Land for gardenia jasmine. Jasmine gardenia - white splendor of flowers among dark green foliage

landscaping 06.06.2019

The modern species diversity of flowers is represented by many groups, and in each of them there are extraordinary plants. Such in the Marenov family is gardenia - a flower of extraordinary beauty and tenderness. Many flower growers cannot forget its beauty, and this is understandable, given that the decorative green foliage is perfectly complemented by double white flowers.

Gardenia is widely represented in the southern regions of Africa, China and India. The genus of this plant is very numerous and includes about 250 species. Most of them are wild with the exception of gardenia jasmine, which was able to turn into a cultivated plant. However, to grow this variety indoors, it must be carefully looked after.


AT vivo This plant impresses with its impressive size, because it can reach a height of 2 m. Specimens that are grown indoors look more modest., usually they are limited in height to 50 cm. It is worth noting that gardenia can be considered a worthy replacement for a rose, because it has the closest aroma and appearance to it.

Gardenia jasmine can be decorated only with single flowers or presented in the form of inflorescences. These differences are determined by the specific variety.

Of greatest interest to plant growers is jasmine gardenia, because its flowering covers a rather long time period: the first flowers bloom in mid-summer and fade only in October. Many, those who personally saw this plant noted its strong resemblance to a rose. Therefore, indoor gardenia will be very appropriate. With its help, you can create a refreshing and beautiful atmosphere, and it will also saturate the air with a pleasant aroma.

Due to the presence of such pronounced decorative properties in gardenia, it has become widespread in gardens in countries with a tropical climate. In places, de conditions are not so mild, it is grown in room and greenhouse conditions. And although the climate imposes restrictions, here you can enjoy the flowers of jasmine gardenia.

Home Care

In its natural environment, gardenia is undemanding to growing conditions. However, a completely different approach to her should be when growing at home, where she needs to devote a lot of time. First of all care must be taken to create good lighting throughout the year. But during care it must be protected from direct sunlight otherwise it may cause leaf burns. Therefore, it is important to choose the right place for growing in the room. It is recommended to place it on a windowsill located on the west or south side.

Watering and humidity

Gardenia jasmine will feel comfortable if it is provided with high and uniform humidity. This can be achieved if the flower pot is kept on a pallet filled with wet expanded clay. Effective measures are frequent spraying and warm souls. However, care must be taken to ensure that moisture does not get on the flowers, otherwise stains will appear on them. During such procedures, it is desirable to protect the soil from water ingress.

  • in summer, the optimum temperature for growing gardenia jasmine is 20-25 degrees, and in winter - 10-15. In winter, gardenia is grown in cooler conditions so that the lack of lighting does not have a serious negative impact for its development. It is also useful to carry out frequent ventilation in order to prevent a rise in temperature. However, before carrying out such a procedure, it is recommended to take the flower to the next room. For gardenia, drafts are of great danger, as this can cause the flower buds to fall off;
  • throughout the year you need to keep the soil moist. However, here you need to observe the measure, avoiding moisture stagnation. It is recommended to carry out surface watering so that the salts can reach the root system. In winter, caring for gardenia requires limiting watering to a minimum; it makes sense to carry it out only if there are signs of drying out. Soft water at room temperature is best suited for these purposes. When growing gardenia at home in ecologically clean regions tap water can be replaced with rain and melt;
  • according to the recommendations of experienced flower growers, it is useful to use salt water between every 2-3 waterings. It is prepared by mixing 3 drops of lemon juice in one liter of water. By providing the gardenia with such water, it will be able to better absorb nutrients from the soil. With an incorrectly selected irrigation regime, there is a possibility of a disease of the root system.

Landing and transplant

At the stage of preparation for planting gardenia, it is desirable to use acidic soil. This composition is the most suitable for her, because it allows provide it with nutrients. If it is not possible to prepare such soil on your own, then you can contact a specialized store and buy a mixture for acidic plants there.

If watering is supposed to be carried out with hard water, then in order to maintain the required level of soil acidity, it is necessary to constantly acidify the water. Flowers of this family feel best in the soil, in which moisture is quickly absorbed and retained for a long time.

Such properties can be given to the soil by adding the following components to it:

  • sand;
  • perlite;
  • sphagnum, which also acidifies the soil.

To determine the favorable moment for transplanting gardenia at home, it is necessary to take into account the size of the flower and the presence free space in a pot for the root system. The transplant itself is carried out by transshipment of an earthen coma in a container bigger size , having previously filled them with soil of suitable composition. Adult specimens must be transplanted every three to four years.

Top dressing and pruning gardenia

Home care involves fertilizing, to which the plant responds well. Fertilizers are best applied during the most active phases of gardenia growth, so this is done in spring and summer. Usually, top dressing is timed to the moment when 30-60 days have passed after transplanting or planting.. However, this does not apply to newly purchased plants that are left unfertilized during the first growing season. The soil that the container is filled with already contains enough nutrients. Usually, top dressing is carried out using acidic complex substances intended for fertilizing azaleas.

A positive effect on the development of jasmine gardenia is provided by foliar top dressing. It can be a solution with mineral complex fertilizers. In winter, you can use the drug magnesium sulfate or iron chelate. They are applied superficially.. However, top dressing will be ineffective without competent and timely care. Therefore, throughout the entire growing season, it is necessary to maintain an optimal level of soil acidity, otherwise there may be a delay in development, as well as problems with flowering.


