Surface pumps for watering the garden: how to choose. Secrets of choosing and installing water pumps for watering a garden in a country house Submersible pump for watering a garden from a well

Site arrangement 25.06.2019
Site arrangement

In order not to waste time constantly moving around the garden with buckets or a watering can, you can use a pump for watering from a barrel. But before purchasing a particular device, you need to determine the most optimal option. Often purchased pumps for a 200 l barrel for irrigation, as they are more powerful.

Factors affecting the choice

The choice of a pumping station is based on such technical characteristics as power, performance and the presence of filters. But before purchasing a particular device, there are other factors to consider:

  • the distance from the barrel to the edge of the watered area;
  • ground height differences;
  • device usage time;
  • area allocated for irrigated crops.

Knowing the distance over which the hose will be pulled, it is possible to calculate the required power of the device and its pressure. When calculating productivity, it should be borne in mind that for irrigation square meter usually about 5 liters of water will be used. When choosing a particular product, its pressure should be taken into account. In many areas, devices are used, the pressure of which is at least 50. When choosing a device for power, it must be taken into account that for drip irrigation low-power units are suitable, and for sprinkling it is necessary to choose more expensive models.

During the selection, it is worth taking a closer look at the more popular models, since they are the ones that are of better quality. If watering will be done rarely, you can buy an inexpensive low-power model.

Features of drum pumps

The described devices differ from other types of similar products in ease of use. They are often chosen by site owners, as they are light in weight and do not emit any noise during operation. a large number of noise. Such devices operate at a depth of up to 1.2 m, so they can be installed in barrels of various sizes.

The pump is fixed on the barrel, after which it is connected to the network. Using the pressure regulator, you can choose the optimal pressure during irrigation. In such products, a built-in filter is provided that does not allow solid particles to pass through. It is worth remembering that in most cases, built-in filters are not able to completely filter the water, so over time the system becomes clogged and has to be cleaned.

To avoid the described problems, it is worth installing homemade filter. It can be created from old tulle. To do this, it is enough to lower the pump for irrigation from the barrel into the fabric and only then immerse it in water. In this case, it is important to securely fix the material on the edges of the barrel. The pumps are protected by a filter so the fabric will not be drawn into the device.

It is worth remembering that the filter elements of the described devices are located in the lower part of the body, so the system can become clogged during use with fertilizer residues and rust that accumulates in a metal barrel.

There are many models of various capacities on sale, at the time of purchase it is worth focusing on the size of the site. If gravy needs to be produced over a large area, two-stage mechanisms should be preferred. Such devices have a higher cost, but are designed for a large amount of work.

If there are only a few flower beds on the site, it is worth purchasing low-power devices. The maximum capacity of barrel pumps is about 4 thousand liters per hour.

Features of surface pumps

Surface devices allow you to pump water from any clean source. They can also be used when watering a site from a barrel. The performance of the described pumps is quite high. Many choose such pumps, as they are easily repaired with their own hands.

The advantage of surface devices:

  • compactness;
  • low price;
  • devices are easy to maintain operation;
  • durability.

Surface barrel pumps for watering the garden also have disadvantages, these include high level noise during operation and sensitivity to impurities in the water.

Important! Install the described products only on a flat area. Typically, such devices do not need to be fixed.

Submersible pumps

These devices are usually purchased for pumping water from wells and wells, but can also be used to water a site from a barrel. Such products are divided into the following types:

  1. Vibrating. Such barrel pumps are more popular, as they have a low cost and good performance. During use, they consume a small amount of energy. But it is worth noting that in the event of a breakdown it is quite difficult to restore the mechanism.
  2. centrifugal devices. Such pumps are characterized by high performance, so they can be used for irrigation large area. The price of the described products is quite high, but they are more reliable than vibration ones.

Features of drainage pumps

When purchasing drainage pumps, it should be borne in mind that they are used for pumping dirty water. Watering the plants is just additional function such products. They consist of a sealed housing in which the pump unit is located.

