Rules for caring for strawberries in the fall so that there is a good harvest. Proper care of strawberries after harvest How to spray strawberries from pests in the fall

landscaping 16.06.2019

Processing strawberries in the fall is one of the main stages of its cultivation. To an uninformed person it may seem that care is more important during the growing season. However, it is autumn processing perennials allows you to correct the mistakes made in spring and summer, as well as lay a solid foundation for a wonderful harvest next year.

This article will consider all the operations that are part of the autumn processing of strawberries, their details, timing, advice from experienced gardeners.

The main reason for autumn processing of strawberries is to increase the potential yield. Secondary reasons are concern for the health of plants, providing them with resources and protection.

In order for the harvest to be really successful, it is necessary to carry out the following operations every autumn after the end of fruiting:

  • Watering plants;
  • Trimming, getting rid of dead tissue;
  • Treatment of plants from diseases and pests;
  • Top dressing with organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • Loosening the soil;
  • Weeding beds from weeds;
  • Transplantation and replacement of old plants with new ones;
  • Soil renewal;
  • Preparing plants for wintering.

If all these operations are performed in a timely manner and correctly, any strawberry garden is simply doomed to a bountiful harvest.

Right time

When planning the processing of strawberries in autumn period you need to understand that it is best to do this in August and September. Knowing about the time frame is good, but it is more important to be guided by the condition of the leaves and the plant as a whole.

Before wintering, all plants slow down the processes of vegetation and the creation of new shoots and leaves. Old leaves rarely survive until spring, drying up and freezing, which is why they are pruned in the fall.

Another important factor in choosing the timing of the processing is its implementation before the start of frost. This is important both in terms of vegetation (pruning) and in terms of preparing the beds for winter. Incorrect plant protection in latitudes with negative temperatures can lead to their death in cold weather.

Weeding and loosening

These two fundamental operations in the cultivation of any crop are more associated with the summer season, but autumn weeding has a long result and is the most important.

When weeding, all weeds are removed from the garden; the cleanliness of the site must be monitored regularly. The ideal solution is to use the mulch immediately after weeding, this will significantly slow down the growth of new weeds. Can be used as mulch various materials: dry branches, sawdust and wood chips. After the last autumn weeding, the next one will be only in the spring.

Loosening of the earth is carried out for better access nutrients and air to plant roots. In the aisles, you can loosen with a shovel, but not deeper than 10 cm; closer to the strawberry bushes, it is better to loosen the soil using a scoop or chopper.

Important! When weeding and loosening, do not cover the growing point of plants with earth. This is especially true for strawberries, the shoots of which grow almost at ground level. But you can’t expose the roots either, open roots are the reason for the freezing of plants.

Pruning for health

There is a dispute between gardeners - is it necessary to cut strawberries for the winter or is it still not worth it? The correct answer is necessary, which is confirmed by many years of experience of enthusiasts.

There are two reasons for this:

The reasons are clear, but how to prune correctly without harming the plants? Do not use a scythe - it is too rough and inaccurate. The best assistant in this work will be a manual pruner.

It is necessary to carefully collect all the leaves of the bush in a bundle with one hand and cut them off with one gentle movement at a height of several centimeters from the point of growth. The treated plants after pruning will look like a bunch of green sticks. This is normal, even before the first frosts, small young leaves will appear, which will successfully endure the winter, and in the spring they will start to grow violently.

Important! All resulting pruning leaves must be taken away and burned. If any pests remained in them, they should not be given a chance to survive.

top dressing

Top dressing is called fertilization, it is carried out almost all year round, including in autumn.

Strawberries respond well to all types of organic fertilizers:

  • wood ash;
  • Mullein;
  • Horse dung;
  • Humus;
  • Chicken litter.

However, it will not refuse inorganic ones at all, it will be glad to potassium salts or superphosphate.

With top dressing you need to be very careful. Incorrect fertilizer concentration or incorrect application can be fatal to plants. Horse manure, mullein and humus can be applied to the ground when forming a new bed or spread in pieces between the bushes.

Delivery the right substances rain or watering will take to the roots. Varieties such as Victoria, Temptation or Albion need to be fed every 2 weeks during fruiting right under the root.

With inorganic fertilizers and chicken manure, you need to be more careful, concentration is very important here. The correct composition ready-made fertilizer based on potassium and phosphates is usually written on the package, and chicken manure will have to be diluted by eye in water in a ratio of 1 to 20. It is better to let the fertilizer brew for several days, and apply one liter under each bush manually.

How to protect strawberries from diseases?

Strawberries are subject to quite a few diseases and pests. To save the crop, you need to know them all and be able to deal with them.

