How to create a harmonious interior design for a small apartment? Design options for a one-room apartment, photo Design projects for a 1-room apartment.

Engineering systems 23.06.2020
Engineering systems

A one-room apartment is associated with a lack of space. In economy-class residential buildings, the minimum living area of ​​such apartments is 14 square meters. In elite new buildings, this figure is at least doubled. However, in an apartment consisting of one room, it is always difficult to furnish. But even in a small apartment it can be convenient and psychologically comfortable for each family member, if the interior is organized correctly. Find out how to properly arrange all the necessary household items.

The most important thing when furnishing a one-room apartment with a minimum area (28 square meters) is to take into account the number of residents in a given area, their age, tastes, and preferences.

The following became the standard principles for the practical and aesthetic organization of the situation:

  • Proper use of space - the creation of the most open space by combining the living area with the kitchen, hallway. Redevelopment - elimination of partitions between residential and domestic premises, a combination in one space of furniture and equipment that are similar in functionality; arrangement of internal partitions, windows, openings, arches, podiums; elimination of doors, their replacement with sliding ones or changing the direction of their opening; vertical organization of the interior (available even with a standard ceiling height of 260 - 270 cm!);
  • Functional furniture - the use of non-standard, folding furniture that can be built into wall niches, alcoves, other places (such can be bought in a store or made to order), a bed with a lifting mechanism, a bed that transforms into a wall with a sofa, shelves and a wardrobe; sofa bed, sofa bed, ottoman, sofa bed, sofa bed, ottoman. The use of mobile furniture - transformers: folding chairs, sliding table, fabric hanging wardrobes, screens on wheels;
  • The visual effects of enlarging the room are the active use of mirrors, mirror surfaces, the competent choice of color and wallpaper pattern, the use of suitable photo wallpapers, impeccable lighting.

It is important to choose in a small apartment light walls, ceiling, floor, matching the color of the furniture. The level of comfort of housing directly depends on the chosen method of redevelopment of the interior. The smallest change of internal partitions can lead to the desired result.

Placement rules

Like any responsible business, the choice and arrangement of furniture does not tolerate fuss. You can't go along with your desires and buy "that wonderful bed" or "amazing closet" just because you like them. Furniture is an important part of the interior, you need to choose it based on the technical capabilities of the room. Otherwise, all this beauty will turn into an absurd heap. But you need a comfortable living space, not a warehouse? Therefore, before furnishing a one-room apartment with furniture, try to evaluate the possibilities of the room, ways to redevelop it if necessary:

  1. Do not rush to bring in household items and decor if the room is empty, or take them out if you are thinking about reorganizing the space;
  2. Take measurements of the room, hallway, kitchen, make a plan of the apartment on paper or with the help of a graphic computer program in which interior designers work;
  3. Create several furnishing options by hand in a prepared plan or on a computer;
  4. Analyze photos of the furnishings of an apartment similar to yours. This will help you navigate the organization of space, choose the appropriate interior solutions;
  5. Design tips on space zoning will be useful. In this case, in the middle of each zone, the main pieces of furniture are placed in the odnushka, and additional ones are placed around them;
  6. Opt for compact furniture that does not clutter up the space;
  7. If you need a lot of furniture, then it is better to put it closer to each other so that it is convenient to move around the apartment;
  8. Reflect all your preferences and ways of moving around housing in the plan.

If you are not the only occupant of the apartment, agree with other family members several options for plans, jointly approve the most successful one.


A one-room apartment is a living room, a bedroom and an office at once, so we only bring in the furniture that is necessary and not bulky, which has maximum functionality. If you have an apartment built during the Khrushchev years at your disposal, the first step towards decorating the hall will be to abandon the arrangement of furniture along the walls. This likens a narrow rectangular room to a corridor or a wagon, which can not be called a cozy nest.

Modern design solutions are based on a square shape, as it is most convenient when creating an interior. What kind of furniture is needed and how should it be arranged in a one-room Khrushchev as well?


We give preference to the compartment (one of the doors or all can be mirrored):

  • First, it is roomy;
  • Secondly, it can serve to highlight two zones, if you place it with its end part against the wall. In this case, it visually ceases to be perceived as a traditional cabinet, standing along the wall;
  • Thirdly, it is high, the upper shelves will replace the mezzanines.

Chest of drawers, bedside tables

We choose high and narrow ones to make the space as light as possible.


For a good rest you need a comfortable bed. But to afford the royal bed will not work. Single options are as follows:

  • Folding sofa, an important detail of which is the presence of storage boxes;
  • You can do without this item if you make a bedroom on the windowsill. You will need to remake the window sill to a wide, long one, but this option will save space;
  • Another option is to create a bed by the window on the podium, inside which there are many compartments for storing things;
  • A practical solution - a bed on the upper tier, a wardrobe, a work area, a computer desk, a chest of drawers, shelves, a pull-out bed on the lower tier - in one. This mega-functional invention is real! It is ideal for small spaces even when a baby appears and the question arises of how to arrange furniture in a one-room apartment with a child and make a children's area.

Tables and shelves

Books, documents, needles, threads, all kinds of household trifles should always be in order, at hand, in a certain place, so that it is convenient to get them without spending a lot of time searching (you can use separators, sign boxes, boxes if they are opaque ). It is best to use for this:

  • Open wall shelves of different lengths, where you can put decor items, place a photo;
  • Open shelving serving as a partition at the same time;
  • Closed shelves, interior boxes and baskets;
  • Built-in headsets that, when opened, serve as a table for work, niches and shelves for storing various items.

When choosing built-in furniture, pay attention to the following details:

  • Its color should not contrast with the color of the walls, so as not to visually reduce the area of ​​​​the room;
  • Try to place such transformer headsets not above the sleeping place, because these are still attributes of the working area.

Armchairs and poufs

We will have to abandon massive chairs, replacing them with mobile folding chairs.


In one-room apartments, an adequate level of lighting plays an important role. It is preferable not to use overall floor lamps and other massive light sources. It is best to make spot ceiling lighting, purchase wall sconces, table lamps in a minimalist style.


Refrigerator, stove, sink, cutting table, cabinets for dishes, products, spices, dryer, microwave, food processor - this is not a complete list of kitchen attributes. All of them should fit on a minimum of 6-8 square meters, while not hindering your movement around the room and ease of use: when opening the oven, you should not think about how not to touch the refrigerator.

Kitchen furniture should be ergonomic and functional. The dimensions of the kitchen set are minimal. It is better to make an individual project that allows you to rationally use the corner space of the kitchen.

Combining a kitchen and a room is one of the common solutions to the problem of lack of space if a family of three lives in an apartment. At the same time, the broken wall between the two rooms is partially restored by installing kitchen floor cabinets, which are a continuation of the suite, with a countertop that can serve as both a place for eating and a bar counter. A small kitchen is often associated with a lack of space for a dining table where the whole family could gather. Therefore, the dining area becomes necessary, and the studio apartment becomes popular.

Hallway and corridor

The entrance hall in the apartment is a business card. The overall perception of the interior also depends on its design. The layout of the hallways in different apartments is different, so ideas that work on the decor of a square hallway will be completely out of place in a narrow and long one. Evaluate the size of the hallway, lighting, ceiling height.

If the entrance hall is small (it is a corridor), they act in two ways:

  • Design it according to accepted design rules;
  • Combine the entrance hall with an adjacent room - a kitchen or a living room.