The body of the drainage pumps is made of steel or plastic. When choosing a particular model, it should be borne in mind that the larger the diameter of the suction hole, the larger particles the pump can pass. Many of these products are equipped with a float switch, which helps to turn off in the absence of water.

The advantages of drainage pumps include:

  • high reliability;
  • Ease of use;
  • the possibility of pumping water with large impurities;
  • low noise level during operation.

It is worth noting that in the event of a breakdown, a fairly large amount of money is spent on repairs.

Features of using pumps for irrigation

During operation, several rules must be observed:

  • during operation, do not allow situations in which the barrel pump for irrigation will run idle;
  • in winter time it is necessary to drain the water from the device;
  • so that the product does not overheat, you should not pump high-temperature water to it if the device is cooled by liquid;
  • The product must only be used in the conditions for which it was designed.

Features of products of well-known manufacturers

The most popular are the products of the following manufacturers:

  1. Karcher.
  2. gardena.
  3. Bison.

Karcher German devices are distinguished by reliability and high quality. They greatly facilitate the process of watering the site. Such pumps can be used in the morning and in the evening without worrying that the noise may disturb the people who are on the site.

The high pressure allows several trunk lines to be connected to the product. Almost all Karcher pumps have protection against idle operation. Because of this, they can be used without breaking large enough strings.

Gardena products are characterized by high performance and low energy consumption. Almost all devices are equipped with float switches that contribute to shutdown in the absence of water. In the lower part of such pumps there is a filter for water purification from solid particles.

Devices from the described manufacturer have a reliable sealed case, so water ingress into the engine is excluded.

Bison products have protection against winding heating. Almost all pumps are made of impact-resistant plastic, which can withstand heavy loads. The pressure can be adjusted while the pump is in use. Before working with such devices, it is important to make sure that they are properly assembled and securely fastened.

How to make a barrel pump with your own hands

You can make a pump for watering a garden from a barrel from many household submersible products. This allows you to save on the purchase of a specialized device. During the alteration of the product, it is necessary to bring the engine switch closer to the barrel, and also install a filter.

If country estates have a personal plot, then, most likely, it is used either for agricultural or for decorative and floricultural purposes. And in fact, and in another case, you can not do without the regular conduct of certain agrotechnical work. And irrigation will always be in the foreground - without effective irrigation, especially in dry summers, to achieve high yield, beautiful flowering flower beds or even just a juicy green lawn - it is hardly possible.

Even in the case when a water main is connected to the site, using water from it for irrigation is by no means the best solution. Firstly, it is very wasteful, and secondly, such water undergoes certain processing, including chlorination, and is not very useful for plants. For irrigation, it is better to use some natural source, but to use it you will need special equipment - a pump.

However, if the buyer goes to the store or enters the online catalog unprepared, he may encounter a lot of questions that will make optimal choice extremely complex. Pumping equipment is very "many-sided" and differs not only in technical characteristics, but also in operational capabilities. It is necessary to take into account many criteria in advance in order to leave your choice on the model that is most suitable for the existing conditions. This publication is dedicated to this - we buy a pump for watering the garden: varieties, selection, installation, basic operating rules.

Where will the water come from?

It is impossible to choose the right pump if you do not decide in advance where the water will be taken from for irrigation. There may be many options here.

  • The most successful "layout" is when the site has its own or located in the immediate vicinity of a reservoir of natural origin - a pond or lake, fed from underground sources or a stream and having a sufficient debit of water. It is possible to carry out watering from the river flowing nearby. In any of these cases, a surface pump or a submersible (semi-submersible) drainage type may be required.

If the site has an artificial reservoir - a pond or pool, then it can also become a source of water for irrigation. All the same, the water in it should change regularly, and these two operations can be combined - supply fresh water to the pool, pumping it out to the garden that already needs to be replaced. True, on one condition - that no chemical reagents were used.

  • Even a somewhat swampy reservoir can serve as a source of water for irrigating the site, but in this case you will have to purchase a special kind of drainage pump, which is designed to pump dirty water.

