Is it possible to grow blueberries to the garden plot. Growing garden blueberries at the cottage: Proper landing, care

Reservoirs 20.06.2020

Blueberry refers to capricious garden crops, as it requires not only thorough care, but also certain conditions of cultivation. First of all, it concerns the soil: it must be sour, because the shrub is bad on the chernozem or sand badly. But, despite certain difficulties, growing blueberries on its plot, you will be completely rewarded for the works with a rich crop of delicious and useful berries.

Since the right landing plays a key role in the successful cultivation of blueberries, we will pay attention to this stage of the cultivation of shrub. From this article, you will learn not only the planting technology of the plant in open ground, but also familiarize yourself with the tips on choosing a seedling and the selection of a suitable place to accommodate culture.

How to plant blueberries right

In nature, blueberries grows on marshy sour soils. It is these nuances that should be taken into account when landing a shrub on their plot. It is also important to take into account that culture absolutely does not tolerate moisture in the roots, since this can cause the root system and the death of a seedling. In addition, the plot for the placement of shrubs should be well covered with the sun. If culture is in a half, the crop will be small, and the berries are small.

Despite the fact that the planting technology as a whole remains the same, some features in planting blueberries still exist. Firstly, it cannot be planted in lowland due to the risk of soil fever in the roots and cluster of cold air flows. Secondly, each well needs to be completely filled with a special nutritional soil, and only after that it will be possible to make a deepening in the center of the fossa and plant a plant in it.

There are certain rules that should be considered when landing blueberries:

  1. Soil acidity: Must be within 4-5.5 units. It is possible to measure the acidity of the soil on the site using special testers that are sold in gardeners (Figure 1). If the acidity is within the above mentioned above, you can safely plant blueberries. However, if the soil is not sufficiently sour, it should be powered by a weak solution of sulfuric acid.
  2. Soil composition: An ideal for blueberry is a peat-swamp or peat-sand soil, because it uses water and air well. Unfortunately, such a soil is rarely present on a conventional indental area, so when landing in each well, it is necessary to add a nutrient mixture consisting of a rigoric peat and sand in equal proportions. For additional acidification in the ground mixture, you can add some sulfur (100 grams of substance on the soil bucket). The landing pits preferably prepare a few months before the seedlings landing.
  3. Compliance with the conditions of cultivation: Blueberry is very sensitive to temperature differences and soil moisture level. In order to prevent the moisture of moisture in the roots, the soil must be drained, and it is advisable to be mounted. In addition, it is desirable to land a shrub on areas protected from drafts and strong busting of the wind.

Figure 1. Tester for testing the acidity of soil and selection of a straw site

These recommendations are common, although it is precisely from them to grow the growing shrub. However, there are other nuances that should also be considered in the cultivation of the plant. Consider the main of them in more detail.

When it is better to plan

It is believed that landing saplings of blueberries in open ground can not only in spring, but also in the fall. In these periods, the plant is in a state of comparative peace, and will easily survive the transplantation.

Saplings that are sold in containers with a closed root system can be planted at any time of the year (Figure 2). However, experienced gardeners still agree that the procedure is better to spend precisely in spring, especially if you live in the region with a cold climate. Only with the spring landing will significantly increase the likelihood of planting of the plant in a new place. If you bought a sapling with a closed root system, but did not have time to plant it in the soil in the spring, you can not finish it until next year in a dark cool room.

Figure 2. Qualitative seedlings with a closed root system

However, if you want to increase the chances of culture for adaptation, landing is still better to spend in the spring, until the swelling of the kidneys. So you will be sure that the plant is fully captured in a new place before the onset of winter cold. But young seedlings, like adult plants, should be sure to strengthen the winter to prevent the frozen roots and the tops of young shoots.

In what place to plant blueberries

Choosing a portion for blueberries, you need to pay attention not only to the acidity of the soil, but also on the peculiarities of the most future bed.

First, the plot should be well covered with the sun. Blueberry is not only badly leaving in the shade, but also brings much less harvest. Even if you manage to grow a healthy shrub on a shaded plot, the berries on it will be a bit, and they will be small and watery.

Secondly, you can not land a shrub in lowland. Cold air flows accumulate on such sites, which may adversely affect the health of the plant. It is better to choose for blueberries. Plots on the elevation.

It should also be borne in mind that the soil in the garden should not be too wet. Stagnation of moisture in the roots can provoke rotting root system and fungal diseases.

How to choose blueberry seedlings

The selection of high-quality planting material plays an equally important role. The sapling should be strong and healthy, and the advantage should be given to two or three-year plants. By this age, the plant has already become quite strengthened and developed a full-fledged root system, therefore, in a new site, much faster will be taken.

Note: Experienced gardeners recommend buying seedlings in special containers, with a closed root system. Such plants receive all the necessary nutrients from the soil of the tank and are distinguished by increased surgery.

In addition, it is better to buy seedlings in specialized stores or nurseries. So you will be sure that the plant has passed the right processing, and on its roots or overground parts there are no larvae of pests or pathogens of disease.

We make landing holes for blueberries

One of the common mistakes when landing blueberries is the fact that the seedling is simply placed in the usual soil. In such conditions, the likelihood of a rapid survival of a seedling on the site is significantly reduced, but even if the plant is rooted, its fruiting will not be high enough.

It should also be borne in mind that this culture has a surface root system, but it grows in width, therefore it is necessary to prepare the landing wells, taking into account these features (Figure 3).

