A small green corner in your house is Benjamin's Kinky ficus. Ficus Benjamin: home care, reproduction and pruning

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Ficus Kinki is miniature version of Benjamin and belongs to the mulberry family. Plants of this variety are often found in the form of a shrub or low tree. It does not need special care, if you follow simple rules its cultivation.

Since Kinky native to the tropics- West Africa, Australia and Asia - for good growth, it needs conditions close to tropical.

A distinctive feature of Kinka is elongated leaves from 3 to 7 cm long with variegated edges. Moreover, on one plant there can be leaves with a border of milky, grayish-white and even light green. Ficus can become a real highlight of the interior, if you have patience and give original form its trunk or crown. Do this better in spring when the flower is growing fast.

Shaping the crown of a bonsai

Kinki exudes a milky sap when cut. All trimming operations are necessary carry out with gloves using secateurs. Before starting work, the tool is disinfected in an alcohol or manganese solution.

To form a trunk, you need to plant several shoots nearby in a pot. Weaving should not be tight to leave the trunks to grow in thickness.

Excess leaves are carefully trimmed, places of weaving are fixed with woolen threads. As you grow, weaving continues to the desired height.

The crown can be given kind of ball, cone, umbrella. The cuttings are allowed to grow, after which the extra branches are cut to the desired length and shape. Pruning is done as the ficus grows. By removing excess leaves and branches, directing in the right direction and fixing the trunk you can create many unusual options.

The end result will depend on your imagination and skill.

Branches should be cut above the bud in order to start growing side shoots. Then the crown will be lush and take the desired shape.

Flowering ficus Kinki

Few people know that ficuses are flowering plants . At home, flowers do not form. And in greenhouses, small inflorescences appear - syconia, shaped like berries or balls.

The flowers themselves cannot be seen, they are inside such inflorescences. The syconium has a small opening through which insects enter for pollination.

Conditions and features of care

Great for planting suitable soil for ficuses, which is sold in flower shops. The plant must be provided good drainage. To do this, a layer of expanded clay is poured at the bottom of the pot, then a layer of sand and soil on top.

Ficus Benjamin Kinky loves good lighting , it is best if the light is diffused. It is necessary to immediately choose a place for the pot and not rearrange it in order to protect the flower from stress and leaf fall. The perfect place will become window sill on the east or west side, protected from direct sun rays. The optimum room temperature is 15-20 degrees.

For normal development the air in the room should not be dry. Periodically, you should spray the crown from a spray bottle or give the plant a warm shower, covering the soil from moisture.

Keep a pot of ficus Kinki was not near the radiator or in a draft. Hot dry air and cold will adversely affect growth.

Kinki is very picky about watering. You need to complete this procedure settled water at room temperature only when upper layer potted soil will dry out a little. If you water too often, the roots may rot. From a long drought, the leaves will fly around.

Watering indoor ficus Kinky

Therefore, it is very important to observe the measure. in the spring the time of intensive growth of ficus is useful 1-2 times a month add into water for irrigation complex fertilizer for variegated indoor plants.

Reproduction and transplantation of home Benjamin

The first ficus transplant is made after its purchase. The shipping pot and store substrate are not suitable for permanent growth. The planting container should not be too large. For a small cutting, a pot with a diameter of about 10 cm is enough.

Further, as it grows ficus transplanted by transshipment, leaving a clod of old earth around the roots. The resulting voids are filled with fresh soil.

Transfer flowers from one pot to another best done in early spring. When the diameter of the container reaches 30 cm, in the future, only the top 3-4 cm of soil will need to be renewed annually.

Ficus Kinki propagates seeds, apical cuttings and pieces of stems. At home, most in a simple way is the rooting of a twig about 10 cm long, on which 3-4 leaves are left. Such a process can be placed in water or planted in a mixture of soil and sand, covered with a plastic cap on top. Roots appear in 10-15 days.

