Plant upstart transplant. Zephyranthes - a gentle beauty from South America

Garden equipment 01.06.2019
Garden equipment

More and more bright exotic plants replenish the collections of amateur florists. Not all of them are as capricious and whimsical in their care as they seem at first glance. For example, a flower with a perky name "upstart". This is Zephyranthes, a guest from South America. How difficult is it to take care of him at home? Let's figure it out.

Origin and description of the species

Zephyranthes is a genus of perennial bulbous plants that belongs to the amaryllid family and has about 90 species, including hybrid varieties suitable for indoor and outdoor use. This amazing flower grows in wet places, swamps and peatlands of tropical regions of Central and South America, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and the West Indies. Locals are happy to cultivate it on plots near their homes.

Zephyranthes have several "popular" names: upstart, flower of the west wind, rain lily. The thing is that, as soon as the rainy season begins, the zephyranthes who had been dozing before suddenly suddenly shoots arrows, crowned with flowers that look like lilies, which bloom literally before our eyes. The upstart bloom begins unexpectedly and lasts a very short time - on average, 2 days. The plant got its official name, which literally translates as the flower of Zephyr, due to the fact that the period of its growing season and flowering falls on the appearance of the westerly winds (Zephyr is the god of the warm westerly breeze).

Flowers in zephyranthes are crocus-shaped, wide open, with stamens of equal length. The color of the petals can be different - from white to purple. Zephyranthes look best as a group of large numbers of onions planted. In moments of drought, plants are dormant, without leaves and shoots.

Zephyranthes has a "brother" - the gabrantus, which is also called the Argentine rain lily. How not to get confused?

Zephyranthes peduncle is always crowned with only one erect flower

Table: Differences Between Zephyranthes and Gabranthus

The peduncle of the gabrantus can be decorated with from one to four flowers, inclined to the stem

At first, Gabrantus belonged to the genus Zephyranthes, but since there are enough differences between these plants, it was singled out as a separate genus. Zephyranthes and gabrantus belong to the amarylissa family.


According to the color of the flowers, 4 types are distinguished:

  1. White-flowered. The bulb is 2-3 cm in diameter, the leaves are narrow, the flowers are white, about 6 cm in diameter. Feels good in cool rooms. Blooms in May-September.
  2. Yellow-flowered. Bulb with a diameter of 3 cm, funnel-shaped flowers, yellow. It grows well outdoors in the Central and Central Chernozem regions. It blooms in December-January on the windowsill, in May - in the open field.
  3. Red-flowered. The flower is 8 cm in diameter, the bulb is 3 cm in size. It blooms in April-July.
  4. Bicolor. The bulb is elongated, 3 cm, with a dark outer film. Flowers usually white, on the outside they are reddish green. Blooms in January. Suitable for warm rooms.

Zephyranthes is successfully cultivated in our country as in indoor conditions and in the garden. Grows outdoors in the subtropical regions of Russia, namely in Krasnodar Territory... The plant is unpretentious, develops well, requires minimal maintenance. Any novice florist can handle it.

At home, all types of zephyranthes grow equally well, but on the windowsills you can most often see the popular indoor varieties described below.

Zephyranthes white (Zephyranthes candida)... Belongs to the white-flowered group. The bulb reaches a size of 3 cm. The leaves of the snow-white Zephyranthes appear together with the peduncle. Its flowering period is from July to October. Great for cool to moderately warm temperatures (22-25 ° C).

Zephyranthes aurea... This plant belongs to the yellow-flowered group. Its bulb is round, yellow flowers funnel-shaped at the base, then widen. Blooms from December to January. Zephyranthes golden is very popular for landing in open ground in areas with a warm climate. We have him as a welcome guest on the windowsills.

Zephyranthes rosea, or pink (Zephyranthes rosea)... One of the most popular varieties. It belongs to the red-flowered species, has very bright purple-pink flowers.

Zephyranthes robusta... Its name speaks for itself. The bulb reaches 4 cm. The flowers are large, the length of their light pink petals can reach 7 cm. It blooms in April - July. The dormant period is pronounced and runs from September to November. The group is red-flowered.

Zephyranthes versicolor... Zephyranthes multicolored belongs to the bicolor group. A bulb with a diameter of 3 cm has a dark outer film. The flowers are reddish outside, creamy white inside. The length of the petals is 5-6 cm. It blooms in January.

Of course, there are much more varieties of zephyranthes: out of 90 existing in nature, about 10 are grown at home.

Photo gallery: Zephyranthes white, pink, powerful and other popular varieties

Zephyranthes golden belongs to the group of yellow-flowered Zephyranthes pink belongs to the group of red-flowered Zephyranthes multicolored belongs to the group of two-colored Zephyranthes snow-white belongs to the group of white-flowered Zephyranthes Atamas begins to bloom in March-April Anderson's Zephyranthes is popular with florists Zephyranthes keeled blooms in April Zephyranthes Foster is from Mexico Zephyranthes Lindley has pink funnel-shaped flowers Zephyranthes Traub's flowers look like a white pointed star Zephyranthes Drummond flowers have bicolor petals: pink on the outside, white on the inside Zephyranthes powerful blooms with light pink flowers

Planting and transplanting

Planting and transplanting zephyranthes is best done in the spring, after a dormant period. The onions must be pretreated: free from dead scales, remove rotten or dry roots, place in a fungicide, for example, Fitosporin, for half an hour.

