Pond filter: do-it-yourself pressure or flow filters for ponds with fish. Pond filters Do-it-yourself sand filter for a pond

The buildings 25.06.2019
The buildings

What are the benefits of using a pond filter?

Owner of sufficient size land plot, most likely, sooner or later it will not resist the desire to equip even a small, but its own reservoir. Creating it is only half the battle, it is more difficult to maintain order in it. However daily care behind the pond can take over an electric assistant - a filter for the pond. The share of the owner will remain simple joys of life: the opportunity to admire the unusual beauty aquatic plants, contemplate the water surface and observe the world of underwater inhabitants.

- do-it-yourself manual for assembling a biofilter for a pond

What is a pond and how is it different from other bodies of water

Two types of artificial reservoirs are available to the private landowner: pool and pond. The difference is that you can swim in the pool, while the pond is designed to contain plants and possibly fish. There is a compromise, we will talk about it a little later.

If everything is clear with the pool, then the pond is a more complex device. This is a real living organism. There are several types of ponds: ponds for fish, ponds with plants and ponds for swimming.

The main rule for maintaining order in ponds of any type is the movement of water. Its circulation is provided by a system of filters and pumps. Filtration is so important that it is already considered at the pond design stage.

The pond near the house is a small water oasis

Types of ponds by purpose

This is a kind of water garden. Tastefully selected underwater, floating and coastal plants are the main inhabitants of such a pond. Compositions of them are pleasing to the eye and decorate the reservoir very much.

Filtration is indispensable in it, and both pumps and filters for fish ponds are selected with a large margin of power: the fish grow and there are more and more products of their vital activity.

A rather rare phenomenon in Russia, although in their homeland, in Austria, they began to be created back in the seventies of the last century. Now in Europe, the technologies for creating these "reservoirs of the future" have reached perfection. This pond-pool hybrid is clearly divided into a swimming area and a regeneration area that is home to plants. A filter is not needed here, as the plants are selected in such a way that they can completely purify the water themselves.

Swimming pool in England. Visible division into zones

Pond cleaning methods

At the same time, organic matter is decomposed by bacteria into non-toxic components - nitrogen, carbon and oxygen. A biological filter is a container with any porous non-toxic material that is inhabited by colonies of aerobic bacteria. They do not need to be specially introduced, the container will populate itself in the process of pumping water from the pond through the filter. Some manufacturers offer ready-made biological products for water purification, all that is required is to pour the drug with bacteria into the pond, where they will quickly multiply and purify the water.

On sale you can find a lot of reagents that can run in a pond chemical reactions which will lead to water purification. The reagents decompose in this case into compounds harmless to humans and fish, most often into water and carbon dioxide. In this way, you can rid the pond of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, hydrogen sulfide and harmful metals.

This radiation is deadly to unicellular algae and microorganisms and harmless to fish and higher plants. Ultraviolet will help where conventional mechanical filtration cannot cope. It must be remembered that ultraviolet radiation is harmful to the eyes and skin of people and animals.

This is what a UV filter looks like. It turns on only when the water "blooms"

  • Mechanical water treatment

Very effective, allows you to achieve complete transparency of water. small particles debris when pumping water through the filter are retained in the layer quartz sand, gravel or special granules. The finer the filler, the more efficient cleaning. In the cell mechanical cleaning there are several filter layers, different in fractions. First, the largest contaminants (leaves) are removed, and then all the smaller ones (silt). The filter material needs to be changed from time to time if your model does not have a cleaning function.

Types of filters and their characteristics

  1. Flow filter for the pond. Water is supplied to the filter by a pump, flows down into the pond by gravity. It is installed only above the water level in the reservoir.