However, such ideal conditions are quite rare. Most often, one has to resort to artificially created water sources.

  • For irrigation, you can use water from a well or well. For wells can be used as surface pumps(with a shallow aquifer), and submersible. For wells where water is usually found at great depths, only submersible pumps of a special type are suitable.

Water intake from wells requires special pumping equipment

To raise water from a great depth and at the same time provide it with sufficient pressure and the required flow rate for further use - not any equipment can handle this. How to approach - read in a separate publication of our portal.

However, an important note should be made immediately. Any experienced gardener or the gardener will say that it is highly undesirable to use water directly from their well or well for irrigation, since such irrigation of plants can do them more harm than good. The best option - the required volume for regular watering is pumped in advance into containers installed on personal plot. The water will warm up in a day, get rid of the substances dissolved in it. chemical compounds, and will become quite suitable for irrigation. By the way, this approach opens up wide opportunities for the competent use of fertilizers and dressings with strict adherence to the recommended proportions of dilution of the compositions.

For a set of containers, the already mentioned well or borehole pumps. But directly for irrigation, it will be possible to acquire a compact surface-type garden pump or special submersible models designed specifically for taking water from containers (barrels, eurocubes, home-made tanks, etc.).

  • A good owner should not lose anything, including rainwater, the collection of which in garden containers is very often organized from drainage systems. And besides, if a competent storm sewer, then a storage storm collector can also become a source of water for irrigation. In this case, the assistant will again become submersible drainage pump.

How is storm sewer arranged?

Unfortunately, about this system, water drainage from adjoining territory not everyone remembers, or they ignore its creation in the hope that everything will somehow “dissolve” by itself. Why this approach is wrong, and how to create it correctly - read in a separate article on our portal.

So, the choice of a pump for irrigation in the first place will depend on the type of water source used.

What performance and pressure ratings are required?

Whatever type of pump is chosen, this unit must fully cope with the functions assigned to it.

  1. Firstly, it must ensure the pumping of the required volume of water into certain time is a measure of performance.

It is not difficult to calculate this parameter. Based on the fact that existing rules for high-quality irrigation of one square meter of land, from 3 to 6 liters of water is required (depending on local climate conditions, characteristics of cultivated crops, and steady weather). It is best to calculate to the maximum - this will create a certain reserve of productivity, but everyone is free to decide this issue on their own.

Of course, only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site that is allocated for crops that require regular watering is taken into account. If lawn or flower beds are cultivated, their area is also taken into account.

The next value required for the calculation is the time that is planned to be spent on watering the entire area. Usually this event is held in the evening, after the subsidence of the heat of the day and the aggressiveness of direct sun rays so maybe an hour or two will suffice.

To find the required productivity (usually it is indicated in the technical documentation by the symbol Q), it remains to multiply the area of ​​​​the irrigated area and its irrigation rate, and divide the resulting value by the time allocated for irrigation.

Q=S uch ×N/t

S uch irrigated area (m²).

N- the accepted watering rate is from 3 to 6 l / m² (for individual crops it may be more).

t- the time allotted for watering the site.

For ease of calculation, you can use the proposed calculator. The area in it is indicated in acres - so many gardeners are more familiar.

Owners of summer cottages every summer face difficulties associated with the need to water gardens and backyard lawns. The labor intensity of this lesson can be significantly reduced using special equipment - an irrigation pump, which we will talk about in this article.

We will talk about the types of water pumps, their technical characteristics and features of choice, as well as provide an overview of the most popular models from the world's leading manufacturers of such equipment.

1 What should be considered when choosing a pump?

There are many varieties of irrigation pumps, which differ not only in technical characteristics and productivity, but also functional purpose. The nominal purpose of the equipment is what kind of water you will pump, and is the main criterion for its selection. Since ideally pure water is not needed for watering plants, many summer residents use rainwater or technical, previously used water, which is not perfectly clean and contains mechanical particles. The same applies to water coming from a well or well.

