Flowers for March 8 as they are called. Beautiful gift in a flower pot

Site arrangement 12.06.2019
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At the very beginning of spring, the 8th of March is celebrated in our country. On this day, women charm with their beauty and tenderness. Only now men have to go through a difficult test - to buy flowers on March 8th for their mother, beloved wife, daughter, grandmother or colleague.

It is not enough to buy the first bouquet that comes along. It is very important to consider the woman's age, character and your relationship. Fortunately, specialists of a floristry salon are always ready to help and pick up successful bouquets by March 8.

How to choose flowers for March 8?

First you need to decide on the color of the bouquet:

  • white is considered to be innocent and pure, it is suitable for young girls;
  • red symbolizes love and heartfelt affection, it is considered the best option for a wife or lover;
  • pink also reflects tender affection;
  • yellow and orange convey a friendly attitude.

Thus, it is better for young girls to present a bouquet in pastel colors, decorating it with feminine tulips, orchids or calla lilies. Mature ladies are more suitable for bright and rich shades that emphasize solidity and elegance - burgundy, purple, yellow.

It is worth remembering about the social status of the recipient. So, a woman boss will be happy with a classic and discreet bouquet, but business partners should be presented with something memorable, with exotic flowers. unusual shapes and colors.

Especially relevant on March 8th are spring primroses: tulips, hyacinths and daffodils. They exude a delicate aroma and remind you that a sunny and warm spring awaits you very soon. You should not buy bouquets of carnations for women over 40 by March 8th. It may seem unnecessarily banal. Better to buy luxurious lilies, royal roses or exotic orchids.

In the online store "Flora Fart" there is always a wide selection flower arrangements- bright, original and always fresh.

Do It right choice for her.

I believe that a man does not need to understand colors if the work does not require it. There are red flowers, yellow, white and some other. It's enough.

But it turns out that there are flowers that cannot be given on March 8... And you can't even pack them. You may not know about it, but she knows.

So that you do not get into an unpleasant situation, we have made a simple educational program. It will save both time and money when looking for flowers. At the same time, you will learn a little about where the holiday itself came from - March 8th. If you tell her, you might even amaze.

Why are women given flowers at all?

Tulips - the most free option for March 8

There is no single opinion. The tradition is so ancient and multinational that now it is definitely not possible to find the first man-male, who suddenly decided to pick beautiful flowers from the meadow and not eat, but give.

The generally accepted version is logical. Humans have inherently always worshiped good: harvest, health, beauty, breast size (emphasize the best). Our ancestors built temples and monuments to their gods, and then carried offerings there, including flowers.

Actually, women also got it. The beautiful is for the beautiful. Well, you get the idea.

Hundreds of generations in a row, you and I were brought up to give flowers to girls. And get used to the fact that on March 8 they are more expensive.

What is this holiday - March 8?

You don't have to go far for proofs of the coolness of our clever girls and beauties. The history of the holiday itself will prove it.

International Women's Day more 100 years, but officially it takes place in only a few countries, although it is supported by the UN. For example, there is no such holiday in the USA, Australia or South Korea.

The first time on March 8 within our country was celebrated at the time Russian Empire, on the first Sunday in February 1913. But the real date was fixed in 1917, when festive demonstrations for women's rights on the streets of St. Petersburg spontaneously grew into revolutionary movement(aggressive!) - February revolution that ended with the resignation of Emperor Nicholas II a couple of weeks later.

This is how women once again showed that they solve affairs in the world on an equal basis with us - and therefore they certainly deserve their own public holiday. So be careful. Give her flowers and generally please her, otherwise you never know, you will follow in the footsteps of Nicholas II.

There is only one important question left.

What flowers cannot be given for March 8?

Roses with thorns. Firstly, it is impractical, it is inconvenient to put in a vase. Secondly, it is unpleasant to keep them, you want to throw them off somewhere as soon as possible, get rid of them. If you respect her, but accidentally bought one, cut off the sharpest spikes at the bottom, and you can leave them at the top. A clerical knife will do.

Red flowers. Here we are talking about superstition - it is believed that red flowers lead to a heated quarrel. But this clearly does not scare us: most of us on March 8 are betting on red and ignoring prejudices. A bright, powerful, passionate color is the right message to any beauty who is not driven by signs.

Yellow flowers. A similar story, only here we are "promised" not a quarrel, but a temporary separation or even treason, which you are supposedly going to make amends. Incidentally, this is what Catherine II officially declared and issued a corresponding decree within the framework of the official register of the meaning of colors in the second half of the 16th century. It is better not to take such that the congratulation does not turn into an interrogation.

Roses, carnations of very unusual colors. Serious advice, no prejudice. Unnaturally black, blue, multicolored iridescent and other "custom" colors are a clever way of florists to deceive the buyer and quickly sell almost wilted or frozen buds. The paint hides imperfections and clings to gullible men, be vigilant and do not get fooled.

Flowers pre-packed in foil. This not only allows sellers to inflate the price of the "ready-made bouquet", but also gives a chance to cram there completely sluggish stems and other illiquid assets, giving it a minimum marketable condition cheap cellophane. Take without film or ask to pack them in place.

