Ways to store cabbage in the refrigerator. How to store cabbage, the best ways How to store cabbages at home

landscaping 16.06.2019

The shelf life of cabbage is affected not only by its variety, but also by many other nuances. One of the main criteria in this case are the growing conditions. Some features cannot be recognized if cabbage is bought in a store. This applies, for example, to the types of soil, the amount of rainfall, and the types of fertilizers used. If you plan to store cabbage bought in a store, then preference should be given to the most dense heads of cabbage without yellowed leaves or signs of decay.

The nuances of storing cabbage:

  • most short term storage different cabbage early varieties(it is better to eat it as soon as possible);
  • mid-season and late varieties of cabbage are stored the longest;
  • the upper leaves from the cabbage should not be removed before storage;
  • frozen, cracked, withered or mechanically damaged cabbage (as well as cabbage with traces of diseases or insects) cannot be stored;
  • if the cabbage is stored in a wooden box, then it is necessary to exclude the contact of heads of cabbage with each other with the help of a newspaper or any paper;
  • during storage, it is necessary to place the cabbage with a stalk top;
  • cabbage is well preserved on a kind of “sand pillow” (this option is suitable for storage in cellars, basements or on a balcony);
  • cabbage can be stored in ordinary earth(you can use buckets, barrels or even bags as a storage container);
  • if cling film is used when storing cabbage, then wrap the head of cabbage in it as tightly as possible so that there is no accumulation of air or condensate;
  • in the refrigerator, cabbage can be stored in paper (this method will extend the shelf life of the head);
  • you can prevent the appearance of rot or mold on cabbage with the help of crushed chalk (heads should be “powdered” with chalk and placed in a cool place);
  • in a suspended state, cabbage can be stored longer;
  • close contact of heads of cabbage with each other can become the main accelerator of the process of decay;
  • if burdock leaves are placed next to cabbage, then the shelf life of heads of cabbage will increase slightly;
  • it is desirable that air enters the heads of cabbage from any direction (if it is difficult to create such conditions, then it is better to periodically turn the cabbage over during storage).

Often in the process of storing cabbage on heads of cabbage appears white coating. This sign indicates the beginning of mold development. You can stop this process with crushed chalk or mustard powder. The affected areas are simply treated with the indicated components, and before eating they are removed along with the leaves or cut off.

How much and at what temperature to store cabbage

Mid-season varieties of cabbage, subject to necessary conditions, can be stored for 2-3 months. Late varieties persist for 7-9 months. Optimum temperature storage is an indicator from -1 to +1 degrees. Humidity should not be less than 85% and not more than 90%. Otherwise, the cabbage will either wither and lose its juiciness, or begin to deteriorate and rot.

The nuances of the temperature regime for cabbage:

  • the average level of cabbage storage temperature is the range from -1 to +5 degrees;
  • if the cabbage is young and its leaves are too tender, then avoid sub-zero temperature to exclude refreezing of heads of cabbage;
  • white cabbage is less susceptible to temperature conditions and is more resistant.

The average shelf life of cabbage is 4-6 months. When placing heads of cabbage in a cellar or basement, this figure may increase, and under the conditions of refrigerators, it may decrease. It is strongly recommended that before placing the heads, especially in the cut state, wrap them with cling film or paper.

All varieties of cabbage are useful in their own way and are able to diversify the winter menu by adding vitamins to it. But how to store cabbage at home so that it lasts until spring and does not deteriorate?

The shelf life of cabbage depends on many factors. First of all, it is, of course, the same variety. Agricultural technology, soil, harvesting time, and the chosen storage method are also important. Not all gardeners follow the basic rules that allow you to enjoy fresh cabbage 8-10 months after harvest.

The best varieties of cabbage for storage

Preparation for storage of cabbage begins at the stage of seed selection. Not all cabbage is suitable for fresh wintering - early and mid-ripening varieties do not even reach December. It is good to pamper yourself with them in summer or early autumn, but for salting and winter storage medium-late and late-ripening varieties are suitable, as well as those on the seed packaging of which is marked "for storage".