Diseases and pests: what to do if the ficus began to drop leaves

Pests dangerous for Kinka are scab, spider mite, mealybug, aphid. What to do when the ficus begins to drop foliage due to illness? If the plant is infected, it should be carefully rinse it with warm water under the shower not forgetting to cover the soil in the pot.

When this procedure does not help, it is necessary to fight pests with the help of store chemicals. A sure sign that your ficus don't like the terms environment , serves leaf fall. There are many reasons for this. Here are the main ones:

  • air temperature below 15 degrees;
  • a flower pot stands too close to the battery or in a draft;
  • too much abundant or inadequate watering;
  • plant little light;
  • pot with ficus often moved from place to place.

Excellent example of ficus

Despite the tropical origin of Kinki's ficus, even a novice grower can create the conditions for comfortable growth for him. It is enough to follow simple rules, which were described above. And if you approach the cultivation of ficus creatively and give it an unusual look, then it will become a real decoration of your home and everyone's favorite.

Lovers indoor floriculture ficuses are especially popular. Ancient signs say that this flower brings happiness and harmony to the house, and it is especially recommended for women who dream of children. But even if you do not believe in superstition, it is difficult to disagree that this indoor flower, with all its beauty and elegance, is quite unpretentious, resistant to diseases and is distinguished by a variety of species. All this makes it especially attractive. One of the most popular plant varieties is ficus kinki, which we will talk about.

Botanical description

Kinky is one of the varieties of the famous ficus benjamin (ficusbenjamina). This is a variegated variety. Under natural conditions, the plant grows in tropical regions. At home, the bush reaches no more than 35-40 cm in height. Its small light green leaves with a light border are about 4 cm long and no more than 2 cm wide.

In the Netherlands, another variety of ficus kinki has been bred - the so-called ficus green kinki (greenkinky). In my own way appearance ficus green is similar to the Natasha variety beloved by our flower growers and has single-color green leaves.

The plant is valued for its miniature size, beauty of the crown and decorative effect. But caring for ficus benjamin kinki at home requires some effort.

Immediately after purchase, the plant must be transplanted into new pot. In this case, the land must be completely replaced. Ficus benjamin kinki, which was not subjected to a primary transplant, sheds leaves and becomes ill.

After the kinki "moves" to its new "home", you need to find a permanent habitat for it. The fact is that this variety of ficus is intolerant of frequent rearrangements. When the plant is regularly moved from place to place, it reacts by shedding leaves and turning yellow.

The room where the plant will live should be well lit. Ficus benjamin kinki should not be placed near batteries. Drafts should also be avoided, due to which the leaves of the plant fall. Optimum temperature air for ficus kinki -22-25 degrees. Daily Care behind the plant includes watering and spraying the leaves.

Home care for ficus benjamin kinki will not be difficult even for a beginner grower, but requires some procedures. This is systematic watering, timely transplanting and spring-summer top dressing, as well as crown formation for aesthetic purposes.


It is necessary to water the ficus kinki as the topsoil dries. If the plant does not have enough moisture, its leaves dry up and fall off. At the same time, it should be remembered that excessive watering can also cause no less harm to the plant. Waterlogged soil is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and fungi that can infect a houseplant.

Water intended for irrigation should warm up to room temperature.


Caring for ficus kinki at home involves regular fertilizing. Like most indoor plants, ficus kinki responds well to fertilizer. In winter, when the plant is at rest, it does not need top dressing. In spring and summer, during the period of active growth, the indoor flower should be fed with nitrogen fertilizers and this should be done once every 10 days.

Transplant Features

It was previously mentioned that the primary flower transplant is carried out immediately after purchase, while the land must be completely replaced, since the store substrate is not intended for the permanent habitation of the plant.

