Making a homemade pond filter. Water purification in the pond Do-it-yourself filters for the pond schemes

garden equipment 25.06.2019
garden equipment

One of the most important conditions for maintaining a stable pond ecosystem in the country is, of course, water purification.

With the help of pumps and filters, the water in the artificial reservoir remains clean. You can buy them in stores or make your own.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to provide a system of pumps and filters when designing an artificial reservoir.

Many owners are trying to carry out landscaping in the country according to full program- in the case of a pond, this is the construction of a reservoir with your own hands, and the decoration of the banks, and the installation of filters, and maybe a fountain. To maintain the ecosystem of an artificial reservoir in a clean state, water must be cleaned in a timely manner using pumps and filters. The filter can be selected in the store or made by yourself. Often, there are simply no filters in the ponds in the country - this is due to the fact that the size of the artificial reservoir is quite large, the fish and plants are quite able to maintain the necessary balance, the number of algae per volume of available water does not exceed the established norms. When algae appears more than necessary, they can be fought with chemicals. Only recently has water filtration become a necessity, and for good reason.

Choosing a filter for a pond

A number of factors influence the choice of filter: the size of the reservoir, its depth, the climate of the area, the living creatures in the pond, etc.

To choose the right filter for a pond in the country, it is necessary to take into account many factors, namely:

  • the size of the reservoir and its depth;
  • the climate of the area where the pond is located;
  • is there any living creatures in the pond;
  • pump performance;
  • filtration efficiency.

This kind of landscaping, like a do-it-yourself fountain, is just not very difficult to do. As a rule, the main difficulties await pond growers when selecting filters for purifying an artificial reservoir, where there is a large number of fish. Gradually, the living creatures in the pond grow up, and accordingly, the amount of waste products of fish or other representatives of the animal world, and the need for oxygen, also increase. Therefore, for a "live" pond, it is necessary to select with a small margin of productivity. Waterfalls, cascades will help to saturate the water with oxygen, you can use the fountain. Water during circulation will be more enriched with oxygen, and then already saturated, it will return back to the reservoir.

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Pond pressure filters

Pressure filters can be installed below the water level of the reservoir.

A pressure filter is considered the simplest and most economical way to equip a cleaning system. On the top cover there are device controls and input-output pipes. Water is passed through it under pressure and purified in three stages: first, a mechanical purification stage, then a biological one, and finally, the water is exposed to UV radiation.

These filters can be hidden in the ground, masking artificial plants or decorative stones.

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Non-pressure pond filters

A non-pressure filter with good performance and reliability requires very little maintenance. It is a tank equipped with various elements for cleaning - sponges, nets, filters. Non-pressure devices are usually used for large or medium-sized reservoirs (up to 200 m3) - they are located higher than the water level.

The main disadvantage of the flow filter is in pumping systems they are quite difficult to decorate, since it is impossible to allow penetration into the ground by more than a third of the height of the hull.

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DIY pond filter

Of course, a pond filter can be bought at the store, but if the pond is small in size and not inhabited by fish, it can be successfully cleaned using a filtration system made from improvised materials. This will require a low-power underwater pump and a plastic basin.

In the lower part of the pelvis, trying not to touch the bottom, a horizontal hole is made with a width of about 20 cm, a height of approximately 10-12 cm. A flat stone must be inserted into the opening (in this case, the “departure” from the pelvis should be about 15 cm). The bottom of the pelvis is filled cement-sand mortar to the level of the upper plane of the stone, then it is smoothed out so that a drain to the cascade, to the first level, is obtained. The surface after the mortar hardens can be treated with a special composition for waterproofing.

The design is installed on top of the cascade. Then four stones with a height of 4-6 cm are placed in the basin, everything is covered with a piece of stainless steel or plastic on top. Small gravel is poured, a synthetic winterizer is laid on it, after which a hose from the pump is inserted. The upper, visible part is decorated with large stones or pebbles.

From the pump, which is located at the bottom of the pond, water is supplied through a hose to the basin. Then it seeps through the layers of crushed stone and synthetic winterizer and flows down the cascade back into the reservoir. As the padding from the synthetic winterizer gets dirty, it is replaced, the crushed stone is washed.