Do not give only roses. Contrary to the powerful PR, roses are winter flowers and are not suitable for a spring holiday. Outside of Instagram, real smart girls often don't like roses and prefer something else, like tulips, mimosas, daffodils, hyacinths, gerberas, irises, and so on. Do not be afraid to experiment, because the next bouquet of roses seems to hint: "I have neither imagination, nor desire to bathe - hold this and leave me alone."

And if you give one flower, then take an unusual one. One rose does not roll in the presence of wealth. In other cases, everything is clear: 1, 3, 5, 7 and so on colors are the norm.

If you are carrying it to a girl, then take an armful of natural wildflowers, this is now in vogue. And if the lady, then yes, you can do without hipster and confine yourself to the classics, the same roses. Chrysanthemums are also nothing.

site Make the right choice for her. I believe that a man does not need to understand colors if the work does not require it. There are red flowers, yellow, white and some other. It's enough. But it turns out that there are some flowers that cannot be given on March 8th. And you can't even pack them. You may not know about it, but she knows. To... Choosing flowers as a gift for women on March 8

All men are preparing for March 8, some prefer to treat their soul mate with a romantic dinner, others choose expensive jewelry. For women who are fond of gardening and horticulture, the best gifts can be:

  • decorations for a private house and garden landscape;
  • for lovers of growing flowers - good garden shears or pruning shears;
  • for gardeners experimenters - seeds of unusual colors and vegetable crops;
  • for women looking for home comfort - garters and beautiful designer flower pots.

Flowers are the best gift for March 8th for any woman. On the market and in flower shops there is a large selection of plants of all sizes and shades, in flowerpots and cut. But how not to miscalculate, and what flowers to choose so that you will definitely like it?

What flowers to give on March 8

If you do not reliably know about the preferences of the person to whom you are going to give flowers, use the tips:

  • Young girls are presented with flowers in light colors: white, yellow, pink and blue. The half-open buds are perfect and symbolize youthful beauty. For older women, flowers of bright colors are suitable: purple, red, burgundy.
  • Ideal option for everyone there will be mimosas, with their pleasant aroma and pleasing to the eye color. Make sure that the buds are open - this indicates their freshness.
  • On March 8, many pamper colleagues and acquaintances with tulips. Yellow, white, red, colored stripes. These flowers keep well in a cold place. Therefore, you can buy them a few days before the upcoming date and keep them in the refrigerator or on the balcony (at temperatures above zero), wrapped in paper.
  • Chrysanthemums are a very common gift for March 8, they also differ in a variety of shades: green, blue, yellow, white. These flowers can be called versatile and economical, since you can give them to ladies of any age, and due to their fluffiness, even three branches will look very impressive in a bouquet.
  • Roses are classics of the genre. They can be given both separately and in beautiful composition with herbs. And also - combine different colors roses. Pink and white will appeal to girls under 25, while dark reds are suitable for all ages. Yellow and green will appeal to respectable business women and work partners.
  • Recently, the most popular are fresh flowers in pots (cynenaria, crocuses, phalaenopsis). Such a gift can be considered ideal, since with proper care, it will delight the eye with its flowering for many years. This option is especially suitable for excellent gardeners and gardeners who like to study a new plant and select growing conditions for it.

How to choose the right bouquet for March 8

In order for the presented bouquet to last longer and please the eye, you should adhere to simple rules when choosing:

  • Examine the selected flowers carefully. The buds should be firm, firm, smooth, with all the petals. Often, trying to revive the flower, sellers pick off the wilted upper petals.
  • There should be no spots on the petals and buds, these are signs of diseases or additional processing of the plant.
  • Fresh flowers, with slight bending of the stem, quickly return to their original position.
  • It is unacceptable for the buds to be pulled together with rubber bands, this indicates an old cut of the plant.
  • Stems and leaves should be natural green, without yellowness.

It's no secret that in holidays flower shop sellers are trying to sell the goods. Therefore, you should not take risks and buy ready-made bouquets. The seller can collect it before your very eyes, from the colors that you have chosen.

If you were at work, you shouldn't come to shop in the evening on a holiday, the worst and stale goods will remain. In that case, go for flowers the day before and choose the best ones for your beloved.

So that the flowers stand longer, cut the stems at the base by 2 cm obliquely, cut off lower leaves... Cold water is ideal for roses and tulips, while chrysanthemums are more capricious. They are placed in warm water, where two teaspoons of sugar are added in advance. The water should be changed every three days, each time cutting the stems by an inch. With this care, the flowers will last up to two weeks.

How to grow flowers by March 8 at home

Most best gift- handmade. Every girl will love the attention that can be expressed in self-growing flowers for the holiday. At the same time, it is not necessary to be a professional gardener, it is important to strictly follow their recommendations.

Suitable for growing at home:

  • tulips;
  • primroses;
  • daffodils;
  • roses;
  • asters;
  • violets.

You will need pots, planting material, soil (earth with peat and sand in equal proportions), and place (greenhouse, free window sill or shelving). If cultivation will be carried out in a room, additional lighting with phytolamps will be required. The species must be selected not only according to the desired color, but also based on the timing of flowering, early spring is suitable (late February - early March).

