Salt tank for water purification system! Is it simple? Salt tank assembly order How to assemble a salt tank.

Engineering systems 15.06.2019
Engineering systems

The tank for the regenerating solution is part of filters with chemical regeneration, i.e. Those filters who are required to restore filter properties are required or another chemical. The solution with such a substance - regenerate is prepared and stored (before the next regeneration) in a special container, which is called tank for simplicity. Capacity may be of different shapes (for example, barrel-shaped, as shown in the figure or square section, as in the figure) and size, depending on the type of regenerate ( chemical substanceused for regeneration) and filter performance with which it will be used.

So, the tank is a certain container (1) (as a rule, plastic) with a lid (2). A special mesh (3) may be installed in the tank, which will be made of regenerate (7). Strictly speaking, you can do without this grid, there are many models of tanks, where the grid is not used.

The most important node is a mine (4) - a plastic pipe, inside of which a suction system is mounted, which includes a float locking valve (5) and a ball shocking valve (6) (Air-Checkvalve). Through the fitting (9), the suction system is connected to the filter control unit.

The overfit (10) is set to the case of refusing to all the amounts of water adjustment in the tank and should be ideally connected to the drainage line.

Beginning of work

A certain amount of water is supplied to the tank from the filter (8) (in some models, the first fill of water has to be carried out manually). After that, a chemical regenerant (7) is poured into the tank, such as tablet salt For ion exchange softeners or permanganate potassium (manganese) for oxidative filters of deferrals. The amount of water is regulated either by setting the float valve (5), or by automatic filter control unit (in this case, the float valve serves as an additional overflow protection) and depends on the type of filter and its size size), but always for several centimeters above the grid level (3) (if it is).

It is very important that the tank for the regenerating mortar is filled with a certain amount of water, and not as "God put on the soul." For example, for regeneration 1 liter of resin in an ion exchange softener requires a completely defined amount of cook salt (NaCl). In turn, the table salt dissolves in water as well in certain amounts (the solubility limit of about 300 g / l). Thus, the amount of water is selected in which the amount of tableted salt is dissolved for the full regeneration of this softener filter. If the water is less, it will dissolve less salt and the ion exchange resin will not restore sufficiently its ion exchange capacity - it will reduce the efficiency of softening and water purification. If the water is larger, then the resin will be regenerated even better, but at the same time will increase the flow rate for each regeneration and will increase operational costs for maintaining the water purification system.

It is also necessary that there is enough time to form regenerations to form a concentrated regenerant solution in the tank. From this point it seems that it seems to be more rational to apply the same salt in the form of tablets, but by the usual - folding. And dissolve faster, and cheaper. However, it is not by chance that the salt is required in pressed form (it can be not only pills, but also salt briquettes in the shape of pads or capsules and simply extruded and then crumbling into pieces of several centimeters like a crushed stone, saber).

The fact is that the salt is not dissolved in water instantly, but it is very quickly lungs into a monolithic com. Such a com not only to have a surface area, much smaller than the same amount of salt in tablets, which means it will be much slower to dissolve. It can increase around the mine (4) with a suction system and thus fully block the operation of the filter regeneration system, which will inevitably lead to its failure.


During the regeneration cycle, the solution from the tank through the suction system begins to enter the filter control unit. There, the regenerating solution in a certain proportion is diluted with water and is further used in the process of chemical regeneration of the filtering medium used in this type Filing filter.

As the regenerating solution is sued, its level in the tank is beginning to decrease.

Water treatment device

This occurs until the ball shut-off valve works (6), i.e. The ball does not sit tightly in the saddle and will not block the flow. This is done in order to prevent air from falling into a suction line.

Filling water

In this cycle, after the end of the filter regeneration, water begins to be supplied from the filter control unit. Water enters through the same suction line, only now in reverse direction - through the fitting (9) and the shut-off valve (6). The flow of water is stopped either by the filter control unit command, or when the float valve is triggered (5), which, pops up to a certain level, overlaps the water supply to the tank. Over time in this water, dissolve again the right amount Salts and the process will be repeated at the next regeneration.