Water from a well-camouflaged flow filter flows down in the form of a waterfall

  • Pressure filter for a pond. This is the most common option. It combines the simplicity of the device and the convenience of operation and can clean the pond quite professionally. They are installed on the shore both above the water surface and below. To inspect and clean it, you do not need to climb into the water, which is especially unpleasant to do in cold weather. The filter can be dug into the ground and decorated from above. It is ideal for reservoirs with streams and slides, as it can supply already purified water to a height of up to two meters. Almost all models of pressure filters have a three-stage filtration system, which includes biological, mechanical and ultraviolet cleaning. average cost - 500$.
  • Modular filters. These are filters for large reservoirs, powerful and effective. Their other name is multi-chamber filters. In each chamber (module) there is a different filter material, and water, overflowing from chamber to chamber, is additionally aerated. Installed on the beach. Its volume can reach up to several hundred liters, so it is difficult to decorate it. Branded models are very expensive, and professional fish farmers often make modular filters themselves.
  • Modular filter guarding the purity of a rather large reservoir

    Making a homemade filter

    Despite the fact that a branded filter costs decently, there is no other such device that is just as easy to make yourself. To make a pond filter with your own hands, you only have to buy a pump.

    Take any container, for example, a plastic bucket, drill holes in the bottom. Fill the bucket with coarse sand, fine gravel, pumice, lava, expanded clay, foam rubber. Direct a jet of water from the pump into the bucket. Position the bucket on the bank so that the water flows back into the pond by gravity. Homemade pond filter is ready.

    Homemade filter wrapped in black film for masking. On top you can put a plant in a pot

    Calculation of filter power and its operation

    The filter is chosen based on its performance. A small pond with a volume of about ten cubic meters should filter all the water 5-6 times a day. The larger the body of water, the fewer daily filtrations are required. The hourly performance of the filter is calculated by the formula: multiply the volume of the reservoir by the daily number of filtrations and divide by 24. Place the filter so that there are no zones with stagnant water left in the pond.

    The unit is turned on in the spring, when the air warms up to +15, and turned off in the fall. During this time, the filter must be constantly running.

    The filter is connected to the electrical panel through a residual current device (RCD), which, in case of any current leakage, opens the circuit. Cables and wires must have armored insulation that allows them to be pressed down with stones. Sockets must be waterproof.

    If you do not filter the water in the pond

    Let's say you built a pond, planted it with plants, and even let the fish in. And the water was not filtered. What are the prospects for your reservoir?

    Water in an untreated pond blooms. They don't grow well in this kind of water. cultivated plants and algae, fish are dying

    In all closed reservoirs, the same processes are going on, they will begin in your pond. Dead plants, fish excrement, leaves and branches that have fallen into the water, and wind-blown soil will settle to the bottom, where microorganisms will begin to decompose. These will be anaerobic microorganisms, because there is little oxygen at the bottom. Simply put, putrefactive bacteria will take over. Rotting will "wash" oxygen out of the water, while simultaneously saturating it with nitrogen and phosphorus compounds - a source of nutrition for phytoplankton. That is, "the water will bloom." Fish kill is guaranteed.

    Further more. A layer of bottom sediments is growing, there is no oxygen for a long time: underwater plants suffocated, not having time to produce it in the water, muddy from plankton. There is active gas formation in the pond, the smell of rotten eggs (this is hydrogen sulfide) has appeared, the water mirror has become covered with a cloudy film. There is a process of swamping. In "favorable" conditions, a season will be enough for a pond full of life to turn into a stinking puddle.

    Therefore, arranging a reservoir, in no case do not forget about the filter for the pond. It does not matter if it is a pressure, flow, or homemade filter. The main thing is that its power is enough to maintain order in the pond, and then the pond will become your pride and decoration of the site.


    The smallest pond personal plot it is an ornament and a highlight. It certainly attracts attention, sets up for calm contemplation and peace. However, the smaller the body of water, the sooner it will clog up, turn green and turn into a swamp. To save a decent look, to a large extent, the filter helps. It can be done without serious labor costs and financial losses.
    The principle of operation of the filter is airlift. Simple and effective. An air bubble, rising to the surface, carries a little water on itself, i.e. water, like an elevator, travels to the surface. Hence the name. The scheme of operation is extremely simple: the filter element is foam rubber, air from aquarium compressor it is fed through a tube into a tube of a larger diameter and, together with purified water, comes to the surface.

    A strip of foam rubber 5 cm thick and 15 cm wide;
    - kapron threads;
    - straw from juice;
    - wooden skewers;
    - and a piece of cardboard 15x7.5 cm.

    2. Foam rubber marked and cut into pieces of 15 cm.

    3. To inner hole was in the middle made a cardboard template.

    4. I cut off the bottom of a metal tube - it turned out to be a very convenient tool for cutting round holes in a soft material.

