The flower of good mood is the daylily. Daylily - undemanding beauty: how to grow it on your site without problems? Daylily: combination with other plants

Encyclopedia of Plants 14.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

This flower is familiar to every Russian summer resident, and if not, then get acquainted: garden daylily. Scientifically it is called Hemerocallis. Its name comes from the Greek words "hemera" (day) and "kallos" (beauty). The name reflects the essence of this plant: daylily flowers bloom, as a rule, only for one day. Then the next flower opens, and so on up to 50 times per season. That is, the daylily flower, like no other plant, reflects the aspirations of any gardener: it throws out flower stalks for a long time.But even without flowers, this plant will decorate any garden plot: its narrow, long foliage, collected in a rosette, looks very decorative.

Country of origin

Those who have grown daylilies in their area know for certain how easy and pleasant it is to work with this plant. This perennial plant with a rather powerful rhizome is our fellow countryman, his homeland is East Asia. There are more than 25 species of this plant. The ancestor of the garden daylily is still often found in our forests; in Siberia, for example, the wild daylily is called "Saranka".

The colors of these forest flowers are very diverse: from light yellow to dark orange. What can we say about breeding varieties.

Lily or daylily - what to choose

Despite the resemblance, these are completely different flowers of the same family. Lilies are bulbous plants, with all the ensuing consequences. They are more warm and whimsical. From excess moisture, the bulb often rots. In addition, due to its more southern origin, the lily does not tolerate return frosts well. And even if the whole plant does not die after its impact, it will not bloom. But daylilies do not care about freezing. In addition, they feel quite comfortable in our latitudes, do not require digging for the winter. They don't even need to be covered; daylily farming is simpler and lighter than their lily counterparts.

Variety of daylilies

In terms of color diversity, daylilies, perhaps, can even compete with roses. True, it should be noted that among daylilies (unlike lilies) there are no flowers of white and blue colors. But besides them, you can choose any you like.

By color:

  • Monochromatic and daylilies of mixed colors - flowers in which two colors are fancifully mixed together;
  • Bicolor - in them, the outer and inner lobes of the perianth are painted in different colors;
  • Multicolor daylilies - three or more colors are mixed in their color;
  • Two-tone - their color is based on the difference in intensity of two different colors;
  • Contrasting daylilies - the color of these flowers, as the name implies, is based on contrast.

In addition to these colors, there are also shimmering ("diamond" or "gold" dust).

Choosing the right colors for daylilies, you can achieve a great combination of colors in any flower bed. For example, lemon yellow daylilies pair beautifully with maroon daylilies.

The following types of daylilies are distinguished by shape:

  • arachnids;
  • Orchid;
  • rounded;
  • triangular;
  • Star-shaped;
  • Informal.

In addition to these, there are also terry varieties.

In addition to these differences, daylilies are different in size, time and timing of flowering. There are even evergreen varieties, but their outdoor cultivation in Russia is almost impossible due to our climate. By varying the above qualities, a skilled gardener can ensure that, thanks to daylily flowers, his garden blooms until autumn.

Place to land

Daylily is a very unpretentious plant; it can grow in shade, partial shade, but only in the sun will its flowering be massive and plentiful. It takes at least 5 hours of light for this plant to bloom fully.

Daylilies depart after the winter quite early, as soon as the positive temperature is established. In addition, in one place the plant can grow up to 20 (!) Years. Based on these factors, you should choose a place for planting this flower.

When planting a daylily, site preparation requires special attention. A daylily can grow without a transplant for 15-20 years, so deepen, fill with drainage and fertilize the hole for planting a daylily in good conscience.

The soil

The daylily is not very whimsical in the choice of soils, but on sandy, poor soil, the plant will grow weak and frail. Moreover, if we take into account that it is not necessary to replant the daylily soon, then it is necessary to enrich the soil under the plant with compost, peat and other mineral fertilizers. At the same time, this plant does not like stagnant water. If a ground water come close to the surface of the ground under the plant, then especially in cold, rainy summers, daylily roots can rot. In addition, fungal diseases can appear on its rhizome.

The most suitable conditions for growing daylilies can be considered those when upper layer the soil under the plant will be dry, and at a depth of 20-30 cm, where the suction roots are located, it will be wet. This condition is achieved by mulching the soil surface under the plant with dry peat or wood chips.

Do not allow water to stagnate in the soil - this leads to rotting of the root system of the plant.


Like many other plants, daylilies reproduce both by seeds and vegetatively (by root cuttings). But when growing daylilies from seeds, you risk losing varietal traits. If several species of this plant are planted side by side, then cross-pollination of flowers naturally occurs. And as a result, a plant of an incomprehensible type can grow from seeds. In addition, hybrid plants may not produce seeds at all, and if they do, then with low germination.

Seed propagation is available, as a rule, only to experienced breeders, those who are engaged in breeding new varieties. And even if you manage to grow a daylily from a seed, it will bloom only in the third year, and, as a rule, with weak flowers. Therefore, it is preferable vegetative reproduction daylilies. Moreover, it is not difficult, you just need to remember a few basic rules.

Basic rules for dividing daylilies

  • Spring is the best time to transplant and divide daylilies;
  • Plants 5-6 years old should be used as a mother bush;
  • Loose bush varieties are divided by hand;
  • Dense bush varieties are separated with a knife or a shovel;
  • The roots must be healthy - this postulate is clear to everyone, only a healthy plant should be propagated. Therefore, inspect and sort the roots ready for planting;
  • Mulch the root collar by 2 cm with humus or peat.

The rhizomes of older plants are more difficult to divide. They are separated with a shovel and are called divisions.

Tip: delenki taken from the edge of the bush take root better!

When planting, do not forget that daylilies grow over time. Therefore, they are planted at a distance of 60-70 cm from each other. Tall varieties can be planted even at a distance of one meter. In the meantime, your bush is growing, you can fill the free space with undersized annuals.

Agricultural technology

Daylilies, unlike their counterparts - lilies, do not require much care. Plant care does not differ from others in something special: weeding, loosening, top dressing - everything is as usual.

There is, however, one feature when watering daylilies. It shouldn't be superficial. If the summer turned out to be hot, and the ground under the plant is completely dry, then it should be watered under the root so that the water is deeply absorbed into the soil. It is desirable that moisture does not get on the leaves, otherwise they will "burn".

For the winter, the plant is pruned, while trying not to damage the young shoots - in the spring it will be the first to hatch from the ground.

Daylily is an ideal version of a perennial ornamental plant that attracts flower growers all over the world with the beauty of the flower, unpretentiousness and variety of varieties.

The title photo shows the proven and popular variety ‘Strawberry Candy’. Valued for abundant flowering and rare strawberry color.

Groups of varieties and the current classification

A winter-hardy plant that blooms almost all summer has gained popularity and is among the leaders both in beauty and in many varieties. Today, more than 70 thousand hybrid daylily varieties have been registered, and every year the species is replenished with new products. Breeders in America and Australia have managed to breed many varieties of this amazingly beautiful and unpretentious plant. proper care flower.

Each variety finds wide application for the formation of landscape design of any style. Depending on the species, modern daylilies are used to decorate rockeries and alpine slides. Suitable as a hedge undersized varieties daylilies. Varieties with an unusual aroma are also bred.

Diverse in shape and color, daylily flowers will not find equal among many ornamental crops. Officially, they are usually distinguished by the shape of the flower. It is on this basis that they are divided into the following groups:

  • simple (SINGLE);
  • terry (DOUBLE);
  • arachnids (SPIDERS);
  • unusual shape (UFO);
  • polymers (POLYMEROUS);
  • multiforms (MULTIFORM).

