How to clean the microwave from the smell of Gary. Gel for dishes

Decor elements 12.06.2019
Decor elements

One of the important assistants in the kitchen of each housewife is a microwave. This device is universal and without it today it is very difficult to do. So the question is very relevant how to remove the smell of Gary from microwave ovenif suddenly you found outsiders nasty smell from the device. If in the process of cooking a dish or heating, food in the middle of the microwave randomly spilled, then it is useful for you to know how to get rid of the smell of Gary. After all, the terrible fragrance can forever repeal the hunt further use the microwave. If it does not eliminate it on time, the unpleasant smell can change the taste and aroma of your favorite dish.

Today, let's consider the question of how to remove the smell of the burner from the microwave, which exist modern methods solving this problem?

It should be emphasized that not execution simple rules The operation of microwaves and preventive tools may result in a lot of unpleasant consequences. Due to constant violations of the rules of cooking or heating, a steady sharp smell appears, which is capable of spreading throughout the house or apartment. Therefore, each housewife should adhere to prophylactic measures when using an electrical appliance. It is always easier to warn the emergence of the problem than to solve it. It will be much better to know several elementary rules for using the microwave so as not to look for ways to eliminate trouble.

Prevention can be attributed:

  • To use a microwave oven for the purpose of warming up, cooking or defrosting food, be sure to use a plastic container with a lid. It will prevent splashing of food particles.
  • After each cooking, leave the door open for 10 minutes. This will allow your microwave from smells.
  • Never leave the device during operation unattended. At any time, the food particle can light up and lead to irreversible consequences.
  • It is necessary to regularly wash the walls in the working chamber of the device with special means.

If suddenly, during the preparation of a favorite meat dish on the walls of the microwave, traces of fat remained, they must be removed with a sponge. Otherwise, fat has a property burn. As a result, there will be a smell of Gary.

Folk methods in the fight against the smell of Gary

There are many ways to remove the smell of microwave. Let's consider the most effective of them.

If you have in your kitchen ordinary lemonYou definitely solve the problem of an unpleasant smell. Even a solution of citric acid is suitable. Their use helps to soften as much as possible and remove dirt from any surfaces. To do this, take half of the lemon or 10 g. Lemonic acid. Dissate them in water dishes. Boil this mixture at maximum power for five minutes. After that, a sponge wipe the walls of the device and leave on the ventilation until complete drying.

Soda No less effective in solving the problem of smells. This tool has every mistress in the house. To use it, take 4 spoons of means. Stir in a halfpan of water. Wipe the walls of the microwave oven. The procedure must be repeated twice. Be sure to prepare a new solution. After processing the device, rinse clean flowing water, Leave the door to ventilation.

One of the most popular ways to get rid of the smell of burned in the microwave in the people consider normal vinegar. Prepare a solution of 1 liter of water and 100 grams of vinegar. This means should handle the walls of the microwave oven. After completion of the procedure, rinse with a clean sponge using simple water.

If you have the most ordinary house instant coffeeIt can also be used to eliminate odors. Natural coffee is most effective. To perform this folk method, it is necessary to process them all the edges of the device. Leave a tool for 2-3 hours. Then just wash off.

If at home you have no soda, vinegar or coffee, how can I remove the smell? Take a piece orange Corki And dry it within 3 minutes. It will help to quickly eliminate the unpleasant smell.

You can still remove the smell of Gary with activated coal. Cleaning the microwave with its use must be made best in the evening. Then in the morning you can use the device for your own purposes. It is necessary to take 7 coal tablets. Grind into powder. Place it in the middle of the microwave overnight. This powder has a property perfectly absorb a bad smell.

It can be concluded that the smell of Gary in the microwave can be derived to the most simple remedies. This is, firstly, it is very convenient, as they are in the presence of each person at home, and, secondly, they are not so bad as special means Household chemicals.

Eliminate smells with household chemicals

Now consider how to bring the smell of Gary using household chemicals. There are situations where the microwave is very stripped, it is thoroughly fan of food residues, in this case we cannot cope without chemicals. There is a very simple way that in a matter of minutes you can clean the electrical device. To do this, you will need a few drops of dishwashes and a little water. Place the dishes with this solution in the microwave oven for maximum power. Turn on for 3 minutes. Next, you can wipe the internal contamination of the device with a sponge. Then, it is necessary to complete the cleaning procedure by wiping a pure damp cloth. Leave the microwave to ventilating.

