Connect the water tank to the sauna stove. Features of the choice and installation of a water tank in a bath

reservoirs 03.03.2020

The traditional Russian bath has two tanks: one for hot water, the second for cold. The comfort of rest in the bath, as well as the efficiency of water heating, will depend on how correctly you choose the material for making the water tank, as well as where you install it. Nothing should be said about the choice and installation features of the cold water tank, because. today it can be replaced by leading to the bath central water supply. As for the tank hot water in the bath, when choosing and installing it, there are many nuances, which we will talk about later!

The purpose of the tank for hot water in the bath

Although today there are many various options electrical and gas water heaters, the traditional water tank in does not lose its popularity. This can be explained by the fact that today summer residents are trying to save on utility costs, because. water, gas, electricity now have a decent price. In addition, sometimes there are accidents on a power line or a gas main, as a result of which factory water heaters will not be able to function and your vacation in the bath will stop, or will not start at all.

The main purpose of the hot water tanks in the bath is to be bought after the steam room in heated water, which is poured into. Also, heated water was previously used for washing clothes and other household needs. In addition, hot water in the tank, which is installed in the steam room, contributes to more high humidity indoors, which is especially useful at a low temperature in the bath (if the sensor does not exceed 80 ° C).

Features of choosing a tank for water in the bath

There are several basic materials for the manufacture of water tanks in the bath: cast iron, stainless steel and ordinary metal.

The most traditional and effective is cast iron water tank. Cast iron has a low thermal conductivity, which keeps the temperature of the water in the tank longer. Also, cast iron does not corrode, so the water in the cast iron bath tank will always be clean. The disadvantages of a cast-iron water tank are the huge empty weight of the tank, as well as the fact that today there are practically no manufacturers of cast-iron tanks.

A quality alternative to cast iron is stainless steel. It is now most often used, because. the material does not lend itself to corrosion, and the containers themselves can be made in various shapes (cylindrical, box, etc.). It should also be noted that stainless steel bath tanks can be made with various design features, which allows you to install the tank both above the heater and next to the firebox (we will talk about this in more detail below).

In addition to cast iron and stainless steel, some summer residents use enamelled tank. This type capacity is not entirely practical, because enamel is easily beaten off with mechanical damage, resulting in open spaces immediately susceptible to corrosion.

Well, the last one, the most cheap option bath tub is metal container. It is not recommended to use it, because. ordinary metal quickly rusts, which will negatively affect the durability of the tank and the purity of the water. We draw your attention to the fact that it is forbidden to paint a metal tank to protect it from moisture, because. the paint will melt on fire and poison you.

Optimal tank volume

After you decide on the material for the manufacture of the water tank in the bath, you need to solve the following, important problem - what volume of the tank to choose.

The optimal volume of the water tank in the bath should be calculated on the basis that one adult will need at least 20-25 liters of hot water to relax in the bath. Based on this, if you are going to relax in the bath only as a family (two), you need to purchase a 50-liter capacity, and if the bath is intended for relaxation by a company, the tank must have a volume of at least 100 liters.

Please note that factory tanks have a wide range of volumes, starting from 20 liters and more. Electric ones also come in different volumes, but it is recommended to opt for models of 60 and 80 liters.

Options for installing a tank under water in a bath

We figured out the tank, the last nuance remains - to install it correctly to ensure efficient heating. There are three main options for installing a tank under water in a bath: in the firebox, above the stove and next to it.

First option involves the creation of a stove for a bath with a tank mounted in the firebox, which is installed during the laying of the stove (if it is), or welded over the firebox when creating a metal unit.

An important requirement is imposed on the installation of the tank in the furnace furnace: the thickness of the walls of the tank must be more than 0.8 mm. The tank is heated directly above the hearth of the flame, which can affect both the base of the tank and its ends. Most often, a stainless steel water tank is installed in the firebox.

Second option(installation of a tank above the heater stove) is also popular. AT this case the tank is installed above, which heat the tank. If the tank is cast iron, it is recommended to hang it from the ceiling with a special hook with a cable, because. big weight cast-iron tank can crush the design of the stove-heater. It is very effective to install a water tank above the heater around the chimney. In this case, the tank will heat up not only from stones, but also from, which also has a high temperature.

Well last option involves the installation of a tank for hot water at a distance from the furnace. Most often, this tank installation option is used in. This is due to the fact that saunas have a higher temperature in the steam room (about 120 ° C), at which low humidity must be observed. If the water tank is installed in the steam room of the sauna, this requirement will not be met. That is why the tank is installed nearby, no further than 2.5 meters from the heating source. Heating is carried out using a special heat exchanger, from which two circuits are derived: with cold and hot water. Cold water enters the heat exchanger, heats up and is spontaneously forced into the tank, after which the cycle is repeated until the water is completely heated.