From mid-late varieties of cabbage for storage are suitable: Belorusskaya 455, Dobrovolskaya, Blizzard, Gift, Rusinovk a. Of the late-ripening, the most popular can be considered: Amager 611, Snow White, Stone Head, Kamenka, Morozko. Their dense heads of cabbage are resistant to rot, easily stored for 8-10 months and only become tastier over time.

How to grow cabbage for storage

Storing fresh cabbage in the winter is only possible if it has been properly grown. After all, the composition of the soil, fertilizers applied to the soil, and even autumn rains can change the keeping quality of heads for the worse.

However, although there are many subtleties in growing cabbage, the following can be considered the most important:

  • cabbage grown on light or loamy soils is stored longer;
  • a large amount of nitrogen fertilizers reduces the keeping quality of cabbage, and potassium-phosphorus, on the contrary, increase;
  • an abundance of autumn precipitation or excessive uneven watering leads to cracking of heads of cabbage, and they will not be stored;
  • premature harvesting will not allow the vegetables to ripen, unripe, they will not lie for a couple of months.

Preparing cabbage for storage

In order for the cabbage to be stored for a long time, you need to make some efforts in the process of harvesting it.

  1. Carefully sort the cabbage: only mature dense cabbages without cracks, mechanical damage, mold, rot or signs of disease can survive the winter fresh.
  2. When cutting, be sure to leave a small part of the stalk (up to 3 cm) and a couple of strong covering leaves for the head of cabbage.
  3. Harvest in dry weather, and dry cut cabbage during the day in a warm, well-ventilated place.
  4. Do not rush to harvest: wait until the daytime temperature drops to 3-8 ° C, and at night almost to 0 ° C, and only then take the sharpest knife and go to the cabbage garden.

How to save cabbage of different varieties

If Soviet summer residents mainly grew white cabbage, now on the ridges you can find cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi, and Beijing cabbage. Not all of them are as easy to store as the white-green "koloboks" we have been accustomed to since childhood, but their life can be extended.

How to store white cabbage

White cabbage is one of the most simple vegetables in terms of storage. It calmly tolerates changes in temperature and humidity, does not require a separate room, lies for a long time even in a room or on a balcony.

If you follow the basic storage conditions for cabbage (temperature from -1 to 2 ° C, and humidity - 85-95%), then it will easily lie for more than six months. It is also important not to forget to regularly (at least once a month) ventilate the room with heads of cabbage and sort them out in search of rotten ones.

How to store cauliflower and broccoli

Heads of cauliflower and broccoli are not so durable - they can be stored for a maximum of a few months. If you want to enjoy these vegetables throughout the winter, it will be easier to disassemble them into inflorescences and freeze them. Fresh cabbage can be laid out in wooden boxes covered with foil and put away in the cellar. At the same time, it needs to be checked every couple of weeks and removed from storage at the first sign of rot.

Cauliflower is also stored in the refrigerator, but to extend the life, each head will need to be placed in a separate bag or wrapped in cling film.

How to store Chinese cabbage

Properly selected humidity and storage temperature of cabbage will extend the life of even the capricious Beijing beauty. It can lie up to 3 months, if you provide it with a humidity of about 95-98% and a temperature of 0 to 2 ° C. True, even slight fluctuations in any of these parameters will lead to rotting or wilting of tender leaves.

Where to store cabbage

Not sure how to properly store cabbage? Experienced gardeners Dozens of methods have already been invented, each of which has its own pros and cons.

How to store cabbage in the cellar

If you have a spacious cellar in a private house or country house, you have probably already decided on the issue of storing cabbage. The temperature and humidity in the cellars are just right for heads of cabbage, and there are several ways to place them:

  • hanging by the stumps directly to the ceiling or beams;
  • laid out in wooden boxes on the floor;
  • on shelves 25-30 cm wide along the walls;
  • in boxes with a thin (up to 10 cm) layer of sand, sticking a stalk into it.

