The use of orange peels in horticulture. What are ants afraid of Tangerine peels for the garden or garden application

reservoirs 16.06.2019

Many of us throw orange peels in the trash without thinking. However, this simple kitchen waste has a huge potential benefit to your garden. In addition to simply composting, they can also be used on the site as a replacement chemical fertilizers and insecticides.


The first and most obvious way to use orange peel in the garden is to compost it. Prefabricated garden compost is perhaps the best natural fertilizer. To be well balanced, it must contain two types of ingredients: carbonaceous materials (eg dry leaves, straw) and nitrogen-rich organics (dung). Citrus peels - great source nitrogen, which is necessary for all plants in the early stages of their development.

On gardening forums, I often come across the opinion that orange peels should not be composted. Arguments to support this claim range from the fact that citrus peels can kill friendly worms and beetles, to the fact that blue mold likes to grow on them.

However, I want to assure you that this type of kitchen waste can be safely added to the compost, because:

  • aromatics found in the peel of oranges and other citrus fruits used as organic pesticides are highly volatile and rapidly decompose into harmless compounds. Therefore, they do not cause any harm to the soil inhabitants.
  • temperature inside properly folded compost heap so high that it leaves no chance for mold spores to survive. Mold reproduces only in a cool environment and dies at a temperature not much higher than room temperature.
  • The peel of most store-bought oranges is coated with a special mild antimicrobial compound. This is done so that the fruit does not have time to deteriorate before the sale. This coating will not affect the quality of your compost in any way, but it will prevent mold from growing on the orange peel.

Some gardeners don't like composting orange peels because they are difficult to decompose. However, it is enough to simply grind the peel into smaller pieces, as its decomposition will go much faster.

Orange peels as a safe fertilizer

As the orange peel rots, it saturates the soil with nitrogenous compounds. Let me remind you that to speed up this process, the peels must be cut into small pieces and buried in upper layer soil (to a depth of not more than 5 centimeters). In addition to nitrogen, such a fertilizer can give the soil sulfur, magnesium, calcium and many other super- useful substances. By the way, from banana peel also makes an excellent top dressing for garden and horticultural crops- how to cook it correctly, you can read in.

natural insecticide

Probably every gardener has to deal with ants and aphids on the site. These ubiquitous pests can be successfully combated not only with the help of aggressive chemicals, but also with the help of ordinary orange peels. And the thing is that they contain limonene, a natural substance that destroys the protective wax coating on the bodies of insects, as a result of which they suffocate and die. In addition, the peel has a strong odor that is excellent at driving aphids away from plants.

To do this, it is enough to spread pieces of orange peel around infected plants or pierce holes in them and hang them directly on the stems.

In case you are annoyed by ants, proceed as follows:

  1. Peel one or two oranges. Use the pulp for other purposes, and clean the skins of most of the white fibers.
  2. Place the rest of the orange in a blender and pour about 50-60 milliliters of warm water into it. Close the blender and turn it on for 60-90 seconds on high speed.
  3. Gradually add a teaspoon of water to the resulting mixture until it becomes liquid enough for watering.
  4. Locate an anthill in your area and pour the liquid directly into the ant holes. It's okay if part of the insecticide gets past - it will gradually also be absorbed into the soil and produce the desired effect.
  5. Repeat as needed. If there is more than one anthill on the site, prepare a larger amount of solution and spill all infected areas.

Other uses

Limonene, which is so abundant in orange peels, can also repel ticks and fleas. Create a natural spray for your dog - boil the crusts in water, after 2-3 hours of steeping, strain it into a sprayer and treat your dog's coat. According to the latest scientific evidence, limonene is non-toxic to warm-blooded animals and kills insects by acting on their sensory nerves in the peripheral nervous system. By the way, the same spray will also save you from the annoying attention of mosquitoes and other biting creatures while working in the garden - just spray it on clothes and exposed areas of the body and you are provided with a couple of hours of quiet work.