This factor puts forward the main requirement for a garden pump - the ability to work with contaminated liquids. Equipment for domestic use is classified into varieties based on the type of working environment, according to this classification, drum pumps, drainage, surface and submersible units are distinguished.

In addition to the type of pump selected according to the source available on the site, it is necessary to take into account specifications equipment. Before buying, you need to decide on the following initial data:

  • distance from the garden to the extreme point of water intake;
  • the presence of a height difference in a straight line between the water intake point and the watered area;
  • the planned irrigation area, on which the choice of unit productivity directly depends;
  • type of irrigation - drip, sprinkling, under the root.

Irrigation performance, according to SNiP standards, should be 5 liters per m2 of territory during the day. Depending on the air temperature and the condition of the soil, this number can vary between 3-6 liters. It is desirable that daily rate with manual watering, it was carried out within an hour, which will eliminate unnecessary waste of time. That is, for a garden or garden with an area of ​​100 m 2, a pump is needed that pumps an average of 500 l / h. Performance is always indicated in technical instructions unit. The designation can be made in cubic meters, 1 cubic meter = 1000 liters of water.

1.1 How to choose a pump for watering the garden? (video)

1.2 Calculation of the required head (power)

The head of the pump determines the height to which it can lift liquid from the well, and the maximum distance the water can be pumped. One meter of vertical water lift always equals 10 meters of horizontal transport (assuming inch hoses are used). Based on this, a pump designed for a height of 30 liters will be able to pump water over a distance of 300 m.

Let's calculate the required power of the equipment for specific example. Initial data - the height of the water intake is 5 meters and the distance from the garden to the well is 40 m:

  1. We determine the required length of the pipeline: 40 + 5 = 45 m.
  2. We calculate the additional length of the pipes necessary to compensate for the loss of water pressure, it will be 20% of overall length pipeline. AT this case- 45 * 0.2 \u003d 9 m.
  3. Add the resulting length in the height of the water intake: 5 + 9 = 14 m.
  4. We add 10 m of pipeline as a power reserve, this is necessary to ensure the normal operation of the equipment, without overloads and pressure surges. We summarize the data: 14 + 10 \u003d 24 m.

As a result, the calculation showed us that for this case, an aggregate with minimum height water intake 24 meters.

2 Classification and types of pumps

Irrigation equipment, depending on the principle of operation and the source of water intake, is classified into 5 main varieties

  • barrel;
  • superficial;
  • drainage;
  • submersible;
  • drip irrigation pumps.

Let's consider each class of equipment in more detail.

2.1 Barrel units

The barrel pump for watering the garden is designed to work with small storage tanks - barrels, settling tanks, eurocubes. Such equipment has a compact size, its weight rarely exceeds 4 kg. The barrel pump is equipped with low-power vibration motors, which, on the one hand, reduces its price, and on the other hand, limits the maximum level of water intake by 1-1.2 meters.

Like more advanced systems, the barrel pump has a mechanical filter that allows it to pump moderately contaminated liquids. Among the advantages of this equipment is the minimum noise level during operation, affordable cost. Proven models - Gardena 4000/2, Karcher VR-1.

2.2 Surface and submersible units

A surface pump for irrigation is needed when using a well or a well as a source of water intake, it is also possible to pump water from a pond or river. The power of this technique is enough to lift water to a height of up to 10 meters, while the equipment itself is installed on the surface, and an intake hose is lowered into the source.

Note that the length of the intake hose should not exceed 9 meters (including the vertical immersion height), so it will not work to install the pump on the site and throw a long hose to a reservoir or a well. The only significant drawback of such equipment is the high noise level during operation, the advantages are sufficient power for any purpose of domestic use and reliability when working on frequent starts.

There are two types of surface aggregates - vortex and centrifugal, the differences between them are in the principle of operation. Whirlpool equipment is designed for pumping clean water, while it is capable of delivering a higher flow head at the same motor power, while centrifugal equipment is focused on working with contaminated water, this the best choice when watering from a pond or river. Recommended vortex model - Gardena 3000/4, submersible - Karcher BP-3.

