious of coffee, I realized that it was time to return home.

Thought about why not pulling there? Why in a noisy coffee shop cozy? And in general, what little things do the house house?And here are the recipes of a cozy house, which is not exchanged for a cafe. Verified on personal experience.

Well, I decided to change in the house. But where to start? Read the smart book, magazine, view design training on the Internet, and maybe hire a designer? But from this apartment would not become more comfortable because the concept "comfort "Everyone has its own. This is something personal.

I started with a simple - from questions: "And what atmosphere in the house do I need at all? What feelings I wanted to experience in each of the rooms? "

Do not hurry to throw out the old and buy new furniture. The apartment will not be more comfortable. Ask a question: What do you want? And for each room, you will choose at least three symbol words describing the atmosphere that you want to create.

Very cool book on this topic ". Makes it clear that before starting global changes In the house - first it is worth sowing.

My comfort prevented the things that I have not been using for a long time, and throw out a pity ("This is the same memory"). I am sure everyone came across this problem (our balconies - the temple of the memory of unnecessary items).The trash accumulates and dust for years. And old, already unnecessary, memories interfere with enjoy the present. By the way, on the topic of unnecessary things and order in the house we have a separate

Do not be afraid to throw off jars, flashers, bags in bags, boxes - what has not been using it for a long time. Yes, these things were once needed, but it was time for something really important and new.

Recently traveled in Sweden and drew attention to one detail: in each apartment, the windowsill stood a paper star-lamp. And the rooms and balconies were decorated with lights. I even had an atmosphere of home comfort and warmth.I then thought: "This is cool! And just abonyms. " M.we treat the light in the house superficially: hung the chandelier and at best, the lamp was set. And the light is a powerful taste that creates the atmosphere.

Each zone in the room is highlighting the light, do not allow dark corners. Put the flooring at the chair in which you like to read, hang bras over your favorite picture or photo, do not forget about the table lamp and a chandelier with a soft light.And, of course, candles are warm and vibrant light.

The best friend of the comfort is a light adjustment: install it on all light sources for the desired atmosphere.

Sofa is an interesting thing. He is like a gray cardinal: it seems not to be the foundation of the interior, but affects everything that is in the room.The sofa carries a large emotional burden - this is a place where you can relax and relax, chat with your relatives and friends, looked at the plaid to watch TV with the second half. To his choice, come seriously.

"Well, I buy some cheap at first," I mistakenly believed. My was uncomfortable and hard, moreover, quickly broke. I had to go looking for high quality and new to learn apartment.

Quality is expressed in beauty and convenience. When choosing, look at the accuracy of the seams, coating, and most importantly, on the filler. The perfect filling is the fluff with a thin layer of foam rubber.

Minute theory: LPU or latex polyurethane foam is an ideal solution. Unlike the simple foam rubber, the bubbles in which burst from the load (from this coating bent and loses the form), latex does not suffer from operation, and returns each time to its original position. This can be checked by sitting on the sofa. See how fast it will return the shape. Another faithful way is to ask the consultant or ask to look and touch the layer.

Do not skimp on a decent sofa - this is your comfort. We don't even have an article about this: "How to choose a good sofa?" And how to read it more - see below.

Plaid often travels from the room to the room on my shoulders. When I want warmth, I pull it out of the subsoil of the cabinet. But he can warm not only people, but also to give heat a whole room.

Reducked through the back of the chair or armrest of the Sofa Plaids as it were hint that they live in the room, it uses it. Cashmere, woolen, cotton, in a cage or strip. With them, any interior will be less domestic and alive.

And pillows! To be honest, I had only one. She lay on the bed, covered with a blanket, and performed one function - transferred to the world of dreams.Pillows are able to update and even change the interior. Place one on the chair and a few on the sofa, and the room will look at the new one!

But not everything is so simple. In addition to beauty, it is important here. If family members, friends, guests, sitting down, move or clean the pillows, then no comfort here and speech does not go. What a gorgeous will not be a pillow, first of all she should invite you to sit down.

Here is a couple of lifehakam:

    pay attention to the pillows from the fluff - they are the most soft;

    doubt the size of the pillow - make an error in the big part;

    large squares on sofas (35-50 cm) , rectangular on the armchairs (30x40 or 40x65);

    the color of the pillow must coincide at least three things in the interior (curtains, carpet, wallpaper, etc.)

Here is the formula for the sofa treatment \u003d plaid on the back or armrest + 2 identical pillows at the corners + rectangular pillow in the center. (More about the number, location and size of pillows in our)

Lot useful Soviets On soft comfort, there is in the book "House, Cute House". I read it in one evening and inspired to buy new pillows!

The first thing that people coming into the house are noticeable is its fragrance. He remains in memory and creates the first impression. It is unlikely that it will be cozy in the apartment with a smell of damp or mold.

This does not mean that you need to buy a bunch of flavors and spray where it smells unpleasant. The bottom line is that the basic aroma should be created, which is always in the apartment - you feel it as soon as you go from the street home.

You can use the following:

    aromatic mix

Convenient to use Sasha. Sasha - small pads or bags filled with natural materials: petals, branches, herbs, spices.

Such bags are packed throughout the apartment, and be sure to meet a pleasant fragrance after a hard working day.

    aroma candles

Depending on the season or our mood we can change the smells of the house using aroma candles. They revive any room and are appropriate almost everywhere, except the dining table - there is a place of the smell of delicious food.

Be careful. From candles from cheap and low-quality materials, get no relaxation, but a headache. Choose from soy or coconut wax with natural components.

Noticed how the room is transformed when it stands in it beautiful bouquet? Somehow immediately fresh, joyfully, cozy. But such transfigurations in the interior of the majority happen on holidays when the flowers are swinging in the house as a gift.

Here I love live flowers. They encourage the room and create a fresh flavor. So I accepted the rule to keep their homes round year (On how to choose flowers, you can read). No one says that you need to buy huge gift bouquets. A pair of tulips, peonies or ordinary daisies - and the room becomes more cozy.