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DIY submersible filter

How possible is it to build a fountain in an artificial pond in the country with your own hands? In a technical sense, this is not particularly difficult. Submersible pumps that are commercially available are presented in a fairly wide range, and choosing something to build a fountain is not difficult. The most common way to carry out landscaping and this is the purchase of a ready-made set, which contains submersible pump, atomizer and tee with flow regulator. The device is powered from the mains or through a transformer. To prevent the pump from touching the bottom, it is installed on a brick or concrete block, and the pipe with the sprayer must be fixed strictly vertically.

After these manipulations, it remains only to turn the switch to make it work. If the water jet is too high or too wide, it can be adjusted. prefer to install decorative cladding. There are many different types on the market. It can be made of stone, ceramic, bronze, fiberglass, etc. Decorative cladding must be frost-resistant.

The submersible pump is mounted on a stand so as not to capture deposits from the bottom.

It is necessary to install a submersible pump on a stand that will not allow sediments to be captured from the bottom. Aquatic plants must be at least 50 cm away from the fountain jet. If you connect a homemade filter or some additional device, for example, a waterfall or another fountain, you need to take into account some points. Installing pipes with a small cross section or a fountain arranged at a considerable distance will certainly lead to less efficiency.

For placement in artificial reservoirs - for example, do-it-yourself ponds in the country - you can make your own filter design in the form submersible device, volume from 0.5 to 3-5m.kub. and a depth of 0.8 m. This design homemade filter both reliable and cheap. Thus, installing it in a pond in the country is not a hopeless undertaking at all.

The design of a homemade filter is simple to perform. The aquarium pump, taken as a basis, is equipped with a filter element, which is an order of magnitude more powerful than the regular one in terms of absorption area. For the frame of the device, you can take a plastic bucket.

The aquarium pump allows you to supply and spray air, and it is also reliable in operation.

1. Aquarium pump. For those who were fond of aquarism, several pumps may accumulate in the process. You can consider the design using the Polish pump brand AQUAEL FAN-2. This pump has enough good performance- it allows you to supply and spray air with high quality, create the necessary flow and is reliable in operation. But as a cleaning filter, the operation of the pump is still conditional. A small filter does not allow high-quality water treatment and requires frequent rinsing. The pump on the outer contour consists of two parts: a housing with nozzles, a vane motor and a stroke controller, and a housing for the filter element.
The pump is powered from a 220V network, power consumption is 7.2 watts.

2. Filter frame. A bucket with a lid is used for the filter housing. A plastic ten-liter bucket is perfect. It must be strong enough to withstand a load of up to 15 kg. The color of the bucket should be black or another - in tone with the bottom of the reservoir, for less visibility.
The plastic case will need revision:

  • from below, holes with a diameter of 3-5 mm are drilled in the side walls, where the filtered water will flow, the walls must be drilled carefully, otherwise the plastic may crack, which will compromise the strength of the bucket;
  • a figured hole is cut out in the bucket lid to fix the filter element housing, it is also necessary to make a hole with a diameter of 3 mm in the upper part of the lid so that excess air can escape from the bucket.

3. Filter element. As a filter element, you can use the most different materials- foam rubber, synthetic winterizer and even fibrous materials that are used for thermal insulation of refrigerators. Foam rubber is still considered the most affordable. Of course, it turns out to be more practical if purchased foam rubber is used, 50 mm thick, but large pieces from packages can also be used.

Pond on suburban area is a dream for many people. However, digging and arranging it is only half the battle.

It must be regularly and properly looked after, otherwise a neat reservoir will turn into a swamp. In this regard, you will have to take care of the filtration system.

A filter for a small decorative pond costs an average of 10 thousand rubles, and a cleaning system for a pond with fish is many times more expensive.

In order to save money, you can assemble a cleaning plant with a filter with your own hands.

Depending on the method of cleaning the system, there are:

  • biological;
  • mechanical;
  • combined.

They must remove organic matter and chemical substances such as nitrates or ammonia, which are dangerous for living organisms and cause water to bloom, and also delay all kinds of mechanical inclusions.

When assembling a pond filter with your own hands, different filter media are used, for example:

  • plastic bioballs;
  • foam sponges;

Homemade devices can be different designs and with different throughput cleaning (depending on the volume of the pond).

