What you need in a new apartment: a list of priority purchases. Useful and harmful things in the house Necessary things in the house

Engineering systems 04.03.2020

We cut onions, potatoes or meat into even slices and to the last piece!

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This holder is guaranteed to ensure you compliment your guests for the perfect vegetable nugget in a salad.

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Why crush garlic with a garlic press and then suffer, washing it, if you can grate it with the same success? And until the very last piece and without injuring your fingers.

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You can quickly chop vegetables with a knife, but first you need to learn this. In order not to be left without fingers during training, put on protection on them.

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Extractor of the core of apples and other fruits with seeds. Comfortable!

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In general, an indispensable thing for everyone who likes to eat banana slices: this thing shreds the fruit in one click.

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The same, only for apples.

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And this slicer can cut not only bananas, but also any soft fruits into curly pieces, from which you can then create edible bouquets.

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If you prefer uncut bread or bake homemade bread, then this form is useful for cutting into even slices.

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Believe it or not, you can do the same with cake layers.

Can openers, bottle openers, corkscrews

Some foods are sold in cans, which sometimes need to be opened with a can opener. But there is also alcohol, which is a pleasant addition to your dishes. In general, openers, corkscrews and can openers in the kitchen will never be superfluous.

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It's good when you have strong hands and you can easily open a can of canned food by pulling on the ring with one finger. And what about fragile girls? They will be saved by such a hook, which will provide the necessary effort.

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When there are no rings and everything is generally hardcore, you can't do without a professional can opener.

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A solid automatic corkscrew that every kitchen should have. Without any extra effort, the cork is already outside.

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A beautiful (one might even say, designer) wall-mounted beer bottle opener.

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Also a wall option, but simpler and cheaper. Will fit into the interior of any kitchen.

Washing dishes, sponges

The sink is one of the most disliked places in the kitchen for many of us, especially when there is a pile of dirty dishes. The products in this section will make dishwashing a little easier and may even help you love the business.

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For a start, it's a good idea to have a good tool. For example, such a brush. Detergent can be poured directly into it, and it cleans very well.

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And this sponge is just perfect for washing tall glasses, decanters and other hard-to-reach dishes.

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It is very convenient to wash vegetables with such silicone graters. They are also used as potholders.

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A convenient stand for storing all kinds of brushes, sponges, napkins and detergents does not hurt. How do you like this?

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So that the washed dishes do not take up space on the table, they can be folded into a basket that is installed directly on the sink.

Storage, space saving

Most of us live in apartments with small kitchens, where every free centimeter is worth its weight in gold. Unfortunately, we cannot help to increase the area of ​​the kitchen, but to show a few things that will allow you to carve out a little free space is easy.

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You do not need a separate stand for cooks and other kitchen utensils, if you get such a "centipede" and fix it on an existing shelf.

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Save a little more table space with this foldable plate rack and more.

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Fold-out stand for hot pans.

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Need even more extreme savings? Move the knives from the table to the cabinet door!

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Another useful cabinet door upgrade is a hinged container, which comes in handy in many cases.

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Refrigerators are also not rubber, so compact containers for storing food will not be in the way. Although outside the refrigerator, there are also many uses for them.

Gadgets and useful things

Complex and simple things and devices that facilitate the solution of familiar tasks. Sharpeners, coasters, dryers and all sorts of other big and small utilities.

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A good sharpener with which you can normally sharpen a knife or even scissors. A set of stones is included.

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A faucet on a stand that turns a bottle of any drink into a stylized samovar. Do not forget to pierce the bottom of the bottle, otherwise it will not work.

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According to the recipe, you need to sprinkle the dish with lemon juice, so you squeeze it with your hands? Leave this barbarism! Take advantage of the latest technology.

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Homemade noodles are, of course, tastier, but where to dry them? Although, if you have such a dryer, this is not a problem.

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Sometimes even men, let alone girls, cannot open the lids of some cans. In such cases, it is good to have a special key on hand.

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When you need to separate a lot of yolks from whites ...

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Container with dispensing lid for bulk products. Simple, but how convenient!

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Tweezers for removing fish bones. Brilliant? We thought so too.

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Hanging bowl for sauce or bones. Catch to a plate with the main course - and order!

Forms for ice, baking, dumplings

There are ice molds in every refrigerator, and dumplings can be sculpted by hand. But why, if there are so many original and interesting forms that simplify the task and make the final result much more beautiful?

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Treat yourself to delicious homemade waffles in the morning!

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A silicone ice mold that has no problem removing the cubes.

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Silicone ice molds "Titanic". Leonardo DiCaprio is not included.