In the first case (especially when it comes to Khrushchev), you will have to abandon the large closet, instead use:

  • A sliding wardrobe with mirrored doors will not only visually increase the space, but also solve the problem with a mirror in the hallway. In such a closet there is enough space only for seasonal outerwear (middle tier), shoes (lower tier), accessories (upper tier), everything irrelevant is stored in the room. If possible, it is worth putting an ottoman for the convenience of putting on / taking off shoes, place a shelf or a hook for a shoe spoon nearby;
  • Modular furniture is a great solution for any, especially small hallways. No bulky cabinets, only interesting constructive proposals. This kit is assembled to order and will certainly meet all your requirements.

In the second case, the wall between the hallway and the room or kitchen is eliminated, replaced by an arch or other architectural solution. The entrance hall becomes part of another space and should be stylistically consistent with it.

Features of accommodation depending on the size of the apartment

A one-room apartment, regardless of the footage, is a universal territory. The main features of the situation here will be order and organization, the versatility of objects. Remember that large furniture is the compositional center. But the number of meters affects the distribution of furniture, its design solution.

In a small room without a balcony, it is better to abandon bulky furniture, preferring modular furniture. Such a room should be equipped in a minimalist style, so that each item stands in its place. Focus on the essentials, actively use the wall, corner space, space under the windowsill. Preferred:

  • A sleeping place that can be easily transformed into a guest room during the day;
  • A table that can be used as a working, toilet place;
  • Wardrobe or built-in wardrobe;
  • Hanging, hinged shelves, racks, mezzanines - a great storage option, an interesting way to make the room stylish;
  • Corner furniture always looks original, does not clutter up the space, on the contrary, makes it smoother.

If the apartment has a balcony or loggia, it is reasonable to make him / her part of the living space: a workplace, a recreation area can be located here.


How to arrange furniture in an apartment whose living area is not more than 18 square meters? The answer is obvious - to zone the space. Depending on the composition of the family in the room, zones such as:

  • Guestbook;
  • Working;
  • Bedroom;
  • Children's (arrangement of this zone depends on the age of the child and should change over time: a newborn and a preschooler - one organization of a children's corner, and a schoolchild and a student - a full-fledged workplace).

For the children's area, you need to choose the warmest and most lit place! A loft bed with a workplace will be an excellent alternative to a children's room.

If parents get a non-isolated space, they should consider the arrangement in the walk-through room in such a way as to preserve personal space.

The allocation of functional zones can be done using:

  • Shelving;
  • Screen;
  • Baldakhinov;
  • Sliding partitions;
  • Hanging partitions;
  • Falshsten;
  • catwalks;
  • Partition-shelves made of drywall;
  • Including a balcony in the space of the room;
  • Bed arrangements above the guest area;
  • Arrangement of a sleeping / working / children's place on the "second floor" if you have high ceilings.

Common mistakes

Not everyone can afford to invite a specialist to properly arrange furniture in a one-room apartment. Not everyone has a sense of proportion and style. Not everyone has enough knowledge, patience and time to create a competent interior. That is why the result of planning turns into a disappointment. To prevent this from happening, consider the most common mistakes and try to avoid them by furnishing a single room:

  1. An illogical project - even in the smallest one-room apartment there should be a place for a hallway, a guest area and personal space. But why combine the kitchen and the room if one person lives in the apartment? And if there are several inhabitants, it is simply necessary to zone the room;
  2. Overzoning - the standard option for a single person or couple - two zones in a room. More partitions without a corresponding number of residents will make living uncomfortable;
  3. Refusal of a full-fledged place to sleep.
  4. Non-mobile interior - when there are not enough meters in a one-room apartment, it is impossible to arrange stationary furniture everywhere. Think constructively;
  5. Transformers are not in place - if everything is being transformed, assembled, then this space is needed for something. If you don’t need anything, then you can do without transformers and put, for example, a normal bed;
  6. An ill-conceived storage system - why do we need drawers and chests of drawers if there is a built-in headset, podium or wall niche ?;
  7. Unsuccessful eclecticism, or what style the room is in - you can’t overload one room with a combination of different styles, more than three colors, a variety of textures and light sources. The space must be uniform.
  8. Accumulation of unnecessary things and objects - get rid of excess on time so as not to turn housing into a pantry, but yourself into a box.

Let one-room and small-sized, but this is your apartment. What it will be depends on you!

Residents of small apartments are accustomed to the fact that every centimeter of usable area must be used so that there is no lack of free space in the room. A one-room converted apartment with a harmonious design calculated to the smallest detail can easily compete with spacious apartments.

A well-chosen layout, zoning, unusual design solutions will turn a modest home into a comfortable and beautiful one.

Layout Features

The main task of designers when arranging a small room is to visually increase the usable area. That is why the initial stage of interior design is redevelopment, the purpose of which is to hide the shortcomings of the apartment. A series of houses can have significant differences in the area of ​​​​apartments, their layout, therefore, an individual approach is required for each individual interior. A rational solution may be a complete redevelopment of the premises: the removal of some parts of the walls or partitions. It is important to remember that It is strictly forbidden to touch the supporting structures.

The design of a 1-room apartment should be planned based on the expansion of space. Here are some tips for increasing living space:

  • Combining a room and a loggia. Complete dismantling of the wall is optional, it is enough to demolish the window unit, turn the rest of the wall into a functional space divider.
  • Converting a balcony or loggia into an office, dining room or bedroom.

  • Arrangement of the second tier in an apartment with a ceiling height of 3 meters. On such a second floor, you can place a sleeping place, and under it - a seating area or closet.
  • Using wide window sills as bookshelves, a flower garden or a desktop.
  • Converting closet to walk-in closet. Such a solution will significantly free up space in the apartment.

Layout options

You need to start redevelopment with the transformation of living space. This will allow you to take into account every centimeter of it and use it as fruitfully as possible. Designers offer several options for arranging small apartments, depending on the type of houses and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises.

In a panel house

Panel houses, in addition to longitudinal load-bearing walls, have transverse ones. The wall between the room and the kitchen is a carrier in one-room apartments, which does not give a wide opportunity for redevelopment. In such cases, you can do the following: make an opening in the load-bearing wall, increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom at the expense of the corridor, build additional partitions. It is important to remember that all works require individual consideration and approval. The main task of planning in such houses is separate the sleeping area, organize a mobile workplace and create a small living area.

These issues can be resolved without interfering with the structure of the building, thanks to the zoning of the room with the help of furniture.


Typical Brezhnevka houses provide for a load-bearing wall that adjoins the neighboring apartment. It will not work to dismantle such a wall, so one of the few ways to increase the area is to replace the doors with arches. Bathrooms in such apartments are very small, it is not always possible to put a washing machine. Smart decision - dismantle the partition between the bathroom and the toilet. This method will visually increase the space and free up usable area.

One-room apartments

One-room apartments are often modest dwellings with a single irregularly shaped room and a small kitchen. To make such an apartment comfortable, designers are advised to give preference to an open layout. Dismantling walls and doors, providing free access to all surfaces, is the main task of an open plan.

In such apartments, nothing prevents the free distribution of sunlight, which visually enlarges the apartment. Furniture plays the role of zoning elements. It is important to remember that in a small room in all functional areas you need to use the same finish.

New buildings

Apartments in new buildings are notable for their inconvenient geometry: trapezoid rooms, options with a round wall or with a bend are absolutely impractical for life. The modern layout of apartments allows several options for combining space to solve the layout problem. The most popular solution among them is connecting the kitchen to the living room. Preference is also given to a bedroom-children's room or a living room-study.