In the future, ficus kinki is transplanted as needed, when it becomes too crowded in a pot. The dimensions of the new pot should exceed its predecessor by 3-4 cm in diameter. Recommended time for this procedure: spring or early summer.

crown formation

With the help of pruning, even at home, you can make a real work of art out of ficus kinki, giving it the desired shape, but for this you need to take care of the crown. Do not be afraid to show imagination and feel free to cut off extra leaves and branches.

To achieve a beautiful lush crown, you should plant several ficuses in one pot. Their lignified stems can be intertwined with each other using any type of weaving. Thus, you will get not only a beautiful crown, but also a decorative, unusual trunk.

Ficus Kinki. Landing and care.

Ficus kinki

Ficus Benjamin Kinki: care, reproduction, transplant, watering


The main method of propagation of this type of ficus is cuttings. The procedure is as follows:

  • you need to choose a strong escape;
  • cut a branch with 2 buds with a sharply sharpened knife (the length of the handle must be at least 10 cm);
  • a milky juice is formed on the cut, which must be washed off, otherwise it will prevent the plant from taking root;
  • root the cut branch in the nutrient mixture and cover with a transparent bag.

In a week, the cuttings will have roots, and after another 2 weeks they should be planted in permanent pots.

It is also possible to propagate by seeds or pieces of stems. But these methods are rarely used.


Ficus kinki is prone to various fungal infections, so it is very important to provide the plant with proper care. The most common diseases are:

  1. Powdery mildew. Due to strong humidity or excessive watering, a light coating appears on the leaves of the plant. All diseased leaves must be removed, and the ficus should be treated with a fungicide solution.
  2. Root rot also occurs due to too much watering. It is necessary to remove the affected roots and change the soil in the pot.
  3. Many flower growers are concerned about such a problem as ficus leaf fall. This phenomenon may be due to the frequent movement of the ficus from one place to another. If the ficus sheds all the foliage, then perhaps it does not have enough lighting. Move the flower to a more lit place or use a special plant lamp.
  4. Falling foliage immediately after purchase is a normal reaction of the plant. Thus, the flower is trying to adapt to a new habitat.

So, we were convinced that at home, caring for ficus benjamin kinki is not very difficult to implement. The main procedures that the plant needs to be subjected to are regular, but not excessive watering, seasonal top dressing, timely transplantation and crown formation.

Ficus Kinki is a type of Ficus Benjamin and belongs to the mulberry family. Represents dwarf plant, whose leaves along the edges have a variegated color from light yellow to white color. Only one variety of ficuses has completely green leaves - Green Kinki. Kinka leaves are smooth, small in size, slightly pointed. Stem woody with drooping branches. Such a plant will not take up much space in the room, and it is not too difficult to care for it.

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    Home care

    Like any kind of ficus, Kinki will not require significant efforts from the grower when growing it. The main thing is to follow the simple rules of indoor floriculture and try to create conditions for it that are as close to natural as possible.

    Lighting and temperature conditions

    Ficus Kinki is a photophilous plant and should be kept in a room that is well lit. Light must be diffused. Although the plant tolerates direct sunlight, but in hot weather it is shaded from scorching rays. Although this is a heat-loving flower, it reacts negatively to the flow of hot air, so it is recommended to place the ficus pot away from heating appliances. Minimum temperature, at which Kinki feels good, is +15 °C.

    The plant must be immediately put in a permanent place, because it reacts very painfully to the rearrangement. With the constant movement of the pot from place to place, the leaves begin to fall off. This also happens because of drafts, from which Kinki must be protected.

    Humidity and watering

    The plant does not have special requirements for air humidity. It tolerates dry indoor air well and high humidity. But still it is recommended to maintain an optimal level of humidity. In order for the ficus to be comfortable, it is sprayed from time to time and its leaves are wiped.

    Kinki should be watered carefully, making sure that the soil in the container does not become waterlogged. Small pots with homemade ficuses do not allow moisture to quickly evaporate from the soil, and excessive moisture in the soil leads to rotting of the roots and the development of fungal diseases.