If you do not grow on the plot vegetable crops, then you can put the crusts in shallow plates and arrange them near the flower beds. After a while, you will notice how many bright butterflies begin to flock to the smell of oranges, which are very pleasant to watch.

Kira Stoletova

Oranges are a source of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances for the human body. In this fruit, not only the juicy pulp, but also the peel brings potential benefits. The use of orange peels is used in various fields.

Areas of use

Do not throw the citrus peel into a bucket after the juicy pulp has been eaten: it will still be beneficial. Orange peel has found application:

  • v agriculture;
  • in gardening;
  • in beekeeping;
  • in cosmetology;
  • at home.

Application in agriculture

In agriculture and horticulture, orange and tangerine peels are used to add to compost, as nitrogen fertilizers, and for pest control.

Use for fertilizer

Organic food waste is great for compost. Overripe orange peels are easily absorbed by plants. All aromatic substances from them turn into safe ones. chemical compounds that feed the soil and microorganisms in it.

To make the peel in the compost pit break down faster, orange peels are crushed. Blue mold, characteristic of citrus fruits, does not develop in compost due to the high temperature of decomposition of organic waste. Mold spores have no chance of surviving and reproducing.

The crushed peel is added dropwise up to 5-6 cm into the soil. Over time, orange peels release nitrogen, sulfur, magnesium, calcium and other nutrients into the soil. organic pesticides of these fruits have volatile properties and do not harm microorganisms in the soil.

Use for pest control

Another use of orange peels in horticulture and agriculture is to control aphids and ants.

  • The content of limonene in orange peels helps to cope with the invasion of ants or aphids. It destroys the protective wax coating on their bodies, as a result, the insect dies, suffocating. The specific citrus aroma serves as a repellent factor from scale insects and other garden pests. Wireworms living in vegetable beds, will die if grated zest powder is added to the soil.
  • To protect against aphids, orange peels are cut into pieces, laid out near the plants. From the invasion of ants, oranges are carefully removed from the skin and cleaned of white fibers. After that, in a blender, the remains of the fruit are crushed with 50 ml of water. If the fruit is large and there is a lot of skin, the amount of water is proportionally increased. Ant minks are watered with this solution. All ant-infested areas are treated with a natural insecticide several times.
  • In beekeeping, citrus decoction is used. This is a bait for wild bees. It is used if on the site blooming garden an unwanted swarm has appeared, and it is necessary to get rid of it. A branch is sprayed with a decoction, a swarm that has flown onto it is shaken off into a bag or near a prepared container, quickly closed and then destroyed.

If there are no vegetables on the plot of the garden or garden and you want more colors so that beautiful and harmless butterflies appear, you should scatter orange zest on the plot.

Application in the suburban area

Orange, tangerine peels are used for:

  • mosquito repellent;
  • control of fleas and ticks in animals;
  • indoor plant fertilizers.

Insect control

Limonene in oranges is effective in the fight against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. A decoction against pests is prepared according to this recipe:

  • peels are cut into pieces;
  • boiled in water for 30 minutes;
  • cool and insist 3 hours;
  • filter through gauze.

This solution is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on animals. Fleas in cats and dogs will disappear, and for mosquitoes and ticks, the aroma of citrus will become unbearable. To scare away mosquitoes from a person, a few drops of decoction are applied to clothing.

From the appearance of moths, a few pieces of zest, laid out on shelves in cabinets, will save. So the clothes will remain without damage and acquire a pleasant aroma.

Fertilizer for indoor plants

Orange peel is used as organic fertilizer. The zest is crushed by hand or in a blender and poured with boiling water in the proportion of 1 part of the zest to 2 parts of water. Insist 24 hours in a dark place, filter. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:1. Houseplants are watered with this solution weekly, depending on the level of humidity in the apartment.

Re-brewed skins are not used.

Application in food

For use in food, orange peels are thoroughly washed under running water. Then seasonings, sauces or drinks are prepared from them.

