Bath water tank: how to choose the right one, design features, types and methods of installation. How to choose a bath water tank Hot water tank in a steam room

Plant encyclopedia 25.06.2019
Plant encyclopedia

Water tanks are an integral part of any sauna. Usually two tanks are used - for cold and hot water... And if the requirements for the first are not too high, then the second should be chosen very carefully, taking into account all possible factors. There are many types of tanks, and they differ not only in shape and material, but also in the method of installation.

Hot water tank requirements

If you have to wait a long time for the water to heat up, or to top it up so that there is enough for everyone, this reduces the comfort of being in the bath. It is also very unpleasant if the water becomes rusty. The reliability and durability of the container also means a lot, since the prices of the tanks are very high and replacement will be expensive.

Based on this, the main requirements for a hot water tank can be identified:

  • it should heat up quickly;
  • have high resistance to corrosion;
  • withstand high temperatures;
  • easy to clean;
  • have sufficient capacity.

Types of tanks

All tanks are divided into types according to two criteria: the method of installation and the material of manufacture. According to the method of installation, the tanks are:

  • built-in;
  • portable;
  • samovar type (mounted on the chimney).

By material of manufacture:

Each type has models that differ in shape, volume, wall thickness. Most of the containers are equipped with standard taps and have shower outlets, but there are also those from which water is drawn through the top with a ladle. In order not to be mistaken when choosing, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the advantages and disadvantages of all these types.

The most economical and convenient option... The tank is installed during the laying of the oven. Its lower part is located inside the firebox, due to which the water is heated directly by the flame. Hot water is drawn from the top with a ladle or with a built-in tap.

Due to direct contact with fire, the walls and bottom of the container should be as thick as possible, therefore the most preferred material for such a tank is cast iron with a thickness of 5 mm or more. No less popular are stainless steel tanks with a wall thickness of 1 and 1.5 mm. Enamelled steel containers are not suitable for this installation method. Cast iron tanks are in the shape of a bowl, made of stainless steel, usually in the form of a cube or cylinder.

The advantages of built-in tanks:

  • water heats up quickly;
  • water temperature is maintained long time;
  • saved free space, since the tank does not protrude beyond the stove;
  • simple installation.


  • the heat transfer of the furnace decreases, since the bulk of the heat goes to heating the water;
  • the dimensions of the tank are limited by the dimensions of the furnace;
  • the tank must have thick walls, which increases its weight and cost.

Metal tanks for sauna stoves

This method is convenient in cases where no more than 4 people are steaming at the same time in the bath, or people wash themselves separately. For example, if 3-4 people take turns steaming in the bath, it takes a lot of time, respectively, and it will take longer to maintain the water temperature by throwing up firewood. The built-in tank saves on fuel by staying hot for a very long time. But for large companies this option is not the most optimal, since it does not provide the right amount water.

The remote tank is located at a distance from the firebox and is connected by pipes with a heat exchanger built into the furnace. Without this, its exploitation is impossible. Most often, such a tank is installed in a washing room or mounted on the wall of the steam room next to the stove, if its dimensions are larger than the area of ​​the firebox. When choosing a place for a container, it must be borne in mind that the length of pipes should not exceed 2.5-3 m. Remote tanks can be made of stainless steel and enameled, cylindrical, rectangular and even triangular in shape - for installation in the corner of the room.


  • the tank is installed where it is more convenient;
  • containers can be used large sizes;
  • there is no direct contact with fire, so the tank can be enameled and with thinner walls.

If 6-8 people regularly take a steam bath, remote tank is a great option.


  • without maintaining a fire in the firebox, the water cools quickly;
  • the oven cannot be used without water in the circuit;
  • more complex installation in comparison with the built-in tank.

Tank on a pipe or construction "Samovar"

This option involves mounting the tank around chimney, and in some models the pipe is located outside the container, in others - inside.

In height, the tank can occupy the space from the stove to the ceiling, partially go out into the attic or be attached only to small area chimney above the stove. The most convenient shape of the container is cylindrical, but there are many models of rectangular, triangular and oval section. The water is heated by the smoke passing through the pipe, which has a very high temperature.


  • fast and uniform heating of water;
  • does not reduce the heat transfer of the furnace;
  • saving space;
  • you can install a container of any volume;
  • the water stays hot for a long time.

Such a tank is suitable for any bath and any number of people. It all depends on the size of the container.


  • the complexity of the installation;
  • increased deposition of soot on the walls of the chimney.

When installing the tank, it is necessary to select the correct fasteners in order to securely fix the tank in an upright position. In addition, you will need to install pipes for supplying cold water and hot tap, install a faucet.

Which material should you choose?

