Why does the hydrangea not bloom completely? Why garden hydrangea does not bloom: probable causes and solutions

Engineering systems 05.06.2019
Engineering systems

Garden hydrangeas belong to amazingly beautiful and lush-flowering plants that look very impressive on summer cottages, flower beds.

These beauties can reach a height of one and a half meters! Both a single hydrangea and a composition of several bushes in the garden will always delight you with magnificent inflorescences of different colors.

This is favored not only by the variety of shades of spherical and corymbose inflorescences, but also by the shape of the flowers themselves. In the center of the flower ball there are female-type flowers, and larger and brighter male flowers, which consist of four or five enlarged sepals, adorn the edges.

In addition, this plant can be not only a shrub, but also a small tree, and even a liana. The possibilities for designing a plot with hydrangea are endless!

Typically, the hydrangea bloom period lasts from late spring to early autumn. But sometimes gardeners who planted this plant a few years ago do not wait for the inflorescences to appear. It happens that hydrangea blooms poorly, and why is unknown.

Reasons for the lack of flowering

Before looking for reasons explaining why the garden hydrangea does not bloom, and deciding what to do, you need to know about some of the characteristics of the species.

So, tree and panicle hydrangeas very demanding on the conditions of detention. In addition, young plants will not form inflorescences until they gain strength, but this lasts for years.

It is difficult to say exactly in what year after planting the hydrangea blooms, because the quality of the soil, and the level of lighting, and the regularity of watering matter.

In most cases, this plant does not bloom due to the what his root system not yet sufficiently developed. If you bought a flowering bush, planted it on the site, and the flowering gradually faded away, do not be surprised.

Unscrupulous sellers often use growth stimulants to make the hydrangea bloom. As a rule, for another two years after such a forced flowering, the plants do not release inflorescences, gaining strength.

The second reason is the wrong pruning of plants. Older varieties of large-leaved garden hydrangeas produce inflorescences at the top of the shoots that have grown in the past year. If you are not worried about sheltering the bush from frost for the winter and preparing it for winter, then these shoots will have to be removed due to freezing.

It is quite natural that during the flowering season your hydrangea will not please with lush inflorescences. Moreover, it will not bloom for the next several years.

Shoot pruning should be done at the end of October. At the same time, several pairs of young buds are left on the shoots. In the spring, these young shoots are shortened again so that the flowering is more lush.

The laying of the buds of the garden hydrangea occurs in the fall. If frost hits at the beginning of spring, when they begin to wake up, they will freeze. It is not recommended to remove the shelter from the bush until the air temperature at night settles at -5 and higher degrees.

The birthplace of hydrangeas is middle Asia where the climate is different from the domestic one. When buying a plant in stores, please contact attention to varieties, which are well acclimatized to our natural conditions.

The fact is that the thermophilic hydrangea may simply not have time to lay new flower buds during our short summer, therefore it will not bloom next year.

Although it seems at first glance that caring for garden beauty hydrangea is uncomplicated, we must not forget that it is capricious. The expected flowering may not come, or it will be poor, or the buds that appear will not bloom. There are many reasons why hydrangea does not bloom, we will consider them in order.

Inappropriate landing site selected

Open spaces, illuminated by the sun almost all day, are completely unsuitable for cultivation, with the exception of only a few varieties of G. serrata, and it also needs to be limited to 6-8 hours a day.

If there is no other option, but you want to decorate your site with luxurious bushes, you have to go for tricks: · understated planting - the base is located 10 centimeters below the soil level, the trunk circle is covered with mulch (peat, sawdust); · Choose from a variety of types of G. paniculata, providing it with regular sufficient moisture, or G. serrata.

Also, strongly shaded corners are not suitable for beauties. In constant shade, the flowering of hydrangeas is very scarce, and most often the buds do not bloom. All bush varieties do not like the wind. Plant them in sheltered places, but away from brick walls or fences. Such a neighborhood will soon lead to oppression of plants.

It is also necessary to choose a well-drained area so that melt or rainwater does not stagnate. Do not plant flowers near large trees - it will suffer from a lack of moisture.