For tulips, daffodils, crocuses, a popular cultivation technology is called "distillation". Dates of planting bulbous flowers for distillation by March 8 - mid-October:

  • The planting material is planted in a special flower trough at a distance of 20 cm from each other, so that the top of the bulbs slightly sticks out. It is good to use rotted sawdust as a soil or part of it.
  • For a month, the greenhouse is kept in darkness and relative coolness (+5), watering abundantly, after which the temperature is raised to 10 degrees. It is necessary to control the temperature on a daily basis, if it is necessary to slow down growth, it should be lowered. For earlier flowering - on the contrary, increase.
  • When the buds begin to form, the greenhouse can be opened, now the ideal temperature for flowers is 15-20 degrees. Be sure to watch them not overheat.
  • Indoor humidity must be maintained at 80% or flowers must be sprayed;
  • Do not forget about generous daily watering and the introduction of universal dressings for bulbous flowers.

If the temperature regime has been violated, tulips can bloom earlier. In this case, they will have to be cut and kept in the refrigerator until the holiday begins.

Video congratulations on March 8 from the team of All women are like flowers


Delight your beloved women on March 8 with luxurious flowers that will decorate your home and fill the air with fragrance. Thanks to simple tips and advice, it's easy to make the right choice that they will appreciate.

Growing tulips in a greenhouse is a very responsible business. These flowers are very good to drive out in the winter, because they do not need a lot. sunlight... In order for tulips to grow by March 8, a number of rules and recommendations must be followed. If everything is done correctly, then for the holiday it will be possible to please women with beautiful cut flowers.

The entire forcing process can be divided into several stages:

  • preparation of bulbs,
  • storage of bulbs,
  • planting bulbs,
  • cooling and rooting,
  • care for emerging sprouts.

Tulip cultivars for forcing in the greenhouse

There are many varieties of tulips that are used for forcing. All of them can be divided into three groups:

  • for early distillation suitable varieties "Abba","Zorro», "Primavera" and some others;
  • for medium distillation, it is better to choose varieties such as Barcelona, ​​Abu Hassan, Triumph, Sevilla, "Carola";
  • varieties are preferred for late forcing "Diplomat", "Atom".

Preparing the bulbs

The soil used for planting the bulbs must contain required amount nitrogen, calcium and magnesium. These substances contribute to the formation of flowers during the winter. The bulbs themselves must be healthy and strong. Prepared tulip bulbs are currently available from the store. But many people prefer to do it on their own.

Also read: Features of the variety and the rules for planting a wrinkled rose

Forcing tulips (video)

Storing the bulbs

It is very important to preserve the bulbs correctly, otherwise forcing tulips will not be productive. This is a whole technology, and if you follow it, then distillation will result in very beautiful tulips. It is necessary to observe the temperature regime, since it is during this period that organs are formed and useful substances are accumulated. Initially, the rudiments of foliage are formed, then a flower. The pistil is the last to form. The pistil determines the time when to start cooling the planting material, since without this process, tulips simply will not bloom.

After the bulbs have been selected, they are stored in a room where the temperature and humidity can be adjusted. It is recommended to store them in boxes with a mesh bottom, which creates good ventilation of the bulbs.

To form a flower bud, the bulbs are stored at a temperature of 18-20 ° C, and the air humidity should be within 70-75%. If the temperature in the room is too low or high, then the buds will form for a very long time, while the flower will be defective.

Planting bulbs

Bulbs are planted in autumn period... The material is pre-disinfected. To do this, it is soaked for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate. Also for these purposes, you can prepare a decoction of celandine or use hot water (about 40 ° C).

The time of planting the bulb is selected depending on when you want to get the flowers. If tulips are needed for new year holidays then planting should take place in September. Accordingly, the bulbs must be planted in November to produce flowers by March 8th.

The bulbs are planted in pots, boxes, or other convenient containers. It is necessary to use a sterile substrate, which is characterized by good moisture holding capacity and air permeability. The substrate from previous plants should not be used.

Before planting, the bulb is carefully peeled from the scales. The layer of earth must be at least 10 cm. The material is planted to a depth of 3 cm, at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other. After that, the bulbs must be sprinkled with earth to the top and watered abundantly. It is important to constantly monitor that the substrate does not dry out.

Cooling and rooting

After planting, the bulbs are removed to a dark place for cooling and rooting. Thanks to the cooling, the tulip shoot will grow. The plant accumulates a special substance gibberellin, which is responsible for the growth of the stem. The cooling period is set depending on which tulip variety has been selected and the size of the bulb. As a rule, this period is 16-22 weeks. During this period, the bulb will take root and a sprout of about 6 cm with a bud will emerge from it. Best temperature for cooling it is 7-9 ° C, also the humidity of the air and soil should always be high.

To get tulips directly by March 8, you need to choose the date for the start of the cooling period. To do this, consider the time the tulips are in the greenhouse and the required cooling period.

Care of emerging sprouts

The containers with sprouted bulbs are transferred to the greenhouse 21 days before the required flowering day. For 3 days in the greenhouse, the temperature should be set to 14 ° C, during these days the sprouts will turn green. Thereafter, the temperature is increased to 18 ° C. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly maintain high humidity soil, weed it and fertilize the plants. Use warm water for irrigation.