The list of major strawberry diseases includes:

  1. Gray rot. Occurs under conditions high humidity, the causative agent is the fungus bioritis. It affects strawberries in all periods of the growing season. Berries and leaves are covered with dark gray spots, sometimes there is a fluffy coating. It is treated with Fitosporin M and Alirin B.
  2. White and brown spotting(relatives of gray mold). They most often affect the leaves of the plant, its peduncles and petioles. It is treated with the same drugs as gray rot.
  3. Late blight. This disease is of two types - chronic and transient. The difference between them is only in the rate of wilting and death of the plant. At chronic form the bush dies after 2-3 years from the moment of infection. Against late blight, drugs Glyocladin, Trichodermin, Trichocin or Planriz are used.
  4. Powdery mildew. It is the scourge of strawberries in wet weather and dense plantings of bushes. It can be distinguished by white bloom on the leaves, they curl up at the same time. Plants are treated for powdery mildew preparations Alirin B and Baktofit;

Pests strawberries also have a lot, and these are not only insects:

All insect pests are best treated with insecticides, the use of which is strictly prohibited during the flowering season. Against snails and slugs, a preparation is used, which is placed on the ground between strawberry bushes.

Worst of all, if a nematode is found in the garden. In this case, quarantine is introduced, all affected plants are destroyed by burning, the land under them is cultivated, and subsequently it is necessary to monitor the plants growing in this place.

Weed control

Weeds are natural competitors to strawberry bushes, and their growth is very difficult to stop even with the help of herbicides, the application of which no sane gardener or gardener would recommend. The most reliable way to control weeds is regular weeding. You can process the bed both manually and with the help of a chopper.

To prevent re-growing of the beds with weeds, weeded areas are mulched, complicating access sunlight to the ground. This proven method is used by many strawberry gardeners.

A popular solution is planting strawberries on agrofiber or film. In this case, weeds have almost no chance. The choice of material depends on the climate and depth of occurrence. ground water. Agrofibre allows air and moisture to pass through, however, in terms of heat retention, the film shows the best results.

Proper watering in the fall

In autumn, after the end of fruiting, strawberry bushes are in a state of recovery, therefore good watering is the key to their well-being.

The correct way to water strawberries is to water under the root so that all the water is absorbed by the plants. The previously applied layer of mulch will not interfere with the access of water to the roots.

It is best to combine watering with the application of liquid organic fertilizers, performing two useful operations at once and providing plants with both water and nutrients.

Soil renewal

Any gardener at some point learns that it is wrong to grow a crop on the same plot of land for several years. This is explained by the fact that each plant consumes certain elements and substances from the soil, which greatly impoverishes it in these elements.

Other plants will feel just fine in this place, giving the opportunity to recover in the soil the content of substances that the first plant consumed.

When updating the soil, 2 techniques are used:

  1. Deep beds. Every 2-3 years, long beds half a meter deep break out in the ground, in which the ground is thoroughly mixed with humus and other fertilizers. The finished bed, filled with renewed soil, is usually at ground level;
  2. Raised beds. The soil preparation technology is no different from the previous version, but the beds are formed above ground level.

Transplant in autumn

Due to the peculiarities of strawberry vegetation, it must be replanted every 2-4 years. During this period, fruit-bearing bushes grow old, their productivity suffers greatly, the berries become smaller every year. The main reason for autumn transplants is plant rejuvenation.

The best time for transplanting is autumn, because at this time all processes in plants slow down, the earth is not yet frost-bound. Before the first frost, the transplanted plants have time to take root and even the first shoots.

Transplantation includes the following main steps:

  1. Preparation of seedlings from your site or their purchase.
  2. Proper preparation of beds, fertilizing them.
  3. Forming holes for planting, it is best to keep a distance of 30 cm between them.
  4. Watering the holes with water, planting seedlings in wet soil.
  5. Checking the height of the growth point.

Wet soil is best sprinkled on top of dry earth.

Shelter for the winter

Properly covering strawberries in the fall for the winter means protecting them from low temperatures and keeping all plants until spring. Best of all, snow preserves plants from frost, but global warming makes its own adjustments and you can no longer rely on snow.

Experienced gardeners use artificial shelters which are made from natural materials or from modern artificial surfaces.

The best natural protector of plants from frost is coniferous spruce branches. No straw or tops will protect the plant like spruce or pine branches. Rodents do not settle in them and they do not cake until spring.

Using artificial materials for shelter, you will definitely have to mount a frame made of rigid wire. This is necessary so that the material does not lie on the ground under its own weight, which will make its use meaningless.