The American Daylily Society, the world's official registrar of varieties, has developed a daylily classification that reflects all the properties and capabilities of a flower. It is she who will help the novice florist to make right choice and understand the variety of varieties. To date, the classification includes the following criteria:

  1. genetic ploidy, characterizes the daylily by the number of chromosomes, which are 22 in diploids (DIP), and 44 in tetraploploids (TET). The latter have a larger flower, with a variety of shades, as well as a developed vegetative system and increasing breeding opportunities. At the same time, diploids boast delicate flowers of exquisite shape and a high degree of reproduction due to the large number of seeds. The same plant variety can be diploid or tetraploid, but the latter will cost more due to time and financial costs for the conversion of daylilies.
  2. Vegetation types, which are divided into evergreen, semi-evergreen and dormant. For regions with cold winters, semi-evergreen or dormant varieties are suitable, able to adapt to variable temperatures and come to life in the spring.
  3. flowering time. Each subspecies has its own flowering period, starting from mid-June and lasting until the end of August. Modern hybrid varieties are mostly remontant, that is, they have the ability to bloom several times during the season.

It's important to know that, in accordance with the international system, it is customary to designate the flowering time with the following abbreviation:

  • early (E);
  • mid-early (EM);
  • medium (M);
  • mid-late (ML);
  • late (L);
  • very late (VL).
  1. bloom type:
  • night (Nocturnal) - bloom mainly in the afternoon and remain open all night;
  • daytime (Diurnal ) - bloom in the morning and bloom until evening, one-day;
  • long-flowering (Extended flowering) - after opening, the flower pleases the eye for 15-16 hours, regardless of the time of day.
  1. Aroma. Any flowering plant has a smell and daylily is no exception. And yet there are varieties that have absolutely no aroma or those in which it is weakly expressed, but the gardener's dream is those that, in addition to beauty, enchant and captivate with aroma.
  2. Flower size, depending on which varieties of daylilies are divided into three groups:
  • miniature (Miniature), where the diameter of the flower does not exceed 7.5 centimeters;
  • small-flowered (Small), with a flower diameter from 7.5 to 11.5 cm;
  • large-flowered (Large) - a flower with a diameter of 11.5 centimeters.
  1. The height and branching of the peduncle, where it can not do without dwarfs and giants. Depending on the height, daylilies are divided into four types:
  • low - not reaching 30 cm;
  • medium-sized - with a height of 30 to 60 cm;
  • semi-high - where the peduncle has a height of 60 to 90 cm;
  • very high - from 90 cm and above.

Of no small importance for the beauty of the shrub is the branching of the peduncle, in which the total number of buds can reach 40. With the simultaneous opening of several flowers, the bush will delight with abundant and long flowering.

  1. The color of the daylily brings bright colors to the flower garden, especially in cloudy weather, where they appear most clearly. All sorts of colors, shades and coatings do not leave indifferent lovers of this type of plant and inspire breeders to breed new varieties.

The most popular and popular groups

Let's return to the daylily groups and, having highlighted the most popular ones, we will study their advantages and look at the photos, there we will help you choose the best varieties for the season. The most popular and numerous are groups with simple and double flowers.

A simple flower consists of three petals, three sepals, six stamens and one pistil.

This group is usually distinguished by the shape of the flower:

  • round;
  • flat;
  • informal;
  • back-curved;
  • star-shaped (star-shaped);
  • triangular;
  • tubular (ruper, lily).

group of double flowers characterized by an increased number of petals, divided into two types:

  • peony in which the stamens were reborn into petals;
  • flower in a flower, with several levels of petals.

But spander daylilies, with a spider-like flower shape, have proven themselves in not very warm climates. They bring color to everyday life, delighting with long flowering even in rainy weather. Huge flowers, unusual in shape and brightness, create unique bright spots on a flower garden or in a garden.

Not far behind in popularity is a group of plants with an unusual flower shape. This is a real exotic, because the petals can be twisted, twisted, cascading or spatulate.

It is worth mentioning the less popular, but still attractive polymer group daylilies. In plants of this species, the structure of the flower is distinguished by an increased number of petals and sepals up to four pieces.

And a group of daylilies that combine two or more officially recognized forms in one flower is commonly called Multiform.

Variety multiform ‘Fashion Leader’

pink daylilies

A very common category of daylilies are pink varieties. Many shades vary in tonality from white-pink to red-violet. In the descriptions of varieties, shades such as peach, coral, watermelon, flamingo colors, purple, salmon, raspberry and many others are often found.

Night Beacon- a hybrid daylily with chic velvet petals of deep burgundy color. Received wide popularity for its coloring, as well as unpretentiousness, excellent growth power and the possibility of transplanting by dividing the bush even in summer. Frost- and drought-resistant, with a pedicel height of 60-70 cm and a flower diameter of 10-12 cm, blooms luxuriantly and for a long time (3-4 weeks) from mid-July, with a repeat in September. Reviews about the variety are the most flattering, and the price is budget.

Daylily Mildred Mitchell- a perennial hybrid with pink-lilac large, up to 16 cm in diameter, and fragrant flowers. The evergreen tetraploid begins to bloom in late July and repeats in September. Pedicel of medium height, frost-resistant, suitable for bouquets. The owners of the original flower share their positive impressions about growing garden pets.

Hybrid Bestseller (Bestseller)- a real masterpiece of selector art. Semi-evergreen tetraploid has incredibly beautiful lilac-colored flowers with a corrugated yellow border. The diameter of each is 14 cm. It blooms for a long time and for a long time, starting from June, it releases a flower a day. Resistant to diseases, has excellent vigor. It is these advantages that are distinguished by flower growers who recommend this variety of daylily.

Daylily hybrid Night Embers- bright cherry flower with good frost resistance and unpretentious character. In the photo of Night Ambers, you can see all the beauty of a double flower, reaching a diameter of 13 cm. The height of the pedicel is average, up to 75 cm. The ability of asthenia to winter in frosty conditions without additional shelter attracts flower growers.

Day-lily Lacy Doily (Lacy Dolly)- the coral terry bicolor has been at the peak of popularity thanks to a strong root system that can survive in drought. Frost-resistant, can reach a height of 60 to 90 cm. Propagated by dividing the bush.

Hybrid Janice Brown- a small corrugated light pink flower. It is a semi-evergreen variety with a high degree of frost resistance. Blooms in July, blooms for a long time. The height of the pedicel reaches 45 cm, the diameter of the flower is about 11 cm. Flower growers like it for its brightness and expressiveness.

day lily hybrid Divas Choice (Divas Choice)- delicate coral-pink flowers up to 17 cm in diameter delight with flowering for a month and a half. The semi-evergreen tetraploid is frost-resistant and undemanding. Suitable for regions with severe winters.

Hybrid Double Dream (Double Dream)- Terry daylily with repeated and abundant flowering. The most delicate peach shade and flower diameter (15 cm) attracts with its beauty and early flowering. Frost resistance, drought resistance and unpretentiousness in care are the main advantages of the plant.

Day-lily Darla Anita (Darla Anita)- mid-early variety with pink-lilac petals and a corrugated border. Evergreen, perennial tetraploid, hardy. The variety requires warm weather and moderate rainfall. Bright colors and an amazing flower shape pleases with long, medium early flowering.