That's all we wanted to tell you about water tanks in the bath. We also recommend that you read the article:!

It is impossible to imagine a bath without water. And if the issue with the appearance of cold water is solved by summing up the centralized water supply, then with the production of hot liquid everything is somewhat more complicated. To solve the problem of hot water supply allows the use of storage tanks.


The water tank is a reservoir designed to organize hot water supply. Regardless of the type and volume, it has a hole for cold water, as well as shut-off and distribution valves for hot water.

Despite the variety of electric and gas heating devices, the water tank does not give up its position. Its use allows you to save electricity and gas consumption. In addition, the tank remains the only device for heating water if there are interruptions in electricity or the gas in the cylinders runs out.

Hot water in the bath is used mainly for washing after the steam room. In addition, it is necessary for domestic needs, laundry. Finally, hot water in the steam room serves in an additional way heat the room, get hot steam, so beneficial to health.


There are the following main types of bath tanks.


In this case, the water tank is installed at the bottom of the furnace, and is combined with the firebox from above. The peculiarity of the tank is that its bottom is in direct contact with the fire, due to which a high rate of water heating and long-term preservation of temperature are achieved. The intake of hot liquid is made from the top of the tank or through the built-in tap.

The direct contact of the tank with the fire imposes special requirements on its design. It must be heat-resistant, not subject to deformation, with thick walls. Its size is determined by the dimensions of the heater. The disadvantage is that the efficiency of the latter decreases, since most of heat goes into heating the tank.


The remote model is mounted outside the steam room - in the washing room, dressing room. Such tanks are usually mounted on a furnace with a heat exchanger and connected to it by means of brass or copper pipes.

The design principle is based on the fact that cold water goes down and enters the heat exchanger, and hot, on the contrary, rises and enters the tank.

The advantage of the design is reliability and long-term preservation of high water temperature. The disadvantage is the heating of the walls of the tank, which can cause a burn.

On the pipe

If hot water is needed throughout the day, then a tank on a pipe will be optimal. Heating of water, and rather operational, is carried out at the expense of thermal energy. smoke temperature in chimney is about 500 degrees C, so heating occurs quickly.

The design on the chimney is characterized by overall dimensions and high heat capacity. Its use prevents the risk of leakage of carbon monoxide gases emitted during the operation of the furnace, since surrounding the pipe, the water tank becomes its protection.

The most common is the samovar type model, which is equipped with a single or double fitting. May have different capacity and appearance.

Tanks on a pipe, in turn, can have the following types.

Tank built into the pipe

In this design, the chimney pipe is located inside the tank and is fixed, mounted when organizing the chimney. The tank has the shape of a rectangle or a cylinder. At the same time, it is important that the lower entrance of the pipe has high-quality sealing. Otherwise, tank leakage cannot be avoided. Water in this design flows by gravity directly into the washing or intermediate bowl.


It is a kind of removable structure on the chimney column, so it can be attached to an already installed chimney. The tank is placed close to the pipe, securely fixing it. The presence of a gutter on the back wall of the container, repeating the shape and diameter of the chimney, will provide better fixation and a tight fit of the container to the pipe.

The disadvantage is the risk of burns when using this system. In addition, if the tank is small, the water in it begins to boil, which is unacceptable in a tank of any type. Boiling can be prevented by periodically draining hot water and then adding cold water to the container. It is more convenient to do this if there is a tap for draining hot water.

The tank on the pipe can be mounted at different heights. The simplest method is to install the container directly on the oven. The advantage is easier installation, no need to purchase special brackets, almost unlimited choice of tank volume. However, due to the low location of the device, it cannot be combined with a shower.

For small steam rooms, you can choose a hinged corner option, the use of which does not clutter up the room. As a rule, such tanks have a horizontal arrangement. The horizontal tank is usually oval in shape, resembling a barrel.

Installation on a chimney column requires special fasteners. The volume of the tank is limited, but this design makes it possible to supply hot water to the shower.

For big companies(that is, if you need a large amount of hot water), you should think about installing the tank in the attic. Ceiling ceilings will become a reliable basis for the tank, so the choice of its volume is very wide.

The main thing is to take care of the reliable thermal insulation of the attic, otherwise the heat loss will be enormous.


There is also an attached tank that does not require piping. Outwardly, it is a "canister" with a faucet, which is simply attached to the wall of the furnace. Such a device has not received wide distribution due to the low efficiency. The water in the "canister" heats up slowly and unevenly: it is stronger at the points of contact with the stove.

If the stove is in the corner of the steam room, then one side of it is the furnace part, the second remains free for an attached container. It turns out that the place where the water comes out of the tap is inconvenient. True, the use of a pump allows you to correct the situation.

Devices of this type are equipped with a removable lid or neck with a diameter of at least 10 cm. The second option is more common. Despite the fact that the neck makes it difficult to clean the container, this design is more reliable.