Properly sheltered and reliably protected from the cold, strawberries will surely please their owner with delicious berries in the summer.

When the last strawberries have already been plucked from the bushes, the plants need to be processed. The main purpose of autumn processing is to prepare strawberries for the next season. Plants must be prepared to survive cold winter, so you need to make sure that they are strong and with a strong root system.


Start processing strawberries after harvest by trimming old leaves. It is very easy to distinguish them from new healthy leaves: the color of the old ones is darker, in addition, they have clearly visible lesions in the form of spots. The antennae with rosettes should also be trimmed. Except, of course, the very first socket, which you can use as a material for transplanting plants.

Not all gardeners agree on the need for pruning. Some argue that the leaves are the main vegetative organ of strawberries, and by cutting it, we harm the bushes. But still, the fact remains, and no one can argue with the fact that old leaves are a favorite habitat for pests and diseases. Therefore, it is still worth agreeing that pruning after harvesting is a necessary healing procedure.

In addition, do not forget that during the period of fruiting, the plant managed to squander all useful material so he needs rest. And pruning is a great way to give strawberries a chance to build up strength until next season.

In order to prune plants, do not wait for autumn. You can start getting rid of old leaves immediately after harvesting. And then by September the strawberries will have time to gain strength and acquire new green leaves. For pruning, you can use secateurs, scissors, a sharp knife. Particularly lazy people do not bother with this matter, and simply mow strawberry bushes. But this often ignores the allowable crop height.

Be aware that pruning too low can damage the growth cup, which is needed for new foliage to develop. That is why you should not be lazy, but it is better to carefully cut the plants to a height of 10 centimeters from the ground.


In autumn, after harvesting, you can start transplanting strawberries. There are still different points of view about when it is better to transplant plants: in spring (April) or autumn (September)? Of course, every gardener has the right to decide for himself, but you must remember that by planting strawberries in September, you give it time and the opportunity to take root. Strawberries will sprout leaves and also grow good root system, so she can successfully survive the winter. By the onset of cold weather, the plants will be strong and will be able to hide with their own leaves. Then neither frost nor lack of snow can harm them.

Of course, those plants that you plant in the fall will bloom and begin to bear fruit only in the spring. They will not be able to please you with the same big harvest as their 2-, 3-year-old relatives in the garden, but they will not leave you completely without tasty fragrant berries.

Before planting strawberries in the fall, make sure that the soil is free of May beetles or wireworms, as they can cause great damage to plants.

Transplantation is best done in cloudy weather, or in the late afternoon. You can plant strawberries in 2 or 3 lines, it all depends on the width of the beds. Before planting in the holes, you need to pour a lot of water. The bushes should be placed in the recesses, and then gently straighten the roots. After the water is absorbed, you can sprinkle the holes with earth. Lightly tamp the soil with your hands so that it fits snugly around the base. After transplanting, the soil must be mulched.

Of course, you need to fertilize the soil before planting. But still, before planting, it is necessary to dip the plants in a nutrient mixture that you can make from clay, water, manure.

top dressing

Both old and newly planted bushes need organic fertilizers. It has been noticed that natural products, such as humus or mullein, are best suited for feeding berries. But at the same time, one should not forget that it is not worth using these organic fertilizers in their pure form, as this can provoke the appearance of leaf burns. If you want to do everything right, then it is better to dilute the mullein with water in a ratio of 1:10 and water the soil around the bushes. Humus can simply mulch the soil around the plants.

Some gardeners prefer to lay chicken manure pellets under the bushes.

You can prepare a good top dressing with your own hands. Fill half of any airtight container with grass (tops, weeds will come in handy), add nitrogen fertilizer, and then fill it all with water. Let the mixture ferment for about ten days and then use this " living water» for feeding. However, it still needs to be pre-diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Each bush needs to be watered with a liter of this fertilizer. The benefits of such top dressing are even greater than those of humus, because in addition to fertilizing plants, it provides another “bonus” - the neutralization of ground acidity.

After harvesting, strawberries need to be treated for another of the most common pests - the strawberry mite, which damages the leaves. Calculating whether your plants are infected or not is very simple: if the bushes are sick, then the leaves are deformed and curled up. But even if healthy and lush foliage grows on the bushes, it will still not be superfluous to exercise forethought and, for prevention, treat the plants with a special solution that you can prepare at home. In a bucket of warm water (up to 30 degrees), you need to pour 2 tablespoons of soap (it is better to use liquid), 3 tablespoons of burnt vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of wood ash and vinegar. Treat the leaves and soil around the bushes with this solution, and no pests and diseases can affect your future harvest.