After reading the relevant article on our website, you can find out if tulips can be planted in October.

Cut flowers

Cutting technology is simple. Tulips are cut when their buds are closed and half-colored. They are placed tightly, and for storage I use cold water, the temperature of which should vary in the range of 1-4 ° C. In such conditions, the flowers retain their fresh appearance for a week. If flowers are stored without water, then they should be placed in the refrigerator, previously packed in cardboard or plastic boxes.

After the flowers are cut, you need to cut the watering in half. Watering continues until the plants are completely wilted. During this time, the bulbs grow very quickly. When the leaves turn yellow, the bulbs should be dug up, dried and stored. Such bulbs are good to grow in open ground, but they are no longer suitable for forcing in a greenhouse.

Growing tulips by March 8 (video)

Forcing tulips takes some effort. But, subject to all the rules, this work will bring great pleasure in the form a large number beautiful tulips... These flowers will undoubtedly delight every woman, not only on March 8, but also on any other day.

Attention, only TODAY!

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Pros of a greenhouse

Grow tulips in the greenhouse - not difficult task, if you know the technology and strictly follow it. If you love these flowers and want to make money, then greenhouse growing is for you. If you generally enjoy fiddling with flowers, breeding is where you can start and make your hobby.

This method of growing allows you to get flowers at any time of the year, and even guess for the holidays, when they traditionally in demand... In order to obtain beautiful and varied flowers, several conditions must be met. This is the choice of variety, planting material and adherence to the technology of growing tulips in a greenhouse.

Learn all about how to diversify your festive bouquet and delight your loved ones fresh

flowers from the greenhouse

We bring to your attention detailed materials how to grow roses and chrysanthemums in a greenhouse.

Planting material

How to grow tulips in a greenhouse? For strong, beautiful flowers, it is important to choose the right prepare planting material... Where can I get the bulbs? Tulip bulbs are now sold in shops, nurseries or simply private individuals - gardeners who are engaged in their cultivation.

It is best to buy bulbs from July to mid-September. It is guaranteed to be bulbs of the current year... Moreover, the sooner you do this, the higher-quality planting material you will receive until it is disassembled by more efficient growers.

For what note when buying bulbs:

  • density and thickness of scales... If it is very dense, dark brown, it may be a sign that it has been overexposed in the soil;
  • the ideal bulb is 3.5-4 cm in diameter. You can take a slightly smaller, but always healthy bulb;
  • appearance. The bulb should be intact, without traces of mold, the stem that has moved into the growth (only its small nose should stick out);
  • bottom condition... There should be only tubercles from which roots will sprout, the bottom should be dense;
  • bulb weight. If the bulb appears light for its size, it is rotten.

To avoid buying low-quality planting material can be grown bulbs on one's own... They are best taken from flowers that grow outdoors. To do this, 2-3 days after the beginning of flowering, the blossoming flowers must be cut off.

Don't cut the buds, this is fraught with the cessation of the growth of deciduous mass and a decrease in the accumulation of necessary organic substances.

It is necessary to dig up the bulbs in late June - early July, after 2/3 of the stem and leaves turn yellow. Only round-shaped bulbs are suitable for forcing, 3.5-4 cm in diameter (a smaller size is acceptable).

Sort the onions by size: 1st analysis- the largest, 2nd parsing- smaller, etc. Scale them to make sure they are healthy. In addition, the peeled ones receive more nutrients and moisture.

How to store the bulbs?

From the correct storage the quality of future flowers depends... In order for the organs to form in the bulb and to accumulate the substances necessary for growth and subsequent flowering, the bulbs are stored for the first month at a temperature of 20 ° C, then it can be reduced to 17 ° C.

Humidity as important as the temperature, the bulbs should not dry out. Keep level not less than 70-75%... Containers should be ventilated, such as boxes with a mesh bottom.

Planting for distillation

How to grow tulips in a greenhouse? Bulbs should be kept at + 9 ° C for two weeks before planting. Scale the onions to give maximum access nutrients... If there is a lot of planting material, clean only the root tubercles.

To prevent possible infections, the bulbs must be treated before planting. For disinfection can be used simply hot water, but not more than 40 ° C... A solution of potassium permanganate (weak) or a decoction of celandine is also suitable.

The substrate is poured into the planting containers with a layer of at least 10 cm. The bulbs are buried 3-4 cm by light pressure and are covered with substrate from above.

The tulip is wonderful because for its cultivation no powerful lighting required... The planting density can be 250-300 pieces per 1 sq. m. The disembarkation can begin from the end of August. Its time depends on the date by which you want to get blooming tulips.

Traditional substrate for tulips- a mixture of sand (river) and sawdust. Flowers are quite patient with lack of nutrients, but they absolutely cannot tolerate excess moisture. Therefore, the soil must be well drained. For disinfection, it will not be superfluous steam it at 80 ° C and spill with fungicide. In terms of acidity, the soil should be neutral.


The containers with the planted bulbs are kept at a temperature of 7-9 ° C for 13-20 weeks.

Cooling is essential for rooting, shoot growth and accumulation of a substance responsible for stem growth. By the end of cooling, the plant should produce a stem 5-7 cm tall.