In the article, we will take a closer look at how to make small filters for decorative ponds and assemble an effective treatment plant for a pond stocked with fish.

Option one - do it yourself with a simple submersible filter with a straw

For a small pond, a simple filter assembled from improvised things is suitable.

It works according to the following principle: air moves along a straw from the compressor and overcomes the foam rubber, and then enters a tube of a larger diameter and, together with the water purified by the foam rubber, is outside.

To make this compact device, you will need the following materials:

  • foam rubber;
  • piece of hose 20-40cm;
  • a straw (preferably thicker - 5-7 mm in diameter);
  • strong thread (nylon is suitable);
  • cardboard;
  • long wooden skewers.
  1. We cut the foam rubber into identical square-shaped pieces (15x15 cm);
  2. On a cardboard template, according to the size of these pieces, we mark a round hole strictly in the center (3-4 cm in diameter);
  3. We cut round holes in the foam according to the template;
  4. You need to cut through all the prepared pieces, except for one. The number of foam squares depends on the thickness of the material;
  5. We cut the left whole piece of foam rubber to the middle to a depth of half the thickness of the foam rubber. We insert a tube into the slot so that the long part lies along the length of the recess, and two tails remain outside (as in the photo).
  6. All prepared and perforated pieces must be collected in a column 30-40 cm high and fixed. It is convenient to use a thread for this: we tie it with one end to a skewer, and then with a needle we sew all the squares in one corner, and then we do the same for the other three corners;
  7. We close the hole in the upper segment of the foam rubber with a cut out piece of foam rubber with a hole made corresponding to the diameter of the hose and pass a piece of hose through it, through which the water will return to the pond after cleaning;
  8. We connect a low-power compressor to this tube and immerse the installation to the bottom.
  9. So that a piece of hose does not stick out of the pond, it can be disguised as a flower.

With the help of such a miniature device, you can clean small reservoirs with a capacity of up to 1 cubic meter.

Option two - how to make a filter for an ornamental pond from a small container

If the reservoir holds up to 5-8 cubic meters of water, you will need a more efficient treatment system.

Such do-it-yourself filter for a country pond can be made from a small plastic container. There should be a sealed lid on top that is securely fixed to the body.

The installation works in an elementary way: the pump sucks water into the container in which the filter component is located, and after that the purified liquid is returned to the pond.

To make a filter you will need:

  • medium-sized plastic container (about 60 * 30 * 30 cm or so);
  • siphon for draining;
  • submersible pump with capacity up to 1000 l/h;
  • silicone-based sealant;
  • foam rubber;
  • fitting with a nut;
  • clamps;
  • hard washcloths;
  • hose.

Much of this is in household each summer resident, and everything else can be bought at a hardware store or on the market. The most expensive part of the installation is the water pump.

Suitable as a filter component:

  • expanded clay wrapped in agrofibre;
  • foam sheets;
  • plastic rugs with holes (they are usually laid near entrance doors) or plastic/rubber mesh;
  • washcloths or sponges, etc.

We make a cleaning device as follows:

  1. On the side at the bottom of the tank, we drill a hole for the siphon, through which water will penetrate inside. We use sealant for a secure connection.
  2. The hose outlet to the pump will be located with opposite side in
    the top of the container. We drill the wall and tightly fasten the fitting.
  3. We attach a hose to the fitting, and connect the other end to the pump.
  4. Cut out right size(according to the size of the container) a mesh of the selected material. It fits into the very bottom of the container (you can install it on plastic legs) just above the water inlet from the siphon.
  5. We fill the container with the selected filter media, it is better to use a multi-layer option. First, small filter elements (plastic bioballs) are laid, then we lay the foam rubber in two or three layers. Last layer must not enter the water outlet. Then a rubber mat is laid that matches the dimensions of the container, it will prevent the foam rubber from shifting under water pressure. Close the lid tightly.
  6. We install the structure in the prepared place so that it
    stood securely and did not move under the action of the vibrations of the operating pump.
  7. We connect the pump to the mains and protect the outlet from moisture in order to avoid
    short circuit.
  8. Then do a test run assembled installation and make sure the water circulates properly through our cleaning container.

Do not forget to clean it periodically, washing the filler from the sludge and contaminants that collect inside.