What to do with resistant food odors

For thermal processing Some foods, their specific smell is enhanced. Such products are often fish and dishes with garlic. You can get rid of it using ordinary toothpaste or other means for cleansing the oral cavity. Cover the microwave chamber. The fresheners for the oral cavity are also very effective when removing the smell.

You will always be much easier to care for devices household appliancesIf you will know exactly how to care for them and how to prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors. Having houses simple remedies, such as salt, vinegar, soda or toothpaste and orange peels You will always know how to remove the smell of Gary in the microwave.

Prevention odor

The above methods of combating unpleasant smells are harmless to our health. But do not forget about the prevention of smell and pollution of this universal device Our kitchen. Regularly rub the device with a wet sponge. And with strong pollution, you will have to use with the help of remedies.

The fulfillment of the most elementary rules for use and safety techniques will solve the problems of the emergence of unpleasant odors and make a pleasant procedure for cooking favorite dishes.

For reading required ~ 2 minutes

IN modern kitchen Installed great amount Household appliances that help the hostess in cooking. A special place among them is a microwave. Improper operation of the equipment leads to a decrease in performance, an unpleasant flavor appears on its walls, an unpleasant fragrance is distinguished. In the article, let us know in detail how to remove the smell of microwave with natural methods and shopping facilities.

Nuances removing odors with standard means

Increased time on the timer, as well as the wrong mode of cooking, can lead to spontaneous ignition of the device. Mixing flavors different dishes Comes due to fan breakdown. Specific intense smell is distinguished after the preparation of fish dishes or chicken treasures.

During the preparation of the bird, the fat splashes fall on the inner surfaces and accumulate there. There are other reasons for the appearance of a specific aroma. Next, learn how to remove the smell of Gary from the microwave. IN this case Applied such remedies:

  • table vinegar 9% concentration;
  • activated carbon;
  • lemon;
  • spices;
  • means for cleaning furniture from pollution;
  • coffee beans;
  • baking soda.

Such means and ingredients are present in the kitchen at any hostess. Next, we describe the use of each product in detail.

Before removing the smell of burned from the microwave, thoroughly wash the household appliance. For this purpose, a soap solution is used or a mixture of water with chemicals for dishes. When the active substance will begin to act the residues of fat and dirt wipe with a wet sponge. Smells often disappear after the first cleaning, but it is not always so. It is not recommended to use abrasive substances or a metal brush to clean the surface, it often leads to the destruction of the enamel or breakage of the device.

Application of lemon for microwave cleaning

  1. We take a lemon, cut it into two equal parts and put one of them into the enameled pan or other dishes, which can be used in the microwave. After that, set the maximum power and bring fluid to a boil. When water boils, we reduce the temperature and boil 8-10 minutes. If the smell does not destroy, the same operations continue with the second fraction of lemon.
  2. We dilute the water with the dishwashing agent, squeeze the juice from the lemon. Boil fluid for 10 minutes, then open the door in the microwave oven for a long time. Such operations are desirable to spend in the evening, the oven remains open until the morning. During this time, all unpleasant flavors should dispel.

The frying of lemones also makes it possible to prevent the allocation of specific odors. For this, the fruit is cut into small thin pieces, then they are laid out on the contradictory and roaring for 5 minutes. Constantly monitor the operation of the device during this procedure.

Food soda in the fight against unpleasant odors

Next, we will understand how to remove the smell of Gary from the microwave using soda. This product can be applied not only to baking confectionery. Clean the surface with it gas stove, wash the dishes and even clean breaks in the sewer system.

To get rid of a specific flavor, you need to take 50 milliliters of water and add 10 grams of soda there. The ingredients are thoroughly stirred and applied to the inner surface of the device using a sponge or a cotton disk. After drying, the microwave is wiped again. After 40-50 minutes, the household device was washed with clean water and wipe off with a dry cloth. The door remains open for a while.