Submersible pump is an alternative surface equipment. During operation, it is placed inside a well or a well and draws water directly through the suction pipe in the housing. Depending on the design, the nozzle can be located on the bottom or top of the body, the latter option is preferable due to the lower risk of silting.

The submersible pump can be equipped with a vibration or centrifugal motor. Vibration engines are low-power, but cheap, while centrifugal drives are equipped with productive and rather expensive units, such as Karcher BP-6 DW.

2.3 Drainage units

It makes sense to choose a drainage pump for watering gardens if a polluted pond or well is used as a source of water intake. Such equipment is designed specifically to work with a liquid containing a large amount of mechanical impurities.

Drainage units differ from other types of equipment in that, in addition to the strainer, they have a grinder (knife shaft) that grinds all the debris contained in the water, thereby eliminating the possibility of clogging the body. However, there are also negative differences, namely a relatively low level of pressure, due to which it will not work to use a drainage pump for irrigation by sprinkling. The SP line of drains from Karcher, namely the SP-1 and SP3 models, has proven itself well.

2.4 Equipment for drip irrigation

The pump for drip irrigation can be anything - submersible, barrel or surface. Ideally, it should be equipped with a pressure switch and a timer, through which you can set the required pressure and water supply time. This makes it possible to equip an automatic irrigation system, significantly reducing the labor costs of caring for a vegetable garden or garden.

However, the calculation of such equipment is somewhat different from that considered by us earlier. Here you need to determine the total length of the drip pipeline and determine the number of droppers. Since the drip standard size consumes an average of about 1 liter of water per hour, then their amount will be the required pump capacity. The model recommended for purchase is Octopus MPC-3, DP750A.

Living in the country will be much more comfortable if the farm has a watering pump. With the help of this unit, it will be much easier for owners to take care of the garden and garden. We offer to study the types of pumping equipment and factors that you should pay attention to when choosing a device.

High Pressure Irrigation Pumps - Types and Applications

All commercially available pumps lend themselves to a certain classification. Depending on the method of water intake, the device can be:

  • submersible;
  • Superficial.

In turn, surface pumps lend themselves to a separate classification. On sale you can find units of the following types:

  • Centrifugal pump - equipment of this type is considered the most popular among owners of small farms. The action of the unit is based on centrifugal force, which is responsible for the intake of water. The blades are responsible for the function of the connectors. During operation of the equipment, water passes through the blades, which start the wheel, creating centrifugal force. Due to their small dimensions, units of this type will not take up much space in a greenhouse or in a change house;
  • Vibrating unit - inside the body of such a unit there is a divided membrane. One of its parts is filled with water, and the second is isolated from the liquid, and is responsible for pumping water. The advantages of these pumps include low cost. However, their service life is also not long;
  • Barrel pumps - this group includes all garden pumps for watering from a container. They are small in design and have a pressure regulator. The device of such pumps also includes a filter that prevents solid particles from entering the hose for pumping water;
  • Automatic units - equipment of this type will help out when the owner does not have time to regularly water the beds. These high pressure pumps can take water from deep wells and wells, from a river or pond.

Submersible pumps also lend themselves to a certain classification. The following types of units are available on the market:

  • Drainage pump - this unit will help to cope with pumping water from a dirty reservoir. It is equipped with a filter of increased strength, which stops solid fractions, preventing them from entering the system. Such pumps for watering the garden from the pond supply water of the primary degree of purification;
  • Well submersible pump - basically, these are electrical units that are placed inside deep wells. They are equipped with a fuse that protects the device from running dry;
  • Deep pump - different high pressure, thanks to which it can successfully take water even in the deepest wells.

Despite the large number of varieties of pumping equipment, many enthusiasts make do-it-yourself water pumping equipment. By using a gasoline engine, owners can make reliable DIY pumps that save money and are easy to operate.