A distinctive feature of the architecture of new buildings is the design of studio apartments. The studio is a free space with a kitchen included in the living area and a separate bathroom. When creating the design of a small apartment (for example, an area of ​​​​17 sq. M), it is better to give preference to an open layout. The transition from the kitchen area to the living room should be made smooth. When planning the style of the studio, designers are advised to give preference to built-in appliances in order to give the home neatness and relieve space.

Apartments ranging from 46 to 50 squares often have a studio design.

To make the room comfortable, in such studios zoning required. To highlight the zone of sleep or relaxation, you can install a bed, fenced off by a screen. When creating partitions, the use of structures made of plexiglass or plasterboard sheets has become widespread. In this case, preference should be given to glass surfaces that do not interfere with the spread of light.

Room size

Apartments in different parts of the country can hardly differ from each other, because typical houses, as a rule, always have a standard layout. According to building codes, the minimum height of finished residential premises is recommended from 2.5 to 2.7 m. Vestibule is a mandatory room with minimum design dimensions of 1.4 x 1.4 m. Next is the entrance hall, the comfortable area of ​​​​which is from 6-7 to 10 m

The size of the living room depends on the number of residents. For example, for a family of 3-5 people, it is preferable to allocate 25 square meters. It is important to remember that living rooms less than 17 squares are not designed.

The width of the kitchen should be taken from 1.8 m, the recommended area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis room is 12 square meters. m. A separate dining room can be at least 8 square meters. m., but it can be combined with a kitchen, which will save space. A bedroom for two people should be at least 14 squares, for one - 10 square meters. m. The toilet with a toilet bowl and a washbasin should be 1.5 square meters. m., without a washbasin - 1.2 sq. m. The bathroom combined with a bathroom is located on 3.8 square meters. m. apartment.

Private bathroom - 3.3 sq. m. Another, but not mandatory room - dressing room. Usually 8 - 10 square meters are allocated to it. m. for the possibility of installing an ironing board. A two-row wardrobe must be at least 2 m wide. To store tools and inventory in apartments, storerooms with an area of ​​2 sq. m.

Finished apartments ranging from 33 and 37 sq. m can be in a new building (studio), an old typical house. Kitchens with 30 or more squares are quite spacious and can reach 6 square meters. m. It is customary to connect a bathroom and a bathroom, and replace the bathroom with a shower cabin, so that you do not have to increase the area.

The interior project of 38 - 45 square meters provides for a large loggia. It can be renovated or converted into a dressing room, closet and any other small space. It must be remembered that to begin with, work on insulation should be carried out.

Only in this case, the loggia or balcony can be used all year round.

Repair requires preliminary preparation. Balcony glazing is carried out in parallel with the installation of windows. You can change old communications only taking into account the new division into zones. The floor is leveled taking into account the finishing height throughout the apartment. It is also desirable to level the ceiling or install a tension one: if possible, height differences should be avoided.


The total area of ​​​​the premises must be divided into functional areas (working or children's corner, sleeping place, kitchen and dining room). Access to each of the zones must be free. The design, colors and textures of the coatings of each of the zones may vary, but the integrity of the image must be maintained in the interior. If zoning using load-bearing structures and partitions is impossible for some reason, the problem will be solved well-chosen furniture.

Often, families with children need to allocate play and learning space. For example, to divide a room into two parts, you can install a children's wardrobe for storing toys and clothes. Such a building envelope performs several functions at the same time. If this option is impossible to implement, designers are advised to purchase loft bed, under which you can place a student's desktop or sofa. This technique is suitable not only for the studio, but also for a vest.

Another important point – separation of the sleeping area in a one-room apartment. If dimensions allow, you can fence off the bed in whole or in part with the help of a plasterboard partition. There are several options for converting a 1-room apartment into a two-room apartment (for example, installing furniture, shelves or shelving). Sliding doors are also used to isolate the bedroom, but this method is not always comfortable enough. Designers are advised to give preference to filament curtains, which create the appearance of a separate room without cluttering up the space.

If the ceiling height reaches 3 m, the separation of the room can be avoided by installing a bed or a work table "on the second tier". An unusual and practical solution would be to install a rising bed. There are many options for installing multi-level furniture today. Another difficulty in the formation of the design of the odnushka can be the organization of the working area. A convenient way is to expand the window sill and install the countertop.

If it is possible to make furniture to order, the countertop should be placed above the lower parts, and shelving should be placed on top.

You can combine a working and sleeping place: install a podium. It houses the working area, and under it is a bed that moves out by means of wheels. Such a solution today is considered non-standard and quite creative. A more traditional version of the podium - sliding and rising worktops. In a room with a niche, there is no need to mount shelving: the shelves can be inserted into the wall opening.

The podium is well suited for the need to create two cozy full-fledged bedrooms in one room. This option is suitable for families with a teenager or two friends. In this case, one bed is located on the podium, and a sliding wardrobe is installed under it. The podium visually separates the sleeping areas and improves the proportions of the room. But he can just as easily overload the room.

Actual color schemes

Thoughtful color scheme will visually expand the room. It is customary to give preference to light shades and warm colors, they are in no hurry to use cold colors: being in such an apartment is not so comfortable and cozy. Do not overdo it with the brightness of the color- this choice is not suitable for general use. Accents should be done to highlight a specific functional area.

Green, brown tones and different shades of blue are suitable for creating a relaxing atmosphere in the design of a one-room apartment. Such colors go well with white and pastel colors (the perfect combination to highlight the sleeping area or relaxation space). Light colors have a positive effect on the psychological state: yellow, beige or peach. These colors should be preferred when decorating living rooms.

Red has a stimulating effect and can cause rapid fatigue. A pink shade can also provoke open aggression, but only a strong half of humanity. The female half of the population is pleasant and cozy in apartments with a pink design. Neutral beige and cream shades will appeal to everyone. Light walls and ceilings can make a room look bigger.

You can complement such an interior with hidden lamps built into the ceiling. The color of the curtains should be chosen according to the color of the walls, so that the interior looks completely harmonious.

There is an opinion that black and white interiors are only suitable for office spaces, but this is far from the case.

If you remember a few rules, any black and white room will emphasize the individuality of the owners, it will look expensive and elegant. Equal balance should be avoided - one color should prevail over the other. The ornament can only be combined with monochrome surfaces. A combination of several different patterns is allowed if one of them dominates.

When choosing a color scheme for a small room, preference is given to white. A beautiful visual effect is created by a combination of dark furniture and light walls and vice versa. Massive furniture looks appropriate in an interior with an ornament. If there is a bay window in the room, but there is no free access to it, it is worth using it as a place to store books. The main drawback of the design of a room in a monochrome style is the need to constantly maintain cleanliness and sufficient lighting.

Lighting and furnishing

A well-thought-out lighting system plays an important role in creating comfort. Light can significantly expand the space, which is a definite plus for small spaces. It is allowed to use various types of lighting fixtures, if they fit harmoniously into the interior. The functionality of individual zones will be emphasized by local lighting. In each zone, a separate type of lighting is allowed.

In the traditional method of setting the light, the following areas of the room are distinguished:

  • the lower zone is the dark side;
  • medium - in terms of illumination and functionality;
  • the main or upper - the most illuminated part of the room.

