Lilyniki early varieties. Lilyrik (31 photos)

Landscape design and layout 24.05.2019
Landscape design and layout

Garden flowers Lilynik have an excellent appearance during their flowering and a surprisingly short lifespan of blossomed bud. The flower blossomed on the eve of the evening should be closed and faded a day later. The correct landing of the lytered flower will provide a special decorativeness of this culture, it is important to know how to choose a place for its cultivation. Flower care Lilynik does not differ in the complexity of agrotechnical events. Watering, feeding, soil looser - here, perhaps, all. Properly spent landing of the flower of the Lilyer makes the plant care even easier and not requiring constant attention. Competently chosen species and varieties of loyers allow to obtain active stormy bloom for several months.

Plant Lilynik: description and photo

Starting a description of the Lilynik, it is worth noting that this is a flower of intelligent lazy. There is a well-known statement: if lilies are the favorite flowers of kings, then Lilyniki is the joy of their gardeners.

Another name of the plant of the Lilynik - Kraswodenev, and the correct hemrookalles.

Life form

Perennial lentimaries of grassy short-corneelous-creek polycarpics with thickened pressing roots and sockets will be suspended by the escape, underground shoots, 3-8 to 25 cm long

Linear double-row, grooved, upward or deductible drooping, from 0.8 cm wide up to 3 cm, from 30 to 100 cm long

Bells or star, with three petals and three cups, with six stamens, one pestle, three-travelers, 3-40 flowers on a dilated bloom in a blizzard or head of the inflorescence

Multiferous dry open box

There are loylays to the Lilysea family (LILIASEAE), which is so clear from the very name of the flower. These wonderful perennials are known to humanity at least two thousand years. Their homeland is considered the eastern part of Asia. In Japan and China, these plants cultivate many centuries. By the way, in these countries there is a belief: if the leaves and the flowers of the Lily Touch with hand - everything is sad from the soul. In Europe, wild species of Lilynikov are also known from the long time, they can be found in the meadows to this day. But their relocation to European gardens began only from the XVI century, and in the Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg, the first grade of the Lilyik was registered only in 1813. But only for 150 years we have more than 10 thousand! Interest in the Lily then increased, then again fell.

Studying Lily in the photo with a description, it will be possible to make a primary impression of culture, and more detailed information will allow properly growing on the site:

Recently, a real boom has risen around them, and not only in Russia, but also around the world. This is quite explained, since the plant is very plastic and easily selected. What are the varieties and types of loyers did not create breeders of all over the world! They are already already numbered more than 50 thousand. Let's start working with Lily in order.

In his title "Krasidnev" reflects the short life of his flower. Every flower blooms in the evening and, having lives only the same day, leads to the evening. The blurred flower turns into the tube, so general view Plants do not spoil. Since each blooming can carry up to 40 buds, and 3-4 buds are blooming at the same time, and the flowers in each plant can be more than a dozen, and they will not grow up simultaneously, then flowering in loychalniks is abundant and long.

In nature, the Lilynikov grows along forest edges, often adjacent to shrubs, in wet climbing meadows, on sudidal meadows, on slopes and recreational valleys, in the microplation of relief with damp soil. The biology of most species loyers has been studied in sufficient detail.

See how the Lilaylik plant looks like in the photo, where different stages of plant development are shown:

What looks like a flower of a loyal and blooms (with a photo)

For the cultivation of Lilynikov, the most suitable fertile clay weakness or neutral soils with good drainage are most suitable. On the shocking, sleeved areas at the plants, thickened cords are reinforced. What the Lilyrik flower looks like, depends on the location of its location: better plants develop in sunny places, in the shade bloom stops or weakens.

Spring rustling of loyers begins early enough, in the second decade of April. The shortest period from growing up to flowering - in the village of Zlakovoid - 29 days, the largest - in l. Red - 92 days. The first in the second decade of May blooms l. cereal, then l. Yellow and l. Middendorf (the third decade of May), the last blooms l. Redhead (in July). The duration of flowering varies from 50 days in l. Zlakovoid, up to 15-17 days y Korean. There are instructions on re-blossoming l. Zlakovoid in September.

See what a loyal looks like in the photo, where different types of inflorescences are shown:

On flowers, different species have from 4 to 54 flowers. The largest flower in l. redhead (up to 13 cm long), the smallest - in l. Korean (length 4 cm). Over the color of the perianth, the Lilyniki is represented by yellow and orange tones. Different types and length of flowerons - from 30 cm at l. Zlatkovoid, up to 90 cm at l. Redhead.