Option three - a large homemade filter for cleaning a pond with fish from a barrel

For large fish-infested reservoirs, the above installations will not work due to insufficient performance, but a more powerful home-made system can be made. Its cost largely depends on the filter material used and the pump power.

Filters for fish ponds differ from systems for ordinary ponds in that they must retain the waste products of the inhabitants.

Therefore, installations should be more powerful.

Structurally filter for a pond with fish from a barrel similar to the previous containerized system, but with larger dimensions and a powerful pump.

To clean 50-60 cubic meters, you will need an installation consisting of:

  • 200 liter barrel;
  • taps and connecting fittings;
  • filter materials to trap contaminants;
  • pump with a capacity of up to 3500-4000 l / h; grids with a small cell;
  • hose or PVC pipe.

We will use several fillers as filter components. A plastic barrel with a lid is suitable for the body, but you can use a metal one, it will not expand when the top layer is clogged.

Also when using plastic barrel you will be limited in the maximum power of the pump, which will affect the efficiency of the system.


To assemble a compact treatment plant, you need to do the following:

  1. We make two holes in the bottom of the barrel: water will be pumped through one, and the sediment can be drained from the other when the filter is washed.
  2. We tightly attach fittings, to one of which (for drain dirty water) fasten the tap, and leave the second free.
  3. We fall asleep expanded clay or shells to the bottom for rough cleaning.
  4. On top we lay a layer of ceramic rings or bioballs.
  5. Next, lay out a layer of fine mesh.
  6. From above we lay a layer of synthetic winterizer rings, foam rubber or other
    porous synthetic material.
  7. We press everything with several bricks so that under pressure the layers do not
    have shifted.
  8. Above top layer drill the wall and screw the fitting into it.
  9. We connect a hose to the upper fitting, through which the purified liquid will return to the pond.
  10. To the lower fitting, which remained free, we attach a tap and a hose, and connect its other end to the pump.
  11. We connect the pump to the mains, install the structure at the planned place and start it.

Dirty water from the pond will be pumped to the bottom of the barrel, after which it will overcome all the cleaning layers and exit through the hose from above and return to the pond.

To clean the filler, turn off the tap near the pump and open the drain tap. We supply water under pressure to the hose that enters the barrel in the upper part and leave it for 10-15 minutes so that all contaminants are washed out through the bottom.

Water purification is one of essential conditions maintaining the pond ecosystem in a stable state. To solve this problem, it is necessary to provide a system of pumps and filters in the design of an artificial reservoir. To choose the right filter for the pond, it is necessary to take into account many factors, namely:

  • depth and dimensions of the pond;
  • climatic conditions terrain;
  • absence/presence of fish and other inhabitants;
  • pump performance;
  • filtration efficiency.

As a rule, it is most difficult to select filters for cleaning ponds inhabited by fish. Fish grow up, and accordingly, the need for oxygen and the amount of their metabolic products also increase. Therefore, for a "live" pond, the filtration system should be selected with a certain performance margin. Cascades, waterfalls and fountains will help saturate the water with oxygen. During circulation, the water will be enriched with oxygen and returned back to the reservoir.

Pond pressure filters

Pond pressure filter- the easiest and most economical way to organize a cleaning system. The inlet and outlet pipes, as well as the controls for such a filter, are located on the top cover. Pressurized water passes through 3 stages of purification - mechanical, biological and UV irradiation. (By the way, if your pond is very small and not inhabited by fish, then you can use a powerful aquarium filter).

Features of pressure filters:

  • deepening into the ground is possible, followed by masking with artificial plants and stones;
  • it is possible to use one pump both for filtration and for supplying water to a cascade or a stream;
  • purchase possible ready-made kits(for example, Heissner, Germany), including: filter, pump, UV lamp, hoses and all necessary accessories.

Main disadvantage pressure filter - the need for sufficient water pressure. This requires the use of more powerful, and therefore less economical, pumps.
Without pressure filters for the pond

Non-pressure filters are usually located above the water level (gravity systems are an exception). Are applied to ponds of average and big volume (20-200 m3). Externally, this filter is a tank equipped with cleaning elements (nets, filters, sponges). Non-pressure flow filters for the pond are reliable, high performance, minimal cost for service.