Another option - houseplants. With them such a home and well-groomed view of the rooms. Choose cute I. fragrant plants: Jasmine, Narcissus, Amarillis, Geranium, Citrus.

Imagine, after a long repairs you go to the apartment. Do not know the house, everything is stylish and in a new way. Walk around the apartment as if by the museum, looking at every detail. Sit on a chic and soft sofa and look around. Everything seems to be beautiful, but youuncomfortable. And all because it remains to addhimself.

Photos, paintings, books, memorable things tell our story. With competent alignment of these items, it turns outliving house telling about the owner.

Making your home through:


This is what we love and let you admire. Through the books, we are able to tell about our hobbies, even without calling them. Therefore, you do not need to remove them in the boxes and keep in Chulana.

You can make stacks of books on the floor. You can position on the shelves, diluting them with candles, figures, photos.


I love live, random pictures. They accurately convey our emotions and state at the time of the past. It is these photos worth keeping not on a smartphone, but on the walls in the apartment. How to do it, read

Print, hang or put on any place in the room. Fill it with emotions.

Pictures and pictures

You are surrounding yourself with creativity that inspires.

Hang pictures on the wall or simply put on the table, the fireplace shelf, lean to the wall to create an atmosphere of carelessness. (How to do it, in the article "How to hang pictures without headaches?")

I recently revealed the magic of decorative mirrors. Stepping in IKEA between showrooms, I drew attention to one living room. She was air, fresh and bright. And all due to decorative mirrors in unusual frames.They were so aggravated by the luster reflected in them, that the room became very busy. The scattered light illuminated the dark corners of the space and it turned out very cozy.

Do you understand what I mean? Mirrors will not harm. Hang them on the wall instead of a picture, put over the fireplace or next to some kind of furniture, position between the pair of windows, above the sofa, over any shelf or toilet table.

If in the house of the fireplace, then 50% of the plan for the deception is made! Because the fire is warm, calm, peace, comfort.Alternative - electric fireplace: Firewood is not necessary, it is impossible to burn it, there is a heat.In general, if you can buy this magic thing - do not think!

These items helped me bring the apartment to a cozy ideal. But there is still an important detail - the comfort in the house creates his people.

Your comfort is you yourself and those emotions that you bring. Positive or negative, they charge every corner.

And here is the ideal formula comfort: spiritual sites with relatives and friends + love + 10 tips mentioned above and you will never exchange a house on a noisy cafe.

Here are proven methods and modern ideas of interior design, which will be prompting how to make a room cozy and comfortable. Your attention is presented a collection of photos of functional, family, beautiful and fashionable designer projects And decorating tips that will help with their own hands and without repair add comfort and charm your room.

How to make a room comfortable with your own hands - Photo

Make the "right" interior with warm and homemade elements that personify comfort and comfort. You are well familiar with them, but in order for these details "worked" on the comfort, and did not create a mess in the house, they need to be properly used.

Chaotically scattered where they fell, not agreed by color with other elements of the interior, the pillows will not decorate, but enracense your home. Beautiful, but too hard pillows will call you and guests have one desire - to remove them when you sit down to relax, so:

  • Choose soft bulk pillows: down, synthetone, holofiber. The most eco-friendly fillers - bamboo fiber and buckwheat husk.
  • Pillows can be decomposed not only on the sofa, but also on the chairs, on the floor.
  • The color of the pillows should be repeated in other things that are in the room (curtains, carpet, wallpaper, lamps, flower pots, etc.).

Depending on the season, the pillows (or covers on them) can be changed in autumn and winter, use knitted and wool warm calm shades, in spring and summer - silk and cotton, juicy saturated colors.

How to make a cozy and beautiful little room

Functional layout and convenient furniture accommodation are needed to create comfort, especially in small rooms. Modern modular racks, horizontal and vertical shelves, sofas, chairs and coffee tables can visually increase small spaces.

Soft fabrics, soothing and elegant patterns, stylish fabrics and accessories for decoration handmade With embroidery or appliques, crocheted and knitted products bring comfort in the design of a small room and create a stylish, but relaxing and relaxed atmosphere.

Plaid as an element of decor is very "mobile": he can travel from the room to the room on your shoulders, "move" from the sofa to the chair, from the chair on the bed, and from there - to the floor. But wherever the plaid, he will add coziness to the room.

The most cozy plaids are cashmere, woolen with the addition of artificial fibers (in this case, the product does not rsive), cotton, knitted (especially large mating), as well as having the coloring "Scottish cell".

If you do not use the plaid at the moment, do not remove it, but gently fold and squeeze the sofa armrest or the back of the chair: one only the presence of this item will warm the room.

Checkered and motley plaids look good on the background of furniture and other interior items of calm monophonic colors.

How to make a cozy room in a hostel

If you are for the comfort of rooms in the hostel, choose upholstered furniture with textile upholstery, and make up the windows with fabric curtains.

Beautiful creators of comfort - tablecloths, bedspreads, textile elements of manual creativity. They will soften and "domesticate" even the most strict interior.

Curtains and other textile elements can both transform the room, and spoil his appearance, so we take seriously to choose coloring and textures.

Avoid excessive varnish: the checkered coupling of the chair, the motley bedspread on the sofa and the curtains in the flower will "swear" among themselves.

Bright and motley elements look good against the background of monochrome wallpaper and furniture (especially pastel shades).

Cover the table with two and three tablecloths different lengthsLooking out one of the other and room in the "hostel" will become more comfortable.

How to make a cozy children's room

To make a cozy children's room, pay attention to the white, aircraft with bright items to add warmth and color.

Children's toys and interior decoration accessories create beautiful and cozy interior Rooms for children.

Cream White and Light Yellow Shades natural tree and dark gray or brown colors Very attractive and beautiful.

Decorative fabrics, wallpaper or stickers from vinyl on the walls, ideas of wall painting and furniture improve the style of the interior, and the design of the children's room looks pleasant, cozy and relaxing.

Comfortable storage containers, baskets and shelves made of natural materials can help organize decor and keep the baby's bedroom clean and neat.