To prepare a refreshing drink in summer heat chopped orange peel is thrown into a jug, bones are removed from the pulp, a little honey or sugar, mint are added and cooled. On a hot day, this drink helps to restore energy.

The peel is carefully removed from the orange, cut, and fragrant jam or jam is prepared, which in winter will remind you of the bright colors of summer and make up for the lack of vitamins in the body.

Use in cosmetology

The aromatherapy procedure is impossible without fragrant citrus. At home, a few orange peels are laid out around the premises, a pleasant smell fills the house in a few minutes.

From the ground crust, folded in a linen bag, you get a sachet that will act like a sleeping pill if you put it near the bed. A homemade scrub made from orange juice and orange peel, mixed with sugar, moisturizes and cleanses the skin, leaving it matte and silky.

Cutting boards are shiny and fragrant when rubbed with orange peel. Kitchen sink shines after treatment with this fruit. To achieve this effect, the crusts are completely cleaned of pulp, the working surface is cleaned with the outside.

Cats don't like fresh scent. If you put the skin in flower pots or flower beds, the animal will never want to dig in the ground, and the flower will remain unharmed.

Healing infusion acts as an antipyretic and treats a sore throat.

Warning about the dangers of use

It is not safe for health to use moldy orange peel. A fungus develops inside it, which leads to lung diseases and gastrointestinal tract.

The peel can cause an allergic reaction. If this happens, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Aroma oils in case of overdose lead to the appearance of dermatitis. They start using a small amount, having previously carried out such a test: 1-2 drops of oil are applied to the wrist, rubbed. If after 12 hours there is no redness, swelling or itching, it is safe to use citrus oils.


Ordinary peels from exotic fruits will become real helpers in gardening and at home, if you know the recipes and apply them correctly.

To my horror, I realized that I was turning into a "Box"! With my passion for the garden, I began to collect everything!
Dry bread crusts - as a fertilizer for plants, in the holes when planting. Onion and garlic husks - as a source of trace elements, I also add to the wells when planting. Banana peels are generally a godsend for gardeners - an excellent fertilizer. Newsprint, magazine paper, cardboard boxes from various gifts, office equipment, tea, etc. - I lay out the warm beds at the very bottom, so that the grass does not germinate, I make the beds right on the virgin soil, lay out several layers of newspapers on the path and fall asleep with sawdust, there is no grass either, and over time everything will turn into useful substances.

From my latest finds, tested on personal experience, these are citrus peels. Dried or immediately from the table, or you can make a decoction. And I also scatter it in pieces, or grind dry crusts in a coffee grinder, add it to the water that I water the plants, or powder it like powder, you can add it to the "green fertilizer" - the smell becomes much better)). when there was one stalk left, everything else was already eaten - the crusts helped, the slugs left and the raspberry recovered. It repels ants perfectly. In house plants, when all sorts of different flies start in the ground, it also helps a lot.
And another interesting article about beneficial features tangerines and more.
Tangerines can and even be useful to eat with a skin and a white net, which we usually remove. The white mesh contains many glycosides - substances that strengthen blood vessels. Fresh mandarin peel improves the production of gastric secretions and stimulates the absorption of food, is used in the treatment of vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and bronchitis, and dried - soothes the central nervous system, prolongs the action of painkillers.

Tangerines have a whole range of useful substances. Especially they contain a lot of vitamins A and C, which are involved in the functioning of the organs of vision, are necessary for the normal condition of the mucous membranes and skin, strengthen the circulatory system, are antioxidants, help maintain immune system organism.

Also in tangerines there is vitamin B1, without which work is unthinkable. nervous system. Vitamin D, which is also found in fruits, is very necessary for the body in the cold season, when there is not enough ultraviolet radiation.

The aroma of mandarin increases efficiency. You want to sleep less at the workplace, your health improves, and your mood rises. This will especially help office workers who spend all day at the computer. Fruit peels can be put in a separate bowl. You can simply inhale their smell, and it is also useful to knead the peels in your hands during the day.