This system is very simple and reliable. We just need not to forget to maintain a regenerant supply in the tank. At the same time, it is not necessary to be afraid to push. You can pour at least the same edge of the tank - anyway, more than you do not dissolve. However, the level of the regenerant must be periodically monitored. The criterion is simple - at the top should always have a dry regenerant.

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Features and application of tablet salt for water purification filters

Modern water treatment systems maximize the water from impurities. They are able to eliminate both insoluble inclusions and dissolved salts. Very often, water has a high rigidity, which is determined by the content of calcium and magnesium salts. Eliminate dissolved components help special installations. Their filler requires periodic regeneration of a cook salt. As a reagent, a tableted salt for filters of water purification systems is used. It has many advantages over the scattering salt salt.

Fig. 1 Tableted Water Cleaning Salt

How do ion exchange filters work?

Eliminated water hardness helps ion exchange filters. These are special devices with a filler from a synthetic ion exchange resin.

When water passes through an ion exchange filler, it is replaced by sodium ions on ions dissolved in water salts causing rigidity. As a result, water becomes softer.

Fig. 2 ion exchange filter device

Gradually the filter material is depleted, losing a large number of sodium ions. It ceases to clean the water. In this case, it is required to regenerate.

For regeneration use saturated solid salt. It is possible to carry out the restoration manually, but more often the filters are equipped with regenerating settings.

In such installations, a reagent is laid, which should be evenly and gradually dissolved, providing a saturated solution with a constant concentration. To ensure this can be a tablet form that dissolves more evenly.

So that the recovery process remains effective, it is required to monitor the number of reagent. Part it must be above the surface of the liquid, i.e. To be dry.

Pluses of tablet salt

To perform the regeneration of the ion exchange resin in the filters, the tableted salt is most often used. It provides a better recovery process, which increases the durability of the equipment. Some time ago used loose option. But numerous advantages of tablet forms made it more popular.

  • Tablets contain maximum amount Sodium chloride due to the minimum amount of impurities. This ensures high regeneration efficiency.
  • Tablets dissolve well due to a small crystal structure.

    Tank device for preparing and storing the regenerating solution

    The solution does not remain undisputed crystals that may damage the resin.

  • There are no impurities in salts that can form an insoluble sediment.
  • Tablets dissolve gradually, completely and do not form a solid mass, which is required to clean out of the reagent tank.
  • The tablet form of the reagent is easily transported, does not form dust and does not stick.

Composition of salt tablets

Salt tablets for ion exchange filters consist practically a hundred percent of sodium chloride. For the production of such a salt, a special method is used: Vacuum welded. With its help, the substance is obtained as clean.

Salt obtained by other methods, for example, stone or self-sick, has a slight amount of impurities. They do not affect the taste when eating food, and some components are useful, for example, iodine. But any impurities adversely affect the ability of the solution to regenerate ion exchange resins, therefore, a specially obtained reagent is used.

Fig. 3 Packaging reagent

Among regulatory requirements The formation of the reagent solution should be noted the following. First, additives should not be present in the solution, including food. Secondly, the amount of insoluble particles must be no more than three hundredths. Thirdly, the content of calcium and magnesium ions should be minimal, no more than one hundredth and two hundredth percent, respectively.

In some cases, the tablets are released with the addition of the anti-electrical component. The possibility of using such a variant of the reagent is determined by the features of the equipment and the technological process.

Salt pills for filter regeneration usually have weight from eight to ten grams. Such dimensions are optimal for fast and complete dissolution.

The tableted form is quite dense, so as not to crumble in the process of transportation.

Salt for water softener.

shanty 24-01-2007 08:34

What is her composition, who knows?!