Features of flow filters:

  • The UV lamp, as a rule, must be purchased separately (the exception is kits, for example, the Bio Screen Active series, Fiap, Germany);
  • it can be used both as part of pumping systems and in gravity filtration systems.
  • in gravity systems, it can be buried in the ground, while the purified water is taken from the filter by a pump, and only then it is fed to a cascade or a stream.

Main disadvantage flow filter - in pumping systems it is quite difficult to decorate, since it cannot be buried in the ground, more than 1/3 of the body height;
DIY pond filter
Of course, you can buy a filter for a pond in a store, but if the pond is small and not inhabited by fish, it will be successfully cleaned by a filtration system made from improvised materials. To do this, you need a plastic basin and a low-power underwater pump.
In the lower part of the pelvis (without affecting the bottom) we make a horizontal hole. Width - about 20 cm, height - about 10-12 cm. We insert a flat stone into the opening (the "departure" from the pelvis is about 15 cm). We fill the bottom of the basin with cement-sand mortar to the upper plane of the stone and smooth it in such a way that we get a drain to the first level of the cascade. The surface after hardening of the solution can be treated with waterproofing mastic.
We install the structure on the top of the cascade, put 4 stones (having a height of 4-6 cm) in the basin, cover them on top with a piece of stainless steel or plastic. We fall asleep small gravel, put a synthetic winterizer on it and insert the hose from the pump. We decorate the upper, visible part with large pebbles or stones.
Water from a pump located at the bottom of the pond is fed through a hose into the basin. Then it seeps through the layers of synthetic winterizer and rubble and flows down the cascade back into the reservoir. As the synthetic winterizer and crushed stone get dirty, they are washed or replaced.

Any body of water, whether natural or man-made, gradually becomes polluted over time. The reason for this may be the features of the location or the vital activity of the organisms inhabiting it. That is why, in order to maintain the attractiveness of the reservoir and, accordingly, the territory on which it is located, one should either clean the pond regularly or install a special filter. The first is not very convenient and practical. A decently clogged reservoir will have time in a week. And draining the water every time, washing the walls and filling it with a new one is an exercise that is too long, tedious and, most importantly, prohibitively expensive. Thus, pond filters are a real salvation for owners of their own artificial reservoir. Especially if its area and volume are quite large. It is better to install a filter device, of course, before starting operation.


Filters for ponds and reservoirs are indispensable devices. They successfully cope with the following tasks:

  • prevention of blooming of the water surface by destroying the micro-organisms contributing to this;
  • retention of small particles of debris, purification of water from them;
  • getting rid of dirt and all kinds of impurities.

You can purchase a ready-made, complete device. But, having the desire and certain skills, it is quite possible to create home-made pond filters that are not inferior to branded devices in terms of their qualities. You will only need to purchase a small list of tools and parts.

Filter types

There are two main types of pond filters. Namely - to pressure and non-pressure (flow-through). Their main difference is the principle of operation. The first, no matter how surprising it may sound, are mostly less expensive. They are especially practical if there is a fountain. That is, an additional structure along which a stream of water must move under strong pressure. Acting due to the thrust created by the pump, under pressure to the filter element, the water goes through several cleaning stages, after which it returns to the reservoir.

Pressure filters for a pond are good due to their miniature size: a compact device does not take up much space, while maintaining the natural look of a reservoir. Some models of this type are equipped with an ultraviolet sterilizer. Thanks to this element, in addition to excellent water purification, it is also possible to obtain its effective disinfection. That is, purification from various harmful bacteria and other microorganisms. Judging by the reviews, the CFP 500 and CFP 380 models proved to be the best.

Gravity filters

Non-pressure devices are more versatile and, accordingly, in demand. For this reason, despite their more primitive design, gravity filters often cost more than pressure models. From flow type these filters are distinguished by their considerable dimensions and impressive performance. As noted in user reviews, best model- Bio KNBF 20000. One more a good option— CBF 350B.

The principle of operation of such devices is also somewhat simpler: water flows inside due to traction, and outside - just like in pressure samples - by gravity (via gravity), that is, freely overflowing back into the reservoir. Such a filter must be installed above the water line. Otherwise, the device will not physically function.

When purchasing a non-pressure filter, you must also buy a pump in addition to it, which will supply water to the device. By the way, it’s not so difficult to make pond filters that work due to the force of gravity with your own hands.

