Pak-choi: the benefits and harms of Chinese cabbage. Proper cultivation of Chinese pak choi

Engineering systems 14.06.2019
Engineering systems

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

The very name of this vegetable crop indicates that pak choi is from China. That's what they call her - Chinese cabbage. Pak choi means "horse ear".

The appearance of cabbage resembles a rosette, the leaves, tightly adjacent to each other, are small - about 40 cm in diameter. Two types of this cabbage are known - with light green and dark green leaves.

Pak-choi is currently very popular with our summer residents (kalorizator). It is successfully grown in Russia. This is due to the high frost resistance of the vegetable and rapid ripening (only 50 days).

pak choi calories

The calorie content of pak choi cabbage is 13 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Ingredients of pak choi

The composition of pak-choi cabbage includes vitamins A, K, and, as well as minerals:, d, d, o and d. Pak choi also contains great amount natural amino acids lysine and fiber, as in other varieties of cabbage.

Health Benefits of Pak Choi

There are a number of useful properties of pak choi cabbage. Due to the fact that this vegetable belongs to low-calorie foods, it can be easily used during the period of weight loss and to maintain an ideal shape. The use of pak-choi cabbage is an excellent prevention of constipation, as well as cleansing the intestines from toxins, cholesterol and other harmful decay products.

The leaves of this cabbage contain ascorbic acid, which is very useful and necessary for humans. Regular use of bak choy increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels. In addition, vitamin C is directly involved in the synthesis of protein and collagen, which increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Pak-choi cabbage normalizes blood clotting and has a positive effect on skin cell renewal. In addition, bak choy is necessary for vision, since the vitamins included in it form an enzyme that is needed for the correct refraction of light in the eye.

Pak choi cabbage juice has a bactericidal effect, which allows it to be used for the rapid healing of ulcers, wounds and burns. Many doctors note the great benefits of this vegetable for the treatment of anemia.

It is recommended that pregnant women include pak choi in their diet, as it contains folic acid. Studies have shown that the use of this vegetable prevents the occurrence of various defects in the fetus.

Pak choi in cooking

Pak choi is widely used in cooking. Cabbage leaves and petioles are added to the salad, first and second courses, independent side dishes and casseroles are prepared from it.

Most of all, this vegetable is loved in Asian cuisine. Pak choi is eaten like other varieties. Cabbage goes well with other products of both animal and vegetable origin.

With its mustard and slightly spicy flavor, pak choi makes a great addition to any meal (calorizator). It is believed that the young leaves are the most delicious and tender. In addition, cabbage can be pickled and dried in order to be able to use it at any time of the year.

How to choose and store pak choi

When choosing pak choi, pay attention to the leaves, as they must be juicy green and fresh (not sluggish). Young good cabbage has leaves of medium size, when broken - crispy. The length of the leaves should be no more than 15 cm.

In order for Pak-choi to keep her beneficial features, it must be stored following all the rules. To begin, separate the leaves from the stalk and rinse them under running water. After that, the leaves must be wrapped in a damp towel, then put in the refrigerator.

The owners of summer cottages have already recognized the taste of Chinese cabbage and began to grow it with pleasure, getting pretty good yields. And here is another leafy cabbage from China - pak choi, not everyone knows yet. Its main advantage is rapid growth, it will take only a month and you can get the first harvest.

Separate leaves and petioles

In appearance, pak choi is completely different from any other cabbage, but rather looks like large-leaf lettuce or chard chard. In China, it is called Bai Tsai "white cabbage", and in Europe - mustard. Pak choi in a salad gives a pleasant bitterness (it tastes more like arugula salad), but when it is cooked, a slightly sweet aftertaste appears. The leaves and petioles of this cabbage are prepared in most cases separately. Petioles are mostly stewed or boiled, and the leaves are consumed fresh.

Pak choi does not grow the usual head, but creates an upright dense rosette of leaves about 35 cm in diameter, which is held on thick, closely spaced petioles. Pak choi cabbage leaves are corrugated and tender, from light salad to grayish tint.

Gardeners grow three types of this cabbage. In the first, the leaves are dark green in color, and the petioles are light white. The second variety has both petioles and leaves of a light green hue. The third has unusual red-violet leaves on top and green at the bottom of the leaf, and the petioles of this variety are green. Depending on the variety grown, the dimensions of the plants vary from low, 10 cm tall, to large ones that grow up to 50 cm, pak choi, although it belongs to the cabbage family, is also classified as a salad crop.