How to create a cozy interior of a big room

A wicker basket is a rather rough element, but it creates in any room, whether it is a kitchen, an entrance hall, a children's bedroom, a living room or a bathroom, a special atmosphere. Using baskets urban apartment easy to give charm country house. In addition, this is an extra room for storing all sorts of things.

Baskets can be both separately worthy, independent interior items, and be on the shelves, in the racks of racks, performing the function of drawers.

Well, if "in support" baskets in the interior of a large room have other wicker items (vases, armchair, etc.).

Put in a wicker basket of multicolored tangles of yarn, and you will get a beautiful and cozy decor element for living room or bedroom.

Baskets are made of both natural materials - rattan, vines, bamboo, sea grass and artificial, which, naturally, is reflected in cost.

In our age information technologies, Internet and gadgets (including reading) Paper books still remain in demand. The reading people carefully erase dust from the shabby roots of old copies, bought by a grandmother, books with pleasure replenish the home library. After all, books are not only the source of interesting and useful information, but also a wonderful subject of a cozy interior!

Compare two racks, on one of which there are vases and figurines, and on the other - books. Which one is "breathing" with life? Of course, the second! So I want to come, spend your hands along the roots, choosing a fiction in the soul, and then get a job in your favorite chair with a book and a cup of fragrant tea ... Classic picture of a cozy evening!

Do not strive to place books strictly vertically, "by growth." The comfort creates just a little mess, so part of the books can be put, part - put nearby.

Spectacular reception - the distribution of books by groups in color: in green covers - on one shelf, in red - to another, etc.

Of course, the books should not be just elements of the decor - they must "live", that is, read. They will create a warm atmosphere in the house if the owners will use them in their pleasure!

Highlighting a new home or snooze repairs in the already affected apartment, the owners often make one mistake: trying to create "correct", perfect interiorsimilar to the exhibition design sample. But, striving for immaculateness, we lose the main thing - warmth and comfort, the feeling of "homework". The interior with the gloss of gloss - as if scenery for a photo shoot, but not a place for a comfortable life and recreation. Take advantage of these prompts on how to make a room more comfortable and create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere in your home.

The house of each person is for him a fortress and a place of recreation, where it feels the atmosphere of comfort, care and security. How nice to return to a warm pleasant house after a hard day and stay in various intense situations in society. At home we relax and rest not only physically, but also soul. Often, women face such a situation: the husband does not want to go home and comes up with a lot of other things, he rests with friends, then at work is delayed. Many fall into panic and begin to swear with their man, which only aggravates the problem. If you consider the psychology of the behavior of men, then you can see a very banal and simple rule of their behavior: they are delayed where they are good. If they are delayed not at home, it means there it is not as good as it seems.

The atmosphere in the house creates a woman. It often depends on two factors:

  1. Relationships and what place a man is determined in the house: A man in the house of the owner, the hero of his family, the beloved husband and the main patron, or the person who commanded and neglect. The person who is valued, or, on the contrary, is not.
  2. Comfort and warmth created by a woman in the house. Today we will discover attention on the atmosphere of home comfort, which wise women skillfully create. It is about such women that men remember with a special trembling and in a hurry to quickly free themselves from work in order to be at home early.

There are 10 simple secrets that help to create comfort and comfort in the house and make it mysteriously pleasant.


No matter how clean was in the house, but the extra things that everyone got used to collect, clog it and completely destroy the atmosphere of the decoration. First, things that do not benefit, but simply lie "just in case," you need to throw away. Secondly, it is necessary to clean everywhere, especially for furniture and in hard-to-reach places. If the house is climbed, there will never be comfortable and there will always be a desire to escape from it.

Purity energy

After cleaning the space, it must be either consecrated by the sacred water, or to lay incense, or light aroma and candles. Each hostess itself chooses a way closer to her heart. The purpose of such rituals is the cleansing of the house at the energy level. The best way is to read prayers or other things (mantras, etc.), depending on your faith.


In a pleasant house, always light. It is recommended not to race windows with large curtains and not to close the access of light into the house. If you have windows on the west side and the sun visits your home not so often, come up with how to refresh your space with artificial lightening, so that it is not dark. Dark rooms offer longing and depression, in them, as a rule, I do not want to do anything and develops laziness and apathy.


As many know, those houses from which Rugan and loud aggressive music comes, create the impression of not very cozy and prosperous dwellings. On the contrary, the effect of sounds helps to adjust everyone in the house for a harmonious wave. It can be a classic or other calm music, and also better sounds Nature or flute. When a long time in the house sounds a short harmonious music, there is an energy balance and a subtle story of joy visits everyone who comes there. Many people include musical channels and do not even understand that they not only affect the psyche of man, but also knock down the balance in the room, because the diversity and the distround of the sounds completely destroy any harmony around themselves. This can be done, but it is rather rare, and it is better to abandon such a habit.


There are many interesting ways Distribute pleasant flavors in the house. The main rule is to be natural. You can freeze aroma and aroma, pour a few drops essential oil in a candle or use others aromatic means. The effect of fragrances is a whole separate art with which you can influence the mood of a person and even on its health.


In each house there are many diverse items, except furniture, such as paintings, souvenirs, clock, stuffed Toys other. Sometimes we ourselves do not notice how these items begin to annoy our long-haired freshness, often they do not fit into the interior of the dwelling, which they create disharmony and negatively affect the mood of residents of the house. Get rid of unnecessary items, and the rest are planted so that they cause you pleasant feelings and did not violate the aesthetics at home. It happens that souvenir items becomes so much in the house that it seems that there is nothing to breathe there. It is important not to overdo it with it and follow your space.