It is important to remember that for longer storage, heads of cabbage should not be placed close to each other, but at a distance of about 10 cm. Storage in film or paper also extends the life of cabbage. Each head is wrapped in paper or film or put in a separate bag. You will need to periodically check the packaging for condensation and replace it with a new one if it is found.

How to store cabbage in the refrigerator

The shelf life of cabbage in the refrigerator is less than in the underground, and its specific smell can bother you. However, a head of cabbage brought from a summer residence is able to lie in a vegetable tray for a couple of months without harming yourself and others, and by wrapping it with paper or cling film, you will extend this period by another 3-4 weeks.

How to keep cabbage on the balcony

A glazed but unheated balcony can also become great place for winter storage of cabbage. True, if it freezes in severe frosts, some of the heads of cabbage may die, but additional shelter from a pair of old coats or a carpet can correct the situation.

The easiest way to store cabbage on the balcony is wooden boxes, separating heads of cabbage from each other with plywood or cardboard partitions. If your balcony is not glazed, then the boxes must be insulated with foam at least 5 cm thick.

Storing cabbage in the sand

For those who do not have a cellar, but only a shallow warm underground, the sand method is suitable. A layer of sand is poured at the bottom of the box, heads of cabbage are laid and they are covered whole, a second tier of cabbage is placed on top and also falls asleep.

For such storage, it is better to choose clean river sand, and, if possible, it should be steamed or calcined before use.

Storing cabbage in a trench

Storing cabbage in trenches is rarely used, as it is one of the most inconvenient ways, and it is only suitable for those who have no alternative.

Trenches for vegetables a little over half a meter deep are dug on a hill, covered with straw, and the heads themselves are also covered with it from above. Laid on straw wooden shields, pour a layer of earth 20 cm thick and install a "beacon" that makes it easy to navigate in winter.

The disadvantages of this method are that water gets into the trenches and rodents easily penetrate, in addition, in the most severe winters, vegetables can freeze slightly.

Storing cabbage in hay

Not only basements, but also attics of residential buildings are suitable for storing cabbage. True, there is one condition - the house must be heated, and the attic must remain cold.
Heads of cabbage can be laid directly on the floor, or on a layer of hay, with the onset of frost, covering them with a layer of hay and from above. At the very cold winter hay layer can reach 1 m.

Do not store cabbage next to apples - the taste of cabbages will deteriorate.

Why cabbage rots during storage

Winter storage of cabbage, even under all the conditions met, can be overshadowed by the appearance of spots on heads of cabbage. Most often, this is a manifestation of two diseases: gray and soft rot.

Gray rot on cabbage occurs as a result of improper storage (violation of humidity), as well as if the heads of cabbage have been damaged or frozen. At the first sign of its appearance, you need to sort out all the cabbage in the store, remove the affected heads, and process the rest with chalk.

Soft rot affects those heads of cabbage that have cracks or mechanical damage. Such cabbage should also be immediately removed from storage.

You can protect cabbage by powdering it with chalk or slaked lime before harvesting.

Now that you know everything about how to store fresh cabbage, we are sure that nothing threatens your crops, and vitamins will be on your table until spring.

I didn’t think about how to store cabbage in the cold season before I cut a beautiful head of cabbage just bought in a store. I won’t describe what “surprise” was waiting for me inside the cabbage fork, so as not to spoil your appetite. But it’s not difficult to guess that I never cooked borscht. Therefore, I decided to thoroughly “try” the neighbors - avid gardeners on the subject of storing cabbage in the winter at home. And now I share this proven information with you.

Which varieties keep best?

Many gardeners on their site grow several varieties of cabbage with different periods maturation. The earliest species are recommended to be eaten immediately after harvest. It is impossible to store such cabbage for a long time at home. Heads of mid-season varieties can remain fresh and crisp for 2-3 months. But for the whole winter and even until the beginning of spring, you can save a vegetable of late varieties.