The crop of this plant can be harvested at any time, because it is a stall-type crop. Basically, this plant can be harvested at the age of 35-50 days. But you can make the first salad from young leaves much earlier than this period. The grown rosettes are cut off 2-3 cm above the soil surface, and fully grown rosettes are slightly higher. On the remnants of the outlet, after a while, you can collect a few more crops of vitamin greens.

Benefits of bak choy

Pak choi may seem a little rough to some gardeners, but it is good because when only white cabbage is planted in open ground, this crop can already be eaten. This plant is more cold-resistant than Beijing cabbage and is much better resistant to diseases.


More than 10 varieties of this plant can be found in the retail network: Pagoda, Early Jane, Marie, China Express, China Crunch, Beauty of the East, Yuna, Four Seasons, Swan, Swallow, Vesnyanka, Alyonushka, Gipro, Richie, Prima, but best for landing choose hybrid varieties, which are resistant to "flowering".

Planting and aftercare

Pak choi is quite easy to grow. Of all cabbage crops, this plant is less demanding, and gives a rich harvest. This "Chinese woman", like her related plants, loves moisture and cool weather, responds well to top dressing. organic fertilizers, and humus, and does not tolerate the acidic reaction of the soil. But there is individual features care for this crop, which must be considered if you want to get a good harvest of pak choy in your summer cottage.

The secrets of success are simple:

  1. Pak choy should be sown in early April or late August.
  2. Plants growing during a long daylight hours shoot quickly and then bloom.
  3. Pak-choi seeds can be sown directly in open ground, but it is better under a film cover, 3 seeds in each hole. You can get a good crop of pak choy by growing it in seedlings.
  4. Seedlings ready for planting in the ground at the age of 3 weeks should have 4-5 leaves.
  5. It is imperative to thin out the cabbage in the phase of 1-2 leaves, leaving the seedlings at a distance of about 15-20 cm, in this case the pak-choi rosettes will turn out to be large.

It makes no sense to sow many seeds at a time, the leaves of this plant in short term get rough. It is best to stretch the pleasure by sowing the seeds at intervals of 1 week, of course, if you like this plant.


Most of all, cruciferous fleas harm Chinese cabbage sown in the spring. To reduce losses from this pest, it is desirable to protect crops with agrofibre. You can also scare him away by dusting the seedlings with tobacco dust or wood ash.

Pak choi is a traditional Chinese cabbage that has been cultivated in that country for thousands of years. Recently, exotic culture is gaining a well-deserved place on our tables. Growing it is not difficult, pak-choy is early and undemanding to soil fertility, while it has a good taste. White fleshy petioles resemble asparagus or chard, and green leaves similar to spinach.

Description of Chinese pak choi

Chinese pak choi is a close relative of Beijing cabbage, but different from it. appearance, growing conditions, culinary use. In another way, it is called mustard cabbage - for its spicy taste. It looks like an exotic lettuce up to 50 cm high and up to 30–40 cm in diameter. Smooth or pimply leaves are collected in a rosette, their color is from grayish and light green to dark green with white veins. It differs from Beijing cabbage in its lower height, increased cold resistance and the fact that it does not form a head. White succulent petioles form around the central bud, making up the bulk of the plant. You can eat both tender sprouts and adult shoots. If you cut off the young shoots at the white base of the cabbage, after a while it will grow back.

In China, young heads of pak choi are most valued, having small sizes, up to 15 cm high - they are more tender and juicier.

Petioles Chinese cabbage tastes like asparagus or chard, and the leaves are like spinach

Chinese cabbage combines dietary and medicinal properties, it contains:

  • vitamin C - supports immunity, a source of antioxidants;
  • vitamin P - strengthens blood vessels, helps the body fight viral and bacterial infections, reduces allergic reactions;
  • vitamin A - improves vision, prevents atherosclerosis;
  • magnesium, potassium, phosphorus - trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body;
  • fiber - to cleanse the body of toxins, improve digestion;
  • folic acid - it is especially necessary during pregnancy for correct formation fetus;
  • lysine, an essential (i.e., not produced in the human body) amino acid that helps fight various diseases even cancer.