    5. The template allows you not to waste time on marking, and the former tube to make perfect holes.

    6. This is what the blank for the filter looks like.

    7. They need to be made so that the height of the filter is slightly less than the depth of the pond.

    8. The last blank does not need to be “perforated” - we will pass a straw from the juice through it. This will be the duct.

    9. This is how it looks with a built-in air duct.

    10. We sew the block of blanks in the corners. We tie the ends of the threads to skewers.

    11. Bottom skewers do not need to be trimmed. We put stones on them, no matter what the filter pops up.

    12. I closed the hole of the upper block with foam rubber cut out of it, through which I passed a piece of hose with a diameter of 10 mm. Through it, purified water will flow into the pond. The thinner the hose, the taller the fountain will be.

    13. This is what the whole structure looks like when assembled.

    14. This aquarium compressor allows you to pump 150 liters of water per hour through the filter.

    15. We connect the tube from the compressor to the filter duct.

    Pond filters are an integral part of it. They are necessary in order to maintain the purity of the water, as well as a sufficient amount of oxygen in it. These two factors are the most important. This is especially true when ornamental fish, such as carp, live in the pond.

    Why install a filter?

    What causes water in a pond or pond to become polluted? Actually it affects a large number of a variety of factors. The most significant of these is the location of this site. Since they are most often in the sun, this creates a favorable environment for the rapid growth and development of algae. Since the water in the pond is not purified, this also causes pollution.

    Another reason is its stagnation. If there is no pump that will replace the water with clean water, then algae also develop rapidly in stagnant water. There are still a lot of such reasons, but they all lead to the fact that the pond will become polluted, bacteria and algae will develop in it. All this leads to the deterioration of the ecosystem of the reservoir, and the fish in it may begin to die.

    That is why fish pond filters are essential. It happens that it is not possible to buy such a device, or there is no suitable model, etc. In this case, you can create it on your own.

    Mechanical filters

    In order to make a model yourself, you need to know what types exist and how they work.

    Is it mechanical or physical way in artificial reservoir. Such filters for the pond are used in order to clean it from various debris, such as leaves, plants, algae and other things. The main purpose of mechanical filters is that they must reduce the number of blockages, as well as prevent them.

    The principle of operation is quite simple and lies in the fact that the water entering the pond passes through several sponges, nets, etc. All of them have different thicknesses and densities. If such a pond filter is installed, then it must be understood that sponges or nets also need to be cleaned. At least once a week, you need to disassemble the filter and rinse it from debris.

    Chemical and biological cleaning methods

    In addition to conventional mechanical filtration, there are other methods. For example, chemical method water purification is that organic and inorganic substances, various toxins and so on. Most often, this method of water filtration is used in aquariums. A filter for a pond with fish of this type will be justified only if there are a lot of fish living in it. In this case, it becomes necessary to remove a large amount of ammonia.

    Another option is biological filters. Their main purpose is to maintain the natural balance in the pond. This filtration method also aims to remove excess ammonia from the water, but this process occurs through natural detoxification cycles.

    The last method is to use UV lamps as pond filters. They can be either a separate device or part of biological system. This mechanism is electrical. Water entering a reservoir first passes through it. Such equipment significantly reduces the number of bacteria in the fish habitat, and biological filters bring water purity up to 100%.

    Homemade filter

    Easy enough to do external filter for using an ordinary plastic basket as a base. In addition to this element, you will need some more materials. It is important to note here that the size of the basket must be such that it is possible to place a filter element inside, as well as a siphon. You will need an electric submersible pump.

    The performance of this device must be at least 2000 l / h. You also need an ordinary household siphon and elements of the filtration system - sponges, nets, etc. To seal the structure, you will need a sealant. From additional materials PVC hoses, FUM tapes, foam rubber and fittings with brass nuts are used.

    How to assemble the filter?

    Such a design will be located as follows: the filter itself is placed on the shore, but the pump will be lowered to the bottom of the pond. Such homemade equipment capable of maintaining the purity of water in a reservoir with a volume of 2.5 x 3.5 m. Standard pumps provide normal operation at a depth of 2 m. If the depth is greater, then a more powerful pump will have to be used.