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Do you have Star Wars fans in your family? So bake them cookies with your favorite characters!

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Breadsticks are simple and tasty snacks that are easy to make at home. If, of course, you have a form for them!

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Form for wrapping dumplings and dumplings, which will make them the same and speed up the cooking process.

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The perfect hamburger will not work without the perfect cutlet, and the perfect cutlet will not work, you know, without what.

Containers for spices, dispensers

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Awesome spice jars with stand and artificial plants.

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Home improvement is not an easy task. But today we will not talk about decor, but about useful things that every housewife must have in order to help out if necessary and make life easier.

1. Needles and threads. From time to time you have to sew on something - for example, the same buttons.

2. Scoop, broom and bucket. It is not always possible and willing to take out a vacuum cleaner to collect garbage. And you can't do without a bucket for cleaning floors!

3. Writing materials, notebook or stickers. If you need to write something down urgently or leave a reminder in a conspicuous place, a pen or pencil, as well as paper, will come in handy.

4. Telescopic mop. Much more convenient than the usual one - takes up less space, folds easily. There is no need to get your hands dirty - the attachments are wrung out using a special mechanism.

5. Basin. Useful to soak laundry or kitchen towels, wash one small thing for which it is irrational to start the washing machine.

6. A set of tools. So that it does not take up much space, it makes sense to buy a screwdriver with different "attachments", pliers, a hammer, nails of different sizes, screws.

7. Ruler and scissors. Useful for handicrafts and hobbies. Often bags with goods are sealed so tightly that you can't do without scissors!

8. Candles and a lighter or matches. Needed in case of a blackout, to create a cozy and romantic atmosphere. If the family has small children, you can secure the house by using battery-powered candles: they will not cause a fire.

9. Fire extinguisher. Of course, I want this purchase to never come in handy. But in an emergency, a fire extinguisher will allow you to minimize losses. The main thing is to make sure you know how to use it.

10. Vase. A beautiful vase will allow you to elegantly arrange the presented bouquet of flowers. But even without it, it can become an excellent decor element, so choose an item that is suitable for the decor in style and color.

11. Tray. Useful for breakfast in bed or for cozy get-togethers in the living room in front of the TV. And you don't have to worry about crumbs and greasy stains!

12. Flashlight. Always help out in the dark! Nowadays there are “eternal” lanterns on sale, which are enough to shake or twist the handle to achieve illumination. Some of them come with a phone charger, which is especially convenient if there is no electricity in the house.

13. Soda, dry mustard and vinegar. They are useful not only in cooking, but come in handy if you run out of household chemicals or your favorite shampoo with rinse aid. You can find powerful recipes on the internet using these three ingredients!

14. Plants. It is advisable to have at least one living plant in the house - it can be a flower or edible greenery in pots. They not only revive the space, but also perfectly clean the air - chlorophytum, spathiphyllum, dracaena and ficus, which are unpretentious in care, are especially good.

15. Blackout curtains. This accessory is very relevant in the bedroom. It has long been proven that the darker and quieter the room, the calmer and healthier the sleep. Taking into account the constant loads and stresses, we just need a quality rest!

16. A set of dishes. It would seem trivial - but try to do without it! Shallow and deep bowls, salad bowls, pots, pans, kettle, cups, spoons and forks are always needed. A good addition would be a set of glasses and knives, a grater, a sieve and a colander.

17. Cutting board. In order not to spoil the surface of the table when cooking, it is convenient to use a board - it can be wooden, bamboo, plastic or even glass!

18. Hot coasters. The bottom of a hot cookware can leave unsightly stains on tablecloths and countertops, or even burn holes. The stands will help you avoid damage! And if you use those made from juniper, then provide an aromatherapy session as well!

19. Stationery clips and clips. They are irreplaceable not only in the workplace, but also in the kitchen - they are very convenient to fasten open bags with spices and other bulk products.

20. Sponges and napkins. You will need several different types - for washing dishes, dusting, shoe care, etc.

21. Brushes for shoes and clothes. They will allow you to keep your wardrobe presentable. If there are animals at home, it is worth starting a Velcro brush, which can be easily brushed off any wool.

22. Scotch tape and duct tape. No wonder they joke that with their help you can fix almost any thing!

23. Nice bedding. The kit always looks better than the scattered items.

24. Guest slippers. If the apartment does not have a "warm floor" system and there are no floor carpets, walking without shoes is cool enough!

25. "Stocks" of useful little things. This applies to light bulbs, toilet paper, matches - that is, everything that is difficult to do without if it suddenly ends.