To treat strawberries in the fall from a tick, you can use drugs such as Aktellik, Kleshchevit, Titovit Jet, a solution of colloidal sulfur. Slugs, snails, centipedes can also harm strawberries. To get rid of all this scourge, you can simply spread metaldehyde granules under the bushes in those places where pests accumulate. 5 grams will be enough square meter.

If you do not treat the bushes from diseases and pests, then not only berries, but also neighboring plants may suffer. Therefore, do not forget about the timely and proper processing of strawberries with various preparations, because the well-being of the garden depends on this.

Do not forget that strawberries need to be covered for the winter so that they feel good even in severe frosts. As a shelter, you can use straw, spruce branches will also come in handy. Remember that frosty snowless winters are very dangerous for plants, and shelter will not only keep you warm, but also keep the snow.

Caring for strawberries after harvest is easy. But still there are some rules that should not be ignored. After all, only armed with certain knowledge, you can do everything right. Then the plants will survive the winter perfectly and will bring good harvest.

Video “Caring for strawberries at different times of the year”

In this post, an expert talks about how to properly care for strawberries in spring, summer and autumn.

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Which of the gardeners did not dream of harvesting a rich harvest of bright and juicy strawberries on their plot. Strawberries are not only delicious. Red berries are a real source of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for a person. However, you need to follow the plant not only when it is covered with white regular flowers. After harvesting, strawberry bushes also need care, which consists in the treatment of shoots with herbal remedies to prevent the development of diseases, in pruning old leaves that have grown over the summer mustache layering. If these activities are carried out correctly and competently, they will become the basis for a new abundant harvest next summer.

Why and how to mow strawberries in the summer?

How to mow strawberries in the summer and why should you do it? Mowing strawberries becomes business as usual. Every season, summer residents mow overgrown leaves and shoots on strawberry beds until the end of summer, without thinking about how the plant will react to this method and whether it is time to prune. Before taking on a braid, it is better to re-read articles about growing strawberries, look at gardening forums. The owners of strawberry plantations are often advised to mow the shoots. Immediately after picking the berries, seasonal processing of strawberries is carried out if the leaves on the strawberries are covered with brown spots. Timely removal of infected shoots reduces the risk of further spread of the disease.

What to do with strawberry bushes in July, August?

Experienced gardeners are advised to wait and look closely at the plant. As soon as the shoot begins to beat off new foliage and let out a whisker, then it's time to remove the old leaves and unnecessary whiskers. This process is carried out in compliance with certain rules:

  • In July early varieties strawberries release shoots with young rosettes. For reproduction, layers with large rosettes are selected. Usually these are the first two on the run. They should be buried, without cutting the antennae, with which the process is connected to the mother bush. Unnecessary sockets should be removed. This process must be repeated regularly so that the bush does not become thickened by autumn. If time is missed, then it is better not to touch the plant, otherwise the growth of the plant will be delayed, and this will affect the future harvest.
  • Drying and damaged leaves are cut off at a height of 5 cm from the ground, since pest spores can also be found on strawberry cuttings.
  • If you remove the old leaves on time, then a lot of reproductive organs, peduncles are formed, and this is the key to a good harvest. It should be remembered that it is impossible to mow leaves on young shoots. Only after the plant gets stronger, that is, for 3-4 years of fruiting, you can mow the strawberry shoots.
  • Pruning old shoots is a process that cannot be done with a Lithuanian scythe. In order not to damage the bush (strawberry shoots are very strong), you need to work with a sharp and clean pruner so that the tool does not cause infection.

In August, work on the strawberry beds continues:

  • it is necessary to water the strawberry bushes well;
  • separate the largest sockets, prepare them for planting;
  • the soil between the strawberry beds should be dug up;
  • mulch aisles using sawdust or straw, dried moss or leaves that have fallen from trees; mulching stifles the growth of weeds, prevents the formation of a crust on the soil, in winter time The mulch will act as insulation for the plants and will need to be raked away in the spring.

Mowing strawberries is not only cutting leaves, it is a whole range of activities that are aimed at increasing the future harvest. If you are late with pruning strawberries, then the plant will not be able to provide the necessary supply of trace elements. Young leaves will not have time to appear, the shoots will remain bare. The seedling will not endure the winter cold.

When to prune strawberries?

When and how to process strawberries? There is also controversy regarding the timing of pruning strawberries. Two options are being considered:

  • the first is pruning in mid-June;
  • the second - spring pruning

When can strawberries be processed after fruiting? Experienced gardeners are waiting for July, because July pruning does not violate the natural cycle, because it is at this time that the shoots that bear fruit die off, and dry foliage interferes with the further development of seedlings, it is only necessary to choose a dry, windless day. But pruning in the fall harms the plant. After the old shoots are mowed and removed, the soil around the plant should be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, fed, and insulated. Wood ash is suitable for this purpose.

