Room calamondin. How to care for calamondin: ways to get fragrant citrus fruits

The buildings 13.06.2019
The buildings

Among ornamental trees especially loved by many calamondin. This plant is quite undemanding in care, but at the same time it has a pleasant aroma and a look that attracts the eye.

Calamondin is an interesting hybrid of the rue family, obtained by crossing mandarin and fortunella (kumquat). Another name for the plant is citrofortunella, but people almost always call it homemade tangerine or tangerine tree. The appearance of calamondin is very pleasant: a branched tree up to 90-95 cm high with shiny dark green leaves and small white flowers that thin out a wonderful aroma. The fruits of the tangerine tree are 3-4 cm in diameter, rich yellow or orange color, with a thin skin and sour pulp with many seeds.

Calamondin is native to Southeast Asia. The plant prefers an abundance of heat and light, and therefore you have to work a little to wait for the appearance of bright beautiful tangerines. But with careful observance of all the rules for caring for calamondin at home, the plant will bear fruit all year round.

Placement of calamondin and the beginning of its care

Due to the unusual appearance and pleasant smell, citrofortunella often acts as a present for the holiday. If you are lucky enough to receive such a gift, or you decide to replenish the collection yourself indoor plants tangerine tree, then you should not worry about the difficulties in growing - the plant is not listed in the category of the most capricious and fastidious flora units.

It is necessary to put a pot with a tree in a room filled with diffused bright light. However, direct contact should be avoided. sun rays, since this will not have the best effect on the state of calamondin. In winter, you can and should highlight the plant with a lamp. It is also permissible to grow citrofortunella in a shaded room, but then you will not have to hope for the appearance of fruits.

If we talk about the most optimal place for placing a home tangerine, then this is the western or eastern part of the room in the warm season and the northern part in winter.

At least 2 weeks from the date of purchase, calamondin does not need to be transplanted. During this time, it is necessary to spray the plant as often as possible and provide it with maximum light. Special attention you need to turn to the ground: after keeping the plant in the store, it is often dry. The soil where the young tree grows must be well moistened.

Calamondin can be transplanted no earlier than 2 weeks after purchase

To avoid overheating of the roots, it is recommended to cover the pot with paper and rearrange it in a white pot. After a couple of weeks of caring for a new "green friend", you will need to transplant it carefully by transshipment into a slightly larger container. Replacing the soil does not play a significant role: it is much more important not to damage the roots of a tree that has not yet grown stronger during transplantation. Nothing terrible will happen if you perform a transplant immediately after acquiring the plant.

In some cases, citrofortunella is difficult to adapt, which is caused by a significant contrast in parameters. external conditions in shops and residences. A few days after being placed in the room, calamondin drops its leaves. To the question "What to do?" it is worth answering that you will have to cover the plant with a plastic bag (this will increase the humidity of the surrounding atmosphere to 95-99%), devoting time to airing every day.

Almost always commercially available calamondins are imported and grown using special technologies that involve the introduction of capsules with hormones into the roots of a tree. In apartment conditions, the effect of these capsules can become negative, and the plant will begin to wither. Then you should immediately transplant the citrofrotunella into another pot, carefully examining the roots in the process. Their rotted parts must be removed.

Optimum temperature for calamondin from 15 to 18 degrees Celsius

This plant belongs to the category of heat-loving and moisture-loving. Therefore, one of the important aspects in the care of Citrofrotunella at home is the control of lighting and moisture levels. The optimum temperature for Calamondin is summer time lies within + 22 ... + 25 degrees, in winter - + 15 ... + 18 degrees. The fact is that in winter a slight decrease in temperature contributes to more efficient flowering and fruiting.

Calamondin needs frequent watering and a good regular spraying of the crown. The irrigation procedure is carried out as the outer layer of the mail dries by 0.5 cm. Water should be used warm, filtered and settled, since alkali-soaked soil is detrimental to the plant. In winter, the frequency and intensity of watering is somewhat reduced, but due to the increased dryness of the air, you will have to carefully monitor the condition of the soil and spray the plant with a spray gun much more often.

To form a beautiful and correct form its trees are rotated daily by 1-2 mm. You should not turn the pot in different directions to the sun by 180 degrees, as this is harmful to the plant.

Transplanting calamondin, soil requirements, fertilizers

Young calamondin trees are transplanted every spring

To transplant Citrofrotunella, you will need a fairly spacious pot. Even small plant the root system can be extremely developed. In the process, one should not strongly destroy the clod of earth at the roots. It is important to ensure good drainage. The neck of the root in the new pot should be about the same level as in the old pot. After transplantation, within 30-40 days, calamondin does not need fertilizers, since fresh soil will already provide the plant with sufficient nutrients.

Citrofrotunella is perfect for soil consisting of sod land, manure and sand in a ratio of 2/1/1. At the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to install drainage up to 2.5-3 cm high.

Transplantation of young plants is carried out every spring, more mature - 1 time in a couple of years.

Like most plants, calamondin requires additional nutrition during intensive flowering - from March to September. Fertilizers are applied to the soil during this period once every 7-14 days, the rest of the time - about once a month.

Useful compositions for feeding a tree can be purchased at specialized stores or ordered online. One of the most popular fertilizers is Humus. Citrus fruits”, containing at least 2.5 g/l of humic substances, a number of trace elements and having a pH of at least 7.5. .Compositions for indoor flowering plants are also suitable.