Pak choy is great in the first spring salads, but it can be used as a soup, as a side dish, or as an independent vegetable dish. It goes well with other vegetables and meat products. At heat treatment becomes sweetish, and fresh has a slight bitterness, like arugula. Chinese cabbage can be boiled, fried, stewed, even pickled and harvested for future use. Pak-choi is a fast-growing crop, already a month after planting it can be used for food.

Chinese cabbage should not be consumed in large quantities in diabetes, because it can cause hypothyroidism and other hormonal disorders.

Popular varieties

In Russia, this crop has been grown recently, so there are not so many zoned varieties:

  • Alyonushka - an early ripening variety with a leaf rosette medium size. Petiole fleshy, medium length, wide, green.
  • Vesnyanka is an ultra-early leaf variety for open and protected ground. Seedlings appear on the 3rd-4th day, the first collection after 20-25 days. Rosette semi-raised, densely leafy, up to 35 cm high
  • Swallow is an early ripe stalked variety of Chinese cabbage. Shoots are juicy, white, fleshy. The mass of plants can reach 1 kg or more, while more than half of it is petioles.
  • Swan - mid-season (40–45 days) variety. The leaf rosette is upright, up to 40 cm in diameter and up to 50 cm high. Plant weight up to 1 kg. Petioles are bright white, up to 35 cm long, up to 80% of the plant mass. The variety is relatively resistant to early stemming, to adverse weather conditions, suitable for dense planting.
  • Pava is a mid-season hybrid of Chinese and Chinese cabbage. Combines large leaves and wide, dense, crunchy petioles. The leaves are bright green, the petioles are white, fleshy, juicy, without fibers. Resistant to stalking, so the variety can be sown at any time. Plants are very decorative, well preserved after cutting.

Photo gallery: varieties of Chinese cabbage

Alyonushka is able to give two harvests per season Super-early Stonefly is suitable for open and protected ground Swallow is valued for juicy fleshy petioles

For growing in open field in cold regions (in the Urals and in the south of Siberia) are recommended early ripe varieties in order to get two or more crops per season, almost unprecedented for these places. In non-hot summers and in cool climates, seeds can be planted throughout the growing season. In hot climates, it is better to choose flowering-resistant hybrids for planting.

Planting Chinese cabbage

ground for spring planting this crop has been prepared since autumn, choosing a place where no other cabbage has grown in order to avoid common pests (can be sown on beds freed after onions or garlic).

Before digging, humus is introduced (Asian cultures do not tolerate manure) - 1 bucket per 1 sq. meter, as well as 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate and potash fertilizers, if necessary, deoxidize with lime. In spring, the soil is dusted with ash to protect against the cruciferous flea, which can damage tender shoots.

To obtain seedlings and early production, the seeds are planted one at a time in separate pots with peat in mid-March. Seedlings are not dived (it has very delicate roots), but planted in the ground when 4-5 true leaves appear (in late April - early May).

Pak choi seedlings are transplanted to the garden when 4-5 true leaves appear.

Sowing directly into the ground is carried out in rows on elongated beds. They leave a free space between the rows of crops of 30–40 cm. A film or white agrospan is thrown over the beds. shoots from good seeds will appear about a week after landing. Thickened seedlings need to be thinned out, leaving about 20 cm between the shoots.

Chinese pak choi is a short daylight plant, it is better to plant it in early spring or at the end of summer, and when sown from May to June, it can throw an arrow and bloom. It is considered that best harvest gives late summer planting of Chinese cabbage. It is carried out at the end of July or at the beginning of August, then the plants will have time to ripen before frost.

Growing features

Even a novice gardener can grow Chinese cabbage, it is undemanding to care for. But it also has its own characteristics:

  • Prefers loose soil because root system she has a superficial;
  • it cannot be treated with chemicals, since it has a very short growing season;
  • it is important to provide the plant with moisture, especially at the beginning of cultivation: abundant watering is needed, followed by shallow loosening of the soil, and sprinkling is useful in dry weather.

Sprinkling, in addition to the refreshing effect, gives bak choi additional protection against pests.