The above scheme is close to natural lighting and is the most physiological. There are several novelties for visually increasing space with the help of light. The room can be extended by highlighting the cold part of the spectrum of one of the walls. Its highlight will help to raise the ceiling, and the light built into them will push the walls apart.

In addition to general lighting on the ceiling, it is a good idea to install lamps above the bed or in the work area. Local lighting is necessary to create coziness, it is used more often than overhead lighting. Glossy panels on the walls and ceiling will help expand the space of the room, but you should not overdo it with such coatings. Installation of overall chandeliers in rooms with low ceilings is considered a gross violation, so you should not overload the ceiling with details.

A competent choice of furniture will be a logical addition to interior design.

Wide beds and massive walls are not suitable for arranging small rooms, as they will only create discomfort. The alternative would be transforming or built-in furniture. This will not clutter up the space and can be folded after use.

Wall slides are an ergonomic and inexpensive option. Folding furniture gives you the opportunity to store things, so people prefer it. Bed linen can be put away in a drawer-pallet. It is customary to get rid of extra cabinets and chests of drawers by installing a pantry or a wardrobe built into the wall.

When choosing kitchen furniture, you should remember about its role in the family. If the room is not particularly popular, there is no need to purchase a large dining table. It would be more rational to buy a small folding structure.

It must be remembered that furniture plays an important role in zoning space. Therefore, the installation of a bar-partition will help separate the kitchen area from the living room or bedroom. Cabinets with mirrored facades will visually make the room wider. Free surfaces should be used to the maximum, but clutter should not be allowed.

How to visually expand the space

Many are faced with the problem of increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room by dismantling walls or partitions. In such cases, it is better to use optical illusions to visually expand a small room. One of the most affordable options is to achieve such a visual effect with wallpaper. They should be selected with small patterns or vertical stripes.

A good solution would be combining walls with wallpaper of two tones: it is preferable to make the upper part of the walls light and the lower part dark. The effect of wallpaper in a small room can be enhanced by choosing the right curtains. On a dimly lit wall, wallpaper should be glued a tone lighter than on a more illuminated plane.

In rooms with large windows, you can use light-colored curtains made of airy fabrics. Designers are advised to choose curtains that lie a little on the floor. Bulky heavy curtains, as well as multilayer structures in tight spaces look out of place. Vertical striped fabric will add height to the space. The use of cold shades will visually lengthen the room.

Shelves should be matched to the walls: this will add airiness to the space.

Decorating the walls of the hall with a fresco or photo wallpaper is a good option not only to increase the volume of the room, but also to give originality and individuality to the style. It is better to make a choice in favor of a perspective image (a bridge, a road stretching into the distance, or a seascape). In the nursery above the bed, you can place the image of the heroes of fairy tales. But we must not forget that too bright colors should be avoided. Frescoes depicting heaven, a stretch ceiling in a similar range will add height to the room.


The comfort and coziness of the future apartment largely depends on the competent choice of style. There are many types of apartment design, some of them will be discussed below.


Minimalism is one of the most strict and restrained styles in interior design. This area has the following principles:

  • The basis is a spacious room, an open plan. Rooms with partitions and an abundance of rooms are transformed: the space is made free. Walls that are not subject to demolition are partially dismantled, replacing narrow doorways with wide arches.
  • The main feature of the style is the absence of small decor. The interior should not contain items that do not play a useful role.

  • Preference is given to the correct geometry. The design of the furniture is strict and concise with a clearly defined form. Furniture should be chosen plain and without unnecessary details.
  • This direction uses three basic colors in the interior: two colors are the basis of the interior, and the third one creates accents. The most popular basic colors are gray, black and white, accents are made with bright colors (red, yellow or blue).
  • Materials should be chosen natural (polished stone or marble, wood species or glass).

Scandinavian style

This style is based on creating coziness and harmony with the help of natural light and pastel colors. White is often chosen to visually enlarge the space and give the room sophistication. Wooden surfaces complement the bright interior, giving the Scandinavian style a natural balance. The tones and textures of finishing materials should have a delicate texture.

One of the most important points in the design is the environmental friendliness of materials. Furniture and textiles should be of natural origin. Due to its structure, aluminum perfectly complements the interior. Kitchen and shower accessories, door handles and floor lamps are usually made from this material.

The walls are lined with natural stone or wood panels, and also covered with decorative plaster.


The loft is instantly recognizable in the interior. To design a city apartment in this style, you need to rely on the following principles:

  • Only shower rooms and bathrooms can be closed. The rest of the layout should be open.
  • Preference is given to panoramic skylights without curtains and curtains.

  • It is not customary to paste over the walls with wallpaper or sheathe with plastic. Bare brickwork or a whitewashed concrete surface are hallmarks of the loft style. Less commonly, surfaces are sheathed with sheets of plywood or metal.
  • The floors are lined with wood or artificial marble slabs.

  • The ceilings in the rooms should be high. Wires for lighting can go down along them, communication pipes can pass. Sometimes special wooden load-bearing or false beams are installed.
  • The large height of the room allows you to install a second residential tier, which can be reached using a stationary or ladder.
  • When choosing furniture, preference should be given to modern multifunctional or antique-styled.

High tech

Modern and minimalist hi-tech style requires strict geometry and open space. A strict rule that characterizes this style is the mandatory presence in the interior of a significant amount of metal, chrome and exclusively innovative equipment. Hi-tech draws its inspiration from industrial structures, therefore, decor items resemble geometric shapes, and modified furniture and decorative metal pipes are ideal attributes.

When decorating rooms in this style, you must choose new technologies and modern materials. The color scheme is “cold” with a predominance of light gray shades, blue, less often black or white. It is important to remember about the prohibition of bright prints with floral images and ornaments. There can be only one bright accent in the interior.

Classic style

Classics in the interior is characterized by harmony and royal scope. In this style, adherence to the rules of classicism is accepted. Particular attention should be paid to finishing materials: ceiling painting, stucco and friezes are welcome. The columns in the front rooms are reminiscent of Renaissance art.

Chic and color balance are important for style, so preference should be given to beige, olive and milky shades.

Walls can be upholstered with fabric or covered with decorative plaster. Furniture items should be massive, but elegant. Antique furniture will add chic to the interior. Classic flowing forms are the face of style. Sofas are upholstered with velvet, cotton of noble colors or natural silk. Massive forged or crystal chandeliers are an important detail, light accents should be placed correctly. Thanks to the lower light, you can create additional comfort.

Men's style

The style of a young man is a simple, practical and rational direction in design, the key characteristic of which is quick access to all the necessary things. There are no cluttering details in the furniture composition, which helps to ensure freedom of movement. Decor is often presented in the form of paintings or models of weapons. The predominant colors are white, black or gray tones, emphasizing the severity.

There are practically no graceful folds or smoothed corners in this business interior. Combined with household appliances, square and rectangular objects give the interior aggression. It is not customary to install decorated chandeliers on the ceilings, preference is given to floor lamps or sconces. Such devices should provide sufficient illumination, without standing out from the general background.

An important requirement for the hallway in a one-room apartment is the location of the closet with clothes. If the wardrobe doors are lined with glass, the room will look more spacious. The mirrored front door will not only create the illusion of a long corridor, but also complete the image. If the bathroom does not allow you to install a washing machine, it is rational to take it out and build it into the closet.

False walls with a reflective panel or window can be placed opposite the entrance to the room (if there is a need to fence off a room). Such a visual barrier does not burden the interior.

