I want to plant two dracaena in one pot. Gold: false palm

Engineering systems 29.05.2019
Engineering systems

This summer I have another composition from the series "Garden in a bowl". This time I planted two dracaena in one bowl: the bent dracaena and the Sander dracaena ( lucky bamboo).

In the photo, the bowl with the composition is on the left.

For those who are not in the know, I will explain: "lucky bamboo" has nothing to do with real bamboo. This is a dracaena and you need to take care of it like all other dracaena. And although this is a very hardy plant - it can grow in water for a very long time - it does not need to be tortured. It is better to plant in the ground.

Remember, I wrote about how last year and her cuttings?

This spring, one of the grown cuttings looked like this. For some reason, he did not grow much, and his roots are short. Probably because it grows from the trunk with two branches.

Unlike the crown, which has already grown 50 cm in the same period of time and grows in a 1.5-liter pot.

And so I got the idea to plant "lucky bamboo" - Sander's dracaena - to this little dracaena. Since both are slowly growing roots, the bowl will not need to be very deep.
I bought a low, spiral-curved, rooted "bamboo" cutting and connected these two dracaenas.

I took the purchased soil - special for dracaena. But you can just take a universal one and add loosening components: small expanded clay, for example.

The lump with the bent dracaena just crossed, since it is very small, and Sander's dracaena was planted side by side - 5 cm from the trunk. She compacted the earth and shed it with Zircon for better rooting.

The picture was taken in autumn. Dracaena have already grown a few centimeters.

Both love spraying, so in the summer for beauty you can sow moss at the foot. (How to do this is described). Or just cover with moss removed from the stump. And you can sprinkle pebbles on the surface of the earth so that the soil does not dry out too quickly.

Now it remains only to look after the "garden". Feed with complex fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants, spray, and transplant when the roots fill the entire volume of the pot. I think this bowl will last for a long time, because. both dracaena tolerate root pruning well.

P.S. In 2013. The composition has already been transplanted into a larger pot. At the foot, she sowed Kamchatka sedum - a ground cover plant.

In 2014. The sedum at the foot has grown and even blooms, but does not interfere with the dracaena at all.

Dracaena is a fairly common home plant, which is a shrub resembling a palm tree, with a tall stem, which subsequently becomes woody and becomes more like a tree trunk. The leaves of the dracaena are bright green and narrow. It is considered not only a houseplant, but also an office plant. Some varieties of the flower can grow up to 40-50 cm in height.

Dracaena earned its popularity and love of flower growers due to its spectacular appearance and relative unpretentiousness in care. And yet, in order for the plant to remain healthy and beautiful for a long time, it needs proper care, one of key points which is correct transplant. This will be discussed in this article.

Proper transplantation of dracaena at home

Any flower needs a transplant from time to time. This process carried out with the utmost care so as not to harm the plant and prevent its sudden illness or even death. Dracaena transplantation has its own nuances, which we will consider below.

When is a transplant really necessary?

It is best to transplant the plant in late winter or early spring. It was during this period that the dracaena will most easily transfer the transplant to " new house”, because now the time of its active growth and exit from the winter state of dormancy begins.

So, transplantation is necessary in the following cases:

  • The rhizome of the flower needs more space to provide the entire plant with the necessary nutrition. In this case, the roots fill the entire pot and can even be seen on the surface.
  • The flower has just appeared in the house. Flora shops usually sell plants in fragile plastic pots that are not suitable for permanent residence. In addition, when buying, no one is immune from poor soil quality with a minimum amount of nutrients.
  • Dracaena was flooded large quantity liquids. This condition will certainly cause rotting and death of the flower.
  • Deterioration of the quality of the substrate over time.
  • Planned transplant.
  • Plant damage by pests.

Required Tools

To work on transplanting dracaena will definitely need:

Choosing the right pot

For further favorable growth Dracaena plays a particularly important role in the capacity into which it will be transplanted. So, new pot should not only be beautiful and fit the interior of the room in which the plant lives. When choosing it, remember a few basic rules:

  1. The other pot should be about 2-3 cm larger than the previous one in diameter so that it can accommodate the overgrown root system of the plant. And it increases by an average of 1-2 cm per year.
  2. The bottom must be selected with several holes to regulate excess moisture.
  3. The pot cannot be chosen with a margin of size. In this case, there is a high probability of water retention and flower death.
  4. For an adult plant ideal option a model made in the form of a glass is considered. The material from which the pot is made does not have a significant effect on the growth of dracaena, therefore it can be anything.