The popularity of cast iron tanks declined markedly with the advent of stainless steel tanks. Nevertheless, in most of the old baths you can see just such tanks, in a traditional bowl shape, built into the oven. Large tanks were additionally fastened with metal chains suspended from ceiling beams to reduce the load on the oven.

Cast iron advantages:

  • very durable material;
  • has the ability to retain heat for a long time;
  • does not corrode;
  • resistant to high temperatures;
  • easily cleaned from dirt.


  • weighs a lot;
  • takes a long time to warm up.

Enamelled steel containers are perfect as portable tanks. In the absence of direct contact with fire and careful handling, they are very durable. There are models for installation on a pipe, mainly rectangular... The most important thing during the installation and operation of enamelled tanks is to avoid mechanical damage. In places where the enamel is chipped, unprotected metal begins to rust very quickly. Minor damages can be repaired with special paint, but if the chips are large, the tank will have to be replaced.


  • relatively not heavy weight;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • ease of care.

The disadvantages of enameled products include only low resistance to mechanical damage.

Stainless steel tanks

The most popular type of bath tank. Due to the variety of models, such tanks can be mounted in any of the described ways - built into ovens, mounted on a wall or around a chimney. The main thing here is to choose the right wall thickness and volume of the container.


  • long term operation;
  • resistance to deformation and corrosion;
  • light weight;
  • a variety of models in shape and size;
  • hygiene;
  • heat resistance;
  • high thermal conductivity;
  • attractive appearance.


  • high price;
  • cool quickly.

Other selection criteria

Volume of the tank

In order not to miscalculate with the size of the tank, it is enough to make a simple calculation. On average, one person needs a bucket of water to wash, that is, 8-10 liters. Knowing how many people will visit the bathhouse regularly, you just need to multiply this number by 10 and add another 20-25 liters in reserve.

PhotoVolumeDimensionsMaterial and thicknessEstimated price

60 l 500x505x250 mm stainless steel, 1 mm RUB 3,990
31 l 500х365х170 mm stainless steel, 1 mm RUB 3,290
80 l 450x600x300 mm stainless steel, 1 mm RUB 9 690
90 l - stainless steel RUB 4,410

Tank on a pipe (for Dobrostal ovens)

52 l 385x385x830 stainless steel, 1.5 mm RUB 6,900

Installation method

Several factors play a role here: the performance of the stove, the area of ​​the steam room, the volume of the container. If the room is spacious and the stove is small, it is impractical to reduce its performance with a built-in tank by 60 liters or more. In this case, the tank must be made external or mounted on a pipe. If the steam room is small, and the efficiency of the stove is high, the water in the small tank will quickly boil away. That is why it is necessary to carefully analyze all conditions and find the best solution.

Convenience in the bath means a lot. The tank should be located so that the risk of scalding on the hot surface is minimized, and the water intake is convenient. If the container is located high (remote or samovar type), a tap is required to supply hot water. It is very inconvenient and unsafe to draw water from the top.

If you carefully study the conditions, think over and weigh everything, it will not be difficult to choose a hot water tank. With a well-chosen design, bath procedures will bring you only comfort and pleasure for many years.

The approximate cost of stainless steel and enameled tanks

Tank typeHeightVolumeWall thickness, mmCost, rub.

Video - How to choose a water tank for the oven

Video - External tank for the oven

Video - Samovar-type tank for the oven in the bath

Choosing a water tank for a bath

If you decide to build a bathhouse on your site, you have to solve many problems. First, you should think over the external and internal appearance of the future structure. And if earlier the whole design boiled down, as a rule, to the construction of the simplest log "chicken coop" with a combined sink and steam room and a tiny dressing room, now they are building luxurious baths with many separate premises... Some even manage to equip them with a mini-pool. Secondly, the choice of materials and components. The bath will have to be equipped with everyone the right things and, among other things, put a water tank in it: separately for cold and for hot. As it turned out, today there are many options, and it is not so easy to choose containers.

Hot water tank

There are quite a few requirements for hot water tanks. It must be resistant to corrosion, temperature extremes and retain heat well. And naturally, it should be a metal water tank. It remains only to find out from which metal. Hot water tanks are made of stainless steel or cast iron. Theoretically welded square tank made of sheet material can also be installed, but it will rust and flow much faster. At first glance, a stainless steel container seems preferable: it is lighter (therefore, it will be easier to install it), heats up quickly and does not corrode. However, such a water tank will cool down faster. In addition, thin-sheet containers can deform over time. Nothing like this can happen with a cast iron product, but it will be much more difficult to install it.