During this time, the seedlings are watered, and the desired humidity level is set in the room. To maintain a high level of humidity in the greenhouse, you need to water the floor and walls 2 times a week. During cooling lighting should be minimal, it is best to keep the room dark.

Forcing tulips

The cooling period is over and the actual distillation begins.

Temperature regime

How to expel tulips in a greenhouse? Start to gradually raise the temperature in the greenhouse. For several days, it should stay at 12-14 ° C, then increase to 16-18 ° C during the day and 14-15 ° C at night. When the buds appear you need to lower the temperature to 15 ° C... This will make their color more saturated, the stems stronger and longer. If you need to rush flowering for 2-3 days, you can raise the temperature to 20 ° C.


The first days of forcing a lot of lighting is not necessary. With a sprout height of 6-7 cm, the lower illumination threshold will be 900 lux. In February tulips it is necessary to extend daylight hours up to 10-12 hours using phytolamps placed half a meter above the plantings.

The plantings are watered early in the morning every day. Use cold water (+ 8-12 ° C). Melt water is very good containing the minimum amount of impurities. Avoid getting water on the leaves. The first week, regular watering can be alternated with a solution of calcium nitrate (0.2%).

Top dressing

The forcing period is too short for complete fertilization of the soil- it will not have time to assimilate. You can feed it a couple of times with a special liquid fertilizer for bulbous plants.

How to grow tulips in a greenhouse by March 8? If you grow tulips in a greenhouse, it is a sin not to guess their bloom for the most "tulip" holiday - March 8th. For beginners, growing tulips in a greenhouse by March 8th is the first big challenge to be on time.

Necessary time to bookmark... How many tulips grow in a greenhouse? Calculating the time to set the bulbs for cooling is simple. You need to cut the flowers on March 7th. Subtract 21 days from this date - this is the time of growth in the greenhouse, from the date obtained, subtract 16 weeks - the time for cooling and germination of the bulbs. As a result, it turns out that you need to plant bulbs on October 26.

How to cut?

Cut tulips, it turns out not such an easy thing... The further development of the bulb, which will be used for planting material for the next season, depends on it.

Cutting too low and not leaving enough leaves will result in the accumulation of essential mineral salts for further flower development.

The onion crumbles and becomes unusable as a planting material. For cut tulips it is better to take varieties with a long stem... If the issue of planting material is not at all worth it, then it is better to pull out the plant along with the bulb.

A bouquet of tulips in a vase with whole, well-washed bulbs is now considered a fashionable design move. Needless to say that it is will significantly prolong life cut off flowers.

Variety selection

Tulip varieties for forcing are selected depending on the required flowering time and purpose - for breeding or for sale.

There are varieties of early forcing, medium and late. Recommended varieties for early forcing (end of December), simple early class:

  • Abba;
  • Primavera;
  • Zorro;
  • Apricot beauty;
  • Sunrise;
  • Christmas Marvel.
  • Kiss Nellys;
  • Carola;
  • Yearning;
  • Abu Hassan;
  • Gander.
  • Carnaval de Nice;
  • Aristocrat;
  • Parade;
  • Davenport;
  • Flaming Parrot.

Actually, varieties great amount , you can choose the most beautiful of them from catalogs with descriptions.

Growing problems

Forcing problems may arise in case of violation her rules.

  1. The buds look papery. Reduce the temperature and ventilate the greenhouse regularly.
  2. Dropped flowers indicate too high a temperature.
  3. Weak peduncles - night temperature exceeds daytime, lack of calcium.
  4. Poor rooting of bulbs - too low humidity.
  5. Bulb decay after planting - soil too warm.
  6. Pasturing only a leaf without a peduncle - too small bulbs are planted.


Diseases of tulips when forcing in a greenhouse:

Growing tulips in a greenhouse is good business. There will always be a demand for cut flowers. To quote a famous millionaire, say, “Make a hobby profitable business and you may never work. " Good luck everyone!

The tulip is undoubtedly one of the main symbols of the coming spring. and the main women's day, March 8. Growing these flowers in a greenhouse is a very interesting and easy task even for novice florists, thanks to which you can not only please your loved ones, but also earn a little.

Advantages and disadvantages of distillation

Growing tulips by March 8 in a greenhouse is an activity that has its pros and cons:

  • on almost every garden plot there is a greenhouse, so this method of growing tulips is considered one of the simplest and most affordable;
  • tulips are popular all over the planet, so any girl will be happy with such a gift;
  • with the help of a greenhouse, tulips can be obtained not only by March 8, but also on any other significant day;
  • this growing method can be used for both personal and commercial purposes. Tulips are in great demand on March 8;
  • the possibility of dense planting saves space, but at the same time grows large flowers.

The only drawback of the method there will be the possibility of difficulties in violation temperature regime, humidity, etc.

Growing tulips in a greenhouse has many benefits.

Varieties that can be grown in a greenhouse


Tulip variety ideal for cutting and composition. Plant height is 40-50 centimeters, the stem is straight and strong.

The bud itself is quite large, at the peak of flowering its height is 8-10 centimeters, and its diameter is 10-12. The shape of these tulips is classic, the color is snow-white with a creamy tint at the base.

Maurin variety

Keys Nelis

One of the most beautiful varieties, intended for forcing, can reach a height of 60 centimeters, the stem is very strong, the foliage is dark red, basal.