Seasonal tips: what to do with strawberry bushes in July and August

How to care for the beds after pruning and mowing? Many gardeners are of the opinion that after picking berries on a strawberry plantation, you can ignore it until autumn. With this approach, the next strawberry season may not be harvested generously. Garden strawberries simply need processing after harvest. In two months of summer, strawberry beds will be overgrown with grass, and the plant needs to replenish its strength, release new leaves, while the old ones still continue to hold on, lay flower buds. New strawberry shoots will be thrown out until autumn. Small rosettes will require nutrients, which they will "pull" from the mother plant. All these reasons make the gardener take the time to care for the strawberry plantation.

Seasonal tips may be as follows. In July, the gardener needs to take the following steps:

  • weed out all the weeds that managed to grow by the end of July;
  • if strawberries have been growing for several years, mow the foliage, not forgetting to leave right amount rosettes for subsequent propagation of berries, rake out foliage;
  • loosen the soil under the bush and spud each bush to prevent the roots of the plant that are on the surface of the earth from drying out; during hilling, it is necessary to ensure that the earth does not fall into the center of the bush;
  • loosen the aisles and organize watering of the site, after each watering, you need to loosen the soil around the bushes.

Plantation spraying should also be done. The simplest and accessible way is the treatment of bushes and soil on the site with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulphate. At the end of the day, mowed plants should be treated with infusion of wormwood, garlic, tobacco dust. Mineral fertilizers, as a top dressing for strawberries, can also be used. Pruned strawberry plantations are watered with a solution of superphosphate or potassium sulfate.

Pruning strawberries after harvest

After the harvest of the strawberry plantation is freed from fruits, the gardener continues to care for the berry. Strawberry processing is necessary after harvesting strawberries in order to get a rich harvest next summer. Remove old leaves and weeds. They should not be used as mulch because the old leaves have pests that will start to multiply when they get into the new environment.

After fruiting on a plantation, the question arises of how to process strawberries. Among gardeners there are disputes about the advisability of pruning strawberries. Two opinions are put forward:

  1. Many gardeners doubt the need for pruning and argue that complete removal leaves is stress for the bush, and intervention in natural development plants can only harm him.
  2. Others argue that the stress caused by pruning leaves, on the contrary, stimulates the bush to increase fruiting.
  3. Still others advise you to become experimenters: choose two strawberry bushes and cut the leaves on one of them, do not touch the other. See which plant will yield the most.

Reasons for pruning leaves: pros and cons

Continuing the conversation about pruning strawberries after fruiting, we need to consider the arguments that convince the need for pruning, and the evidence that advises against it.

Arguments in favor are as follows:

  1. Pruning leaves and stems accelerates the growth of the root system. There is an explanation for this: useful substances and trace elements rush to the roots, because the aerial part of the plant is absent.
  2. Pests that hide on the leaves of the plant will be destroyed along with the leaves. If you do not remove the old foliage after the harvest, then spring can bring new troubles. At first, the bush looks quite healthy, but after the first flowers appear on it, the leaves change color, become covered with brown spots. This indicates that the phytodisease affected the entire plantation. How to trim the leaves if the plants are affected by diseases and pests? To cut the leaves now means to be left without a crop. Leave everything as it is, ruin the strawberry planting completely. So the gardener scolds himself for not cutting the leaves last summer, but the scheme for trimming leaves and mustaches is simple: cut off all the shoots that begin to dry out, leaving stems up to 50 cm high.
  3. Some gardeners claim that sloping strawberry beds do not suffer from frost. The argument is somewhat dubious, but it is not without common sense. For the winter: processing strawberries after fruiting consists in feeding and warming.

Arguments against are:

  1. In the autumn, buds begin to set on the strawberry bushes - a harbinger of the future harvest. By cutting the shoots, the gardener can damage the generative and vegetative buds, because in the process of work, each bush is not inspected, so it is not worth cutting the plantations.
  2. It is believed that the stress caused by leaf removal will slow down further development culture, the fruits of which will form much later than other plants.
  3. As a rule, before the process of removing leaves, the gardener does not treat the plantation with poisons, considering this to be superfluous. It turns out that he simply shakes off the pests on the ground and forgets about them, but as soon as young leaves appear, the insects come to life again and crawl onto the young greenery.
  4. Leaves are the respiratory system of plants. Thanks to them, photosynthesis occurs, which provides shoots and stems with oxygen. With the removal of leaves, the supply of oxygen decreases.