Harvest and storage

Chinese cabbage can be harvested as leafy vegetables, removing the stems as they mature. During continuous harvesting, the cabbage is pulled out with the root, which is then cut off. Pak choi is placed in a cool place or cellar, sprinkled with wet sand for storage without loss. palatability up to two or three months. Chinese cabbage is stored in the east, having prepared kimchi from it - a national Korean and Chinese dish. It is known in Russia under the name "Korean cabbage".

Video: cooking from Chinese cabbage

Pak-choi cabbage has been cultivated for a very long time, but it has become popular with us only recently. It is perfect for outdoor cultivation and has no special difficulties in care. This type of cabbage does not form heads. If you look at the photo, you can see that outwardly it is very similar to a salad vegetable. But it is used not only for making salads. There are many recipes for both first and second courses using this vegetable crop.

Pak choi description and product benefits

This leafy cabbage is also called Chinese, since it began to be cultivated in this country. The plant forms a compact rosette of densely packed leaves. Cabbage leaves are juicy, often bright green on top, and at the base they are white and more fleshy. The entire aerial part of the plant, both green leafy mass and white petioles, can be used as food.

There are different varieties of this cabbage, which differ in terms of ripening and size. Pak-choi can reach a height of up to 30-60 cm, and up to 30 cm in diameter of the rosette. The plant is rich in vitamins and various minerals. It has a beneficial effect on the body with regular consumption, suitable for dietary nutrition.

Pak choi looks like a leafy vegetable.

But in addition to its exceptional usefulness for the body, pak-choi is also popular with gardeners due to its:

  • good germination;
  • high yield;
  • precocity;
  • unpretentiousness in care.

Growing features

Like any crop, this cabbage has some growing features that the gardener needs to consider. The plant prefers cool weather and high humidity air. As for the predecessors, it is better not to sow pak choy in beds where any kind of cabbage was planted in previous years. It is good to plant it after onions, legumes, pumpkins and cereals. But to the soil, it is quite unassuming. Of course, cabbage will grow better on fertile land, but good yields can be obtained in poorer soil.

Attention! Pak-choi does not tolerate acidic soils very well. If the acidity of the soil at the site of the proposed planting is increased, it is better to prepare the ground in the fall by adding ash or dolomite flour to it.

Planting pak choi

You can sow cabbage in open soil from April to August. But not all of this period is equally favorable for sowing pak-choy. It is better to choose one of the following two periods for planting seeds:

  • end of April;
  • mid July.

pak choi sprouts

Gardeners especially prefer to sow pak choi cabbage in July, since when planting it at this time, you can not only get really good harvests, but also avoid leaving the plant in the arrow as much as possible.

Pak-choi is sown in prepared soil 2-3 cm deep in holes with a distance of 20-30 cm between them. It is also better to keep the distance between rows at least 20-30 cm so that each plant has the necessary area for nutrition. When planting in the spring, when it is still cold enough, crops can be covered with a film or special material to protect young seedlings.

Advice. This variety of cabbage can be grown not only by direct sowing in the garden, but also by seedlings. Only this is not the best way, because pak-choi does not tolerate further transplantation very well.

plant care

Even a novice gardener can easily handle caring for pak choi. It is not difficult and consists of:

  • sufficient watering;
  • regular loosening of the soil near the plants;
  • applying top dressings.

The plant needs a minimum amount of top dressing.

But it’s still not worth getting too carried away with feeding this early ripening crop, especially with the application of mineral fertilizers. It will be enough to feed the pak choi once or twice with herbal infusion. You can take for plant nutrition and mullein infusion.

Water the cabbage depending on weather conditions. Watering should be sufficient, but not excessive. After rains and watering, the earth is loosened so that it is light and breathable. Do this carefully so as not to harm the root system of plants, which they have superficial.

With the appearance of pests of cabbage, you need to take measures to protect plants. But since this culture is precocious, you need to use only safe means. From cruciferous fleas or cabbage whites, you can spray the plants with tobacco infusion or use ashes, and it is better to remove the larvae and egg laying by hand. Hand picking is also effective against cabbage pests such as slugs and snails.

Using pak choi in cooking

Pak choi is used in cooking a wide variety of dishes, and in any form, this cabbage is very good. It can be stewed or fried with other vegetables or meat. It is also used for cooking first courses. For example, chicken soup with pak choi is very tasty, light and nutritious.