Pruning and propagation of calamondin

One of the points of caring for a plant is its regular and timely pruning. To form a neat, even crown, you need a bole about 25 cm high: skeletal branches are located at the top, branches of a higher order are formed further. As soon as branches of the fourth order appear, the formation of the crown is completed.

The branches of the tangerine tree are cut in February, and in the summer, if necessary, long and excessively dense shoots are removed.

Reproduction of calamondin is a rather time-consuming process, carried out in one of the following ways:

  1. Planting seeds in the ground;
  2. Cutting cuttings with 2-3 buds;
  3. Grafting.

Reproduction of calamondin is a rather complicated process.

Despite the fact that the first method is more time-consuming, it seems to many to be simple. Growing a tree from seeds will require regular application of special substances to the soil to speed up germination and ripening.

Orange seedlings are ideal for grafting because they are drought tolerant and have well developed roots.

Calamondin is propagated by cuttings, adhering to the following rules:

  • Choose a cutting from the top, with pronounced internodes, mature leaves;
  • Immerse the tip of the cutting for a few seconds in a growth stimulator (for example, zircon or root);
  • In the prepared soil, immerse the stalk to the level of the petiole of the bottom sheet;
  • Cover the planted sprout with a plastic bag or glass jar to maintain high humidity;
  • Ventilate the mini-greenhouse daily for up to 20 minutes.

Rooting of the cutting occurs on average 2.5-3 weeks after planting in the ground.

Diseases of calamondin and its care during this period

In the photo, calamondin affected by anthracosis

Indoor mandarin is prone to diseases such as soot fungus, gommosis and anthracnose. Extremely spoils appearance plants are a sooty fungus, or niello, which manifests itself as an unpleasant dark film on leaves and shoots. Eliminates the trouble of rubbing or spraying the affected areas of the tree with Fitosporin, ash infusion or sulfur solution.

Copper sulfate saves calamondin from anthracosis. This disease is expressed as dotted yellow spots on the leaves of the plant. If help is not provided in time, then you will have to watch how calamondin sheds leaves with dead areas. By the way, during the growing season, only Bordeaux liquid is suitable for getting rid of the disease, but not vitriol. All damaged sheets must be removed to avoid re-infection.

If calamondin turns yellow, then the most likely cause may be gommosis, one of the most common ailments affecting citrus fruits. The disease begins in the lower fragment of the trunk, after which it spreads to branches, leaves and fruits. The tree is treated by cutting out diseased areas from the bark, eliminating diseased leaves and then cleaning the wounds. Then the plant is treated with copper sulfate and smeared with Bordeaux paste.

With a lack of sunlight, an excess of moisture in the soil, frequent drafts, high air temperature, it can also be observed that calamodin sheds leaves. All that remains to be done is to adjust the conditions of his detention.

Finally, I would like to answer one of the popular questions- can I eat calamondin? Yes, the fruits of this ornamental tree are absolutely edible, but they taste significantly different from ordinary tangerines, and not in better side. Citrofrutonella fruits can be used instead of lemon juice: add to tea and various dishes. However, the main advantage of this tree is not in the taste of the fruit, but in its aesthetic and colorful appearance, which can enliven even the most boring interior.

We recommend watching a video on how to care for a calamondin plant at home, florist Irina Valerievna Kozyulina shares her experience in growing this citrus tree, we wish you a pleasant viewing.

Citrofortunella (calamondin) - graceful citrus tree, which is quite simple to grow and propagate at home. Planting any variety of calamondin will not disappoint you. With proper care, the plant is very decorative, as you can see by looking at the photo.


Citrus calamondin comes from Southeast Asia, from where it was first introduced to the Philippines and then to Europe. It is a hybrid of kumquat and mandarin obtained naturally. It is successfully grown in greenhouses and at home.

Outwardly, citrofornutella (calamondin) looks very attractive. This evergreen fast growing citrus tree a little over a meter high. The branches are densely covered with small rich green glossy leaves. During the flowering period, the plant is dotted with star-shaped white flowers. Both leaves and flowers of calamondin are very fragrant.

Citrofortunella looks like a small tangerine tree

Calamondin fruits look like miniature tangerines, bright orange or yellow. Their weight is 15-25 g, the size is 3-4 cm in diameter. The fruits are sour with bitterness, there are many seeds inside, both the pulp and the skin are edible.

Flowering of calamondin occurs in summer, although it can last year-round. The tree can bear fruit and bloom at the same time. Citrofortunella is a relatively short-lived plant. Its life span is from 5 (in a pot) to 20 years (at home in open ground). Of all the kumquat hybrids, calamondin is perhaps the most unpretentious to care for.

Varieties and varieties

The varietal diversity of calamondin in our country is not very large. Among the varieties of citrofortunella grown by citrus growers, large-fruited and variegated forms can be found:

  • "Peters"- is valued as a highly ornamental plant. The fruits are edible, sour.
  • Tiger- small-fruited variety with variegated (milky-bordered or milky-striped) leaves.