Now let's talk about the form. In principle, any will do, but experts do not recommend purchasing square tanks. This will inevitably lead to the appearance of zones with different temperatures, which lead to the expansion and deformation of the metal. When choosing a form, one should be guided by the method of heating the water (direct or indirect), as well as the place of installation. There can be three of them: directly above the firebox (traditional version), a remote tank with a heat exchange system by means of copper or brass pipes or directly on the chimney ("samovar" tank). It is not known which method is preferable, but recently the second and third options are increasingly being chosen. This allows you to increase the space in the bath due to the fact that the water tank is moved outside of it.

The dimensions of the container should be calculated based on the fact that each person needs about 10-12 liters of boiling water. However, it is not recommended to set the hot water tank less than 50 liters or more than 100 liters.

Cold water tank

In principle, such a container can be made of any material: either metal or plastic. True, there is one caveat: plastic containers should not be located near a heating zone or in a steam room - they can deform from high temperatures. And some types of plastics, when the temperature rises, begin to emit harmful, sometimes with unpleasant odor, substances. Connoisseurs can be advised to return to old Russian traditions: use a wooden barrel or tub as a water tank. Such containers are not only functional, but also create a special atmosphere and are an excellent addition to the interior interior.

Water bath tanks: how not to make a mistake when choosing

The main elements of the bath, if you intend to get the most out of the process, are the stove and the water tank. So that everything related to the water tank in the bath is done correctly, we will dwell on the main issues that may arise when setting up a steam room on your own.

The main questions that arise when choosing such an element as a bathtub are:

  • Its parameters
  • Which type to choose: remote, built into the oven, on a pipe?
  • What should be made of: steel, stainless steel, cast iron?

Tank parameters

If you are used to doing everything with your own hands, then, of course, you will try to make a bath tank yourself. However, you should first think about what type of tank is suitable for your steam room, what principle of water heating will be applied, what material to make the tank from, so that later you do not have to invest money in re-equipment again.

So, you must decide whether you will heat the stove in the bath or simply heat the water using the heating element built into the tank. And in order to understand what is more profitable for you, to heat the stove or use an electrically heated container, estimate how many people will be steaming at the same time. An important factor is the volume of water that needs to be heated, and the allowable time for heating to the required temperature.

For example, if you want to steam alone, a person is unlikely to need more than fifty liters of hot water. But to please the whole family or a group of friends, you need to put a water heating tank with a volume of seventy or more liters.

Pay attention also to the thickness of the tank wall. It depends on this parameter how evenly the water in it will be heated and how long its temperature will remain. But remember that the thickness of the tank wall directly affects its price and weight.

In any case, a stainless steel tank for a bath with a volume of up to fifty liters should have a wall thickness of 0.8-1 mm. For containers with a larger volume, a wall thickness of 1.5 mm is desirable.

Advice from the master!

And do not forget that no matter what material the tank in the bath is made of, you need to equip it with the optimal number of terminals and make an input for water. When choosing a tank in a store, ordering it in a workshop or preparing to cook a canister for a bath yourself, take into account all the parameters mentioned, and the process of washing in a bath will be a complete pleasure for you.

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Choosing the type of container

It is known that when choosing a tank for a bath, you will need to compare the parameters of the main three types of tanks:

  1. Traditional built in oven
  2. Remote
  3. On the pipe

A few decades ago, no one would have doubted that the best option The bath tank is an option built into the oven. That is, the bottom of the boiler is completely placed in the upper part of the furnace, and, being in the hottest part, has the ability to accumulate the greatest amount of heat for heating and maintaining the water temperature.

In the case of a built-in one, there is a direct contact of the flame with the walls and bottom of the tank and the design of the tank does not depend on the chosen method of smoke removal. You can take water from the tank built into the furnace either with a ladle through an openable lid, or by means of a tap, where water from the tank flows by gravity.

Furnace equipment with heat exchangers connected to the vessel copper tubes, allows you not to tie it to the location of the oven, making it possible to install it in any convenient place. In addition, under the influence of the natural laws of physics and following the convection principle, cold water will descend through the tubes into a heat exchanger located in the furnace, and, having heated up to the right temperature, return to the container. The portable tank in the bath can be placed in the washing room, where the main analysis of hot water takes place.

Of course, it is important that not only the water heats up quickly in the tank, but also the required water temperature is constantly maintained with minimal energy consumption. For this purpose, many people prefer to place the bath tank on a pipe that serves to remove smoke from the stove. The smoke emitted during combustion can reach a temperature of 500 ° C and, of course, the water in the tank located around the pipe heats up quickly enough.

The above means that when planning the placement of the tank on the pipe, it is possible to choose containers of rather large volume, since the heating element can be used in its entire length - from the oven to the ceiling. In this case, the water will heat up not only quickly, but evenly. This happens because by making an elliptical tank, you can heat up even a large volume quickly, since the pipe in this case, passing through the center of the tank, is a kind of heat exchanger with a significant working area heat transfer.