  1. The container for this plant should be chosen wide, but shallow. As a rule, several bulbs are planted in one bowl.
  2. The soil should be loose and nutritious, and the pH should not exceed the 6 mark. When preparing the substrate, it is best to mix the turf, sand and humus in equal parts.
  3. Drainage is laid out at the bottom of the pot. The drainage layer should be at least two centimeters.

    For this purpose, small expanded clay, brick chips, polystyrene foam are suitable, and eggshell will be appropriate if the soil pH is below 5.

    Drainage is a mandatory content of a bowl for planting zephyranthes

  4. Next, the bowl is half filled with the prepared substrate.
  5. The bulbs are placed at a distance of 3 cm from each other, the roots are gently straightened.

    Zephyranthes bulbs are usually planted in a group

  6. The onions need to be covered with the substrate along the neck.

    Zephyranthes bulbs go deep into the ground along the neck

  7. The soil should be moistened, but so that water does not get on the neck of the bulb.
  8. Place the pot in the warmest (25–29 ° C) and bright place without direct sunlight.
  9. No fertilization is required within a month after planting.

There is no need to replant the zephyranthes purchased in the store if its bulbs have not yet occupied all the free space.


Watering and feeding

Watering zephyranthes must be carried out regularly, as soon as it dries. upper layer soil. Water stagnation in the bowl should not be allowed, otherwise the root system may rot, and the flower itself may get sick. After the end of flowering, zephyranthes are watered only after the earthen coma has dried. When the leaves wither, watering should be stopped.

In very dry and hot weather, the plant can be sprayed with a spray bottle.

Zephyranthes are fed every two weeks with liquid fertilizers for flowering bulbous plants or universal complexes at a dosage specified by the manufacturer. Top dressing begins at the moment when the first leaves appear, and continues until they wither, so that the bulb can gain strength.

During the dormant period, the plant is not fertilized.

Flowering period

When exactly zephyranthes will bloom depends on many conditions:

  • varieties;
  • individual characteristics of the flower;
  • external conditions;
  • the duration of the rest period.

Some species shoot arrows with the appearance of leaves, others after. But always each peduncle is crowned with only one flower. Zephyranthes blooms for no more than two days. Several arrows can be hidden in one bulb, so the impression of continuous flowering is created.

Zephyranthes bloom looks amazing but only lasts two days

After the zephyranthes has faded, the peduncle must be cut off, leaving only 5–7 cm. When it dries up, carefully unscrew it.

Dead plant parts should be removed in a timely manner so as not to leave material for the development of infections.

Why Zephyranthes Doesn't Blossom and How to Make It Bloom

It happens that the upstart slumbers and is not going to release flower stalks. What are the reasons for this?

  1. Spacious pot: when there is a lot of space, the bulb "fattens", so it is necessary to transplant it into a tighter pot and do not rush to free the plant from daughter bulbs. Many growers do not transplant Zephyranthes for five years.
  2. Incorrect location of the zephyranthes. If the flower is under the rays of the scorching sun all day long or is always submerged in the shade, it will not bloom.
  3. High humidity during the dormant period: the plant "in hibernation" does not need it at all.
  4. The flower is "fed" with fertilizers: the more, the better - this opinion is erroneous, everything should be in moderation.
  5. The bulb is too deep: the planting rules are described above.

Video: flowering zephyranthes

Dormant period

The dormant period for zephyranthes usually falls in September-November or December-February. When the leaves begin to wither and fall off, watering should be stopped. Put the pot with onions in a cool (12-14 ° C), dark place with low humidity for 3 months. It is recommended to prune dried leaves to avoid contamination of the flower.

It is not necessary to remove the dormant bulbs from the pot.

Table: optimal home conditions

Conditions Dormant period A period of active growth Bloom
Temperature12-14 ° C25-29 ° C25-29 ° C
Humidity40% 80% 80%
WateringNot neededWatering is regular, after the topsoil dries out.It will bloom faster if you skip a couple of waterings. During flowering, water abundantly, avoid stagnant water, do not wait for the soil to dry out.
LightingDark placeA bright place without direct sunlight. South, south-east or south-west windowsill.
Top dressingNo feedingOnce every two weeks, fertilizing with liquid fertilizer is carried out according to the instructions.Once every 10 days, fertilizing is carried out with liquid fertilizer.

Solving cultivation problems

Table: common care mistakes

Error Effects Recommendations
Excess wateringRotting bulb and rootsWater after the topsoil dries out
Insufficient wateringWithering or yellowing of leaves, no pedunclesPrevent the earthen coma from drying out
Bowl too bigLack of floweringIt is necessary to create a moderate tightness for the plant.
Peace is not guaranteedThree months in autumn or winter, a flower definitely needs peace.
The neck of the bulb is covered with earthFollow the landing rules

Table: Zephyranthes Diseases and Pests

Name Description Methods of control and prevention
Amaryllis bugSmall insect, causes yellowing, dropping, wilting of leaves.
  • Insecticide Fitoverm at the rate of 2 ml per 1 liter of water. Spill the plant over them.
  • If the bulb is heavily affected by the scale, then it is better to destroy it.
Spider miteA small insect, entangles the leaves and stems with cobwebs, causing the leaves to dry out and the death of the plant.
  • Spray with an anti-mite insecticide according to the instructions.
  • Humidify dry air, spray with water from a spray bottle in hot weather.
Soft false shieldA convex insect 4 mm long, feeds on plant juices, causing its death. It is difficult to fight with insecticides, since the shield has protection - a shield on the back.
  • With a cotton swab dipped in the insecticide Aktellik, Karbofos or Aktara, remove all scale insects from the plant, process the window sill, window.
  • Take a close look at every part of the Zephyranthes. If at least one scale remains on it, after a few days the plant will again be covered with insects.
WhiteflySmall white insect 3 mm in size, similar to a moth. The whitefly comes from tropical countries, so it loves places where it is warm and humid. They live mainly on the underside of the leaves.
  • Actellik - 1 ampoule per 1 liter of water, spray when a whitefly appears.
  • Move the plant to a cooler and drier place - whiteflies do not like a drop in temperature and humidity.
Fusarium (red rot)This dangerous disease is caused by a fungus that penetrates the wounds and cracks in the bulb. It is manifested by rotting of the roots of the bulb, yellowing and wilting of the leaves.
  • Destroy the diseased bulb along with the earthen clod.
  • Place healthy onions in the Maxim preparation for 30 minutes.
  • Prevent appearance high humidity when storing bulbs.