Use vinegar to clean the microwave oven

Now we learn how to eliminate the smell of Gary in the microwave when using food vinegar. To prepare a solution in a water liter, 100 grams of the specified substance are dissolved. These ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a special container and leave in the furnace to boil. This procedure is recommended to be carried out in a ventilated room, it is enough to open the window.

To eliminate the smell of Gary, you can mix the solution to be streamlined from the same proportions of vinegar and water. Such a substance is used to clean the walls household appliance, applied on the surface with a cloth or sponge. When carrying out such work, it is recommended to apply a wet, and not wet tissue, the liquid is not allowed to enter the microwave opening.

Coffee to fight specific smells

Grinding grains of coffee have an intense aroma. This makes it possible to effectively fight odors from chicken, fish and even with Garo. First you need to brew coffee and wipe all the surfaces of the household appliance. The doors of the microwave oven leave open for 3 hours, after that the inner part of the oven was washed with clean water and dried.

If there are no crushed green coffee, instead used soluble product. Powder is spread on a flat plate with a uniform layer and leave in such a state for two or three days.

Using activated carbon to remove extraneous fragrances

This method is desirable to apply in the evening. To do this, it is necessary to be confused into 10 tablets in powder and pour the resulting substance to the pallet. The microwave is closed, activated carbon will be here throughout the night. In the morning, the powder is removed, during this time he will absorb foreign flavors.

Not every user knows how to clean the microwave from the smell of Gary with spicy herbs. To do this, use such raw materials:

  • melisau;
  • soul
  • sage;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus.

The selected grass or a mixture of different raw materials insist in glassware, and then boiled in the microwave for 30 minutes. The solution is left in the inside of the device to cooling. After that, the cooking salt or instant coffee is placed in place of brewed herbs. Such ingredients leave the oven for the night.

Using cleaning products

The most popular method of cleaning the microwave from pollution and foreign odors is considered to use special cleaning products in the form of spray. Such substances can be bought at any economic store.

Aerosol spray in inner space oven, Close the doors and leave for the night. Such procedures are recommended to spend in the evening. With the onset of the morning, the microwave door is discovered and thoroughly washed all the surfaces with soap solution, then clean water.

Additional methods of struggle

  • Remove unpleasant flavors helps milk. In the lytra of the liquid dissolve 30 grams of sugar, bring to a boil and leave on a small fire for 30-40 minutes.
  • For the same purpose can be used onions. The vegetable is cut into small parts and placed in the oven for the night. In the morning the product is removed.
  • Another means is considered a mentholic toothpaste that is applied to a soft cloth and is used to wip the surfaces of the oven. After 2-3 hours, the paste is washed with warm water. This tool not only removes extraneous smells, but helps to get rid of pollution.

Preventive action

To prevent the appearance of unpleasant aromas, it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

  • Open the door of the oven after cooking, which will help weigh odors.
  • Use the cover when heating food. Such small detail Prevents splashing and accumulation of fat on the walls of household appliances. In the absence of the lid, cover the containers with napkins.

Do not leave a microwave unattended furnace. Some products, such as popcorn, bread or croissants are easily flammable. Use special substances for cleaning surfaces.


Constantly watch the cleanliness inside the household appliance. With long-term work without proper cleaning, accumulated fats are ignited, which leads to a breakdown of technology.

Preparation of food is always accompanied by residual aromas: for example, something burned or has a specific smell (for example, fish and other seafood). Smells can accumulate, incanded, and as a result, the microwave is filled with unpleasant flavors, from which you should get rid of.

The smell of Gary in the microwave. How to be?

If you felt the spirit of the burnt, immediately de-energize the microwave oven and ventilate the room well, turning on the ventilation and opening the window. To remove the smell of Gary from the microwave, you need to pre-conduct several procedures.

First need Rinse a microwave oven chamber.

For this you need:

  • Shippoon
  • Detergent

How to clean the microwave:

  1. The detergent for dishes is diluted in the proportions specified in the instructions in the calculation of the volume on half liters of water.
  2. A deep cup with a diluted tool is installed in the microwave, turn on the device to the maximum power for a period of up to 3 minutes. The liquid evaporates and the condensation sends inside the chamber through the walls, while all the burnt pieces of food on the inner surface of the furnace soften and peel.
  3. Economic sponge The microwave cameras are flushing.
  4. We dry the camera, carefully the walls of the camera with a clean and dry cloth.
  5. Disk for rotation is rinsed and dried separately.