Planting pits for blueberries are preparing like this:

  1. The depth of the wells should be 40 cm, and the width is 80 cm. On the bottom of the wells you need to pour the drainage layer of the pine tree, needles and cones. Such a layer should be approximately 10 cm.
  2. To strengthen the walls of the wells around the perimeter, slate or boards. They will prevent the growth of the root system beyond the yams with sour soil.
  3. The seedling is placed for 30 minutes in a bucket with water. This will help easily remove the plant from the container without damaging the roots.
  4. The landing well is fully filled with a special nutritional substrate for blueberries. It can be bought in a horticultural store or replace a mixture of red peat and sand in the same proportion. The soil must be filled with the whole hole, carefully tumped the soil, and to acidify the Earth, sulfur (about 50 grams per plant) is added to it (approximately 50 grams per plant).
  5. In the center of the wells make a little deepening and put a seedling into it. The roots must be collapsed by width, but it is important to ensure that they are not outside the wells. The root system is sprinkled with soil and pour shrub abundantly.

When landing, it is advisable to shut down a seedling into a soil for 5 cm more than it grew up in a container. In addition, after disembarking, the rolling circle should be closed with coniferous needles. This will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture and will not allow rapid growth of weeds.

Figure 3. Culture landing technology and planting well preparation

Organic fertilizers do not need to enter, as they are completely not suitable for blueberries.

Immediately after landing, there is a small forming creation of plants. It is necessary to choose 4-6 strongest shoots and shorten them by a third of the length. All other branches that look weak are cut under the root. Such a procedure helps not only accelerate the adaptation of a seedling in a new place, but also will make it possible to form a suitable crown of shrub.

Undercaming Golubika Sadovaya

Blueberry's capriciousness is expressed not only in special requirements for soil conditions, temperature and lighting, but also in the adult shrub.

Note: To feed the blueberry organica is prohibited. Any organic fertilizer makes the soil alkaline, which is absolutely not suitable for culture and shrub can die. In addition, the compost, humid or dung can contain seeds of weeds, pathological microorganisms or pest larvae, which can negatively affect the health of the shrub.

The best for blueberries is suitable ammonium sulfate, as well as complex mineral fertilizers, and the advantage should be given to drugs for heasty crops (for example, azalei). It is in such drugs that include all the substances necessary for blueberries.


Spring is the most important for blueberry time of the year. From the correctness of the departure during this period will depend on how abundant will be a crop.

Spring feeding blueberries are carried out before the blooming of the kidneys. This is recommended to use ammonium sulfate. It not only saturates the soil with the necessary nutritional elements, but also acidifies the soil, which is extremely important for the normal development of culture and extension of the green mass. So that the fertilizer is faster in the soil, it must be made in liquid form. It will be enough to add 70 grams of the drug in a bucket with water and pour the coat obtained by a mixture.

It should be borne in mind that the spring feeding is beginning to hold landings from the second year, as the annual plants are quite sufficient nutrients, which are in a peat-sand mixture added to the wells when landing.

In summer

The summer feeder is carried out twice: the first time a month after the first application of fertilizers, and the second - during the formation of the barriers. Unlike spring feeding, in the summer it is necessary to use special complex fertilizers for Azalei (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Best mineral feeding for culture

The nutrients that are contained in such preparations have beneficially affecting the health of the plants and increase yields.

In autumn

The main goal of autumn denunciation is to saturate the soil near the roots of the nutrients that the plant will use for nutrition in winter. It is best for this purpose superspat and potassium sulfate. It will be enough to make for each bush of 100 and 40 grams of the drug, respectively.

It is important that the autumn does not use liquid fertilizers. So that the feeders evenly dissolve in the soil during the cold season, they need to be added to the soil in a dry form. To do this, the bush is rotated, a depth of no more than 10 cm, put fertilizer in it and poured soil. To dig a hole is needed carefully to accidentally damage the surface root blueberry system.

After making fertilizers to the soil, the ground around the shrub should be poured the water bucket, cover the fresh layer of mulch and prepare a plant to wintering. To do this, you need to beat the shoots to the ground, consolidate them on the surface of the soil and cover with any mulching material. Best of all, the agricultural or burlap is suitable for this purpose, covered on top of a layer of dry leaves or fir branches. It is necessary to cover the winter not only young, but also adult plants, since the roots and the tops of the shoots of culture are sensitive to cold and without shelter can be frozen.

Landing Blueberries: Video

Blueberry is largely different from other berry shrubs, and the features of this culture must be taken into account when disembarking seedlings in open ground.

Blueberry landing details are shown in the video.

This berry and reviewed several varieties garden blueberry. And in the same article will deal with the landing issues garden blueberry And care for her.

Blueberry does not apply to those from plants that can be said "planted and forgotten." She gives us with its delicious and useful berries, only with proper landing and proper careful care.

Planting garden blueberries

Disembark garden blueberry It is possible in the fall, and in the spring, but the spring landing is still preferable, because the risk of frozen the young seedlings in winter is reduced.

Blueberry is a very sun-ductive plant and does not like cold winds, so it is best to plant it on the sunny and protected from the wind place.

If you put it in the shade of trees, then the berries will be sour, and their number will not please.

Blueberry is very demanding to the soil and prefers to grow on a sector with sour soil (pH 3,5-4.5), not occupied by other cultural plants, since mycorrhosis, dwelling on the roots, very badly tolerates the developed land.