    Work is progressing according to the following plan:

    • The first step is a hole for mounting the fitting. It is drilled in the basket, which is the body. The place is the end wall. It is necessary to retreat from the bottom 1-2 cm and you can drill.
    • Next, you need to install a drain siphon. To do this, make another hole. It should be located on the side wall, which is opposite to the one where the fitting will be installed. In addition, it is drilled from above, retreating 5-7 cm from the edge.
    • The next step is to install the siphon and fitting. Sealant must be used to create a good seal.
    • The filter element is placed at the bottom of the basket. As such a part, you can use a dense sponge, fine expanded clay, foam rubber mats. In order to ensure high-quality filtration, it is necessary that the thickness of the element be at least 7-10 cm.
    • Next, a homemade pond filter needs a hose connection. It is attached with clamps to the fitting, and the other end to the pump.
    • Next, you need to install the body on the shore so that the purified water can flow by gravity through the drain siphon into the pond.
    • The last step is to work with the pump. It sinks to the bottom, after which it is connected to a 220 V electrical network. Naturally, since the device is close to water, a short circuit, etc. is possible. To avoid any trouble, you must use a waterproof socket for connection.

    A small nuance. When washing the filter element, it is best to use water from the same pond, as the flora is quite sensitive to change. chemical composition.

    Bucket filter

    You can make a pond filter with your own hands and using other technology. AT this case a submersible device will be made from a bucket. It will be installed at the bottom of the reservoir. It is worth noting that material costs the assembly is quite small, and the performance is almost the same as that of industrial models.

    What is needed for assembly

    A plastic bucket with a volume of 10 liters is used as a frame. It must have a lid included. So that the filter does not stand out too much against the background of the pond, it is advisable to choose a color for the body that matches the bottom shades. These colors include dark green, gray, sand, etc. In addition to the bucket, you will also need a submersible pump, as in the first case, to assemble a do-it-yourself fish pond filter. PVC hose will be required to connect the elements. Foam rubber will be used as the main filter element. Its advantage lies in the fact that it is easy to clean, collects dirt well, and does not let large particles through.

    Filter manufacturing

    The filter for water purification for a pond from a bucket is assembled according to the following principle:

    1. First you need to drill a few holes in the bucket itself. It is necessary to step back from the bottom edge of about 5 cm and you can drill. These openings will be used to receive water that needs to be filtered.
    2. You also need to make two holes in the lid of the bucket. One of them will be used to mount the pump, the second for ventilation.
    3. On the inside of the lid, you need to fix the pump. For fixing, either silicone sealant or waterproof glue is used. The outlet hose is passed through one of the holes in the cover.
    4. At the bottom of the bucket along the walls where the holes were made, foam rubber filter elements are placed. Also, a weighting agent should be placed on the bottom, the weight of which should be approximately 5 kg. You can use the most ordinary stones. The empty space is then also filled with foam rubber.
    5. In order to prevent the lid from flying off the bucket, it is fixed with several clamps.

    It is important that the do-it-yourself pond filter be lowered to the deepest place in the pond. The installation site must be prepared in advance. The placement of the hose, as in the first case, must be such that the water itself constantly flows back into the pond after cleaning. The filtration process will start as soon as the power supply is connected.

    How to choose the right filter

    Just take and collect the filter - it's not always the right decision. You need to know what criteria play the main role and use them to select components for assembly. Basic parameters for selecting elements:

    • Naturally, the size and depth of the pond are key indicators.
    • will play an important role and weather.
    • An important factor is the presence or absence of fish in the reservoir.
    • Pump power and required quality filtration is also important.

    decorative cascade

    In addition to the presented system assembly methods, there are many more options. For example, it can be pressure filters for a pond. Since the assembly is done by hand, the main advantage is the possibility of arranging almost any appearance that will best suit the site.

    One of these interesting ideas became a filter in the form of a decorative cascade. It is made from a metal bowl. The bottom of the part is completely cemented, after which it is treated with any waterproofing compound. The outer walls of the basin are covered decorative stones, pebbles, etc. Small crushed stone, synthetic winterizer, used as the main filtration element, is placed inside the element. Laying goes in such a way that several levels are obtained. The hose leading to the pump is mounted at the top of the basin so that the water drain hose flowed into the pond.