Why trim your mustache?

Any variety of strawberries has a mustache - long shoots without leaves, diverging in all directions from the bush. Why trim your mustache? When is the best time to do this? Discussions on this problem have been going on for a long time on horticultural forums. Finally, some rules were formed about the cultivation of garden strawberries, in particular, trimming the mustache of garden strawberries after harvest is necessary. You can not bring the plant to the point where the mustache completely covers the entire mother bush. In this case, you can not expect a good harvest from a strawberry plantation. Mustaches are needed if you plan to increase plantations. And in this case, you should not be too lazy to cut out all unnecessary processes, leaving the strongest and largest. Gardeners are advised to leave a mustache - the first from the bush.

How to properly trim your mustache? The opinion of gardeners on this issue is again bifurcated. Some feel that the mustache needs to be trimmed as it develops. Another group of growers are relatively calm in observing the development of the plant and trimming it all at once. But there is no particular dispute about the time of trimming the mustache. it is better to remove unnecessary processes from mid-July to the end of August. It is important that the plant beat off new shoots by winter. Mustaches should not be pulled out: this can damage the mother plant. Shoots on the plant that are not needed are best cut with a sharp pruner or garden shears.

A few words about diseases and pests of strawberries

Pest control is a painstaking process. Pests of a strawberry plantation are simply difficult to see, so it is necessary to treat strawberries annually after harvesting from diseases. Their list is quite numerous:

  1. If earlier the leaves of the plant were covered with brown spots, it means that a fungal disease has settled on the plant. How can you process strawberries after picking strawberries. Bordeaux liquid, preparations "Ridomil Gold", "Ordan" are effective.
  2. Small holes in the leaves suggest that the strawberry plantation is being attacked by the raspberry-strawberry weevil. In such cases, insecticide treatment is needed, which is carried out regularly.
  3. If a strawberry mite appeared, as evidenced by shriveled leaves that gradually turn yellow and die off, gardeners think about what can be done? How to spray strawberries is easy with the following preparations that destroy earth mites:
  • "Fitoverm", "Titovit Jet" - concentrated solutions that must be applied at intervals of 5 days;
  • "Aktellik", "Karbofos" - serious compositions;
  • colloidal sulfur, Bordeaux liquid.
  1. How to treat strawberries from diseases, if the berries have rotted, it is necessary to treat the available fungicides - Karate or Inta-vir. If there is no poison to treat, just water the bushes hot water: the tick will die.
  2. If the bush has strongly thickened shoots, then the conclusion suggests itself that a nematode has settled on the plantation. You should know that no measures will help. It is better to immediately remove the bush completely, and spray the ground on which it grew with boiling water.

Processing strawberries from pests is carried out after harvest. Save named drugs. How to properly process strawberries, tell the instructions on the packaging.

Further care of the plant?

When should strawberries be processed after fruiting? This question is asked by a gardener who has finished picking sweet berries. When do you need to feed, fertilize, because the increased growth of leaves has already begun? Right now is the time to start a new plantation of strawberry crops or transplant old bushes if they have been bearing fruit for five years. To do this, prepare a new area: it’s good to find a plot where onions or legumes were grown.

On the site you need to scatter bird droppings or humus, and then dig and moisten. For planting, choose a young strong mustache, and it is better to throw out the old bushes.

If the transplant is not performed, then you must perform:

  • weed the area;
  • cut off all whiskers and yellowed leaves, but young shoots should not be disturbed;
  • rake the foliage on the strawberry plot;
  • treat plants with colloidal sulfur;
  • loosen the soil on the site, observing a depth of 15 cm (you need to work carefully so as not to damage the root system).

It is important to feed strawberry bushes with mineral preparations (it is better to buy formulations intended for strawberry crops, because they contain phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, humus, compost). Organic fertilizers are suitable for summer dressings (pour any manure with water, wait until the fermentation process has passed). Wood ash has a good effect. The ratio is as follows: 1 kg of sol per square meter of crops. Scattered ash is covered with a layer of soil. After fertilizing, you need to shed the soil well on the site. Strawberries do not tolerate chlorine. Preparations containing this element can destroy the entire strawberry plantation.

A little about watering a strawberry plantation

Well-known agricultural technicians believe that watering is the main event for caring for strawberries, which will be the key to good fruiting. Before starting to prepare the site, it is necessary to think over the irrigation system, otherwise the cost of subsidence will be unnecessary.

There are many irrigations per season:

  • the first watering is done after the melt water has left;
  • in the subsequent time, it is necessary to ensure that the soil under strawberry crops does not dry out, otherwise the development of the berry and the ejection of flower stalks stops, otherwise the aging process of the bushes begins, the leaves dry up and die.