Tanks are supplied in ready-made, can have various forms and dimensions. The best option is a stainless steel tank. Available version- galvanized steel analogues, which, however, have a shorter service life.

For baths large area equipped with powerful ovens, recommend expansion tank. Its feature is the ability to compensate for excessive pressure in heating system, which is always inevitable when the water temperature rises. In fact, this is a standard large-volume storage tank with the function of maintaining optimal water pressure.

Depending on the method of heating the tank, the following types are distinguished:

  • heating from the oven;
  • use of heating elements.

The choice of a specific option depends on the volume of the tank and the features of the bath procedures being carried out.

If the bath is intended for 1-3 people and, accordingly, the tank is of a small volume, you can use containers with a heating element. This will avoid the situation when the bath is already quite warm and comfortable, but the water has not yet warmed up, and therefore you have to waste fuel and wait for the water to heat up.

For large companies, as well as lovers of long bath procedures, containers heated from the stove are usually recommended. While you are steaming, it manages to warm up a large volume of water - just for 4-7 people or more (depending on the type of device).


Such characteristics of the tank as reliability and durability, the rate of heating and cooling of water are largely determined by the material of the tank.

Among the most popular are tanks made of the following materials.

Stainless steel

The material is characterized by strength, resistance to mechanical stress and deformation, high temperatures. Environmental friendliness and corrosion resistance are also advantages of stainless steel tanks.

The water in them heats up quickly, but due to the high thermal conductivity and cools down faster. Similar designs are made in the form of a cylinder or a rectangle.

The basis of such a tank is Sheet steel. If it is chrome or stainless material, then it is characterized by low light absorption. Such a tank will reflect light, thereby increasing the degree of illumination of the steam room.

Cast iron

Cast iron products are characterized by increased strength and an impressive (at least 40-50 years) service life. The material is characterized by low thermal conductivity, so heated water remains hot for a long time.

Cast iron tanks warm up a little slower than stainless steel counterparts. However, they are able to keep the water temperature high almost all day long. The advantage is also the absence of deformations and rust.

Of the minuses - the large weight of the structure and the associated installation difficulties.

Other types of metal

Steel tanks are characterized by much lower performance compared to the options described above. They are prone to deformation, corrosion, and do not differ in durability. Even with proper care of the tank, it is difficult to avoid corrosion, which affects the purity of the water and the durability of the tank. Draining the tank after use and wiping it dry can reduce the likelihood of its occurrence.

Galvanized steel tanks have better anti-corrosion resistance compared to metal, but they wear out fairly quickly.

enamelled tanks can also be used for a bath, but you should not rely on their durability. A fairly common problem is chipped enamel, which is why unprotected parts of the tank are subject to corrosion. Such designs have a much lower cost. However, they cannot be painted with heat-resistant paints, since the release of toxins begins during the heating process. In the presence of chips and cracks, it is better to refuse to use an enameled metal tank altogether.

An inexpensive option for a homemade tank will be a container welded from several sheets of aluminum. In the presence of galvanized sheets, it will be possible to obtain a product protected from corrosion.

Plastic and wood

On sale today you can find plastic tanks that mimic wooden barrels. Naturally, they are not designed for heating water. Such bowls are used for cold water or mixing hot and cold water. In this case, do not forget that hot water is poured into cold, and not vice versa.

A good option for storing cold water is an oak barrel, which is environmentally friendly, durable and attractive in appearance.

Sizes and shapes: optimal volume

You can choose the optimal tank volume based on the number of users. On average, one person needs 18-26 liters of water. About 10-12 liters are required for bath procedures, another 5-7 liters for a shower or washing after a bath. In addition, it is always necessary to make a reserve in case of unforeseen situations.

On sale you can find many models of structures of different volumes, as a rule, it ranges from 20 to 200 liters. The range of volumes of electrical analogues is slightly less - from 30 to 100 liters.

When choosing the volume of the tank, remember that the wall thickness depends on this. The larger the volume of liquid the tank holds, the thicker the walls it should have. For tanks of 50 liters, the optimal thickness is about 1 mm, for tanks with a volume of about 50 liters, the wall thickness is 1.5 mm. As the wall thickness increases, so does the weight of the product.

The dimensions of the tank per pipe depend not only on the needs of users in a certain volume of water, but also on the diameter of the pipe itself. In this case, you can determine the required volume of the tank by squaring the radius of the base of the pipe, and then multiplying the number "pi" equal to 3.14 by a constant mathematical constant. After that, the resulting number is multiplied by the estimated height of the cylinder (or, if we are talking about installing a tank from the furnace to the ceiling, by this distance).

The shape of the tank can be round, cylindrical or rectangular. When choosing a shape, it is important to focus not only on your own aesthetic preferences, but also on the location of the tank.