Photo gallery: diseases and pests that can infect marshmallows

Spider mites appear when the air in the room is too dry Amaryllis bug lives on bulbous scales Whitefly appears in humid warm climates False shield is capable of very fast reproduction. Fusarium is a dangerous fungal disease that causes rotting of the bulb and roots

Due to the fact that the zephyranthes bulbs are poisonous, the plant is quite resistant to disease and often dies due to improper care... In rare cases, zephyranthes can develop fusarium disease.


We plant seeds

The seeds can be purchased at the store or bred by yourself.

Zephyranthes seeds are best sown immediately after harvest.

  1. Seed withdrawal. For this you need to pollinate the flower. At the time when the blades of the pistil open, the pollen from the stamens of the same or another marshmallow should be transferred to the pistil with a disinfected brush made of natural materials, and then cover the flower with gauze.

    After ripening, it is advisable to sow the seeds immediately - their germination at this moment is almost 100%. The longer the seeds lie, the lower the germination rate.

  2. Substrate preparation. The soil mixture is the same as for the bulbs, plus 1 more part of peat.
  3. Sowing seeds. Bury them in the soil 1 cm at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, close them with a plastic bag or glass, and put them in a warm place. Seedlings will appear in about 20-25 days.
  4. After the emergence of seedlings, remove the shelter, rearrange it in the brightest place with a temperature of 24-25 ° C, avoid direct sunlight.
  5. Zephyranthes bulbs reach 3 cm in size, rarely 4 cm

    This is the simplest and most common method among both beginners and experienced florists. When transplanting zephyranthes in the spring, after a dormant period, you can see many daughter bulbs, which should be separated from the mother, provided that these babies have their own formed root system. Try to separate carefully, without violating the integrity of the bulbs and roots. Care and soil are the same as for an adult plant.

    You can plant 10 bulbs in one bowl. Such seedlings bloom the next year.

The sonorous name of the flower - "Zephyranthes" was popularly renamed simply "Upstairs". In addition, it has other names: Rain flower, Daffodil home, water lily. The plant received such names due to its rapid growth during rainy days. Per a short time the first leaves appear, and after 1-2 days the bush is replete with snow-white flowers. He comes from Central and South America, from the amaryllis family.

Zephyranthes: description

The plant is a perennial with a bulbous root system. The leaves of the home daffodil are radical, narrow, elongated, can stretch up to 40 cm in height, dark green in color. The flowers of the plant are predominantly white, but may differ in colors(due to the variety of varieties). The diameter varies from 5 cm to 8 cm. Solitary - one peduncle on one arrow, in appearance like a six-pointed star. They are characterized by stretching up to 30 cm in height.

The period of each bud is only 2 days, but after wilting, a new flower immediately takes its place.

This process of constant replacement of inflorescences contributes to a long riot of the snow-white crown. represented by an onion. It can be from 1 cm to 5 cm in size. The head is rounded, covered with poisonous scales. It is because of them that it is rarely damaged by diseases and pests.

In nature, there are about 80 different types... The following specimens are suitable for home breeding and cultivation:

  • White - a narrow, long leaf, up to 50 cm high, the inflorescences resemble a white funnel, in diameter they reach no more than 8 cm.A riot of colors is observed from mid-summer to mid-autumn. The favorable temperature for successful wintering is not lower than + 120C. It was first brought to Russia from Argentina.
  • Golden - yellow tone, leaves can grow up to 30 cm high. Flowering occurs in early December to late January. It was brought from Peru.
  • Large-flowered - green plumage reaches up to 40 cm, the peduncle shoots up to 35 cm. The flower is pink or pink-red, the largest of the proposed ones is up to 10 cm in diameter. Inside the bud, the stamens are bright orange. It begins to bloom in early spring and pleases with its magnificent appearance until mid-summer.
  • Powerful - Origin: Argentina and Brazilian forests. It produces stems up to 30 cm, buds of a gentle pink color up to 9.5 cm in volume, there is no smell. Pleases with a beautiful view from early summer to late autumn.

Thus, Zephyranthes is an interesting plant with several common species. It blooms mainly for 2 months and has a rest period that varies depending on the variety.

Reproduction takes place in two ways - bulbs and seeds. Seeds with one distinctive feature - they have a very low germination capacity.

To grow an shoot from a seed, it should be placed in moist, fertile soil immediately after harvest.

Slightly deepen planting material, only 0.5-1 cm. The distance from each seedling should be at least 2 cm. Cover the top with a film or plastic bag, and you can also put glass. This process provokes artificial greenhouse conditions. The container with crops must be placed in a dark place, without direct sunlight.

From time to time you need to open the pot, ventilate and water the ground. The temperature for successful germination should not drop below +22 C. Such a seedling blooms only for 3-6 years of life, depending on the conditions of development and growth.