Sort "Tiger"

  • Shikinari- large-fruited Japanese calamondin, of all representatives of the species, it has the most delicious fruits.
  • Variegata- the foliage of this variety of calamondin with milk smudges and, as can be seen in the photo, is very decorative. Fruits in an unripe state are similar to watermelons - the same striped. When ripe, they acquire a uniform fiery orange color.

Sort "Variegata"


For planting calamondin, pots made of natural materials- clay (ceramics) or wood. The depth of the pots should not exceed the width. plastic containers can also be used by pouring a thicker layer of drainage from crushed stone or gravel onto the bottom.

You can plant calamondin in a ready-made soil mixture for citrus plants or in a prepared one yourself. For this upper layer park or forest land is thoroughly mixed with river sand, humus and ash (2: 1: 0.5: 0.5). To prepare the soil mixture for calamondin, you can not use turf from under oak, poplar, chestnut.

Having bought a seedling, be sure to transplant it into nutrient soil

Calamondin is planted before it goes into active growth (at the end of winter). Drainage is placed in the pot, a layer of sand is poured, then prepared soil, leaving a gap of a couple of centimeters to the edge of the container. The root neck and bases of the main roots are not deepened, leaving them on the surface.

In the future, the plant needs regular transshipments, young - every year, adults - with an interval of several years. It is advisable not to disturb the earthen clod during transshipment.

Further care

The young plant is given a warm sunny place. Citrofortunella grows very well on a window on the west or south side. In summer, the tree is comfortable on the street or balcony. It loves direct sunlight. In winter, it is desirable to keep the plant in cool air (+ 12-15º).

Citrofortunella is very fond of spraying

Citrofortunella needs regular watering. On hot summer days, you may need daily watering, in winter - 1-2 times a week. It is impossible to allow complete drying of the earthen coma.

Advice. By squeezing a lump of the top layer of earth from the pot in the palm of your hand, you can determine the need for watering. After unclenching, a formed lump remained in the palm of your hand - you need to wait a little with watering, the soil has disintegrated - it's time to water the plant.

Water for irrigation should be separated, at room temperature. Watering with cold water will expose the tree.

Calamondin is a subtropical plant and does not tolerate dry air, so it needs regular spraying. Spray it with settled water 2-3º higher than room temperature. He is responsive to water procedures in the shower.

Citrofortunella after sanitary and shaping pruning is quickly restored. They are carried out until the beginning of the growth phase ( in early spring). At the same time, a crown is formed, damaged and unsuccessfully growing branches are removed. In summer, you can shorten long branches.

The plant needs regular feeding.

Feeding and fertilizing

Calamondin spends a lot of energy on flowering and fruiting, so he needs regular feeding, without which he will throw off the foliage and stop setting fruit. In summer, fertilizers are applied once every 10 days, in winter - once a month. Use complex mineral fertilizers for citrus fruits or a mixture of ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride (5 g and 2 g, respectively, per 1 liter of water).

Attention! Root top dressing is carried out only in moist soil the next day after watering. Pour in the solution until it starts to flow out through the drainage holes in the pot.

Foliar top dressing is also very useful for citrofortunella, as some nutrients it absorbs only through the leaves. Often, foliar top dressing alternates with root.

Tree diseases and pests

Failure to comply with the required air humidity when growing calamondin leads to attacks on it by various pests:

  • scale insects;
  • ticks;
  • thrips.

These enemies are capable of short term destroy mature plant. To combat them, special low-toxic agents (acaricides) are used. Processing is carried out repeatedly according to the scheme, while providing the plant with proper care.

Advice. To prevent the invasion of pests, once a month the leaves of the plant can be washed laundry soap. In this case, the soap solution should not get into the soil. After the procedure, rinse the leaves with warm water from the shower.

Citrofortunella is affected by fungi and viruses. The most common of them:

  • sooty fungus;
  • gommosis;
  • anthracosis.

To combat and prevent fungal diseases (soot fungus, anthracosis), regular (1 time per month) treatments with Fitosporin or a solution of potassium permanganate are carried out.

Inspect plants for pests

It is quite difficult to cure gommosis, and in some cases it is impossible. To prevent this disease, a number of measures are taken:

  • provide a sufficient drainage layer in the pot;
  • a rusty nail is buried in the soil;
  • the bases of the skeletal roots are not deepened into the ground when planting.

Reproduction of calamondin

Citrofortunella is propagated by cuttings or grafting. The survival rate of cuttings is far from 100%. Root them for 4 weeks in wet sand. In this case, it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions by covering the containers with film or glass. Next, the cuttings are transplanted into pots, no more than 15 cm in diameter and covered with a jar until the plant takes root. A seedling from a cutting will bloom in 2-3 years.

Citrofortunella stalk

Faster and reliable way reproduction of calamondin - vaccinations. As a rootstock, you can use any citrus plant or a one-year-old seedling of Calamondin. The grafted plant grows rapidly and begins to bear fruit the next year.

Growing calamondin at home is not at all difficult, especially if you provide it with the right care. In response, this ornamental tree is ready to please you all year round with flowering, exotic fruits, and an incredible citrus aroma.

Growing citrus fruits in an apartment: video

How to grow citrofortunella: photo

Small citrus plants feel great at home. They are planted in ordinary flower pots and kept on the windowsill, loggia or greenhouse. At proper care trees are able not only to please the owners with their appearance, but also to bear fruit. One of these tropical plants, accustomed to the apartments, is calamondin. Home care for a small tree with delicate white flowers and fragrant fruits is not very difficult. So growing your own tangerines on the balcony or in the kitchen is quite realistic.