    Equipment replacement

    In this case, the idea is to use an aquarium air compressor instead of a pump. In this case, you will also have to replace the electrical cable that supplies power to the pump with an air hose. Air bubbles should be directed vertically upwards, where the tube with the filter elements is located. In the role of such an element, foam rubber is usually used.

    It is the movement of air bubbles that will ensure the circulation of water in the filtration system. Of the minuses, it is worth highlighting that the performance of the air system is rather low. However, there is also positive traits, which lie in the fact that, firstly, there will be no electrical elements in the water, and secondly, this method perfectly aerates the water in the pond. Naturally, for any system - electric or air, maintenance is necessary.

    How filters work

    If we talk about mechanical filters, they work as follows. With the help of mechanical forces, water is pushed out of the pond, passing through the filter. Here it is cleaned of debris and other unnecessary impurities. After that, she comes back. It is advisable to use such devices, especially home-made ones, only if the reservoir is small or medium in size. In addition, it is best that there are no or very few fish in the pond.

    The equipment may be submersible. In this case, it is installed at the bottom of the site, which makes it completely invisible, while maintaining an attractive appearance living area with a pond.

    You can install external filters. It is these models that are suitable for those cases when the pond is large enough and a large number of fish live in it. The video below will help you understand this better.

    Just assembling the fixture isn't everything. You need to know where to put it, what is a skimmer, etc.

    As for the installation site, experts agree that it should be the deepest place in the pond. In addition, it is recommended that the pump and filter systems be located in different parts reservoir. In this case, the water will be able to circulate throughout the area, and not just in one place. It is also worth adding that they can be collected for the pond with their own hands.

    Not everyone knows what a pond skimmer is. This is an external device that does the job of filtering the pond. Its design is very similar to that used to purify water in swimming pools. They are used if the size of the pond is medium or large, and also if there is fish inside.

    To keep your garden pond clean and always pleasing to the eye, you can make your own pond filter. The installation of a filtration system provides water purification from microalgae, bottom sediments, waste products of the inhabitants of the pond, saturates the water with oxygen and creates favorable conditions to establish biological balance in the biosystem of the reservoir. Talking about using filters own production, it should be understood that we are talking about water purification in relatively small and not very densely populated ornamental ponds. For large reservoirs, it is more reasonable to use purchased systems of increased power.

    The choice of filter design depends on the size of the reservoir, its depth, the presence or absence of representatives of aquatic fauna in the biosystem, climatic conditions. There are several popular designs that differ in that their manufacture does not take much time and does not require the purchase of any scarce materials. All necessary accessories can be purchased at hardware and hardware stores or use improvised materials.

    An ordinary plastic basket for products or a plastic container is used as a body element (Fig. 1). To make the device, you will need the following materials:

    • a plastic basket or container large enough to accommodate the filter element and siphon inside;
    • submersible electric pump with a capacity of at least 2000 l/h;
    • household drain siphon;
    • filtration element (dense washcloths);
    • silicone sealant;
    • PVC hose;
    • installation kit (nipple and nut) made of brass;
    • foam rubber;
    • FUM tape.

    This design provides for the placement of the filter unit on the shore, the submersible pump is lowered to the bottom. High-quality water filtration is provided with a reservoir size of 2.5 x 3.5 m. The depth of the pond at which the device operates without increased loads depends on the pump power. Household aquarium pumps provide a lifting height of up to 2 m, a pond with a depth of more than 2 m requires a more powerful submersible pump.

    The construction is carried out in the following order:

    1. 1 In the end wall of the basket, which will serve as the body, a hole for the fitting is drilled in the lower part at a distance of 1-2 cm from the bottom.
    2. 2 In the side wall of the body, on the side opposite from the fitting, at a height of 5-7 cm from the top edge, a hole is drilled for installing a drain siphon.
    3. 3 A fitting is installed in the prepared hole, the connection is sealed.
    4. 4 Use sealant to install the drain siphon.
    5. 5 The filter element is located at the bottom of the basket. As elements of filtration filtration, you can use dense washcloths, small expanded clay, foam rubber mats. To achieve good results, the thickness of the filter layer should be at least 7-10 cm.
    6. 6 Using clamps, the inlet hose is connected to the fitting, the other end of the hose is connected to the pump.
    7. 7 The housing is installed on the shore so that the purified water from the drain siphon flows into the pond.
    8. 8 The pump sinks to the bottom and is connected to a 220 V electrical network. To avoid short circuit and defeat electric shock as a result of water ingress on the contacts, to connect the device, use electrical outlet in waterproof version.