If you do not have such a place, then it is necessary to try to create it, based on the fact that blueberries loves peat-sand or peat-linous well-drained soils.

To do this, dig a hole with a dimension of 60x60 cm and 50 cm deep, the surface of the bottom and walls of the pit is preferably a bit breakdown, so that over time they do not become dense and did not make it difficult to flow water and air.

Then, the pit fill in the upper weak-webly peat or a mixture of peat, sawdust, fallen needles and sand, and also add 40-60 g of sulfur into the pit (for acidification), all mixed and compact. In other words, we make a sour substrate in which the blueberry loves to grow.

And even for acidification of the soil, you can use a solution of citric or oxalic acid (10 liters of water to add 3 teaspoons of acids), as well as apple acid or 9% acetic (on 10 liters of water 100 ml of acid).

While no fertilizer to add to the landing point is not necessary, especially organic that the soil is crushed.

Buy Blueberry seedlings are best with a closed root system (in pots or containers), and then it is very important to put them correctly.

In no case, it is impossible to simply translate the seedling of the container to the pit, since the gentle roots of blueberries will not be able to turn around to the sides of the land to the parties and the root system will not be able to develop normally, in connection with this, the plant will most likely die after a few years.

So that this does not happen, it is necessary before boarding a container with a seedlome to omit just 10-15 minutes into the water, then remove the plant from the container and try to very carefully take this earthen com, and if the roots are tightly neglected the ground, then you must carefully straighten with your hands.

The seedling plant deeper by 5-6 cm, as it grew up in a container, water it and mulch sawdows (or any other mulch).

Fuling in the summer will be able to protect from weeds, keep moisture, and just serve as an additional fertilizer; In winter, she will protect the roots from frost.

How to care for blueberries?

Of great importance when caring for blueberries have regular bidding. Especially, while the bushes are young, weeds are the worst enemies of blueberries.

No less important and loosening, but it should not be forgotten that the root system lies at a depth of 20-40 cm and, therefore, we must carry out the loosening circles to the depth of no more than 8-10 cm.

During the vegetation period of the plant, the priority circles are preferably 2-3 times to mulch the mixture consisting of sawdust and reworked manure.

Water mode is very important

When growing blueberries, it is necessary to constantly control the water regime, as this plant needs moisture. It is very important to prevent the soil drying.

While the blueberry seedlock does not fit, it is necessary that the earth is constantly wet.

And within a few weeks you need to support a two-three-time watering.

And, in the future, if the weather is dry, the blueberry must be watered twice a week and it is better to do it in the morning and in the evening.

And with hot weather, it is desirable to spray the bushes with cold water.

In July-August, when the bushes are fruiting and laid flowering kidneys for the future harvest, blueberries are very necessary urgent watering.

But, at the same time, although blueberries and a very moisture plant, excess of moisture is also contraindicated, so water should be avoided.

When do you need to cut blueberry bushes?

Crop the blueberry is not recommended at younger. It is possible only in early spring (before the swelling of the kidneys) in non-pronomous bushes cut patients who are broken, peeling along the ground, weak and frozen branches.

But by 10-12 years of age, the bush begins grinding berries and reduced yields.

Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a rejuvenating trim, which can be carried out in two ways:

  • Immediately in one year we remove all the old branches. The disadvantage of this method is that within 2-3 years there will be a significant loss of crop.
  • In the first year, the trimming remove only some of the old branches, and the rest leave for fruiting. And then the next year, when young shoots will grow, the remaining oldest removed.

Falker Plants

To improve the growth and increase in the yield, the blueberries is good to feed mineral fertilizers, while organic fertilizers are simply contraindicated.

Once feeding the blueberries when the kidneys swell, and the second - after 6-7 weeks.

Blueberry feeding should be started from the second year of cultivation:

  • 1 tablespoon of full mineral fertilizer contributes to a two-year bush,
  • on a three-year-old - 2 tablespoons,
  • on a four-year-old - 4 tablespoons,
  • on a five-year-old - 8 tablespoons,
  • for six years old and older - 16 tablespoons.

In appearance of blueberries, it is very easily determined by what mineral elements she lacks at the moment.

So, for example, if not enough:

  • nitrogen - slows down the growth of shoots, become yellowish-green old leaves, and if the nitrogen deficit is significant, then the whole bush looks like yellowish-green, then a reddish tint and a crop appears on the leaves, the berries become smaller;
  • phosphorus - the leaves are closely pressed against the stalk and acquire a purple shade;
  • potassium - dying the tips of the leaves, spots appear, the tops of young shoots are black and die away;
  • calcium - the leaves are deformed, and their edges become yellow;
  • magnesium - the leaves of red edges, but at the same time, the green color is preserved near the average vein;
  • bora - The upheat leaves acquire a blue color, the yellowing of the veins of old leaves appears, the growth of shoots stops, and then they die;
  • gland - on young top leaves, yellowing between the veins appears, the grid of green veins is formed against the background of yellow painting of the entire sheet;
  • sulfur - The leaves acquire a yellowish white color, and sometimes become white.

Knowing these signs can with great accuracy to determine which elements there is not enough plant and this deficiency timely fill in a timely manner, additionally by relevant mineral fertilizers.

Shelter for winter

In most cases, the limit of the frost resistance of tall blueberries is a minus temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees and, of course, the likelihood of the frozen winter is especially large.