What does citrofortunella look like

The plant is often either mistakenly or for simplicity called tangerine. In fact, his correct name- calamondin. At home, he feels great and often bears fruit even with not very caring housewives.

At its core, a small tree of the rue family is a hybrid of mandarin and fortunella. The plant turned out to be surprisingly frost-resistant, completely unpretentious and perfectly fruitful. True, the taste of his mini-tangerines bears little resemblance to the "big brother". They are very fragrant, but not at all sweet, but with a bitter and sour taste. So they often end up on the table in the form of jam.

Like all citrus fruits, calamondin can grow both as a tree and as a shrub. On its branches are not very large bright green leaves with a glossy surface. If you touch them, a subtle aroma appears in the air. For 3-4 years of life in spring, citrofortunella is covered with small white flowers, which after a while turn into green fruits. By autumn, mini-tangerines ripen, radiating cheerfulness and filling the room with warmth and light. It is noteworthy that green and ripe fruits, as well as flowers and buds, can be on the branches at the same time.

Content temperature

Despite its frost resistance, calamondin feels better in conditions of moderate heat. In summer it can be 22-25 degrees (the heat will not do him good). And in winter, in order for the tree to rest, it is better to reduce it to 10-15. After spending several months at rest, calamandin will definitely respond to the temperature increase with active growth and flowering. In general, in the summer it is better to put it on the windowsill, and in the winter to take it out to the balcony or loggia, trying not to freeze. The plant reacts to too high a temperature by dropping fruits, flowers and even leaves.


For those who do not know how to care for calamondin, first of all, you need to deal with the moisturizing regimen. During the period of active growth, flowering and fruiting (that is, from spring to autumn), it should be watered quite often, preferably daily. At rest (in winter), this is done less often, once a week will be enough. But this is subject to the correct temperature regime. If the plant is left in winter on the windowsill or on the floor next to the battery, then it should be watered as in summer.

The tree is quite capable of surviving the drought. It will not die, even if you forget about it for several months. But the appearance will suffer from this. Firstly, without watering, flowers (and even more so - fruits) can not be dreamed of. Secondly, the plant may shed its leaves. But in general, it will not die.

To make Calamondin feel good, it is recommended to spray it. Do this in the spring before flowering and in the summer, when the fruits appear. In winter, it is necessary to moisten the leaves only in case of excessively high temperatures. It is better not to do this during the flowering period, since the petals react rather painfully to water. And still it is not necessary to transfuse calamondin. Care for it should be such that the soil is not too dry, but the fungus does not appear. In the latter case, the plant may die.


The tree itself, being unpretentious, feels quite normal even without the sun. But only now it is unlikely to bloom and bear fruit in such conditions. Although the direct sun also does not have a very favorable effect on the well-being of calamondin. If we consider ideal lighting, then in summer it is a window sill with access to the west or east, and in winter - rather, the north side or shade.

In warm weather, citrus fruits are often taken out into the street, leaving them to "breathe" the air and bask in their natural environment. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, but you should not leave calamondin in strong sunshine. Home care after street "sunburn" can be complicated by the fact that the leaves begin to dry and fall off. With a lack of moisture and an excess of light, the fruits will also suffer.

Feeding and breeding

Citrus calamondin, which is cared for in accordance with the recommendations, does not need fertilizers. It is better to use top dressing during the period of active growth and flowering. For calamondin, natural organic fertilizers or a special blend for citrus fruits. Sometimes formulations are used. The intensity and frequency of feeding should depend on the age of the plant (the older, the more often) and its condition. Mineral deficiency is indicated by small or pale leaves, lack of flowers.

It reproduces, like all citrus plants, in two ways: cuttings formed from twigs with 2-3 buds, and seeds planted in the soil. The second option is considered more laborious and requires mandatory grafting for subsequent flowering and fruiting. Calamondin, home care for which will be correct, takes root quickly enough. Before planting, cuttings are recommended to be dipped in a special liquid, and then covered with a trimmed top. plastic bottle. As soon as new leaves appear, it can be removed. It is more difficult to grow a tree from a stone, but this method is also very often used.

Pests and diseases

However, when insufficient watering its leaves may become mottled, curled, and fall off. The solution to the problem comes down to timely hydration. With excessive watering, a fungus sometimes appears, which often goes away on its own if the plant is slightly dried.

Calamondin is a bright, beautiful and not very whimsical plant that can bloom and bear fruit in conditions ordinary apartment. If you follow the elementary rules and recommendations for care, it will not only please the eye, but also give a delicious aroma and good mood. And from the fruit comes out a wonderful jam.

Calamondin was bred by crossing two cultures - Fortunella and Mandarin. Therefore, it is called citrofortunella or citrus calamondin. Among the people, other names for the tree are more popular - indoor tangerine or golden orange.