Most easy way to get several full-fledged plants - division by children (one mother's head is capable of forming up to 15 children):

  • When transplanting an old bulb, all stepsons growing nearby are disconnected from it. The separation is carried out carefully so as not to damage a single head of the young.
  • For planting, prepare the soil (a mixture of peat, turf, humus and sand). Drainage is laid out at the bottom of the pot.
  • The heads are laid with the roots down, and the base, from which the greens will subsequently grow, is recommended to be left on the surface, without falling asleep with earth.
  • Then pour abundantly the water that has flowed through the ground - remove from the pallet, put in the shade. The main thing is to make sure that the earth does not dry out.

Thus, the reproduction method must be chosen from the possibilities of planting and further development and care of a young bush.

Because Zephyranthes are native to the tropics, they need abundant light. It grows well both on the east and west sides and on the south. Not afraid of direct sunlight during midday periods. In summer, it is best to put a flowerpot with a bush on the balcony, where Fresh air... If there is small area, then it is better to transplant it into open ground.

How to properly care for a houseplant:

  1. Water often, but in moderation. For room irrigation warm, sun-dried water will do. During the dormant period, usually from September to the end of October, watering is reduced or completely removed. The pot is placed in a dark, dry, cool place. An indicator of the onset of rest is wilting and shedding of leaves. The optimum temperature for rest is + 8 + 14 C.
  2. Top dressing should be applied to the ground 1 time in a 10-day period from the moment of the first ejection of green plumage and until the complete discharge of peduncles.

In order for the plant to develop well after feeding, there are a number of specific rules:

  • an excess of useful fertilizers provokes the opposite effect - it can die
  • during the dormant period, feeding is not needed
  • for bushes growing in winter period the number of additives is reduced. Such a measure is necessary due to the lack of proper lighting and insignificant growth of the bush.
  • mineral supplements are not recommended in the heat
  • during feeding, it is required to ensure that the solution does not get on the leaves or peduncles - it will burn
  • young stock must be diluted with water
  • before watering nutrients, the soil should be watered well

Liquid mineral fertilizers work well for indoor flowers (, Merry Flower Girl, Agricola). You can also add, but control the process. Excessive feeding tends to burn the bulbs, which will provoke rotting. Useful, diluted with water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter). Fermented, diluted with liquid (1:10) works perfectly. Thus, following the simple rules of care and maintenance, you can delight with new inflorescences for a long period of time.

The transplant is carried out once a year, in March or autumn after full flowering, when the mother plant has shared and filled the entire territory of the flowerpot with children. This is evidenced by many sprouted shoots. The division takes place as follows: the onion with daughters-delenki is removed from the ground. The children are separated from the mother with a sharp instrument. The resulting wounds are sprinkled with ash or crushed charcoal.

The transplant does not take much time and effort if done correctly and accurately.

For transplanting, you need to take a small, low pot. It should be disinfected by lowering it for a while in a solution of potassium permanganate. Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the nutrient soil so that it is loose and airy. Mix in equal proportions garden soil, peat, turf, humus and sand. Or you can buy a special ready-made substrate for indoor plants.

Expanded clay or brick is placed at the bottom. Having filled the flowerpot half with earth, you need to place one or more (up to 10-12 pieces) bulbs. Then add soil to the top and water abundantly.

Zephyranthes white is not often affected by various diseases or pests. The greatest harm is caused by an excessive abundance of moisture. If it is noticed that the shrub has begun to fade, it urgently needs to be dug up and examined for rot or mold. Then transplant to a new place with fresh soil.

If not properly cared for, the upstart can be attacked by the following pests:

  • Scabbard - dark spots appear on the leaves, which are covered with sticky sap. Greens turn pale, become unnaturally shiny, flowers dry up and fall off. The bush should be placed under a strong stream of water, remove the insect from the sheets with cotton wool or a disc soaked in 70% alcohol or moistened with soapy water.
  • Whitefly - appears on the plant small insect laying numerous larvae. They are placed on the inner surface of the leaf, make paths in the structure, and suck the juice from the stems. The greens dry out and disappear. For treatment, you need to reduce watering, every 3 days, irrigate with products containing permethrin. Apply Decis, Actellic. Transplant from a familiar place into a new substrate, pre-treated with boiling water and a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Amaryllis bug - pieces of fluff or cotton wool are observed on the bush. All components of the shrub fall off. The first step is to manually remove the insect, remove the infected heads. Spray 3 times in 10 days with infusion of garlic, tobacco or calendula tincture (alcohol).
  • Spider mite - greens are covered with cobwebs, dry up and fall off, small specks appear on the surface of healthy green feathers. Wipe the leaves with Actellik's solution (1 ml per 1 liter of water). Wash with soapy water, put under a strong stream of warm water, do not be zealous with watering. Replace soil as for whitefly.

Thus, careful monitoring of the health status of zephyranthes will allow to identify the initial signs of disease or pests and eliminate them at first.

More information can be found in the video:

Like a breath of clean air - the bloom of this rustic, at first glance, small-bulbous. Zephyranthes is translated from Greek as "western breeze", and the people often call the plant a marshmallow, rain lily, indoor daffodil or crocus, and also an upstart - for the rapid appearance of peduncles. Modest delicate flowers appear suddenly, enchanting with touching grace, and just as quickly fade, freeing the podium for their fellows. Caring for and growing zephyranthes at home assumes that unobtrusive minimum, which will not take much time, but will undoubtedly please.