What pump is needed for drip irrigation - we study the properties of the unit

Selected for purchase irrigation pump must meet certain criteria. You should decide on the following factors:

  • A nearby source of water - if there is a small pond or river near the cottage, then it is better to buy surface pumps. However, if water needs to be extracted from a well or well with a depth of more than 8 meters, then it would be advisable to purchase a submersible device;
  • Temperature and type of liquid - certain models can use only clean water for pumping, while all the others successfully cope with the intake of dirty liquid;
  • Technical characteristics - to choose a pump for irrigation will help to study its performance. You should pay attention to the performance, power, type of motor and unit dimensions.

All these factors will help you to purchase a suitable device that will properly perform its direct functions.

Which pump is better for watering the garden - we determine the model

get tangled up in huge number different models is quite simple even for an experienced buyer. We offer to consider our TOP-5 pumps that will successfully cope with the irrigation of gardens, lawns and flower beds:

  • The 5th place is occupied by the Unipump QB80 model - this inexpensive unit can be used for pumping water both from a tank and from wells. It has small dimensions and sufficiently high power, which allows the device to take a maximum of 2700 hp. liquids per hour. This unit works stably even at low temperatures, has a durable cast iron body and a protective coating;
  • The fourth place in our rating is occupied by the Marina RSM 5/GA pumping station for watering the vegetable garden. This model is characterized by high productivity, which helps to irrigate even very large plots of gardens. Water passing through pumping station, has a primary level of purification, which allows it to be used for various domestic purposes;
  • The third place is occupied by electric pumps for irrigation Bison ZNS-1100. They are easy to use and small in size. The device produces high pressure at a depth of up to 45 meters. It can be used when processing fields, next to which there are no streams and ponds, but there is a deep well;
  • The second place is occupied by a pump with a compressor Caliber NBTs-900P. This is one of the most economical units currently on the market. This model is capable of pumping up to 3500 liters. water per hour of work;
  • In the first place is a high-quality model with a Jumbo timer 70/50H. These water pumps for irrigation are in demand due to the high quality of parts and workmanship, excellent performance and low cost.

Each of these units will last much longer than more expensive market counterparts. They are easy to use and do not require special care.

For summer residents, the issue of water supply is always one of the most relevant, which is why a pump for irrigation from a barrel can be a solution to many problems. All horticultural crops need timely saturation with vital moisture, because no living organism on our planet can exist without water.

Irrigation pump from a Karcher barrel

What is a barrel pump?

As you know, for irrigation it is undesirable to use very cold water because vegetables and fruit crops may respond poorly to low temperatures. That is why summer residents use various containers to accumulate water and then heat it up to acceptable rate. Previously, gardeners scooped up water with buckets or watering cans directly from the cistern, and thus watered the beds and other plantings. Such a process required high costs time and effort. Today, technological advances have advanced far ahead, and such a thing as a barrel pump for watering a garden has facilitated the work of many owners of summer cottages. This practical device is a kind of water pump that can pump water from a barrel or tank. The pump is compact in size, has good water pressure, and is easy to operate. In this it differs from high-power units for pumping water of a surface or submersible type.

Irrigation pump from a barrel, photo:

This option is great solution for suburban areas that are not connected to a centralized water supply. The principle of operation of the device is simple: a pump is installed on the tank, which takes (pumps) water - this is how watering is done.

The unit has a small weight (usually up to 4 kg), it is easy to reinstall it from one tank to another, it does not produce much noise during operation.

It can also be used to irrigate - add water-soluble fertilizers directly into the tank. In order to play it safe and protect the device from clogging with solid particles “sliding” into the system, you can additionally install a home-made filter on the tank.

For these purposes, tulle or dense gauze fabric is quite suitable, which in size should be larger than the volume of the water tank. It is placed in a container, the free edges are securely fixed on the barrel, then the pump is immersed directly into the fabric bed. You should not be afraid that during operation the unit will draw in the fabric, because the "heart" of the system is equipped with a "native" filter at the outlet. Often, experienced summer residents go for additional tricks - they lay a strong board on top of the container, to which they hang a pump for watering from a barrel. At the same time, it should not reach the bottom by about 10 cm. Various debris and sediment always accumulate at the bottom, but after such manipulations, the likelihood that rubbish will not enter the system increases significantly. Devices of this kind are designed to work with tanks whose depth does not exceed 1.2-1.5 meters.