Description and features of the plant

Calamondin belongs to the rue family. The natural habitat is Southeast Asia. Grows as a branched shrub or small evergreen tree. In nature, it grows up to 7 m, maximum height room calamondin 1.5 m. The root system is well developed. Thin, woody roots completely wrap around a lump of earth in a pot. The roots and stems of the tree are covered with light, rough bark of a pale brownish color. Branching begins almost from the base of the stem, the shoots are densely leafy. The leaves are small and glossy. A slight fold along the main vein is characteristic. Leaves sit on dense, short petioles.

Young branches closer to May are covered with inflorescences. The buds are snow-white, collected in two or three pieces. The flowers are fragrant, up to 2.5 cm in diameter. Each bud consists of five petals. The flowers self-pollinate, but you can increase the likelihood of fruit set by artificial pollination with a brush. After a month and a half, the tree is covered with small orange fruits, similar to tangerines.

Calamondin fruits can be eaten. Unlike tangerines, it is better to use them with the peel. The pulp is sour with bitterness, the skin is sweet. Calamondin fruits are more commonly used as aromatic additive in tea, pastries and other dishes than for independent consumption.

Actions after purchase

Calamondins often go on sale, already strewn with bright orange fruits. After fruiting, such trees stop growing, gradually die. To save the life of calamondin, you need to help him adapt to new conditions. What should be the care of calamondin after purchase?

  • Pot change. Immediately after the purchase, you need to transplant calamondin into a larger pot. The soil is used nutritious, transplanted by transshipment. The roots dry out easily, so you need to act quickly.
  • Isolation. The tree is placed in a ten-day quarantine. Set separately from other plants, protect from the sun, water moderately, do not feed.
  • Search for pests. Checked daily for pests. When they are found, they are sprayed with insecticidal preparations.
  • Additional processing. If the tree begins to drop leaves, all flowers and ovaries are cut off, sprayed with Epin.

How to care for calamondin (citrofortunella) in winter? It is desirable to create cooler conditions for him, about 16-18 ° C. The temperature should not fall below 12°C. Artificial additional lighting in winter is a must! In the heat and with a lack of light, the tree will stretch, fade, bloom weaker.

Calamondin care: what to consider

Growing citrus calamondin at home involves creating a favorable microclimate, timely feeding, watering and pruning. The tree is quite hardy, it is not difficult to care for it. Experienced flower growers recommend adhering to the basic requirements.

  • Lighting. The light should be bright but diffused. They try to place calamondin in the east and southeast. Too dark on the north side, too hot on the south side. Shade from the sun in summer. In winter they do without shading. On the north side, both in summer and in winter, additional illumination with fluorescent lamps is organized.
  • Temperature . Calamondin loves soft warmth. Adjusts well to room temperature. Ideal Conditions summer 22-24°C. In winter, the temperature is lowered.
  • Watering. In warm seasons, calamondin is watered abundantly up to twice a day. During fruiting, make sure that the soil is evenly moistened. Sometimes it is better to water less often, but very plentifully. Moisture should flow to all roots. In autumn, watering is gradually reduced. The lower the air temperature in the room, the less often watered. After drying the surface of the soil, wait about three days. In winter, watering is minimized, but drying is not allowed. With a lack of moisture, calamondin leaves curl, dry, flowers and ovaries fall off. Excess moisture leads to rot.
  • Humidity . Calamondin is neutral to moisture. Spraying is recommended on hot summer days and in winter during the heating season. Calamondin is not placed next to the batteries. If the air humidity in the apartment is below 40%, its artificial increase is required by arranging water containers, installing tubs in a tray with wet sphagnum.
  • Hygiene. For hygienic purposes, the tree is periodically bathed under a warm, almost hot shower. Maximum temperature water 55°C. Hot water under pressure, it cleans the leaves well from accumulated dust, serves as a prevention of the appearance spider mite. The earth in a pot while bathing is covered with polyethylene.
  • The soil . The soil for calamondin should be nutritious and breathable. Optimal acidity- not higher than pH 6.5. Three parts of the universal soil mixture add one part of biohumus and the same amount of fine gravel.
  • Transplant. Until the age of three, trees are recommended to be transplanted annually. Adult calamondins are transplanted less frequently - once every two to three years. The optimal time for transplantation is spring. If the pot has become very cramped, the roots have rotted, salinization or acidification of the soil is observed, you can transplant it at another time of the year. The root system of calamondin is vulnerable, they try not to injure it - they do not destroy the old earthen lump.
  • Pot and drainage. Choose a pot equal in depth and width. Large drainage holes are made at the bottom. Large expanded clay is well suited as drainage. It can be replaced with walnut shells.
  • Top dressing. Feed from early spring to late summer. Apply complex fertilizers. The dose of nitrogen in the composition of the drug should be minimal, potassium and phosphorus - increased. The intervals between top dressings are two weeks. The preparations are added to the water for irrigation. If calamondin blooms in autumn or winter time, the feeding schedule is being reviewed. They continue to make monthly intervals. Strictly adhere to the dosage recommendations from the instructions for each specific drug.
  • Pruning . Trimming calamondin (citrofortunella) is a must. It easily tolerates pruning, quickly lets side shoots. As a result of regular pruning, they form a spherical dense crown, stimulate flowering, fruit set.

Calamondin can be grown as a tree or bush. Pruned in early spring, combined with transshipment. Cut out all old, brown, damaged branches. Thin out the bush. In the summer they cut, shorten too long branches. The cut is performed over the internode. On pruned shoots, flower buds will form only after a year.