A good option for those who do not spend a lot of time cooking is the American style of planning. An open kitchen at the entrance will help to enlarge the bedroom. We should not forget: like any redevelopment, such a solution requires agreement and compliance with the following technical conditions. We will not allow the demolition of the main wall and the dismantling of the stiffening frame.

To maintain the bearing capacity of the building, it is necessary to first strengthen the partition with the future opening.

Massive tables in a small living room look cumbersome. It is better to give preference to the option without corners, which allows you to accommodate a larger number of people. And those who rarely arrange gala dinners can replace the dining table with a coffee or work table. Multifunctional furniture is the key to space-saving success in small spaces.

Design of a one-room apartment - redevelopment, styles in interior design, zoning options and trendy color schemes. In our article, you will learn everything about the interior design of a one-room apartment from 23 to 40 square meters.

How to increase space in a one-room apartment

The design of a one-room apartment most often comes down to making the most efficient use of every square meter (including all additional rooms, such as an entrance hall and a loggia or a balcony), as well as space in height due to thoughtful storage systems.

In order to arrange everything conveniently in a one-room apartment (from furniture to decor), you should turn to popular design techniques in design that have already been tested by specialists.

  1. Light colors have a positive effect on the perception of a small room

    In the interior of a one-room apartment, it is best to use light shades that visually expand the space.
    This feature is associated with the effect of reflecting sunlight, which makes the apartment brighter and more spacious in appearance. By the way, dark contrasts also have a positive effect on the general appearance of a small room and the entire apartment as a whole, so you should not refuse them.

  2. Open floor plan allows for more space

    If you can redecorate a one-room apartment and turn the kitchen and living room into one room, do not miss this opportunity!
    The open plan kitchen-living room always looks good in a modern interior. The zoning element in this case can be a partition, a sofa, a table, a chandelier, or even color accents.
  3. Mirrors to visually enlarge the space

    Mirror finishing of walls, furniture and any details in the interior also allows you to increase the amount of light in the room, natural or artificial - at different times of the day. can be both very small and occupy the whole wall. Use them in such a way that they fit into the overall symmetrical composition of the interior (for example, on both sides of a bed or sofa) or place them along the entire length of a narrow wall (for example, in a hallway).
  4. Glass partitions and furniture, transparent acrylic furniture

    The addition of any transparent elements is only welcome in the interior design of a small apartment, as they are visually invisible, therefore they do not load the picture.
    Glass partitions with matte or colored ornaments look especially good, they are very decorative.
  5. Venetian-style furniture with mirrors

    Decoration with mirrors for furniture was invented in Venice, where the mirrors themselves were invented. Italian masters are able to very skillfully decorate chests of drawers, console tables and entire wardrobes and without. By the way, minimalist options are better suited for a small room.
  6. Kitchen island in a studio apartment

    The kitchen island will allow you to more effectively use the space that you would otherwise give only for the dining group, which is also used for culinary affairs.
    A kitchen island can contain elements such as: a stove, a sink, a dishwasher, as well as a bar counter and a built-in hood (or have a hood-luminaire under the ceiling).
  7. Built-in home appliances and electronics

    The more built-in appliances and electronics you can afford, the more comfortable the apartment will be. For example, it is better to build in a microwave and a coffee machine than to take up space on the countertop.
    If the refrigerator is integrated into the headset, then there will be one or two more storage shelves on top.
  8. Furniture with a glossy reflective surface

    Glossy furniture, as well as glossy ones, will help visually expand the space, creating not only a beautiful and elegant image, but also glare, reflections of the sun from windows and other light sources.
  9. Built-in storage furniture

    Any piece of storage furniture, whether it's a wardrobe, hallway or kitchen unit, needs to be built in to make the most of every inch of space.
    This strategy will help you avoid unsightly gaps between pieces of furniture.
  10. Use the wall along the window

    The use of a wall along the window is highly desirable. Here you can place the sofa with its back to the window, organize a seating area, put a desk. The transfer of the radiator in this case must be agreed even before redevelopment.

Zoning options in the design of a one-room apartment

In an open-plan or conventional odnushka, it plays a very important role, since there is quite a bit of living space, and it is simply necessary to ensure privacy for various zones and all family members.
Below we look at the most popular small apartments.

  1. Zoning partition up to 1.2 meters high

    This type of partition is decorative, it does not really provide privacy on either side, but for the perception of the interior it looks logical and modern. Such a partition can be with books, decor and souvenirs.
  2. Kitchen island or dining group

    Zoning with an island or a table with chairs or armchairs is almost always a good solution. Usually the culinary area is located strictly on the side of the headset, and the bar counter is on the side of the sofa or bed.
  3. Stained glass partition wall

    To create a separate small bedroom in a one-room apartment, a stained glass partition with partial glazing is just perfect. The more glass there is, the more natural light from the window in the bedroom the room behind will receive.
  4. Plasterboard partitions

    But drywall partitions with niches, built-in storage systems, electronics and lighting can be a replacement for real walls anywhere. By the way, drywall partitions are a fairly budget option for zoning.
  5. Glass box or glass sliding doors

    To accommodate a bed or a nursery rooms in a one-room apartment, glass doors are often used, including sliding ones, as well as glass niche boxes.
    This option is quite expensive, but it looks just luxurious.

Trending styles in interior design

The design of a one-room apartment is very dependent on the chosen style. So, the appearance of furniture, colors, decorative techniques and even textiles directly depend on the style or the chosen theme.
Consider the most popular in 2018-2019. interior design styles relevant for small apartments.

  1. The interior of the apartment in style is always extremely concise. Furniture in white, gray and black is often used here, as well as materials such as white and black marble effect porcelain tiles and pale shades for parquet.

  2. An apartment in style always looks trendy and very interesting, it has a lot of textures, contrasts and embossed finishing materials. It often uses decorative brick, decorative plaster for concrete, rough wood and even stone.
  3. Bauhaus style odnushka design

    in the design of the apartment looks quite simple, but it is also easier to implement than other design projects.
    Most often, the cheapest finishing materials and simple furniture are used here, but an interesting modern layout successfully beats the space.

  4. in the design of small apartments is now very popular. We are captivated by light colors, the absence of expensive parts and furniture, and the feeling of spaciousness.
    Bright or pastel accents will add a certain atmosphere to a fairly inexpensive interior.

  5. in the design of a small apartment is more expensive than others, but looks luxurious.
    It is chosen by those who also love and, but in a small apartment they try to make luxury and chic suitable for a small square.
    Here you will find a lot of high-quality textiles (luxurious curtains, expensive upholstery for upholstered furniture, trendy carpets), mirrors, as well as trendy lamps and glossy decor items.

Popular layouts and ideas for redevelopment of a one-room apartment

Equipping their small apartment, every owner sooner or later thinks about redevelopment, since the architectural design of your house does not always correspond to the image of an ideal apartment.
We present to your attention the most optimal redevelopment options for one-room apartments ranging from 23 to 40 square meters. meters.