Device elements

Consists filter of this type from the following cleaning components:

  • hard brushes for mechanical cleaning water space from large pollution such as leaves fallen from trees, algae, as well as silt and other debris;
  • coconut mat sifts small particles for a more thorough cleaning.
  • a sponge made of foam rubber retains the smallest, invisible particles of dirt, harmful microorganisms, and at the same time promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria;
  • capsules filled with a special composition also contribute to the improvement of aquatic microflora.

By the way, this type of filter is best suited for ponds of medium size and plant population. These fish pond filters will also be quite practical. They can work all year round. But the most favorable period for such a device begins in late spring and ends in early autumn. That is, during warm weather.

By filtering method

Depending on the cleaning method, pond filters are divided into biological, mechanical and mixed.

The former are focused on removing organics and chemical constituents from the water, such as nitrites, nitrates, ammonia inclusions and other unsafe chemical constituents. All these substances are harmful to fish living in the reservoir and can cause active flowering of water, and therefore their elimination is a mandatory measure. The main detail of such a filter is a saturated useful substances substrate. Plastic balls, porous lava, and even absorbent foam rubber sponges are used as this substrate.

Mechanical filters

Mechanical models are used to remove insoluble debris particles (by the way, the simplest mechanical cleaning can be done even with an ordinary net, which is used to catch dirt from the water). Pond filters of this type are divided into roll, tape and drum samples. The former are equipped with special fleece tapes, which are replaced with newer ones as the material ages. These tapes collect on themselves all the pollution present in the reservoir. In filters with a drum, dirt and debris remain on the main element of the device, after which they are automatically or manually cleaned from its surface. Tape mechanical filters work on a similar principle. The only difference is that instead of a drum they have artificial felt tape.

By the way, skimmers that collect debris from the surface of the water are also considered mechanical filters.

The practicality of "mixed" devices

Devices of the mixed type are those that combine the qualities of several others. These are the best filters for small ponds. Indeed, for a large reservoir, such a measure would be too costly, while small pond thanks to a mixed-type filter, it can be transformed in a matter of hours, and it will require a minimum of cash costs.

Filtration is a tricky business

If more thorough and sophisticated cleaning is required, the best solution is ultraviolet filters for water purification. For the pond and the fish living in it, this device is completely safe, but all algae and bacteria that spoil their vital activity appearance reservoirs will be quickly and reliably eliminated. Generally do the best choice possible, only taking into account all the features of a particular pond.

After all, what is ideal in one case, is completely unsuitable for another. In addition, not every owner of the reservoir considers it necessary to spend money on the purchase of such a device.

Sand filters

Sand filters for ponds are quite often used. These devices have many advantages. First of all, their relatively low cost attracts attention. Their maintenance is also quite simple and budgetary, but the quality of water purification is always on top. The reliability and unpretentiousness of such devices make them one of the best contenders for the acquisition.

The main element of such a filter is a mixture of purified and sifted by a special technology. quartz sand, and besides - gravel. The cleaning of this filler is carried out by backwashing. Thus, one of the most favorable in terms of price-quality ratio are sand filters for the pond. Feedback from satisfied owners of cleaning devices is a clear confirmation of this.

DIY filter

If finances are at a minimum, but the desire to do something with your own hands is more than enough, you can, having acquired a list of necessary parts, start making a handmade filter. In general, do-it-yourself pond filters will cost relatively little - up to $ 250. To be more precise, this figure mostly depends on the filler. Only here there is a small, but important "but". It is one thing - a purification device for a simple reservoir, the living inhabitants of which are algae and other plants. And it’s quite another thing to create filters for a pond with fish with your own hands. After all, fish, as you know, litter the water with their waste products much more intensively than aquatic plants. Thus, a cleaning device for a reservoir inhabited by fish should be more powerful.

So, to create a device for cleaning a reservoir with a volume of about ten cubic meters you will need 2 medium barrels, adapters, connections and taps. All this can be bought in companies selling plumbing and pipes for cold and hot water, and in companies that deal with various equipment for swimming pools.

On what principle does such a device work?

How does the device itself work? Water is taken from the bottom of the reservoir and, under the action of the pump thrust, is delivered to the filtering device. After going through several cleansing layers, she returns to the pool again. This time, on its own. You will also need to make a hole in the bottom of the tank to drain dirty water. It will come in handy when flushing the device.