When growing jasmine gardenia at home, pruning should be done regularly. The main purpose for which it is carried out is creation decorative look . It is best to form a crown after the end of the flowering period. However, this does not apply to newly purchased flowers, which are left without pruning in the first year of life.


To obtain new plants, cuttings are usually used. It should be remembered that two or three years after planting, gardenia begins to bloom not as offensively as at the beginning, which cannot go unnoticed by the owner. However, in this situation, you can find a solution. Using cuttings, you can return the lost properties to the old bush or grow a new plant. You can harvest cuttings after the last flowers have withered. However, you need to be very careful in choosing shoots: branches must be cut from the tops and only well-ripened ones.

The highest quality are the cuttings, which have a "heel" - this is how a piece is called old wood. You can increase the chances of rooting a shoot by treating it with growth stimulants - Kornevin or Heteroauxin. You can plant cuttings in the ground for rooting at any time of the year.- autumn or spring. However, first it is necessary to disinfect the shoots, for which they must be held for some time in a solution of potassium permanganate. Next, the cuttings are transferred to the prepared substrate, for which sand and peat are taken in equal amounts.

After planting, the cuttings must be covered plastic wrap and transfer to a room where the temperature should be maintained at least 25 degrees. During the entire time, it is necessary to carefully care for the shoots. by ventilating and keeping the soil moist. While creating favorable conditions for shoots, their rooting occurs after 30 days. Then the moment comes for their transplantation to a permanent place: a mixture is used as a soil substrate, which is prepared on the basis of peat, coniferous soil and sand.

In winter, care for jasmine gardenia should be no less thorough than in summer. At this time of the year, she needs to provide sufficient lighting, because with its deficiency, the flower may weaken. This the problem can be solved if you maintain maximum illumination indoors and the temperature at the level of 10-15 degrees. In conditions of insufficient lighting, it is recommended to carry out artificial supplementary lighting. The soil, which must be kept slightly moist, should not be ignored.

The timing of flowering in gardenias may vary, which is influenced by the plant variety. To speed up this moment, it is important to ensure a stable night temperature, which should not fall below 16 degrees. Many varieties of gardenia are white in color., which subsequently changes to yellow or cream. The vast majority of gardenia species delight not only beautiful flowers, but also a pleasant aroma of jasmine.

However, at any moment this pleasure can be interrupted by diseases and pests. The most dangerous pests for gardenia are:

  • mealybug;
  • scab.

An effective method of dealing with them is the treatment with insecticides.

Gardenia jasmine at home: photo of flowers


In some cases, in the state of gardenia, changes that are dangerous for her may occur, which require prompt action on the part of the owner.

Yellowing of the leaves is a sign of a disease of the root system caused by a mismatch in the irrigation regime. If the gardenia is watered too often or rarely, then this negatively affects the root system, but manifests itself on the leaves. They usually react to this by yellowing, and also acquire brown spots. Sometimes the leaves may start to turn yellow if they are deficient in iron. In this case, the problem is quite simple to solve - you need to use the drug Ferovit. This fertilizer must be applied until the flower has fully recovered from the disease.


One of the reasons why many growers use jasmine gardenia indoors is that she is the only representative in her family, which is cultivated plant. And this is not to mention the decorative properties that its flowers possess.

Every grower can enjoy this beauty, because this kind of gardenia does not cause big problems in the care. However yet certain rules care must be taken, otherwise this gardenia will not only not bloom, but at some point it may wither. And, knowing how to care for gardenia at home, you can be guaranteed to achieve its abundant flowering every season.

Gardenia jasminoides (Gardenia jasminoides) will decorate any room if it is provided with proper care at home. Thanks to its snow-white flowers, which have a waxy texture, it not only looks attractive, but also smells of a delicate unobtrusive aroma of jasmine. In order for the plant to be healthy and please the eye for a long time, it is necessary to follow certain rules for its cultivation.

Jasmine gardenia: home care

Gardenia care at home is simple and does not require much effort. Therefore, the flower is also suitable for those who have recently become interested in indoor plants. Following certain rules will create ideal conditions for its development and, of course, magnificent flowering.

Soil and pot requirements

First of all, you need to take care of suitable soil and a pot. Gardenia thrives in acidic soils., and on neutral and alkaline it practically does not bloom. Therefore, you can purchase a ready-made soil mixture in specialized stores - for example, for azaleas, which are also demanding in maintaining the acid-base balance they need.

Also, the soil must have the ability to retain moisture. To do this, perlite, sand or sphagnum are added to the gardenia mixture. The latter also has an additional acidifying effect, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the plant.

When choosing a pot, you need to pay attention first of all to its volume. It should be slightly larger (1.5–2 cm) than root system gardenia. As it grows with regular transplants, the capacity for it should be increased.

How to transplant jasmine gardenia (video)

Optimal conditions for a flower

To create for a plant comfortable conditions, it is necessary to monitor the temperature and humidity of the air in the room. It is important to consider that gardenia reacts very negatively to a rearrangement in new room or to a new place, so the placement of the pot needs to be finalized. Otherwise, dropping buds and leaves can be expected.