  1. Layout of a one-room apartment of 23 square meters

    In the design of this small apartment with an area of ​​​​only 23 square meters, the layout simply delights with its rationality. The kitchen is located in the hallway, the living room is in the area of ​​the former kitchen, and the bedroom is in the place of the living room. The bathroom was also enlarged by the living room.
  2. Layout of a studio apartment of 30 square meters
    The layout of a studio apartment usually accommodates only a sofa or only a bed, but with sufficient square footage (for example, 30 square meters), you can afford both.
    Look at how well on the layout above the bathroom is moved from the area with the hallway to the side so that the kitchen is located in the most successful way.
  3. Layout odnushki 38 square meters

    When your one-room apartment has an area of ​​​​38 square meters (excluding the loggia), then you can even afford a separate dressing room. In this case, the designer decided to leave the kitchen as a separate room, but in the living room there is a sofa and a folding chair, and there is an office on the loggia.
  4. Layout of a one-room apartment of 40 square meters
    Designing an apartment of 40 square meters can be quite difficult. On the one hand, there is enough space for two people to live, but on the other hand, there are only two windows. How to be?
    On the plan of the apartment above, you will see that it is not worth sacrificing either the kitchen, or the dining room, or the living room when decorating an apartment of 40 square meters. meters.
  5. Layout of a one-room apartment with a separate bedroom

    If you're considering remodeling a studio apartment to have a separate bedroom, check out this beautiful floor plan.
    Here, in place of the kitchen, there is a bedroom, in place of the living room, a living room was formed, and in the corridor - an open-plan kitchen.

Fashionable colors in apartment design

In the process of registering an apartment, you have to take care of and. This is a key point in finishing and choosing furniture, since each item or material you buy must be subject to a special order.
In 2018-2019 The most popular colors are beige-chocolate, coffee-gray, gray-white, snow-white with pastel accents.

  1. Beige-chocolate color scheme

    Beige and chocolate shades in the design of a one-room apartment are very common. They are traditional for the design of apartments in Russia, and are relevant for small apartments. Their plus is that you can buy cheaper traditional furniture if you want.
  2. Chocolate white color scheme

    One of the most modern color schemes for small apartment design is chocolate white and chocolate gray. They include the rich shade of dark chocolate that is commonly used in the design of the kitchen unit and sofa, while the rest of the furniture and finishes are often decorated in a light palette.
  3. Gray and white option for a small apartment

    This color scheme is often used for the interior of a one-room apartment in the Scandinavian style, as well as the Bauhaus and minimalist styles.
    The gray-white interior looks modern and at the same time concise enough not to visually burden the space with bright prints, colors and patterns.
  4. White with pastel accents

    This color palette is usually based on white, one or two wood tones for furniture, and pastel accents. The apartment is bright, but due to the wood it is quite traditional, so it looks cozy.
  5. Black and white color scheme

    The black and white color scheme is ideal for all minimalist and concise interiors. In addition, it is very easy to choose textiles and decor here - just use one of two colors!

Fashionable color accents in interior design

Popular color shades, which will be discussed below, are usually used for accents in interior design. If you have already chosen the main color scheme for your studio apartment interior above, then you can move on to “coloring” it with beautiful and attractive accents. Below you will find out which shades will be fashionable this and next seasons.

  1. Dark blue-reds: purple, lilac, plum

    Shades of a dark blue-red spectrum look simply magical in a light and modern interior.
    Use them for large details - sofa upholstery, curtains and carpet, for a worthy effect.
  2. Bright green-blues: turquoise and mint

    Two interesting shades - turquoise Mediterranean lagoon and pale mint - are ideal for modern interiors. Both of them are more often used in interiors with a white or pale gray color scheme.
  3. Dark reds: marsala, scarlet, burgundy

    Today, dark and rich red shades are in fashion, for example, such as: marsala, scarlet, burgundy, chestnut, Indian red.
    Bright shades of red are also popular - fuchsia, magenta, purple-pink and a delicate pale shade - rose ash.
    These shades are best suited for use in textiles.
  4. Intense blues: teal, Persian blue, azure

    Intense blues are most often found in minimalist interiors - pale grays, black and white or white and gray. They are used in the design of medium-sized pieces of furniture and in small decor.
  5. Pale greens: light green, lime, chartreuse, pistachio

    Another trendy line of shades is pale green. Enchanting chartreuse, fresh lime, traditional light green and delicate pistachio will look great in almost any bright interior.

In the design of a one-room apartment, the specific choice of furniture plays the biggest role. For small spaces and small rooms, there is special furniture, such as a kitchen set with a worktop of small depth, modular coffee tables, sofa beds and much more.
We have collected the best ideas for you in the list below. You will be convinced that for a small apartment you can find something comfortable and stylish.

  1. Invisible furniture to match the color of the walls

    If the color of your furniture matches the color of the walls, then you will get a stunning effect - it will seem to become less overall. First of all, this applies to kitchen units, wardrobes, chests of drawers and other large items.

  2. In a bright kitchen, a bright kitchen apron creates a special effect - a focal point to which the attention of each guest is riveted.
    It turns out that your kitchen becomes a real work of art, and the backlight makes it even stunningly beautiful!
  3. minimalist kitchen set

    The more minimalistic and modern your kitchen set will be (regardless of the chosen interior style), the more concise and pleasant the interior of a small apartment you will get.
  4. Sliding doors or sliding doors between rooms

    Slider doors will save the square meters of your odnushka from being completely cluttered with things. They do not take up space either open or closed and look very modern.
    Use them not only between the main rooms, but also between the corridor and the bathroom, the room and the loggia.
  5. Expensive home appliances and electronics

    In the interior design of a small apartment, the overall image is very important. If you complement even inexpensive furniture with luxurious household appliances and high-quality electronics, you will get a presentable, high-quality and comfortable interior.
  6. Bed-transformer, sofa bed

    Any transforming furniture saves space in a small apartment, but even better if it is a transforming bed or a sofa bed. They will save you from having to have two large pieces of furniture at once in the main room of the apartment.
  7. Bed and folding chair for a child

    When making a one-room apartment for three (a couple and a child), it is best to make zoning with plasterboard partitions. True, in this case there is a chance that the bedroom or nursery will turn out to be rooms without a window.
    If you live in a studio, it is best to put a double bed and a folding chair next to each other, opposite the TV.
  8. The washing machine can also stand on the loggia

    The placement of the washing machine is a cornerstone in the design of a small apartment. It can be placed under the bathroom sink (yes, it is possible!), under the bathroom countertop, on the loggia (if you supply water and drain), or you can simply build the washing machine into the kitchen set.
  9. The more built-in lighting, the better

    In the evening, the appearance of any apartment changes significantly. It is very easy not to take into account such a thing as built-in spot lighting in the design of a one-room apartment, especially if you are saving your money. Nevertheless, know - the more it will be, the better.
  10. A microwave shelf is never redundant

    Ideas as small and affordable as a microwave shelf, IKEA folding chairs for guests or modular coffee tables keep a one-room apartment from being a real mess. Use them!

Many people, dreaming of their own housing, mentally draw a chic country cottage, where absolutely everything that is required for a comfortable life will fit. However, such a luxury for the majority of the country's population is still inaccessible, these people have only one way out - to make the most of the living space that they already have. If desired, the modern design of a one-room apartment can be done in such a way that your efforts will make its shortcomings invisible, make dignity play with bright colors. Work on the interior of a small apartment will be aimed at increasing the functional component, creating an original direction in style, maintaining comfort and charm. The main advantages of small-sized housing is getting rid of unnecessary interior items. Such work should be taken extremely seriously, since the main task here is to make every centimeter of the available area useful.

Layout and expansion of space

The main issue is the correct layout of the apartment. The most difficult thing is to decide how to place the bedroom and living room in a small space. Combine both zones, or completely abandon one of them. If you choose to keep both zones, the space will subsequently have to be divided. This is not the best option for a small room. The two most popular ideas are:

  • Placement in the room of a sofa-transformer, allowing you to arrange a living room with a bed.
  • Placement of the bed in the far corner of the room or in a niche, while the sofa remains in the center.