Everyone has their own home - the most comfortable, warm and comfortable. We are already accustomed to the fact that in our house we are surrounded by comfortable and comfortable furniture, beautiful dishes, fine textiles, household appliances, lamps. All this and much more are common but necessary things. They give us light, warmth, in their environment we relax, rest, or, conversely, concentrate on something important. They are very important to us.

However, everyone wants their home to be special, not like the apartments of friends and neighbors. But the choice is not rich, because TVs, cabinets, stoves, refrigerators cannot shine with a variety of appearance, namely, they fill our rooms. Meanwhile, I really want individuality, originality, small but bright accents.

Now in stores you can find unusual things that are not so common in everyday life. Perhaps not everyone is still familiar with them, and life even without them seems luxurious and well-equipped. But, if you consider at least a few of these interesting things, it becomes clear - how much they facilitate work in everyday life, make it interesting and exciting, how they save precious time, or even completely change the entire interior by their appearance alone, giving it style , modernity and amazing charm. After detailed consideration, these unusual useful things for the home will definitely appear in your kitchen, living room or bedroom.

And yet, the fantasies and bold ideas of those who are not indifferent can not always be satisfied by production workers, or even simply - you want to do useful things with your own hands. And when such ideas are brought to life, then absolutely amazing masterpieces are obtained.

The imagination of people is limitless, and the most famous companies can envy the skill of skilled hands. Although, frankly speaking, in order to do some unusual things with your own hands, special skill is not required, neatness and diligence in execution is enough. And if the fantasy is not as luxurious as we would like, then the ideas can always be spied on. The main thing is the desire to fill your home with interesting, attractive details, to breathe individuality into it, to decorate it with special "zest".

A very curious trick is the unusual use of ordinary things. Teapots and old shoes used as flower pots, aquariums, and coffee tables are well-known but always winning options for any home.

When we ourselves make useful, unusual things for the interior, the home atmosphere is filled with warmth and light, you want to come to such a house, here time flies unnoticed, because every house should have its own little miracle.

Our unusual, useful things will help make your life brighter, and maybe suggest new ideas for creativity.

Unusual and useful things for home, unusual gifts - photo

Two cannot fit under one umbrella. But the rain is powerless if you become the owner of such a miracle - an umbrella. It not only hides two people from the drops at once, but also covers a large area for each, because its design also keeps water from entering from the sides.

This exclusive bench model will be a special highlight of any garden. It perfectly combines classics and a new, bold solution.

Wonderful useful things for the kitchen will allow any housewife to make ordinary scrambled eggs a neat, interesting dish.

You should not suffer from the fact that the necessary products are drained along with the water. A small device will not allow even a pea to "escape".

The amazing mini teapot will not only amuse the guests, but will also allow everyone to brew tea to their liking.

Even scrambled eggs can be a romantic dish if cooked in a frying pan like this. Let the day begin with a pleasant breakfast or end with a playful dinner.

Such beauty is not at all difficult to do with your own hands. But how pleasant it will be to receive such a package!

A great idea to decorate the corners of rooms or hallways. Even the most ordinary pictures or photographs will certainly attract the attention of each of your guests.

Such care for your pets will surely bring pleasure to your pet, and will also serve as a magnificent decoration for the gate.

This is what you need to have in every home! These slippers will not wake up any household with light.

Milk straight from the cow! Such an interesting thing will not give any doubt about it for a second.

Extraordinary kitchen lights bring amazing style. And they can also be matched to any tea set.

Wonderful scissors for pizza lovers. Not a single crumb will fall by, and neatly cut pieces will fall into the plate.

What a simple device, and how it facilitates the cleaning procedure.

This knife will serve as a perfect gift for a joke lover. It will perfectly cheer you up and will be a wonderful helper in the kitchen.

This nice little thing will instantly revive the whole type of kitchen utensils and, moreover, save the hostess from painstaking work.

When riding a bike, your hands will not get dirty and will never freeze even without gloves, if you have such a caring device.

Your kids will be happy to appreciate such a creative idea. You no longer have to ask them to put on their shoes, they themselves will put on such slates and have fun printing dog tracks.

This shoe rack takes up so little space and holds so much that it's a must have in any hallway.

Just a small modernization of an ordinary cutting board, and how much more convenient it is to use.

A little bit of ingenuity, imagination, and this familiar object will sparkle with new colors.

An unusually compact shelving unit can be a godsend for any room.

Tired of regular sofas? Do you want uniqueness? You will not confuse this sofa with any other.

It's always a joy to feel cared for, even in such little things. The change is small, but convenient.

Walking past such an original screen - it will not be very easy for a piggy bank. Don't know what to do with a trifle? Set yourself the same.