If the tank is mounted in a furnace, preference should be given to round devices. The walls of such a tank can withstand pressure well, so it will be more durable.

Installation and connection

Schemes for installing and connecting the tank depend on its location, the features of the bath.

If you are at the stage of building a bath, it is recommended to take care of improving the comfort of the building right now. To do this, separate the steam and washing zones and install an external type tank in the latter. Water in this case is supplied under voltage, so you can not do without a closed water supply system.

A home-made system can be organized by means of a furnace equipped with an internal coil and connected to a tank. Another option is to hang the bowl over the stove. For such a scheme, it is enough simple tank for 50-120 liters, which you can cook with your own hands, which will significantly reduce costs. For a small family, a standard 80-liter tank is enough, which is not difficult to purchase in a store.

If everything is installed and connected correctly, then the water, being heated in the register, rises to the top. Gradually cooling down, it again falls into the register. In other words, the principle of natural circulation is implemented.

Installation in this case is carried out in several stages:

  • the tank is mounted under the ceiling and connected by pipes to the coil;
  • to ensure the correct circulation of water will allow the connection of the upper outlet of the tank with the upper outlet of the coil, the lower one with the lower one (that is, after connecting, the hot water outlet will be from above, cold - from below);
  • at the point of entry of cold water supply, so-called "explosives" should be installed - safety valve, a check valve is also mounted here;
  • the maximum allowable pressure is set at which the safety valve operates (the setting is made in accordance with the instructions for the heating tank).

It is important that the length of the circuits is no more than 2.5 m. The advantage of the system is that when water reaches desired temperature its movement through the pipes can be stopped.

If you install the tank directly on the stove, then lay an 8-10 mm asbestos sheet between them. This way you can prevent the water from boiling. But this method is only suitable for stoves, the heater of which is located on the side. The preferred shape of the water tank is rectangular.

For information on how to install a water tank in a bath, see the following video.

  • If you decide to install the tank in the furnace with your own hands, choose a device that is resistant to heat and temperature changes and wall thickness of at least 1 mm. The best option is a stainless steel bowl. The basis of this design can be AISI 304 food grade stainless steel, which is characterized by high cost. To reduce the price by about one and a half times, the use of AISI 430 grade allows. technical properties does not concede to food analog.
  • Cast iron tanks above the heater must be securely fastened to the ceiling on metal carcass and hooks. During operation remote tank do not forget to drain the remaining water in the tank during the cold season. This will prevent the water from freezing in the pipes.

  • To increase the heating rate and ensure its uniformity in the tank on the pipe will allow its location from the furnace to the very ceiling. This will ensure maximum use heating element and, accordingly, will speed up the heating process.
  • If it is necessary to heat large volumes of water (up to 200 liters or more), it is better to opt for products with a heat exchanger. If you are mounting a large volume tank on a pipe, make sure that its weight falls on the load-bearing elements (walls) and not on the stove and pipe.
  • The tank itself can be made of enameled or stainless steel. The second option is, of course, preferable.

Please note that pipe water heaters must be covered with factory heat-resistant enamel. Galvanized and painted counterparts do not have the required heat resistance.

  • It is important that the chimney column has good thermal conductivity, and therefore tanks are not installed on brick and asbestos pipes. A metal pipe, better than stainless steel, is the best option. However, it is better to refuse the use of iron - it burns out too quickly. The ceramic chimney is considered the most durable, but not everyone can afford it due to the high cost.
  • If you make a metal tank with your own hands, then its anti-corrosion treatment is mandatory. To do this, it should be painted inside and out with special compounds. The latter are used only on a thoroughly cleaned and degreased surface.

  • If the bath has several shower heads or a shower panel with hydromassage options and multiple water spray modes, a pump must be installed. Its task is to provide the necessary water pressure. It is important that its operation is silent. This is best demonstrated plastic pipes and fittings.

It is important that the plastic pipes used are heat resistant. When choosing metal pipes, ½ or ¼ inch steel products are sufficient. The pump itself is located outside the bath, for example, in utility room or plumbing hatch.

  • When choosing the type of installation of the tank, the area of ​​​​the steam room, the heat efficiency of the furnace and the volume of the tank should be taken into account. If the oven is small, like the steam room itself, it is better not to reduce the productivity of the first and not clutter up the space of the second, but to move the tank outside the steam room.
  • Inconvenience can also arise with a high efficiency of the stove, located in a small steam room. In this case, the water in the tank will quickly heat up and then boil away. The atmosphere in the steam room will heat up and become uncomfortable. The room will be filled with excessively hot humid air. Users are simply forced to open the door to the dressing room to let off steam. And this is a direct path to drafts and colds. In this case, it is better to choose a tank of a small volume. If this is not possible, install a system with a heat exchanger and take the tank to the washing room.