Origin and description

The homeland of the bulbous perennial from the Amaryllidaceae family is the warm temperate regions of Central and South America, in particular Argentina and the West Indies, as well as Chile near the northern outskirts of Patagonia.

In the genus Zephyranthes of the Amaryllis family, there are about 40 species of medium-sized herbaceous plants.

Most of them have a small onion (about 2.5 cm in circumference) of an oval or round shape with scarious outer scales of a dark brown, almost black color. Leaves in a basal rosette are flattened subulate, fleshy, from 20 to 45 cm in length, rich green in color. Peduncles appear on the side of the outlet very quickly. Flowers are funnel-shaped, open, single, about 8 cm in diameter. Their predominant colors are white, pink, yellow, two-tone white-pink. The fruit is a capsule.

In culture, about 10 varieties of rain lilies are grown. Here are the most popular ones.

  • Atamasko is a low-growing herbaceous perennial with narrow linear dark green leaves and short - up to 25 cm - peduncles. Flowers are white or pink, about 8 cm in diameter, with proper care they appear from April to August.
  • White, or snow-white- a medium-tall plant with a small bulb completely immersed in the soil mixture. Linear dark emerald leaves reach a length of 40 cm. Flowers are pale white, about 6 cm in circumference, bloom from July to September-October. The plant is suitable for outdoor cultivation.
  • Golden - resembles the previous species, but the flowers are larger and have a different shade - bright yellow, open in May-June.
  • Large-flowered pink- miniature form with belt-like foliage no more than 12 cm, peduncles with large - up to 10 cm in diameter - pink flowers are formed in early summer.
  • Lindley is a medium-sized species with pink, about 7 cm in circumference, flowers "popping out" from July to August.

Transplant and substrate

Small bulbs of zephyranthes are planted in shallow flower containers with a diameter of 7-9 cm, several pieces - 5-6, or even 8-12. Solitary plants do not create the same decorative effect during flowering that the curtain is of medium density. A flower transplant is required annually - in the fall or spring, before or after flowering.

For growing small-bulb flower almost any soil mixture is suitable, in which the pH value ranges from 5.8-6.

Substrate composition:

  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 part of sod land;
  • 1 part sand.

The following components are also possible:

  • 2 parts of sod land;
  • 2 pieces of leafy land;
  • 2 parts of humus;
  • 1 part river sand.

A drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles is laid at the bottom of the pot.

The first couple of weeks after transplanting, they try not to overfill the plants so that the bulbs rooting in the new soil mixture do not rot.

Basic rules for the care of zephyranthes

The upstart flower is rightly considered a non-capricious plant in care, it is boldly started by flower growers with little experience in growing indoor plants.

Comfortable placement and lighting

Pots with zephyranthes are placed on the windowsills of the eastern and western windows, in the northern ones the plant develops worse. The southern exposure affects the condition of the leaves - in direct sunlight, they wither, and their tips turn yellow. In general, the plant loves light, but diffused in summer time... In the autumn-spring period, it feels quite well on the southern windows, but at noon it is better to hide the zephyranthes behind a tulle curtain.

In warmer months, containers with marshmallows are taken out into the fresh air, even planted in the garden, but located in a section of the estate protected from wind and rain. Planting in pots and returning to the premises is carried out before the onset of the first frost.

Temperature regime

Optimum temperatures for the content of small bulbous plants, accustomed to natural conditions to a moderately warm environment, fluctuate between 16-25 degrees Celsius. The upstart flower does not like intense heat - if flowering occurs at this time, then it is very short. In winter, in a 2-3-month rest period, a cooler content is allowed - from 8 to 12 degrees. If the plant does not retain leaves at this time, watering stops, and the thermometer readings in the room are allowed less, but not lower than the zero mark.

Watering and humidity

Zephyranthes, even in the midst of flowering, requires moderate hydration. Constant dampness of the substrate leads to rotting of the bulbs, therefore, between the next waterings, the top layer of the earthen coma with the bulbs located in it should dry out completely.

During the dormant period, if the plant does not shed its leaves, the frequency and abundance of watering are necessary such as only to maintain vital activity. In the case of complete drying of the foliage, watering is stopped altogether, only occasionally the soil surface is moistened from a spray bottle so that the bulbs do not die.

Watering is resumed in spring at the first signs of growth.

The rest period, if desired, is shifted to any of the seasons. To do this, stop watering and wait for the plant to free itself from leaves. Then the zephyranthes are placed for some time in a less illuminated cool place, and then the bulbs are either transplanted into a new substrate, or simply watered abundantly - and the buds will not slow down with "jumping out".

Air humidity for zephyranthes does not really matter, however, the plant favorably perceives spraying in hot summer weather.

Top dressing

From early spring to September, inclusive, the plant is fed twice a month with special ones in the proportions indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. Zephyranthes is extremely responsive to organic fertilizers... In the spring, it is watered with a mullein solution in a ratio of 1:10. Such dressings contribute to more active flowering.


Zephyranthes in abundance forms daughter bulbs, which are separated from the mother plant during transplantation and planted using the basic rules of agricultural technology for adult plants.

Growing marshmallows using seed propagation is much more difficult. In indoor conditions, the plant will need artificial pollination. Seeds of a rain lily quickly lose their germination, so it is advisable to sow them in a universal substrate freshly harvested, sparingly spreading them on the surface and only lightly sprinkling them with soil. It is advisable to cover the containers with a film on top and put them in a warm (at least 22 degrees above zero) and bright place. Seedlings are very sensitive to rot, so they need stable and moderate moisture. After several picks, they are seated in separate containers in compliance with the landing rules for adult marshmallows. Plants obtained by seed method, bloom only in the 3-4th year.