Look, what colors surround you. It is known that the color affects the mood of a person. Many houses are dominated by neutral shades. You can dilute your interior with bright juicy paints. For example, in the kitchen it is best to hang a picture with a horn of abundance or a juicy still life with different delicacies. Fantasize and add paints to your home. It can be new curtains, repainted wall or new upholstery on the sofa, all that you consider it necessary for reforms in your hearth.

homemade baking

Many women are excellent owners and are wonderful prepare, but not everyone knows that it is homemade baking that gives the house atmosphere of heat and comfort. From such a dwelling do not want to leave. Since ancient times it unsolved mysteryhow baked pie, bread, pie or other bakery products can affect the energy of the house, but everyone notices this fact. In a house, which smells like a freshly baked pie, cannot be uncomfortable. This is the mystery of all wise owners, this is the magic of turning flour into bread, which is the symbol of everything that God sent us, and the woman is endowed with the gift of being an accomplice of this big sacrament. Homemade pies really carry an inexplicable riddle and even those who do not like baking, cannot resist them. In such a house, it is always pleasant to stay.


It is the abundance that helps to feel the joy and relax in the house of a good mistress. When the house is rich, it gives a feeling of a holiday and joy for the soul. To create such an atmosphere, it is worth putting a large vase with fruits and sweets on the table, decorate the house with fresh flowers in beautiful vases. It is not necessary that the flowers are expensive, you can use and not very costly bouquets, but it is important that they are fresh and pleased with their own appearance. You can make more blooming vases into the house, which is also very beautiful.


A rich house is a generous house. To engage in charity and help others is an excellent initiative for each family. You can start a box or a basket where to fold money for charity, and once a week to give them to those in need. It is also important to every guest house, even an uninvited or fleeting, for example, a postman, a neighbor, etc., give sweets or other treats. The house that is constantly sharing with others becomes alive and happy.

If you do not have the financial opportunity to invite the designer - professional software, it is quite possible to cope with your own. And read ideas for creating comfort and comfort in this article. 7 cool tips with photos!

Each man in the shower is soft, fluffy and prone to comfort. Units - deliberately prefer extreme and accommodation in Spartan conditions. Some are prone to categorically not to notice the cons of living conditions, or hoping for "maybe" or by virtue of natural laziness. And this feature of indifference to the cozu is inherent in both bachelors and women - a loner, and if married couple Fully ignores the guidance of order, comfort and improvement of the place of joint living, it is unlikely that this is a good sign for.

"My home is my castle!". If in early youth we focus on the standards that the parents attracted us, while we were raised in the family atmosphere, then with the acquisition of their personal life experience, most likely we want Create your own, Comfortable for you, style of residence.

And it's just wonderful, because in adult life it all depends on us! What a man should be nearby, how to eat right, what clothes do you like, do you need to get additional educationHow to earn worthy money? Questions of the sea, and, of course, one of the most important things remains "How to equip a place of residence in your individual style?". And preferably cheaper!

How to create comfort in the apartment with your own hands? 7 ideas for comfort

1. Segmentation

  • Slide the segments on the segments based on their functions. For each corner of the interior suitable design solutions. Fight for every centimeter of free space, try to make it a maximum functional. And the projects of apartments give a lot of examples, as in a small space, it is beautiful to place all that you need for comfort.
  • Corner sofas, built-in wardrobes,shelves for trifles of wood, plastic or dense tarpaulin fabric, mobile bedside tables and coffee tables. All these "chips" are designed to visually increase the space in the apartment and relieve your life, making it most comfortable as possible. For example, for narrow corridor You can hang a mirror with illumination opposite the entrance, thereby visually increasing the space.
  • In the kitchen it is desirable to purchase a sliding table, Compact for everyday use. In solemn cases, it can be decomposed and take guests. Tip: When buying a table, pay attention to its dimensions. In the folded state, it must freely pass in the doorway. Otherwise, it will have to disassemble it in the hall every time.
  • Prepare draft changesAnd then you will definitely discuss the details with family members. Most likely, the homemade will perceive them loyally, especially if their direct participation in the interior transformation processes are minimal. So, put a couple of hundred, nonsense, compared with the result!

2. Color solution for walls and floor

  • If in your cute small apartment Walls and floors of terrible eager counter color (the legacy of the former owners or landlords), you will have to change these remnants of the past. After all, you need comfort and a favorable cozy homely atmosphere.
  • Put cute natural mats on the floor. If you live in a removable apartment, you do not have finance for serious repairs and, buy them in Second Hend.
  • To refresh wall color, They need to repaint or cross the wallpaper. For example, Very modern walls of the same room look, different in texture and color. Also stylish watching photo wallpaper, which is back in fashion! Choose materials to improve the interior on the sale in order not to spend.
  • Even if you plan to further expand the living space, or your accommodation is temporary, the color of the walls and floors should like every day.

3. Curtains, Gardins, Textiles

4. Lighting

  • Have you noticed that the lack of bright light has a depressing effect on the mood? Becles, dull light not only does not adorn the interior of any apartment, but also extremely harmful to the eyes. Sources of light in the apartment of a modern man must be somewhat, and at different levels.
  • In the living room is top lighting(necessarily bright, with the ability to adjust it), side (sconce, floor lamp, lamp near the sofa for reading), as well as convenient mobile lamps for a computer or a laptop.
  • In the bedroom, take care of the sources of light located at a distance of an elongated hand. You will need built-in lamps or table lamps. Bedroom - place For two, then you need a light, it is desirable to muffle - intimate life makes your own adjustments! Of course, you still need or built-in top lighting.
  • Additional backlit is desirable for the kitchen over the working surface. Also, choose a backlit extract for the stove (an additional light source is useful!), And if you order furniture by individual designBe sure to schedule embedded lamps in it to illuminate the working surface of the kitchen table.
  • Additional lamp in the place where the washing was installed for dishes You will surely like it, it's convenient and practical! The price difference will be small, and the advantages of an additional light source in the kitchen will appreciate any hostess!

5. Pleasant smell

  • The aroma of his home focus is not compared with anything! Every house has its own, only his characteristic, smell. An extraneous person will never understand how, in the absence of pronounced aromas, a person who lies his housing unmistakably determine his familiar territory. At the subconscious level, we always know that we are nice to Nuh.Based on these, deep sensations, form odors in your home space.
  • Of course, the basic is the smell of purity.It is remarkably suitable for everything else - mint, citrus fragrance, with notes Patchouli or Bergamot, aromatic candles, sticks, lamps and various smells, depending on the mood.
  • To create a coziness in the apartment, use all the fragrant accessories! Air conditioning for linen, air freshener, fragrant herbal pads on shelves for things - all means are good!