If the wrong location is the reason for the lack of flowers, the bush should be transplanted, taking into account all the above recommendations.

Wrong watering regime

Hydrangea, whose Latin name Hydrangea is a vessel of water, loves moisture. In dry weather, she needs watering so that the soil around her roots does not dry out. In this case, it is also important not to overfill in any case.

Basic rules for watering: ·

in cool weather, it is enough to water once a week;

  • · In hot dry periods - every three days;
  • · On heavy clay soils, moderate watering is carried out less often; ·
  • on sandy and sandy loam - more often and more abundantly;

water for irrigation needs soft (rainwater, filtered, or tap water for at least 5 days).

Each plant needs 1-1.5 buckets of water for watering. Bushes under the age of 3 years need additional moisture.

Adaptation of the purchased seedling

If you buy a seedling with an open root system (without an earthen clod), there are fewer problems, he will be glad to find himself in the ground again. The main thing is to correctly make up the soil mixture for it and choose the most suitable place.

The composition of the substrate for planting:

  • fertile land;
  • turf;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • river sand.

Everything is taken in equal parts and mixed thoroughly. This mixture already contains a sufficient amount of organic fertilizers, provides good ventilation of the roots.

It is imperative to bring the acid-base index of the soil to normal - for hydrangeas - 5.5-5.6 pH. If the seedling is in a container, the soil is not shaken off from the roots, the roots are not cut off.

Important! Very often, these babies are fed with chemicals in order to have an impressive marketable condition... Therefore, to planting material did not experience severe stress, being in normal conditions, in the first year they make nutrients in slightly increased doses - by 3-7%.

Unbalanced feeding

Excess nitrogen will lead to the release of young shoots, but they will not have time to stiffen before the onset of cold weather. As a result, new branches will freeze, and flower buds will die with them.

Pay attention You can not feed with nitrogen during the ripening of the peduncles. This will provoke the appearance of new foliage, which will interfere with the high-quality formation of buds and full flowering. Therefore, fertilizers containing nitrogen are applied only in the spring, when the growing season begins and lush greenery will only be useful for appearance, and for photosynthesis. The rest of the dressing (in just 3 or 4 seasons) is carried out with potash and phosphorus salts, and before winter, organic matter is introduced - compost or rotted manure.

Other reasons

1. Incorrect autumn cropping or the wrong shelter for the winter Depending on the variety, flower stalks are formed on the shoots of the past or current year.

That is why autumn pruning is carried out according to the appropriate rules. For those varieties whose flowers are formed on last year's branches, timely shelter for the winter is also very important. In order for young shoots to get stronger and stiff before the onset of cold weather, about 3 weeks before the shelter, all leaves (both old and young) are removed to about the middle of the height of the bush.

2. Soil alkalization. It also happens if the flower initially grows in an acidified environment. To avoid this, you should use complex fertilizers designed specifically for hydrangeas. They contain additives that regulate the acidity of the soil.

3. Diseases and pests. Although all hydrangeas have increased resistance to disease and pest attacks, care errors can lead to various kinds of damage.

The most common disease is chlorosis - a violation of the absorption of iron. Powdery mildew may also appear, especially at the end of summer, when it is still hot during the day and the air temperature drops dramatically at night.

Of the pests that settle on weakened bushes, the most frequent "guests" are aphids and spider mites. As a result, it turns out that the hydrangea not only does not bloom, but also does not form buds.

4.Unsuitable variety. Many varieties are not at all adapted to the short cool summers of the northern and northwestern regions: they grow, give lush greenery, but do not have time to set and fully form flower buds.

For planting on your site, you should definitely choose those varieties that actively bloom in open ground it is in this region (zoned).

If the choice still fell on a more thermophilic plant, it makes sense to grow it in winter garden or in a large flowerpot to extend the warm season for him by bringing him indoors.