Hybrid Burgundy Love (Burgundy Love)- a sleeping tetraploid with repeated abundant flowering pleases the eye with a bright wine flower. Reaching a diameter of 15 cm. Flower growers are satisfied with the early ripeness of the variety, its high winter and drought resistance.

Final Touch (Final Touch)- a delightful pink-lavender hybrid with a yellow-green throat and curled petals. Fragrant, winters well, dormant, diploid. Florists fell in love with beauty and unpretentiousness.

Day-lily Elegant Candy (Elegant Candy)- a semi-evergreen fragrant hybrid with large flowers of a pink-salmon hue. Multicolor, with a pedicel height of up to 60 cm, tolerates frost and copes with drought. Blooms profusely from mid-July to August. Attracts flower growers with a yellow-green throat and unpretentiousness.

Pardon Me (sorry mi)- a miniature, bright red hybrid with a corrugated edge and abundant long flowering. Fragrant, undemanding, creates an excellent composition in a bouquet. Not whimsical.

Mini Pearl (Mini Pearl)- decorative perennial with creamy pink small flowers. A bush up to 50 cm high has a long flowering, starting in July. Unpretentious, but does not tolerate excess moisture. Disease resistant.

day lily hybrid Charles Johnston (Charles Jones)- pale red large fragrant flower with a yellow throat. Unpretentious, prefers lighted areas and watering in drought. Tolerates frost. Peduncle height up to 60 cm. Popular due to repeated abundant flowering.

Siloam Double Classic (Siloam Double Classic)- the most delicate pink hybrid with a pedicel height of about 40 cm and a flower diameter of up to 12 cm. Sleeping, diploid, blooms early and for a long time. Winters great. the most delicate double and fragrant flowers delight lovers of daylilies.

white daylilies

In addition to white, this group of daylilies includes varieties with shades of cream, pink, lilac, ivory. It also includes flowers with yellow corrugation along the edge of the petals. A gentle combination of colors attracts the attention of flower growers with its elegance and nobility.

Pandora's Box (Pandoras Box)- a perennial plant with dense bushes and large, almost white funnel-shaped flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. Long term flowering lasting 30-45 days begins in mid-July. If in sunny weather the flower lives for one day, then in cloudy weather it can delight with flowering for up to six days. The height of the pedicel is up to 50 cm. It has proven itself among lovers of fragrant, unpretentious and elegant perennials.

Day-lily Blizzard Bay (Blizzard Bay)- a very beautiful creamy white flower with a green throat and a corrugated leaf edge, reaching a height of 60-90 cm and a flower diameter of up to 15 cm. It blooms profusely from July and again in early September. With high frost resistance and drought resistance, he won the love of plant connoisseurs.

Destined to See- creamy daylily with a lavender center and a yellow throat. A flower up to 15 cm has a delicate corrugated border and a pleasant aroma. Plant of medium early flowering, winter-hardy, evergreen. By dividing the bush, reproduction occurs. Flower growers are satisfied with the variety as single or group plantings.

Day-lily Sabine Baur (Sabine Bauer)- unpretentious flowering variety with the most delicate colors. The drought- and winter-hardy plant has a great aroma and reaches a height of 60 cm. The flower is white, with a maroon center and an eyelet, it will decorate any flower bed. Drought tolerance increases the demand for the plant.

Hybrid Arctic Snow- large-flowered daylily of an unusual shape in diameter up to 15 cm with chic corrugated petals. Durable bush blooms from July to August. It has established itself as a frost-resistant and ideal plant for borders.

Finders Keepers (Finders Keepers)- A great option for a huge hybrid handsome with a corrugated edge. Cream petals delight with tenderness and abundant long flowering. Feels good in the sun or in partial shade, does not require painstaking care, for which he received wide popularity.

Day-lily Happy Happy (Happy Happy)- a magnificent creamy white flower with a cherry eye and a green throat. It has a dark cherry edging with a creamy white border. Up to 28 buds are formed on the pedicel. A perennial medium-sized variety is not whimsical and frost-resistant, for which it gained popularity, despite the high price.

Day-lily Canadian Border Patrol (Canadian Border Patrol)- an unusually beautiful, tricolor hybrid. Creamy-beige petals with a pressed purple border and a yellow throat are eye-catching. This elegant handsome man begins to bloom in early July and again in September. The height of the bush is 40-60 cm, the diameter of the flower is 15 cm. Moderate growth and good wintering have become the reason for the popularity of the variety.

yellow daylilies

Hybrid Bonanza- perennial sleeping handsome diploid with bright flowers. Resistant to frost and feels good in dry summers. Flowers up to 14 cm in diameter open on peduncles 55-65 cm high. Medium-late variety with long and abundant flowering. Suitable for any garden soil with the addition of humus. Gardeners all over the world admire this unpretentious and very bright variety.

Stella d'Oro (Stella de Oro)- the record holder among yellow daylilies for the duration of flowering. This sunny flower not whimsical, hardy, not very tall (up to 45 cm), rarely exposed to disease. Perfectly proved itself as a decoration of lawns and flower beds.

Eye On America (Ay he America)- a beautiful yellow-cream double flower with a purple eye. It blooms at the end of July and blooms for 25 days with a repeat in September. The height of the peduncle is up to 65 cm, the diameter of the flower is about 13 cm. Recommended for planting in open areas.

Day-lily Middendorf (Middendorfii)- one of the earliest flowering among the brothers. Blooming in May and pleases with its bright yellow flowers up to 10 cm in diameter until September. The aroma is not characteristic of this plant, but the appearance adorns many flower beds.

bright lemon hybrid Double River Wye (Double River Wye)- a favorite of flower growers. Saturated double flowers with a diameter of up to 13 cm bloom at the end of July and bloom for a long time. They winter well and do not require complexity in care.

Spider Daylilies

Spider-like forms of a flower are gaining more and more popularity in the world. Look great in landscape design near a pond or other body of water.

Spider Applique- tetraploid arachnid daylily. Perennial, reaches a height of 70-80 cm, with a huge flower in diameter (20-27 cm). It has an early-medium and long flowering period. Propagated by division of bushes in early spring or autumn.

Day-lily Crimson Pirate (Crimson Pirate)- the bright red spider is a dormant diploid. This hybrid won the love of flower growers due to the size of the flower (up to 15 cm), excellent winter hardiness and flowering time. With its help, beautiful compositions are created on flower beds.

Free Wheelin (Free Wheelin)- a huge arachnid daylily. An evergreen, tetraploid cultivar with a large, creamy yellow flower with a burgundy star-shaped center and an emerald green throat. Loves open lit areas, suitable for cutting. Gained popularity for long flowering.

orange daylilies

Inflorescences of orange daylilies act as very original and bright spots in flowerbeds and flower beds. Unpretentious, with a strong character and endurance, they delight many flower growers.

Frans Hals (Frans Hals)- winter-hardy hybrid variety, which has a bright two-tone color of the petals. It blooms luxuriantly from the end of July. Large flower, 15 cm in diameter, practically odorless. Each peduncle has up to 20 flower buds. Medium-sized variety reaches 65 cm in height and the same in diameter, perennial. The plant develops quickly, for which it gained popularity.

Greens and other daylilies

Breeders all over the world are working hard and painstakingly to develop new varieties. Green daylilies are no exception, but a dream that will come true in the near future.

Also, among the popular varieties there are daylilies with blue color. These include hybrid Catherine Woodbery (Catherine Woodbury) having a pleasant aroma, big flower with long flowering and high winter hardiness.