  • The air temperature in summer should be around 23°C during the day, and about 17°C at night. In winter, cool air is preferable, so the temperature in the room must be maintained within 16 ° C, although the flower can endure a decrease in this indicator by several degrees. Such a cooling is necessary in order to exclude the depletion of the plant during the period when it should be at rest. You can achieve the required indicator with the help of ventilation. Just keep in mind that jasmine gardenia does not tolerate drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.
  • It is equally important to provide the plant required amount Sveta. Gardenia needs a lot of it, but the rays should be scattered. If they fall on flowers or leaf plates, this will provoke the appearance of ugly burns. Therefore, if necessary, you will need to create artificial shading. It is better to put a pot of jasmine gardenia on a western or southwestern window. On the east and north side, it will experience a shortage of lighting even in the summer months.
  • Gardenia is a moisture-loving creature. Therefore, it is necessary to provide it with suitable air humidity. This can be done by placing in a pot with drainage holes that is filled with wet expanded clay. On stuffy summer days and in dry air, you can spray the bush from a hand sprayer. It is necessary to ensure that drops of water do not fall on the petals and buds. It is also recommended that the plant periodically arrange a warm shower, after protecting the soil with polyethylene.

Watering and feeding

Proper and timely watering is equally important for the successful development of the plant. In spring and summer, you need to make sure that the soil is constantly moistened - this will prevent the gardenia from drying out. But at the same time, the soil should not be too wet, because this will lead to decay of the root system. Gardenia is watered from above. Reduce watering during the cold winter months, but do not allow the soil to dry out completely.

The health of the flower also depends on the quality of the water used for irrigation. The ideal option the use of melt and rain water will become, but this is only appropriate in areas with good ecology. In other cases, you can use settled water without sediment. It would also be useful to pass it through a filter, for example, the popular "jug". To maintain the acidity of the soil, 2-3 drops of lemon juice or oxalic acid can be added per liter of water.

The time of regular feeding of gardenia coincides with the active growing season when the plant begins to grow intensively and gain buds. You can use complex mineral fertilizers intended for flowering plants: they include micro and macro elements necessary for the nutrition of the flower. Flower growers often use products designed for azaleas for this.

Like all representatives of the flora, this plant responds well to moderate applications. organic fertilizers. Will benefit and foliar top dressing mineral compositions by spraying: the substances are perfectly absorbed by the leaf plate. This must be done in accordance with the instructions for use of the drug. In winter, preparations containing magnesium sulfate and iron can be used.

Rules and terms of plant transplantation

Young gardenia is recommended to be transplanted every year in the spring months, since in the first years of its life there is an intensive growth of the root system. More mature specimens are enough to transplant every 3-4 years. For this procedure, the preferred method of transshipment, which is less traumatic for the roots. You need to prepare a suitable soil and pot in advance. Transplantation should be carried out at a time when there are no buds and flowers on it.

How jasmine-shaped gardenia breeds (video)

Growing Gardenia jasminoides from seed

Gardenia can be grown from seeds. At the same time, the success of this venture largely depends on their quality. They can be purchased at flower shops or from amateur flower growers. When buying, you should pay attention to their condition: they must be whole, without signs of rot and other diseases.

Planting material is sown in the ground in the spring, sprinkling it with approximately 4 mm of earth. To create the effect of a greenhouse, the container is covered with polyethylene. It will take moderate, but regular watering and spraying. Having chosen the method of propagation from seeds, it can be expected that after 3-4 weeks sprouts will appear. But such a plant will bloom no earlier than a couple of years later, so you have to be patient.

Reproduction by cuttings

To do this, carefully cut off the apical stalk above the node from an adult plant about 10 cm long. The lower leaves can be removed, leaving about four.

In order for roots to appear, such a blank can be placed in a glass of water, which must be changed every 2 to 3 days. But most flower growers prefer to plant the stalk immediately in the ground from a mixture of peat and sand, having previously treated the cut with a growth stimulator. As with growing gardenia from seeds, you should make a small greenhouse. The preferred temperature for fast rooting is +25°C. Once the cutting has "taken root" and started to produce new leaves, it can be transplanted into a small permanent pot.

Why gardenia jasmine does not bloom

Some flower growers are wondering why their jasmine gardenia does not bloom. To find the answer to this question, you need to analyze the conditions of its content and find errors. The most basic of them are:

  1. Wrong temperature. It should be 18 - 25°C. Otherwise, it will take a long time to bloom.
  2. Insufficient lighting.
  3. Inadequate nutrition. For the set and blooming of buds, the plant must receive the necessary list of elements. It's time to use mineral supplements.
  4. Low air humidity. You can put the pot in a tray with wet expanded clay or use humidifiers. Regular spraying will also benefit.
  5. Alkaline soil. Gardenia requires acidic soil. You can buy a suitable one in the store and regularly artificially acidify the soil.

Why does gardenia jasmine turn black, fall off or turn yellow leaves

Sometimes, in a previously healthy plant, the leaves begin to turn yellow or blacken, or even crumble. What to do in this case?

Yellowing of the leaves in most cases is the result of improper watering. Gardenia harms both its deficiency and excess. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the volumes and schedule of soil moisture. If everything is in order with watering, then the leaf plates may turn yellow due to a lack of iron, which must be applied using special preparations (for example, Ferovit).

Leaves may turn yellow and fall due to a sharp change in conditions.. For example, when the temperature jumps in the room. Moderate shedding of foliage in old plants is a natural process. You need to worry only when the phenomenon has become massive.

Leaves can turn black when flooded. In this case, the change in color is the result of rotting of the root system. Correct watering and transplanting can save the plant. new ground. It will be useful to process the roots from fungi. Also, blackening can be triggered by drafts or pest activity.