6. Natural interior items

  • In my apartment, we wish to relax, Relax, delicious food, communicate with your beloved and to be yourself. Feel naturalness, harmony and comfort. It is for this that household items from natural materials have been created. Start a set of clay dishes, wooden blades and cutting boards for kitchen. Buy Stands under hot juniper, pine or other fragrant wood. When you put a boiled kettle or hot frying pan on such a bunch, a chic aroma!
  • Special importance for creating a coziness is performed by a vine and bamboo. It may be a table, a chair - a rocking chair or a laundry basket. Apparently, the vine and bamboo please us somewhere on the subconscious level. Just panel on the wall, a woven decorative napkin, a keystitch in the hallway, a napkin in the kitchen. Any items of furniture, interior or minor bamboo parts and vines are pleasing to the eye and give the buck in general.
  • What else do I recommend to create a cozy home atmosphere in the apartment? Of course, flowers! Quite a few decorative plants, unpretentious and small size. Violets, geranium, daffodils - when they bloom, the eye will not be redeemed! Cacti generally do not carely care, and the composition of them will perfectly decorate a strict computer desk!
  • Remarkably suitable for the "revival" of the interior Compositions from flowers compiled by itself. For example, In the spring it is good to disrupt several twigs with boutons (apricot, cherry, apple tree), put them in the water and enjoy when they bloom! Do not wait until you give flowers! Bouquets for solemn incidents, of course, let your man buy, and to create a light pleasant home atmosphere of comfort - get live flowers yourself.

7. Cute little things

  • Each person has favorite items. Some come from childhood, others are associated with joyful, reverent events of our life. In our business creation of homemade utya These things must be present. Soft funny toys, photos of families, decorated in frame, oil painting - a gift of friends, magnets on the fridge from traveling in different countries - all this will give your everyday the unique charm.
  • Highlight a few mounted shelves in your interior, and place your "treasures". Believe the positive emotions associated with cute heart souvenirs, fill your apartment with pleasant energy and joy.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in creating a home coat. Even having enough, it is possible to clean the beauty in your apartment. The main thing is to put the target and thoroughly think over all the nuances.

Changes in the design of the interior of the apartment can be done step by step, gradually. Do not frighten your close people with sudden big changes. Wise woman is always a little sickness for the benefit of the family!

The comfort is defined as the quality of habitat. This is for sure, but too dry. Create a comfort at home means to breathe in him the soul. This is blurry, but rather. No one ever says and does not write: make comfort or build comfort. The souls are different, and similar to the souls to express themselves materially, in things and items, they also want differently, otherwise they would not be souls, but by programs. In this article we will see how to create a comfort with a soul and for the soul.

In the beginning it was ...

... conceived. The comfort in the interior is created according to the principle: thoroughly, perhaps for a long time, we all think over to the end, and do not rush in things in things, in pieces. The comfort is created not only for himself. If you immediately do everything planned, home and guests will arise something like cultural shock, and really cozy to them will never appear - they will not perceive.

With thinking inside itself, you need to be more careful and whenever possible is concise. Imagine that the bucket is developed by a computer program. There is one creating a fabric thing, it needs one more, harmonizing with the first. The third thing needs to be inserted into the ensemble three times so as not to disrupt the interaction of the first two. The fourth must be coordinated already 6 times: it not only should be harmonized with the first 3 separates, but also not destroy the coordination of 3 pairs: 1-2, 1-3 and 2-3. As the material expression expands the plan, the number of necessary coordination is growing so rapidly that no analytical abilities and computing means are enough to bring the intention to at least to the sketch. Therefore, the comfort in the apartment is thinking intuitively, and it takes a lot of time, samples and errors, impairing and changeing. Finally, just a suitable mood and physical condition: the best ideas of creating comfort come in a dream.

Note: At one time, D. I. Mendeleev turned out to be in such a situation. Chemists centers tried to find some kind of order in the world chemical elements And it was completely desperate. I broke over this head and Dmitry Ivanovich, long and unsuccessfully. And then suddenly periodic system The elements in which a spelling schoolboy is now freely oriented, Mendeleev ... just dreamed, it remains only to jump and write down.

Step is thought out and comfort of all at home. Start with a living room or room the most significant, they may even have a kitchen. For a bachelor-intellectual, it will most likely cabinet, for the artist Studio, and a woman who leads a free lifestyle is natural to start creating a common comfort with Bouire or bedroom. When comfort in the room, so to speak, the first rank will be embodied in things and is properly estimated by domestic or visitors, they begin to think about the importance of the room, etc. In general, the work is enough for years, but the occupation is grateful, but for the beneficial effects on health, psyche and appearance to him there are few competitors. The results of this approach that came out of diligent minds and hands are simply striking, see Fig., Anyway, a professional or an amateur worked.

Note: In the odnushka or apartment-studio, the comfort is created gradually along the zones as in the house house.

What is not necessary

In a difficult matter, it is difficult to avoid mistakes, and creating a coziness is not an exception. The first thing you need to follow, thinking about how to create a comfort in the room is not to mince and not flasher. And after all buy potatoes by weight, and how many potatoes it turns out, it is like.

Here, for example, on the left in Fig. - the typical, even under the glass and the museum, the interior in the fashionable style of Shebbi-Chic. Formally, from the point of view, how designers are taught, everything is correct. And the room is not small. But even the owners need to go cautiously here, how would they do anything to hook and not fall out. What could be for the comfort in cramped circumstances? It is the same as the freedom of bankrupt. And most importantly - all his friend clouds up. To comfort in the house was, you need some kind of idea, topsack, binding rod. In the thoughts of the author something similar if it existed, then in things lost. Do not forget: the comfort is a real expression of the movements of the soul, and things have its own properties and things that require appropriate treatment.