The main thing when buying a hydrangea- choose the right variety that can take root in the climate of the region and survive the winter cold. If the variety is chosen correctly, the absence of flowers can be caused by one of the factors:

  • Unsuitable climate - hydrangea is a rather thermophilic plant, transplanting into new conditions can be stressful. In unfamiliar climates, generative buds will not develop. Before buying a flower, you need to find out in what conditions it grew.
  • Insufficiency of the root system: in young hydrangeas, the roots are rather fragile and weak, after transplanting such plants may not bloom for two to five years.
  • Young plants do not give flowers; for flowering, the age of a hydrangea should start from 5 years.
  • Improper Pruning - If you prune incorrectly every year, there will be no or very few flowers.
  • Cold - for the winter, the plant must be covered, acting carefully and carefully. If it is not enough to cover the hydrangea, the shoots will freeze, if you do it too tightly, there is a risk of damaging the branches.
  • Inappropriate dressing - This may be one of the reasons why the flowers do not bloom.
  • Lean soil - the plant is quite demanding on the quality of fertilizers and soil on which it grows.
  • Artificial stimulation of flowering - if, before selling, the flower was drip fed with fertilizers to simulate a lush blooming view, next year there may be no flowers at all. In order for the bush to start producing flowers, it needs proper care.

Providing garden hydrangeas with proper care, you will acquire an excellent decoration in the garden, and fragrant lush inflorescences will delight the eye for a long time. Let your hydrangea bloom as much as you like!

Pay attention to this:

Hydrangea - popular with gardeners decorative flower... It belongs to the category of capricious cultures. Errors in growing technology lead to a lack of flowers. There are several reasons why the plant does not bloom. It is important to diagnose them correctly and then eliminate negative factors.

Features of the cultivation of hydrangea

Hydrangea is grown as climbing vines, a small tree or shrub. The plant has many varieties. A variety of shades and shapes allows you to create a unique decorative combination in the flower garden. It is necessary to figure out why the hydrangea does not bloom even in the spring, when they noticed the absence of buds.

Novice gardeners may face such a problem: they bought a ready-made flowering plant in the store, but at home it faded. It is impossible to achieve the appearance of new buds. The reason for this was most likely special means, which stimulate flowering, but strongly deplete the hydrangea's strength. After processing, the plant may not form new flowers for several more years.

Advice. In this case, you can help the culture by introducing a growth activator.

If you acquire a young specimen and plant it yourself, then it can bloom already in the first summer after breeding. However, without proper attention and care, you can be left without flowers even in the second season, if the stalk turned out to be weak and did not get stronger in the first year. And in this case, growth activators help. Preparations allow:

Hydrangea bloom

  • to strengthen and develop the root system;
  • form stems and twigs;
  • ensure the growth of greenery.

Fertilizing hydrangeas: the basis for full flowering

The correct technology for fertilizing hydrangeas will help grow a plant that can bloom normally. The flower needs the first feeding immediately after planting - with a weak solution of organic fertilizer for good adaptation. In the process of growing, fertilizers are applied according to a certain scheme.

In early spring the culture needs a lot of nitrogen. This mixture works well:

  • urea - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • potassium sulfate - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 10 liters.

Attention! Watering is carried out at the rate of 5 liters per 1 bush.

An alternative is slurry diluted in water (1:10). Later, at the stage of bud formation, the plant is fed with mineral complexes with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. To further strengthen the bush, pour a solution of potassium permanganate over the root zone and directly on the stem. The procedure must be repeated three times. In this case, there should be no situations when the hydrangea does not bloom.

In summer, the shrub must be treated with a strengthening complex for flowering crops. Nitrogen should be used carefully during this period. Its excess will lead to the strengthening of the greenery and the inflorescences themselves, which will negatively affect the strength of the branches. Total number dressing in the summer months is limited to 3 times.

During flowering, gardeners also use non-standard feeding:

  • lactic acid (yogurt, kefir, whey);
  • with soaked sour bread.

Advice. In the fall, hydrangeas need to accumulate potassium and phosphorus, so repeat the course of mineral fertilization.

How to understand why hydrangea does not bloom

The main reasons for the lack of buds in an adult specimen of hydrangea:

Front an experienced gardener the question of hydrangea flowering is not worth it. The main factor for this is proper plant care.