How to increase the shelf life of cabbage

The duration of the preservation of the beneficial properties of cabbage depends on several factors.

  • First, it is the choice of variety. Suitable for wintering are such mid-late varieties as Gift, Blizzard, Stolichnaya, and late-ripening Amager, Snow White, Langedijker, Stone Head.
  • Secondly, the structure of the soil where the vegetable was grown plays a big role. If the beds were located on loamy soils, such cabbage can be stored at home longer than heads of cabbage grown on sandy loamy soil.
  • Thirdly, the abundance of rain and watering affects the formation of forks. If there was a lot of moisture, then the heads of cabbage can be cracked, loose.
  • Fourth, if the crop rotation was observed and fertilizers applied under the predecessor crop were used in required quantity, cabbage should be with good taste. This affects the keeping quality of the product. If the soil received a lot of nitrogen fertilizers, such cabbage cannot be stored in winter - heads of cabbage can rot. The best fertilizers for this vegetable are considered phosphorus and potassium.

Preparing cabbage for storage until winter at home

The rules of preparation are simple, but you should not ignore them. You run the risk of getting something indigestible with an unpleasant odor and a disgusting taste instead of a crispy vegetable. So let's go.

  1. The beginning of the cabbage harvest is when the air temperature drops to + 2-8 degrees during the day. If you rush and cut the heads early, they will begin to crack and soon become limp.
  2. Harvest cabbage on a relatively warm, sunny day. If you hang heads of cabbage, leave the stalk intact. Otherwise, shorten them to 2-3 cm. It is better not to remove the upper leaves. They serve to protect the vegetable from external damage during transportation or storage and from various diseases.
  3. The next step is sorting the harvested vegetables. Discard underdeveloped fruits, as well as those with signs of damage (torn leaves, stains). Cabbage with cracks and spoilage (pests, diseases) also cannot be stored for a long time. Better process and use immediately.

How to store cabbage in the winter at home

There are several ways to store this vegetable. But first choose the right place. There are several options: pantry, basement, refrigerator, balcony. Even a trench dug in the ground will do.

Create optimal temperature conditions (-1-+1°С). The second nuance is the humidity of the air. This important criterion, and it is necessary to provide enough high level water content in air masses (90-95%). Usually, with such humidity in the room, mold or fungus easily starts, so it is necessary to exclude such a “neighborhood”. The room where you will store the cabbage until winter, ventilate regularly (once a month). Otherwise, stagnation of air will lead to spoilage of the product. He will acquire bad smell, which will lead to deterioration palatability and significantly shorten the shelf life.

How and where to store cabbage in winter

Lots of options. Choose the most suitable one.

  • Cabbage heads can be placed in cardboard box or crate (plastic or wooden) in one layer. Be sure to avoid touching heads of cabbage with each other.
  • If there are shelves in the basement or in the pantry, you can put the heads of cabbage on them with the stalk up. Pre-wrap each fork in film or paper.
  • Heads of cabbage with a cut stump are covered with dry sand. It absorbs excess moisture, which prevents rotting. Pour sand into the box, put cabbage on it, again a sandy layer. Repeat the sequence until the vegetable runs out or the box is full.
  • Clay is used to preserve cabbage until winter. Mix it with water in a ratio of 2:1 (make a thick mash). Coat the heads. Let dry. And go down to the basement, where you can store cabbage for 4-5 months.
  • Another way is to hang the cabbage from the ceiling in the pantry, basement or on the glazed balcony. Tie it by the stalk with a rope. The main thing is not to let the heads of cabbage come into contact with each other.
  • Do you have a large refrigerator? Several heads of cabbage can be successfully stored in the vegetable compartment. Wrap them tightly in cling film or paper. A head of cabbage in a paper wrapper should be placed in a plastic bag, cutting out several holes for ventilation.