Day-lily Entrapment- a hybrid with large (up to 15 cm) bluish-purple flowers brings colors to the flower garden. This rhizomatous perennial is resistant to frost and drought. It blooms for a long time and profusely, while it is not difficult to care for.

Voodoo Dancer (Voodoo Dancer)- a very rare, unpretentious, but slow-growing variety. According to the description of the photo, you can see a beautiful, almost black flower with a bright yellow throat. The velor look of the petals fascinates the views of flower growers.

New in 2017

The selection does not stand still and every season new varieties of the best varieties of daylilies are offered. In the updated catalogs, you can find the names of the varieties: Michael Bennet (Michael Bennet), Through A Glass Darkly (Rout e Glaz Duckley), Defying Serenity (Defing Serenity), Rattlesnake Rake (Rettlesnake Rake), Pinewood Lily Pad (Pinewood Lily Pad). The latter will be of interest to gardeners in search of green daylilies. Its outer petals are green, while the inner petals are red-tipped.

Also new varieties are Awesome Memories, Emerald Dream, Buzzing About, Iridescent Splendor, Smiling Cobra, Wild Wanda. The newest variety registered in 2017 is Bei Mir Bist Du Schön.

Any chosen variety of beautiful flowers will fascinate with its view, delight with abundant and long flowering and delight with unpretentiousness.

From the collection of Larisa Kudelina

The video below shows part of this collection, which is notable for being one of the largest in Russia - more than 400 varieties.

Daylily is an amazing plant that does not require special care. You just need to plant him, and then he will take care of himself. it does not require shelter for the winter, does not require good soil does not require regular watering.

Daylilies belong to the genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the daylily family, as an ornamental plant. Plants look beautiful in single plantings, group plantings and in mixborders. They are a decoration of the landscape.

It will be about plants, the peak of flowering of which falls on July-beginning of August.

Daylily (Hemerocallis) - species and varieties with names

perennial herbaceous plant with xiphoid leaves descending to the ground, forming a bush up to 1 meter high. The flowers are large, funnel-shaped, similar to a lily.

One flower is opened for only one day, for which the people call the plant beautiful day. The Latin name is Hemerocallis. The genus includes about 25 species with a distribution in eastern Asia and less frequently in Europe.

The daylily grows both in the wild and in ornamental horticulture. In the wild, red and yellow colors are more common. In gardening, species are often used: red, yellow, lemon yellow, small, Dumorier, Middendorf, Thunberg, Forrest, hybrid.

  • lemon yellow (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni)

The most original of all daylilies. The flowers are tubular, strongly elongated, lemon-yellow in color and intensely fragrant. Blooms at night - from the second half of July to the end of August. In autumn, the leaves begin to die off even before the onset of frost.

  • Dumortier (Hemerocallis dumortieri Morr)

Otherwise, it is called wolf locust or yellow lily. One of the earliest flowering plants, blooms in the first half of May, sometimes again in August. Plant height 70 cm. Flowers in the amount of 2-4 pieces, plain orange, small - 5 cm long, odorless.

  • Red or brown-yellow (Hemerocallis fulva L)

The leaves are long up to 100 cm and wide from 1.5-3.0 cm. Peduncles are thick and strong up to 115 cm tall. The color of the outer corolla is dark yellow. The inner corolla is painted in reddish yellow tones. Blooms profusely in June-July. Doesn't bear fruit.

There are semi-double and terry forms (pictured above).

  • Yellow (Hemerocallis lilio-acphodelus L)

Plant with leafless peduncles 90 cm tall. The inflorescence is located on 5-10 flowers, shiny, lemon yellow, fragrant. Blooms in late May-June for 25 days. Poorly tolerates snowless winters and the presence of lime in the soil.

  • Middendorf (Hemerocallis middendorfii Trautv)

Another early blooming daylily. Dense bush up to 70 cm high with the same length of peduncles. On the inflorescence there are from 5 to 10 wide-open flowers up to 9 cm in diameter of intense dense yellow color. Blooms early from May to June.

  • Small (Hemerocallis minor Mill)

It is also called the small wolf locust. Bushes are small, graceful up to 60 cm tall. Peduncles rise above the leaves with flowers from 5 to 15 pieces. The flowers are small, uniform, light yellow, with a pleasant strong aroma.

  • Thunberg (Hemerocallis thunbergii Baker)

The bush is sprawling, flower stalks significantly exceed its height. The flowers are lemon yellow inside and green outside, lightly fragrant, open during the day. Flowering is abundant in June-early July.

  • Forrest (Hemerocallis forrestii Diels 1912)

It lives in the Chinese provinces at an altitude of 2000-2500 meters. Leaves 1-2 cm wide. Daylily belongs to the group of evergreens. Peduncle branched up to 5-6 flowers at the same time. In nature, it blooms from the end of May to the 2nd decade of June. The flowers are bright yellow and small.

  • Hybrid

Varieties obtained by crossing different types: yellow daylily, Middendorff, Thunberg and others. Varieties are characterized by long and abundant flowering. One plant can have up to 20 peduncles and up to 200 flowers blooming one after another. Coloring of flowers from light yellow to dark red of various shades and tones. Here are some varieties:

Height - 60 cm. Large corrugated flowers of cream color. Flowering - in July.

Height - 80 cm. Very large corrugated flowers of pale pink color. Flowering in July.

Lady Inara

Height - 60 cm. Large corrugated flowers of pink color. Flowering - in July.

Height - 80 cm. Large light cherry flowers with a yellow center. Flowering in July.

Height - 70 cm. Very large bright cherry flowers with a yellow center. Flowering - in July.

Height - 90 cm. Violet-red flowers with a yellow center. Flowering in July.

Video on how to properly divide a daylily bush into divisions

You need to learn how to properly divide the daylily into divisions and then plant it in a permanent place.

Daylily - planting and care in the open field

The plant is unpretentious, winter-hardy and drought-resistant. Prefers well-lit places, but also tolerates light shading (in the shade, the intensity of flowering decreases). In one place it can bloom up to 10 years.

If the soil is poor, then the daylily will develop slowly, but it will develop. On good garden lands the development process will go faster. If, when planting, you make half a bucket of rotted compost or manure, the plant will begin to develop very quickly.


Plants can resist weeds, so they practically do not require weeding, as they grow strongly and suppress everything. weeds. The main care is feeding.

During the period of spring growth, nitrogen is required in large quantities, during budding and flowering - phosphorus and potassium. For the formation of flower buds, the feeding cycle can be repeated after flowering.

During growth and flowering, the soil is greatly depleted, especially in old plantings. Therefore, plants need enhanced nutrition. In hot and dry weather, the daylily needs to be watered. Plants withstand a lack of moisture, but immediately react by slowing down growth - the number of flowers is reduced and they become smaller.

All gardeners want the bush to grow as quickly as possible a large number of rosettes, because a peduncle will go out of each, then the flowering will be lush and long.

To increase the number of outlets, in early spring, as soon as the green part of the daylily begins to grow, take a pruner and cut it low, leaving literally 1 cm from the ground. Additional sockets are immediately formed.

If you apply this method for 2 years, then by the 3rd year you will have a powerful bush. In the year when you make a short pruning of the above-ground part in the spring, there will naturally be no flowering, but the rhizome will develop rapidly.