During flowering, the bud does not open completely, on average, its height is 10-12 centimeters, and its diameter is 11-14 centimeters.

The inner part of the flower is painted in a bright red color, which smoothly turns into a fiery red hue to the edges.

Kis Nelis variety


A tall, stocky plant, which can be up to 65 centimeters long, while the stem is even and strong.

The bud has a goblet shape and rich red color, while the center of the flower is yellow, with a slight green bloom.

In terms of its size, such a flower is quite large, its diameter and height is 8-9 centimeters. Another advantage of this variety will be resistance to viral diseases.

Oxford grade


Tall plant (65 centimeters) with bright and unusual flowers. The shape of the bud is elongated, goblet, the petals are painted in coral, red-orange, the presence of a yellow framing stripe is characteristic.

Such a tulip does not open in the sun and retains its graceful shape until the end of flowering.

Vivex variety

Eric Hofsue

One of the brightest representatives of tulips, suitable for greenhouse cultivation and distillation. The plant can grow up to 75 centimeters in height, while the stems are very strong and strong.

The bud is very large and weighty, elliptical, goblet-shaped, which remains throughout the entire flowering, because this variety does not open under the influence of sunlight.

The color of the petals is bright pink (crimson) with a thin cream-colored border around the edges.

Erik Hofsue variety

Parade record

The variety is resistant to variegation virus. The stem is quite tall and strong, without any curvature. The flower is goblet and large in size, the color of the petals is bright red.

Variety Parade record


Powerful, tall plant with sturdy stems. The bud is large, shaped like a glass.

A feature of the variety will be the color of its petals. The middle part is painted in a pale blue color, which smoothly flows into a white tint.

Terms of work

In order for tulips to bloom by March 8, they should be planted in the greenhouse in November.

More specific terms will depend on the selected variety and on its individual characteristics. Experienced gardeners use a simplified scheme by which the landing time is determined.

Based on the fact that the flowers will need to be cut on March 7th, the germination time in the greenhouse (3 weeks) and the cooling period (16-18 weeks) are taken away from this date. The approximate date will be November 1-5.

In that case, if the bulbs are harvested independently, preparation for work begins even during cultivation in the open field:

  • 2-3 days after the flowers open, they must be cut off, but in no case should the buds be removed. Such actions are fraught with a decrease in the level of useful organic substances;
  • dig out the planting material when it turns yellow most of stem, usually in late June - early July.

One of the basic rules for growing tulips by a certain time is strict adherence to the timing of planting bulbs.

At the end of June - beginning of July, the bulbs are dug up

Growing technology for beginners

Proper storage of bulbs

The appearance and health of future tulips depends on the correct storage of the bulbs before planting.

For storing planting material it is customary to use containers that allow air to pass through such as boxes with holes.

The first month the bulbs are kept in a room with an air temperature of +20 degrees, then it is gradually reduced to +17.

The humidity level in the room should be around 70-80 percent. If you deviate from the indicators, the bulbs can dry out or rot.

After being selected suitable grade, it is necessary to carefully sort through all the bulbs and weed out at the same time diseased and unsuitable specimens for growing in a greenhouse.

When choosing planting material, novice gardeners should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • on average, the diameter of the bulb should be 3.5-4 centimeters, a larger size is also acceptable;
  • there should be no signs of any diseases, mold on the bulb;
  • it is not allowed to use planting material with a stem that has started to grow;
  • you cannot use bulbs with dense scales of a dark, brown color;
  • the bottom should be firm and dense;
  • a bulb that is suspiciously light for its size is likely to be rotten and unsuitable for growing.

Preparing tulip bulbs:

The soil

Usually, to plant a row of tulips and grow them successfully, use a mixture of river sand and sawdust... The acidity of the soil should be neutral, drainage is encouraged.

To avoid plant contamination various diseases, the soil must be calcined within 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 80 degrees and spill with fugicides or a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Among other things, you should take care in advance how to create plants comfortable conditions... That is, there must be equipment in order to provide a timely and correct temperature drop and artificial lighting.

How to plant a row

Planting tulips in a greenhouse begins with preparing the bulbs:

  • before carrying out work, they are kept in a room with a temperature of +9 degrees for 10-14 days;
  • then the bulbs are de-scaled to provide them with easier access to nutrients;
  • in order to disinfect the planting material, they dine hot water with a temperature of 40 degrees or treated with a weak decoction of potassium permanganate (celandine).

An interesting feature of tulips will be the possibility of growing them when high density, by 1 square meter 250-300 plants can easily get along.

Landing technology: the bulbs are deepened into the ground by 3-4 centimeters and watered abundantly with water, while, if they are exposed, they must be covered with earth again.

Forcing tulips by March 8:

How to grow a tulip in a greenhouse by March 8

After the bulbs are buried in the soil, they must be cooled. For this within 16-20 weeks the plant is given the following care:

  • air temperature 7-9 degrees;
  • an increased level of humidity, to maintain which the floor and walls are watered twice a week in the greenhouse;
  • it is also necessary to water the tulips themselves;
  • lighting should be at a minimum level, it is best that there is complete darkness in the greenhouse.