If you planted late satisfying varieties, do not forget that they often suffer from early autumn frosts and, so these varieties must be first to cover with nonwoven material or burlap.

Preparation of bushes to wintering should be started in advance.

The branches must be burned to the ground, for this you can use twine or wire arcs, placing them with a cross.

Then, with the onset of stable frosts, the bushes is covered with nonwoven material, burlap.

But the polyethylene film is better not to use.

From above you can sketch. In winter, the bushes can also be filled with the crumbly snow so that the tops of the stems are constantly under the white bedspread.

With the onset of spring, the shelter is removed, cutting off the tips of the frozen twigs.

Blueberry flowers usually do not need to protect against spring cooling, as they can carry freezes to 7 degrees.

We collect a crop

The dates for the collection of berries depends on which varieties we planted. So if the sort of blueberries:

  • early, then berries begin to remove from the first decade of July;
  • if the middle-time - with the second-third decade of July;
  • and the late - with the second-third decade of August.

Blueberry fruits are pretended undesigned, so harvesting on the bush lasts more than a month.

The first sign of the beginning of the ripening of blueberries is the change in green berries on a bluish-purple. This means that in a week, with good weather, the berries will already divert.

It is necessary to shoot from the bush only such berries that are easily separated from the brush with a dry gap.

The largest, attractive and tasty are the berries of the first and second fees, so that they are best consumed in the fresh form.

And the berries of the following fees are much smaller and recommended them to be recycled.

Now we know almost everything about this wonderful berry. We can only consider: how blueberries breed; What diseases and pests do it! how to deal with them. But we will talk about it later.

See you soon, dear friends!

Friends, the topic today we have very interesting and important: how to plant blueberries and care for her.

For many gardeners, this wonderful berry simply disappears due to improper conditions, improper agrotechnics of cultivation or due to pests.

Garden blueberry Plant is quite demanding, let's discuss in order, what he needs for a comfortable life and large harvests.

Landing blueberries on the country

So, if you decide to plant blueberries on your phasenda, start with high-quality planting material. Buy seedlings from proven, good manufacturers.

For landing, we need a healthy plant, with a strong root system.

After you have decided on the variety and acquired high-quality seedlings, proceed to the preparation of a pigeon.

Preparing pit for blueberries

Choose a good, sunny place for our future landing.

It is necessary to dig a hole with a diameter of 90 cm and a depth of 45 cm. The bulk of the roots of blueberries is mostly located at a depth of 30 cm, so we need a small depth.

It is determined at the calculation of drainage and the necessary submits.

Blueberries loves the acidic soil necessary for her pH is located in the area of \u200b\u200b3.5-5.0.

Rarely, who at the site is quite sour soil, just to plant this beauty and forget about it. Therefore, we actually need such a pit to create a blueberry condition that she like.

If this is not done, then in insufficiently acidic soil of blueberries, it cares, silent, does not grow and poorly fruit. And it may die at all.

Therefore, in this pit we will put the acidic soil. In addition, there are some more tricks in order to sufficient the soil.

If you have strongly alkaline soils, it is recommended to put a hole with something with nonwoven material, it is necessary in order to contact alkaline soil not leached acid. Otherwise, gradually it will cease to be acidic and blueberries will begin to root.

If the soil is not too alkaline, it can be limited to the fact that to sprinkle the bottom of the pits with colloid gray. In the process of decomposition by bacteria, sulfur will gradually acidify the soil. You can also depose special acidifiers for the soil.

If suddenly there is no bark at hand, then the pine opead is suitable, swinging coniferous rocks, coniferous branches. I smell the layer on the bottom with a thickness of about 5 cm.

The basis of the soil will be an acidic red riding peat.

Since blueberries prefers loose soil, peat can be additionally mixed with the crust of small fractions, overwhelming sawdust and sand.

Add some kind of soil to this mixture, provided that the soil you do not have heavy, clay.

Land for blueberry is ready.

It's time to settle our seedling on permanent residence. Pull it out of the pot and look at the earthen com, it should be completely braid root. You can be sure that the root system in the plant is quite developed and strong.

Next, there is no single opinion on this. Many gardeners adhere to the opinions that need to strange, break the earthen com, along with the roots, so that when landing, they began to interact with the new substrate faster.

This is especially true for seedlings that "stopped", growing in one pot for many years, and their root system represents a dense lump.

If the roots are soft enough, then the earthen one can not be broken, but only slightly reversal.

In the finished pit, we make a deepening for the size of the coma of our seedling. Let's prevent a plant there.

He must be a little deeper than the edge of the pit. I fall asleep the roots of the land seedling.

Seal Earth around the bush.


Mulch will not give the weeds to germinate and will keep moisture in the soil, since the loose peat itself dries very quickly.

After landing, we remove all subtle shoots from the bustle.

It is also necessary to remove the fruit kidney plant at this stage so that it does not spend the strength on fruiting at least this year. And instead grew big and strong.

Blueberry care

Blueberry will grow perfectly in a sunny place.

Watering should be regular, even frequent periods. On hot days it is recommended spraying bushes in the evening.

For 3-4 years, the first trimming is produced: all thin, extra branches are removed, the crown is reckoned. It stimulates blueberries to grow new shoots and laying new fruit kidney. Pruning is carried out in the spring, before the dissolution of foliage.