Features of caring for gardenia jasmine (video)

Other indoor flower diseases

Gardenia jasmine is a plant with good immunity, not susceptible to the appearance of diseases. Most often, pests deliver trouble - scale insects and spider mites. In order not to miss the moment of infection, you should regularly inspect the flower. If necessary, tear off the affected leaves, and treat the healthy part of the plant with soapy water and special insecticidal agents.

If you properly care for jasmine gardenia, then it will surely please you with a lush appearance and a pleasant aroma. Its content will not cause much trouble, you just need to know the needs of the plant. Gardenia blooms from early July to October.

Blooming area evergreen shrub gardenias - tropics and subtropics of China, Asia and Africa. Gardenia jasmine-like care at home requires a special one. The slightest miss leads to the dropping of foliage, fading and even death of the flower. On the windowsill, the plant can live from one to seven years, depending on the observance of agricultural technology.

How to recognize you, gardenia jasmine?

At home, an adult bush can grow from 50 to 180 cm tall. It has strong lignified shoots with shiny leaves and fragrant large flowers. Blooms naturally twice a year. In culture, large-flowered forms with long term flowering.

Even prolonged bad weather can spoil the mood of a tropical guest. The lack of light leads to the fading of the plant. It is important to organize a backlight for the sissy to relieve stress. Moreover, now there are special lighting lamps. Does not tolerate the plant:

  • prolonged exposure to direct noon sun rays;
  • dry air;
  • improper watering and nutrition;
  • uncomfortable temperature.

Flowering occurs at the tips of the shoots and axillary, closer to the light. Therefore, the annual pruning of lignified branches allows you to make the bush decorative and gives planting material for propagation - cuttings.

In the caring hands of a skilled hostess, jasmine gardenia, photo, will delight with a radiant look and exquisite aroma of flowers. The aroma is strong and there is no place for a flower in the bedroom.

When caring for a plant, you need to know that all parts of the flower are poisonous and you should work with protective gloves.

How to care for gardenia jasmine

Caring for a plant is to create a comfortable environment for it. In a residential environment, the necessary microclimate in a limited volume is achieved by constant care for the flower. In this case, you need to create:

  • temperature conditions;
  • watering and microclimate;
  • substrate and nutrition;
  • transplant.

The main condition is the absence of sudden climatic changes, to which jasmine gardenia reacts painfully.

A place with good diffused light is chosen for a long time. The flower cannot only be rearranged, it cannot be rotated, otherwise it will drop the buds. Therefore, the southwestern and southern window on hot days with shading will be just right. Favorably the flower refers to open balcony and a loggia and even a terrace in front of the house. In winter, gardenias need illumination with a fluorescent or LED lamp; the air is heated from an incandescent lamp.

Compliance with the temperature regime of gardenia jasmine in care requires strictly. In summer, the plant blooms at a temperature not higher than 22-24 0 C. The plant exposed to fresh air, before flowering, is brought into the room and created desired temperature. In winter, buds are formed on the shoots. At a temperature of 16-18 there will be a lot of them. And if the temperature is higher, twigs will begin to grow to the detriment of the formation of fruit buds.

A subtropical plant needs wet air. In the care of jasmine gardenia at home, this is achieved by spraying the leaves, but the buds and flowers must remain dry. An evaporator, an aquarium nearby, or a tray with wet substrate and stones on which the pot is placed will save the situation.

Special requirements for water for irrigation. Hard water, which causes scale on the kettle, is unsuitable. Only soft, settled, river or rain water can be used to moisten a clod of earth. In summer, the flower is watered often. If the drainage leaks excess moisture, there should be no stagnation. In winter, watering is carried out moderately, but without drying out the coma.

Its moisture capacity and nutrition of the root system depend on the composition of the soil. Therefore, after buying a plant, and every time the land is depleted, jasmine-shaped gardenia needs to be transplanted. The substrate is prepared acidic, based on heather or peaty-coniferous soil.

You can take ready-made soil for azaleas, or you can make it in equal proportions:

  • riding red;
  • coniferous forest land;
  • leafy land;
  • coarse sand;
  • sod land.

Drainage is made of expanded clay, which must first be boiled, removing salt from the pores. The soil should be acidified and a little natural lemon juice is added to the irrigation water 2 times a month.

Chelated iron salts are used as a top dressing for a flower, since the plant needs this element more. All top dressings exclude calcium and magnesium, as they will make the soil unsuitable, the plant will have to be transplanted. During the growing season, gardenia jasmine needs nitrogen. Nitrogen is necessary for building green mass. But everything is good in moderation. Excess salts, not absorbed by the plant, poison the soil.

Gradually, the root system grows, the soil becomes poor, the drainage pores become silted, and gardenia requires a jasmine-like transplant.

Any replanting of the plant during the growing season will cause the buds to drop. Therefore, even a purchased flower is transplanted at a time when buds and flowers have not yet appeared. But if you need to save jasmine gardenia, then flowering will have to be sacrificed.

The plant is transplanted after autumn flowering, that is, in late autumn and until early February. For small bushes, the transshipment method is used. It is not necessary to transship annually, the main thing is that the lump is completely shrouded in roots and retains its shape.

Large bushes free from the coma of the old earth, shaking it off. The roots are cut, processed activated carbon, a root formation stimulator and arrange in the same dish after replacing the substrate. Set the pot in a permanent place.

Gardenia jasmine, leaves turn black and fall

A signal to look closely at the plant will be the blackening of the leaves and their dropping. The reason may be the poor performance of the root system, which does not provide the bush with food.