The best filter media options for different levels filters are as follows:

  • At the very bottom, at the bottom, it is better to lay a layer of expanded clay or simple shells. In addition, it is recommended to pack them in separate nets.
  • The middle level can be ceramic rings or bioballs.
  • At the very top - a layer of synthetic winterizer rings or other finely bubbled synthetics.

The filter, the creation of which is described above, is well suited for a "fish" reservoir. If there are no inhabitants that strongly pollute the water, and the area and volume of the pond are small, an even simpler filter can be made. It will clean the water well. Moreover, its cost will be minimal, performance will be excellent, and care will be simple and quick.

For ponds without fish

To create such a filter, you will need a little: only a basin of medium volume and a low-power pump for pumping water. First you need to make a horizontal opening at the bottom of the existing pelvis. The bottom, by the way, should remain intact. The height of the opening should be about a decimeter, the width - up to two.

A flat-shaped stone should be placed in the resulting hole. Inside the basin, you need to fill in a mixture of sand and cement, so that after it is smoothed, a drain forms to the bottom of the cascade. When the cement hardens, it can be covered with a waterproofing agent on top. This simple structure must be placed at the very top of the cascade, then about five stones up to 6 cm high should be laid inside. A sheet of plastic or of stainless steel. Crushed stone is poured on it, a layer of synthetic winterizer is put on it, and after that the hose from the pump is connected. Pebbles or small stones can be placed at the very top. They will play the role of decorating elements. Of the entire structure, only crushed stone and synthetic winterizer filler are subject to periodic replacement, while other components are very durable.

Thus, creating your own filter for a reservoir is not a difficult task. You just need to purchase everything you need and connect to the pump. Such a device will even cope with a pool inhabited by fish, although it gets dirty much faster than usual and requires more thorough cleaning.

Learning how to make beautiful things...

Construction of a pond on your site.
Decorative pond.

Where it all begins....

Everything starts with an Idea. Crazy (for many) or obsessive for others (including you).

Ideas on how to make a pond with fish and flowers look so beautiful. After you have decided on the idea, decide on the purpose of the pond.

If you want to make a koi pond, then you need to take care of large sizes pond, not less than 2.4 m X 1.5 m and up to one and a half meters deep (not less than 1.7 m for wintering).

If ordinary golden fish or some other are suitable for you, then the volume of the pond is limited by your imagination, and the depth is quite enough 45-60 cm. ), then a pond can be made in any vessel.

1 - ledge for coastal plants;
2 - regulation of the height of the placement of the basket with water lilies with the help of placed bricks;
3 - the basket gradually sinks to a greater depth as the stems of water lilies grow.

The dimensions of the pond also depend on which plants will be used for decoration. If large water lilies are preferred, the depth should be at least 70 cm. For medium-sized plants, a depth of 35-45 cm is sufficient, and for very small water lilies 15-20 cm. at 10 cm.

Where to place the pond.

If you have small garden, then the reservoir is best placed as close to the house as possible so that you can admire it from the windows. It is more convenient and from a practical point of view - it will be easier for you to bring electricity to it for pumps, fountains and lighting. It is desirable that a path runs next to the reservoir - this will facilitate access to it during construction, and in the future it will be convenient for walking. Place the reservoir so that it is illuminated by the sun at least part of the day; no trees hung over it, shedding leaves, flowers, and fruits; was out of the shadow of buildings and fences; was protected from cold winds.

What to make a pond from.

It is much easier to build a reservoir using rigid forms(stamped forms) - although it is not as easy as advertising sometimes claims. The cheapest forms are made by vacuum stamping and their only advantage is low price. They are short-lived, afraid sunlight corners crack over time. They are made of semi-rigid plastic and in a small range of sizes. It is much wiser to buy a more durable fiberglass mold. She is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and ultraviolet radiation. The warranty period is at least 20 years. When buying a rigid form, you are limited in choosing the shape and size of the future reservoir.

That's all. As it turned out, making a pond is not so difficult. Yes, it requires a lot of work, but the result exceeds all expectations. If you have everything organized in advance, then, in principle, a pond can be made in one weekend. So go ahead.

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