It is important to monitor the acidity of the soil, not to give it to lack it, which means to acidify it on time. This can be made in spring with the help of a "compote" from sour grass.

It is done like this: a big bundle of rhubarb, a bundle of sorrel and acidic to cut and pour 10 liters of water. Three hours. And it is possible to carry out such water under the bush.

You can also use lemon juice as an acidifier: 1 lemon on 10 liters of water.

Periodically inspect the blueberry for the presence of pests and process if it is necessary.

The most malicious pest of blueberries is the larva of the May beetle. They simply adore gentle roots of blueberries, often dozens of individuals are stuffed under one bush and they are glad to gnaw.

Therefore, when landing, and in the future, preventive treatment of these insects is necessary by the grip of the soil with specialized drugs, such as antichruption.

From folk remedies with a larvae of the May beetle, ammonia solution is coped: 1 tbsp. l on 10 liters of water.

Blueberry fertilizer

You need to feed my blueberries three times per season. The best choice will be specialized fertilizers for blueberries with acidifying effect.

First of all, because they contain optimal dosages for this plant, and of course help to maintain the acidic reaction of the soil.

If you can not find these fertilizers in your city, then as an option you can use fertilizers for azaleas - they also acidify the soil and nourish the plant.

We hope that our article will help you make friends with this wonderful berry and successfully grow it at home.

Garden blueberry is a tall leafy shrub, a leaving from North America. Unlike cold-resistant species, the cultivation of American selection blueberries is suitable for zones with a temperate and warm climate. A bush reaches a height of two meters and gives up to 10 kg of berries, which makes profitable growing blueberries even in the country or in the garden.

Landing and gardening for garden blueberries are not very complex. The plant is demanding that the composition of the soil, heat and light. All these needs must be taken into account immediately, when choosing a site, because blueberries is a long-lived, and is able to grow and fron in one place for several decades.

Delicious and useful berry

Blueberry - shrub growing up to 1 meter in height. In high mountain places, it grows as a low shrub. The shoots are oblong, published in the initial period of growth. Elliptical leaves, on the edges are slightly folded, bluish-green, matte top.

Green or whitish flowers appear on the vertices of the side branches. Flowers in May. Berries - spherical, purple-black, with blue wax coating.

A shrub on the swamps, in swampy forests, on non-fermentation soils containing little humus is growing. In the mountains grows at large altitudes. The berry has excellent taste characteristics and nutritional value rich in vitamins. It is important to know how to put a blueberry right, prepare the ground for landing, as care for blueberries.

Rules landing

Choosing plants should be taken into account the correspondence of the varieties of the agroclimatic conditions of the region. Choose a place and prepare the soil simply enough, but having only one variety of blueberries, it is difficult to create conditions for high-quality cross-pollination. It should be attached near at least 2-3 plants of various varieties. Shrubs located near will lead to better fruiting and early crop maturation. It should be borne in mind that without pollination by insects, the fruits of blueberries are smaller, they have thick skin. Next to the berry is desirable to cultivate the plants of the turbines that are well attracted by insects.

Landing time

The varietal seedlings of fruit shrubs are always sold in plastic boxes or pots. This is the most convenient planting material. Plants can be raised at home until the landing site is prepared. To achieve a good result, it is important when to plant blueberries. You can transfer a seedling for a permanent place throughout the growing season. Planting garden blueberries with closed roots is similar to the potted potted plant from less in a large capacity. The cluster protects roots from damage, which allows 2-3 year seedlings to adapt to new conditions faster.

Pereparing adult bushes is better in the fall, after leaffall. Pre-prepare a landing pit or a trench, filled with a prepared substrate so that the soil can settle.

Preparation of soil

For berries are favorable well drained, light, peat-sandy, luggy soils. The acidity of the substrate from 3.5 to 4.8 units. All heather cultures grow well only on acidic soils, neutral, and the more alkaline medium is unfavorable for plants. This feature is related to the fact that the urine root of the plant operates in symbiosis with mushroom mycelium.

Important! Mikoriza is the form of symbiosis of plants with mushrooms at which neutral mutual matters occurs. Mushroom mycelium is actively developing only in an acidic environment.

Soils are prepared from:

  • peat;
  • sand;
  • sawdust;
  • false foliage, needles;
  • wood bark.

Components are mixed by adding 40-60 g of sulfur.

Also bring the soil acidity to 3.5-4.5 units helps a solution of citric, acetic, malic acid. The cheaper option is a battery electrolyte, 5 ml of which is bred in 1 liter of water. The preparation of the pit will require 1.5-2 buckets of the solution.

Spring landing

Place for blueberries are selected solar, on the elevation, it is desirable that the Earth in this place for several years is under the ferry. In addition to illumination, the level of groundwater should be taken into account. In areas where flooding and stagnation of water can be mandatory, drainage is mandatory. Power area for tall varieties should be 1.5-2 square meters. The m. When planting several plants, landing pits dig up with a distance of 1.2-1.5 m from each other, a diameter of 60 cm and a depth of 40-50 cm. The bottom is littered with a thick layer of overworked leaves, the prepared primer is laying on top.

Saplings transplanted at a permanent place in a couple of weeks, when the ground will fall. Pre-containers with seedlings for 15 minutes are placed in water tank. Well moistened comes easier to get, without damaging the small and thin blueberry roots. Pressed roots are desirable to accurately straighten up to change the direction of their growth in the horizontal direction. The seedling is placed in a dug hole and poured with a removed soil. The earth is slightly condensed, watered and mulched sawdust with a layer of 5-8 cm.