But if you do not prune in the spring and leave one planted rosette, then it will bloom in your first year of planting. A weak bush will spend a lot of energy on flowering and will continue to give 2-3 subsequent years, one peduncle each. And all these years, instead of admiring the big bush with lush bloom, you will still contemplate 1-2 peduncles.

plant care

Daylily is an unpretentious plant, hardy, but if you do not take care of it at all, then the number of flower stalks will decrease. After 6-7 years, it must be dug up, pulled out with a pitchfork (this is done in August or at the end of July), put on its side, it is good to sort it out and seat it.

If you do not do such a rejuvenation of the bush, then your daylily will gradually stop blooming, it will give a powerful green beautiful bush, but will not bloom. If you overfeed it, then it will also give a beautiful bush, but it will not bloom. Keep this in mind.

If the flowering has fallen, then the bush has either thickened very much and needs to be rejuvenated (you can simply cut off half of the bush with a shovel, without digging it out entirely, and fill the resulting place with good humus soil, having previously pollinated the sections well with ash), or you overfeed it.

Top dressing should be done because every year it builds up a large ground part, and therefore takes a lot of nutrients out of the soil, and the soil becomes very impoverished.

The soil around the bushes should be regularly mulched and sprinkled with fertile soil so that the rhizomes do not become bare (they grow upwards). In late autumn, it is desirable to mulch old and young plantings with peat and compost.

Planting and reproduction

When propagated by seeds, daylilies grow slowly and develop poorly.

Therefore, it is best to propagate by dividing the bush - in the first half of May.

Plant delenki at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other, placing the root collar at the level of the soil. Water thoroughly after planting.

By dividing the bulbs, of course, it is best to propagate after they bloom. They take root easily, only it is necessary that it be sufficiently wet at the initial moment.

No need to let the seed box form. When you remove a fading flower, then break it out right along with the future seed box. Otherwise, the plant will spend too much energy on seeds, and fewer flowering buds will be planted for the next year.

Daylily in garden design

The daylily looks impressive both in single,

and in group plantings near water bodies,

around trees and shrubs,

lawns and rockeries.

The original solution is a flower garden of some daylilies, different in color, height and flowering time.

The bush is elegant and it is good to plant it along the path that leads somewhere.

There is such a variety Krasodnev, it blooms already at the end of May, with small yellow flowers, very unpretentious and stable. If you have planted the most common swampy irises in this group, which also bloom with yellow flowers at the same time as early daylilies, then the composition is elegant. Try it.

You can plant to Krasnodnev and ordinary unpretentious Siberian irises, the blue flowers of which will set off the yellow Krasnodnev.

Each flower lives only one day. But since the peduncle bears a whole bunch of buds, the flowers bloom literally one after another every day. A withering flower folds into a narrow tube, so it does not spoil the overall picture much, it can not be removed.

Video review of beautiful daylilies in your favorite garden

Plant and grow a daylily - the decoration of a country cottage. I already have it and I always admire its double flowering.

It is rare that an ornamental plant can bloom for many years in one place. Daylilies, the varieties with photos and names of which are described below, can not only grow, but also bloom luxuriantly, striking every year with a variety of shapes and colors.

Today, tens of thousands of large and miniature varieties are available to growers passionate about these plants. Large flowers appearing above the foliage illuminate the garden with all shades of yellow and red, pink and lilac, white and deep purple.

It was possible to achieve such a variety of daylilies due to complex hybridization using species plants.

Species and hybrid daylilies

It is not the brightest and most spectacular species plants, which are now common in gardens and parks, that became the ancestors of hybrid daylilies, far superior to the “natural savages” in the brightness of colors, the duration of flowering and the unexpected forms that flower corollas received thanks to breeders.

The most well-known and widespread are three specific forms. Brown-yellow daylily (Hemerocallis fulva) with pointed linear leaves, growing in sunny areas and in partial shade, forms powerful clumps. Above them are clearly visible peduncles with orange flowers, swaying measuredly on peduncles up to a meter high.

The yellow daylily (Hemerocallis flava) resembles the previous species, while its leaves are more prone to droop as they grow. Corollas of flowers with a diameter of about 10 cm have a sunny yellow color.

Another natural look, which became the ancestor of modern hybrid plants, is a lemon yellow daylily (Hemerocallis citrine). Plants up to 120 cm high with graceful light yellow or greenish flowers bloom en masse from the second half of summer.

The first cultural varieties of daylilies were created with the help of intraspecific selection, therefore, having retained the signs of their ancestors, they received larger flowers, spectacular terry corollas, began to bloom longer and less dependent on growing conditions. The names and photos of these varieties of daylilies are now well known to flower growers. But hybrids managed to gain maximum popularity, for which, due to the abundance of shapes, colors and other characteristics, a special classification was developed.

Existing hybrid daylilies are distinguished by the shape of the flower, highlighting:

  • simple, closest to the natural form;
  • terry, with a double or triple set of petals;
  • arachnids, with elongated petals that make the corolla look like an insect;
  • unusual or indefinite form;
  • as well as multiforms and polymers, which, according to one or another feature, can be attributed to several groups at once.

No less important than the shape of the flower, the duration of flowering and the time it starts is important for the grower. On this basis, plants are divided into several groups from early to very late. There are daylilies that bloom only once a year, but more and more breeders are introducing hybrid plants in which bud formation occurs in waves, several times during the summer.

Since each daylily corolla lives only a day, there are varieties of night, day and long flowering types. Knowing the peculiarity of the culture, you can choose varieties for the garden that will make it unique at any time of the day.

The sizes of the daylilies themselves and the flowers that open on them vary greatly. Miniature varieties do not exceed 30-40 cm in height, and giants can produce flower stalks up to one and a half meters. Corollas up to 7–8 cm are considered small. The most spectacular flowers have a diameter of about 15–17 cm.

Daylily Frans Hals, Frans Hals

The bright yellow-orange color of the petals for daylilies is "native", natural. But the creators of the Frans Hals variety were able to achieve a unique combination of these shades, turning the flower into an incredible spectacle. Opening, the corollas of Frans Hals daylily surprise with the saturation of wide orange petals, “stitched” with a yellow midrib. The neck of the corolla is yellowish-green, the trio of narrow petals is rich yellow.

As you can see in the photo, a daylily variety called Frans Hals is a great decoration for any garden where there is a well-lit area for the plant. Peduncles reach a height of 1 meter, the diameter of the flower in dissolution is 12–15 cm.

Daylily Bonanza, Bonanza

modern variety with yellow flowers, decorated with a bright red-wine coating in the center of the corolla, it tolerates a lack of moisture, loves the sun and, with easy care, will illuminate any area. Daylily Bonanza or Bonanza is a diploid variety with an average flowering period. It is characterized by regular flowering, resistance to freezing and pest attacks.

When grown in the shade, the hybrid daylily blooms, but not as intensely and for a long time as in the sun. But the shade contributes to the growth of foliage, which remains juicy from early spring until snow falls.

Daylily Longfields Pearl, Longfields Pearl

Cultural varieties of daylilies are very different from each other, and sometimes they can look more like lilies or gladioli in shape than their relatives. From the first days of August until mid-autumn, the Longfields Pearl variety of daylily reveals corollas, which at first glance can be easily confused with yellowish-cream lilies. Wide petals form a wide-conical flower. The neck is colored with greenish-yellow tones, which gradually warm up, becoming creamy, creamy. The diameter of the corolla is 10 cm. The leaves are green, narrowly pointed, linear.

The plant is unpretentious to growing conditions, needs regular watering and cleaning the soil under the rosettes from weeds. To maintain decorativeness in the summer, remove withered flowers, and after 5-7 years, the daylily is transplanted.