Flowers of the grassland of grassoid open at 7-8 in the morning. The life expectancy of one flower varies from 1 to 3 days.

The disclosure time of Middondorf Flower Flowers falls on 6-7 in the morning. Flower flowers 1 day.

Korean Lily Flower opens at 8 am and blooms one day.

A yellow flower is opened at 7-9 in the morning and blooms 2 and more than a day.

Lily lemon in hot dry weather, fragrant flowers are opened at night at 22 o'clock and close to 10 am. In cloudy weather, his flowers open up to 7 am and flowing one day.

In modern garden classification of Lilyikov, species blooming during the day, are called daily (diurnal), blooming at night - night (nocturnal), views with flower flowering more than a day are called long-term (extended flowering).

See how the Lilynik blooms in other photos, where they are shown in the bootonization stage different types and varieties of culture:

Varieties of Garden Lilynikov: Names with photos

The most polymorphic view with an extensive latitudinal area is yellow. The East Asian and Siberian varieties of the Lilynik are known, various not only by morphological features, but also on the rhythm of development. In culture, its wound-flowing large-flowered form of Siberia is more common.

In culture on Far East Middaddorf's Lily and Lily of Middlendorf with very narrow drop-down leaves and fragrant orange flowers.

Lilyrik Red, one of the most common types in culture, forms root offspring and eventually grow in a loose curtin or thicket.

His cultural clone Orange Lily is the least winter hardy. In the southern regions throughout the year he does not stop the growing season, that is, evergreen.

His evergreen form called Lily orange large (H. Aurantiaca var. Major Baker) From Japan, the flowers are larger and beautiful, this form is also widespread in culture and used in hybridization.

The presented varieties of Garden Lily in the photo with names allow themselves to imagine a variety of buds of buds:

W. lilyikov Forrest and folded leaves are preserved in autumn green to severe frosts, as in the evergreen l. Orange. All of them, along with long-known natural Asian species, were used as a starting material to remove new varieties. In 1934, a monograph on the Lily of Dr. A. B. Stata, who led by experienced introductory work in the New York Botanical Garden. In the monograph, he describes all famous species The genus and existing varieties at that time are about 200. For the first time, they were described by a non-profit tripotoid clone l. Redhead. Dr. A. B. Stout played a decisive role in the study of the species diversity, understanding the biology of the plant, laid the beginning of hybridization and opened the enormous potential of the genofard of the Rod Lilynik. However, interest in Lilyikov in the USA has not yet been beyond the scope of scientific research of a limited circle of scientists, and in countryside An unpretentious Lilynik was taken to plant mezhi between the fields, for which the plant was called the "Farm Lily".

This type of loylastic with photos and names of varieties on household plots can be grown on the flower beds and in flower beds:

In 1937, a mechanism for the effects of colchicine on plant cells was described and methods for obtaining polyploid plants were proposed, that is, plants with an increased number of chromosomes. In the 1950s. Dr. Grisbach and Chemist Orville FeEM developed a methodology for collecting the seeds of Lilyiniks.

It turned out that the blisterless, not forming seeds, the Lily of the Redhead from the American introduction population is a triploid, and its varieties available in the introduction collection - diploids, like most species lyvilikes. The selection potential of diploid varieties by that time was exhausted, so the method of obtaining viable polyploides was in demand. In addition to the publication of the methodology of collagging, Dr. Grisbach conducted numerous practical classes for commercial and amateur manufacturers of Lilyniki. By 1961, the first tetraploid varieties appeared. Tetraploid plants differ from diploid not only with a double increase in the number of chromosomes, but also earlier spring awakening, faster growth, increased vitality. Tetraploid flowers are larger and more rounded shape, rich color scheme, petals are thicker and stronger, there are more buds on color wheels (up to 50 or more).

The first tetraploid varieties appeared in the mid-1950s., And in 1961, the Silver Medal of Stuart received a tetraploid grade "Mary Todd".

Initially, tetraploid varieties were glorified, or completely fruitless, but gradually breeders achieved the preparation of varieties with viable seeds. For gardeners, it is important not so much receiving seeds (this is necessary to breeders), how much is the fact that the fruitless varieties of the tricky perianth does not fall, giving the plant a sloppy view. In fertile forms, the perianth immediately after the end of flowering and the formation of the margin is falling.