In addition, when placing the tank on the pipe, an unpleasant situation with the possibility of hitting carbon monoxide inside the room, since the canister serves as a kind of safety device in the event of smoke leaks.

If the type of tank is selected, it remains to decide on the type of fuel with which the stove will be heated. In modern conditions to replace wood stoves more and more electric heating elements come, because electricity is a cheaper and faster way to heat water in comparison with wood. However, many will argue that the smell of burning logs cannot be replaced by anything. And it's hard to disagree with this.

But, on the other hand, if you really want to breathe the smell of burning wood without spending too much money on the firebox of the sauna with firewood, then after the steam room you can sit in the relaxation room in front of the fireplace with the logs crackling under the influence of fire.

A traditional Russian bath has two tanks: one for hot water, the other for cold water. The comfort of relaxation in the bathhouse, as well as the efficiency of water heating, will depend on how correctly you choose the material for making the tank under the water, as well as where you install it. Nothing should be said about the choice and installation features of the cold water tank, because today it can be replaced by leading to the bath central water supply... As for the tank with hot water in the bath, when choosing and installing it, there are many nuances, which we will talk about further!

The purpose of the hot water tank in the bath

Despite the fact that today there are many different options electrical and gas water heaters, the traditional water tank is not losing its popularity. This can be explained by the fact that today summer residents are trying to save on utility costs, because water, gas, electricity now have a decent price. In addition, sometimes there are accidents on the power lines or gas mains, as a result of which the factory water heaters will not be able to function and your rest in the bath will stop, or will not start at all.

The main purpose of the hot water tanks in the bath is to swim after the steam room in heated water, which is poured into. Previously, heated water was used for washing clothes and other household needs. In addition, hot water in the tank, which is installed in the steam room, contributes to more high humidity indoors, which is especially useful at a low temperature in the bath (if the sensor does not exceed 80 ° C).

Features of choosing a water tank in a bath

There are several basic materials for making bath water tanks: cast iron, stainless steel and common metal.

The most traditional and effective is cast iron water tank... Cast iron has a low thermal conductivity, due to which it keeps the high temperature of the water in the tank longer. Also, cast iron does not corrode, so the water in the cast-iron bath tank will always be clean. The disadvantages of a cast-iron water tank are the huge weight of the empty container, as well as the fact that today there are practically no manufacturers of cast-iron tanks.

A quality alternative to cast iron is stainless steel... It is most often used now, because the material does not corrode, and the containers themselves can be made in different forms(cylindrical, drawer, etc.). It should also be noted that stainless steel tanks for a bath can be made with various design features, which allows you to install the tank both above the stove and next to the firebox (we will talk about this in more detail a little below).

In addition to cast iron and stainless steel, some summer residents use enamelled tank. This kind capacity is not entirely practical, tk. enamel easily breaks off in case of mechanical damage, as a result of which open spaces are immediately susceptible to corrosion.

Well, the last, the most cheap option bath tank is metal container... It is not recommended to use it, because ordinary metal quickly rusts, which negatively affects the durability of the tank and the purity of the water. We draw your attention to the fact that it is prohibited to paint a metal tank to protect it from moisture, because the paint will melt on fire and poison you.

Optimal tank volume

After you decide on the material for making a water tank in a bath, you need to solve the next, important problem - how much tank to choose.

The optimal volume of the water tank in the bath should be calculated on the basis that one adult will need at least 20-25 liters of hot water to relax in the bath. Proceeding from this, if you are going to relax in the bath only with your family (two of you), you need to purchase a 50-liter container, and if the bath is intended for company relaxation, the tank must have a volume of at least 100 liters.

We draw your attention to the fact that factory tanks have a wide range of volumes, starting from 20 liters and more. Electric ones also come in different volumes, but it is recommended to opt for 60 and 80 liters models.

Options for installing a tank under water in a bath

We sorted out the tank, the last nuance remains - to install it correctly to ensure effective heating. There are three main options for installing a tank under water in a bath: in the firebox, above the stove, and next to.

First option involves the creation of a stove for a bath with a tank mounted in the firebox, which is installed during the laying of the stove (if it is), or welded over the firebox when creating a metal unit.

To install the tank in the furnace of the furnace, important requirement: The tank wall thickness must be greater than 0.8 mm. The tank is heated directly above the seat of the flame, which can affect both the base of the container and its ends. Most often, a stainless steel water tank is installed in the firebox.

Second option(installing the tank above the stove with a heater) is also popular. V in this case the tank is installed above, which heats the container. If the tank is cast iron, it is recommended to suspend it from the ceiling with a special hook with a rope, because the large weight of the cast-iron tank can crush the structure of the stove. It is very effective to install the water tank above the stove around the chimney. In this case, the tank will be heated not only from stones, but also from, which also has a high temperature.