If the lower leaves turn black, you need to check:

  • whether the earth in the pot has compacted and become airtight;
  • are the drainage holes clogged, creating stagnant water;
  • too much fertilizer can give the same reaction.

If the crown has turned black, you need to look for pests. It is possible that a bacterial or viral disease has appeared on the plant and the supply of the upper part nutrients violated. If the leaves fall off, then this may be caused by any deviations in the care of gardenia jasmine at home.

The appearance of fungal diseases, accompanied by spots, bloom and death of the leaves. The fight is in the treatment of fungicides. The best way is to pick off diseased plants and burn them, and process the plant, including roots and transplant into fresh soil or other dishes.

Gardenia jasmine leaves turn yellow

An indicator of the health of a houseplant is the condition of the leaves. If gardenia leaves turn yellow, it is urgent to look for the cause:

  1. Yellowing of the lower tier of leaves suggests that the balance of moisture is disturbed or the plant is standing in a draft. It is necessary to reduce watering, remove the pallet with pebbles.
  2. The yellowness of the upper leaves indicates a lack of nitrogen or poor absorption. This is also a sign of watering with hard water, as a result, the acidity of the soil is disturbed.
  3. In low light, jasmine gardenia turns yellow and sheds buds and leaves. The plant lacks chelated iron or nitrogen. Only you need to restore the balance gradually, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

The cause of yellowing may be the settlement of the leaves with a spider mite. Any deviation in the content of gardenia leads to a stop in flowering and dropping buds.

Propagation of jasmine gardenia at home

There are two methods of reproduction - seed and vegetative. In seed propagation, the main condition is the freshness of the seeds. They can be obtained independently at room conditions, waiting for maturation. Remember, gardenia seeds are poisonous.

The cuttings are the upper parts of lignified shoots. They take root in a greenhouse, in a sand-peat mixture in the summer, when a bush is formed by removing part of the stems. Rooted plants are later transplanted into the prepared substrate, and after six months the young plant can bloom.

How to grow gardenia jasmine from seeds

Expanded clay or coarse sand with small pebbles is poured into a wide bowl with drainage holes by a third. The soil for growing shkolka consists of equal parts of peat, sand and coniferous soil.

Seeds are soaked for a day in growth stimulants. For growing from seeds, gardenia jasmine is laid out on the surface of the substrate and sprinkled on top with a mixture half a centimeter thick. The earth is moistened from above with a spray gun, covered and installed in a warm, bright place. Soil temperature should be stable 25 degrees. Shelter is periodically removed and the soil is moistened. Sprouts will appear in a month.

When the plant gets stronger and real leaves appear, they need to be planted in the smallest cups one at a time and covered until they take root. In the future, you will have to replant more than once, until after two years the bush will bloom.

It is more profitable to propagate jasmine-shaped gardenia by cuttings, since flowering occurs faster, after six months.

Gardenia care video

Jasmine gardenia, in Latin called Gardenia jasminoides, comes from the Rubiaceae family and is a native of India, China, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam and the subtropics of Africa. In the bosom of nature, it can be found in the form of an evergreen flowering shrub up to 2 meters high. In pot culture, the bush reaches no more than 60 cm in height.

In the genus Gardenia, there are about 250 species, and in indoor floriculture only jasmine-shaped gardenia took root. Its large snow-white flowers with a delicate aroma of jasmine captivate at first sight. They are located singly or collected in inflorescences of several pieces. Most often, the flowers are semi-double or double, similar to a beautiful rose.

Very decorative and dark green leaves. In shape, they are broadly lanceolate with a pointed tip, reaching 10 cm in length. The sheet plate is distinguished by a relief surface, casting a glossy sheen.

In general, indoor gardenia is an elegant bush with dense foliage, especially charming during the flowering period. With proper care, the life expectancy of a beautiful representative of the flora is up to 7 years old.

Gardenia was introduced to Europe in the 18th century. In warm countries, it decorates gardens and parks, and in a cool climate, it can only be kept at home or in greenhouse conditions. Through the efforts of breeders, many varieties of beauty have been bred.


  • Beauty or in Latin Beauty- perhaps the most popular variety with double snow-white flowers. Blooms profusely from early June to autumn.
  • Belmont, aka Belmont- differs in densely double flowers and is the most fragrant. It has an increased resistance to diseases.
  • Amy or Aimee- a bush with large flowers of an ideal terry shape, reaching 12 cm in diameter. Able to bloom twice a year.
  • Mystery or in Latin Mystery- a strong and hardy variety with large leaves, growing strictly upright. The flowers are quite large, flat terry shape.
  • Variegata, otherwise Variegata- variegated compact form with charming small flowers. In the color of the foliage, transitions of green shades to light cream are observed. The shrub is slow growing and ideal for growing in a pot.
  • Radicans or Radicans- dwarf variety with small glossy leaves and small double flowers. This variety begins to bloom later than its relatives and is ideal for growing in the bonsai technique.

Features of home care for gardenia jasmine

Gardenia jasmine very capricious and caring for it contains certain difficulties. It is sensitive to any changes in conditions by yellowing leaves and dropping buds. Success in growing a plant lies in the strict observance of all the requirements that it imposes.

Lighting and temperature conditions

The gardenia beauty is a big lover of bright light, but not active sunlight. At midday, it is necessary to protect it from the active sun with a translucent curtain. Otherwise, burns will appear on the leaves. The best place placement - southwest or west window. On the northern windowsill you will need additional lighting.