A completely unusual piece of jewelry. Stylish, new, flawless.

This solid dog will add seriousness and significance to any office and bathroom.

Lightness, airiness, simplicity combined in a simple design. It is not worth spending a lot of money and effort to come up with something extraordinary.

Even if the alarm clock went unheard, with such a structure there is simply no chance of coming to work unassembled.

Bar? Shelf? Secretaire? Perhaps all together. The name can simply be invented, the main thing is that such a bear will always keep order.

Even the most indifferent of your friends will stay near such an aquarium for a long time.

Have you invited your friends to the rolls? Then you'd better get these tweezers. They will cause a smile and will create additional convenience for guests.

With just one tap, the banana will turn into sliced ​​slices. Such a device will save you every second.

Everything is simple and well thought out. It's a shame that you don't always find convenience in such little things.

Great, fun potholder. With such a miracle - a potholder, even an inexperienced hostess will definitely get a miracle - masterpieces.

Hands busy? It's not scary. Such a device will allow you to use the phone without touching it.

Such a centipede chair is not suddenly found in our apartments. Therefore, he will definitely give the interior originality and special individuality.

Safe handles for pans and pans are what every housewife needs in the kitchen.

This aquarium is surprisingly subtle and elegant. It is not intended to contain many fish, but it is itself a work of modern art.

Clothespins - glass holders. A very convenient and mobile thing. Sometimes, they are simply necessary.

A mug with a pocket will help you hide your tea bags from prying eyes. Nice, neat, comfortable.

Do you want novelty and extravagance? This crane meets exactly these requirements.

Coffee in bed ... Yes, even a whole breakfast! This table will amazingly withstand serving any dish.

Such a device will give a special "zest" to the bedroom and create additional comfort.

A basin of such an unusual shape is not only original, but also very comfortable. It does not roll off your knees, is comfortable and boasts a rare but very attractive appearance.

This wonderful bottle opener will be a welcome gift for any friend. In addition, I really want to have it at home.

A simple nozzle will make an interesting and convenient watering can out of any bottle. It is inexpensive, comfortable to work with, and its appearance will certainly cause surprise and delight.

In order not to waste extra time and not burn your hands, you can purchase a dog that will cut your sausage for breakfast in a second.

A tempting game can turn out if you build such a panel on which you can simply hang things on ordinary days.

The shape of this sofa is simply mesmerizing. Smooth lines, freshness of ideas and comfort - this is impossible to refuse.

This pillow cannot be denied originality. An amazing gift for a friend.

Walking quietly, like a cat, feeling extraordinary softness, is easy if you have such slippers.

Unusual, original and fun. Fans of interesting jokes will love this.

An ordinary ice bucket with the help of adorable frogs turned into a whole composition. This refinement gives a completely different color to the entire feast.

A beautiful seal that certifies love will be an amazing gift for close friends and even colleagues.

Your child will be happy to eat scrambled eggs from such molds even every morning, because it is completely unknown what you will find on the plate next time.

Such an invention will reliably store the desired thing.

The scoop, which has been slightly improved, will not leave a single speck on your floor.

Headphones will not go anywhere if you come up with a reliable mount for them.

This is not a chair, but a real repository of precious little things. Everything is at hand and nothing will be lost.

Unusual key hole. Let your home be original from the very doorstep.

Small labels will only add convenience to your tea drinking.

It is sometimes impossible to fall asleep on the plane - it is uncomfortable, there is no pillow, but you want to sleep so much. This small, comfy pillow will do the trick. It only remains to get comfortable.

Cutting the cake with such a saw is a real pleasure. It will serve as both a wonderful knife and a spatula.

To make taking a bath a real relaxation, you just need to have this miniature table.

These extraordinary slates with imitation of grass will undead your feet not only in the hot summer, but also at home in the winter cold.

You will not confuse your helmet with anyone else. Girls will be delighted with such a headdress.

Do you like drinking coffee and cookies and walking in the morning garden? But the cookie is so awkward to hold. You definitely need to buy a wonderful mug, because it contains everything together - both coffee and cookies.

A shower head can also be stylish, fashionable and change the whole atmosphere of a small space with its appearance.

The house, like the Theater, begins with a coat rack. Your personality will be appreciated.

An ordinary tale. Purchase such a hammock, install it in a suitable place and you will be provided with complete peace and relaxation.

Such a rug is not just original, it also fights against flat feet remarkably.

And there are nuts in a vase, and there is no garbage. Every neat housewife will want to have such an original vase.

Charging your phone is now much more convenient. Small stands will hold it together with the charger.