Look at these varieties of Lilynikov in the photo, where the most popular varieties are presented:

By 1967, there were already 73 tetraploid varieties, and today there are more than 70,000 varieties of Lilyniks in the world. The vast majority of them are tetraploids. Culture of hybrid Lilynikov - leading in the USA economic branch of decorative crop production by the number of grown plants, sales volume, popularity.

Abroad, the selection of Lilynikov are mainly lovers. The number of farms and private farms growing and creating new varieties of Lilynikov has several thousand. In countries with a warm climate (USA, France), it is possible to obtain one generation of blooming seedlings for 9 months, and in Australia - for 7. In the climatic conditions of Russia, it goes on average for 2 years. Due to the ease of registration of new varieties in AHS (just fill out the form, send a photo and pay a contribution of 15 dollars), in the lists of varieties a lot of low value, unstable forms. Along with this, there are valuable, original, but not registered in the US variety, for example, the French breeder Pierre Anfosso.

Attempts to commercial replication of outstanding varieties using a microclonal method were not crowned with success. In the culture of the Lilynik, the formed clone plants do not inherit the entire volume of the properties of the parent variety: the flowers have flexible colors, lose the fringe, teeth, corrugations along the edge of the petals, the flowers are deformed. For this reason, the varietal scaffolding is diluted only by the division of the bush, stalling, sleeping eyes, varieties with loose bushes - gods, and as a result, valuable varieties and novelties are very expensive.

Nevertheless, the removal of new varieties and breeding, selling, growing the plant is so popular that the culture of varietal Lilynikov can be called the world's first largest global "green" project, leaving far behind the rose, corn, soy, gladioli and even breeding animal husbandry. The Lilynik can rightly be called the plant of the XXI century.

Types and varieties of Lilynik in the photo are presented in a wide variety of forms of this amazing garden culture:

Most of the new hybrid varieties are derived from the United States. Since interspecific crossing was used in the dissemination of new forms, in the biology of American hybrid loyal oils there are specific, important for culture in Russia, features. The largest selection centers of this culture are located in the state of Florida, in the region with a warm and wet subtropical climate, so the question of checking the winter hardiness of the created varieties is not taken into account by breeders. Among the natural types of hybridization involved in hybridization, there are not enough winter-hardy, for example, evergreen and native-bodied orange, forrest and folded. Therefore, not all American varieties of Lilynikov are capable of wintering in Russia, as well as successfully grow, develop, blossom under conditions of low positive temperatures.

Natural and climatic conditions in various parts of the Russian Federation are significantly different, therefore the introduction of new varieties can be carried out only directly on the spot. In the Moscow region, as in other regions of the Russian Federation, this task is performed by numerous amateur gardeners, combined into the section of the Lilyikov Flower Club Club section with the Company's Recovery and Nature Society. For the period from 1995-2012 In private gardens, extensive collections of hybrid loylays are collected, mainly American varieties. Since 1998, the club annually organizes the summer exhibitions of flowering Lilynikov, where you can get information about the exhibited varieties. The club also collects and analyzes information about the winter hardiness of varieties from the flower flows of Siberia, the Far East, other regions of Russia and the CIS. Another domestic amateur association is the MOO "Lilynik" (interregional public organization Association of flower flows for collecting and selection of varietal Lily Lilynik), publishing reports, articles and recommendations on the network.

The active participation of lovers, enthusiasts in the introduction and selection of plants is a characteristic feature modern stage Gardening development is not only in Russia, but also all over the world. The contribution of Russian lovers to the introduction of library communications with long periodnecessary for acclimatization, adaptation, primary study of the variety and its subsequent reproduction in the conditions of the Russian Federation, the diversity of the soil and climatic conditions of Russia, as well as with high cost and low-cost varieties. Thanks to the development of interregional and international relations, the Internet, this work is carried out at a high level, the results of the introduction are discussed, published and accessible to interested persons. In the middle line of Russia, more than 3000 varieties were tested, recommended for landscaping and amateur gardening about 200 stable varieties of Lilynikov.