But be aware: sand and paper absorb moisture, and it has a bad effect on the keeping quality of heads of cabbage. Therefore, periodically cabbage needs to be “visited” and change what it is wrapped or buried in.

Cabbage is stored for a long time in the maximum small gap temperatures from +0 to +5 °С. Ideal Temperature– from +0 to +2 °С.

Cabbage is extremely whimsical to storage conditions. At low temperatures, it quickly freezes and loses its taste and benefits. If it is too high, it deteriorates quickly. Optimal Humidity ranges from 80 to 90%.

Terms & Conditions

How to store cabbage in the basement in winter? In spite of strict conditions, it is possible to save cabbage in the cellar. The main thing is to choose the right variety, the right cellar and meet all the conditions.

early cabbage, ripening in early to mid-summer, is not suitable for winter storage.

In order for cabbage to lie in the cellar for a long time and successfully, you need to choose late-ripening varieties. They ripen only by the end of summer - the beginning of autumn.

Best for storing cabbage varieties:

  • Moscow late;
  • Wintering;
  • Amager;
  • Valentine;
  • Orbit;
  • Glory;
  • Turkiz.

These are late-ripening and mid-ripening varieties of cabbage. Their ability for long-term storage has been tested by many gardeners. How to store cabbage in the winter in the cellar?

Claimed shelf life suitable varieties in the cellar 3 to 4 months. If you follow all the recommendations, cabbage can be stored a little longer.

Vegetable preparation

Cabbage harvesting should begin when the cold sets in and temperatures drop below freezing at night. In order not to practice extra work , it is better to collect cabbage in dry weather. If the rains are frequent, then the heads of cabbage need to be dried.

When is cabbage supposed to be stored in limbo, you need to dig a crop with a leg. No need to remove many layers top sheets. This can lead to rapid spoilage, as the surface layers of the leaves serve protective layer. For winter storage unsuitable:

  • strongly hollow, underdeveloped heads of cabbage;
  • cracked or rotting heads;
  • frostbitten, severely damaged by pests or diseases.

Places and ways

It is better to store cabbage:

  • in the basement;
  • in the cellar;
  • in the underground of the house;
  • in the caisson of the garage.

There is not much difference between these places. The main thing is that the storage conditions are suitable.

In addition to temperature and air humidity, it is important absence of rodents. and - frequent visitors, especially in the underground of a private house or cellar. Cabbage is their favorite delicacy.

How to store cabbage in the basement? You can learn about the method of storing cabbage in bags from this video:

How to store cabbage in the cellar until spring? There are as many ways to store cabbage in the cellar for the winter as there are for no other vegetable. Cabbage is stored:

In food film

How to store cabbage for the winter in the cellar in cling film? To store cabbage in a film, it is necessary to wrap each head of cabbage several layers. She tightly wraps around the cabbage, creates a kind of vacuum, waterproof. Moisture does not get on the head, and it is stored longer.

How to keep cabbage in the cellar until spring in paper? Each head is wrapped in several layers of plain paper. This allows them not to touch each other. However, if paper gets wet, cabbage will quickly begin to deteriorate. Wrapped heads are put in boxes or on shelves in the underground.

For wrapping cabbage, it is better not to use old newspapers. They are suitable for this purpose, but the harmful substances that the printing ink contains can be absorbed into the cabbage during storage.

in the clay layer

How to keep fresh cabbage in the cellar for the winter in clay? The original and time-consuming method of storage. Each head covered with clay(diluted with water) and dried until it hardens. Cabbage falls into a "clay ball" that protects it from external influences. Heads of cabbage are put in boxes or on shelves in the cellar.

How to store fresh cabbage in the cellar in winter in boxes? The easiest way. Heads of cabbage are put in wooden boxes and stored in the basement. The boxes must be wooden, with holes and open. It's not the best reliable way, since the heads of cabbage are in contact with each other and can easily begin to deteriorate.