Growing problems

Florists often complain - why does the upstart not bloom? There are several reasons:

  • the plant is planted in a pot that is too spacious;
  • the temperature and irrigation regime is violated during the dormant period;
  • lack of lighting;
  • deep planting of bulbs;
  • excess fertilization - in other words, overfeeding.

Among other mistakes in care, rotting of the bulbs after excessive moisture is observed, as well as pallor of the leaves, which happens from a lack of lighting.

An inconspicuous, seemingly, outwardly and easy-to-care zephyranthes is able, with its instant flowering, to present an unexpected surprise that raises the mood and creates a small holiday in the house.

Zephyranthes are very popular flowers in ornamental plant growing. Florists love these indoor plants for their simplicity in care, beauty and for a special "zest" - the rapid ejection and blooming of buds. Delicate "upstarts" are able to delight the eye of their owner almost all year round. The genus Zephyranthes has about 45 species. It got its name from the merger of the words Zephyr (the ancient Greek god of the western warm wind) and anthes - a flower. Sometimes it is also called "rain lily" for the coincidence of the flowering period with the rainy season. In our region, the name "upstart" has stuck - zephyranthes flowers have an extraordinary growth rate of peduncles, it seems that the plant literally shoots out of the ground. Look at the photo of zephyranthes flowers at home - the most popular types are presented:

Indoor flower Zephyranthes - white, pink and yellow (with photo)

In nature indoor flower Zephyranthes grows in tropical and subtropical regions of America, and is found in places in Argentina, Chile and the West Indies. Despite the diverse geography, all species have common features- the ability to literally jump out of the ground, throw out the buds in a couple of days, they also note unpretentiousness, a period of rest. Differences of this kind are in the color of the flower itself and the timing of flowering. White, pink and yellow colors buds are the most common. In the photo below you can see representatives of these varieties.

The whole genus is a perennial small-bulbous plant of the amaryllis family. The bulbs are medium-sized, up to 3 cm, covered with brown scales. The neck is short or elongated. The leaves are narrow and long, up to 30 cm long, linear-acicular, have a dark green color. Peduncles are single tubular, leafless, high, can reach 25 - 30 cm. The indoor flower zephyranthes itself outwardly resembles a crocus or a six-rayed star, the buds are large, the color of the petals can be varied - white or yellow, pink or red. There are two-color species.

For lovers of snow-white beauty - wonderful white zephyranthes

Among the plants, white-flowering species are distinguished, they are the most common ones - these are Atamas (Zephyranthes atamasca) and snow-white (Zephyranthes candida). For lovers of snow-white beauty, they are of particular interest. Their dazzling white flowers are beautifully set off by the dark green of the leaves. Despite the external similarity, they bloom in different time- the first flowering time is March and April, and the snow-white blooms from July to October. Common to these two species will be kept in cool rooms, they do not tolerate heat well. Another feature due to which the wonderful white zephyranthes is more popular than other species is that white-flowered species are less demanding on light and can even be located on northern windows.

For lovers of bright colors - yellow zephyranthes

Yellows include golden (Zephyranthes Aurea) and lemon (Zephyranthes Citrina). Outwardly, these species are not easy to distinguish, but they have different flowering times. Golden Zephyranthes bloom in December - January, and lemon blooms are in late summer and early autumn. These species are more demanding on lighting and, being darkened, will not give full flowering. Remember that yellow zephyranthes will thank you with its beauty for your attention and self-care. For lovers of bright colors, this variety allows you to form real works of art in the form of a combination of colors on your windowsill. Yellow Zephyranthes has a consistent flowering time.

Delicate pink zephyranthes - romantic miracle

One of the most beautiful is the deservedly considered large-flowered pink zephyranthes (Zephyranthes grandiflora) - this is a real romantic miracle. Large, pale pink buds with yellow stamens attract many beauty lovers. Zephyranthes pink blooms from April to July. Bicolor refers to a multi-colored flower (Zephyranthes versicolor), which has white petals that have a characteristic reddish-green tint. Many growers pick up elongated pots where you can plant several bulbs. different types with different flowering periods and then the impression of a constantly flowering plant is created.

Zephyranthes at home - what and how to do to care for a flower

Caring for zephyranthes at home is quite simple - like all amaryllids, it is photophilous, easily tolerates even straight Sun rays... Therefore, it is better to place flowers in an apartment on the southern, western and eastern directions of the windows. What and how to do to care for a flower, we will tell you below. In the warm season, plants can be planted outside, then in the fall there will be a large, strong bulb, which will give flower stalks next year. These flowers do well at normal room temperature, with an average range of 18-26 degrees. Watering is required in moderation, the soil should be slightly moist, but not constantly wet. Although these plants love moisture, persistently wet soil can lead to bulb rot or poor flowering. Therefore, zephyranthes at home still requires attention. It is best if watering is carried out with settled water when the topsoil dries up. Mineral fertilizers are applied during the entire growing season once every two weeks at the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. Transplanting "upstarts" is carried out after the end of flowering, with the beginning of the dormant period. For this, low wide pots are selected, it is better to use clay, moisture stagnates in them less, and the root system breathes better. To prevent stagnation of water in the pot and to avoid rotting of the bulb, it is imperative to use drainage. When planting zephyranthes, the soil must be selected light and nutritious, the use of sod land, humus and sand in approximately equal proportions gives good results. If the soil is made on its own, then before pouring it into the pot, it is better to heat the ground in the oven or treat it with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Useful information about planting and rest periods