Features of growing Lilynikov

Lilyik surprisingly unpretentious and resistant plant. It is only necessary to put it right, and all the work for the next 10 years on this end. This is really not a plant, but the joy of a gardener. Lilyniks grow great and bloom not only in the sun, but also in a half, for example, from the south side under the canopy of the tree. On well-fertilous soils are developing faster, but put together with rather meager soil. We prefer soils close to neutral, but weakly acids are suitable for them (pH 5-6).

Plants are completely drought-resistant, although in dry and hot weather, of course, they want to drink, so do not forget to pour them, especially before flowering. When the plants are growing up, the weeds stretched in all sides of the foliage of the weeds remaining under the sun. So it is also necessary to them only in the first years of life, and they are long-livers and can grow in one place without a transplant of at least 10 years.

Lilynikov practically no pests, and they do not hurt anything, except that the root neck can be dried due to the overwhelming of the soil. Therefore, do not plant loyers in low places, especially with close standing groundwater. In such a situation, they should be planted on a raised ridge. In addition, there is a nice river sand around the root neck.

The plant has a powerful rhizome, but at the same time compact and shortwriting, therefore, at a relatively small area, quite a lot of plants can be placed (a 50/50 cm planting scheme). Its roots are deeply penetrated into the soil, forming underground collisions. The root rosette of long, narrow or wide, curved leaf arc gives the plant lush, luxurious view. Highly above the leaves are rising straight, durable, which do not require garters of flowers, carrying a large number of gradually drop-down buds. Elegant flowers of modern varieties are similar to the lilies of the most diverse colors (except for pure blue, white and blue). Often there are two-color, strips and strokes or rings of another color or tone. The variety of flower shape and amazing variety of petals shapes simply amazes when you see the collection of these beautiful plants. In this, they can compete not only with lilies, but also with gladiolus. There are varieties with striped white-green leaves.

In addition to all other advantages that the Lilynik possesses, he is also winter articles, so that the shelter for the winter is not required. Well, just an excellent flower! You can choose varieties blooming in different times, and you will get continuously blooming garden Lilynikov. The first of them, very early, begins blossoming at the end of May, the early bloom in June, the middle-early bloom from the end of June to the beginning of July, the average - the end of July is the beginning of August, the mid-late bloom all August. Major large-flowered hybrids bloom in July-August. Late hybrids begin their bloom from the end of August to the end of September. In the north-west, they usually fall under the first autumn frosts, which the plant itself is not lying, but the flowers are very spoiled. In addition, even in warm autumn, they do not have time to lay floral kidneys for the next year, so that our late varieties do not justify themselves. After flowering plants retain an attractive look. IN last years Created quite a lot of terry and semi-world hybrids.

Sorts and types of Lilynikov: with photos and names

In the size of the flower, the types of dies are divided into three groups:

  • Miniature with a flower diameter up to 5-7 cm;
  • Mignette-to-11-12 cm;
  • Large-flowered - from 12 to 17 cm.

In the height of the blooming, they are divided into dwarf (about 30 cm), low (up to 50 cm), average (50-80 cm) and tall (above 80 cm).

Look tall types of loyers: their photos and names can help make right choice The planting material for breeding on its own landing area:

Dwarfs are suitable for rocaries (stony slides). Low are usually used for borders, and the rest are in mixlers, chapets, in group landings, for the framing of water bodies or when landing with separate curtains. The highest looks well in single landings there and Syam in the site. It must be said that the beautiful foliage of the Lilynikov can decorate plants with a noncain bottom or such, the above-ground part of which loses decorativeness (or disappears at all) after flowering. Therefore, Lilyiks land in the foreground in front of high plants. They are well combined with, all sorts.

Types of Lilynikov with photos

Species loyers, winter-hardy and unpretentious, are still claimed in Russian gardens, especially in landscape compositions Natural style. The varietal plants have to go through a sufficiently long path of introduction, selection of stable forms and reproduction. Domestic breeders of Lilynikov first collect a collection of high-grade plants, (create an introduction population), where plants are combined with outstanding varietal qualities of different genotypes, that is, deciduous, evergreens and natives and diploons, varieties with day, night and long-lasting blossoms, large and small-beds Sort S. large quantity Flowers on a flower view, a variety with a 2-3 flowers on a flower, and so on.

See some types of Lily in the photo, where the wealth of the color of buds is offered:

Need to take into account that in recent years genetic diversity Foreign varietal leafers decrease, since a limited number of diploid genotypes were used to remove tetraploids. At the same time, when drawing up an introduction collection, it is desirable to acquire genetic material with commercial potential, that is, elite on decorative qualities.