Daylily Stella de Oro, Stella D'Oro

Many are accustomed to consider daylilies as large garden perennials. However, today in the long list of varieties of these plants there are more and more true miniatures, no more than 30-40 cm high.

These include the daylily variety Stella de Oro with yellow star-shaped flowers. The diameter of the corolla of a pure, yellow shade is 6–7 cm. Plants with a compact rosette and very long lush flowering, despite their modest size, will definitely become real "stars" of the garden, fully justifying the name of the variety and daylily photo.

Daylily Stella D'Oro blooms in waves from almost June until frost, can be grown in open ground, as well as in large portable flowerpots.

Daylily Catherine Woodbery, Catherine Woodbery

The daylily variety Catherine Woodbery does not impress with double flowers or the incredible size of the bush. The peculiarity of this variety is a very delicate quivering lilac shade of petals, which looks especially advantageous against the background of a light greenish neck.

The simple flowers of the Katherine Woodbury daylily reach 12–16 m in diameter. Flowering occurs in the second half of summer. In the sun, the opening corollas are dominated by a yellow-pink tone, which acquires lilac sophistication in partial shade.

Daylily Night Bacon, Night Beacon

A variety with an unusual contrasting combination of a thick purple-wine and yellow hue cannot be called a novelty. Daylily Night Beacon has long been known to flower growers, not only because of the spectacular color of 8-centimeter flowers. Corollas of a classical form, proudly rising above the green, slightly drooping foliage, do not fade in the sun.

The unpretentious and bright daylily Night Bacon feels great in the sun, in partial shade the flowers are somewhat rarer, but the violet-purple hues on their petals acquire true depth.

Daylily Double River Wye, Double River Wye

Yellow terry varieties River Wye is a semi-evergreen variety that produces lush greenery in early spring and late fall. This plant has a diurnal type of flowering. From the opening of the bud of the Double River Vai daylily to its withering, it takes about 16 hours, during which the garden is illuminated with exquisite yellow hues and a slight aroma of large, 13 cm flowers.

The beginning of flowering occurs in July, and the last flowers with a double set of petals open in September.

Daylily Bestseller, Bestseller

This variety of hybrid daylily has many advantages. These are large flowers with a diameter of up to 14 centimeters, and caps of green foliage that are clearly visible in the garden, growing to a height of 60–70 cm. Flowers of the Bestseller variety are painted in lilac-pink delicate tones. The petals are fringed with an intricately twisted frill with green and yellow edges. Plants of medium flowering rocks decorate the garden from June to mid-August.

Daylily Divas Choice, Diva`s Choice

Another variety of hybrid daylily, whose flowers can easily be mistaken for garden lilies. The similarities are added by the delicate pink-cream color of the petals, characteristic of the Divas Chois daylily. Bred in 2012, the hybrid will not leave indifferent either the newcomer surprised by the diversity or the venerable connoisseur of culture.

Lemon-yellow shades in the depth of the neck become creamy yellow, warming up, turning into pink and coral-salmon color. Diva`s Choice petals are corrugated along the edge. The diameter of the flower in full bloom reaches a record 17 cm, while 3-4 buds can open simultaneously on one peduncle.

Daylily Pandoras Box, Pandora's box

A real Pandora's box in the world of daylilies! A magnificent hybrid, since 1980 it has not tired to amaze flower growers with the brightness of contrasting shades, flowering stability and compact plant size. Pandora's box daylily is a miniature variety. An adult plant does not exceed 50 cm in height, and it blooms very profusely and for a long time, delighting the owner with real bouquets of 10-centimeter flowers.

Greenish, lime corolla neck, tasty like a handful of cherries and blackberries, core and creamy petals. Daylily Pandora Box is an irresistible temptation and the center of attraction of everyone's attention!

Daylily Pardon Me, Pardon Me

Among the popular miniature varieties there are plants with simple and double flowers of all shades. But one of the leaders in attractiveness can be considered the daylily Pardon Me. A hybrid plant, whose lush greenery rises to 40–50 cm, every year pleases with the appearance of dense cherry flowers with a lemon neck. It is this contrasting bright color that is the main "highlight" of the Pardon Mi daylily, which blooms from July until September.

The plant does not require frequent transplantation, is very unpretentious and perfectly coexists with other miniature varieties.

Daylily Night Embers, Night Embers

Those who are not indifferent to rich tones, bright colors and curvaceous forms will like Night Ambers hybrid daylily variety. On medium-sized plants up to 75 cm, double flowers with diameters up to 12–14 cm with a truly unique color are revealed. The petals of the Night Embers variety seem to be made of velvet of a noble raspberry-purple hue. Their edges are exquisitely corrugated, through the deep tone of the petals a warm yellow neck.

Daylily Lacey Doly, Lacy Doily

It's amazing how these luxury plants, like daylilies, can be so unpretentious, not afraid of frost, easily endure drought and annually give gardeners a lot of original bright flowers.

Daylily Lacy Doily is no exception. From July, graceful double flowers of salmon or delicate pink color appear on bushes 60 to 80 cm high. The core of the corolla is yellow with a lemon or greenish tint. The daylily variety Lacy Doli is distinguished by stability, long flowering and wintering without problems.

Daylily Double Dream, Double Dream

Incredible plant for the most sophisticated garden! Hybrid Daylily Double Dream is a truly double dream plant with huge, up to 15 cm double flowers of luxurious salmon or creamy color. At the same time, the Double Dream daylily, like all its closest relatives, is not afraid of frost, blooms early, easily tolerates water deficiency and is ready to grow in the sun itself.

Daylily Red Rum, Red Rum

Red daylilies are not so common, so each such variety is of great interest to flower growers. Daylily Red Ram blooms from July to August. At this time, flower stalks appear above the green foliage up to half a meter high with actively tapped flowers with a diameter of about 10 centimeters. Corollas of a simple form in the depths seem to glow thanks to a greenish-yellow throat and yellow rays diverging from it in the middle of each petal.

Daylily Black Stockings, Black Stockings

Daylily Black Stockings is a novelty that Russian flower growers have yet to study well. However, you can fall in love with this flower at first sight! Introduced in 2015, the variety immediately attracted attention with 15 cm flowers, shaped like a lily and painted in a deep purple-purple hue. The core of the corolla is yellow. In the depths of the neck, greenish-lemon tones are noticeable. On the edge of the petals of the Black Stockings daylily lies an exquisite frill.

With outstanding flower sizes, the daylily itself is not very large. Its height reaches only 60 cm. The plant is characterized by repeated flowering, the main wave occurs in July and August.

Daylily Little Anna Rosa, Little Anna Rosa

Delicate touching daylily flowers Little Anna Rose cannot be overlooked even though the variety belongs to miniature plants. The height of foliage and peduncles does not exceed 40 cm, and the flowers that open at the end of June, and then, for the second time in the second half of summer, have a diameter of 8 cm.

Daylily Little Anna Rosa is a semi-evergreen variety that endures winters without problems and one of the first to meet spring with bright greens. Pale pink corollas with a rich spot in the center, in the depths they are painted in rich lemon tones. The edges of the petals are corrugated, bright white rays come along the top three.

Daylily Mildred Mitchell, Mildred Mitchell

Like many modern hybrid plants, the Mildred Mitchell daylily is characterized by double flowering, unpretentiousness in growing conditions and the grower's generous gratitude for modest care. The flowering of the hybrid lasts about a month and proceeds first in June-July, and then closer to the beginning of autumn. Lush curtains of narrow-lanceolate leaves at this time are decorated with peduncles with one or 2-4 large corollas in lilac-pink tones.