    Do not allow the soil mixture to dry out. If the ficus is left without moisture for a long time, then its leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off. Therefore, watering Kinki should be moderate, without excessive moisture in the soil and its drying out.

    top dressing

    When caring for ficus Kinki at home, it should be fed regularly. Over time, the soil in the pot is depleted and there is a deficiency of minerals. But their excess is also undesirable. The plant even sheds leaves because of this. Therefore, ficus is fertilized according to a certain scheme.

    The period of active fertilizing occurs when the plant comes out of dormancy. This happens at the beginning of spring, when Kinki starts to grow after winter holiday. Ficus is fed from this time until the beginning of autumn 1-2 times a month with special or complex fertilizers. Top dressing is gradually reduced with the onset of autumn, nullifying and caring for without them.


    Ficus transplantation is also an integral part of caring for this plant. For the first time, such a procedure is carried out immediately after its acquisition. The soil in which the ficus is sold is not suitable for its permanent cultivation, therefore, after the purchase, it is transplanted into a new pot with a complete replacement of the earth. If the flower is left in the store substrate, then it becomes ill and sheds leaves.

    For transplanting, choose plastic or ceramic pots and fill them with soil mixture intended for ficuses. The container should not be too spacious. Replant Kinki as needed when the plant grows very strongly. The procedure is carried out by the transshipment method, moving the ficus along with the old earthen clod. The space between the pot and the clod of earth is filled with a new substrate, and it is also poured onto the drainage layer and the surface of the earthen clod.

    Pruning and reproduction

    Kinks are cut to form a crown. Usually, several ficuses of this variety are planted in one pot, allowing the formation of a tree with a dense crown. In this case, not only the crown looks effective, but also the trunk, as the stems are intertwined and after a while grow together at the base.

    If the ficus grows alone, then it can be formed in the form miniature tree. In this case, the crown will not be too lush, but the dwarf flower looks very elegant.

    Ficus Kinki propagates with the help of apical shoots. The desired shoot 10 cm long with one or two leaves on it is cut with a sharp knife. The milky juice protruding on the cut is washed off with warm water, and the shoot is dried. The prepared cutting is rooted in a nutrient mixture and covered with a bag or glass to create greenhouse conditions. Shoots should be in a warm and bright place. The formation of the first roots should be expected in two weeks. A month later, the cuttings are planted in permanent pots.

Kira Stoletova

Known among flower growers as the fig tree home plant ficus kinkiy is a variety of ficus flower Benjamin.

Biological characteristic

The ficus flower Green Kinky is a dwarf evergreen variety of the well-known Benjamin, which looks like a tree-like shrub covered with a crown of small (no more than 4 cm long) leaves. Numerous branches fall from a lignified upright trunk.

In translation, the name green kinky means green curly.

Ficus Kinki is native to the West African and Australian tropics, where under natural conditions it grows like a full-fledged tree, reaching a height of up to 25-30 m.

A distinctive feature in the description of the decorative ficus by Benjamin Kinka is the color of its foliage. The edge of the ficus leaves is framed by an unevenly running strip of beige with yellow or salad color.

Benjamin's flower, despite superstitions and omens, has gained popularity among flower growers due to its small size. Despite its demanding care, this subspecies has taken pride of place in the list of indoor ornamental vegetation grown at home.

Growing approaches

The process of growth and care of ficus Kinki at home suggests that great importance will be given to the creation for the plant comfortable conditions, most closely resembling the natural germination environment:

  • this is a light-loving indoor flower that will actively grow and develop only in sufficiently lit rooms, mainly with diffused light, and not in direct sunlight;
  • in the hot period, despite its thermophilicity, the flower does not tolerate too high temperatures, therefore the most suitable place for its location will be something that is far from standard heating batteries and far from artificial heating systems;
  • the minimum temperature limit should not be lowered below 15 ° C.