If the grown smell after such a procedure has not been eliminated, then you need to process the inner walls of the furnace with appliant means that eliminate the unpleasant odor.

In order to bring the smell of Gary, the treatment with a solution of coffee is recommended. A pleasant aroma of coffee is most harmonious to eliminating the smells of burned. Perfect option For the procedure, cooked natural coffee. Soluble coffee is also suitable, but the effect will be much lower.

More about other microwave cleaning rules.

How to get rid of the smell of gary in the microwave with a coffee solution:

  1. We prepare a thick coffee solution (without sugar!), Volume of 200 milliliters of water.
  2. Two or three times wipe the coffee with the inner surface of the furnace.
  3. We leave in the processed state for a period up to 3 hours.
  4. We wash the particles of coffee from the walls and dried by a clean and dry cloth.

The aroma of coffee is able to reliably remove the unpleasant smell in the microwave.

In the microwave smell of fish and other products. How to get rid of an unpleasant smell?

Unfortunately, fish products have one feature - after cooking the dish, the fish spirit remains, which over time acquires an unpleasant shade. Saving microwaves from smells of fish and seafood can help acidic solutions: acetic or citric acid. Remove the unpleasant odor from the camera with the help of these means is easy, but efficiently.

We will analyze how to get rid of smell in the microwave with acetic acid:

  1. We make a solution of acetic acid in the following proportion: one tablespoon of 70% vinegar dissolve in 250 milliliters of water.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the inner walls of the furnace chamber with a cooked solution.
  3. We leave to be processed for 10 minutes. During this period, the solution splits the nutritional enzymes and kills harmful bacteria, which cause unpleasant odors and turns.
  4. After this floor of the furnace wall is mine cold water and wearing a pure dry piece of matter.

How to get rid of smell in the microwave with citric acid.

Citric acid for the correction procedure can be applied in two different options.

One of the options is not much different from the odor removal procedure, as was brought in the example with acetic acid:

  1. A solution of citric acid and water powder is prepared.
  2. We wash the inner surface of the chamber with a prepared solution.
  3. We leave for 10 minutes.
  4. We rinse the camera with cool water and the dry rag.

The second option uses the juice of fresh lemon for acidic solution. This option is shown in the video material

The advantage of this method is that the question "how to clean the microwave" is not just solved, but at the same time the chamber is filled with the aroma of fresh lemon, effectively absorbing smelters of seafood.

How to remove the smell in the microwave with a fresh lemon:

  1. 200 milliliters of water poured into a deep cup.
  2. The juice of one or two lemons is squeezing into pouring water. By the way, the squeezed lemon can also be put into the water, then essential oils will be involved in the cleansing process, and the aroma of lemon will be more pronounced and pleasant.
  3. A cup with dissolved lemon juice is placed in the furnace chamber. Heating is placed at maximum, and the duration mode for one or two minutes.
  4. We rinse the walls of the chamber with cold water, and then the dry dry and clean cloth.

In addition to smells of fish and burned, the camera of the microwave can be filled with others, even if they are not so intense, but also unpleasant odors. Below are blitz-ways to eliminate such odors.

Useful advice how to remove the smell in the microwave

  • If a from the chamber oven pulls a sharpnessThe usual toothpaste will be an intentionable toothpaste. The paste for the procedure has all the necessary components: "soft" abrasive substances and harmless fragrance. Lightly moisten the chamber wall with a cloth, and then, using pasta and an unnecessary toothbrush, we can remove the hard-to-reach places of the camera: seams, angles, etc.

Then the chamber is ricked up and a loose pure cloth.

  • Smell like a proceedhow to eliminate the smell from the microwave camera? Eliminate the "sour" odors will help an alkaline solution of soda. Concentrated solution thoroughly rinse the inner walls of the furnace, and then wash the solution with warm clean water. The procedure is completing drying a clean cloth.
  • Forest scents remain,how to remove the smell of microwave? Conventional detergents easily cope with such problems. Alkaline drug composition effectively eliminates traces and smells of fats. After washing the chamber, wipe the walls dry.