Soil preparation for dracaena

In addition to the pot, any plant needs properly selected soil, because it is from it that they come to the flower nutrients. Dracaena grows well in any type of soil, but still the best option a drained substrate is considered to be included in the general composition of peat with an acidity of 6.0 to 6.5 pH. The soil taken from garden plot, it is better not to use it because of the possibly high content of mineral salts, as well as fertilizers.

Soil for transplanting can be either prepared independently or bought ready-made in a specialized store.

For self-preparation, you will need leafy and soddy land, taken, for example, in the deciduous massifs of a park or grove, compost and also peat land. Their ratio in the prepared soil should be 2:1:1:0.5, respectively. Other possible drainage is expanded clay balls, crushed bricks or fine-grained river sand.

Transplant technology

How to transplant a dracaena without harming it? To get started, you need prepare a new pot- it must be washed with warm soapy water and clean water. Before transplanting, it is considered quite acceptable not to water the dracaena for 1-3 days. This is necessary to dry the soil - it will be easier to remove the flower from the old pot without damaging the rhizome. To release the plant, tilt it upside down and gently pat the pot. The flower is taken out together with an earthy clod.

Now you need to inspect the rhizomes for damage. If there are any, then they should be cut with a pruner, and then treated with crushed charcoal to prevent the spread of infection and decay. After processing, the rhizome must be sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

At the bottom of the container for transplantation, you must first put drainage layer. It should be pretty thick. Then the drainage is covered from above with a small amount of substrate. Now you can safely place the dracaena in a pot and fill the rhizome with the remaining soil, carefully filling the voids between the roots. Next, you need to tamp the soil around the stem, water the plant - the transplant is over.

Here are some tips for transplanting:

  • Flower growers usually do not recommend deepening the “false palm tree” much, otherwise the watering process will not be very convenient. It is better to leave the sides.
  • The soil should be compacted. To do this, you just need to gently tap the pot on the countertop.
  • Some types of dracaena are planted together in one pot, such as Bamboo of Happiness. In this case, one should only take into account the size of the plants and the pot, there are no features in the transplant technology.

Dracaena care after transplant

Flower care after transplantation should be at the same level as before it. The only difference is adding fertilizer.

The plant, as before, should not be exposed to the sun - there is a risk for the leaves to get burned. In addition, there should be no drafts. The air temperature in the room with dracaena needs at least 25 degrees Celsius. You need to water the flower at least 3-5 times a week, plentifully enough. In addition to watering, intensive spraying of leaves from a spray bottle is required - dracaena comes from a hot and humid country.

After the transplant, the dracaena will adapt for about two more weeks - this is the time the plant will need to form the root system. To smooth out the stress state of the flower, you can use a special Zircon root growth stimulator, but no more than twice a month.

Top dressing of dracaena is usually carried out during the period of active growth, i.e. from March to November. In winter, once a month, half the dose of fertilizer.

How to transplant dracaena at home and detailed description video transplantation algorithm below.

Dracaena (Dracaena marginata) is one of the most unpretentious houseplants.

Pots with dracaena can be placed on the windowsill, on the supply for flowers, and dracaena also looks spectacular as an outdoor plant. Dracaena grows well in parts of the room not illuminated by the sun's rays, only with artificial light.

When the earthy coma dries out, the leaves of the dracaena droop - this is how it gives a signal about the need for moisture. Having saturated, the leaves literally rise before our eyes, returning to their previous position.

Dracaena grows very fast. If the plant has outgrown and its trunk is bare, it can be formed. Stores often sell dracaena with two or three fountains of shoots at the top. Sometimes a composition in a pot consists of several cuttings, formed into one, two or three trunks, planted in one pot.

How to do it:
- With a sharp knife or pruner, cut off the top of the plant.
- Sprinkle the cut with crushed coal.
Leave the mother plant on a bright window sill.
On the remaining stem, buds will form within a month.

What to do with the cut off part of the trunk?
The cut top can be rooted in water or sand.
You can also divide the long stem of the dracaena into several parts and root each.
1. Rooting in water. To do this, simply put the cuttings in water. Literally in a week, the rudiments will appear first, and then the roots themselves. Then dormant buds wake up.
2. Rooting in the sand. Sprinkle the lower cut with a root stimulator and, having landed in a pot, water well. Put a plastic bag on top of the pot to create greenhouse effect and accelerate root formation.
3. In the sand, planting parts of the trunk horizontally. Cut a lignified trunk without leaves into cuttings 5-7 cm and place the cuttings in wet sand, slightly pressing it to half the diameter into the substrate.