Asian culture species are represented by Lily:

Yellow (H. Flava L.), zlatkovoid (H. Graminea L.);

Korean (H. Coreana), Middondorfa (H. MiddendorFII);

Dihorter (H. Dumortieri Morr.), lemon (H. Citrina Baroni.);

Tunberg (H. THUNBERGII BAKER.), small (H. MINOR MILL.);

Orange (H. Aurantiaca).

The species loyers are stable, unpretentious, winter-hardy, can grow throughout the middle lane of Russia, to the Polar region, in Siberia, except for arid southern regions.

IN Western Europe, Mediterranean, Transcaucasia Today there are two types of Lilynikov: l. Redhead (N. Fulva L.) and l. Yellow (Next Lilynik - l.). A number of researchers believe that the Asian species are species l. Yellow and l. Redhead brought to Turkey and Transcaucasia, and then to Europe asian nomads. The first descriptions of the lyplines are given in "Natural History" of Pralia. DIOSCHRIDE IN 70 GG. n. e. Reports O. medicinal properties Leaves and flowers l. Yellow. From the XV century Descriptions of Lilynikov are found in the first European herbers John Gerard and Nicholas Culpeker.

Small Lily (Nemeocallis Minor Mill.).

Distribution and habitat. Growing on the filler meadows, forest glades, dry sandy hills, slopes, among shrubs. It is found in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Far East (Amur region, Primorye).

Botanical description. Perennial herbate plant, forming small elegant bushes up to 60 cm high. The leaves are narrow (0.7-1 cm), the cascade go down to the ground. Branches blooms, rise over the leaves. Buds are red-brown. Small flowers (7-9 cm in diameter), wide open, monophonic, light yellow, with a pleasant strong aroma. Flowers form low-mounted inflorescences (up to 5, less often up to 10-15 flowers. Blooms in late May - early June, mass colors in June.

Lily Middendorf (Nemerocallis Middendorfii Trautv. Et Mey.).

The species name is given in honor of the Russian Botany XIX century. A.F. Middondorf.

Distribution and habitat. It grows on the meadows, in deciduous forests, among shrubs, on the slopes, rocky cliffs of the sea coast. It is found for most of the territory of the Far East, except for Kamchatka.

Botanical description. A perennial herbaceous plant with thick oblique rhizome and fragile cylindrical roots. The leaves are very narrow (1-1.8 cm) extreme - somewhat wider (2-2.5 cm), all very accuse. At the base of the leaves, the fibrous remains of last year's dead leaves are visible. Flowerons with a height of up to 80 cm, are slightly towering over the leaves. Flowers have a specific aroma, bright orange, with a diameter of up to 11 cm in diameter and up to 9 cm long, are collected into a dense low-mounted top inflorescence. Flowers in mid-May - June. Seeds ripen in July. In the fall sometimes blooms again.

Lilyrik Yellow (Nemeocallis Lilio-Asphodelus L. \u003d H. Flava L.).

Distribution and habitat. Grows on forest, floodplain meadows, meadow slopes, river banks, lakes, in the outskirts of forests. It is found in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the south of the Far East.

Botanical description. A perennial herbaceous plant with light-lifted blooms up to 100 cm high. The leaves are bright green, wideline, collected in a roasting outlet. In inflorescences of 5-10 brilliant, lemon-yellow, fragrant flowers with a diameter of up to 10 cm, with bent back shares of the perianth. Flowers in late May-June.

Lily Buro-Yellow (Hemerocallis Fulva).

The Chinese call this plant Juan Hua Cao is a vegetable of yellow colors. Dry flue flowers are sold under the name "Golden Nidls" - gold needles.

The rhizome of this loyal cleansing, it breeds it quickly, actively occupies new places, so, having eaten part of the rhizomes, we will not harm it much harm. Due to the crawling rhizomes of the bushes of this loyal pan, numerous young bushes appear at a distance of the half-meter from the Musician. The leaves are light green, tough, with deep folding in the middle to 80-100 cm long, smoothly bending around in the middle of the length. The bushes are very scattered.

Two-row leaves, that is, they depart from the root of the flat fan, and each new sheet appears inside the folds of the previous one and is directed in the opposite direction. Leaves seemed to be laid in two stacks. The lower part of the leaves is closed with adjacent leaves and long remains juicy, soft and gentle, and the sheet plate itself quickly becomes very tough.