Daylily Mildred Mitchell is a kind of champion in flower size. Corollas in full dissolution have a diameter of 18 cm, which is a lot for a plant 60–70 cm high. In the center of a corolla of a simple shape, it is easy to notice a lilac spot, a lemon-yellow neck, and closer to the edges, the corrugated petals are painted in delicate pink. The lilac color from the center of the rim in the form of a piping passes to the frill. The middle line of each petal is decorated with a white or silver brushstroke. The same shade on the very edges.

Daylily Burgundy Love, Burgundy Love

A hybrid tetraploid daylily with a dense cherry shade of petals cannot pass by lovers of this garden culture. Daylily Burgundy Love belongs to the "sleeping" varieties, easily reacting to changes in weather and seasons. Therefore, you need to expect from him not one or two, but several full-fledged blooms. The flowers of the Burgundy Love variety, opening, reach a size of 15 cm. Barely corrugated, as if brocade petals are painted in a noble shade of red wine. The neck is yellow, a light, pastel stroke is applied along the central line of the petal.

Unpretentious daylily in the garden - video

Do you want to forget all the sorrows and hardships? Get one magical flower in your backyard - a handsome daylily.

In recent years, "floral fashion" has increasingly favored unpretentious perennials, rather than capricious and refined. Daylilies, outwardly very similar to lilies, occupy a leading place in this series.

These flowers have a lot of advantages - they are not demanding and winter-hardy, grow very well, retain their decorative effect for a long time, and are almost not damaged by pests and diseases.

Another daylily in our country is known under the name "Krasnodnev", which comes from the translation of the scientific name - Hemerocallis, where hemera - day, and callos - beauty.

  • There is a belief among the people that if you touch its petals, all misfortunes will immediately run away from you, and luck and joy will come instead.

A delicate flower lives like a butterfly - just one day. But this does not detract from its merits at all. Strong flower arrows instead of one departed give dozens of other buds with exquisite shapes and amazing colors.

Krasnodnev has long been familiar to people (almost three thousand years before the birth of Christ), you can read about it in the writings of the legendary Confucius and the Roman naturalist Pliny.

At that distant time, these flowers were eaten (buds and petals replaced vegetables, shoots went to salads, and buds served as seasoning for various dishes).

  • Daylily is still willingly eaten in Asian countries. There he is especially widespread and revered.

Chinese healers also used the medicinal properties of the flower (they treated liver diseases, stopped bleeding). They are also sure that this amazing flower uplifts the spirit, gladdens the heart and helps to cope with grief.

And only at the end of the 19th century, the krasnodnev gradually began to win the love of gardeners and turned from a garden dweller into a wonderful decorative culture.

let's get acquainted

Krasnodnev is a perennial herbaceous plant of rhizome type. Its roots are interesting - they resemble thick, juicy shoelaces that can form stolons (root shoots).

The leaves of the king of the flower world are straight and curved. But, of course, the main thing is the flowers.

  • Large in size, funnel-shaped, they amaze with the variety of their color. Salmon, brown-red, black, purple, lilac, golden, orange flowers are collected in lush inflorescences up to 10 flowers each.

This spectacle of extraordinary beauty can be observed on average from July to early autumn. In just one season, an adult daylily bush can produce up to 30 flower stalks.

The peduncles themselves proudly rise above the crown and can reach a height of a meter. At the same time, up to 3 flowers can bloom on the peduncle (many of them begin to bloom at night).

daylily types

Breeders happily worked on improving and creating new types of handsome. The selection history of unusual flowers can be divided into two stages:

♦ Diploids. Hybrids created before the 60s of the last century. These were the first selective ornamental plants.

  • Diploids are flowers that have two sets of chromosomes in their body. Diploidy leads to an increase in the reproductive and vegetative organs of the plant.

As a result, gardeners got the opportunity to grow especially large, weather-resistant, unpretentious in care and magnificent in appearance daylilies, the varieties of which quickly won love and adoration.

♦ Tetraploids. Improved diploid daylilies that already contain 4 sets of chromosomal genes. The appearance of tetraploids was a real breakthrough in flower breeding.

  • Tetraploid plants began to develop faster, bloom more abundantly and brighter. They have acquired remarkable protective qualities against diseases and pests.

Cultures of fabulous beauty were obtained - with a tricolor color and petals of various shapes (corrugated, wavy, fringed, with colored edging). Such flowers were extremely expensive (their price sometimes reached 250-300 dollars).

But breeders working with diploids did not lose heart. They were able to create new flower hybrids that are not inferior in quality to tetraploids, but are more affordable in finance.

Daylilies modern

Modern breeders are creating new types of amazing culture. They work with daylilies in many countries (France, Germany, England, New Zealand, Australia).

  • In Russia, unfortunately, there are no own varieties of daylily yet. Interest in Krasnodnev has awakened quite recently.

Daylilies in the gardens of our country until some time grew only in the wild. Occasionally it was possible to find only diploids of 40-50 years.

Flower classification

Ornamental gardening classifies Krasnodnevs based on a number of their features:

♦ Peduncle length (stem height)

  1. Dwarf(up to 30 cm).
  2. Low(30-60 cm).
  3. medium height(60-90 cm).
  4. High(from 90 cm).

♦ Vegetative

  1. Evergreens. Such flowers, even in frosts, do not shed their foliage. As soon as the air begins to warm up, evergreen daylilies independently grow their shoots and leaves.
  2. Semi-evergreen. These species retain their crown under the snow cover only partially, but they perfectly tolerate cold and other adverse climatic conditions.
  3. Sleepers(deciduous). Such cultures, at the first onset of autumn, immediately shed all their leaves and safely "fall asleep", waking up only with the onset of spring.

♦ Flowering time

  1. Early. They bloom around the first half of June.
  2. Mid-early. Such species bloom a little later (late June-mid-July).
  3. Medium. The flowering period of these crops falls on the very end of July-beginning of August.
  4. Middle late. They begin to delight with flowers closer to the middle of the month of August.
  5. Late. Release their flower arrows in the most last days summer.

♦ Color type

  1. Single color. The simplest flowers, the petals of which are painted in just one color.
  2. Bicolor. The buds of these species spoil us with a more interesting color in two bright colors.
  3. Multicolor(polychrome). The most interesting in color daylilies. They are proud of very attractive colors, in which there are already from 3 different tones.
  4. Blend. The colors of these cultures were singled out in a separate group. They differ in that they have the color of the petals of more than 2 bright, contrasting, iridescent shades.

♦ Dimensions (diameter) of the flower

  1. miniature(up to 7.5 cm).
  2. Small-flowered(7.5-11.5 cm).
  3. large flowers(11.5-17.5 cm).
  4. Giant(more than 17.5 cm).

Everyone, of course, will say that the best are giant varieties. But you can find a use for each type.

Krasnodnevy-giants and large-flowered are especially good for solitary (single) landings.

To decorate rockeries (stone flower garden), alpine slides, miniature flowers will be ideal.

And small-colored pretty species are suitable for borders.

Spider-shaped daylilies are now considered the most fashionable, having a spider-shaped (narrow petals that do not overlap each other).

These varieties look best near ornamental ponds.