Seed and vegetative propagation

Calamondin is propagated by seeds and cuttings. The first way is slow and laborious. The second one is more simple. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Growing from the bone

Peculiarities . Growing calamondin from seed is a long and laborious process. Theoretically, Calamondin will begin to bear fruit in six years, but in practice, ten years pass before the first flowering. Calamondin seeds lose their germination very quickly, so they should be planted immediately after harvest. The fruit is left on the tree until the last - it must be fully ripe.

Action algorithm

  1. Prepare nutritional soil mixture. It is made up of fertile soil, sand and peat.
  2. Pour the soil into the container, spread the seeds on the surface, sprinkle them with a layer of 1–2 cm of earth.
  3. The soil is well moistened with a spray bottle, the container is covered with a film. Keep in a warm, well-lit place. The optimum temperature for seed germination is 25-28°C.
  4. After the emergence of shoots, the film is removed. Dive at the stage of two true leaves in separate pots.

By the same principle, you can grow a lemon, an orange from a seed. But the chances of success will be lower. Most of the fruits that enter the stores are collected unripe.


Peculiarities . You can propagate calamondin cuttings. Cuttings are cut in early spring from strong, healthy branches. Easiest to root apical cuttings with three or four internodes, fully matured leaves.

Action algorithm

  1. Cuttings are cut, the cut is dried for an hour.
  2. The lower part of the cutting is treated with a phytohormone solution, placed in light soil. Deepen into the soil to the bottom sheet.
  3. The container with the handle is covered with a jar. Maintain a temperature of about 24-28°C.
  4. Every day, the shelter is removed for half an hour, moisten the soil as necessary.

Rooting does not always occur, so it is better to use several cuttings at the same time. The first roots appear in two to three weeks. Calamondin, grown from cuttings, begins to bear fruit already in the third or fourth year.

How to instill

Peculiarities . If calamondin is properly grafted, it will be more drought tolerant, will develop a good root system. Most often it is grafted onto orange seedlings. You can vaccinate at any time from March to the end of summer. During the period of active growth, the grafts take root well and start growing.

Action algorithm

  1. Removed from rootstock lower leaves and branches, cut at the selected height.
  2. The stock is cut vertically to a depth of about 2 cm. The bark is separated from the wood.
  3. Choose a suitable branch for the scion. A cut is made on the underside of the cutting.
  4. A cutting is placed in a vertical incision, clamped and wrapped with insulating tape.
  5. The junction is tightly wrapped with plastic wrap.
  6. After a month, you can remove the polyethylene, after two - the insulating tape.

Vaccination is a rather complicated procedure. For beginners, it may not work out the first time. All the subtleties of vaccination are known only by experience.

Common pests

Despite the spicy smell, pests do not bypass Calamondin. Florists have to deal with most pests. The most common insects are collected in the table.

Table - Calamondin pests

Name of the pestSigns of appearanceWays to fight
spider mite- Leaves look dusty;
- the tree sheds leaves;
- the branches are covered with a thin cobweb
- Increasing air humidity;
- at the first sign of treatment with systemic insecticides ("Aktellik", "Aktara", "Inta-vir")
Shchitovka- Plaques form on stems and leaves;
- leaves turn yellow;
- the tree stops growing, loses foliage
- Mechanical removal insects with an alcohol swab;
- repeated spraying with insecticides
Mealybug- Whitish bloom on the leaves;
- lumps of "cotton wool" in the axils of the leaves
- Mechanical treatment with alcohol or vodka;
- spraying with insecticides
Aphid- Twisting of leaves and tops of new shoots;
- stickiness of leaves;
- growth inhibition, wilting
- Bathing in the shower using a soapy solution;
- treatment with insecticides or tobacco dust

If calamondin is completely dry, you can try to reanimate it, but success is not guaranteed. Carry out a major pruning of the tree, transplant into fresh nutrient soil. Place a plastic bag over the top to keep the moisture in and don't forget to water regularly. A small amount of growth stimulant can be added to the water for irrigation.

Frequent illnesses

Diseases are rarer than pests. Their development is usually provoked by improper conditions for keeping calamondin. Three diseases represent the greatest danger. Their symptoms and treatment are described in the table.

Table - Diseases of Calamondin

Disease nameCharacteristic symptomsTreatment Methods
sooty fungus- Black film on leaves and non-lignified shoots- Spraying with a solution of colloidal sulfur, fungicide "Fitosporin-M";
- in the future, preventive spraying once a month
Anthracnose- First yellow-green, then brown spots on the leaves;
- formation of necrotic areas
- Decreased air humidity;
- pruning of affected leaves and branches;
- spraying with copper sulphate or Bordeaux liquid
Gommosis (gum disease)- Formation of blisters on the stem (filled with gum);
- cracking of swellings, death of the bark in the affected areas;
- yellowing and shedding of leaves;
- dark brown spots on fruits
- Cutting deformed bark and wood with cleaning of wounds;
- treatment of wounds with copper sulphate, lubrication with Bordeaux paste

Growing problems

Judging by the reviews of flower growers, improper care more often affects the decorativeness of the tree than diseases and pests. The table summarizes the main growing problems and possible causes.