  • It is important that the container has a convenient water intake of hot water. When using a samovar or remote device it is better that they have faucets. It is not safe to take water from above them.

What is a sauna without hot water? But to heat it, you don’t need a boiler at all - after all, there is a stove and a fire in the stove. And the water will be heated using a heat exchanger.
But first you need to determine which particular bath tank will be better: for a pipe, remote or built-in, what material it will be made of - in general, what it should be like so that during the operation of the bath it does not have to be changed to another.

You can, of course, find bath stoves with a tank, but what if there is a stove, but no heating containers? Then you can find bath tanks to order or make them yourself using the usual welding machine- and all things.

Remote, built-in or on a pipe?

Tanks for baths are built-in, remote and on the pipe - and each has its own pros and cons. Compare and evaluate - which one is suitable for your bath.

Advantages of a tank built into the oven

Once upon a time, water tanks in the bath were only built into the stove - so that the lower part of the boiler was placed in the upper part of the firebox - the hottest. And the bottom of the tank in this case is in direct contact with the stove fire. Water from such a tank can be drawn directly, or it can be withdrawn through the built-in tap.

Remote tank for a bath: pros and cons

Thanks to the ability to install a heat exchanger in the oven, the tank itself can not be tied to a specific place - it can even be installed in a washing room. According to the known laws of physics, cold water will descend into the heat exchanger, and hot water will rise back.

Tank on the pipe - hot water without problems!

But it happens that the bath is used not for two or three hours, but for the whole day - for example, when they wash in it, but the time after the furnace has already passed. Then the ideal option is a tank on a pipe in which the water will be constantly heated to the desired temperature. This is on the pipe through which smoke comes out of the furnace - and its temperature can reach 500 ° C. Such tanks can be quite large - after all, the heating area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pipe is large enough, and the water will heat up quickly and evenly.

If you need to increase the humidity in the steam room, we advise you to read the article

There is another plus of this design - in such a bath, smoke leakage through a crack in the pipe is impossible, because. the tank in this case serves as a kind of fuse.

Cast iron, steel or stainless steel?

Quite a lot depends on the material from which the tank is made - both the rate of heating and cooling of water, and the durability of the tank itself.

Cast iron: hot water for the whole day

For a long time, the tank in the bathhouse was made of heavy cast iron - the water heated up for a long time, a lot of firewood left, but it was hot until the evening and the whole family could wash all day long. In addition, cast iron is not afraid of corrosion or high temperatures. But its solid weight is a disadvantage, of course, an obvious one.

Stainless steel bath tanks: light and durable

But today, a stainless steel bath tank is becoming increasingly popular - it does not need to isolate moisture from it, it has excellent thermal conductivity, and the deformation coefficient due to sharp temperature fluctuations is negligible and cannot be compared with the properties of ferrous metals.

The best brands for such tanks are 8-12X18H10 (304) and 08X17 (430), which are still used for making dishes. They are resistant to even extreme temperatures, are hygienic and do not corrode or deform.

Such bath tanks are made of durable and thin sheet stainless steel, where special ball valves are mounted to enter and supply water. Caring for such tanks is extremely simple.

Enamelled tanks - good when handled with care

Get rid of unpleasant rust and enameled tanks. Their only drawback is the possible chips, which will lead to corrosion. But they can be treated with special heat-resistant paint - unless the tank itself is inserted into the oven.

Heating scheme: from a heating element or a stove?

Whether it is more profitable to heat the stove to heat the water or, in this regard, the heating element is more effective depends on how many people will steam in the bath at the same time in the future and how quickly hot water will be needed for washing. For example, for one person, a capacity of 50 liters is enough, but for the whole company - at least 70.

The ability of the tank to warm up quickly also depends on its walls - the thicker they are, the longer it will warm up and it will also weigh more. For a tank with a volume of up to 50 liters, this is 0.8-1 mm, and for a larger one, the walls are never thinner than 1.5 mm.

How to properly install and connect a water tank?

So, how to properly install the tank in the bath? If the washing water will come from the tap, that is, under constant pressure, a so-called closed water supply system is necessary. For this ideal option there will be a stove with a coil inside, to which the tank itself will be connected. But this method can also be implemented: the tank will be suspended on the furnace itself. For this, the most suitable simple design for 50-120 liters, which is not difficult to cook on your own. Most best option- an 80 l tank made of non-galvanized iron, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

A properly connected tank in a bath will look like this: water is heated in the register and rises into the tank. In it, it gradually cools down and sinks down into the register itself. This is how natural circulation occurs, and in order to improve it, it is more expedient to take water from the return line - although this is not always convenient, because in this case it will take a long time to wait until the tank heats up. But the water itself can already be used as soon as the stove is heated. But it is more efficient and thoughtful if the possibility of switching water intake from direct to return is thought out - this is much more convenient. If the entrance and exit to the tank is made from below, then the circulation will be slower.