How to make a hydrangea bloom: video

Hydrangea is one of the most beautiful garden plants, the flowers of which can be of many shades. There are different varieties of hydrangeas, but they all have rather large inflorescences, consisting of many small fruiting and several large sterile flowers. Hydrangea begins to bloom at the age of five, but sometimes adult plant does not bloom. There may be several reasons why hydrangea does not bloom in the garden.

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    The reasons for the lack of flowers

    The main thing when buying a hydrangea is to choose the right variety that can take root in the climate of the region and survive the winter cold. If the variety is chosen correctly, the absence of flowers can be caused by one of the factors:

    • Unsuitable climate - hydrangea is a rather thermophilic plant, transplanting into new conditions can be stressful. In unfamiliar climates, generative buds will not develop. Before buying a flower, you need to find out in what conditions it grew.
    • Insufficiency of the root system: the roots of young hydrangeas are rather fragile and weak, after transplanting such plants may not bloom for two to five years.
    • Young plants do not give flowers; for flowering, the age of a hydrangea should start from 5 years.
    • Improper Pruning - If you prune incorrectly every year, there will be no or very few flowers.
    • Cold - for the winter, the plant must be covered, acting carefully and carefully. If it is not enough to cover the hydrangea, the shoots will freeze, if you do it too tightly, there is a risk of damaging the branches.
    • Inappropriate feeding - This may be one of the reasons why the flowers are not blooming.
    • Lean soil - the plant is quite demanding on the quality of fertilizers and soil on which it grows.
    • Artificial flowering stimulation - if before the sale the flower was drip-fed with fertilizers to imitate the lush blooming appearance, there may be no flowers at all next year. In order for the bush to start producing flowers, it needs proper care.

    How to help a plant to bloom?

    Before buying, you need to ask the seller in what conditions the hydrangea was grown - in a greenhouse or outdoors. A greenhouse flower will need long time for acclimatization, so you shouldn't wait for flowers right away.

    In order to speed up the process of the flower getting used to the new soil, when transplanting, it is recommended to leave a lump of the soil in which the hydrangea originally grew on the roots.

    In the first two months, fertilizers are applied on average once every two weeks. It is better to choose a fertilizer specialized for hydrangeas, but fertilizer for azalea and heather is suitable. A plant that was watered drip with the addition of fertilizers will not be able to feed on its own in the open field - such a flower is weaned from an excess of complementary foods gradually, over a year or two.

    Landing rules

    It is necessary to plant hydrangeas in early spring, after the snow has melted, but before the buds appear on the garden trees.

    Bush holes are best done about half a meter in diameter and about the same depth. When planting, the roots are slightly trimmed; this is not required for young plants.

    In the center of the planting hole, you need to make a small earthen embankment and evenly distribute the root system along the slopes. The ground is compacted tightly and then watered abundantly.

    Soil mulching is done in the spring before flowering and in the fall, before hiding the plant for the winter. The layer of mulch soil should be about 8 cm thick.For broadleaf and panicle hydrangeas it is better to choose loamy soil, with the addition of peat.

    Pruning branches

    The hydrangea has flowers on the shoots of last year, which is why, if pruned annually, the hydrangea does not bloom. Although hydrangea grows rapidly, inflorescences form only on healthy and strong shoots. In the spring, pruning of dried and frozen branches can be done, but this should not be done in early spring.

    The best time for hygienic pruning is mid-April and early May.

    Only dried and non-viable shoots need to be removed. You can also thin out shrubs by removing weakened zero shoots. When pruning more than two or three mature buds from one branch, there may be no flowering.

    Before the onset of cold weather, it is better to cut off all the inflorescences, but all viable buds must be left.

    Correct groundbait

    You can not overfeed hydrangea flowers with nitrogen fertilizers, otherwise it will freeze in winter and die. For hydrangea, fertilize must be done in the following sequence:

    • At the beginning of spring - nitrogenous fertilizers for more lush flowering;
    • In summer - potash, so that the plant does not dry out and preserves flowers and shoots;
    • In autumn - phosphates, for the development of frost resistance and successful wintering.