Well last option involves installing a hot water tank at a distance from the stove. Most often, this type of tank installation is used in. This is due to the fact that saunas have a higher temperature in the steam room (about 120 ° C), at which a low humidity should be observed. If the water tank is installed in the steam room of the sauna, this requirement will not be fulfilled. That is why the tank is installed nearby, no further than 2.5 meters from the heating source. Heating is carried out using a special heat exchanger, from which two circuits are brought out: with cold and hot water. Cold water enters the heat exchanger, heats up and is spontaneously displaced into the tank, after which the cycle is repeated until the water is fully heated.

That's all we wanted to tell you about bath water tanks. We also recommend that you read the article:!

Any bath is simply unthinkable without hot water. But in order to heat it, it is absolutely not necessary to have a boiler, because there is a stove and a fire. However, it is necessary to decide which water tank for the bath will be better so that it does not have to be changed soon.

Tank types

There are three types of construction:

  • Built-in,
  • Portable;
  • On the pipe.

Each type has certain advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss below.

Built in

At one time, containers for a bath were made exclusively built-in, which were installed during the construction of the furnace. In this case, the lower part of the boiler is located in the upper part of the furnace. Accordingly, its bottom is in direct contact with the fire in the oven.

The main advantage of such containers is fast heating. Therefore, boilers for a bath with a water tank are very popular.

The disadvantages of this design include the fact that the size of the container is limited by the size of the furnace or boiler. In addition, a sauna heater with a water tank has less heat transfer, since the heat is largely used to heat the boiler.


Portable tanks for water in a bath are distinguished by the fact that they can be placed anywhere, usually in a washing room. This is due to the fact that heating is carried out using a heat exchanger located in the furnace, which communicates with the tank using a system of copper and brass pipes.

According to the laws of physics, cold water sinks into the heat exchanger, and hot water rises up and enters the external water tank in the bath.

The design drawback is that the container can cause burns. This is especially dangerous if there are small children in the family.

On the pipe

If the bath is used not for an hour or two, but for example, for the whole day, then it is more expedient to use a water tank for the bath on the pipe through which the smoke comes out of the stove. Such a structure is mounted, as a rule, in the attic, less often - above the stove. The water in it will be hot for a long time even after stopping the furnace.

Typically, such containers are quite large as a result of the large area has the pipe itself. Thanks to this, the water in them heats up quickly and evenly, moreover, the heat transfer of the stove does not decrease.

There is one more advantage of this design - smoke leakage through the pipe is prevented, since the tank under the water into the bath serves as a safety device. The container itself will not spoil the interior of the room with its appearance, since it will be hidden in the attic.

Advice! designed for a large number of people, since you can install a large container, and the water will heat up quite quickly.

The choice of material for the container

The type of material from which the container is made determines such characteristics as the rate of heating and cooling of water, as well as the durability of the tank itself.

Cast iron

At one time, only cast iron products were used for hot water, and the tanks for cold water in the baths were ordinary wooden barrels.

The cast iron construction has a number of the following advantages:

  • The ability to retain heat for a long time, as a result of which the water in it after the furnace remains hot for a long time.
  • The material is resistant to sudden changes in temperature conditions.
  • Does not rust.

However, along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • It takes a lot of time and wood to heat up.
  • Significant weight of the structure.
  • The tank is almost impossible to make with your own hands;
  • Requires special protection against damp environments.

Stainless steel

They are very popular nowadays, which have a number of advantages:

  • Does not need moisture protection and negative impact environment.
  • Stainless steel has excellent thermal conductivity, due to which the water in the containers heats up very quickly.
  • Stainless steel containers practically do not deform under the influence of large temperature drops.
  • The material is resistant to corrosion.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out rapid cooling, which is associated with the high thermal conductivity of the material.

Enamelled steel

Enamelled containers have good corrosion resistance. Their main disadvantage is the increased possibility of chips and cracks on the enamel, which lead to corrosion. But, if the structure will not be mounted in the oven, then it can be treated with heat-resistant paint.

For cold water

A Russian bath includes two tanks - for hot and cold water. However, recently the tank in the cold water bath has been replaced by a centralized water supply system.

If there is no centralized water supply system, for example, when the bathhouse is located in the country, then you can install another container. The requirements for it are minimal, since thermal conductivity, heat resistance, etc. are not important. The main thing is corrosion resistance, so a plastic product is an excellent option.

How to install and connect the tank correctly

Depending on the conditions in the bath, the tank connection diagrams may be different. For example, if there is a water supply to the washing room, i.e. water will be supplied under constant pressure, then you need closed system water supply.