Example in the center in fig. - The case when and in the thoughts of the uniform base of the interior was not. Live illustration for saying: I wanted it better, but it came out as always. Wanted comfort - it turned out a bunch of trash. Example on the right in Fig. - The approach was the opposite, too purposeful and tied to one subject loaned on it. Specifically - on coffee table. The table is excellent, but in this interior it clearly does not fit. And just - because of too light varnishing and inclined legs. And otherwise everything is right (see below): light, contrast spot, baubles, pillows, chaos elements, even braided pouf.

How to

But what and how to do to create comfort with your own hands? A short idealist will not deny that the soul is needed not only the material product, but also the material basis for existence outside it. So comfort is going on primarily on the basis of weighty, coarse, visible primary material factors, and then decor is purned and embodied in things directly creating comfort; This, so to speak, already materialism of the highest order.


Primary bases of comfort are simple:

  • Natural light.
  • Fresh air.
  • Hygiene.

Why - understandable. If the house is raw, stuffy, cold or hot, dusty to silence, then no cute little habitat things will create. The ideas of creating comfort are appropriate after due and consistently supported proper physical comfort, including regular cleaning and caring for furniture. And also for cute little things, remember this by considering their number and pretending the properties.

Natural light is especially important, he kills microbes. The pathogenic bacteria in the dark survive an average of 1.6 hours; on scattered sunlight 15 min, and in direct for the most part perish instantly. Average, again, by many types of diseases, the time of infection - 35 min. Explanations are not required.

Of particular importance are the temperature and humidity of the air. The atmosphere of the coziness is not metaphor: an overly dry or painter air in the house aggravates the action of all other harmful factors on people and simply spoils creating comfort things. Increase air humidity is quite simple, for example, with water trays on heating radiators. But it is much more difficult to reduce it. If the dampness is small and occurs periodically, you need to enter more wooden things in the interior (MDF is also suitable) and / or fade the walls at least partially soft natural stone: limestone, dolomite, sandstone, slate. All these materials will be batteries of water vapor, absorbing their excess and giving it with a lack of moisture in the air. If the house is very raw, then complex and expensive technical measures may be required: the drainage of the site, a warm basement, a supply and exhaust ventilation.

Note: problems with humidity an order of magnitude less in houses with chimney heating and fireplaces. Consider this, especially since the fireplace itself is a powerful tool for creating comfort.


The basis of the interior decor, the same rod on which homemade comfort is holding - the style of the room. Most interior styles are listed without problems, but there are also difficult: if the designer or you yourself missed themselves, breathe in them the soul of things will not be easy.

The first of these - Shebbi-Shik styles, Provence, haberdashery and Russian Meshchansky. They are expressed in the commitment of the owners to a simple ordinary life without everyone there are mountains of envy. The casual routine is boring and cope with boredom to the lack of cheerfulness or a contrived hobby can not. However, to create a feeling of comfort in the interior of the "landed" style is actually simple: an open bookcase or a rack, several works of objective art, semantic photos or paintings - and everything, there are comfort, pos. 1 in fig. Yes, I (we, mine, mine) like it, but not such a man in the streets.

Just do not relocate neither quantitatively, nor high quality, especially with books: with "petty" styles it is easy to hit the melting, and the monumentality spoils them. For example, the encyclopedia and "world history" in dark crankhipor bindings need to be kept in the library or closed closet. "Library of World Literature" in Light Supports, but 190 volumes in this case too much. "The Life of Animals" and "Life of Plants" in bright bright supersturs, volumes there and there are few, but these are special monographs. And here are 5 volumes of "lives" vazari in solid light covers with patterns only add respect to the owners: to read them anyone, plus interesting illustrations.

It is more difficult to create a comfort in the interior of Ar Deco: This style is called to emphasize the ambitions of the owners. To approve your Renome is not snobskin and not inflated by a fear of Boyarski can be subject to objects that create comfort and cause admiration for themselves: expensive fireplace (pos. 2), round sculpture, antiques. It's easier if the AR deco "closed" varieties: they say, this is my cave, and so I am a normal guy. In this interior of the uest, it is created quite simple in conventional ways (see below): contrasting stains (Color panels and a light sofa for pos. 3), elements of a controlled disorder (zebrow rug.

It is difficult for an animation and style of Haytec: he expresses the desire for the Spartan lifestyle and dissemination to all sorts of phintiflyushkam. The usual, "normal" heaten will revive one fairly high, but slim, not sprawling and not a thick room in the village (pos. 4). In "good", monophonic-light, Hightec, the main plant can be a dullness and more magnificent, and to him in addition 1-2; The element of chaos below is not rebiring, for example. Contrast total tone mat incorrect form (pos. 5). But one, and only one, an animation plant in the "evil" Hightec, with glossy sparkling planes and color illumination (pos. 6) must select an experienced designer at the interior design stage. However, those who are at the ages of evil Highite, and with the payment of a high-end designer there is no problems.

Note: On the use of plants to create coziness, see further.

Common color

A good way to achieve comfort is simply and inexpensive - to abandon the style of the design as such, but to organize the interior according to the rules of the overall color. There are many different; The lover will be easier to start since the time of the year. For example, in middle lane And the autumn interior will be south will be on the left in Fig. Autumn time - eyes of charming, time of abundance and preparation for winter holiday. The highlight here is not only in the overall range, but also in the pillows (see also Next): on the sofa they imitate a dense leaf fall, and those that in chairs are small fallen leaves on Earth. There is an original contrast.

Interiors "Seasons of the Year"

Spring interior (in the center) will please the eye and dirty in places north. Green curtains, suddenly, for some reason, will not be at the place, you can push the sides. But the interior "Summer" (right) will create comfort in housing for the polar circle: in it with a round-the-clock artificial lighting It is appropriate to look too artificial trees. The principle of construction: everything in moderately bright warm colors on which green crowns of trees are distinguished.