    Young hydrangea may also need aluminum salts. Well suited for hydrangeas are ammonium sulfate, fertilizers with super-phosphate, as well as specially developed fertilizers with all the trace elements necessary for a flower.

    Shelter from the cold

    Starting from the end of September, it will be necessary to wrap the hydrangea with foil for greenhouses or lutrasil in two layers.

    You can hide the plant for the winter, starting in mid-October. Before covering the plant, you need to cut off all the inflorescences, while leaving the buds. Plants under five years old are immediately covered with earth or peat, but old thick bushes can be broken in this way.

    In order for the hydrangea not to suffer, it is necessary to build a bedding of stones, branches, leaves and coniferous branches, and carefully lay the plant on it so that the stem and shoots do not suffer, fix it with ropes, and make an earthen embankment on top. In the spring, it is necessary to remove the embankment, but until the end of May, in case of night frosts, it is necessary to cover the hydrangea with lutrasil or film. This is especially important for young plants - it will help maintain more shoots and viable buds.

    Watering requirements

    Hydrangeas are moisture-loving, but different varieties have different lighting requirements: some species need to be planted in shaded areas, while others, on the contrary, in the sun. One of the most capricious species are broadleaf varieties - they require a large number moisture, and grow mainly in places with good illumination. A balance must be struck between lighting and plant moisture.

    Watering requires water with a slightly acidic environment, tap water is not suitable, as it will shift the balance to the alkaline side, which will harm the plants. You can water it with rainwater, or defend the tap water for several days. If watering is urgently needed, you can boil the required volume of liquid in an open container - this will help evaporate impurities harmful to plants and eliminate excess water hardness.

    To preserve the acidity of the soil, you can add a small amount to the liquid during watering. citric acid, kefir or a weak vinegar solution.

    In the hot season, it is necessary to water the plant quite often and abundantly, about 20 liters per adult plant, but you cannot create excess moisture - otherwise the root system will rot. In a rainy summer, the frequency of watering decreases several times.

    You can judge the acidity of the soil by changing the color of hydrangeas: in acidic soil, the flowers have a bluish tint, on neutral soils they are white or orange, and when the soil is leached, they become pink or lilac.

    Reproduction methods

    It is best to propagate hydrangea by cuttings in early July and until mid-July, it is best to take cuttings from young plants. You need to choose shoots without visible diseases, not dried out, with large buds. You need to cut the cuttings in the morning to protect them from drying out, it is better to do this from the sides of the plant.

    The tops with buds must be trimmed, cut off lower leaves and soak for several days in a growth-stimulating solution. You can make a solution yourself by adding a small amount of honey to the water.

    After the formation of callus, the shoots are planted in a richly moistened mixture of sand and peat, made in a ratio of one part of sand to two parts of peat. It is advisable to water the cuttings daily, as well as spray the leaves. Under suitable conditions, the shoots will take root within a month.

    It is impossible to propagate a hydrangea by seeds in the open field - it is necessary to grow the plant in a pot for the first two years, and then, with all precautions, transplant it into garden soil. Experienced gardeners can try to plant offspring, propagate by layering or divide the bush into several parts.

    Variety selection

    In order for the plant to show itself in all its glory, you need to choose a frost-resistant variety that will not die after wintering:

    • One of these frost-resistant flowers is panicle hydrangea, in conditions middle lane this shrub grows up to two meters. Its inflorescences are shaped like lilac inflorescences. The variety prefers slightly acidic or clayey soils.
    • Treelike hydrangea is a plant with a height of one and a half to two and a half meters, one of the most cold-resistant species. V warm winter it does not need to be covered and generally requires less maintenance than other hydrangeas.
    • Large-leaved hydrangea requires a lot of attention, and does not tolerate cold weather. It can bloom both on last year's shoots and on those that have grown this year.
    • Oakleaf hydrangea, in addition to flowers, is distinguished by very beautiful curly leaves. It does not tolerate cold weather and can only grow in greenhouses or in the southern part of the country.