Tincture of fresh mandarin peel is used for nausea, 25-30 drops 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

In case of intestinal diseases, dry tangerine peel powder (0.5 teaspoon 2 times a day) improves digestion.

Eating tangerines effectively helps in blood clotting. For those women who suffer from very heavy uterine bleeding, the use of these fruits is indicated.

Tangerines are also useful for the older generation, as they can slow down the processes of dementia in adulthood.

Tangerine juice, consumed regularly and in large quantities, relieves helminths (worms).

There are never nitrates in tangerines. WITH citric acid these harmful substances simply do not get along!

Decoction of zest after dinner - prevention of diabetes!

It is useful for diabetics to make such a remedy: place the zest from three tangerines in 1 liter of water, cook for 10 minutes starting from boiling water, let cool and keep in a cold place. You can use it in unlimited quantities. Normalizes the amount of glucose in the blood. And in general, tea leaves from crushed dried peel can be drunk as a dessert after the main meal. It will disinfect the gastrointestinal tract and will help improve digestion and secretion of the gallbladder. Tangerines help to destroy pathogenic microbes, as they contain a lot of phytoncides. They can help even with such a difficult intestinal disease like dysentery. And most of them are in the zest.

You won't have a cough or a cold

To cleanse the body of mucus that has accumulated overnight in the respiratory organs, you can drink tangerine juice or eat it before breakfast. The fact is that tangerines contain a large number of phenolic amino acid called synephrine. It is a well-known decongestant and decongestant. To cleanse the lungs of mucus, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of tangerine juice every morning.

Dried mandarin peel powder, infused with water, is also used to relieve coughs and improve expectoration. For the treatment of inflammation of the bronchi, 3 tbsp. spoons of chopped dry zest, brew 400 ml of boiling water, hold for 2 hours, pass through a sieve, put 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Drink 100 ml 4 times a day in a warm form.

In order not to get sick with colds and flu, you should 2 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped zest (fresh) pour 200 ml of vodka, hold for 7 days. Drink 20 drops in the morning, afternoon and evening 20 minutes before meals.

And mastitis will be beaten!

Mandarin peel quickly inhibits the growth of staphylococci, which usually cause purulent mastitis, that is, a decoction of mandarin peel can be used as a harmless remedy in the treatment of postpartum mastitis: grind 100 g of mandarin peel and 20 g of licorice, add 400 ml of water, boil over low heat 0.5 hours, pass through a sieve, this is the amount to drink per day, for 2 doses. The same decoction is used for external lotion to the hardened area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest.

Wart noose

In the East, sour mandarin is used to reduce warts. They take the sour fruit, soak it whole with the peel and grains in a mug of vinegar, knead and put the resulting mass on the warts. After several such procedures, the warts usually disappear.

Burning improves eyesight

There is such folk way treatment of cataracts: you just need to squeeze the juice from the peel of a tangerine and drip it into your eyes. There will be a burning sensation that disappears after half a minute, clearing the eyes and improving vision.

Juice, sock and fungus

Mandarin juice can cure fungal infections of the feet: you need to squeeze the juice on your feet, and put on socks on top. The course of treatment is a month. If the fungus is on the nails, then treating the nails affected by the fungal infection with a cut slice of mandarin will also help get rid of the disease. In addition, such an unpleasant disease as thrush, or vaginal candidiasis, is also treated with tampons and washing with tangerine juice.

Cleansing joints with tangerines

There is an amazing way to cleanse the joints with tangerine. For a day, you need to eat 7 tangerines or drink tea from dried peel: 1 teaspoon of chopped tangerine peel, 1 teaspoon of currant leaves, mix, pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain, drink 30 minutes before meals. Drink this tea 3 times a day, prepare fresh tea for each drink. The process of cleansing the joints lasts 1-3 months. However, when the first signs of improvement appear, you should not stop cleansing. Continue the cleansing treatment for 2-3 weeks after improvement.

And the liver is treated

Tangerines are also extremely beneficial for the liver, as they help cleanse it. Eating tangerines reduces the risk of developing liver cancer, viral hepatitis, contributes to the reduction of fatty liver.