In this case ideal option is a stove with a coil inside, which is connected to the tank. You can, of course, implement another method - hang the container on the oven itself. For this, the most suitable simple construction a tank of 50-120 liters, which can be welded independently, in which case the price of the product will be formed exclusively by the cost of the material.

If the connection was made correctly, then the water heating scheme looks like this - the water is heated in the register and, according to the law of physics, rises up. There it gradually cools down and again descends into the register. Thus, natural circulation is obtained.

Advice! To improve circulation, the fence should be made from the return, however, in this case, you will have to wait until the container heats up. Therefore, you can switch from direct intake to return.

Connection instructions are as follows:

  • The tank is installed in and connected to the coil using pipes.
  • For normal circulation, the upper tank outlet must be connected to the upper coil outlet, and the lower one must be connected to the bottom outlet. Thus, hot water is removed from the top, and cold water will flow from the bottom.
  • At the inlet of cold water, a check valve and safety valve are mounted, the latter is also called a blaster.
  • Then the threshold pressure is set according to the instructions of the storage tank, at which the safety valve.

Work this system would be like this:

  • The filled tank is heated through a coil and when the hot water is drained, it will automatically be filled through the cold inlet.
  • If hot water is not used, the pressure in the tank will rise as it heats up. When a critical point is reached, the explosive will trigger and release the pressure.

If the system is executed correctly, then the hot water in the bath will be in the amount that is needed, and at the same time the pressure will be enough to comfortably wash.


We have reviewed all the main types of existing tanks, as well as their pros and cons. At the same time, it is difficult to give an answer - which tank is better. Everyone decides for himself, in accordance with the tasks set, with which this container must cope.

You can get more information on this topic from the video in this article.

It is difficult to imagine a traditional sauna without hot steam, a fragrant broom and a warm shower after bath procedures. To organize hot water supply in a bath, the main heat source is often used - an electric or wood-burning stove.

An alternative option is a bath water tank, which is mounted on a heating boiler or stove. Further, how to correctly choose a device of suitable volume and configuration for a private sauna or bath.

How to choose a water tank

The water tank is a special welded structure which is produced from modern materials, equipped with an inlet for cold water and a shut-off and distribution type fittings for hot water.

To choose the right tank for the bath, it is worth deciding on the basic parameters of the heater:

  • type;
  • material of manufacture;
  • volume;
  • installation method.

First, you need to provide for the principle of water intake, choose the appropriate size and method of installation of the tank, so as not to spend an additional amount on equipment re-equipment in the future. The thickness of the walls of the structure depends on the size of the tank, which can be from 1 to 1.5 mm.

Next, you need to choose the method of heating the water - with an oven or a built-in heating element. To determine which capacity will be more profitable to install, it is necessary to take into account the total number of visitors for whom the bath is designed.

If the sauna can accommodate no more than 2 people, then a device with a capacity of 50 liters is sufficient. For large companies, it is preferable to choose a tank with a capacity of 100 liters or more.

Material of manufacture and design features devices should be considered when buying.

Varieties of water tanks for a bath

There are three types of water tank - built-in, remote or pipe-mounted. Moreover, each has positive and negative sides.

Built-in constructions

Built-in tank - classic version bottom-mounted structure heating furnace and combined at the top with the combustion compartment.

This provides accelerated heating and maintenance optimal temperature water for a long time.

In this case, the bottom of the tank is in direct contact with an open fire, and the liquid is drawn from the tank from above or through a built-in tap.

Remote structures

A portable tank is provided for a furnace equipped with a heat exchanger. A similar device is connected to a heat exchanger using copper pipes, therefore it can be installed in any room of the bath - washing room or dressing room.

Among the advantages of a remote-type water tank, one can single out the maintenance of a high temperature of water heating, reliability and practicality.

The principle of operation of the device is quite simple: cold water enters the heat exchanger, and the heated liquid is fed back to the tank.

Pipe structures

The design of a tank installed on a pipe is quite relevant in the case when the bath is used throughout the day.

Such a device provides rapid heating of water to a comfortable temperature due to the thermal energy that is released through the chimney.

Materials for making tanks

The type of material used for the manufacture of a bathtub determines the durability and reliability of the structure, the rate of heating and cooling of the liquid. Water heating devices are made of stainless steel, cast iron and metal.

Stainless steel

The most demanded material for the manufacture of tanks for heating water in a bath is stainless steel. It is resistant to corrosion, fire, high humidity, deformation and damage.

In addition, stainless steel products have high thermal conductivity, hygiene and resistance to temperature extremes.

The stainless steel tank can be presented in cylindrical and rectangular shapes.

Proper care of stainless steel products guarantees effective work and long service life.