If the housing is designed for one, the layout retains additional room for maneuver. For a couple, a wonderful solution would be a living room with a bedroom function. As for the modern interior design of a one-room apartment for three people, one of which is a child, one cannot do without placing a children's bed in a niche, or in the far corner of the room.

How to do a real redesign

You can really expand the space in only one way - by carrying out a real redevelopment. To do this, a small apartment will need to be turned into a studio, eliminating all walls, the only exception will be those that separate the bathroom. Sometimes such drastic restructurings are inexpedient, it is enough just to move the walls a little. Some designers use an extraordinary technique, working specifically on doorways, transferring them to the most suitable place for this.

It is very important that in order to engage in such cardinal restructuring, you should have the relevant documents on hand. The idea of ​​transferring or completely eliminating load-bearing walls must be abandoned immediately, since such alterations become the reason for the collapse of a multi-storey building. Consider a different way to expand the usable area by combining a room with a niche, a loggia. Often, only two or three meters are released, but even this area can radically change the overall impression of the renovated home.

About the design of a one-room apartment of 40 sq m

If you initially purchased a studio apartment, the size of which reaches 40 square meters, it is much easier to make it functional and cozy. You just need to draw up a detailed design project for the arrangement of the furniture that you have. If you are just going to purchase furniture for your studio, you can only be happy for you. Take advantage of this unique chance and choose the best furniture options from the proposed range - functional, modern and, of course, not too bulky. In this case, it is preferable to purchase furniture for the kitchen built-in, thus saving living space.

It is very important - even having a studio apartment at your disposal, you should consider every step if you yourself are engaged in organizing a living space for several people. Each member of the family should live in the most convenient conditions, since the comfort of living in a small area of ​​​​the whole family depends on this.

The color scheme of the home

Most designers, when decorating the interior of a one-room apartment, focus on the correct selection of colors, pushing the choice of furniture and accessories for later. This is correct, since colors have a major psychological impact on a person.

  • For a relaxing effect, opt for blues, greens, or browns.
  • To strengthen the nervous system, create positive emotions, use yellow.
  • Red is exciting, but it quickly tires, for this reason, red in 1-room apartments should only be used to create bright accents.
  • Pink color has a calming effect, but its overabundance, excessive brightness causes aggression and anxiety.

Sand, cream, green colors are considered the best option for use in odnushka, creating an even, calm mood among people living here.

How not to make a mistake when choosing curtains and furniture

When you decide on the choice of the color of the walls, choose the curtains that are suitable for the texture and color. Your assistants are special color matching tables, they can be found on the Internet. When choosing furniture, do not violate the main prohibition - it is categorically not recommended to use bulky furniture here, in a small apartment it only creates discomfort. As an option - built-in furniture, consider transformers that occupy the minimum area when assembled. When choosing cabinet furniture, pay attention to modern wall-slides that create a special style in the room and serve as an excellent place for storage. Consider a transforming sofa as a place to store bed linen. Furniture manufacturers produce interesting options for small spaces, one of the know-how is a bed built into the closet. Near the front door, which creates a "dead space", rational owners arrange pantries and a wardrobe. This saves space in the room, where you no longer need a wardrobe, bedside tables.

Modern style

If you often use catering services, only occasionally eat at home, it is better to use a folding table. The life of our contemporary is hard to imagine without a personal computer, a stationary version is hardly suitable, it is better to purchase a compact laptop that does not require a large table. Whatnots, shelves will become a place to store books, business papers. In a small room, it is preferable to use compact and functional furniture; for a family of two, you will need:

  • Wardrobe;
  • Sleeping place;
  • Workplace.

When choosing furniture, pay special attention to its color, it is better if it is light. The best combination is white with shades of blue or beige. If you are not going to do without dark / bright colors, it is not recommended to make them the main ones, it is better when they serve only as accents. If you still made the walls dark, then the furniture should certainly be white, this little trick will visually expand the space.

Extremely space-saving

A one-room apartment must have a high-quality storage system, especially when this housing is intended for several people. Sliding wardrobes with mirrors are ideal for this purpose, as they visually expand the space. Their main function is storage. It is simply beyond praise - you can easily place clothes and shoes for the whole family in such a closet. As for house plants, it is better to put them on window sills so that shelves and special flower stands do not take up usable space. The kitchen window sill is turned into a comfortable dining table, replacing it with a solid countertop. The minimum set of furniture for the kitchen includes a refrigerator, sink, stove, washing machine, table for cooking. For you, this may be an inappropriate option, for some housewives it is difficult to do without an oven, a kitchen hood. If the oven is not needed, the stove is built directly into the countertop.

Lighting for the apartment

The question of lighting in small rooms is always acute. There should be a lot of it, because lighting makes a small home cozy, expanding it visually. Each functional area should have its own lighting device. The general lighting of the interior of a one-room apartment suggests an original chandelier that creates a modern style of the room. One chandelier is not enough, you will need additional light, but do not overdo it with excessive brightness that causes visual fatigue. The brightness of the local color should be higher than the brightness of the general illumination. An excellent option for local lighting is spot lighting, ceilings with LED lighting. You can use LED lamps in the darkest places - to illuminate the interior of cabinets, lighting in the kitchen. When choosing lamps for a typical apartment, pay attention to the correct, rational approach to lighting the space, otherwise the general view of the room will look like a random pile of furniture, practicality, convenience will go by the wayside.

The golden rule is that the smaller the area, the less attention we pay to the visual component of the design, and more to the technical one. In the design of a one-room apartment, the balance shifts precisely to the correct layout of the space, then a stylish appearance can be obtained simply by following the simplest recommendations.

We have compiled for you a step-by-step design plan for a one-room apartment of 6 points, following which you will minimize the likelihood of errors, and will be able to estimate the cost of repairs at the initial stage.

1. Make a list of everything you need

This is the most important point, which should go exactly first. In a one-room apartment, it is not always possible to place everything that we would like. It is important to immediately prioritize what is more important to you, and what you can refuse.

An approximate list of things for which it may not be easy to find a place in a one-room apartment: a bath (maybe it makes sense to refuse in favor of a shower + washing machine), a double bed (how important is it for you or a sofa will do), the number of wardrobes and other storage places, a complete a set of kitchen appliances, a bed and an area for a child now or in the future, a workplace for a computer, etc.

When this point is forgotten, it ends up with an attempt to cram in the missing at the last stage of the repair. Often we end up with a ridiculously located washing machine or refrigerator in the hallway.

No one knows better than you what your apartment should look like. People did not need a large kitchen, they prioritized and made their choice in favor of an additional room by reducing the kitchen:

2. Project of a one-room apartment

If you don’t turn to a designer doing everything yourself, then photocopy a bunch of plans for your odnushka, arm yourself with a pencil and draw the layout ahead. At this stage, your task is to arrange everything that you wrote out in the first paragraph. As practice shows, it is not always easy to do this in a one-room apartment. Don't forget to scale.