1. Cut to the required height

2. Dracaena tolerates pruning painlessly

3. When cutting cuttings, the main thing is not to flatten the base of the stem. The knife or pruner must be sharp.

5. The water in the jar must be topped up periodically

6. This is how awakening buds look on the mother plant.

7. With such roots, dracaena can be safely planted in the ground

8. Cant. Only one shoot develops well on the mother plant, the second one grows very slowly. I think I'll cut again.

9. The middle part of the stem. It was without roots and tops, a stem with part of the leaves. The roots gave quickly, the buds awakened and developed better than on other cuttings. After planting in a pot, I cut off the "mother" leaves in half, then gradually drying up, they separated without problems.

Now from these plants it is possible to make a multi-tiered composition of any complexity.
Or leave each to grow in a separate pot ;-)
In the same way, you can cut and shape the yucca.

The described method of reproduction is called "crown reproduction". With a sharp knife, cut off the top of the stem. The length of the crown must be at least 15 centimeters. The advantage of this method is also that you yourself can determine the future height of your plant, cutting off as much at once as you have planned. Thus, not only get another new instance of dracaena, but also rejuvenate the old one, which has grown and become unattractive. You need to cut the stem firmly and confidently. The “sawing” of the stem must not be allowed, otherwise it will begin to split, become loose and, when rooted, will not be able to take root and take root. If it was not possible to make the cut even and without damage, it is better to throw it away, since there is practically no chance that it will give young roots. With the correct cut, the apical cutting can be rooted immediately.

When propagating the plant with the help of an apical cutting in the ground, it is better to use light and loose soil. An inert substrate is perfect for this procedure. For better rooting of the sprout, it is also necessary to use additional preparations. In this case, powder products are used that stimulate the formation of roots. With this tool, it is necessary to process the cut of the cutting. To treat the cut with liquid agents, sodium humate and heteroauxin are often used.

When apical cuttings and rooting of shoots in the ground, it is necessary to remember the danger of rotting of the cutting. This may be due to constantly wet soil, in which microorganisms can develop and gradually destroy the sprout. Dry soil is also detrimental to the cutting, in which it will not take root and will dry out.

1. For cuttings, you will need a sharp knife or pruner and alcohol. The blade of the knife must be treated with alcohol. Now we cut off the upper part of the stem 10-15 centimeters long. We make the cut even or at an angle, the main thing is that there are no deformations on the trunk. The cut surface must be smooth and without splitting. If the cutting is without leaves, it can be rooted immediately, and if with leaves, then they should be removed first.

Video "Propagation of dracaena with the tip: instructions"

This video shows in detail the process of propagation of dracaena by apical cuttings.

How to cut the dracaena correctly to get beautiful plant

How to cut dracaena at home

  • all operations for the design of the correct cut, its sealing are carried out under sterile conditions.
  • You can use for pruning a plant that has 30 cm from the soil to the attachment point of the upper leaves.

    Simultaneous development of all new shoots is achieved due to uniform illumination. Dracaena must be rotated during germination and in subsequent care.

    Germination conditions:

    • treatment of the stem with water with the addition of a growth stimulator, for example, Epin;
    • Is it necessary to trim dracaena at home?

      Any areas with pests and diseases should be removed immediately to prevent infection of the entire plant. This operation is called sanitary pruning.

    • from a stem cutting;
    • from seeds.
    • Reproduction with the help of air layering most often allows you to keep a good appearance mother plant and almost guaranteed to get a young dracaena. This option is not the easiest, but subject to all the rules - it is quite feasible at home.

    • With a sharp knife, cut off the top of the palm tree, which is covered with foliage. The knife must be sharp so that the cut is as even as possible. The cut should be 15-18 centimeters below the extreme sheet.
    • Remove all old leaves from the cut stem - only a few of the freshest should be left, but you can also remove them, because until the stem takes root, the leaves will still not be fed.
    • Root the stalk by lowering it into a container of water, in which you must first add a little wood ash and root stimulants purchased in flower shop. It is permissible to root it in a mixture of peat, sand and coal. When the plant takes root, it's time to place it in the steamed soil for dracaena for further rooting.

      You can root the stem immediately in steamed soil, the composition of which is selected specifically for growing dracaena.