How to choose a pump for irrigation from a barrel?

First you need to assess the scale of the proposed work, namely, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden / garden. If you plan to service a large area, then it is better to opt for a unit with a two-stage mechanism, which is designed for long-term operation, so it will not overheat.

If you have a small garden and flower garden, you can take the pump with low power. The most popular and well-proven are models of the brands Gardena, Sterwins, a pump for irrigation from a Karcher (Karcher) barrel, as well as Belarusian ZUBR units. The famous German quality of the brands Karcher and Gardena presents to your attention both expensive systems and quite budget ones (from 2500-3000 rubles). The so-called "inexpensive" pump is capable of pumping about 2000 liters of water in 1 hour, this is quite enough for a small or medium area.

Well, if your garden or garden has an impressive size, then you will need a more powerful device. Keep in mind that the maximum performance of the Karcher and Gardena brand pumps is 4000 liters of water in 1 hour.

Compact pump for irrigation from a barrel Karcher (Karcher), photo:

When choosing a model, also pay attention to the presence of a float switch - this is a very convenient feature in which you do not have to control the water level in the tank. Thus, protection against "dry running" is provided, and the risk of associated breakdowns is minimized.

According to the reviews of summer residents, the pump for watering the garden from a container from the Belarusian ZUBR brand has proven itself well. Whole the lineup of these units is equipped with a float, has a warranty period of 5 years, technical characteristics are in many respects similar to representatives of the Gardena brand, while their cost is 1.5-2 times lower than the German counterpart. Some models come already complete with a watering hose, nozzles, as well as a fitting and nozzles for spraying.

More budget options require additional equipment.

Also, submersible and surface pumps can be used to draw water from barrels (large containers). Submersible, as the name implies, are immersed in a tank of water. Surface units draw water using suction hoses.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a unit:

  • body tightness (sealing rubber bands);
  • impact resistance of the case (what material it is made of);
  • fastening on the body (to make it convenient to fix the device on the barrel), a bracket for fixing the hose on the edge of the tank;
  • a float for determining the water level, which was already mentioned above;
  • manufacturer's warranty.

As practice shows, as well as numerous reviews of the owners, for gardening needs, the most optimal in terms of power is pump for watering from a barrel of 200 l. On average, about 5 liters of water are used to irrigate one square meter of land - based on this indicator, one can approximately calculate the pump performance. The required power of the unit (as well as the water pressure) can be determined based on the distance over which the irrigation hose will be pulled.

Barrel drip irrigation pump

Pump for drip irrigation from a barrel in a greenhouse - Aqua Dusya

Separately, it is worth mentioning a convenient and rational way of watering - drip. This method allows you to save not only water supplies, but also your time. For the organization of drip irrigation, it is recommended to use a submersible pump with automatic regulation of the water supply. Of course, this unit is more designed for pumping water from a well or well, but it is also suitable for barrels and water tanks. You personally set the required mode on the pressure switch, in this case - the minimum. Also, using the timer, the frequency of watering is set, the rest is the operation of the system. If you study the information on the relevant forums and listen to the advice of experienced summer residents, it becomes clear that it is the centrifugal submersible pump that is the most the best option for drip irrigation.

A pump for drip irrigation from a barrel will be able to supply water for a long time (under the right pressure) without the risk of overheating the pump motor. Of course, the matter should be taken seriously - carefully calculate the water consumption over time, draw up a drawing of the drip tapes, taking into account the total length of the water supply. It is also necessary to take into account the number of holes (droppers) per 1 running meter. For example, I will give a calculation: you lay 100 m of a hose (tape), there are 6 droppers for each meter, as a result we get 600 droppers, each of which produces 1 liter of water for 1 hour. Therefore, you will need a pump with a capacity of 600 l / h.

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