Do you want to be like a reed? Eat tangerines!

Tangerine diet allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds. And most importantly, tangerines reduce fat accumulation in the abdominal cavity, that is, regular consumption of these citrus fruits can make our waist slim.

But it is recommended to sit on a tangerine diet no more than 2-3 days a week. Here, for example, is one of the options for such a diet: breakfast - a cup of coffee with 1 teaspoon of sugar; second breakfast - 1 boiled egg, 4 tangerines; lunch - 120 g of lean boiled meat without salt and a plate sauerkraut; afternoon snack - the same as second breakfast; dinner is the same as lunch.

Tangerines smooth out wrinkles

Mandarin juice fortifies and nourishes the skin, gives it beautiful colour and matte, smoothes the skin. It is useful to apply napkins moistened with tangerine juice to the face and neck. Napkins are applied for 20 minutes, after which the skin should be wiped first with a wet, then with a dry swab.

It is very good to rub tangerine juice into the nail plate to strengthen nails.

To add volume to the hair, rinse your head well after washing with a decoction of tangerine peels and green tea.

Be careful!

In spite of medicinal properties, tangerines can harm a person. They irritate the kidneys and mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, tangerines are not recommended for peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, with gastritis with hyperacidity gastric juice, enteritis, colitis and exacerbations of inflammatory bowel diseases, as well as cholecystitis, hepatitis and acute nephritis.

The bone will sprout - it will bring wealth to the house

An important place is occupied by tangerine in the ancient oriental art of feng shui, according to which the tangerine tree symbolizes good luck in wealth, and also has the ability to activate existing accumulations. It is no coincidence that one of the popular ways to activate the symbolism of gold is tangerine trees. At Lunar New Year celebrations, fruit-studded tangerine trees symbolize good fortune in wealth. Also, mandarin, according to Feng Shui, has the property of instantly absorbing any bad energy. And you can grow a tangerine tree from a stone, however, only your grandchildren can wait for the fruits from it, and even those tangerines will be far from what you ate. Usually to get in room conditions citrus fruits, plant a cultivated stalk grafted onto a wild game. So, if you have friends who grow citruses, ask them for a cutting and plant it on your tangerine.

And now the recipe for health: to disinfect the gastrointestinal tract and improve digestion, you need to brew 3-4 leaves of a tangerine tree in 1 glass of water, boil for 15 minutes and drink 3 cups a day after meals.

And they also prepare a real love potion from tangerine: grind tangerine peels, pour them hot water, put in the room where you are going to take your lover. The fragrance emanating from a vessel with an aromatic potion will slay your chosen one on the spot.
I won’t talk about the use of citrus peels in design for a long time, just a few photos:

Cooking and cosmetology are not the only areas where orange peel is successfully used. In horticulture and horticulture, this food waste is becoming more and more famous due to its priceless properties.

Some summer residents doubt whether it is worth using orange peels in the garden, whether it is too troublesome, whether it will give the expected effect. Meanwhile, similar folk remedy may well stand on a par with onions and garlic in terms of versatility and useful qualities. And in terms of nutritional value, it is not inferior to mineral supplements.

Orange peels - benefits and harms

Orange peel contains more vitamins A, C, E than its pulp, rich in essential oils, flavonoids (plant pigments) and pectin. It contains a lot of potassium and phosphorus, which are vital for plants, as well as sodium, which is involved in cellular metabolism and increases the winter hardiness of plants. A real storehouse of usefulness, which should not be thrown into the trash!

You can use the peels in fresh and dried form, in the form of infusions and crushed substance.

What are the benefits of orange peels, we figured it out. As for the harm: for the soil and plants, the use of zest in reasonable quantities is absolutely safe. But remember, any citrus fruits acidify the soil, which can adversely affect the soil microflora. Although there has been one amazing experiment in history. To the territory Guanacaste, one of the objects world heritage UNESCO, unloaded 12 tons of orange peels, which were left over from the juice production. In total, they covered 3 hectares of low-fertility soil.