Lesnabrat. 24-01-2007 13:57

Normal food salt, only tablet.

Salt Buck

If I need to search for the address - where it is not expensive (current is not in Samara - in MSK. Regulations).
Sincerely, L.B.

shanty 24-01-2007 15:16

But the salt just regenerates the resin, i.e. "cleans it" from backward blood purification process.

Kossyova 24-01-2007 15:28

Well, I do not know how convenient it is in living conditions, not easier to change?

shanty 24-01-2007 15:33

Change what?

Kossyova 24-01-2007 15:37

Resin or cartridge in the ion exchanger filter.
On sale are full of different, I do not know what is used with you.

Lesnabrat. 24-01-2007 16:09

Speech, I understand, is about filters of this type? If yes, the left large column is the filter, the limit is the right smaller - the filter is a softener with an ion exchange resin - the regeneration of which is carried out by a salt solution (from the white capacity of the right), and the tableted salt is just needed to create a salt slicer, gradually dissolving water. And if you pour out the usual salt - it is losing at the bottom of the tank and there will be no effect of gradual erosion for brine.
Sincerely, L.B.

shanty 24-01-2007 16:29

Daaaaaaaaaaa, brother of the Forest! That's how you wrote, everything is so! And what did I ask ?! 25 kg of tableted salt costs 420 rubles in Samara. It is known that the salt is nothing worthwhile

Lesnabrat. 24-01-2007 16:39

And I shake me echo like! Superficial study of the tableting issue - showed - there is a power machine (and they are not used for salt but also for the manufacture of fuel briquettes for example), but they also cost money. Therefore, I found in Moscow time. Area Artel "Vano, Mimino and their brothers" where I take 240 rubles. for 25 kg.
Well, if you try to solve the problem of engineering - you can try to make shapes - honeycombs, pour salt in them, and sprinkle with water, wait for crystalization and in front ... You can try in the princer, and for starters, so that the filters do not solerate - to interfere with the tablets of the factory manufacturing.
The main thing is not to reduce
Sincerely, L.B.

Kossyova 24-01-2007 19:15

Yes ... Pardon, was wrong.
Scale not appreciated ...

Metanol 31-01-2007 16:45

trilon-B, sodium polyphosphate

shanty 01-02-2007 15:42

Originally Posted by Metanol:
trilon-B, sodium polyphosphate

Metanol 02-02-2007 18:52

If the water for drinking is only trilon-b, if you wash, etc. Technical needs then polyphosphates, etc.

how can sodium chloride mitigate something? in any way

trilon-B is a powerful complexion, it forms soluble complexes with metals, in particular with magnesium and calcium, which determine the rigidity of water, and when heated and other exposure, calcium and magnesium carbonate do not fall out

plus he is harmless to humans, it is even used to eliminate heavy metals From the body with poisoning, that is, it is possible for drinking water Use, dosage will not tell me, the substance is common in chemical maps

this is not for the regeneration of ion exchange resins and for direct reduction in rigidity

The anion exchange resin is most likely used, which replaces the ions of coalic acid NSO3 on the chlorine ion, then the sodium chloride solution change the carbonate ion on chlorine, the sodium carbonate is obtained from the cook salt.

The amount of magnesium and calcium does not change, they are simply translated into a soluble form that does not fall into the precipitate at temperatures.

The tank for the regenerating solution is part of filters with chemical regeneration, i.e. Those filters who are required to restore filter properties are required or another chemical. The solution with such a substance - regenerate is prepared and stored (before the next regeneration) in a special container, which is called tank for simplicity. Capacity may be of various shapes (for example, the barrel-shaped, as shown in the figure or square section, as in the figure) and size, depending on the type of regenerate (the chemical used for regeneration) and the filter performance with which it will be used.

So, the tank is a certain container (1) (as a rule, plastic) with a lid (2). A special mesh (3) may be installed in the tank, which will be made of regenerate (7). Strictly speaking, you can do without this grid, there are many models of tanks, where the grid is not used.