Heads of cabbage are stacked on top of each other in checkerboard pattern, forming "pyramid".

The point of the method is to pile the cabbage in a pile, but in such a way as to ensure minimal contact and maximum air flow.

Minus the way- if the head of cabbage in the bottom row goes bad, you will have to disassemble the entire “pyramid”.

Cabbage is stacked in boxes, but the space between the heads sprinkled with sand. The method of storing cabbage in a sand cellar is effective, but complicated. First, with the advent of sand, dirt is guaranteed in the basement. Secondly, with a rich harvest need a lot of sand put in the cellar, which is not always easy to do.

One of the most reliable ways. He has proven himself time and time again efficiency.

Cabbage for storage in this way is dug up with the root. For this very root-stump, it is hung on a rope to the basement ceiling. This requires sufficiently high ceilings and specially prepared fixtures (hooks, beams, etc.).

Hanging cabbage storage option in this video:

On shelves

Simple and easy way. Cabbage is laid out on shelves in the basement so that heads of cabbage did not touch.

How best to store cabbage in the cellar is up to you.

One of the options for preserving cabbage for the winter can be it. On our site you will find a lot of proven recipes for the preparation of this product. For example, as well as cabbage, and.

Neighborhood with other products

A cellar designed for storing vegetables most often contains not only cabbage. Everything that was grown during the season is stored in one place. Can potatoes and cabbage be stored together?

The most common is the neighborhood of cabbage:

  • co ;
  • with others .

Ideally, cabbage should be stored separate from other vegetables, but this is difficult to implement in practice.

Sharing rules cabbage with other vegetables:

  • cabbage lies separately from them;
  • it is desirable to maintain a maximum distance between them;
  • you can not put together, mix different vegetables;
  • Do not store healthy and diseased vegetables in the same room.

Step by step instructions

Storing cabbage in a garage pit:

  1. Dry if necessary and process from unusable leaves.
  2. Wrap each head in cling film.
  3. Drop into the garage hole.

Storing cabbage in a caisson:

  1. Harvest cabbage.
  2. Trim the legs, leaving only the heads.
  3. Clear the most upper layer leaves.
  4. Put in wooden boxes.
  5. Sand if possible.
  6. Put the boxes on the floor of the caisson.

To store cabbage in cling film, you need:

  1. Dry the collected heads if necessary.
  2. Peel off one top layer of leaves.
  3. Wrap each head with several layers of film.
  4. Fold in any convenient container or on shelves.

Storing cabbage with roots:

  1. Dig up the cabbage by the root.
  2. Tie a rope to each head.
  3. Hang heads of cabbage for it from the ceiling of the cellar.

How to hang a cabbage with a root - photo:

Storing cabbage in bunches:

  1. Harvest cabbage.
  2. Remove the legs, leave only the heads.
  3. Remove the top layer of leaves.
  4. Put the heads of cabbage in boxes, on shelves or in a pyramid, if desired, wrap with a film.

You will learn how to put cabbage in the cellar for storage with a vacuum cleaner by watching the video:

Features for individual varieties

Most often, white cabbage is stored for storage for the winter. However, there are many other types of cabbage that can be stored for the winter. Each of them has your secrets storage in cellars (underfloors, cellars).

White cabbage

The most common variety of cabbage. It is grown in a large quantitative advantage over other species. Storage features in the cellar:

  • only late-ripening varieties are suitable for storage;
  • storage temperature from +0 to +2 °C;
  • demanding on storage conditions;
  • stored different ways: from placement in boxes to smearing with clay and is best stored in wooden boxes, sprinkled with wet sand;
  • stored for a maximum of 4-5 months.


All winter, unfortunately, collected in the cellar cauliflowerunlikely to be saved. It is not intended for such long-term storage.

However, the basement (underground) is a good option to extend the life of this type of cabbage.

Features of storing cauliflower:

  • stored in wooden boxes, covered with polyethylene (up to 2 weeks);
  • for long-term storage it is grown in the cellar in specially prepared containers;
  • ideal storage temperature from +0 to +2 °C.