    • Put in a warm place, do not forget to water.
    • After a couple of weeks, young shoots will appear on the cuttings, although the root system will form for at least a month and a half.

      There is a high probability that new shoots are already formed on the stem under the cut point by this time.

      Flowering dracaena is a rare success. If the grower managed to achieve flowering, you should not miss the opportunity to grow many young dracaena from seeds. Wait until the end of February - the beginning of March and proceed.

    • For each seed, prepare a glass by making a drainage hole in it, pouring drainage on the bottom, and soil for dracaena from a flower shop on top.
    • Cover the pots with foil and place in a warm place. Optimum temperature- 25-27 degrees. Don't forget to water and ventilate.
    • Reproduction of dracaena at home is a realistic task, feasible even for inexperienced flower growers. The main thing is to choose suitable way and strictly follow the instructions, understanding that even small detail is sometimes decisive. There are four ways to breed dracaena. The simplest and reliable way- grow young palm trees from stem cuttings, but in this case you will have to say goodbye to the palm itself. A more gentle way is to grow a plant from the top of a palm tree. Reproduction by air layering is similar to this method - it is a little more troublesome, but much more reliable. Most The best way propagation of dracaena - by seeds, but get planting material- great luck, since the flowering of dracaena at home is a rather rare phenomenon.


      Practical guidelines for dividing dracaena with apical cuttings

      Dracaena is a wonderful houseplant with a variety of species. This palm-shaped plant can reach 1.5 meters in height, so proper care is important for such a tall plant to keep it attractive and healthy. Dracaena attracts not only with its "appearance", but also with its simplicity and unpretentiousness in care. Also these perennial shrubs easy to propagate, and the survival of shoots and cuttings is almost always one hundred percent. This article will describe one of the most common ways: propagating dracaena with apical cuttings.

      When the plant reaches adulthood, it can even grow to the ceiling. But over time, due to lack of light and space, the dracaena begins to lose its attractive appearance. The leaves become flimsy, the shoots are thin or stop growing altogether. Due to the high height, the branches "fall apart" in different sides, become unstable and cease to hold in the correct position. Also, with age, the dracaena “grow bald”, leaves fall on the lower part of the trunk, and the dracaena loses its attractiveness. It is at this point that you should think about how to propagate and rejuvenate the plant. Three types of dracaena tolerate division especially well, this bordered dracaena, deremskaya and fragrant.

      It is necessary to start the division process in the spring, in March or April. If there is an urgent need to divide the dracaena at other times of the year, then you will need to take care of additional care so that the process can take root.

      Rooting the cutting in water, you need to add a special fertilizer to it, which will help the young shoot to quickly take root. Florists often use "Zircon" for rooting. When diluting it in water, the following proportion should be taken into account - 10-15 drops of the drug per 1 liter of water.

      Step-by-step instruction

      2. Rooting in water: pour warm water into a small container, add the Zircon preparation to it (2-3 drops of the preparation per glass of water). Or you can add 1 tablet instead activated carbon. Thanks to charcoal, the water stays fresh longer. Put the cut cutting into the water. When rooting in water, it is necessary to monitor the purity of the water. You need to change it at the first turbidity. The water temperature should be at room temperature. The rooting process lasts from 1 to 2 weeks. After the roots appear, the cutting should be transplanted into a permanent pot.

      3. For rooting in the ground, you need to take a small pot or plastic cup. Put a layer of drainage at the very bottom of the container so that there is good air ventilation and the soil does not rot. Pour soil into the container (sand, perlite, hydrogel, soil). Add a small amount to the soil special means for better rooting. Treat the cut of the cutting with a wood beehive. After planting the sprout in the soil, be sure to follow the moderate and regular watering. In order for the sprout to take root faster, you need to create the effect of a greenhouse. To do this, above the germ, you can put glass jar, plastic container or cover it with cellophane. In such conditions, the stalk will quickly take root. But in this case, it is important to regularly spray the leaves (3-5 times a day) with warm water, and also ventilate the shoot every day for about 20-30 minutes. Thus, excess moisture will evaporate and there will be no rotting of the roots. Also once a week it is necessary to spray the leaves with a special fertilizer for palm trees. In a greenhouse environment, the plant receives moisture through the leaves. That's all you need to know to successfully propagate dracaena "crown".