The most important node is a mine (4) - a plastic pipe, inside of which a suction system is mounted, which includes a float locking valve (5) and a ball shocking valve (6) (Air-Checkvalve). Through the fitting (9), the suction system is connected to the filter control unit.

The overfit (10) is set to the case of refusing to all the amounts of water adjustment in the tank and should be ideally connected to the drainage line.

Principle of operation

Beginning of work

A certain amount of water is supplied to the tank from the filter (8) (in some models, the first fill of water has to be carried out manually). After that, a chemical regenerant (7) is poured into the tank, such as a tablet salt for ion exchange softeners or potassium permanganate (manganese) for oxidative lead filters. The amount of water is regulated either by setting the float valve (5), or by automatic filter control unit (in this case, the float valve serves as an additional overflow protection) and depends on the type of filter and its size size), but always for several centimeters above the grid level (3) (if it is).

It is very important that the tank for the regenerating mortar is filled with a certain amount of water, and not as "God put on the soul." For example, for regeneration 1 liter of resin in an ion exchange softener requires a completely defined amount of cook salt (NaCl). In turn, the table salt dissolves in water as well in certain amounts (the solubility limit of about 300 g / l). Thus, the amount of water is selected in which the amount of tableted salt is dissolved for the full regeneration of this softener filter. If the water is less, it will dissolve less salt and the ion exchange resin will not restore sufficiently its ion exchange capacity - it will reduce the efficiency of softening and water purification. If the water is larger, then the resin will be regenerated even better, but at the same time will increase the flow rate for each regeneration and will increase operational costs for maintaining the water purification system.

It is also necessary that there is enough time to form regenerations to form a concentrated regenerant solution in the tank. From this point it seems that it seems to be more rational to apply the same salt in the form of tablets, but by the usual - folding. And dissolve faster, and cheaper. However, it is not by chance that the salt is required in pressed form (it can be not only pills, but also salt briquettes in the shape of pads or capsules and simply extruded and then crumbling into pieces of several centimeters like a crushed stone, saber).

The fact is that the salt is not dissolved in water instantly, but it is very quickly lungs into a monolithic com. Such a com not only to have a surface area, much smaller than the same amount of salt in tablets, which means it will be much slower to dissolve. It can increase around the mine (4) with a suction system and thus fully block the operation of the filter regeneration system, which will inevitably lead to its failure.


During the regeneration cycle, the solution from the tank through the suction system begins to enter the filter control unit. There, the regenerating solution in a certain proportion is diluted with water and is further used in the process of chemical regeneration of the filtering medium used in this type of flowing filter.

As the regenerating solution is sued, its level in the tank is beginning to decrease. This occurs until the ball shut-off valve works (6), i.e. The ball does not sit tightly in the saddle and will not block the flow. This is done in order to prevent air from falling into a suction line.

Filling water

In this cycle, after the end of the filter regeneration, water begins to be supplied from the filter control unit. Water enters through the same suction line, only now in the opposite direction - through the fitting (9) and the shut-off valve (6). The flow of water is stopped either by the filter control unit command, or when the float valve is triggered (5), which, pops up to a certain level, overlaps the water supply to the tank. Over time, in this water, the desired amount of salt is again dissolved and the process is repeated under the next regeneration.

This system is very simple and reliable. We just need not to forget to maintain a regenerant supply in the tank. At the same time, it is not necessary to be afraid to push. You can pour at least the same edge of the tank - anyway, more than you do not dissolve. However, the level of the regenerant must be periodically monitored. The criterion is simple - at the top should always have a dry regenerant.

Water purification systems, in which filters with chemical regeneration are used, are equipped with a salt tank. This is a special capacity (usually plastic) with a lid designed for the preparation and storage of the regenerant. The regenerating solution is required to restore the filter properties in the filter.