With these scrambled eggs, funny flowers will bloom on your plate every morning. A good day starts with breakfast.

An extremely unusual refrigerator. For shops and pavilions, he is just a godsend. This is not only a very convenient unit, but also surprisingly stylish.

Using toothpaste to the last drop in a tube will help such a simple device.

Turning an umbrella into an elegant, amazing walking stick is not difficult at all. And how much grace is hidden in an ordinary umbrella.

The liquid will not spread over the entire pan if you put small spouts on the edges. They will direct moisture in the right direction.

These are not loaves or fresh rolls. Slippers of this shape will give a smile to all your friends.

An extremely useful thing in the kitchen for opening jar lids.

Anecdote in the subject

I hung a talisman over the door from all evil spirits, then decided to run to the store, came back ... the key in the door broke ... now I can't enter ...

Buying a home is a joyful and long-awaited business. Even if the apartment is not bought, but rented or inherited, it is still an event. Newly made new settlers dream of making their personal “hut paradise” cozy and comfortable. But figuring out exactly what things you need to buy in the first place, so as not to suffer from minor inconveniences at the most inopportune moment, is quite difficult. I will try to help you and tell you what you need to bring to your new apartment, so to speak, outline a list of top-priority purchases for your new home.

Minimum set for a new apartment

The first thing to bring to a new apartment is furniture and household appliances. True, after buying real estate or renting for a long time, the owner usually has the bare minimum. How to proceed in this case? Give preference to multifunctional home devices.
For example, let's take a sleeping place. You can consider the option with a sofa. When guests come, it can be folded, this will be enough to turn the bedroom into a living room in a few minutes.
You can also choose a table so that it can move apart if necessary, and instead of classic chairs that take up a lot of space, buy folding stools. This will not only free up extra meters in the apartment, but will also help save a significant amount that would have to be spent on purchasing furniture for the living room.
To increase living space, you do not need to move old dressers and bulky wardrobes to the new living space - instead, order sliding wardrobes. Now this element of housing infrastructure is not as expensive as a couple of years ago.
Now for household appliances - what to buy first if there is no money for everything? In my opinion, for the first time, such a set is sufficient:

  • gas or electric stove;
  • fridge;
  • Washer;
  • boiler, if housing is in the private sector.
  • In the second stage:
  • television;
  • microwave;
  • vacuum cleaner.

Both at first and later, you will need small inventory.
Here are the items that you can't do without in a new apartment:

  1. a special bucket and cleaning products;
  2. saucepan, kettle, frying pan, plates, knives and forks;
  3. construction tools for minor repairs;
  4. first aid kit with medicines.

By the way, it is better to take the most ordinary kettle. Electric is more expensive in itself, and even more so in operation. And it will not last so long. Moreover, the gas is practically free.


Before moving into a new apartment, make sure that the front door is secure. If in doubt, then immediately replace it with a new one that meets safety requirements.
Also for a new apartment you need:

  • buy a fire extinguisher;
  • check the operation of the water shut-off valves and the insulation of the electrical wiring.

Serviceable plumbing fittings will protect you from flooding, and checking the insulation resistance from a short circuit.
By the way, you can install a gas leak sensor with an alarm in the kitchen - now it is at the level of a good blender or electric meat grinder.
If you are going to buy an apartment on the secondary market, find out if the former owners have communal debts, if there are meters installed.

When you go on a trip, by the way, now it is not expensive - low-cost airline tickets cost from 10 euros: you can see and order, then do not forget to buy things to decorate the interior of your home, so you will create an original style.

Personal space

Who doesn't dream of creating their own unique interior in a new home? It's almost like starting to live from scratch - you decide for yourself where and what and how. Coziness can be created with minor details. Even simple curtains can transform the look of a room. If there are no funds left for redecorating and replacing wallpaper, then you can freshen up the apartment with the help of indoor plants, LED lighting, and decorative interior items.
At the same time, it is not necessary to buy all the necessary household items - there are ways to get some of them for free or for mere pennies:

  • make furniture with your own hands;
  • buy used furniture at a flea market, Internet flea market, according to advertisements in the newspaper, and then repair and restore, even just paint;
  • find an advertisement for the exchange of furniture and exchange what you need: a bed, a sofa, a table.

Such necessary little things

When moving to a new apartment, people very often forget about small details, and when it turns out that something is not there, then every time they rush to the store (if there is still money left) or freak out and suffer.
You can try to list these little things, although the list is unlikely to be complete:

  • garbage bags;
  • toilet paper;
  • needles and threads;
  • scotch tape and electrical tape;
  • scissors;
  • rubber gloves;
  • corkscrew and opener;
  • Wall Clock;
  • extension cords and European adapters;
  • umbrella.