Important! With insufficient illumination of berries minor, less floral kidney is laid, which affects the crop next year.

Landing in autumn

In the fall, when part of the site is fully released, you can transfer blueberries to a new place or put a new grade to the old bushes. It is advisable to prepare soil in advance and fill the landing pits. Works need to be held on time - this is the main feature of planting blueberries in the fall. Plants should be mastered in a new place before the onset of sustainable cooling, and for this they will need 30-45 days. For adult plants, the dedication of leaves is a signal about readiness for transplantation. For the winter landing, mulch and covered with a sweetheart.

Growing garden blueberries

Blueberry is unpretentious enough, at the initial stage, after landing, blueberry care is reduced to timely irrigation and weeping. In subsequent periods, when the plant arrives and moves into growth, additional care will be required, which will include annual trimming, protection against pests and diseases.


The top, the root of the soil under fruit bushes should always be in a wet state.

  1. Pour blueberries are plentiful - 1-2 buckets of water on the bush, twice a week.
  2. In the heat, it is desirable to spray blueberries to reduce the stress of leaves from overheating.
  3. A sufficient watering of adult bushes is especially important in the period of fruiting and renal formation.

The fruits of blueberries in the event of drought and the absence of irrigation are minor, the harvest of this and the next season is reduced.


The plant is not demanding about fertility, however, the use of mineral fertilizers under blueberries replenishes the useful substances that are flushed from the soil during irrigation.

  • ammonium sulfate - 90 g;
  • superphosphate - 110 g;
  • potassium sulfate - 40 g

The norm is calculated on 1 fruitful bush. The feeder is carried out twice for the growing season, every 6-7 weeks.

When growing in the garden plot, it is advisable to use a simpler feeding method using complex mineral fertilizers.

Important! When feeding blueberries are completely forbidden to use any organic fertilizers.


Such a reception, like pruning, seriously affects the growth and development of the bush. With it, you can change the quality of blueberry berries and the amount of crop.

Annual trimming is carried out after 4 years of life.

  1. Perform breaking of escapes, cutting the middle, remove dry branches.
  2. Remove splashing, low lying branches around the perimeter. Leave only a reprehension, strong gains.
  3. Cut thin, fine branches to ensure full lighting and nutrition for strong, skeletal shoots.

Trimming fruiting bushes pursues a certain goal. For large berries, all branches are removed over five years old. If yield is important, then it is permissible to save shoots until the age of 6-7 years. From annual gains leave no more than 5 cruel.

Important! After flowering, the bushes do not contribute large doses of nitrogen, which provoke the autumn excessive growth of shoots. We did not have time to crumble poorly tolerate wintering.

Blueberry in autumn

After harvesting and leaf falling should be prepared blueberries by winter.

  1. You need to remove broken eyelids, fallen leaves. With the slightest signs of fungal diseases, patients burning and foliage burned.
  2. If the autumn is dry, then heavily watering is carried out to saturate the roaming layer. To do this, each bush pour up to 6 buckets of water.
  3. Earth under the bushes mulch. When using fresh sawdust, plants will need an additional portion of nitrogen. Undercalinking blueberries in the fall must restore its disadvantage. Microorganisms, decomposing sawdust, intensively absorb nitrogen from the soil.
  4. In a region with low winter temperatures for blueberry bushes, create additional protection from any submitted materials, except for the polyethylene film. It may be a snack, burlap, spunbond, foam rubber pieces.

Baby care in the autumn period includes protection against the invasion of rodents. The winter under the layer of mulch, the mice burned the bark, dug roots. You need to put traps in the fall and decompose the poison in the places of their possible habitat.

Blueberry breeding

Blueberry is breeding in a vegetative way or seeds.

Obtaining seedlings from seeds - the process is long, while signs of grade garden blueberries are not saved. Review the merits and disadvantages of the plant will be able only after receiving the first harvest, which may be needed for 5-6 years. This method is suitable for selection fans. The gardener is much more convenient to multiply the plant that liked the plant, while the varietal characteristics are completely preserved.


Tall blueberry minor harm can cause insects that eat leaves and kidneys, feed on plant juice.

It can be:

  • crawler of a pine silkworm;
  • leafpers;
  • shields;

Against insects use chemicals, caterpillars sufficiently collect manually.

More damage can strike birds that attack the berries during the crop maturation. To protect the blueberries are covered with a fine grid, fasten on the branches brilliant items, set the sound guns.


The most common and similar to external features is stem cancer and drying branches. Blueberry is also affected by such a common disease as gray rot. To combat fungal diseases, a three-year spraying of plants is used before and after flowering with 0.2% topsin or eugrena solution. All damaged branches must trim and burn and burn.

A greater danger to varietal blueberries represent diseases having a mycoplasma or viral nature. These include red and necrotic spottedness, dwarfishness, mosaic. There are such diseases extremely rare, but when diagnosing, the plant is to be destroyed.

Preventive means of combating pathogens causing blueberry disease are elementary techniques of agrotechnics. Thanks to regular quotations, soil mulch, timely irrigation and feeding the plant will fully develop and be able to withstand diseases.