To prepare this dish, 1.5 liters of water will require 2 chicken fillets, 6 bunches of pak choi, 4 small potatoes and carrots, 2 celery stalks, 1 onion, 2 garlic cloves, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1-2 bouillon cubes.

Pak choi is perfect for making salads


  1. Cut the chicken fillet and vegetables into cubes, finely chop the garlic.
  2. Put chicken fillet cook for 10-15 minutes, then add potatoes, carrots, cabbage stalks and celery to the pan.
  3. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the onion and garlic in it until softened.
  4. Place the fried onions and garlic in a saucepan, then cook for about 10-15 minutes more.
  5. At the very end, put the bouillon cubes, cabbage leaves and salt.

But during the heat treatment, part of the vitamins of the green leaves of pak choi is quickly lost. Therefore, in a fresh salad, this cabbage will be much healthier. Cooking Ingredients fresh salads may be taken differently. It already depends on the taste preferences of the person.

Very delicious salad come, for example, from bell pepper, pak choi leaves, dates, grated ginger and carrots. Mix these ingredients, then season with lemon juice. If desired, you can also add a little vegetable oil to the salad, preferably olive oil. The dish is light and nutritious.

And high nutritional properties, many of our countries began the mass cultivation of this variety of cabbage. About secrets proper fit and caring for pak-choi, we will talk in the article.

Description of culture

Mid-season varieties include Lebedushka, Lastochka, Kholodok, Four Seasons, Memory of Popova. Vegetation period of mid-season varieties is 50-55 days.

Did you know? in Asian countries With ok pak choi is used in cosmetics. It is an excellent skin rejuvenator.

bak choy not particularly demanding on the soil. It can grow even in an unfertilized area. But the best place for planting will be sandy loam or light loam. Soil acidity should range from 5.5 to 6.5 pH. The best predecessor– . Planting pak choy in a place where another variety grew last year is not recommended.

It is also undesirable to plant bok choy in one place for more than two years in a row.

How to plant pak choi in the country

Now we will understand the main question: how to grow pak choi at home? Growing begins with planting.

Planting and caring for seedlings

To grow seedlings, cabbage seeds are planted in peat cups at the end of March - mid April. Soil for seedlings can be mixed with humus for better seed germination.
After planting, water the seeds with water (cold watering is undesirable). Seedling pots are best placed in a sunny spot.

Every four to five days, the seeds should be watered with water, the temperature of which is not lower than 15ºС. After 15-20 days, when three leaves are formed on the seedlings, it needs to be sprinkled.

Pour a little earth under each sprout, then the plant quickly forms the fourth and fifth leaves. After five leaves are formed on the seedlings, it can be planted on a pre-prepared site along with cups.

In order for pak choi seedlings to take root faster, you need spray regularly with water(2-4 times a day; spraying should be carried out for 5-7 days).
It is best to plant cabbage in partial shade. Until the roots of the seedlings get stronger, hot Sun rays can harm her. Planting seedlings in the ground is best done in the evening or on a cloudy day.

The distance between the rows of cabbage should be 25-30 cm. Deepen into the soil until the first true leaves.

Growing features

Pak choi is suitable for growing in almost any type of soil. It does not require special and careful care. However, if some nuances are observed, the yield can be increased.

Watering and soil care

It is better to refrain from applying (because even if the cabbage adds in growth, it will lose its taste).

More about caring for pak choi

The culture is prone to the formation of arrows and flowering, so when growing, you need to take into account some biological features cabbage.
The processes of arrow formation and flowering are usually observed with a constant lengthening of daylight hours. To avoid this, some agronomists advise plant pak choi no earlier than July.

For better yields, the soil around the cabbage can be mulched with rich compost or grass clippings. So moisture will be better preserved (this is especially necessary during dry periods of summer).

Plant disease and pest control

Important!Pak choi also use a solution of wood ash and laundry soap, an infusion based on fresh tomato leaves and, a solution of acetic water,infusion liquid soap and dandelion root,infusion from garlic arrows and green.These solutions are suitable for both spraying and irrigation.

To combat the cruciferous flea, the use of an aqueous solution based on the drug is allowed. The drug is diluted in water according to the instructions and sprayed in the evening or morning.

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