Over the past decades, foreign breeders have created tens of thousands of new varieties. Modern daylilies, planting and caring for which already require increased attention, knowledge of agricultural technology and great love of the owner, have become a chic decoration of a modern garden.

Before advising you the most suitable varieties for our climate, we will make some important clarifications.


  • Due to the short summer, the red day may not bloom again (just not in time).
  • The color of many flowers in a cold climate becomes more saturated (sometimes a flower can even completely change color). Fertilizing also affects the color of the petals.
  • Daylily is a perennial plant. In the first year of life, he may not show himself in all its glory (there will be smaller buds, a small number of flowers). The plant will demonstrate its true splendor when it is mature. So arm yourself with patience.

Experienced gardeners recommend the following varieties of this elegant flower for cultivation in our country: Middendorf, Yellow, Ochroleuca, Royal Sovereign, Folkor, Brown-yellow, Radiant, Partenope, Nilbio, Marguerite Perry, Lady Gesket, Dr. Regel, Graminea, Golden Dust, Apriko .

beauty in the garden

Before sending daylilies for planting, their stems should be briefly immersed in a growth stimulator solution (you can take Zircon, Epin, Humat).

When buying seedlings, carefully inspect the rhizome, if it is weak and thin, then you can lose 2-3 years, waiting for your plant to get stronger and bloom.

If you are transplanting mature plants or rooted cuttings, remove any rotten root shoots and cut the leaves to a length of 15 cm (this will help better development culture).

  • The daylily is perfectly preserved when dug up. It is able to lie in a dry place for up to 3 weeks without losing its qualities. By the way, during this time you can find a suitable place for him in the garden.

Received plants by mail usually come with already cut roots and dry. Such planting material can be revived in a "clay mash".

We do it like this: add clay, a little potassium permanganate, complex mineral fertilizer and, for the best effect, "Kornevin" to the water.

In this talker we soak our planting material for 6-10 hours. There the flower will come to life and swell.

♦ How to plant daylilies. Our fleeting beauties are perennial plants, so the choice of a place for them should be approached responsibly. They need to choose a place taking into account the final color of the petals.

  • Varieties of delicate colors need full and constant illumination. Species that are more saturated in color should be protected from scorching rays (a dark color absorbs heat better and quickly fades, forming ugly spots).

But a permanent shadow is also undesirable - the plant will grow too weak and thin. The best option for bright daylilies is sun exposure for about 6 hours daily.

♦ Soil. The flowers tolerate any kind of soil well. But, if the ground is too heavy, add a mixture of humus and peat / sand to the areas. This will improve the structure of the earth.

In lighter (sandy) soil, clay or compost can be added to help the soil retain moisture better.

  • Don't forget drainage! Flowers are very fond of drained soil. Sawdust, broken small red brick, crushed stone, expanded clay are suitable as drainage.

If your garden is characterized by damp, wetlands, growing daylilies will be more successful in high ridges (8-15 cm high).

♦ Planting a daylily. Flowers can be planted at almost any time (spring-autumn). But consider the location of the garden (in more northern areas, plant them better in spring so that the flowers have time to take root and get comfortable before the cold weather).

  1. We dig a hole about 30 cm deep. We pour a small amount of peat-humus mixture and potassium-phosphorus fertilizer into it.
  2. Carefully immerse the flower stem into the hole to the level of the neck of the root.
  3. We fall asleep with garden soil, slightly compact and water well.
  4. Be sure to mulch to prevent evaporation of moisture (compost or peat will do).

Landing care

The old varieties of daylilies are so unpretentious that the Germans even called them "Intelligent Lazy Plants".

New hybrids are more capricious than their parents. But still, they cannot be attributed to too demanding plants; care for daylilies is subject even to novice gardeners.

But make sure that when watering the earth is moistened to a depth of 30-35 cm.

  • It is better to carry out this procedure in the evenings (before dark).

♦ Fertilizers. Flowers are very responsive to feeding. They only need a few nutritional supplements.

  • Early spring. We feed the daylily with a full range of mineral supplements. It is better to scatter them near the bush, without pouring them on the leaves.
  • Early summer(before flowering). Liquid top dressing from 10% infusion of bird droppings (2 liters per plant) or ammonium nitrate (10-12 g per bush) will be useful.
  • End of summer. At this time, the flowers need potassium and phosphorus supplements (a solution of 10 liters of water and 200 g of the substance). These fertilizers should be applied in a previously prepared groove, retreating from the stem 20-25 cm.

♦ Preparing for winter. Krasnodnevy bloom until the deepest autumn. But after the end of summer, watch for their flowering, remove faded flower stalks in time (they can take strength from the plant).

The flower tolerates winter cold without any problems.

  • Before winter period it is necessary to cut off the entire ground part of the culture. If the leaves suffer from cold, they will become very soft and weak.

In very cold climates, in late autumn, well mulch the neck of the plant root with humus or compost (mulch layer should be up to 2 cm). Carefully cover your pet with spruce branches.

♦ Reproduction. The most beautiful daylilies can be propagated. The easiest way is to divide the bush.

For this, an adult plant aged 5-7 years is suitable. It can be propagated in autumn and spring.

  • Carefully dig up the bush and divide the plant into several equal parts. Try not to damage the roots (in a mature plant root system very intertwined).

Treat the cutting site with ash or crushed coal (just fill in the wound). And the plant can be planted immediately or after some time.

The flower is propagated by seeds very rarely (in this case, you have to wait for flowering for too long - several years).

Possible diseases and pests

The owners of these magically beautiful plants may face many dangers that threaten the health of the precious beauty.

First of all, these are numerous diseases that experts divide into several categories:

  • Bacterial infections(soft rot of the neck of the root, opening rot of the roots). Too warm, humid time contributes to the development of dangerous ailments. To prevent diseases, flowers should be regularly treated with Bordeaux liquid.
  • fungal diseases(leaf striping, iris spotting, fusarium, cercosporosis, rust). Fungi are spread by the wind, with the help of rain. Pathogens overwinter in plant debris, under roots and on weeds.
  • Viral diseases. They are very difficult to diagnose and distinguish from other ailments. Many of these diseases occur without much harm to the plant, manifesting themselves in the form of spots, stripes, specks, or deformation of the leaves. In more difficult cases flowers should be destroyed.

The daylily has one mysterious disease, the causes of which are still not understood. The disease always proceeds in early spring and affects only one fan near the bush.

At the same time, the sprout of a diseased plant begins to grow already with deformations of the leaves, holes on their surface. Such a flower develops very poorly.

  • This disease is not fatal, just the plant becomes stunted, not decorative look. Experienced gardeners advise better covering tender plants for the winter to prevent spring sickness.

The most important factor influencing the appearance of ailments in a flower is stress. It is he who in 85% of cases (according to statistics) leads to diseases.

Stressful situations in a flower can cause poor care, excessive watering, lack / excess of nutrients, unsuitable conditions and illiterate planting, an abundance of weeds.

Its appearance can be guessed from the severe deformation of the leaves, on which spots, dots, white stripes appear.

  • Thrips are massively distributed in a hot, dry season. They hibernate in the roots of flowers.

Good help and laundry soap(Spray the plants with soapy water twice a week).

Daylilies are also threatened by the larvae of the May beetle, nematodes (the pests eat the roots of the flower). If this is reflected in the appearance of the plant, it should be dug up, the roots cleaned and transplanted to a new place.

So we met with another bright representative of our flower garden. Flowers are a whole world, a world of beauty and grace that never ceases to amaze, delight and delight us endlessly.

See you soon, dear readers!

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