Table - Problems of growing Calamondin

ProblemProbable Cause
Calamondin does not bloom- Lack of light;
- excess nitrogenous fertilizers;
- irregular watering;
- sharp temperature changes;
- pests;
- lack of trace elements
Unripe fruits fall off- A lack of nutrients;
- a sharp change in the microclimate
Leaves turn yellow and fall- Lack of magnesium
Leaves are falling- Inappropriate temperature conditions;
- air humidity below 40%;
- constant drafts
calamondin withers- Cold;
- problems with the root system

Since it is not very difficult to care for Calamondin, it is quite possible to achieve not only flowering, but also stable fruiting. Compact tree with rounded crown decorative leaves, strewn with bright orange fruits, looks very elegant.

Evergreen specimens create comfort and beauty in home interior. Calamondin - a hybrid mandarin is also called citrofortunella. A popular and beloved plant by gardeners. Used for decorative purposes, gives delicious fruit and applied in projects landscape design. True, the subtropical climate is suitable for this. Small containers with calamondin are placed on terraces, patios, near garden paths. In the article we will tell you how Calamondin is planted and cared for, when to plant and how to grow at home.

How to help take root calamondin purchased in a store chain

Having received as a gift, or bought a fruit-bearing calamondin, you find that the plant is losing leaves in a new place of residence. This comes from a change in the conditions of detention and care. Read also the article: → "". To prevent this from happening, choose strong healthy plants when buying. Pay attention to:

Parameter Qualitative indicator Worth avoiding
Appearance Leaves without damage, spots and deformation. Breakdowns, unusual coloring.
Purchase time Spring Summer. Beginning of winter or autumn.
Bush size Medium without fruits of hypertrophic size Large plants to facilitate further care procedures.
The presence of flowers. No flowers but in good condition. Abundant flowering.

Transplant a plant with an intact clod to avoid rooting problems.

We adapt the selected plant to household conditions:

  • remove all fruits and flowers;
  • we transplant into a spacious container with a substrate for citrus fruits along with an earthy clod;
  • for two days we remove from sources of heat and light (on the floor);
  • avoid feeding for 30 days.

What parameters are important at home for the development and growth of calamondin

The main indicators that gardeners adhere to:

  1. Light. Bright, but not sunny. Excess lighting discolors the leaf mass, deficiency - increases the size and leads to falling off. Easily adapts to south-east facing windows. In winter, you have to highlight the plants to maintain light characteristics. Light day for calamondin lasts 12 hours.
  2. Peace. An important component of plant life at home. Skipping a stage leads to the death of calamondin. This period is important in winter, when daylight hours decrease and the sap flow of the rootstock on which calamondin is grafted stops. Watering is reduced to 2 times a month, and the temperature is up to 5 ºС -10 ºС.
  3. Hydration. Air and soil humidity are important for calamondin. When the soil dries up and in dry hot air, the plant suffers and dies. In this case, it is separated from the heat source by a screen and spraying is carried out. Requires drainage and competent watering. It consists in watering under the root after the top layer of the earth dries out. Optimally - immerse the pot with the plant in a pan with water and wait for the soil to moisten.
  4. Food. Calamondin's nutrient consumption is active. The plant needs regular feeding. Otherwise, the bush will drop leaves and fruits. It is enough to feed calamondin once a week during the growth period, in winter the regularity is maintained once a month. Useful foliar top dressing with precise dosage compliance. Read also the article: → "".

Why calamondin needs pruning and how to properly carry it out

Pruning ensures the correct and beautiful crown formation. The result is a compact plant. The pruning steps are simple. Form a bole with a size of 20 to 25 cm. Skeletal branches are located at the top of the bole. The next are the branches of the highest tier. As soon as the branches of the fourth tier appear, the formation is completed.

The start of trimming homemade Calmondin is February, its first days. In summer, long shoots are shortened. They do the same with fat people. To keep the crown symmetrical, turn the pot daily a couple of degrees around the axis.

Tip #1 Pruning is done correctly, following the recommendations and parameters in order to form the crown correctly.

Methods of propagation of calamondin

At home, the plant reproduces:

  • with the help of seeds (seeds);
  • cuttings;
  • grafting.

Reproduction of calamondin will require patience from the gardener. The engraftment of cuttings and shoots of seeds do not appear immediately. The method of propagation by cuttings requires knowledge of plant grafting.

For the rootstock, choose a strong plant that can give strength to the new calamondin.

How to grow calamondin from seeds at home

Having decided to grow calamondin from seed, we prepare the soil and planting capacity. The soil needs to be fertile and loose. The composition is classic - peat, earth, sand. The seed is buried to a depth of 1.5 cm. A separate container is taken for each seed to avoid problems with further care. Citrus fruits have a long root that needs room to grow.

The seed is taken from the ripe fruit of Calamondin. Special manipulations in preparation for planting are not carried out and placed in the ground. The soil temperature is maintained at 17ºС - 20 ºС above zero. First stage care does not include fertilizers, supplementary lighting, stable humidity. The only recommendation is to cover the container with glass or polyethylene.

The seed will germinate in Spartan conditions, although this will not happen quickly. Fruiting at seed way breeding will begin in 4 years. It is important to consider that propagation by seeds involves grafting a plant. The vaccination period is before flowering.