Reproduction is possible using seeds and bulbs, useful information this is important for every grower. The fruit is a box with seeds. But obtaining seeds and the subsequent cultivation of a full-fledged plant from them is quite laborious and does not always give the desired result - skills of artificial pollination are required, and such a flower blooms only after 3-4 years. Therefore, the most common planting method is to plant the bulb. Subject to simple rules leaving zephyranthes actively blooms and can give up to 10 daughter bulbs. To plant the bulbs, at the end of flowering, the plants are carefully separated from the mother bulbs. Then they are planted in prepared pots. When planting zephyranthes, it is important that the neck of the bulb is not completely buried in the ground, it should just slightly peek out above the surface. If the neck of the bulb is short, then it is better to deepen the head so that its upper third is visible above the ground. It is better to plant in already moistened soil and after planting do not water for several days, let the soil dry out. You need to plant flowers every 1-2 years, otherwise a large number of of these, it will deplete the earth faster, and the result will be a lack of flowering. If it is planted on time, it will delight you with lush flowering. In nature, zephyranthes have a dormant period. Indoor flowers have already adapted to the average year-round temperature regime, but we want a beautiful flowering plant? Therefore, it is better to listen to the biological preferences of the species. To provide the zephyranthes with a dormant period in winter, it is necessary to reduce its watering in the fall, and then completely stop it in the future. If the plant has not shed its leaves, you can prune them. In fact, the plant may well overwinter with leaves, but flowering in the next growing season will be more scarce. Watering a plant that has not shed its leaves should be done no more than once a month. Remember that this indoor flower does not tolerate waterlogging, especially during the dormant period in winter. The temperature in the room where the flower will winter should be around 10-12 ° C. You can use loggias, basements and even a refrigerator, light the plant during the rest period unnecessarily.

Work on bugs

If your indoor flower does not please you with exuberant flowering, you need to think about what mistakes you make when caring for it. Correction of errors begins with a detailed analysis of the situation and the measures taken. The most common mistake is that a flower has not been transplanted for a long time, a large number of children have led to depletion of the soil. Then simple transplant and planting the bulbs will return the full bloom. It is possible that your flower does not have enough lighting; this is corrected by transferring it to a new, more illuminated place, or by additional lighting. A common mistake- plentiful watering, in which the soil in the pot resembles muddy mud. In this case, we reduce soil moisture and the next time the flower is transplanted, you need to take care of good drainage in the pot. You can also take a photo of zephyranthes and show it to specialists on the florist forum. They will tell you how to correct the situation correctly.
In general, this houseplant is quite resistant to various diseases and pests, but it also has enemies. These include spider mites, scale insects and amaryllis bugs. Actellik solution and disinfection of the earth during transplantation will help to fight them. If you follow these simple conditions of care, your indoor flower zephyranthes at home will delight you with beautiful constant flowering for a long time.

Annually in spring During growth and flowering 19-25, during dormancy 9-14 Once every 3-6 days If the indoor air is dry Bright diffused light, no direct sunlight A rest period is required


Zephyranthes needs bright light, but diffused light. Will feel comfortable on the windowsills facing the west or east.

On a south-facing window, you will need shading with a translucent curtain. Or the flower can be placed on a table by the window.

On the northern windowsill, the plant will not have enough light. It will increase the green mass, and there will be few buds. In this case, it will help.

In the warm season, the "upstart" can be taken out on the veranda or on the balcony... It can even be planted in open ground.

During growth and flowering, the optimum temperature will be 19-25 degrees. During the rest period, Zafiranthes needs to reduce the temperature of the content to 9-14 degrees.

This will have a positive effect on the future flowering of the plant. However, it is impossible to lower the temperature below 5 degrees - the zephyranthes will simply die.

It is pleasant to note that zephyranthes is unpretentious and has a normal attitude to temperature extremes.

V summer period the flower also tolerates higher temperatures. A heat of about 30 ° C does not in any way affect its growth and further flowering, provided it is abundantly watered.

In winter, zephyranthes does not need to be kept at a low temperature.... If this is not possible, you can simply leave it on the windowsill in the apartment at room temperature. After such wintering, flowering will not be so abundant, and much less young bulbs are formed. But in general, a warm wintering does not affect the general condition of the flower.


Due to the fact that in natural conditions, zephyranthes blooms during the rainy season, during the growing season it needs abundant and frequent watering.

However, it is important to ensure that the water in the pan does not stagnate - this can lead to rotting of the bulbs.

The soil during flowering should be slightly moist, watering is carried out every 3-6 days.

Water for moistening zephyranthes is used settled and warm.

After the plant has bloomed, watering is gradually reduced both in volume and frequency. In winter, it should be mild enough to keep the bulbs from rotting. And the species of upstart that shed their leaves during the dormant period do not need watering at all in winter.

The soil

Neutral soil is suitable for zephyranthes. It is important that it is loose, breathable and nutritious.

You can buy a ready-made substrate for flowering indoor plants or prepare the mixture yourself. In the second case, you should choose one of the options:

  • Sod and leaf land, sand, peat - in equal parts;
  • Sand, turf soil, humus - in equal proportions.

The soil should be disinfected before planting.... The pot must be perforated, and a drainage layer must be placed on the bottom.


In the spring and summer, the "upstart" is fed once every two weeks... For this purpose, liquid fertilizers are used for flowering bulbous plants.

In autumn, feeding is reduced, and in winter it is completely stopped.

Flower feeding should be started 1 month after transplanting. Previously, the soil in a flower pot does not require fertilization, since it has not yet been depleted and is very nutritious.