Ficus Benjamin is distinguished by constancy, the flower does not respond well to movement and transplantation. Frequent movement of a ficus flower pot can lead to leaf fall. His leaves also fall due to cold drafts.

Humidity indicators where the flower grows do not have a strong effect on the plant. It can tolerate both dry indoor air and high humidity. However, maintaining stable conditions will certainly be a positive aspect in caring for a potted flower.

As a protection of ficus from thermal exposure heating systems regular spraying and rubbing of its foliage can become.

Care scheme

Home care for ficus Benjamin requires regular watering, replanting in case of emergency and timely feeding.

Watering procedure

For ficus Kinki, it suggests excessiveness and accuracy, since excessive waterlogging of the soil leads to the appearance of a fungus, rotting of the plant's root system and its subsequent death. From small flower pots, which are suitable for growing ficuses, moisture does not evaporate as quickly as from wide containers, therefore excessive watering can cause its accumulation.

A long stay of ficus without moisture can also adversely affect the condition of the plant, the leaves of which begin to prioritize. yellow and fall off.

Mineral top dressing

Just like when growing and caring for any home flower, when caring for a ficus, one should not forget about mineral supplements. When in a land depleted with time home flower experiencing a vitamin deficiency. Simultaneously with the oversaturation of the soil with mineral fertilizers, the plant begins to feel discomfort. In both cases, this leads to leaf fall.

In order to avoid adverse consequences with a lack or excess of mineralization of the soil in which Kinki ficus grows, you should take care and fertilize the land for the plant in accordance with the recommended scheme:

  • the time of active feeding falls on the onset of spring, when, after the winter dormancy, the plant begins to grow,
  • top dressing can be carried out before the start of the autumn season, after which the flower is not fed, continuing normal care without the use of fertilizers in the ground,
  • for the mineralization of the soil, complex fertilizers are used no more than 1-2 times in 1 month.

Reproduction methods

Ficus Benjamin Kinky propagates by cutting cuttings or by seedlings. Seed planting, which is better suited natural conditions, is not recommended by flower growers who are more prone to reproduction by cutting cuttings.

Principles of transplanting and pruning

Among the necessary measures in the process of growing and caring for ficus, its transplantation and pruning are noted.

Transplant process

The initial transplant of the plant is required immediately after purchase. indoor flower, since the substrates in which the plants are sold are not subject to constant cultivation and must be changed. Required for transplant flower pot, in which the flower could grow for at least a year, and preferably 2 years.

If you leave Kinki's ficus after purchase in the substrate in which it was sold, the flower sheds its leaves over time and dies.

For the initial planting and subsequent flower transplants, it is recommended to choose a ceramic or plastic pot and use soil mixtures specially designed for growing ficuses. The basic rule for growing ficus is a pot, not too big and not too small. When the flower becomes uncomfortable, Benjamin's ficus begins to shed its leaves.

The frequency and frequency of subsequent transplants depend on how much the indoor plant grows and how quickly and intensively it grows. root system. Usually, you can transplant a ficus by transferring the flower to a new, larger flower pot while preserving the old clod. In such a transplant, it remains to fill only the resulting free space.

Ficus is one of the most popular indoor plants. Caring for him is simple, the flower looks attractive, it grows quickly. That is why it is grown with pleasure not only by experienced flower growers, but also by those who have just decided to acquire living decorations for their homes. In most you can find the most common variety - rubbery ficus, with large, shiny leaves. But it has one drawback - this species can reach 10 meters indoors and outdoors. without fail requires annual pruning. This kind of care is not for everyone. But there are also less troublesome varieties. For example, ficus Kinki is a small bushy plant with variegated leaves. Such a plant can become a real decoration of the house, without requiring special attention. It is even believed that it is able to improve the energy of the house where it grows. In any case, it is worth planting such a flower at home. At least for the fact that he is really handsome.