People often ask about computer planning programs. This makes no sense if you just want to throw in a furniture layout plan. It is irrational to spend time on mastering the program, then to make only one of your apartments in it. A piece of paper and a pencil is enough. You can also take a picture of the plan of the apartment and draw on it the arrangement of furniture in any graphic editor, even in paint, even in Photoshop. Or go to firms making furniture to order. They will do something like this for you for free:

At this stage, you can think about redevelopment. In a one-room apartment in the classical sense, the rooms are separated by walls and doors. Now it’s fashionable to demolish walls and do it, but you can also think about building additional walls to make a two-room apartment out of a one-room apartment. Sufficient comfortable bedroom area - 10 square meters. This is already a full-fledged room without any compromises, but less is possible, then the bed will have to be attached to one of the walls.

10 square meters is enough space for a room. If it is possible to divide the apartment into such zones, feel free to do it. Rooms less than 10 meters are perceived hard.

When placing a toilet, washbasin, bathtub, shower and sink, consider how the sewer will be discharged. Bringing water is not a problem - the water is under pressure there and neither the slope nor the diameter of the pipes is needed. But there may be problems with the removal: the sewer pipe requires a slope, and it is undesirable to take it too far from the riser.

Do not be afraid of unusual ideas; in a one-room apartment, experiments with the location are quite successful. Especially when you plan them in advance and not on the go. Ideas may relate, for example, to the location of the bed. You can build it into the wall, making it folding, you can build a niche for it or zone a room for it, separating the part for the bed. It is at the stage of drafting the project that you need to think about such things.

3. Choice of design style for odnushka

When you already know how tightly the furniture will stand, how many free walls there will be, etc., you can think about choosing a design style. Before that, there is no point in thinking about style: if you want lush classics, but the apartment turns out to be densely packed with furniture, then it would be wiser to refuse the classics.

This is a trap that many people fall into. We draw a picture of an ideal apartment in our head, refusing to notice objective obstacles. In the design of a one-room apartment, it is simply impossible to realize everything planned. will have to make some compromises. This does not mean that the result will be worse, quite the contrary. With the right style, it's harder to make a mistake.

The main thing is not the design style itself, but how well it suits your apartment and how well and holistically it is implemented.

4. Design in a one-room apartment

So we got to the most interesting (but not the most important). If you did everything correctly in the previous paragraphs, then your apartment will already be at least good. Now it's time to make it stylish.

Choosing finishing materials for walls and floors

Floor in a one-room apartment

You need to choose specific models of tiles, laminate, parquet or whatever before repair. The same laminate can have different thicknesses, and it would be nice to know this in advance, especially if you intend to combine it in different rooms.

You have to choose live. Both laminate and tile have a texture that photographs don't capture, and texture is very important. Touch everything with your hands, look under different lights, feel free to throw it off the stand and put it on the floor in the store. Laminate, of course, only with a chamfer on all 4 sides. Floor tiles preferably porcelain stoneware.

Walls in a one-room apartment

First, we determine which walls we will be forced to touch. Perhaps this is a bottleneck in the hallway or a bed attached to the wall. In these places, it is desirable to use a coating that is not afraid of this: decorative plaster, decorative stone, etc.

Next, we sign next to each wall what material will be on it: paint, plaster, wallpaper, stone, something exotic like laminate, etc. At this stage, you will already imagine the final view of the apartment without furniture.

When all the walls are signed, we choose which ones to make accent. Somewhere you can make an asymmetric ledge, make false columns on the sides, etc. Something to keep the design from being too simple. The main thing here is not to overdo it - one accent wall per room is more than enough. Because such main walls often have a non-uniform texture, this point is closely related to light.

Light in a one-room apartment

We arrange all sources of artificial light. Ideally, in addition to the upper main light, there should be at least one additional option for a non-primary dim light. It can be floor lamps, sconces, hidden LED strips - anything.

Don't be fooled by expensive lamps. In the light, the main thing is the competent location of the sources, and not the price of the lamp. It is better to make a lot of light of different levels and intensities than to hang a couple of super expensive chandeliers.

Accent walls are very fond of light along them. On any non-uniform texture, the light gives a very beautiful play of shadows. Therefore, ideally, provide lighting for walls with decorative stone or plaster, for this we plan to either LED strips or sconces there.

It is a serious mistake to underestimate the importance of a large number of light sources of different heights. Only by working through this moment, you can change the overall impression of the design from “pretty” to “chic”.

Furniture selection

In one-room apartments, as well as any other where the area is limited, we recommend making custom-made furniture. This is more expensive than buying ready-made furniture, but it uses all square meters to the maximum. The irrational arrangement of ordinary furniture, due to the non-ideal correspondence with the geometry of the rooms, will waste several squares, for which you also paid.

Prices for making furniture vary greatly, so do not be too lazy to go around as many companies as possible and compare prices. In addition, they make 3D models for free, so why not use this service.

For the sake of savings, it is advisable to walk through furniture shopping centers. Perhaps you can find something ready. Be sure to take pictures of everything you like, preferably immediately with a price tag, mark yourself somewhere sizes. The larger archive of photos you collect, the easier it will be at the last stage of design. Take pictures of everything: sofas, beds, cabinets, washbasins, tables, etc. You need to collect a bunch of photos to really imagine what you can get and afford. Sometimes interesting examples come across:

Putting it all together

This is the final stage of the visual design of your one-room apartment. You should already have an idea about all the furniture and finishing materials. Now you need to bring everything together, look at a bunch of real photos that match the chosen style, and finally decide on the future appearance of the apartment.

We deliberately did not touch on the issue of ceiling design, because in a one-room apartment you should think about it at the very end. In general, in modern design, glossy and overly complex ceilings are mauvais ton. You can think about something complicated only if there are clearly not enough accents in the main finish. Read about and choose the best option.

It is at this stage, when you already know what floors and furniture will be, that it is time to think about doors and skirting boards. Finding beautiful and inexpensive interior doors is a whole problem. This problem is so urgent that it is easier to refuse doors where they are not required. The standard option is to choose skirting boards in the color of the doors, not the floor, so the interior looks more holistic.

5. Electrical wiring and switches

When you know where all the furniture, appliances and lights are located, it's time to plan the location of sockets and switches.

The rule works here it's better to overdo it than underdo it. A pair of extra or rarely used outlets won't strain you the way misplaced extension cords do.

Properly positioning the switches, even in a one-room apartment, is not so simple. First you need to break all the light sources into groups, think over which of them will be turned on by one switch. After you need to arrange the switches themselves, given that it is always better when they are collected in one place, and not scattered in different corners of the room.

Immediately think about pass-through switches. Pass-through switches are laid at the stage of wiring, then nothing can be redone. Standard places are a checkpoint at the beginning and end of the corridor, at the entrance to the room and near the bed or sofa. In these places, checkpoints are always in place, others already depend on the features of your layout.

Do not even try to keep the circuit of sockets and switches in your head, be sure to draw it on paper. This is the only way to systematize the information for yourself and then convey it to the finishers.

6. We consider the cost of repairing a one-room apartment

Everyone who is faced with repairs for the first time is trying to find the answer to the question of the cost of repairs. Almost always rest on the answer about the meaninglessness of such a question without concretization. You now have all the data to find an approximate answer to it.

That is why we advised to go and see the materials and furniture live, take pictures of the price tags. Although very roughly, but you can calculate how much it will cost you to repair your odnushka. Based on experience, we advise you to multiply the resulting number by at least 1.2, no one has canceled the planning error.

If you are satisfied with the resulting numbers - great, if not, well, go back to the first point and think about what you can refuse (or better, what can be postponed until later and bought after the repair).

Of course, this is a very rough plan, but we hope it will help you make the design of your one-room apartment exactly the way you dreamed of. Good luck with the repair!

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