And the scheme itself will look like this:

1. The hot water tank is installed in the steam room, under the shelves and is connected by pipes to the coil of the sauna stove.
2. For proper circulation at the tank, the upper outlet is connected to the same upper outlet of the furnace coil, and the lower one to the lower one. So the hot water will go from above, and cold - from below.
3. A non-return and safety valve is installed at the cold water inlet - it is also called an explosive.
4. According to the instructions of the storage tank, the opening pressure of the safety valve is set.

And this whole structure will work like this: the filled tank will begin to warm up through the coil and when hot water is consumed, it will automatically fill up through the cold supply. As the water heats up, if it is not used yet, this pressure will increase, and when the critical point is reached, the fuse will work - it will relieve this pressure.

If everything is done correctly, then the hot water in the bath will be in as much quantity as necessary - and under such pressure, under which it will be comfortable to wash after the steam room.

Hello dear guest!

Sit back and forget about pressing issues. The topic of today's article is one of the favorite vacation spots of a Russian person. A place where people washed, treated diseases, met friends, and simply hid for a while from life's adversities.

Have you already guessed what I mean? Correctly! Today we will talk about the Russian bath. About the classic bath, but made in modern solutions, comfortable and safe. We will take a closer look at the tank on the bath pipe, find out why it is needed, in what cases this water heating option is optimal, and find out why the wrong choice of bath tanks is dangerous.

Strong hot steam, invigorating tart aroma of wood, birch and juniper twigs, a special spirit of the Russian bath... Not a single sauna with burning air can replace real light steam! Even in our time, a bathhouse is a favorite resting place for a person who is tired of the daily bustle. And no entertainment and shopping centers will replace it.

And now I will add a little horror to the beautiful picture.

Imagine - you decide to build or upgrade a bathhouse. And now, the walls are covered with new clapboard, fresh brooms are waiting for hot steam, and the simplest thing left is to buy a tank for sauna stove. It would seem, what could be easier?

Modern stores are overflowing with bath accessories and there are a great many containers for heating water. Most - bath stove tanks different shapes, shiny, smooth to the touch, with high-quality and beautiful welds. It would seem, what else is needed?

Now let's take a closer look at the material of manufacture.

In 80% of cases, it is a stainless steel with an incomprehensible name AISI430. And few people know that stainless steel in this AISI is only a shiny surface and a little chrome. And a sheet of such material burns out under the influence of direct fire, in 3-4 months. No wonder the manufacturer's warranty for such tanks is no more than 3 months. Moreover, the thickness of the sheet is rarely more than one and a half millimeters.

And here the most interesting begins. Imagine you bought a tank for 10, 15, or even 30 thousand rubles and happily installed it on the stove in the bath. And six months later, a hole burned through in the bottom. Scary?

That's what I'm scared of.

But there exists great way avoid all such troubles, even using Chinese stainless steel products. And one of them is the installation of a water tank directly on the bath pipe.

The principle of operation of the tank on the pipe

The first Russian baths were heated "in black", the smoke in them filled the room, leaving traces of soot and soot on the walls. This technology has long been a thing of the past, in modern ovens.

Vapors and gases, leaving the furnace through the chimney, heat it up strongly. And this temperature can be used to heat water.

To do this, a tank is installed on the pipe. It encircles the pipe and the water in it is heated by hot gases. So 2 tasks are solved at once - heating water and thermal insulation of the pipe.

Pros and cons of this design

The main advantages of installing a bath tank on a pipe:

  • The tank can be placed along the entire length of the pipe, which allows you to get a large amount of hot water. At the same time, an increase in the volume of the container will not affect the heating time;
  • The temperature of the gases in the pipe is high (up to 500 degrees), so the heating is carried out quickly and evenly;
  • Installation of the tank is easy to do with your own hands;
  • Hot smoke is not just taken out into the street, but heats the water, so the efficiency of the furnace increases;
  • Increases the service life of the chimney;
  • Water retains temperature for a long time while the pipe cools;
  • No additional heating elements required;
  • It is possible to install a samovar tank not in the steam room itself, but at the level of the attic. At the same time, hoses are connected to the heat exchanger for cold water inlet and hot water outlet.

Design flaws:

  • Tank large sizes difficult to install due to weight. If it is necessary to install a large capacity, it is necessary to use a fastening system, while the load should not fall on the furnace, but on the walls or foundation;
  • The water temperature cannot be controlled;
  • The liquid boils away faster;
  • The design is not suitable for every chimney. For example, if it is brick or asbestos, you will have to choose another option;
  • If the heat exchanger is located high, it is difficult to pour water into it.

Important! In the cold season, the liquid from the tank must be drained, otherwise the entire system will freeze.