The question "How to remove the smell of microwave" will arise less often if we use prophylactic measures.

  • The first and simplest rule: Before heating or cooking a coating dish with a lid.
  • After cooking or warming up food, Do not hurry to slaughters the door of the furnace, let the camera be used for a few minutes.
  • Sush out linen bag size with tobacco brisket.This kitty fill wood coal, rice or salt. If you leave such a bag in the microwave for the night, then the carbon, rice or salt will have to absorb residual smells.
  • At least once a month microwave requires careful cleaning and washing.This will suit one of the methods described above. Do not forget at the same time to stretch a pole to eliminate odors, and its contents fill fresh salt or coal.

Preventive measures for the purity of the microwave, as well as the skills of removing the most different odors will help you extend the term of its impeccable service.

In contact with

Do not know, how to get rid of smell in the microwaveWhat is really unpleasant the smell of Gary with time? You will be surprised, but it is easy to cope with it with the help of the tools that are in every home. I will say more, many funds that can be washed with a microwave oven from within, not only dirt, but all unpleasant smells are perfectly destroyed.

The use of folk and improvised drugs has a significant advantage: after themselves they do not leave extraneous smells, as special means for cleaning the oven, and do not contain harmful substances.

Therefore, now I will share with you small tricks that will help destroy all the unpleasant odors in your microwave.

Using sweater means

Oddly enough to get rid of burner odor In the microwave, you will not need some special funds. You will greatly bypass. Simple folk Methods No less effective than expensive and at the same time harmful chemistry.


How to apply?

Rock salt

Normal rock salt It can effectively clean the microwave from foreign odors, including from the smell of Gary.

Enough to scatter a few spoons crash salt On the saucer and leave in the microwave for the night.

There will be no trace on the outflow from the unpleasant smell.

Activated carbon

If the smell "attracted" with the inner coating of the microwave, the usual activated carbon will help to get rid of it.

You need:

  • wrapped the packaging of activated carbon in fine powder;
  • the resulting powder scatter on a wide saucer or pour into a glass pallet;
  • close the microwave oven door and leave the coal to "spend the night" in it ( do not need to turn on the furnace).

Outlook, opening the door, you will be surprised because there will be absolutely no smell in the microwave.

Lemon or Orange

This method combines double cleaning: from an unpleasant burner odor and a fatty flight:

  • cut one lemon or orange on small slices;
  • lay out everything in a deep plate and fill with water;
  • set the highest temperature and turn on the microwave for 20-30 minutes.

At the end of the specified time, wipe the tracks from a bold plaque and evaporation to dry up a soft cloth.

Thanks to citrus, you not only destroy the unpleasant smell, but also quickly and efficiently wash the microwave.

Chabret, lavender or mint

These herbs will perfectly cope with the smell of Gary in the microwave. Suffer enough hot water Any of them and put in a microwave:

  • set the maximum temperature mode and turn on the oven for 30 minutes;
  • after set time End, wipe the dry cloth of the microwave oven wall.

Any of these herbs will quickly clean the oven from the inside of the smell of Gary. And the fragrance that will then stand in the kitchen seem to take you into a flowering field.


Natural coffee quickly and qualitatively kills all odors. And with an unpleasant smell in the microwave will also cope with "excellent".

  • several tablespoons of ground natural coffee leave on the saucer;
  • put in the oven and close the door tightly;
  • leave coffee to spend the night.

In the morning, the microwave will please you with the absence of an unpleasant odor. And the aroma of coffee will take up and will give a positive charge for the whole day!


Fully cleanse from the burner smell of the microwave oven crude bulb, cut in half. It is enough to leave it inside for a few hours.

After some time, open the door and wipe with a damp sponge or cloth of the microwave wall. Leave the door open for some time.

Mint toothpaste

Toothpaste can not only give freshness to your breathing, but also quickly remove the unpleasant smell in the microwave oven.

The paste contains abrasive particles, whitening substances and refreshing components.