Secondary subjects

Our grandmothers and even mothers could easily do without these household items, and we consider them indispensable. In addition, inventors continue to fantasize and create devices that facilitate and improve our life.
These useful things are:

  1. Dryer for clothes. It takes up little storage space and can be installed in any room.
  2. Batteries. If you buy them instead of regular batteries, you will save a significant amount of money. In addition, it is very convenient - a dead battery does not charge for a long time, there is no need to go to the store for a new one at the most inopportune time.
  3. A food processor can replace most household appliances.
  4. Organizers free up space in rooms. Small items such as linen, towels, cosmetics, tools are hidden out of sight.
  5. Charger and ribbon cable with adapters for all kinds of ports, plus a solar charger.

Like it or not, but a lot of time is spent cleaning the apartment, washing and cleaning clothes. Therefore, I have prepared another list. These are the most essential items that you cannot do without.
To keep your clothes in good condition, you will need:

  • brush for cleaning;
  • washing powder or gel for washing;
  • iron;
  • shoe polish.
  • For indoor cleaning, buy:
  • broom and scoop;
  • rags and sponges;
  • disinfectants;
  • liquid from stains.
  • As for personal hygiene, here the set of products depends on personal preferences, but there is also a certain minimum:
  • soap - regular and liquid;
  • body washcloths;
  • hair products - shampoo and conditioner;
  • shower gel;
  • brush and toothpaste.

If you can afford pets in a new place, then buy everything you need for them in advance.
Moving is a tedious task that takes a lot of energy. But if you draw up a plan of action and a list of everything you need in a new apartment in advance, then the period of "settling in" a new living space will pass quickly and painlessly!

I want to tell you about 34 items of Power - home protection, which will faithfully serve you and help you make each home a full cup, a fortress, a real family nest, turn your home into a territory of power !!!

Why do we need this? Having made our home a place of power, we establish energy exchange with it, in which:

We can spend a minimum of energy;

We will receive a great energy boost;

Our energy channels will be cleared by themselves, they will not become clogged.

1. "Rhinestone is such a" natural TV ", it has the ability to transmit visual images. Moreover, it not only transmits them, but also projects onto the lives of those people to whom it belongs and in whose house it is. that if it is properly charged, then only good will be collected and projected from it.As in an ordinary lens, the sun's rays are collected and projected in one place in a whole beam, so here all the good energy in the surrounding world is collected and gets into the dwelling of the owner of the rock crystal . "

Rhinestone crystals "work" in every home as a receiving antenna, attracting all pure, light and joyful emotions. If you want all the residents of your house to live in pleasure - get rhinestone at home!

2. "Every housewife must have a white tablecloth in the house, just in case. This thing of Power can be called a white flag, but not surrender with it, but put up with it. a table covered with a white linen tablecloth to gather the whole family. Here both the correct conversations will go, and the exchange of opinions, and close people will understand that they took offense at each other in vain, became victims of someone else's will. Once again, there will be unity between them, and all troubles will be forgotten. "

3. "This item of Power is responsible for the availability of money. So that they are not transferred in the house, so that you and your relatives earn good money, but at the same time spend money sensibly, you need to have 33 copper coins in the house. Again we have this number - 33. It is the number of numbers, a symbol of success and creation, pure thoughts and luck, which does not occur at the expense of others. "

4. "This plant is also called the grass of the sun. Elecampane is a noble healer, it helps from many diseases, and all because a particle of solar energy is hidden in it. But many plants cure diseases of the body, but diseases of the soul, its flaws can only be healed by elecampane. If you keep the spine of the elecampane with you, then you cannot harm your soul by wrong actions, as soon as you think of something not quite good, or even disgusting, vile, so elecampane will stop you. And if there is a person next to him who is mired in sins, inside is already all black, elecampane will gradually heal him, he will cleanse his soul. "

5. The coat of a black dog is an ancient protective agent. "If someone from your loved ones wished badly, looked askance and inadvertently jinxed him in this way, or intentionally brought blackness to him, then a tuft of fur from a black dog will help protect him."