Nature gives man the opportunity to be healthy and extend his life. And it is not so difficult to achieve this if you grow on your site the necessary plants. They include a garden blueberry, which is often called "foolish" or "boys." But such non-identity names arose due to confusion with a frequently adjacent in nature with a blueberry plant - a richness that causing the negative impact of the organism. In fact, blueberries is a useful culture that is widely used in everyday life. We offer more detailed to familiarize yourself with it, its features.

Description of blueberries

Garden Blueberry (Vaccinium Uliginosum) is a type of leaf fall plant from the genus of the Vaccinium of the Versekov family, the general name that combines several sufficiently different shrubs. It is considered a far-relative lingonberry and blueberries.

Therefore, even experts sometimes wonder what the difference between blueberries and blueberries. And she is still there, it is that:

  • there are no hairs on the root system;
  • brown or saturated gray bark is located on the surface of the cylindrical branches;
  • the color of its fruits and juice is much more gentle and leaves the stains when a person gets into the skin.

The height of the bustle varies from 1 to 2 m. Blueberry leaves are usually reversible with a rounded upper part and a little rounded edges. The front part is covered with a wax chain, which gives a beautiful greenish sheet with a blue tint color. On the wrong part there are bodies and she pale color.

The pitched shape of the bunny flowers with five omented teeth of a white-pink-rose flower reach 6 cm length. Flowers appear on doubles on the top of the stalk several pieces at once.

The length of the elongated purple-blue berries is about 1 cm, the weight varies from 1 to 25 governing the blueberry berry, the sizogo shade. And her flesh has a pale greenish color.

Written by the question where blueberries grow, its versatility should be noted for cool and moderately cold territories.

In an effort to acquire a useful and beautiful plant, many gardeners pay attention to the shrub, berries, which can help cope with chronic ailments.
Growing garden blueberries is not such a complex process, but the crop will receive several generations of the site owners. To get a full-fledged garden, it is better to use several varieties at once. This contributes to better pollination.

Landing and care for sadovaya blueberry

Planting garden blueberries is possible both in the fall and in the spring, but with small differences. The site is chosen by several parameters:

  • windless;
  • groundwater at the level of 30-40 cm;
  • without predecessors within 2-3 years;
  • good lighting;
  • neighboring vegetation is no closer than 1.5 m;
  • peat drained soil with the addition of sublinist-sand.

Specialists for landing are recommended to take a seedling from the container.

It will be necessary to take care of the level of soil acidity. Optimal - 3.5-4.5 pH. The yam rumbles in 60 cm with a diameter, and deep into the half-meter. The bottom is covered with an oxidizing mixture of sawdust, sand, peat composition and needles.

  • before boarding the roots, half an hour are placed in water. Light movements (in order not to damage) to straighten the root system (it is unacceptable to transplanted from the ground from the pot on a whole piece - rhizome will weaken and die);
  • Covered the roots with the same mixture so that the root cervix reaches 3 cm. Fertilizers do not contribute during landing;
  • The territory around the bush is half meter (the rolling circle) mulch. Mulch height - 12 cm.

Planting the blueberries in the fall requires trimming of perishes, not viable branches completely and all the other half.

In row, the distance between the bushes should be at least one and a half meters, in the aisle - three and a half meters.

Growing blueberries suggests:

  • Weeping. It is taken into account that the root system is superficial. Therefore, weeding is carried out very carefully, not traumating the roots and no more than 3 times a year to level the soil. Ruffle is allowed with mulch, which is replenished after the procedure. If weeds appear in close proximity to the bush, they are pulled out.
  • Watering. Under one bush goes 10 liters of water twice a day at least two times a week. And in the summer heat in addition to the foliage and stems spray. Watering is carried out exclusively in the morning and evening. The lack of moisture reduces the amount of fruits and adversely affects the growth of the bush. Stagnation of water is also dangerous for the plant.
  • Trimming. Garden blueberries is periodically cleaned from thickening and dry branches both inside and adjacent to the ground. Stems, which are 5 or more years, are also cut. It is usually in spring to be asked and swelling the kidneys or in preparation for wintering. The appearance of signs of illness or pests is a signal for the procedure and in the summer. Ideally, the bush should be 4 strong stalks.

Harvesting begins not from the moment when the berries will paint in purple color, and when they become soft, filled sugar. The procedure is performed no more than once a week.

Vintage ripe blueberries will delight any gardener

You should take care of the pumping of the plant. If winter is not snow or temperature drops to -25 ° C, additional protection is required. A garden blueberry bag of burlap and a sweetheart is covered, pre-neatly lowering the branches to the ground. And after the snow falls, they still fall asleep for insulation.

Despite the fact that the cultivation of garden blueberries has gained popularity in our latitudes due to the frost resistance of the plant, it can only withstand temperatures until -28. Although it is restored after severe frosts quite easily, but the forces goes more than after the usual wintering, therefore, the yield decreases.

Falker of garden blueberry

The feeding consists exclusively of mineral fertilizers. Organizer (manure and compost) are harmful to blueberry bushes. The feeder should be made at least twice a year: in spring for better flowering and fruiting plants and autumn to help prepare for wintering.

Remember the organic is changing the acidity of the soil. Do not pour it under the bush.

The blueberry requires superphosphate (100 g in the summer-autumn period), ammonium sulfate (40 g at the beginning of the sewage; 35 g - in early May; 25 G - June), Magnesium sulfate (15 g per season), potassium sulfate and zinc sulfate ( 2 g per season). Blueberry to the fall of the blueberry levels the weakening of the plant, which can be seen in the spring for yellowing or redness of the sheet, the appearance of spots on it, the deformation of the sheet plate. You can use both monotrustments, igniteing the lack of one component in the soil, and complex, as well as special plants for this type.