Types of factory tanks and average prices

Factory tanks have different configuration. Main parameters:

  1. Type of material;
  2. Design;

The most common materials are galvanized, steel, stainless steel, less common are cast iron products.

The most popular factory shape is a rectangle and a cylinder with a round section.

The average cost of a rectangular tank with a volume of 50 liters:

  • Steel - 1000 rubles;
  • Galvanization - 1500-2000 rubles;
  • Stainless steel - from 3000 rubles.

How to choose?

To begin with, you should decide where the tank will be located - directly above the pipe, or it will be a remote structure located in the attic.

The arrangement of a container in the attic is convenient, but not always possible - it all depends on the design of the roof and the possibility of supplying and discharging water.

We calculate the volume

The required volume of liquid is calculated from the norm of 15-20 liters per person plus 10-15 liters in reserve. For example, if a family of 2 people periodically bathes in a bathhouse, then a 50-liter tank will be enough. A family of 4 people will need a capacity of 80-100 liters.

Material type

Pros and cons of steel, cast iron stainless steel:

  • Cast iron

Cast iron containers are heavy, they are inconvenient to mount, the water in them heats up slowly, but at the same time remains hot for a long time;

  • Galvanized iron

Tanks made of it live longer than steel ones, but after a while they rust and burn out;

  • Steel

Due to the high thermal conductivity, steel tanks heat up quickly and cool down just as quickly. The main advantage is the price, the main disadvantage is the low service life;

  • Stainless steel

They combine all the advantages of iron products with high resistance to corrosion.

Enamel products are found in stores. They are more durable than uncoated steel tanks, but are prone to chipping, in place of which centers of corrosion form.

Features of installation and connection step by step

Mounting a water tank is not difficult with your own hands.

Let's analyze each stage separately:

  • - remove the pipe segment coming out of the furnace into the ceiling;
  • We weld a piece of pipe 8-10 cm long to the outlet of the furnace.
  • If the pipe built into the tank does not match the diameter of the chimney, an adapter is mounted on the installed pipe section;
  • We install the tank. The distance between the top cover and the ceiling should be 20-25cm;
  • If necessary, an adapter is also installed in the upper part;

Important! Pipe connections are made using crimp clamps, but the joints should be additionally treated with a special sealant. Otherwise, when gases penetrate through the cracks in the joints of pipes and lack of ventilation, a person may suffocate.

Several important rules operation:

  • The bath is not only a recreation area, but also a place of increased danger, especially for children. Therefore, if possible, it is better to install the tank on the pipe as high as possible, optimally - in the attic. Pour boiling water very carefully.
  • It is necessary to fill the system with water until flooding, heat without water destroys the welds.
  • Do not leave water in cold weather. If the water in the system freezes, deformations are inevitable.


Samovar tank on a pipe - good decision for a bath. Economical, practical and safe. But only if installed correctly.

Therefore, if you decide to equip the bath yourself - do not neglect the advice of a specialist, and often look at our pages on social networks - there is a lot of useful information.

And today I say goodbye. Subscribe, share your experience, ask questions, leave feedback. Your opinion is very important to us!

A boiler is not required to heat the water in the bath, since traditionally the temperature is raised using an ordinary stove, burning wood and a specially equipped heat exchanger. However, it is better for each homeowner to decide on the choice of a suitable container used as a bath tank. This article provides basic guidelines for choosing a suitable container and describes several acceptable options for their location. There is always a choice: buy ready product or order a bath tank made according to individual technical requirements.

  • Remote;
  • built-in;
  • Tanks on the pipe.

Until recently, water containers were always built into the furnace in such a way that the bottom of the boiler was placed on top of the furnace. Thus, the bottom of the tank is in direct contact with the fire from the stove. Water from such containers is collected independently or poured out using specially equipped taps.

Thanks to the heat exchangers built into the oven, the water tank can be installed wherever it is convenient. In this case, cold water will descend into the heat exchanger, and hot water will rise into the tank.

In some cases, the tank is installed on the chimney. This is necessary for the possibility of prolonged use of the bath after the firewood in the firebox burns out. In such devices, water is constantly heated to the required temperature. The temperature of the pipe from which the smoke comes out can even reach 500 degrees. Because the heating area is large enough, the liquid will be heated evenly. An additional advantage of such structures is the impossibility of smoke leakage through a crack in the pipe itself. A water tank in such a situation will act as a fuse.

Remote tank

Similar fluid heating systems are used if the furnace is equipped with a heat exchanger. Some manufacturers create ovens in such a way that you can install your own heat exchanger. They also offer customers a choice of several options for such devices. Almost every domestic manufacturer manufactures furnaces with built-in heat exchangers.

When buying a finished furnace, it would be better to purchase a heat exchanger from the same manufacturer. However, there should not be any difficulties with connecting your device to the sauna stove. Pipes with an external tank are attached to the heat exchanger.