Types of salt tanks

The salt tank is selected depending on the performance of the filter and the type of regenerant used. It can be of any size (from 35 liters to 800 L) or shape (square, barrel-shaped). Some models are equipped with a mesh on which a regenerant is poured, but it is not required.

Salt Baka device

The main element of the salt tank is a mine made in the form of a plastic pipe. Inside it is installed a suction system with two valves: ball cut-off and float locking. This system through the fitting is connected to the filter control unit.

In the case of the failure of the system for adjusting the amount of fluid, the tank provides a transfusted fitting, which must be connected to the drainage line.

Operating principle

Stage №1: Run

The desired amount of water is poured into the salt tank of the filter (the first fill in some models must be performed manually). The water level must exceed the grid level (if there is) for several centimeters. The chemical regenerant is then falling asleep. This can be a tablet salt or manganese (permanganate potassium).

It is important to fill the tank strictly calculated by the amount of water, which is required for a full regeneration. There should be enough time between regenerations so that a concentrated solution is formed.

Stage number 2: Chemical Regeneration

The regeneration cycle begins with the flow of the solution through the suction system in the filter control unit. It is diluted with water in a certain proportion. Then finished solution Used to regenerate the filter loading.

The level of the regenerating solution will decline until the shut-off ball valve is triggered (it fell tightly in the saddle, overlapping the stream). This eliminates air penetration into a suction line.

Step number 3: Filling with water

After the end of the regeneration, water is supplied from the filter control unit to the salt tank. It enters through the same suction line, but in the opposite direction - through the shut-off valve and the fitting. Water supply is stopped when the float valve is triggered or by command of the control unit. Gradually dissolved in this water required amount Salts and the regeneration process will repeat again.

Salt tanks are important components for filtering systems, the main advantages of which are reliability and simplicity.

To ensure the normal performance of the filter-softener, as well as for the convenience of a user who has acquired a system of softening with automation, it is necessary to have a sufficient reserve of the finished saline. The storage function of the finished reagent performs a saline tank, which is an integral part of the water treatment system. The salt tank is embedded in the water treatment system, by means of saline, it is connected to the filter and at the time of the regeneration, the suction system takes the necessary amount of solution from the tank, dilutes it with water and washes the filter.

The salt tank for regeneration should be filled into strict accordance with the instruction, since it requires a certain amount of water and a reagent for the effective regeneration of the entire filter material. "Challenge" and the actions "on the eyes" are unacceptable here. The decrease in the amount of water and the reagent will lead to an incomplete process of regeneration deterioration of water quality at the outlet, which means the flushing will have to repeat after a shorter period of time, which leads to additional costs. Excessive amount of salt and water will increase the efficiency of regeneration, but will also lead to an increase in operating costs.

That is why when buying a cleansing equipment, no less attention is required to give the selection of additional components. Pick up and buy salt tank for softener will help you experienced and qualified company managers.

In the range of our catalog presents salt tanks 25 liters, 70 l, 72 liters, 100 liters, 140 liters, which have the following features:

  • made of durable plastic, not subject to corrosion and non-peculiar with brine;
  • may be cylindrical form or square section, you can choose that construction that is convenient for you;
  • they have a special grid, which is poured with a tablet salt. The lattice contributes to the preparation of a better solution, because prevents the stroke of the material.
  • some models have an overclocking fitting, which insures the water level control system in case of its failure;

The salt tank is connected to the filter-softener control valve, to provide autonomous work without user participation. When buying a softener with an automatic control valve, the person's participation in the operation of the softening and regeneration system is reduced only to the timely replenishment of reagent reserves.

Buy a salt tank for filter regeneration, which is ideal for your chosen filter-softener model you will be helped by the specialists of the company "Water filters service". Prices for salt tanks are very diverse, depend on the volume, manufacturer, the minimum cost is from 2800 rubles. With us you can not only buy a salt tank for water treatment, but also order services for the design and installation of water purification system country house "Full construction".