In the age of application of new technologies, the watering of the entire strawberry plantations can be ensured by arranging drip irrigation. Plantations need watering in early spring, as well as in summer period, because the growth of plants after harvest depends on how much nutrients are supplied, and they are absorbed only in dissolved form. After watering, it is imperative to hill the bushes.

Conditions for successful strawberry cultivation

There is an opinion that strawberries - unpretentious plant, which bears fruit on its own and does not require any care. But growing garden strawberries on garden plot different from strawberries that grow in the forest. The bright red berry has adapted for centuries to natural conditions, and even then, not all young bushes survive, but only the strongest. Garden specimens are usually hybrids that the breeder has bred, so they require special conditions for growing. Without proper care, the crop will not produce a crop. Therefore, a gardener who decides to grow strawberry plantations will have to make a lot of effort:

  • in order for the berry to pour and the vegetative process to proceed, the crops must be well watered;
  • it should be understood that loosening prevents soil compaction and enriches the soil with oxygen;
  • top dressing increases the yield and quality of berries;
  • mulching protects crops from the hot sun and severe frosts.

Experienced gardeners advise not to confuse varieties of strawberries and set aside separate beds for a new variety, because there are varieties that bear fruit only once and remontant ones that bear fruit two or three times. All varieties of strawberries have a unique aroma, preserves, jams, compotes are a real storehouse of vitamins.

A few tricks for the care and processing of strawberries

Strawberry growers are gradually accumulating their own rules for growing this specimen, which make up practical advice. Here are a few of them:

  1. When choosing a place for a future strawberry plantation, you need to choose a site that is not plowed and was sown with onions, carrots, beets, garlic, herbs. It should be a sunny area, because the plant will not bear fruit in the shade.
  2. This variety prefers light soils; if the soil is dense and heavy, then peat and sand should be scattered, and then dug up.
  3. The site must be prepared six months in advance. Before planting, manure should not be scattered, as it can burn the root system; it is better to do this in the spring so that the soil settles, and plant new rows of strawberries in the fall.
  4. Strawberries are a moisture-loving crop. good effect provide a drip irrigation system.
  5. A good top dressing for young bushes is a solution of potassium permanganate and boric acid.
  6. Interesting options for natural feeding:
  • It is necessary to cut the nettle shoots, pour boiling water over it, insist for several days. The nettle solution will cause shoot development and change the color of the leaves.
  • The second recipe uses milk products. Pour whey or kefir (1 l) into water (3 l), mix. Pour the solution under the root of the plant. A hardworking gardener is not lazy to water the plants every 14 days.
  • In subsequent years, it is necessary to make compost under the plants, which is convenient to close up with a flat cutter.
  • In order for each bush to bear fruit, you need to pinch your mustache in time. During the period when the fruits are tied, the growth of shoots should not be stimulated.

An experienced gardener still plans all the activities for processing the crop in the winter. Strawberries will surely reward the gardener for their efforts with bright juicy berries.

We all look forward to the summer to be able to enjoy two delicious berries - strawberries and wild strawberries. Only in order to get a rich harvest from these plants, you need to pay attention to them and properly care for them.

In autumn, strawberries and strawberries need care and attention. Care is to prepare the plants for hibernation, to enable them to safely survive the cold and frost. Right autumn care will help you have a good harvest next year.

The main care for strawberries and strawberries is weeding, loosening the ground near the bushes, as well as proper feeding.

If everything is clear with the first two actions, then the situation with top dressing is more complicated. It is important to know some of the nuances that will protect the bushes from damage.

Feeding strawberries and strawberries

You can feed berry bushes both in spring and autumn. But the best time for this - the period after fruiting.

How to feed berry bushes?

Berry bushes need to be fed with both organic and mineral fertilizers. Many summer residents have a negative attitude towards mineral fertilizers, citing the fact that this is a “chemistry” that is deposited in fruits. With a reasonable approach and the correct dosage, nothing bad will happen - all substances will be used by the plant for growth. The main thing is not to overdo it. Both those and other fertilizers are necessary for the plant to the same extent.

1. From organic fertilizers, bushes can be fed with infusion of chicken manure, mullein or slurry. Do not use pig droppings for feeding. It is important to ensure that the solution does not get on the leaves or stem of the plants - in this case, the bushes may “burn out”.

2. Wood ash can be considered an alternative to mineral fertilizers in powders. It is an analogue of superphosphate and potassium salt. It is usually brought into the ground, but sometimes sprinkled on top to repel pests. If there is no wood ash, then the above-mentioned fertilizers - superphosphate and potassium salt - can be used.