Features of operation of furnaces with heat exchangers:

  • Water should only be poured into a cold system before starting a fire. If the heat exchanger is hot, when water is added there, a difference in temperature expansion will occur. As a result, the heat exchanger may break;
  • When connecting the heat exchanger to the storage tank, it must be remembered that the length of the pipe structure between them should not exceed 3 m. This length is enough to install the tank behind a wall in another room. If the length of the pipe from the tank to the heat exchanger is longer, a pump will have to be installed to ensure normal circulation.

To connect the tank in the bath and the heat exchanger in the furnace, you can use any pipes that can withstand high temperature effects. Metal pipe can be installed if the tank is located at a distance of about 50 cm from the oven. The connection areas of the nozzles can be sealed with a special winding used for high temperature fixtures. It is advisable to replace the gaskets with homemade ones made of paronite.

Tank on the pipe

It is very convenient to heat water with the heat generated from the chimney. Such devices are also called samovar-type tanks. If we consider the devices in cross section, their geometry may differ in a certain way. Everyone can choose for themselves a suitable product in terms of volume and design features.

However, this method of heating has certain disadvantages:

  • In such devices it is difficult to control the water level. Similarly, it is impossible to control the heating temperature. It is better not to bring the water to a boil if you need to get dry steam, but it is almost impossible to control the condition of the water in such a tank;
  • Installing a tank on a pipe involves certain difficulties. The mass of such containers can be about 100 kg;
  • When the tank is located above the stove, the filler hole is located too high.

However, some craftsmen find ways to control the level of liquid in the tank.

Built-in tank

A built-in or hinged tank is a conventional sealed steel container with a lid, equipped with a special tap to drain hot water. Such a tank can be fixed on the back wall or on the side. Metal hooks are often used as fasteners. In most cases, such products are made of stainless steel, which can interact with the liquid without damage. Since such a tank is exposed to high temperatures, some methods of corrosion protection cannot be used.

Material for manufacturing

Stainless steel is considered one of the most common materials for the manufacture of water tanks in the bath. We list the main arguments in favor of this particular material:

  • Thanks to structural features metal, water in stainless steel heats up faster and cools down longer;
  • Under the influence of high temperature, stainless steel will not be deformed;
  • The material is quite light, retains aesthetic appeal for a long time, allows you to slightly decorate the interior of the room.

Custom-made or mass-produced metal tanks are installed almost everywhere today. However, their aesthetic qualities and practicality are significantly inferior to stainless steel. The container can be closed with some heat-resistant facing material or immure into the wall, but it is unlikely that anyone will be able to protect a metal tank from rust. The metal can deform over time as a result of a regular increase in the temperature of the environment. It is difficult to understand why many homeowners prefer metal tanks, despite their obvious disadvantages. However, in many new baths, such products are not even covered by anything.

Enamelled tanks slightly increase the quality of metal containers. Treatment with a special substance does not contribute to the development of corrosion, the water in such products will remain clean for a long time. However, such containers are unstable to various mechanical influences. The chipped enamel won't protect metal product from rust. When the container is exposed to corrosion, in one place, over time it will rust completely.

Cast iron products are also commercially available today. Thick metal will not rust due to the properties of its structure. However, the water in it will warm up much longer, and cool down more slowly. Cast iron containers are quite massive. It is better not to install such products on small ovens.

How to choose

In addition to volume, the main selection criteria also include design features products. Ordinary stainless steel containers, in which the water temperature rises after heating the stove, can be produced in a semicircular, rectangular, square shape. This takes into account the available free space, pouring under the foundation stove, the type of tank used. The container should be placed in such a way that the free space is not shy. It must be remembered that when touching a hot container in a bath, you can get burned. Tanks can be completely empty in winter, because after freezing, water can break the integrity of any metal container. After icing, the entire protective layer will fall off the enameled product.

To determine the appropriate size of the container, you need to determine the number of people who will use such a bath. More than 50 liters of water is not needed where one person is steaming. For a large company to relax in the steam room, it is advisable to equip a bath with a capacity of at least 70 liters.

The wall thickness will always be determined by the selected dimensions of the container. If stainless steel with a volume of more than 50 liters is selected, the optimum material thickness will be 1 mm. Uniform heating of water, as well as heat accumulation in the tank, is determined by the thickness of the metal walls. However, one should not forget that a tank with thick walls will be more expensive. The container must have at least one place for output and for filling cold water.

To select a suitable device, it is advisable to first consult with a specialist in this field. Present on the domestic market great amount containers suitable for the size of the equipped bath room. It is advisable to buy a tank with a heat exchanger in a situation where the volume of the heated liquid must correspond to at least 200 liters. In addition to such containers, you can install storage tanks that are connected to the electricity and plumbing system.

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