    To provide best quality work, the filter element should be periodically removed and washed. It is better to take water for washing from the same pond, since the microflora in the filter element is sensitive to changes in the chemical composition of water.

    Bucket submersible

    This compact design is designed to be placed at the bottom of a pond. Despite the fact that the cost of its manufacture is minimal, it provides sufficient performance and looks like products industrial production(Fig. 2).

    For the manufacture of the frame, you will need a durable plastic bucket with a capacity of 10 liters, complete with a lid. In order for the device not to stand out against the background of the bottom of the reservoir, it is advisable to choose a color of the bucket that is not bright and matches the colors of the bottom landscape: sand, gray, dark green. In addition to the bucket, you will also need a submersible pump, similar to that used in the previous design, and a PVC hose to connect the pump. Foam rubber is used as a filter element, as it is affordable, cleans well, perfectly absorbs dirt and does not let large particles through. From auxiliary materials you will need silicone sealant or waterproof glue and a pair of mounting clamps.

    Procedure for making a filter:

    1. 1 Several holes are drilled in the walls of the bucket at a distance of about 5 cm from the bottom. They will receive water for filtration.
    2. 2 Two holes are made in the bucket lid: one for mounting the pump and one for ventilation.
    3. 3 The pump is attached to inside lids using silicone sealant or waterproof glue. The mounting method depends on the design of the pump. Pass the outlet hose through the hole in the lid.
    4. 4 Foam rubber insoles are placed at the bottom of the bucket along the walls, after which a weighting agent weighing about 5 kg is placed. Ordinary stones can be used as ballast. The rest of the bucket is filled with foam rubber.
    5. 5 The lid must be fixed to the body of the bucket with clamps.

    The filter is immersed on a pre-leveled section of the bottom in the deepest part of the reservoir. The outlet hose, through which purified water enters, is placed in such a way that the water flows back into the pond. The filtration process starts immediately after connecting the power supply. When connecting the pump to the mains, electrical safety rules must be observed.

    The filter of this design is intended for use in reservoirs up to 5 cubic meters. m and a depth of not more than 1 m.

    Other designs

    In addition to the designs described above, there are many other modifications of water filtration systems. The theme of landscaping your site provides ample opportunities for creativity, and every craftsman wants to bring something of his own to the already famous designs. One of the options is the device of a filtration unit located on the shore of a reservoir in the form of a decorative cascade made of a metal basin. The bottom of the basin is cemented and treated with a waterproofing coating, the outer sides are lined with decorative stones and pebbles. Small gravel and a synthetic winterizer are placed inside the basin as a filter element in such a way as to create a cascade of several levels that can be decorated with larger stones or other decorative elements. The hose from the pump is installed in upper part cascade, the water is filtered and flows down the cascade into the drain tray.

    An interesting idea is to use an aquarium air compressor instead of a pump (Fig. 3). In this case, instead of electric cable, feeding the pump, an air hose is lowered to the bottom, air bubbles from which are directed into a vertically located tube with a foam rubber filter element. The movement of air bubbles ensures the flow of water through the filtration system. The performance of such a system is relatively small, but its use allows you to do without the placement of conductive elements in the water and, in addition to filtration, also aerates the water in the pond well.

    Regardless of which design of the filtration system is chosen, it needs care.

    Waste and debris that accumulates in the system reduces its performance and can even disable the device. To prevent this from happening, the filter must be checked periodically, the filter elements should be washed or replaced in a timely manner, and body parts, wires and hoses should be cleaned.

    But these efforts will not be in vain. A beautiful, clean and well-maintained decorative pond is a wonderful decoration. suburban area. contemplating it little corner wildlife will bring you many pleasant moments.