Zephyranthes are usually fed from mid-April.... At this time, its active vegetation begins. And since this plant forms buds very quickly, fertilizing is carried out with fertilizers for flowering plants. It is advisable to use liquid complex fertilizers, which are convenient to dilute with water and apply to the soil.

Fertilizers are diluted with water according to the instructions in order to obtain the desired concentration. The plant is watered with this water once every 2 weeks until mid-September. It should not be forgotten that any fertilizers are applied only to wet soil. Therefore, it is necessary to water the plant before feeding.

Until the end of October, feeding is carried out 1 time in 3-4 weeks. In winter, even if the plant is at room temperature, it is not fed.


"Upstart" feels comfortable with average humidity.

On hot summer days and during the heating season, when the air in the house or apartment is dry enough, containers with water can be placed near the plant. This will increase the moisture content and create favorable conditions for the plant.

If the zephyranthes is in a room with dry air, it needs to be sprayed... The procedure is carried out using warm, settled water every 2-3 days.


Most species of zephyranthes have a pronounced dormant period - winter. At this time, he drops the leaves.

To prepare the plant for this period, starting in autumn, watering is reduced, and in winter it is stopped altogether.

The temperature of the content during the dormant period of zephyranthes: 10-12 degrees... In February, the temperature is gradually increased, and watering is resumed.

The exception is snow-white zephyranthes. He does not shed leaves, and he needs to be watered in winter.


Zephyranthes is resistant to various. However, it can still sometimes be affected by them. Due to excessive watering, rotting of the root system is possible. In this case, it is necessary to dig up the plant, dry it, remove the rotten bulbs, and plant the remaining ones in new soil... Watering after this should be significantly reduced.

Of the pests, the scabbard, spider mite, amaryllis worm, whitefly can pose a threat to the "upstart".

You can use warm soapy water to combat them. With a swab dipped in it, you should carefully wipe the flower. If there are many pests, an insecticide treatment can be carried out.... It is used as Aktellik, Nurell-D, Desits.


The main problems that the owners of zephyranthes face are that the flower begins to turn yellow or does not want to bloom.

The reasons may be different: lack of lighting, non-compliance with the irrigation regime, too deep deepening of the bulb into the ground, uncomfortable temperature.

The reason for the lack of flowering can be pests or diseases.... And for abundant flowering"Upstart" at home needs a winter period of rest.


There are 2 ways of zephyranthes: daughter bulbs and seeds. The first method is the most common and fastest.

In the pot, the bulbs form new "babies" around them. These small bulbs are separated from the mother and planted in a separate pot. They bloom in a year.

Seeds for breeding zephyranthes are important to use freshly harvested because they quickly lose their germination. Sow them into a substrate at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, cover with a film.

They are placed in the shade and kept at a temperature of 21-23 degrees. After 3-4 weeks, seedlings appear, which are transplanted into separate pots after 2-3 months. New specimens bloom after 3 years.


The "upstart" is transplanted annually in the spring. It is better to choose a pot wide, but shallow. When it is important to ensure that the top of the bulb, its neck, remains on the surface.

Thanks to this, the plant will bloom well. It is recommended to plant several Zephyranthes bulbs in one pot - for a decorative appearance.

Zephyranthes are usually transplanted in early spring early or mid-March. At this time, the plant has not yet begun to grow, it is practically dormant. You can transplant this flower in winter. It is important that it does not grow and does not have flowers and buds.

Before transplanting, zephyranthes are well watered... After 1-2 days, all the bulbs are absorbed from the pot along with the ground. At this time, it is important to inspect the planting material. Usually, at the end of wintering, a lot of dying roots remain on the bulbs. They must be carefully removed without affecting healthy roots.

A drainage layer is placed on the bottom of the pot. Then the whole pot is filled with fresh soil and compacted slightly. In one pot, depending on its width, 5 to 10 bulbs are planted at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. For zephyranthes bulbs, grooves are made in the soil with a finger or a stick, after which the bulb is placed in the ground along with the roots and carefully added. The tip of the bulb should be above the soil surface.

After transplanting, the plants are lightly watered and placed in a bright place. They take root and grow surprisingly quickly.

Description of the plant and species

Zephyranthes - bulbous plant of the Amaryllis family. In the wild, it is common in the tropics of Central and South Africa.

Zephyranthes forms small bulbs up to 3.5 cm in diameter. The leaves of the plant are very narrow and long. Flowers bloom on long peduncles. Depending on the species, the flowers are white, pinkish and yellow.

Of the white-flowered species, the following are common:

  • Zephyranthes Atamas;

Atamas Zephyranthes differs in small bulbs up to 2 cm in diameter and dark, narrow leaves. Its white flowers have petals up to 4 cm long. Flowering begins in late March or early April.

It has tubular dark green leaves up to 30 cm long. Forms peduncles about 20 cm in length, on which they bloom large flowers with white petals. Blooms profusely in late summer or early fall.

Of the yellow-flowered species, only golden marshmallows are grown in room culture. it perennial plants with a bulb about 3 cm in diameter. Has narrow and long dark leaves... Its flowers are golden yellow. The plant blooms in winter.

Zephyranthes grandiflorum belongs to the red-flowered species. It has a bulb up to 3 cm in diameter and long narrow leaves up to 30 cm long. Its flowers bloom on long peduncles. The diameter of the flower is about 8 cm. Its petals are pink, the stamens are orange.

Useful video

Now you know everything about planting and caring for a zephyranthes (upstart) at home, as well as about flower reproduction.

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