      Dracaena grows at home up to 15 years. In this case, the evergreen grows with the top, and the lower part of the stem is exposed. The leaves, having worked out the prescribed period of a little more than a year, gradually dry out, leaving a scar on the stem. How to cut dracaena to get side shoots? The plant allows you to create new forms by shortening the shoots.

      Planned pruning of dracaena is done during the active period of growth, when the best sap flow. There are times when the formation of a bush is needed urgently. For example, part of the stem broke off. Then the shortening should be carried out according to the rules, below the break point. Any pruning can only be effective on a healthy plant.

      When shortening the central stem, you need to consider a few points:

    • top with green leaves should be in a zone of comfortable lighting, so the height of the trunk is calculated for the future growth of twigs and leaves;
    • Any part of a leafy or bare trunk is cut off. A remote site can be rooted by getting another copy of the dracaena. Cutting the dracaena for branching as an operation is carried out with a sharp knife without squeezing the tissues.

      After being cut off top part plants, it can be used to root the tops, or cut into 7-10 cm shank, each of which is capable of producing a new plant. The requirement to cut only with a sharp knife and clean cuts is mandatory.

    • creating a damp moss cushion around the open cut of the cambium, the waxed part should be open;
    • in the light at a temperature of 22-25 degrees, the plant is aged for a month.

    It is important at this time not to open the cut point, not to remove the package, not to change the germination conditions. At the same time, the rest of the leaves require watering. the stem also needs to be moistened. Watering is carried out only by the bottom method, draining the remnants of water that has not been absorbed into the earthen clod. It is important that germination is carried out in the light.

    As soon as the plant buds at the cut site, it is ready to continue development without additional shelter.

    It is not necessary that new branches will develop from all hatched buds. Some will not have enough food, and they will wither. But you can cut the plant so many times, updating it and giving it a new shape.

    When forming a bordered dracaena, seedlings can go along the stem anywhere. Then the palm tree will become multi-tiered.

    The plant looks well-groomed if it is regularly trimmed and shaped. Therefore, pruning is one of the mandatory operations for the care of dracaena. It happens that the plant develops deformed shoots, they should be removed. Then, instead of them, the plant will start up new shoots, more foliage is obtained, the plant takes on new forms.

    4 ways to easily propagate dracaena

    Dracaena breeding methods

  • from air layers;
  • Reproduction with the help of the apical cutting

    Cover the place of the cut on the stem of the mother plant with cellophane, and water the plant itself intensively - in a month, young shoots will appear at the place of the cut, which will become palm trunks.

    An even easier way to propagate dracaena is to grow a new palm from its stem cuttings. You need to do this in the following way.

    reproduction stem cuttings may be the only possible way give palm new life if its top is dry for one reason or another.

    Reproduction of dracaena by air layering is almost as common as propagation by cuttings.

  • Examine the trunk of the dracaena. In one of the places where the leaf used to be, make a transverse incision approximately to the middle of the trunk.
  • Insert a toothpick or match into the incision to keep it from overgrowing.
  • Moisten the moss with water from a spray bottle.
  • Make indentations in the soil - at least 5 mm, but not more than 1 cm.
  • Put the seeds in the holes, sprinkle with earth, water.
  • Proper care of dracaena at home

    Dracaena is a very common indoor culture. Culture fell in love with many flower growers. The plant is unpretentious in care, and also easily fits into any interior. Low views are perfect for apartments, while tall ones are a great choice for offices. Consider how to water, prune and control the branching of a flower at home.

    Types of dracaena

    Dracaena easy to grow and in care, however, some rules will help to grow a beautiful and healthy specimen that will delight the eye for more than one year.

    There are more than a dozen varieties. The differences between the species are in the height of the plant, the shape and color of the leaves. There are variegated, broad-leaved varieties. Some species have leaves with a border, the color of which differs from the color of the center. The border can have a white, light green or golden hue.

    dragon blood

    Due to the red juice that dracaena secretes, it is called "dragon's blood", "dragon's blood". It is also called the "tail of the dragon." However, no matter what you call the plant, caring for it will not change.

    There are many types of dracaena, differing in the rules of care and reproduction.

    Culture loves light and moisture. Her easy to transplant and multiply. Many varieties allow each grower to choose a plant to taste.


    The most common species, which is most often grown at home, is the bordered dracaena. It is also called Marginata. This variety is tree-like. Bordered has a strong and durable trunk that can reach height 3 meters .