Chinese cabbage

Storage of this type of cabbage is complicated by the fact that it fades quickly. There is too much moisture in it, which can only be replenished by increased relative humidity.

You can store Beijing cabbage in plastic bags placed in boxes that need to be lowered into the cellar. At a temperature from +0 to +2 °С Beijing cabbage can be stored for about 3 months.

red cabbage

How to store red cabbage in forks for the winter?

Cleaning should be done closer to the beginning of October. A good variety in terms of storage is considered late-ripening "Gako - 741".

This type of cabbage is stored in much the same way as white cabbage. The best way to store it in the basement is to hang it by the leg from the ceiling.

Thus, almost all types of cabbage can be stored in the basement (cellar). This method is considered one of the best. If you follow all the storage rules, the cabbage will lie in the cellar for the whole winter and get on the table fresh and tasty.

General rules storage in the basement for all types of cabbage:

  • temperature mode from +0 to +5 °С;
  • humidity air within the limits from 80 to 95 °С;
  • absence mold, fungus in the cellar;
  • variety of storage methods;
  • safety from 2 weeks to 4 months depending on the type.

Storing cabbage sometimes involves a laborious process of processing and preparation.

Outcome worth the effort, because cabbage is delicious and healthy vegetable required for use in winter time of the year.

There is an opinion that in terms of popularity white cabbage firmly holds the second place, giving way to potatoes. Although how to say. In other families, cabbage is in the lead. Shchi and borscht, dumplings and cabbage rolls, kulebyaki, casseroles and many other dishes are held in high esteem here. But how to ensure that a fresh vegetable can be eaten before the new harvest? How to store cabbage in the apartment?

The answer is not so simple if there is no cellar, garage, cottage or even an ordinary pantry, which were endowed with multi-storey buildings of the era of N.S. Khrushchev. Most citizens have only a balcony and a refrigerator. True, recently in many apartments there have appeared freezers, in which you can long time freeze many vegetables and fruits. But this is a topic for a separate article. And now let's figure out how to keep cabbage fresh in the apartment.

Before you take on the storage of cabbage at home, you need to prepare it. Best kept forks medium size, tight, rounded, slightly flattened. If they went on sale in late autumn, therefore, they belong to late-ripening varieties designed for long term storage. But there is a catch here too. Loose specimens (even from late hybrids) are unsuitable for storage. Early-ripening and mid-ripening varieties are also not suitable. Their savings period is limited to a maximum of three months.

But not only the variety plays a role in the shelf life of fresh vegetables. Before harvesting, each fork must be carefully inspected. If cracks, damage from pests are found, they should be put aside and consumed as soon as possible. Be sure to cut off the rest of the stem. The stronger the better. After all, during long-term storage, cabbage begins to grow - it forms small cabbages or starts flower stalks.

The outer leaves are also removed, leaving no more than a couple of leaves on the head. It must be remembered that these green leaves protect the forks from spoilage. Therefore, there is no need to clean the cabbage white. You should get even and beautiful heads of cabbage with several covering sheets.

Also, the forks must be washed in running cool water. Water must be supplied under pressure to wash out stuck insects and residual earth or sand. The shower is best suited for these purposes. Then the heads of cabbage are wiped with a cloth, you can use a waffle towel so that there is no moisture left. This is the basis of how to store cabbage for the winter.

Refrigerator first.

Refrigerators are the most convenient and affordable place for long-term storage of cabbage for residents of modern urban microdistricts. By placing the forks in the vegetable compartment, you can be sure that they will not deteriorate within 3 months. True, over time, the vegetable will become lethargic, lose its attractiveness. But if you periodically remove dried leaves, you can increase the shelf life.

True, the forks will decrease in size each time. However, if there is no way out, you can store cabbage for the winter in the refrigerator. With such storage, heads of cabbage will not lose all their beneficial features. A set of minerals, vitamins, nutrients will be preserved.