    Before buying, you should pay attention to the presence of buds: if they are, the plant was artificially fed, and it will be more difficult to take root. If you properly care for the plant and provide it required amount moisture and fertilizers, it will be able to please with lush inflorescences and a variety of colors.

    Hydrangea is often planted in summer cottages or in the front garden. own home: her bush blooms beautifully and for a long time. But sometimes it happens that the hydrangea refuses to bloom. Dealing with the reasons is not always easy, since there are quite a few of them.

    Reasons why hydrangea does not bloom, and ways to solve the problem

    As a rule, the first 2-3 years after planting a young seedling, you should not expect flowering from a hydrangea. Some varieties do not bloom even longer, but most are obliged to please the owner already in young age... If this does not happen, you need to take action.

    Wrong landing site

    Hydrangea - delicate plant and feels uncomfortable under the scorching sun. If on open place it will bloom, the flowering will be defective: it will end quickly, and the flowers will not be as lush and spectacular as expected. But it is not worth planting a bush in the shade either: hydrangeas need at least a few hours good lighting in a day.

    If the shade is created by tall trees, they will rob the flower of moisture and nutrients.

    The best location is partial shade: in the morning the sun warmed up, lit up, and hid by lunchtime. If there is a mistake in choosing a place, it is worth trying to build a shelter. If this is not possible, you will have to transplant the bush, but this can only be done with young plants.

    Often the hydrangea is planted by the fence that covers the bush from the sun in the afternoon.

    The bush is difficult to take root

    Hydrangea is a difficult shrub to grow: it takes a long time to adapt to a new place of residence. Therefore, at the slightest deviation from the rules of planting or leaving, it can “hurt” for a long time, but then, as a rule, everything returns to normal. If in the same place the plant is accustomed to the same diet and watering regime, and the new owner has different conditions, the adaptation period may be delayed.

    If this is the case, you have to wait, but not to allow the death of the plant, and for this it is better to feed it, gradually reducing the amount of fertilizer. And so that the change of place does not really introduce the hydrangea into stress, it is necessary to transplant it with a lump of earth.

    For a closed-rooted hydrangea seedling, the chance of transplant stress is minimal.

    Lack of moisture

    Drying out of the soil under the hydrangea bushes is unacceptable, since it reacts very painfully to this: leaves, shoots wither, and the bush is no longer up to flowering. The bush may not survive the intense heat without watering. Hydrangea is watered weekly in normal weather, and twice as often in drought. This is especially true for young plants.

    Hydrangea is moisture-loving, it needs watering once or twice a week, depending on the weather

    However, stagnant water is also harmful, therefore, on clay soils, when planting, drainage must be placed in a hole. For irrigation, use water heated sunbeams... If you bring the humidity regime back to normal, next year the bush will be covered with beautiful flowers.

    Unqualified pruning

    An adult hydrangea is pruned annually, but this must be done correctly. Pruning begins only after the bush has given flowers for the first time. Act carefully when pruning:

    • thickening and old (over 5 years old) shoots are cut out;
    • remove the weakest branches, especially those growing inward;
    • shorten last year's shoots, leaving no more than 3 healthy buds.

    In the fall, only broken, diseased and dried shoots are removed, and more detailed pruning is carried out in the spring. If the lack of flowering of the bush is observed due to improper pruning, it is fixable: once you have to do everything properly, and the flowers will appear.

    Even if you do not prune hydrangeas in the fall, you should cut off at least faded inflorescences.

    Incorrect diet

    Hydrangeas do not need too much fertilizer. This is especially true of nitrogen, which causes an increase in green mass to the detriment of flowering. Nitrogen fertilizers (urea or mullein infusion) are given only in May, they are excluded in summer, and only ash is added in the fall.

    Various trace elements can even regulate the color of hydrangea flowers, but this is a separate topic.

    Fertilizers for hydrangeas are commercially available, depending on the color

    If there is an assumption that the bushes were overfed with nitrogen, it is necessary to add more superphosphate, and forget about urea and manure for a while - until next year.