Ideas and things

Methods of material incarnation of the ideas of creating comfort include not only things as such, but also other material manifestations of nature and spirituality:

  1. light and color, light and color contrasts;
  2. fiery heating devices;
  3. functional elements of the interior - objects of everyday use;
  4. furniture;
  5. elements of organized chaos;
  6. intelligent means - information carriers;
  7. baubles;
  8. live sources of comfort;
  9. antiques and vintage.

On pos. 1 Fig. Below are almost all of these funds, except for the furnace or fireplace, it can be seen how they animated a very strict and concise interior. Heating devices with a lively flame or sufficiently skillful imitation - an exceptionally effective means to revive the room; The first, with a natural flame from the burning fuel, also stabilize at the optimal limits of the microclimate at home. But it is written enough about the furnaces, fireplaces and caimin-shocks in other sources, so this extensive fascinating theme here, unfortunately, will have to get around.

Note: Pay attention to the clock. Their role in the animation of the interior is written, but the clock is also a very efficient and long-fashioned means of creating comfort. In addition, incomparably cheaper and movable.

Color and light

On pos. 1 is also clearly visible the role of pillows as mobile carriers of color spots, and the spot is both color and contrast, and the element of chaos, without which the living soul is clearly visible, see below. Pillows are easy and / or cheap to sew, they can be shown as you like, replace new ones. Embroidered pillow can be with the image, i.e. To become an intellectual expression of the soul, pos. 2. In addition, the pillow can be a carrier of colored stains: in the form of seats and backs of wicker furniture such a solution is enough to make a cozy and large empty room, pos. 3. The pillow cope well and with the role of the confusion element (see below), so it is not for nothing that it is considered the most affordable means to give comfort and comfort to any interior.

In petty (in good sense. Detailed detailed) interiors of soft light tones The role of stains from the pillow passes to a bouquet of colors (possibly good artificial) and a wall panel, pos. 4. But in the interiors of cold blood and dark tones, the role of the main organizer of the coziness passes from color spots to light. The easiest way to arrange directional local lighting for this, however, if you can use natural, you can achieve astounding in the depth of the positive impact of the results.

Take a look at the pos. 5. A 10-minute contemplation at sunset, after daytime hassle and bustle, slowly crawling on the sofa of a light spot is tantamount to the soulful and cleansing effect of 2-hour meditation on the system of yogis or a 40-minute relaxation by autotraining methods. The secret here is in the interaction of colors with light: walls monochrome, cold tone. Sofa - lighter, warmer by tone, motley. Pillows on it - still lighter and warmer again monophonic. This is t. Naz. Rule streamling contrast. In full force, it acts when lighting from a slowly moving source.

Light stain can be insidious. See that pos. 6? Polarized light glare literally kill comfort. And just needed to put matte laminate Or cover flooring floor with matte varnish. And it would be more convenient to go, not as slipping. True, it is harder to clean.

Things right by themselves

Functional, i.e. We need independently of comfort, interior items most often used to create color contrast as such. Contrast is simultaneously stain, and the chaos element. Outdoor I. wall lightsAlso give light spots. True, fixed.


Furniture animates room with their shape, color and texture. The latter, in turn, is determined by upholstery textiles. The role of fabrics in the creation of coziness is well known, and we are a little delayed on wooden furniture housings.

Wicker furniture - the focus of ordered chaos and. Accordingly, inhales into the room soul with a powerful stream. Depending on the type of weaving, wicker furniture fit into any interior, see fig. But it is the road. Viennese furniture made of bent wood is more affordable, but does not fit everywhere and "breathes the soul" weaker.

Recently, there are furniture from bent bastards on sale (right below in Fig.) It is also soul and fit everywhere, like wicker. On sale such furniture is not cheaper than braid, but home masters should be borne in mind: Furniture made of beasts of rods are beautiful and strong, being made not only from expensive walnut or rattan, but also from calibrated pruhvavava or alder.

Reached Chaos

One fairly well-known interior designer, confusing himself in the circle, put it as follows: "The comfort is a piece of landfill in a barracks." The fact is that the absolute order is equivalent to full chaos. So much to develop nowhere else, and the lack of the possibility of movement is death, sickless. Therefore, an element of organized disorder - universal tool Creating comfort in any interior.

Note: Organized disorder means deliberately arranged, clean and easily eliminable.

The simplest ways to make a piece of chaos to the interior are shown in pos. 1-3 Rice: scattered pillows, colorful bedspreads warm tones on a blue chair, black skin rug and umbrella on the door handle in white rooms. Often, the chaos element is highlighted not only by the shape, but also in color: color spot, contrast and shape as a particle of chaos complement each other and harmonize with each other.

A variety of managed chaos is separating dissonance. In this way, you can turn into a cozy even angle in a removable apartment. The dissonating surface then should be more (eg, shirma) and, very desirable, artistic, i.e. Semantic, informative. To separating dissonance, a light spot is needed (pos. 5): remember the story of Hamingway "Bright Cozy Place"?

The entire interior design can be built on apparently chaotic dissonances. This is t. Naz. Bocho style; Someone considers it not with a style, but in a way. Boho's essence - in dissony couples neutralizing their negative so that the comfort remains, as poisonous chlorine and sodium give a useful table salt. On pos. 6 You can allocate at least 7 such pairs and in color, and in form. Let's tell me something: leopard upholstery chair and pillow against gray-bluish walls. Colorful carpet - against a lesbian pink sofa. The chair is whether Ampire, whether Baroque - against the classic rack. Soft sofa with rounded corners - against a rigid glass table. Otherwise, if you want, practice yourself.

Intellect and soul

Mind is clearly generated by the movement of the soul. Works of art and literature are the fruit of the joint work of intellect and spirit, so they are capable and must create comfort. Approving that books are worthless dust collectors, just subjects with a pathologically destructively deformed psyche. Personal library in 3-5 thousand volumes in the correctly arranged bookcase Or on the rack requires care no more than 2-3 times a year. But in this master, we will only take pictures and books as sources of comfort: the lubricant effect of round sculptures, stucco and artistic plastics are the same as baubles, see below.


Classic and in general, not strict interiors can be animated without any snack painting, as well as photographs, but not printing reproductions of paintings on paper, this is already a miserable. Location - arbitrary. Grouping either by scenes, or just in size (pos. 1 in Fig.), I don't care.