    The design of the filter is made by hand in the form submersible device and is intended for placement in artificial reservoirs, from 0.5 to 3-5 cubic meters. and a depth of 1 m. When designing the filter, we created various designs submersible and remote water purification systems. Based on experience, a reliable and cheap design was chosen homemade filter. Answers to the question of how to make a filter for a pond are given below.

    How to make a pond filter with your own hands

    The design is simple. The aquarium pump taken as a basis is equipped with a powerful filter element that is orders of magnitude larger than the regular one in terms of absorption area. The frame of the device was a plastic bucket.

    In the process of practicing aquarism, several pumps have accumulated. For the design, a Polish pump brand AQUAEL FAN-2 was used. The pump has good characteristics,

    allows you to qualitatively supply and spray air in the aquarium, create the necessary flow and is reliable in operation. But as a cleaning filter, the operation of the pump is very conditional. small filter did not allow high-quality water preparation and required frequent washing. The pump consists of two parts along the outer contour:
    - housings with a vane motor, branch pipes and a speed controller;
    - housings for the filter element.
    The pump is powered by a 220V network, power consumption is 7.2 watts.

    2. Filter frame

    A bucket with a lid is used in the design of the filter housing. A plastic bucket with a volume of 10 liters is suitable for the case. The bucket must be strong enough and withstand a load of up to 15 kg. It is better if the bucket is black or another color matching the bottom of the reservoir for less visibility.
    Bucket needs improvement:

    - a series of holes with a diameter of 3-5 mm is drilled in the lower part of the side walls for the flow of filtered water, the walls should be drilled carefully so that the plastic does not crack and the strength of the bucket is not broken.
    - a figured hole is cut out in the bucket lid to fix the filter element body, it is also necessary to drill a hole with a diameter of 3 mm in the upper part of the lid to let air out of the bucket.

    Bucket - frame

    3. Filter element

    applied various materials- foam rubber, fibrous materials for thermal insulation of refrigerators. Foam rubber turned out to be the most accessible and reusable. Of course, it is practical to use purchased foam rubber with a thickness of 50 mm, but it is also acceptable to use large pieces from packages.

    Assembling a homemade filter

    1. Using hot glue, we attach the filter element housing to the pump cover.

    2. Install the pump housing on the cover.

    3. Lay the foam rubber on the side walls of the bucket. In the center we put weighting agents - stones with a total weight of ~ 5 kg. This will make the structure heavier for a stable position at the bottom of the reservoir.

    4. We fill the internal volume tightly with foam rubber, leaving room for the frame of the pump filter element.

    5. Install the cover. We press the lid tightly to the bucket with a wire, passing the wire through the eyes for the bucket handle.

    We lay stones - weighting agents

    The filter is assembled.

    Connection to a network of 220 volts

    NO DIRECT CONTACT of electric plugs and sockets with water SHOULD NOT be!! All switching is installed in a separate housing and placed in a dry place protected from both water and splashes and dampness. On the supply line, there must be an RCD device to turn off the circuit in case of current leakage through broken insulation.

    Installing a homemade filter

    The area of ​​the bottom of the reservoir should be flat and preferably in the deepest place. Install the filter above the dive site. With sufficient weight, the filter will submerge itself under water within a few minutes. Plug in the power. Set the direction of water outlet from the filter. To supply air to the reservoir, it is necessary to attach a flexible tube to the upper pipe of the pump that goes to the surface of the water.

    Filter cleaning

    We turn off the power. By the handle of the bucket we pull the filter to the place of lifting without removing it from the water. Unsharp (the handle may break) with a quick movement, we remove the structure from the water and set it away from the pond. We wash the foam rubber large quantity water, also wash the bucket and stones.

    Depending on the number of inhabitants in the pond and polluting factors, it is convenient to use the filter to quickly restore biological balance after winter freezes, water blooms or to maintain a constant high transparency of the reservoir.

    There are comments from skeptics. Again, the filter WORKS. Yes, if the reservoir is running, it will be necessary to clean the filter for 2-3 days, then less often. The filter maintains the transparency of the reservoir - CHECKED. There will be time to do remote, but it's more difficult task and requires other equipment and thinking of reliable work with a home-made design of a pond filter subject to EXTERNAL pollution.

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