Completed with a tank - a special capacity for the preparation and storage of the regenerating solution. The regenerating solution (regenerant) is used to restore the filtering properties of the filter loading properties. Tank can have various shapes (for example, barrel-shaped (see Fig.) Or a square section and size - depending on the type of applied regenerant and filter performance, with which the tank will be used.

Thus, the tank is a certain container (1) (usually plastic) with a lid (2). In some models in the tank, a special mesh (3) is installed, on which the regenerant is poured (7), it is missing in others, since without it, in principle, you can do.

The most important node is mine (4), which is plastic pipe With a suction system mounted inside it. The composition of this system includes a float locking valve (5) and a ball shut-off valve (6) (Air-Checkvalve). A suction system through the fitting (9) is connected to.

For insurance (in the event of a refusal of all systems for adjusting the amount of water in the tank), an overflow unit is established (10), which, ideally, must be connected to the drainage line.

Principle of operation

1. Getting started

A certain amount of water (8) is poured from the filter to the tank (the first fill of water in some models is carried out manually). Next to the tank, the chemical regenerant (7) is falling asleep (7), for example, potassium permanganate (manganese) for or tableted patient salt for. Adjusting the amount of water supplied is made by either the corresponding setting of the float valve (5), or the automatic filter control unit (float valve in this case - additional protection against overflow). The amount of water is determined by the type of filter and its capacity, while the water level must be several centimeters to exceed the grid level (3), if available.

It is obvious the importance of filling the tank for the regenerating solution is strictly calculated, and not an arbitrary amount of water. So the regeneration of 1 liter of resin in an ion exchange softener requires a completely definite amount of table salt (NaCl). To dissolve the table salt having a solubility limit of about 300 g / l, a certain amount of water is required. It means that water should be exactly so much to dissolve such a number of tablet salt, which is necessary for the full regeneration of this filter. In a smaller amount of water, less salt will dissolve, which will not allow the resin to be restored to a sufficient degree of ion-exchange capacity and entail a decrease in softening efficiency and. IN larger quantities Water regeneration resin will be even better, but salt consumption for each regeneration will increase, and maintenance costs will increase.

There should be enough time between regenerations so that a concentrated solution of the regenerant is formed in the tank. At first glance, it seems that the rational use of salt of the axes, and not in the form of tablets (cheaper, dissolves faster). But the use of salt is in pressed form not by chance. Moreover, not only tablets are used, but also salt briquettes that have a shape of pads or capsules, as well as a compressed tablet salt, crumbling into pieces of several centimeters (like a crushed stone).

Practice has shown that salt in the water is very quickly joining the monolithic com. Such a com that has a significantly smaller surface area than the amount of salt in tablets in weight, is much slower dissolved. At the same time, it increases around the mine (4) with a suction system, which completely blocks the operation of the filter regeneration system, it is inevitable thereby deriving it out of order.

2. Regeneration

During the regeneration cycle, a solution from the tank begins to the filter control unit (through a suction system). There is a dilution of the regenerating solution with water in a certain proportion. Next, the finished solution is used in the process of chemical regeneration.

The level of the regenerating mortar in the tank is reduced as it sues. The level decrease occurs until the ball shut-off valve is triggered (6) when the ball is tightly sitting in the saddle and overlaps the flow. This allows you to stop entering the air in a suction line.

3. Filling water

Upon completion of the filter regeneration, water is supplied from the filter control unit. The flow of water occurs through the same suction line, only in the opposite direction - through the fitting (9) and the shut-off valve (6). The cessation of water supply is made either by the filter control unit command, or when the float valve is triggered (5). Over time, in this water, the desired amount of salt dissolves and the process is repeated under the next regeneration.

The undoubted advantages of this system are its simplicity and reliability.

Selection of saline tank

To select the salt tank, you can always contact the company's specialists. "Waterman". Send your request to email

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