In the interiors of futuristic-technologically concise, abstract painting or photo are most often used to create a coziness in intellectual ways. With the abstraction, there are generally no problems, hang, as you like. Abstract painting is meaningful and expressive no less realistic, only fairies for fake under the abstraction in the eyes of amateurs easier.

With photos, as well as engravings, etchings, watercolor, gouache, collections of butterflies, beetles, sea shells, etc. In a clear modern interior more difficult. The photo will make the room more comfortable if they make them in the form of rectangular panels symmetrical general composition, pos. 2 and 3. Pictures must be in the same framework.

Note: Try to find on the pos. 2 Chaos element. Look for the left at the window.

The images are better to put in the heterogeneous framework and quasi-chaotically scatter ahead with functional things, pos. 4. The heterogeneity of the framing must be well noticeable and contrasting (we will organize a piece of chaos at once), it will not be simply uncomfortable mess, as for pos. five.


Books are able to extract and make comfortable any interior even without spots, contrasts and pieces of chaos. It requires interaction with furniture, and the designer is to correspond on bindings: solid volumes in the dark knee - in a monumental interior with solid cabinets; In the lungs modern interiors - Racks with books in light or colored covers, see fig.


Small items of purely decorative purposes are specifically designed to create a coziness; They can be inhaling the soul into any room, see fig., Up to the removable angle or student dormitory. In the film "And the dawns here are quiet" shown, as women baubles from what the barracks were decorated. Immediately there are homemade baubles - in them a particle of your soul. Therefore, with homemade baubles, it is impossible to move to the miner, as with the purchased.

Note: According to the method of manufacturing and the nature of the creation of coziness, appliques on the walls are and on the right in Fig. But the wall painting from the point of view of coziness is already painting.


Many plants will emasculate any classic and traditional interior (Rustic, Country, Colonial), pos. 1 and 2 in Fig. Also a large number of Plant is appropriate in the styles of "naked", such as constructivist minimalism, pos. 3. In modern concise interiors, the rule is in general: the darker the total gamma, the plants need less, but larger, pos. 4 and 5. If the visible base of the coziness is achieved by stains, contrast and small chaos (zebra pillows and dissemaled in the form of an armchair for pos. 6), then for complete spiritual comfort big Plants. In the interior, weakly contrasting is better to put a plant with the SIZY (pos. 7), or striated leaves, it will become a piece of disorder.


Plants as sources of comfort are bad that they bind the owners to the house. If the interior is a motley, playful, then complete the creation in it can 1-2 small unpretentious perennial, Left at the top in fig. At the time of departure, they can be instructed familiar.

The powerful lifting effect in any interior is rendered bonsai, especially since some plants from which they are formed, beautifully beautifully bloom. Bonsai need everyday care, but there are specialized firms that provide such services to missing owners; They can be transferred to the bonsai at the time of vacation. It is not suiced, but Bonsai is generally pleasure for secured or very patient: the cultivation of seed and the formation of Bonsai takes many years and decades.


Succulents (juicy, in Russian) include cacti, aloe, Tolstyanka, Stone Plants (Aisoonovy), Havorti, Eheveria, etc. residential roomsEspecially with children and pets, you should not start the Evoforbia (succulent milkphibians), they are filled with caustic poisonous juice. At the end of the first film, "Gods, probably, crazy" there is an episode, a dangerous armed terrorist was neutralized as drops of Juice of Evoforby.

Succulents are at all without care and watering for months and are good as sources of comfort: a small collection on the naked windowsill is already pretty, see fig. But these are not all their advantages. Succulents - immigrants from hot arid places. In the afternoon, it is impossible to live in a complete life there, the sun will burn, so their photosynthesis is not quite like that, like other plants: Succulents at night are separated by oxygen. Just when there is not enough apartment in the air. It is precisely that, and not the mythical absorption of radiation, the beneficial effect of succulents on the homely atmosphere in the literal and figurative sense is explained. For the culture of succulents at home, see the video:

Video: Growing succulents - Plants for comfort

The best home atmosphere freshener is long-stayed in the roommers, aloe tree, in the center in Fig. The record holder for drug qualities Aloe Vera is inferior to him in this respect. Aloe tree grows a big lush bush and is suitable for almost any interior. In an extremely concise room, it can be replaced with a "sicky tail", Sansevier, on the right in Fig.

Note: The air indoor is sometimes trying to make cozy with interior spirits or aromatic candles. In the first case, you do not need to be fed by the French court time Madame Pompadur, dreamed of cologne, to beat off the smell of unclean linen: the deposit of the cozy atmosphere of the apartment is clean in it .. and in the second one must remember that the main thing for the freshness of the air is oxygen. Candles consume it, and in the ventilated place aromas do not hold.

Not only plants

Unsurpassed tool for creating comfort in any conditions - aquarium with alive plants and fish. The aquarium is capable of turning a naked wall into a cozy corner, see fig. Before the well-established aquarium, the bitter drunkard is frozen, waged in the hope of tapping on the dammouth, forgetting that he is burning "pipes."

Unfortunately, the aquarium binds to the house stronger than the apartment greenhouse: they need regular diligent care. Many pet store workers work out, looking at the aquariums of the hosts in departure; There are also specializing in this firms. However, such services are not much cheaper than the temporary content of Bonsai, and there will have to provide access to the house: a lively aquarium is not shifted.

Old good

Antiques and vintage (simply - old things) are transmitted by housing spirit of time, the soul particles of the masters, and thereby create comfort. Unforgettably semi-forgotten in this respect, the Russian sranovar, but it perfectly animates almost any interior, see fig. Perhaps in general any: there are samovars on sale, according to design compatible and with evil Haytech.

Samovar does not necessarily take a flammable wood, is suitable electric. Samovar tea is especially delicious because the custard teapot is smoothly and evenly from all sides, it is heated to the optimal ferry to be optimal for welding the flowing hot steam. And the spiritual tea drinking is already comfort.

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