But you can increase the shelf life if each fork is wrapped with a protective cling film. Believe me, the whole arsenal useful substances, beautiful appearance- absolutely everything will be preserved, at least 2 times longer. Most importantly, the vegetable will not cease to be crispy, as if it had just been removed from the garden. This is easy to achieve if you do the right preparation before storing cabbage at home.

By the way, Beijing and Chinese cabbage only in the refrigerator and store. Not bad "lives" in it and karsnokochanka with Savoy. Another thing is with cauliflower, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts and Romanesco. It is not recommended to keep these types of cabbage in the refrigerator for a long time, they will become stale.

Balcony as storage for vegetables

The main disadvantage of storing vegetables in the refrigerator is not enough space. Even the most capacious can include no more than ten heads of cabbage. In addition, there are other products that are laid in vegetable chambers. A loggia or a balcony can become a salvation if they are glazed and sufficiently insulated.

Storing cabbage on the balcony is a wonderful option. Better places not found in the apartment. Usually, a lockable cabinet with shelving is installed for these purposes. Heads of cabbage are wrapped in paper or cling film and placed in one row so that there is a small space between the forks. Newspapers should not be used as they contain saturated ink. harmful substances. Another rule - you can not store cabbage on the balcony in winter if the air temperature on the balcony drops to minus values.

Vegetables should be checked monthly and forks showing signs of decay should be removed. In the spring, such a check should be carried out weekly, and more often. Beijing, as well as Romanesco and broccoli, cannot be stored on the balcony. This cabbage here will quickly become unusable due to temperature changes.

Or maybe a closet?

If the apartment has a small pantry, you can equip a cabbage storage in it. Only the pantry should not be in the kitchen. It is better if she is in the corridor, closer to front door. The perfect place the location of the pantry will be a staircase.

To store a pantry fork with a well-cut stalk, carefully cover it with cling film, moreover, always in several layers. When wrapping, it is necessary, as it were, to press the film into the head of cabbage to remove excess air. When examining heads of cabbage, and this should be done at least once every 10 days, rotten leaves are removed and the forks are rewound with foil again. This is the easiest way to store cabbage in an apartment. But in modern residential skyscrapers, such pantries are not provided.

How long can cabbage be stored in an apartment?

A fork of white cabbage that is not prepared for long-term storage, that is, not wrapped in a paper bag or wrapped in cling film, can be stored at room temperature for no more than seven days. Storing cabbage on the balcony, subject to all the above recommendations, will make it possible to eat fresh food until June.


Cabbage in the film can be preserved for five months. Frozen, it stays fresh for about 10 months. The safety of a dried vegetable is a year. In a dry, ventilated pantry, the shelf life of cabbage wrapped in cling film lasts for several months.

The main thing is to keep cabbage for the winter in the apartment, you need to learn that this is possible with constant temperature regime from minus 1 degree to plus 5 degrees Celsius. Humidity at low temperatures can reach 95 percent, at high temperatures - 80 percent. Of course, it is almost impossible to achieve such values ​​\u200b\u200b(a refrigerator is not considered), and therefore it is better not to store white cabbage for a long time.

Other types of cabbage may not stay in the refrigerator for long. For example, the shelf life of broccoli, colored and Beijing is only a couple of weeks. Kohlrabi, however, is a little longer - 30 days.

  • When preparing small heads of cabbage for storage, it is recommended to keep each fork in salt water for about a quarter of an hour. Then the head is dried with a towel. This rids the product of insects and completely disinfects it.
  • Regular inspection of vegetables is necessary. If it is found that the leaves begin to lose their color and darken, it is urgent to free the forks from paper or film. Carefully cut off the rotten leaves, wrap the cabbage again.
  • If you see that the cabbage is losing its appearance, it is better to ferment it or prepare some kind of preservation.

Now you know how to store cabbage in an apartment. Try these ways and share own success. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

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