Tip #2 The seeds for planting are taken wet until they are dry. Otherwise, they grow worse.

Reproduction by cuttings

For reproduction, the apical parts are chosen, on which there are mature leaves and 4 internodes.

  1. A cut of cuttings is prescribed for early spring.
  2. The lower cut is dried, then immersed in a composition with hormonal phyto-components and planted in the ground.
  3. Immerse the cutting to the petiole of the lower leaf.
  4. Cover the container with the handle with a glass jar, a cut plastic bottle, a plastic bag or wrap it with a film.
  5. In the daytime, shelter is removed for half an hour.
  6. Maintain temperature in the range from 24 ºС to 28 ºС that promotes rooting within 16-20 days. To do this, the soil is heated from below.

Properly cut cuttings for propagation to avoid the death of planting material.

Several cuttings are rooted at the same time to ensure that planting material. During the day, the shelter is removed for 15-30 minutes. Rooting cuttings at a temperature of 24-28 °; lasts for 14-20 days. Since rooting is quite difficult, it is recommended to plant several cuttings at the same time.

We graft calamondin on our own at home

The optimal stock for calamondin is orange seedlings with a developed root system and drought resistance. The event is held during the period when the tree is actively growing (March-August). This ensures rapid survival and growth of the scion. The technique used is "bark grafting".

  1. On the rootstock, remove the lower leaves and branches, cut off the branch at the desired height and clean the cut with a sharp knife.
  2. Make a vertical 2-centimeter incision, push the bark apart and separate from the wood.
  3. A one-sided cut is made on the scion. It is inserted into the prepared incision on the rootstock and tightly fastened with electrical tape.
  4. Cover with a plastic bag or film for 2 months. At the end of the term, the plant is freed from electrical tape and film.

How to deal with pests and treat diseases

Pests citrus plant:

  1. Spider mite. Gives trouble to gardeners, sucking the juice from the plant. The leaves dry and fall, the plant becomes bare. The fight is carried out with the help of systemic insecticides. Read also the article: → "".
  2. Shchitovka. It comes out with difficulty. Weakens the plant and moves to a healthy one. Treatment with a systemic drug is carried out repeatedly.
  3. Mealy worm. A rare guest on Calamondin, but harmful. First, the plant is sprayed with vodka, then the treatment is carried out.
  4. Aphid. Preparations with efficiency - "Fitoverm", "Aktellik", "Fufanon".

Calamondin diseases that cause trouble for gardeners:

  1. Sooty fungus (black). The leaf plate is corroded, falls off. Treated with Fitosporin.
  2. Anthracnose. Brown spots on leaves. Treatment is performed with Bordeaux liquid or copper sulphate. Foliar top dressing with manganese and zinc helps.

Types of fertilizers for calamondin used by gardeners when growing

The following types of fertilizers are suitable for the plant:

Name Advantages Flaws
"For citrus" TM "Stimovit" liquid form.

Natural components (biohumus).

A complex of vitamins and nutritional components for citrus fruits.

For foliar and root dressings.

Not marked
"Mr Color" Complex composition in liquid form.

Suitable for hydroponics solution, root and foliar application.

Strictly follow the dosage.

Use clean distilled water.

Bona Forte Promotes flowering and fruiting.

Convenient form.

budget cost.

Bad smell
"Flower Happiness" Used for top dressing and when transplanting. No obvious ones found.
Pokon Complex composition with microelements.

Convenient capacity.

Application once every 7 days.

The price is not for everyone.

Varieties suitable for growing at home

The following varieties are most common:

Calamondin - a tree with sunny fruits

Mistakes of flower growers growing calamondin at home

  • Allow stagnation of water in the pan, which leads to waterlogging. Use hard water.
  • The plant is transplanted at the wrong time, which knocks down the biological rhythms of calamondin and leads to the death of the plant.
  • They clean the roots from the ground during transplantation. For a plant, this is traumatic. It is necessary to soak the roots and carefully separate.
  • Do not inspect the plant for pests. Calamondin as a result sheds leaves, stops flowering and fruiting.

Questions of flower growers when caring for a flower

Question number 1. Can over-watering cause calamondin to drop leaves?

This happens if, after buying the plant, it was not transplanted and abundant watering was carried out. You will have to cut off the existing fruits, change the soil and continue moistening after the top layer dries. Gardeners practice warm irrigation of the plant.

Question number 2. Two sprouts sprouted from one bone. What is the reason for this and what to do next?

Citrus pits are multigerm. To get a strong plant, the sprouts will have to be divided, otherwise they will not have enough nutrients. To prevent the oppression of one seedling by another, transplant the sprouts into different containers or remove the weak one.

Question number 3. When buying calamondin, 3 bushes grew in one pot. Do I need to soak the roots when transplanting?

Yes. If this is not done, it will be difficult for you to separate the plants and injury cannot be avoided. If the plants are of Dutch selection, then hold the roots in "Heteroauxin" for 7-8 hours before planting.

Question number 4. My calamondin has shed its leaves completely. Will I have to part with it or will something save the plant?

If all the leaves have fallen, then there have been changes in the conditions of the citrus plant. Trim the fruits, carry out regular spraying once a day. Apply "Epin", "Zircon", "Heteroauxin" until shoots appear. You should not give up, save the plant until it is fully restored.

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