The flower does not tolerate frequent movements, so it is very advisable to immediately provide him with a permanent place in the house.

He especially dislikes changes during flowering and may even drop buds in response to a slight turn of the pot.

The optimum temperature for a plant in summer is from 21 to 24 °C, in winter - within 16-18 °C, a reduction of up to 10 °C is permissible.

In the winter months, coolness is very important for him, in which, in conditions of insufficient daylight, it is less depleted.

The beauty suffers greatly from drafts and temperature changes.

But she is especially afraid of hypothermia of the roots and can react to it by falling leaves and rotting of the roots. Therefore, you should not put a flowerpot with a green pet on a cold surface. In this case, some elevation will help out.

Watering and humidity

Water your favorite flower should be moderate. For him, both the drying of the earthy coma and its waterlogging are very dangerous. In spring and summer, the soil should always remain slightly damp; in winter, it is allowed to dry out a little between waterings. to a depth of 1.5 cm.

Water should be boiled, filtered from impurities and slightly warm. It is necessary to make it a rule to always drain it from the pan after watering. It is useful to acidify the water with lemon juice (a few drops per liter). Plants absorb many nutrients only in an acidic environment.

high humidity- Another important condition beauty health. She loves daily sprays. In summer, water procedures should be especially frequent. flowering bush should be sprayed carefully so that droplets of moisture do not fall on the delicate petals. It does not hurt to place the tree on a tray with wet moss and place containers with water nearby.

Fertilizer and top dressing

From spring to autumn, the plant is fed every two weeks, alternating fertilizers for flowering and any organic. You can use fertilizer for azaleas. A couple of times a season, foliar fertilizing with preparations containing iron is carried out.

rest period

From October to February, the plant has a dormant period, when it rests and gains strength. At this time, watering is reduced, and top dressing is canceled. Rest for a flower is very important so that it does not become exhausted and prepares in a new abundant flowering.


The beautiful gardenia blooms from early summer to October. It takes a long time to prepare for flowering. When setting buds (March-April), the bush is moderately watered, protected from the bright sun, and the room is regularly ventilated (no drafts!). During this period, the correct temperature regime: at night - from 16 to 18 °C, during the day - from 18 to 20 °C.

With the advent of buds, the most careful care is required. All conditions of detention are strictly observed. It is necessary to monitor the temperature, humidity, acidity of the earth, etc. For the slightest fault of the grower, a capricious beauty can drop buds. A flowering bush should not be rearranged and twisted around its axis, and it is not permissible to touch the flowers with your hands.

Each gardenia flower lasts about a week on the bush.

Interestingly, during this period, its snow-white color can change, becoming pale yellow or cream.

For many flower growers, especially beginners, the pet flatly refuses to bloom, for which there are many reasons. This may be insufficiently acidic soil, watering with hard water, dry air, poor lighting, lack or excess of nutrients, too low or too high temperature, and other environmental conditions. As we see, only strict observance of all the rules for care will make the beauty show herself in all her splendor.


The spectacular shape of the bush is achieved by timely pruning. To obtain splendor in young specimens, pinch the elongated tops of the shoots. In older adults, weak branches are removed, and the remaining shoots are cut to one third of the length.

To form a standard tree, side branches are removed and only upper part. Upon reaching the desired height, pinch the top point of growth and form a crown, cutting off excess shoots.

Transplantation and soil composition

A flower rarely needs a transplant. It is necessary only in the case when the pot has become too small, the roots have braided the whole earth, or there are problems with them.

Transplantation is best done in the spring or after flowering. Medium option - transshipment every 2-3 of the year.

The soil requires acidic, loose and nutritious. Suitable substrate for azaleas. Or you can please a green friend with a self-prepared mixture of equal parts:

  • sod land
  • Coniferous land
  • Peat
  • Coarse sand, vermiculite or perlite

Over time, this acidic soil will leach out. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to acidify it monthly with water with citric acid (a couple of drops per 1 liter) and iron sulfate ( 0.5 g per 1 liter of water). Or you can use water infused with peat for irrigation.

Change after purchase

A newly acquired beautiful gardenia cannot be transplanted. You should wait two to three weeks and make sure that flowering is over. After this period, the flower is carefully removed from the pot (you need to tilt it down and, grabbing the base of the stem and shaking the bush, pull it out of the container). Next, you should clean the roots as thoroughly as possible from the transport soil, which is not very useful for them, and put the pet in a new container a little larger than the previous one. A thick layer of drainage is required at its bottom.


  • Stem cuttings. Cut off from the bush in spring or autumn apical cuttings about 10 cm long. The top 3-4 leaves are left, the rest are removed. The cuttings are lowered for a few minutes into Kornevin, then planted in a peat-sand mixture, sprayed and covered with a film, not forgetting to water and ventilate regularly. The cuttings take root in about a month, after which they are transplanted into suitable soil. Rooting is faster if bottom soil heating is used.
  • seeds, which can be collected from your own bush or purchased at the store. It is desirable that they be fresh - the old ones have a very low germination rate. Sowing is carried out in early spring. Seeds are soaked for a day, and then sown in a peat-sand mixture to a depth of not more than 5 mm. The container with crops is covered with a film or glass and placed in a warm place. with a temperature not lower than 25 °C. With regular spraying and airing, the first shoots can be expected in a month. A plant grown from seeds will bloom only after a couple of years.

Gardenia, independently grown from seeds, is less capricious, accustomed to room conditions and is in good health.