If fertilizing is carried out correctly, then next spring the plants can not be fed. However, with poor development of the bushes, top dressing should be repeated in early spring.

In autumn, it is important to prepare strawberry and strawberry bushes for wintering. A great danger for them is frost on the "bare" ground, that is, without snow. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen sometimes. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to cover the bushes.

Shelter options for strawberries and strawberries

1. The ideal material for shelter is straw. It performs three functions - insulates, retains snow and serves organic fertilizer. It is necessary to put the straw in a dense layer between the rows of bushes.

2. If there is no straw, then a mixture of peat and compost will do. Before making it, each berry bush needs to be lightly spudded. After that, you can safely pour the mixture under the bushes.

3. Another alternative to straw, which is available to any summer resident, is fallen leaves. Suitable for shelter and corn stalks, spruce branches, you can use shelters that are sold in specialized stores - lutrasil, spunbond.

Before you leave the strawberry bushes for the winter, you need to spud them, because the rhizomes (adventitious roots) can go outside and become bare. In this case, they will freeze, which means that fruiting will decrease. At the same time, it is important not to cover the growing point with earth or fertilizers - the place from which the leaves depart.

Such preparation of strawberries and strawberries will help the plants survive the winter safely and give a good harvest next year. And in order for the harvest to be even richer, sweeter and better, fertilizer should be applied immediately after fruiting. Until autumn, the bushes will grow, acquire new leaves, which means that the amount of the crop will increase.

Strawberries are not without reason considered the queen among the berries that grow in our climatic conditions. And this is due to its exquisite taste and unique aroma, which most of us like so much. Special palatability possesses the closest relative of strawberries - garden strawberries, or as it is also called, Victoria. Unfortunately, the ripening season of this beautiful berry is rather short - by the end of the first summer month, it ceases to bear fruit. However, at the same time, it also requires considerable labor efforts on the part of the owner, and not only in spring and summer. Victoria needs care in the fall. And this, in turn, is a guarantee that next summer on your personal plot there will be a wonderful berry harvest. Therefore, we will talk about what to do with Victoria in the fall.

In general, autumn care for Victoria involves, firstly, the obligatory pruning of bushes, and secondly, feeding it with fertilizers, and, thirdly, preparing the plant for winter.

How to care for Victoria in the fall: pruning bushes

One of the most basic milestones in caring for garden strawberries is pruning. As a rule, mustaches and leaves of bushes are circumcised. The need for this procedure is explained by providing the plant with rest after active growth and fruiting, which will lead to the rejuvenation of Victoria and gain strength by next summer. In addition, such processing of Victoria in the fall will help improve the condition of each bush. It is known that various kinds of pests settle on the leaves. By cutting them, you will naturally heal strawberries.

Regarding how to cut Victoria in the fall, this procedure is recommended to be performed immediately in the fall in September. Use a pruner, sharp knife or scissors for this. It is important to cut the leaves at a level of 10 cm from the ground so as not to damage the growing point of the victoria.

After circumcision experienced gardeners it is advised to treat the bushes with solutions from pests and diseases. It will also be very useful for the berry to carry out weeding of the rows, loosening them and pouring fresh earth for bare roots.

How to care for a Victoria berry in autumn: top dressing

But autumn top dressing is needed for Victoria strawberries to accumulate organic, minerals and the formation of new fruit and leaf buds. Victoria fertilizer should be applied in autumn after trimming leaves and mustaches, that is, in September.

If we talk about how to feed Victoria in the fall, then humus, chicken manure, and a barn are excellent for these purposes. Mineral fertilizers are also used (potassium salt). Excellent growth for the kidneys gives top dressing, for the preparation of which it is necessary to mix 2 tablespoons of potash fertilizers and nitrophoska with a glass of wood ash, dissolving the mixture in 10 liters of water. Such a talker must be poured under each bush. After fertilizing, it is recommended to mulch the soil.

Autumn care for Victoria: preparation for winter

In areas where winter is always snowy, Victoria's cold is not terrible. But the lack of snow for plant bushes can be detrimental. That is why strawberries should be covered for the winter.

Ordinary straw is especially suitable for mulching. She needs to carefully and completely cover each bush. But if you do not have straw at your disposal, you can use other materials. Fallen leaves, peat, tree branches or corn stalks are also suitable as a covering pillow - everything that is found in your garden. In addition, quite often purchased covering material - spunbond or lutrasil - is used to prepare Victoria strawberries for winter.

Thanks to such care in the fall for garden Victoria, the plant will accumulate strength and give you a tasty and rich harvest next year.

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