In order to quickly remove the smell, you need to do easy manipulations:

  • apply a small amount of toothpaste on a sponge;
  • treat it the entire inner surface of the microwave (avoid areas on which there are holes);
  • leave a microwave oven with an open door for several hours;
  • after the specified time, rinse the toothpaste and wash the furnace with a weak solution of water and dishwashing agents;
  • in complete, wipe the surface with a damp pure cloth and wipe dry.

Mint toothpaste will not only save your microwave from smell, but also give her freshness for a long time.

All these funds are in every home. In addition to his harmlessness, they do not leave after yourself harmful chemical plates and will not poison food toxic substances . They can be used even to prevent foreign smells. Brewing coffee in the morning, treat them your favorite "helper." Let him delight you, and your indispensable microwave.

After cooking or warming up lunch in a microwave oven, aromas remain. Their source becomes burnt products, soased fat drops on the walls, malfunction of technology. Remove odors together with dirty particles with household chemicals or folk remedies. Use sprays intended for microwave ovens: TOPPERR, Sano Microwave Cleaner, Optima Plus, Electrolux, Adriel, Pro-Brite Heavy Duty, HomeStar. More safe means are lemon juice, soda and acetic solutions, coffee, activated carbon, salt, infusion of herbs. Do not wash the device with abrasive, aggressive substances. Do not use metal washcloths, scrapers.

Careful attitude to the technique extends its service life. Therefore, try to keep the inside of the stove not clogging, did not turn fat and soak. Out of microwave smells of food, gary, plastic will help industrial and folk remedies.

Causes of unpleasant odors

Unpleasant aromas after switching on appear in the technique for two main reasons:

In the microwave can burn bread or spin the plate with glittering elements. Often, a heated dinner explodes, leaving oily splashes and particles on the walls, which in time begin to stink. Pick the program correctly and follow the preparation to do not think after cooking, and bring the fragrance from the kitchen.

If the smell of Gary appears when proper work The device should be attributed to the electrical assistant to the master. Perhaps the plate of mica or inner detail burned down. Malfunctions can lead to a fire, so it is serious about a permanent smell.

Household chemicals

Remove the smell of burned and clean the surfaces from Nagar will help cleaning products specially made for microwave ovens. The table gives examples of sprays for cleaning microwaves.

Table 1. Cleaning products

Name Photo Manufacturer Volume, ml Cost, rub.
Germany 500 250
Israel 750 400
Germany 500 290
Denmark 250 350
Russia 500 80
Russia 500 100
Russia 500 65

Any of selected funds use in accordance with the instructions. Wear gloves and do not exceed the dosage.

Gel for dishes

Weak pollution will wash any dishwashing gel. How to do:

  1. Moisten a sponge.
  2. From above squeeze detergent.
  3. Remember the sponge to interfere with the gel.
  4. Put in the microwave.
  5. Install the minimum power for 30 seconds.
  6. Open the door and wash the softened fat with a heated sponge.


To maintain cleanliness, use the diluted cleaner of the glass:

Important . Target chemicals After applied. Leave the microwave with an open door to water the chemical smell.

Homemade means

Natural, food components for cleaning surfaces are safer than household chemicals. In the microwave furnace lunch directly contact with particles remaining on the walls of the device. Therefore, it is important to choose the "edible" homemade means to remove the smell of the microwave.

How to remove food fragrance

The smell of fish, garlic, burnt food will quickly remove lemon juice. How to get rid of:

The liquid must bother five minutes. To speed up the process, heated warm water. Instead of lemon lobes, use freshly squeezed juice or lemonic acid.

How to bring the smell gary

Dirt, frozen fat droplets on the surface. Let the old toothbrush. If the technique continues to smell, repeat the procedure.

From the old burner smell will save activated coal:

  1. Scroll to ten tablets to get powder.
  2. Pour the container to suitable for microwave.
  3. Put inside, close the door.
  4. Not including the device, leave for the night.

Eliminate strong smells natural coffee. Prepare a sturdy drink and wipe the inner surface of the oven. Do not put sugar, otherwise you will have to wash sticky stains. After processing, leave the device for a couple of hours. Wash the drink with a clean damp cloth.

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