Features of care

Any ficus, regardless of its variety, is good because caring for it is extremely simple. So is Kinki - there should not be any problems with its cultivation. Of course, there are some points that require mandatory compliance. But in return, the flower will respond with rapid growth and a dense green-green crown.


Such plants are very fond of fertile, loose soil. Ideally, it should be a mixture of soddy soil and peat soil, with the obligatory addition of sand. You can add some sheet soil and charcoal. Or you can immediately purchase nutrient soil in the store, in which Kinki's ficus will feel quite good. When planting in a pot, be sure to pour drainage to avoid stagnation of water in the roots.


This variety of ficus requires abundant watering. If it is left without water for a long time, its foliage will begin to dry, turn yellow and gradually fall off.

Off-topic question ... Question on cottages

We are constantly getting letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year, a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulantswhich will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Water should be taken soft and warm. AT summer period watering should be carried out often - as soon as the top layer of soil dries. In winter, the amount of water is reduced - a day or two after the soil dries up. But waterlogging should also not be allowed, otherwise the roots of the plant may rot, and the ficus will die.

As for spraying, this can be done in the summer. Although the Kinki ficus tolerates dry air quite easily if it is watered on time. It is also necessary to periodically clean the foliage from dust. But, since the leaves of this variety are quite small, the whole process can take a lot of time. Therefore, you can just occasionally rinse the plant in the shower, trying not to wash out the soil in the pot.


This plant variety loves heat. It is desirable that the temperature in the room where the flower will stand be kept within + 23- + 25 degrees. Lowering can cause the ficus to start shedding leaves. And if the upper threshold is exceeded, it will be necessary to humidify the air next to the plant. In winter, when the dormant period sets in, the air temperature can already be reduced, but not below +16.

Does not like the flower of hot and cold air currents. Therefore, the ficus should be kept away from heating appliances and drafts. Despite all these limitations, it is not difficult to provide a suitable place at home for a ficus. It is enough to once determine a permanent residence for him, and leaving will no longer cause difficulties.

Decorative tree - eye charm


Ficuses are photophilous plants, although they can be in the shade for some time. It is desirable to provide the plant with bright diffused light, with protection from direct sun. Insufficient lighting at home can lead to discoloration and leaf drop. In winter, it is worth providing the flower with an additional artificial light source. Fluorescent lamps or special phytolamps, which can be purchased at a gardening store, can cope with this task.


Additional feeding of the flower is necessary during the period of active growth. This period usually lasts from March to October. At this time, you should add an all-purpose fertilizer to the soil every two weeks. But in some cases, the frequency of recharge should be increased. For example, after transplanting or pruning a plant.

These are the basic rules for caring for ficus. If you follow them exactly, then the plant will not cause much trouble.

Transplantation, reproduction and pruning of a flower

Periodically, it may be necessary to replace the pot with a larger one when the plant has grown and roots have already appeared from the drainage hole. This is usually done in the spring. In this case, a flower pot is taken 3–5 centimeters larger than the previous one. Drainage is first poured here, then a layer of calcined soil. Now you can transfer the ficus along with the ground in which it grew, and top up the rest of the ground. Be sure to water the flower, and after two weeks pour in a little fertilizer. Further care- normally. In an adult plant, it is enough to replace the top layer of soil once a year.

Ficus Kinki propagates by cuttings about 10 centimeters long. Having cut off the shoot, it should be held a little under running water to wash away the milky juice. Then the stalk is placed in water for two weeks - until the roots appear. You can immediately plant a shoot in the ground, covering it with polyethylene until it takes root.

If the cutting was in the water, you should wait for the appearance of the root system, plant it in the ground. Two weeks after rooting, the flower must be fed, then again - when active growth begins.

Constant pruning of shoots at home is not required for the Kinki variety. Crown formation is possible for decorative purposes, to give the plant the desired shape.

In general, ficus care should not be difficult. This is one of the most undemanding plants that live in residential buildings. All it takes is a little attention and care.

Soil renewal and houseplant care

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