After the specified time, a stem should appear, 5-7 centimeters high.

The grown plant needs to raise the temperature to 12-14 degrees, and a few days later up to 16-18 degrees during the day and 14-15 at night.

To make the color of the petals more saturated, and the stems long and strong, immediately after the beginning of flowering, the temperature is lowered to 15 degrees. To bloom 2-3 days earlier, you can use a little trick and raise the temperature to 20 degrees.

Also, we must not forget about the lighting, starting in February, tulips are provided with 10-12 hour daylight hours.

Flowers in the greenhouse are watered every morning cold water , sometimes alternating with a weak solution of calcium nitrate (20 grams per 10 liters of water). The rest of the fertilizer is not required for the tulips.

To grow your tulips by March 8, you need to adhere to a few simple rules, the main one of which is to maintain an optimal temperature regime.

With spring approaching, many flower growers are interested in the question of how to grow tulips in a greenhouse by March 8. After all, a bunch of delicate flowers grown with your own hands is a dear and sweet gift to your heart on International Women's Day. Tulips are an excellent choice for this purpose, since forcing such plants does not require long daylight hours, as well as laborious maintenance. However, in this matter, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules so that the forcing of tulips by March 8 is successful.

Variety selection

For forcing tulips, you need to prepare in advance. This process includes several important stages:

  • preparation of bulbs;
  • storage of planting material;
  • planting tulips;
  • rooting of bulbs;
  • plant care.

You also need to competently approach the choice of a variety of flowers so as not to miscalculate the timing of the appearance of buds. It should be borne in mind that tulips "Abba", "Primavera", "Zorro" are suitable for early distillation, for the middle one they take the varieties "Barcelona", "Triumph", "Karola", and for the later ones - "Atom", "Diplomat". If this factor is not taken into account, then when planting a tulip for distillation in the fall, instead of the appearance of buds for International Women's Day, you can get this surprise for the New Year.

Preparing the bulbs for planting

Ready-for-forcing bulbs are available from a specialist flower shop... But if you are already cultivating these flowers in your garden, then it will be easy to independently carry out all the necessary measures to prepare planting material for growing tulips in a greenhouse.

To get the buds already in early spring, you will have to take care of this in the summer. For this:

  1. Several specimens are chosen on the flower garden, which will be prepared for distillation. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of the plant. Tulips are resistant to many diseases and pests, but they often fall prey to the variegation virus. A healthy flower should not have dashes, dots and spots on the petals, as well as an uncharacteristic color of the variety. Over time, flowers infected with the virus lose their ability to reproduce. And to identify the disease by outward appearance bulbs are almost impossible.
  2. On the selected plants, it will be necessary to cut flowers for 3 days from the moment the petals bloom. It is worth waiting for the bud to open, otherwise its removal will have a bad effect on the further development of the leaves.
  3. In the last decade of June, the bulbs of the marked flowers begin to be dug up. By this time, the aerial part of the plant should turn yellow for the most part. If this has not happened yet, then the procedure is postponed until July. Otherwise, in a hurry, you risk getting flowering plant much earlier than planned.

Forcing tulips by March 8 (video)

From the obtained planting material for distillation by March 8, you need to choose the best specimens: large, rounded, without signs of rot and other defects.

Storing the bulbs before planting

It is important to provide the bulbs favorable conditions for storage until planting in the greenhouse. If there is a lot of planting material, it is convenient to store it in wide boxes with low sides and a mesh bottom. In such containers, the bulbs are well ventilated and not affected by rot. It is advisable to lay out the planting material in 1 layer, but the boxes themselves can be safely stacked on top of each other.

In many plants, nature itself laid the beginning of active growth and flowering after a period of dormancy and winter cold. During this time, due to the accumulated nutrients, flower buds are laid and formed in the bulb. Therefore, the successful growth of tulips will be ensured by the artificial lowering of the temperature by the growers for the planting material laid for storage. This happens gradually:

  1. In the first month, it is necessary to keep the bulbs in a dark, dry room at an air temperature of + 20 ° C.
  2. By the end of summer, it is necessary to lower the thermometer to + 17 ° C for another 1.5-2 weeks.
  3. From September to November, for 10-12 weeks, the bulbs are stored at temperatures from +9 to + 5 ° C - in a cellar or refrigerator.

Some vegetables and fruits actively release ethylene during storage or ripening. This organic compound is harmful to tulip bulbs and should not be stored close to each other. In particular, apples, tomatoes, melons, pears, peaches, bananas, and plums are unwanted neighbors for planting material.

Planting tulips

To obtain blooming tulip by March, you need to start growing bulbs in the greenhouse in November. It is recommended to treat the bulbs with a disinfectant solution before planting. For this purpose, various means are used:

  • soaking in a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • spraying with celandine broth;
  • hot water treatment.

It is also desirable to disinfect the substrate for planting from diseases and pests. The soil can be calcined in the oven for 10-15 minutes or held over steam.

When it is not possible to purchase a special earthen mixture for a greenhouse for growing tulips, it is not difficult to compose it yourself. To do this, you need peat or garden soil with sand. In the absence of sand, it is replaced with perlite or vermiculite. It is important that the soil is sufficiently breathable and moderately moisture-absorbing.