When growing jasmine-shaped gardenia, flower growers face many problems. The most common of them:

  • Why do the leaves turn yellow. Most likely the reason is temperature fluctuations, improper watering or increased acidity of the soil. Adjusted temperature and proper watering will help to correct the situation. The addition of iron chelate to the soil will help reduce the acidity of the soil.
  • Leaves turn yellow and fall off. This problem can appear from a lack of light, malnutrition, overdrying or waterlogging of an earthy coma. In this case, you need to place the bush in a well-lit place with light shade, feed it with fertilizer for azaleas and establish proper watering.
  • Why do the leaves turn black. The reason lies in excessive watering or getting sunburn. A flooded plant must be transplanted. In case of burns, all damaged leaves should be removed and the bush should be placed in the shade for a while.
  • Leaves and buds turn black and fall. This can occur from waterlogging, root rot, improper temperature and light conditions. In this case, you need to set proper care and follow the guidelines above. A heavily damaged specimen is transplanted into fresh soil, removing all diseased parts. The buds can turn black if careless spraying. It should not be forgotten that they suffer greatly from the ingress of moisture droplets.
  • Leaves are falling. If the leaves turn yellow sharply or fall off while still green, then the flower has received serious stress in the form of drafts or “drought” in the pot. Should be placed away from open window or balcony door, adjust watering and conduct a course of spraying with Epin.

Everything about this flower fascinates: both smooth, shiny, rich green leaves and amazing snow-white double flowers, as if made of wax. The amazing aroma of jasmine makes you remember summer. This tropical guest is a big sissy. Caring for gardenia jasmine at home is quite complicated. For successful growth and flowering, you need to fulfill many requirements that this capricious beauty makes.

Difficulties begin after the purchase. Unlike many others indoor plants, for a gardenia bought in a store, you will immediately need new pot and specially selected soil.

Change after purchase

The peat soils in which this flower grows in the store are not suitable for it. Often, the plant twists its roots around the entire earthen ball and does not have the opportunity to fully develop - the pot in which it grows is very small. Therefore, transplantation is the first thing to do after buying a gardenia. But first, you should give the tropical sissy a warm shower. After a few days, necessary for the adaptation of the flower, you can begin to transplant it.

Ground Requirements

This plant has a lot of them.

  • The earth must be acidic. You can purchase a special soil designed for plants - acidophiles: azaleas, rhododendrons.
  • The soil should dry quickly and retain moisture well. For friability, sand, perlite, processed and crushed sphagnum moss are used, which is able to acidify the earth.
  • The soil must contain enough nutrients.

If it is not possible to buy ready-made soil, you can prepare it yourself.

The following mixture is suitable, all components of which are taken in equal proportions:

  • sod land;
  • soil from under coniferous trees;
  • riding peat;
  • leaf land;
  • sand.

When the soil mixture is prepared, we proceed to transplant.

  • We prepare a solution of a growth stimulator according to the instructions, but dilute it only in warm soft water.
  • An hour before transplanting, water the gardenia with warm soft water. Carefully remove the plant from the pot without damaging the roots.
  • If rot is found on them, we remove all diseased roots, soak an earthen ball for 20 minutes in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. After that, we place the root system in a solution of a root formation stimulator. You can simply powder the roots of the plant with dry powder.
  • While it is soaking, prepare the pot for planting. It should be slightly larger than the one in which the gardenia was brought from the store. Ideally, there should be about 1.5 cm between the walls of the pot and the earthen clod. We lay a drainage layer of expanded clay or small stones on the bottom, put a layer of sand on top, and a little soil mixture on it.
  • We take out the plant from the solution of the root former and, if there are several of them in one pot, carefully separate them. Each bush needs a separate pot.
  • We place the azalea in the center of the pot and sprinkle it with soil, compacting it a little.
  • Pour in the remaining solution.


All soil components, as well as drainage elements, must be steamed. When transplanting, we make sure that the roots of the azalea do not come into contact with the drainage layer. The plant should be strictly in the center of the pot, the distance from its roots to the walls should be the same. After planting, the plant should be sprayed with epin to reduce stress. The transplanted gardenia is placed in a warm place with diffused light for several days. When she comes to her senses after the transplant, a permanent place of residence is chosen for her.

Gardenia can not be transplanted in a flowering state - it will shed flowers, so you have to wait for the end of flowering.

Gardenia jasmine: care

Jasmine-shaped gardenia indoor plant requires close attention. At the slightest violation of the conditions of detention, she can drop not only flowers, but also leaves. Everything is important: temperature, air humidity, timely and proper watering and top dressing, lighting.

Temperature, humidity and lighting

These are the three most important components for the health of the plant and its abundant flowering.

  • Temperature constancy is very important for this flower, in summer we keep it within 21-24 degrees during the day and 15-18 degrees at night. AT winter time it must be reduced to 16 degrees. At lower temperatures in conditions of lack of light, the plant will be less depleted. At higher winter temperatures, the gardenia will begin to grow new shoots, and there will be less flowering. Drafts where gardenia is contained are unacceptable - this creates stress for the plant.
  • This capricious grows well in bright light. But the bright sun in summer is harmful to her. The most comfortable flower will be on the windowsills of windows with a western or southwestern orientation. In winter, tropical sissy should be illuminated to the maximum.

A place for a flower must be chosen permanent. It can not only be rearranged, but even slightly moved the pot, especially when the gardenia blooms.