After a while, the soil “came to life”, grass appeared on it. And after 15 years, the entire territory was densely overgrown with greenery, which became a real sensation! Therefore, the use of orange peels to restore and nourish the soil is fully justified. But this is not their only ability.

Now let's take a closer look at how you can use orange peels in the country.

orange peels as fertilizer

Most often, orange peel is used to feed plants and improve soil fertility. To do this, it is buried in the ground, like banana skins, to a depth of 5 cm. The crust saturates the soil with nitrogenous compounds and improves plant germination.

If you throw away the peel from citrus fruits, then only in the compost! Here it will bring a double benefit: it will become a breeding ground for microflora and scare away from a bunch of insects. To make the peel decompose faster, wash it and finely chop it.

Store-bought oranges are coated with special antimicrobial agents, so even in compost, mold will not appear on the peels. Before entering the soil, these substances will completely decompose and will not cause any harm.

Orange peel infusion for pest control

Orange peel is a deadly poison for some pests. And all thanks to the content in it of a special substance - limonene, which violates protective covering insects and lead to their death.

If the plants are affected by spider mites, thrips, aphids, spray the plantings with an infusion of orange peels. To do this, peel 2-3 oranges, chop the peel and pour 1 liter of warm water. Insist in a dark place for a week. Then strain, add 2 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap. Handle the leaves on both sides.

From thrips and aphids, 2-3 will be required, from spider mite– 5-6 treatments with a weekly interval between sprayings. Houseplants can be wiped with a cloth soaked in infusion.

And here are some more useful recipes for pests:

  • 100 g of dried crusts pour 1 liter of water and let it brew in a dark place for 3-4 days; spray the plants without diluting the infusion with water;
  • Soak 1 kg of crusts briefly in water, then pass through a meat grinder; put the mixture in three-liter jar and fill with warm water. Let it brew for 5 days in a dark place, strain. To use, dilute 100 ml of infusion in 10 liters of water and add 40 g of soap.

Orange peels in the garden to repel ants and cats

Orange peel is an excellent natural repellant that will help repel harmful insects. It is especially effective in the fight against ants. To do this, completely chop three medium fruits in a blender, add one glass of water and pour the ant paths with the resulting slurry. You can water the anthill with such a composition. After a while, the insects will be forced to leave for a more suitable place. The only disadvantage of this method: fragility. Therefore, it is worth thinking about additional protection against ants.

Cats do not like strong smells, so orange peels can also be used to scare away the local furry fauna. Lay wet peel on the beds or dig in places where you most often see cats. Such a remedy is also effective: brew the crusts in boiling water and pour all the beds along the perimeter with the resulting water.

Many of us love fragrant and juicy oranges, but when we peel them, we throw away the orange peel. However, it should be remembered that not only tasty pulp pleases our taste and contributes to maintaining health. The peel of this fruit is no less useful. There are many areas of human activity where it is possible. The peel of this citrus fruit is most often used in cooking, winemaking and cosmetology. Many housewives use it not only for cooking delicious meals but also for environmentally friendly house cleaning.

In this article, we will not delve into the secrets of confectioners, cooks, winemakers and cosmetologists, but consider the use of orange peels in the garden, in horticulture and floriculture.

orange peel

We have all heard about the vitamins and minerals contained in an orange, but few people know that its peel (outer colored layer) contains more vitamins than the pulp, and it also contains essential oils and pectins. All this contributes to the fact that the use of orange peels is becoming more and more popular. It is worth noting that they can be used not only fresh, but also dried and crushed. Maintaining your health with these orange fruits, you can stock up on dried orange peels throughout our long winter for use during the summer season.

We store for the future

It would seem that it could be simpler - I peeled and ate an orange, dried its crusts. But everything is not so simple. Modern fruits, including citrus fruits, are heavily treated with a variety of chemicals, both during the growing process and during transportation and storage. Therefore, before you prepare and start using orange peels, you must thoroughly rinse this fruit, and then pour boiling water over it.