6. A cluster of red mountain ash "The ancient gods, who used to live in every forest, took red mountain ash berries as an offering. These berries help to gain immortality and reveal the secrets of the universe. And the house in which a bunch of red mountain ash hangs is protected from fire. who live in such a house, live long and have great wisdom and a sharp mind. "

7. A wooden bowl charges the world around with good. "A bowl made of wood always keeps it warm. Usually, wooden dishes are made of linden, and linden is a kind, light tree, it brings health and joy to people. And such bowls are not stamped. Man , a master, he grinds such a bowl with his own hands, puts his skill and soul into it. And in combination with a good tree, great power is born. It is so good to put bread in a bowl so that it feeds on the power of good and then gives your loved ones. "

8. "There must be at least one spoon made of silver in the house. Silver is the metal of the Moon, the one who uses silver is under its protection. In silver, a huge cleansing power is collected. The easiest thing is the power in the human body together with liquid. If you have a silver spoon in the house and sometimes, at least once a month, stir soup or tea with it, then a person will be protected from many things, will not be able to poison himself or fall under the influence of black magic. "

9. "A rose is a very important plant for the home, it keeps love. And it also helps women who have no children to get pregnant. To do this, you need to make a garland of the petals of the rose that has been growing in your house for at least a year. If you add homemade rose petals to tea, you can keep your conjugal love for a long time, just for that, the husband and wife should drink this tea together.

10. The home body of water absorbs all the negative, all the negative energy that brings poverty. Therefore, if a person wants to gain wealth, he must carefully monitor his pond, so that there is always to the edges of the water. As a reservoir, you can also use an aquarium with fish or even just aquatic plants.

11. The white feather of the bird, which was born and lived on the water, must be hung in the house so that the future of everyone living in the house was happy. "

12. Thyme is an amazing miracle herb for every woman, which helps the keepers of the hearth to preserve beauty and love. And if there is no mistress in the house, then you need to start this herb and everything will change very quickly.

13. The verb was kept in the house in order to prolong the lives of the inhabitants of the house. But now they have already forgotten that not every willow is suitable for this. If you take branches from an old tree, then there will be no benefit, on the contrary, it is very dangerous.

14. Stone from the river of childhood. "Home for a person is very important, he maintains a constant connection with him, draws strength from it, positive, positive energy. But the house is not only the place where a person lives. It is very important where a person was born. When he is born, a process takes place. He is not just born in a specific area, but for a specific purpose, in accordance with the general plan of the universe. And the birth of each person in the corresponding area is imprinted, and its connection with that person is preserved. And if a person is far from his homeland. lives and cannot often go there, then the connection is interrupted, and this leads to various problems in life. To prevent this from happening, you need to maintain this connection constantly. "

15. A sharpener should be in every home. If someone in the family was sick for a long time, or simply became weak, such a person was taken to the bathhouse, soared there and poured water from a bucket in which a winepress had been lying for a day. This procedure helped to regain lost health.

Nowadays, a whetstone can be found in any hardware store, but such a whetstone will not have much power. In order for such a force to arise, knives and other sharp objects must be sharpened with this bar for at least three years, and such an old bar cannot be bought, cannot be stolen, but you must accept it as a gift, while giving something valuable in return.

Such a winepress is kept in the house for protection from dark evil forces, from ill-wishers and thieves, it protects residents from diseases, helps to restore lost health and restore weakened forces.

16. The woolen red thread is a very powerful remedy for curing physical and mental illnesses, it protects against black magic, but such a thread must be properly prepared in order for it to acquire real Power.

Wool for such a ball needs to be bought in a store, and it should be purely woolen yarn without impurities of bright red color, you cannot use scarlet, orange or burgundy tones. When paying for wool, try to give back an amount that contains at least one copper coin.

17 birch broom. "Each house has its own spirit, its own guardian and jealous, organizer of all problems. Anyone who is friends with him is under his protection and patronage, then troubles will not recognize, his house will not lose. torment his home, everything will pull him away, all around continuous tricks will begin to occur. The best refuge for the spirit of the home is a birch broom. Tie it up and give it to the spirit. He will welcome you, protect the house. "

18. Dried fish scales - protection from hazards. "Many ancient knowledge is lost over time, and without a trace. Earlier, in every house, above the place where the containers with clean water were located, there was a linen bag with dried fish scales. This was done in order to come to an agreement with water. So that it would rain on time. walked, watered the crops. And the fishermen, when they set off to the sea, were sure to hang such a bag around their necks, thereby protecting themselves from the dangers associated with the water element. "

Nowadays, it is also very important in everyday matters to be able to "negotiate" with water so that, for example, water pipes do not suddenly burst, or so that the roof does not inadvertently leak, etc.

19. Wind Turntable - we are charged with positive. even in ancient times there was a simple way by which the air currents around and inside the human dwelling were put in order, the atmosphere of the house was made good. "

For these purposes, they used special turntables, which in appearance almost did not differ from the modern ones that children play. To organize information flows in and around your home, it is imperative to place wind turbines in it.