Like all inhabitants of the tropics, gardenia loves air with high humidity, especially when flowering. You can moisten it by spraying, but excluding water droplets on the flowers - stains remain on them. For spraying, soft water at room temperature is suitable. You can put an evaporator next to the plant or place it in a tray with wet pebbles. It is good to arrange a warm shower for the sissy, covering the soil in the pot with a film so that it does not get wet. You can wipe the leaves of the flower with a damp cloth.

Watering the plant

Proper watering will ensure long-term and lush bloom gardenia. In summer, the potted soil should always be moist, so watering is carried out regularly. In winter, it is permissible to do this a little less often - once every 2-3 days. But in any season, the water should be soft, preferably boiled, and not contain salts. The temperature of irrigation water should not be lower than room temperature or slightly warmer. Every fifth watering water is acidified by adding 2-3 drops of lemon juice per liter of water. You can insist water on high-moor peat. The bush is watered only from above, it is impossible to water through the pan. Excessive humidity harms the room beauty - it provokes the development of root rot.

Top dressing and fertilizer

Feeding gardenia has its own characteristics. The first top dressing is carried out 1-2 months after transplantation. Plants brought from Holland do not feed the entire first season, since their soil is well seasoned with nutrients, overfeeding this plant is harmful.

Root dressings are made with acidic complex fertilizers intended for azaleas, but their concentration is reduced by 2 times. Feed every decade throughout the active growth season. Once a week, foliar top dressing can be done with a weak solution of the same fertilizers. Mineral supplements are combined with organic - special liquid preparations for indoor flowers. In winter, the number of dressings is reduced or stopped altogether if the plant does not bloom.

To prevent chlorosis, a couple of times during the season, gardenia is fed with iron chelate. You can spray them on the plants on the leaves. The problem of iron deficiency can be solved by burying a few rusty nails in the pot.

Rules for care after flowering

When the gardenia has faded, it is the best time to trim and shape it. The branches are cut in half or 2/3 of the length. Remove dried or interfering shoots. Cut healthy twigs can be used as cuttings for rooting.

Reproduction of gardenia

It is easiest to carry it out with semi-lignified cuttings. They are kept for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then they are planted in a substrate from a mixture of sand and peat and covered glass jar. It sometimes needs to be removed to ventilate the cuttings. The soil must be moist. Well rooted cuttings, if you apply the lower heating of the soil. Rooted plants are planted in separate containers. With a shoot height of 15 cm, pinch it for better tillering.

How to grow jasmine gardenia from seeds?

The seeds of this plant are rapidly losing their germination capacity, so they need to be sown 2-3 days after harvest. To increase germination, the seeds are treated with a solution of zircon or aloe juice, soaking them for 3-4 hours.

Seeds are sown in moistened and previously disinfected soil for azaleas, sprinkling with a layer of soil 5 mm thick. A plastic bag is put on a container with seeds, or it is covered with glass. The bag or glass is removed from time to time for ventilation. The soil is sprayed with a spray bottle. Shoots appear in a month. All this time, the container is kept warm and dark. After the emergence of seedlings, it is transferred to a window sill with diffused light. The grown seedlings are seated and pinched. Growing gardenia jasmine from seeds is best done in the spring.

Pests and diseases and how to deal with them

The painful condition of gardenia is often associated with errors in care. Sometimes it is due to the appearance of pests.

Table: the main diseases and pests of gardenia.

Signs of defeatWhat causedHow do they manifestControl measures
Falling flower budsHumidity below normalThe buds fall before they openIncreasing air humidity by spraying and placing the pot on a pallet with wet pebbles
Spots on flowersWater contact with flowers due to careless sprayingThe appearance of brown spots on the petalsReplacing spraying with other methods of air humidification
Yellowing leavesChlorosis due to lack of ironLeaves turn yellow but veins remain greenFeeding with iron chelate, watering with lime-free water
Leaf blackeningSooty fungus caused by pest activityBlack sooty film on leavesDestruction of pests, washing the plant
White woolly spotsMealybugThe appearance of white spots from the wrong side of the sheetThe use of insecticides, wiping the leaves with alcohol
pale yellow leavesspider mitePunctures are visible on the leaves in the light, a thin cobweb is visible from the inside of the leafTreatment with acaricide or acaroinsecticide
leaf discolorationShchitovkaThe appearance of brown scaly insects from the wrong side of the leafInsecticide treatment or rubbing alcohol on the leaves

The main problems when growing a plant

Gardenia is very capricious and demanding to comply with all the rules of care. If they are disturbed, she will immediately respond by dropping buds or changing the color of the leaves.

Leaves turn black and fall

The leaves turn black and fall off if the root system of the plant does not work well.

To eliminate this cause, check the following:

  • whether the soil passes air well, whether it has compacted;
  • whether the drainage holes are clogged - this can lead to stagnant water and rotting and weakening of the root system;
  • whether there is overfeeding in plants - excess fertilizers depress the roots.

The black top is a signal of the appearance of pests that have infected the plant with viral or bacterial diseases.

Yellowing leaves

If the lower tier has turned yellow, the cause may be excessive humidity or a draft in the room. The upper tier turns yellow - the acidity of the soil is not normal, which makes it difficult to absorb nitrogen. If all the leaves turn yellow, the plant is inhabited by a spider mite or it lacks either nitrogen or iron. You need to restore the balance gradually, otherwise you can harm the flower.

Despite all the whims, this charming inhabitant of the tropics can decorate every home. It is simply impossible to take your eyes off the amazing flowers, and the amazing smell will create a special aura in the house.

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