Splitting of the shrub

Garden blueberry reproduction occurs in three ways: seeds, cuttings and division of the bush. This allows you to acquire different varieties and grow them initially on a specific area, and use your own planting material, which should be cheaper.

The first, most time-consuming - seed. Fruits are cut, the seeds are dried. In the fall, graying is made in the back of the oxidized peat. In the spring planting seeds pass the stratification procedure, by ferrying in the freezer for 3 months. The deepening of the garden is 1 cm, powder from sand from sand with peat, where the first element is 3 times higher than the amount of the second. Requirements for the cultivation of seeds:

  • temperature from 23 to 25 ° C;
  • moisture 40%;
  • careful watering, weeding and rupture of the Earth;
  • making nitrogen mixtures for double-year and more adult bushes.

Blueberry saplings can be transferred to a permanent place after 2 years.

Blueberry bush is subject to vegetative reproduction: division, stalling. Rhizopy cutlets of at least 10 cm and no more than 15 cm harvesting in early spring or late autumn. On the month of the blanks are placed in the basement, where the temperature is held from 1 to 5 ° C. The mixture for landing is the same: three pieces of sand and one part of the peat. Golobe by 5 cm. The transplant is also made in 2 years, as in the case of seeds.

If the root system has reached a half-meter, then the division of the bush is allowed.

The advantage of vegetative reproduction is the speedy appearance of fruits - on average after 4 years. The seed reproduction method gives a result in the form of a crop in 7 years. Garden blueberries, its landing and care is not more difficult than with other shrubs. And the benefits and yield are in many respects even a relative blueberry.

Diseases and pests

Garden blueberry is sufficiently resistant to adverse conditions and attacks of pests, but there is a whole range of nuances that should be taken into account when it is cultivated. And the absence of one of them can provoke the weakening of the protective function and, reducing the yield or the death of the plant.

The most common pests are:

  • birds;
  • khrushchi and May bugs;
  • leasters, caterpillars and spoors Akacia.

Fight with beetles, placing them in the salty solution, or with the help of carboofos drugs or accomplish. They are used for prevention in the spring before the start of the coating and in the fall, after harvesting.

Most often there are such diseases:

  • fungus;
  • viral diseases.

The first group is largely treated, and the second - requires the removal of an infected bush from the site to prevent the infection of other plants. The pests can be prevented to the plant by conducting annual spraying with herbicides, and fungicidal drugs will help with diseases.

Using Culture in Garden Design

Garden blueberries perfectly creates natural fences to zonate space.

They look great as central figures in the composition, but do not tolerate close neighborhood with other bushes and the trees. They are used more often in monocompositions.

Useful properties of blueberries and contraindications

From blueberries prepare jam, they make compotes from dry berries, tinctures, etc. Drug medicine drugs. Garden blueberry for winter is often freezed, in the usual refrigerator does not persist more than half months. Moderate and regular use of berries prolongs life and adds health to a person.
Stories about how the blueberries is useful, the Internet is filled. The main positive properties lie in the following:

  • anticycling;
  • anti-Sonic;
  • hypotensive;
  • choleretic;
  • antisclerotic;
  • cardiotonic agent.

The benefits and harm of blueberries are actively discussed, but even its opponents cannot argue against the fact that the provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, C, PP are definitely a positive effect on the human immune system. Positive impact can be traced in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, fever and diabetes, eye spa and poor vision, radioactive infection, and even the prejudition states of the body, diarrhea and dysentery, cardiovascular problems.

But remember! Overbinding berries can cause allergic reactions, vomiting and nausea, muscle dysfunction.

The best views and varieties of garden blueberries

But regardless of the external characteristics, the useful properties of blueberries are difficult to overestimate for the human body. Therefore, it is used everywhere both for the prevention of diseases and to remove the symptoms of such diseases as diabetes, when problems with the gastrointestinal tract and even with radioactive infection.

Two main varieties of the plant are distinguished:

Popular blueberry varieties

These varieties are most popular in our latitudes:

  • Garden Blueberry "Blussher" (BlueCrop). Withstands up to -34 ° C. In height - from 1.2 to 1.8 m. The harvest is collected in early August. Performance - from 6 to 9 kg with bush.
  • Sunrise (Sunrise). The mid-grade bush does not require frequent trimming. Ripens from mid-July. Vintage - up to 4 kg.
  • Nortland (Northland). Low (up to 1 m), high-yielding - up to 8 kg of berries with bush.
  • Garden blueberry Elizabeth (Elizabeth). The scattered and frost-resistant bush reaches up to 1.7 meters in height, giving 5-6 kg of berries from the bush.

Our latitudes are also popular in Patriot's blueberry due to high yields and ability to get along with low winter temperatures. Tall varieties are rushing ordinary, but not everyone can withstand frost in a honest period. US bushes are known as Golubika Garden. The popularity has acquired not only its varieties, but also hybrids derived in America and Canada. They are very frost-resistant, which is suitable for our climatic conditions. The choice of a suitable seedling is the main task of a gardener, aspiring not only to decorate your site, but also to get practical benefits from the plant. Following all the recommendations, it will be possible to get good blueberry crops.

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