20. In the house it is imperative to have ordinary unpainted candles, and preferably wax candles, they are sold in churches. Such candles are the best for cleaning the home and filling it with creative energy, and they need to be lit regularly at least once a week in the room where the whole family gathers.

21. Did you know that from ordinary simple soap you can make a special soap that not only cleanses the body, but also the soul. Every home should have such an energetic soap.

22. The staff, more correctly, a reduced copy of it, must be made on your own and kept with you, going on a journey, not even necessarily a distant one. Even when you just go to work, this kind of "home support" will not hurt you.

23. Bells are a talisman. It is said that in ancient times there were healers who cured many diseases with the ringing of bells. For each disease, they selected a special combination of bells in terms of sound and quantity. Such bells were placed over the patient's bed.

24. It is no coincidence that the pin is the subject of the Force. The shape of the pin is ideal for transferring energy from system to system. This means that if a negative impact is imposed on a certain energy system, then a correctly applied pin can play a huge role in protecting against such impact, and at the same time all negative energy not only returns to where it was directed from, but also multiplies. The kickback is much stronger than the impact itself.

25. Apples - a talisman for the house "An apple tree is a tree that was the very first person to come to be near a man. At first there were only apple orchards, it was only later that man domesticated other trees. And those gardens were also difficult at first. The Russians held wedding ceremonies there. It was customary to marry when the apple trees were blooming. And apples were also a very good housewarming gift, but not any, they must have at least a barrel, but they should have been red. It was believed that such apples bring prosperity to the house and love to the family ",

26. Honey is not just sweetness, but also a talisman. For well-being in your home, there should always be honey in your home. But you need to choose a special honey, from a variety of flowers, and not sugared, then the properties of honey will increase many times and such a talisman will have the greatest strength. Of course, it is best to buy such honey in the church, which is collected from monastic apiaries.

27. A cedar die is a universal amulet that heals the atmosphere in the house and people living in such a house get sick less. The cedar board has a strong protective function, attracts money into the house, preserves and protects, harmonizes love relationships.

28. Aspen peg. With the help of an aspen peg, you can solve problems associated with the energy of an apartment. We do not always succeed in choosing the right housing in terms of energy. We do not always know what is going wrong with us in this regard, and we only understand when problems are already on the face. And having received problems sometimes we don't even know how to deal with it.

In any difficult situations, when it is anxious, something torments and it is impossible to understand what exactly, an aspen peg helps.

29. "A nail driven in the right place has a special power. It depends on the place to a greater extent. If you drive a nail in a stable or barn in the western corner, all animals will have good health if you drive it into the right corner of the gate or gate, into the garden plot of the leading, then the harvest will be good, if you drive it over the garage door - this will protect you from car theft and from accidents. But the main thing is to know the right words and to fully observe the ritual when you start hammering in this nail. "

30. Coal is a powerful charcoal charm that cleans the energy of the house. Such charcoal - the amulet is prepared from a well-dried pine block. It is very important to find such a block or a thick pine branch yourself, otherwise it will not be valid. You need to saw off a small piece from the bar, which will then be used to prepare the coal. The coal is valid for exactly one year, then it must be buried in the ground where the grass grows and a new coal must be prepared for the next year.

31. Red pepper is one of the youngest power items, but at the same time one of the most ancient. How did it happen? Yes, they forgot about it for a long time, although it was cultivated not only in the most ancient Indian civilizations, but also here, on the territory of modern Europe and Asia. This is a very powerful magical plant, and it is primarily associated with love and heart. In the family, he helps to keep the love and passion between the spouses. And at the same time, it relieves and protects from very strong damage, especially if this damage is directed at love relationships. "

32. Thursday salt is salt that is calcined on a candle consecrated in the 12 Gospels. On the Thursday before Easter, also called Holy Thursday, the 12 Gospels service is held in Orthodox churches. During this service, while reading certain passages of the Gospel texts, a thick candle is lit and extinguished. To make the Thursday salt ourselves, you need to go to church that day, defend the service and take home the stub of that candle. This candle has the strongest positive potential, it can be used in cases when you need to give prayer special strength, to get rid of trouble.

33. Garlic. The smell and taste is not just so harsh, it appeared beyond the ground when there was too much evil in the world. Nature gave man this plant so that he could defend himself against various misfortunes and adversities.

34. The horseshoe should be hung over the front door or directly on the door inside the dwelling. But how to hang it, the owners must decide for themselves. If there are a lot of quarrels and scandals in the house, you need to hang it upside down. If everything is all right in the house and you want to preserve and increase your well-being, then you need to hang the horseshoe with the ends up.

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