The container for forcing must be selected so that the thickness of the earth layer in it is at least 10 cm. When growing not in separate pots, but in containers, make sure that the bulbs are planted no closer than 1.5 cm to each other.

The planting hole is made 3 cm deep. When the bulbs are placed in the substrate, each is sprinkled with earth to the top. Then you need to water it abundantly.

A crucial period of rooting of the planted bulbs begins. To create optimal conditions, container and pots of bulbs are kept in a dark, cool room with high level humidity. The substrate is watered regularly so that the soil does not dry out.

After 17-20 weeks, a sprout appears and a bud is formed. From this point on, the tulips need diffused lighting. In addition, it is recommended to water the plants with formulations to strengthen the stems. For this, a solution of calcium nitrate is suitable.

Greenhouse plant care

You need to transfer flowers to the greenhouse 3 weeks before the planned flowering date. By this time, the sprouts should already have a height of at least 5-6 cm. Within 3 days after placing the pots in the greenhouse, the temperature is maintained at + 15 ° C. When the plants become saturated green color, the temperature is raised to + 19 ° C.

The main measures for tulip care include watering the substrate, loosening and weeding the soil.

You can cut flowers when the buds are still closed and not completely colored in their characteristic color. The bouquets are kept in cool water at about + 5 ° С. At this temperature, they retain their freshness longer. The water needs to be changed during the week.

After the flowers of the growing tulips are cut, watering is halved and adhere to this regime until completely wilted. Dried leaves will signal that it's time to dig up the bulbs and send them to storage. They can be used as planting material in the open field. But it is no longer recommended to use them for forcing in a greenhouse.

Tulips: planting and care (video)

Growing tulips in a greenhouse is fun and easy. Forcing rules are simple, you just need to accurately calculate the planting time and prepare the bulbs with high quality.

Gallery: tulips in a greenhouse (15 photos)

10 months ago

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Forcing hyacinths at home, and breeding new varieties of these flowers, people were engaged in ancient times. And since the 18th century, when more than 2 thousand of their species have already appeared, interest in this occupation has especially blossomed. Nowadays, the Internet gives everyone the opportunity to learn how this is done. Anyone who wants to please loved ones with a beautiful and fragrant composition can get down to business.

Many bulbous flowers can be driven out at home by March 8

Anyone can grow flowers at home in winter, or in early spring. You can decorate your home with many bulbous flowers - tulips, daffodils, lilies, scillas, hyacinths, etc., you just need to choose the right varieties.

The rules for forcing all bulbous are the same. It is very important that the bulbs purchased for planting are healthy and of the correct size. But each of these crops requires its own terms and conditions for growing.

Tulips and daffodils are grown more often in greenhouses, in large quantities to sell later.

Home-grown hyacinth delights with its bright beauty

The most popular flower for home distillation is hyacinth. Here the fact that he is very beautiful, has a lush inflorescence plays a role. Hyacinths surprise with their different colors - from white to blue-violet, there are even variegated flowers. Can be found terry variety... And they bloom for 2 - 3 weeks. The aroma of hyacinth is gentle and pleasant.

When choosing planting material for forcing, it should be borne in mind that it is better to take bulbs at least 6 centimeters in diameter, and if you get more, this is even better. Smaller bulbs will also bloom with proper care, but there will be fewer flowers and a beautiful inflorescence will not come out.

You can use for distillation both purchased and own material... The bulbs are sold already fully prepared, it remains only to organize the correct storage until the time of planting comes. The storage area should be dark, well-ventilated, and the temperature should not be higher than 17 degrees.

If you use your own bulbs, select the same size as previously indicated. Then the dug out bulbs must undergo preliminary preparation in several stages.

Forcing takes 3-4 months, so to get the result by March 8, work should start in November.

First of all, you need to choose the right flower pot. Its size depends on how many bulbs are planned to be planted in it. Then loose earth is poured into it. It can be a mixture of sand with leafy earth and diluted with crushed charcoal.

Then the bulbs are planted. The distance between them should not be less than 2.5 cm. The tops of the bulbs should be flush with the edges of the pot. The bulbs should be covered with soil by 2/3. To obtain simultaneous lush bloom all bulbs need to be planted with plants of the same variety, otherwise it may turn out different heights flowers and different time flowering.

Now the pot is covered with something (inverted pot, paper cap, etc.), or you can cover it with sawdust. You need to store prepared plants in dark place, where the temperature does not exceed 8 degrees, for 2.5 - 3 months. It is imperative to monitor soil moisture. It shouldn't dry out.

After this "winter", the pot with the emerging sprouts should be placed in a warm, bright room, removing the shelter. But before that, you need to give the plant a couple of days to acclimate in a cooler, shaded place.

Now the flower needs regular watering. Top dressing is very useful for the plant. A complex mineral fertilizer is suitable. A month after moving to a bright room, or a week earlier, the hyacinth should bloom. It will bloom for about 3 weeks.

You can grow hyacinth without using soil. Just in a glass vessel filled with soft water (rain, or melted snow) with mineral fertilizers, place the onion so that it barely touches the water.

Place the vase in a cool, dark place and add water 2 times a month. The bulb will take root, and when it gets into a bright room, it will bloom.

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