Cast iron

Cast iron remains the traditional material for the manufacture of water tanks. He has good performance characteristics- low thermal conductivity, resistance to corrosion, deformation, mold formation and overheating.

The disadvantages of cast iron products include the impressive weight and complexity of installation.

In cast-iron tanks, water heats up slowly, but also cools down for a long time. Therefore, one volume is sufficient to meet the hot water needs of the whole day.

Made of metal

The cheapest option is metal tanks, which are susceptible to corrosion, decay and deformation. Such characteristics can negatively affect the quality of water and the durability of the product.

It is strictly forbidden to paint metal devices with moisture-resistant paint, which, when heated, can emit toxic substances.

Less popular are enamelled tanks, which are sensitive to mechanical damage. It is not recommended to use such devices in the presence of chips of enamel. To protect the heaters from possible corrosion, their surface is treated with a special heat-resistant compound.

The most practical and reliable are the remote-type stainless steel tanks. Such designs are attractive appearance and operational safety.

Choosing the optimal tank volume

An equally important task is to determine the appropriate tank volume. The calculation of this parameter should be carried out taking into account the rate of water consumption per adult for bathing procedures, which ranges from 18 to 26 liters of water.

For a family of 2, it is enough to purchase a tank of 50 liters, for a company of 4 to 6 people - a tank of 100 liters.

Factory models of water heating devices are presented in a wide range of volumes - from 20 to 200 liters. Electric boilers also have different volumes - from 30 to 100 liters.

Water tank installation methods

Having decided on the type and material of manufacture, you can consider available ways installation of devices that provide fast and efficient water heating.

The hot water tank can be installed with your own hands in the firebox, above the stove and next to the stove.

Installation in the combustion chamber

The method involves the use sauna stove with an overall combustion chamber for internal installation water tank.

The following requirements are imposed on a device for heating water: minimum wall thickness - 0.8 mm, resistance to temperature extremes and deformations.

The structure is heated over an open fire, therefore it can capture its base and end elements. This method is often recommended for installing stainless steel tanks.

Installation above the heater

An equally popular option, which provides for the installation of a heater above the compartment for heating bath stones and steam generation.

If a cast iron device is used, it must be suspended from the ceiling structure with metal cables and hooks. The best option is a lightweight stainless steel tank.

It is economical to install a water heater above the stove around the chimney, which can provide faster heating of water from stones and chimney.

Installation near the stove

This method involves mounting the tank near heating equipment... As a rule, it is used in saunas with high air heating temperatures and low humidity.

In this case, the hot water tank is mounted at a distance of at least 250 cm from a direct heat source, and the water itself is heated using a double-circuit heat exchanger with cold water supply and hot water outlet.

Cold water is supplied to the heat exchanger and heats up, then it is removed to the heater, after which the heating cycle is repeated.

Method of heating water by heating element or stove

What is more economical for heating water - to heat a sauna stove or install heating elements?

This is determined by the duration of the visitors' stay in the bath during the treatment.

For example, if a tank of 35 to 60 liters is sufficient for a steam, then a large company requires at least 120 liters.

At the same time, the wall thickness affects the rate of water heating: for devices of 50 liters - from 0.8 to 1 mm, for products over 100 liters - from 1 to 1.5 mm.

For washing department with plumbing devices - a shower and a tap - it is recommended to install a closed-type hot water supply system: the heat exchanger is mounted in the stove, a water tank is connected to it. For small room a structure installed above the heating equipment is suitable.

Competent combination of a sauna stove and a water tank allows you to create a reliable and practical design that will provide not only quick heating of the premises, but also hot water supply. The choice of a suitable tank for heating water is carried out taking into account the design and operational features of the bath.

What is a bathhouse without hot water? But to heat it, you don't need a boiler at all - after all, there is a stove and a fire in the stove. And the water will be heated using a heat exchanger.
But first you need to determine which specific tank will be better for the bath: on a pipe, remote or built-in, what material it will be made of - in general, what it should be so that during the operation of the bath it does not have to be changed to another.

You can, of course, find stoves for a bath with a tank, but what if there is a stove, but no heating tanks? Then you can find custom-made bath tanks or make them yourself using the usual welding machine- and all the cases.

Remote, built-in or pipe-mounted?

Bath tanks are built-in, remote and on the pipe - and each has its own pros and cons. Compare and evaluate - which one is right for your bath.

Advantages of a tank built into the oven

Once upon a time, the water tanks for the bath were only built into the stove - so that the lower part of the boiler was placed in the upper part of the firebox - the hottest one. And the bottom of the tank in this case is in direct contact with the stove fire. Water from such a container can be drawn directly, or it can be discharged through the built-in tap.