    This flower the most popular of all types of dracaena among flower growers

    The trunk is crowned with a bunch of long and narrow leaves. In the course of growing up, old leaves fall off, and new ones grow. As a result, a scar pattern is formed on the stem of the plant. The variety has several forms. The difference in forms in the color and shades of the leaves.

    Fragrant: variegated plant

    Dracaena fragrant - one of the most large species plants. It is a variegated plant that can grow up to 6 meters in height. The leaves are also large. They are 80 cm long and 3 cm wide.

    This variety is broad-leaved. The leaves can be curved, and in adults they become wavy. Name "fragrant" got it from the scent small yellow or white flowers. However, at home, it is unlikely that it will be possible to see flowering.

    Variety Fragrant (Fragrance) gained fame due to its aroma

    Deremskaya: broad-leaved house tree

    One of the most broad-leaved dracaena is Derema. This is a fairly large variety. The height can reach 3 cm. The leaves are long (up to 50 cm). Their width can reach 5 cm. They have a dark green color.

    Some forms of this variety may have streaks of white or yellow color. In its natural environment, Derema blooms with bright red flowers.


    One of the popular cultivars is Malaika. Malaika is a variegated varietal variety of a plant with wide short leaves. Their center is light green, almost white, and the border is dark green.

    Gold: false palm

    Another spectacular varietal variety fragrant dracaena is Gold. This is a broad-leaved culture. The leaves are distinguished by a delicate green tint with a golden border, hence the name of the variety.

    How to properly care for, cut, water, renew dracaena

    Dracaena is unpretentious in care. However, knowledge of some important features will allow you to grow a beautiful plant that will definitely please the eye with its presence in an apartment or office.

    Watering rules in winter and summer

    Dracaena loves moisture, but you need to water carefully to prevent stagnant water in the pot. It is also not recommended to allow complete drying of the substrate. If the room is cool, for example, in winter, watering should be reduced. And the soil after watering needs to be loosened a little.

    Please note that each variety has its own watering preferences.

    Summer crops need to be watered abundantly. You can also moisten the soil by filling the pan with water or sand.

    Waterlogging can lead to leaf drop. In addition, watering depends on the variety. If Marginata is often not recommended to be watered, then Sandera requires constant soil moisture.

    Water that accumulates in the pan should be removed half an hour after watering. Otherwise, there is a possibility of rotting of the root system. This is especially true in winter time or low temperatures in the apartment.

    Flower loves wet air. So regular spraying is desirable. Also, sometimes watering should be replaced by spraying. If the temperature is very high or appliances or heating radiators are working, then the crop should be sprayed at least twice a day.

    Creating humidity is not only watering, but also spraying a flower

    When spraying Derema dracaena, it is necessary to ensure that liquid does not accumulate on the leaves.

    Temperature and lighting conditions

    The plant prefers warmth and lack of draft. For good development the temperature in the room should not be lower than 16 degrees. A drop in air temperature to 10 degrees or lower, as well as its constant fluctuations, can cause death of a flower .

    Dark-leaved dracaena are less demanding on lighting and can easily grow in the shade with diffused light. Variegated and light-leaved plants need more light.

    Dracaena of any variety is important to protect from direct sun rays. Perfect place for placement - the depth of a bright room opposite the window.

    Soil, pot and top dressing

    culture prefers heavy ground. Therefore, for planting or transplanting, you will need to prepare a substrate, which consists of:

  • sod land;
  • Peat;
  • Leaf land;
  • humus;
  • peat land;
  • Sand.
  • This is the most suitable soil for dracaena. You can take just sod land and sand.

    From the beginning of April until August, it is necessary to feed with complex fertilizers, which are intended specifically for indoor plants. Feeding is desirable once in two weeks. In autumn and winter time frequent top dressing is not required.

    The soil can be bought ready-made, or you can make it yourself from the indicated components.

    The pot should be large enough and wide enough. root system needs to free space. The size of the pot directly depends on the size of the plant itself. So, for example, a plant with a height of 40 cm will need a pot with a diameter of up to 15 cm. After a transplant, a flower needs a pot larger than before.

    Flowering: indoor dracaena can bloom or not

    At home culture is almost non-existent. The flowers are white or greenish in color. They also have a very strong and not too pleasant aroma. However, Fragrant flowers, on the contrary, have a pleasant and very sweet aroma.

    Do not be afraid to take the plant out of the room if it smells too cloying during flowering.

    Common diseases and pests

    If you properly care for dracaena, then flower disease - this is a rare case. However, there are points to which attention should be paid.

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