    Freezing of roots and buds

    Even in warm regions, hydrangeas are prepared for winter. Only spunbond can serve as a shelter there, which is used to cover shrubs after autumn pruning. In other regions, it is necessary to huddle plants, add a good layer of mulch and cover with coniferous spruce branches, and in the most severe climatic conditions- and roofing material.

    No matter how large the hydrangea bush is, for the winter it is covered with spunbond even in relatively warm regions.

    It is dangerous to leave a hydrangea completely without shelter, freezing of the soil can lead to the complete death of the root system. Partial freezing is fixable: good feeding and warming for next winter will eventually return everything to normal.

    Diseases, pests

    Among pests, hydrangeas are most often annoyed by slugs, aphids and ticks. It is better to destroy slugs by hand, and the rest are eliminated with various insecticides. It is not difficult to deal with pests on shrubs, and it is necessary to do this, since they greatly weaken the plants.

    Slugs on hydrangeas appear due to frequent rains and high humidity.

    Among the diseases are fungal (gray rot, peronosporosis, powdery mildew), which are successfully treated with fungicides: copper oxychloride or Bordeaux liquid. It often affects hydrangea and chlorosis: due to iron deficiency, the leaves turn pale, flowering is difficult. Fertilizing with iron vitriol corrects the situation over time.

    Video: pruning, watering, shading - for better hydrangea flowering

    There are many reasons why hydrangea does not bloom, but most of them are easily eliminated. It is important to understand in time what caused the problem, and to take urgent measures so that flowers appear on the bush next year.

    Hydrangea is one of the most unpretentious plants, which even novice gardeners can grow. If you care why hydrangea does not bloom, but gives only foliage, we will help to understand this issue. There are several types of hydrangea, each with its own characteristics. With our advice, you can achieve abundant flowering of this plant and decorate your site.

    What are the types of blooming hydrangea

    Annabelle is the most common type of hydrangea, which has large fluffy flowers and grows up to 2 meters.

    Panicle hydrangea tolerates cold well and grows up to 5 meters. Flowers can be red, cream and yellowish.

    Indoor hydrangea is considered one of the most capricious and at the same time the most beautiful flowers... It is capable of changing color, depending on the composition of the soil.

    If you want to decorate an arch in your garden, choose a climbing hydrangea. Keep in mind that this species does not tolerate cold.

    Reasons why hydrangea does not bloom

    If the hydrangea does not give flowers, but only goes into the foliage, it is necessary to determine the reasons why. Although this shrub is unpretentious, it must be properly pruned in the spring. Particular attention should be paid to watering, lighting and fertilization. If you do not feed the soil, then there will be only foliage, not lush flowers. It is important that the plant has a good root system, otherwise it will be weak and not bloom.

    Indoor hydrangea

    One of the most common reasons why a hydrangea does not bloom, but gives only foliage, is that sellers may have used flowering stimulants, after which the plant may not bloom for several more years. If your hydrangea does not bloom, but gives only foliage, think about whether it froze over in winter. You may need to cover the bush if it is very cold in your area.

    Also read: How to grow lobelia in the country

    After you figured out the reasons why the hydrangea bush does not bloom, proceed to proper care for her. Flowering can be restored anyway, so don't worry.

    How to care for hydrangea

    It is very important to feed the plant in a timely manner. This should be done on average about 4 times a year, in the spring and summer period... In early spring, start with organic fertilizers to stimulate hydrangea growth and flowering. During the period of active growth of buds, one more top dressing should be carried out, adding, in addition to organic fertilizers, urea and potassium salts. In the summer, apply mineral fertilizers, and then special mixtures for hydrangeas.

    When caring for hydrangea, you need to monitor the humidity of the air. If it's too dry, spray the leaves. Take away Special attention watering, as the plant loves moist soil. Hydrangea grows best on clay soils and poorly on sandy soils. If the PH of the earth is acidic, then add sawdust and needles to the soil before planting the hydrangea.

    Now you know what to do if the hydrangea does not bloom, but gives only foliage. With your own hands, you can grow lush flowering bushes and transform your own site.

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