Portable bath tank: pros and cons

Thanks to the ability to install a heat exchanger in the oven, the tank itself does not have to be tied to a specific place - it can even be installed in a washing room. According to the well-known laws of physics, cold water will descend into the heat exchanger, and hot water will rise back.

Tank on the pipe - hot water no problem!

But it so happens that the bath is used not for two or three hours, but for the whole day - for example, when they wash in it, but the time after the fire has already passed. Then the ideal option is a tank on a pipe, in which the water will be constantly heated to the desired temperature. This is on the pipe through which the smoke comes out of the oven - and its temperature can reach 500 ° C. Such tanks can be large enough - after all, the heating area of ​​the pipe is large enough, and the water will be heated quickly and evenly.

If you need to increase the humidity in the steam room, we advise you to read the article

There is one more plus of this design - in such a bath, smoke leakage through a crack in the pipe is impossible, because the tank in this case serves as a kind of fuse.

Cast iron, steel or stainless steel?

Quite a lot depends on the material from which the tank is made - both the rate of heating and cooling of water, and the durability of the tank itself.

Cast iron: hot water full-day

For a long time, the tank in the bathhouse was made of heavy cast iron - the water was heated for a long time, it took a lot of firewood, but it was hot until the evening and the whole family could wash all day. In addition, cast iron is not afraid of corrosion or high temperatures. But its solid weight is, of course, an obvious drawback.

Stainless steel bath tanks: lightweight and durable

But today, a stainless steel bathtub is gaining more and more popularity - it is not necessary to isolate moisture from it, it has excellent thermal conductivity, and the deformation coefficient due to sudden temperature fluctuations is negligible and cannot be compared with the properties of ferrous metals.

The best grades for such tanks are 8-12X18H10 (304) and 08X17 (430), which are still used for the manufacture of dishes. They are resistant to even extreme temperatures, hygienic and do not corrode or deform.

Such tanks for a bath are made of durable and thin sheet stainless steel, where special ball valves are mounted to enter and supply water. Caring for such tanks is extremely simple.

Enamelled tanks - good for careful handling

Enamel tanks will also get rid of unpleasant rust. Their only drawback is possible chips, which will lead to corrosion. But they can be treated with special heat-resistant paint - unless the tank itself is inserted into the oven.

Heating scheme: from a heating element or a stove?

Whether it is more profitable to heat the stove to heat up the water, or in this regard, the ten is more effective depends on how many people in the future will simultaneously steam in the bath and how quickly hot water will be needed for washing. For example, a capacity of 50 liters is enough for one person, but at least 70 liters for the whole company.

The ability of the tank to quickly warm up also depends on its walls - the thicker they are, the longer it will warm up and will also weigh more. For a tank with a volume of up to 50 liters, this is 0.8-1 mm, and for a larger tank, the walls are not thinner than 1.5 mm.

How to correctly install and connect a water tank?

So, how to properly install the tank in the bath? If the washing water comes from the tap, that is, under constant pressure, a so-called closed water supply system is needed. For this, an ideal option would be a stove with a coil inside, to which the tank itself will be connected. But you can also implement this method: the tank will be suspended on the oven itself. For this, the simplest design for 50-120 liters is suitable, which is not difficult to weld on your own. Most the best option- a tank of 80 liters made of non-galvanized iron, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

A properly connected tank in the bath will look like this: water is heated in the register and rises into the tank. In it, it gradually cools down and sinks down into the register itself. This is how natural circulation arises, and in order to improve it, it is more expedient to draw water from the return - although this is not always convenient, because in this case you will have to wait a long time until the tank heats up. But the water itself can already be used as soon as the stove is heated. But it is more efficient and thoughtful if the ability to switch the water intake from direct to return is thought out - this is much more convenient. If the entrance and exit to the tank are made from the bottom, then the circulation will be slower.

And the circuit itself will look like this:

1. The hot water tank is installed in the steam room, under the shelves and is connected by pipes to the coil of the sauna stove.
2. For proper circulation at the tank, the upper branch is connected to the same upper branch of the furnace coil, and the lower branch is connected to the lower one. So hot water will be removed from the top, and cold - from the bottom.
3. A non-return and safety valve is installed at the inlet of cold water - it is also called a blaster.
4. According to the instructions of the storage tank, the response pressure of the safety valve is set.

And this whole structure will work like this: the filled tank will be heated through the coil and when hot water is consumed, it will automatically be filled through the cold inlet. As the water heats up, if it is not used yet, this pressure will increase, and when the critical point is reached, the explosive will be triggered - he will release this pressure.

If everything is done correctly, then the hot water in the bath will be in such an amount as needed - and under such pressure, under which it will be comfortable to wash after the steam room.

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