Only after that you can remove the peel from the orange with a special knife or vegetable peeler. The removed “skin” is dried for two to three days at room temperature. Some housewives recommend drying the peel in the oven or using a vegetable dryer, and only then grind it. You can try to do this with an old coffee grinder or put the resulting mass into a clean and dry container, preferably with a tight-fitting lid.

We save indoor flowers

Plants grown in an apartment are susceptible to diseases and damage by pests. Quite often, flowers are simply destroyed by various mites and aphids. Fresh or pre-stored orange peels will help in saving green "pets". The use for flowers is quite simple: 200 g of orange peel should be poured with a liter of water at room temperature. We remove the container with the solution for five days in dark place. After this period, we filter the solution, and squeeze the crusts. Mix ½ cup of infusion with 2-2.5 liters of water and add about a teaspoon of "green" or simply sour soap. Plant leaves can be washed or sprayed with the resulting solution on both sides. It is better to repeat this treatment in a week.

Fluffy "pests"

Many flower growers and gardeners are faced with the fact that cats and cats are very partial to young seedlings, and to indoor flowers, as they say, no, no, and “pulling paws”.

Therefore, the following use of orange peels is advisable: spread them on the windowsill next to flowers or seedling boxes. Cats will not come close to them - they do not like the orange smell very much and tend to avoid places with just such an “ambre”. As experiments have shown, deodorants and air fresheners with orange flavor are much weaker.

Another problem is the discrepancy between the cat and your ideas about the place of the toilet. Therefore, you can mix fresh and finely ground and coffee grounds, and then apply around the place chosen by the animal. It may not help the first time, but after two or three applications, your pet will stop going to this place.

garden chores

After saving domestic flowers and seedlings, with the beginning of the summer season, we take out the orange peels accumulated over the autumn-winter season to the garden. Their use in horticulture can be very diverse. First of all, an infusion on the peel of oranges is used to control insect pests such as thrips and aphids. To prepare it, you need to chop the peels from a couple of oranges and pour 1 liter of warm water.

Then remove the container with the product for a week in dark room. After seven days, a little is added to the resulting composition and filtered. Then the plants affected by insects are treated. It is worth remembering that against aphids and thrips, treatment is carried out two to three times, and against spider mites - 5-6 times with an interval of a week.

Chasing the ants away

Quite a lot of trouble garden plot deliver colonies of ants, in the fight against which orange peels will help. Their use in the country is quite simple: grind the peel of two or three oranges in a blender with a glass of warm water. The resulting puree is applied to the paths laid. Dissolving the crushed powder in more water, the resulting composition can be watered anthills. The only problem is that insects are likely to move their home to another place.

We protect flower beds

The use of orange peels in the garden and in the garden is not limited to insect control. Some flowers planted in the front garden or in the flower bed enjoy increased attention from felines from all over the area. In order to save your plantings from the visits of uninvited guests, spread the peel of oranges in flowers, especially loved by cats.

You can rub the leaves of plants with a fresh peel - then the cats will bypass the flower beds and flower beds. The method is effective, only the crusts will have to be changed after rains or watering. A remedy used at home, namely a mixture of crushed peels and coffee grounds, can help in this case too.

Other features

At the beginning of the summer season, when it is still cold in the house, orange peels will help to make a fire in the stove. Application in gardening will occur a little later, but orange peel is simply irreplaceable as kindling. It burns longer and better than paper due to the presence of essential oils.

In addition, when burning, a very pleasant smell is released, thanks to which it immediately becomes warmer and more comfortable in a still cold room. You can simply spread orange peels around the house - the musty smell will disappear, and for respiratory system this will be useful, because the phytoncides secreted by the zest inhibit various pathogens.

Orange peel will come in handy later, when mosquitoes and midges appear. If you don’t have it, you can simply wipe open areas of your body with fresh orange peel - the smell left on your skin will scare away insects.

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