Flowers are located on long naked blooms, which are significantly higher than leaves, at the top of the branching and bearing six - twelve, sometimes up to twenty large dark orange-yellow flowers. Flowers are similar to Lily, inside almost brick-red, on the inner "petals" with a darker strip. The edges of the petals (in fact, there are no lilac petals, they are called the shares of the perianth, but I hope that my botany colleagues forgive me) wavy.

Often there are semi-world forms, and often the bush blooms for some time with normal colors with six petals, and then with age becomes terry. The weight of one flower of the terry form "Kvance" to 50 g.

This species was so widely cultivated, which was wild in Transcaucasia, Mediterranean, Central Europe, Iran, North America, China, Japan, in our Far East. The origin is definitely not established. It grows in any conditions - in dry and wet places, in the shade and in the sun.

Nemorozottacks in honest winter, and under the snow without additional shelter withstands frost to 40 ° C.

Look at the popular types of lyplines with photos on the page, where the illustrations of the beauty of the culture are demonstrated:

Lily flowers colors: descriptions with photos and names

After 3-10 years, the tests are winter-hardy, stable varieties of loyers are recommended for landscape landscaping. Then, based on the existing collection, hybridization is carried out, where the purpose of obtaining a variety of seedlings in the genotype is made. Then follows the selection stage - the selection of winter-hardening forms while preserving high-spring varietal features. The proposals of winter-resistant varieties of colors of loyers from domestic originators already in the market.

There are "sleeping" varieties, the greens of which dies after the very first frosts, there are native and evergreens. Two last species For the North-West are not suitable. The proposed varieties of Lilynikov with names that can be seen on the page are further, are the most popular.

The most popular and unpretentious, tall (90-100 cm) varieties for the North-West:

Barbara Hostorange color, the number of flowers in a three-year bush is about 40 cm;

"Warzity" - creamy pink with a dark purple spot, 50 cm;

Bourbon King- red-purple, 50 cm;

"Thick" - dark red, 100 cm;

"Zap Fan" - apricot-pink, 50 cm;

Little Darling - pink, 30 cm;

"Strawberry Candy" - lilac pink, 60 cm;

"Red C" - purple-burgundy, 50 cm;

"Regal Ire" - red, 90 cm;

"Terkin" - yellow-brown, 60 cm;

"Knight Bacon" - purple-brown, very dark, 50 cm;

Olwis Aphtenun - lilac, 60 cm;

"Abstract Art" - lilac-pink, 40 cm;

"Black magician" - dark cherry, 30 cm;

"Black Prince" - red-brown, 50 cm;

Low grades (30-50 cm):

"VINI" - fine-color dwarf, yellow with green zev and light wavy edges, fragrant;

"Little Greta" - bright purple with yellow-green zev;

"Mini Stella" - Miniature yellow flowers with green zev.

The varieties of Lilyniki with photos and names allow us to take a closer look at this culture and imagine the options for its use on the household plot:

Continuing the description of the varieties of Lilynikov, it is worth noting that they are divided into leaf fall or "sleeping", dropping foliage in the fall in August-October, and laid renewal kidney in the autumn. This group of varieties is the most winter-hardy and successfully grows in different regions RF. Other groups - evergreen and natives high grades whose foliage remains green to deep autumn and dies only under the influence of frosts, less winter-hardy. Evergreen are not laid in the fall of the renewal kidney, in winter they carry the bundle of green faded from the frost leaves, and in autumn or winter thaws are able to form "Jim" - abstract leaves. Among the last two groups there are species that do not carry the soil freezing, and therefore not able to winter in Russia. In these groups for the introduction are more suitable varieties of early and medium-sized blossoms.

By the duration of flowering of one flower, grades with flowers, not fading for 16-24 hours. Part of the varieties blooms from morning to morning, the other varieties - from the evening until the next evening ("night" Lilyniki), their fragrant colors can admire the workaholic, all day to work.

The overwhelming majority of modern elite varieties are tetraploids. Among them are dominant, which, after the completion of the first flowering cycle, it starts again again, new flowers appear. But this quality is realized only under the condition of a warm long summer. But there are varieties in which the flowerines appear evenly throughout the summer.

Do not assume that only tetraploid varieties are beautiful. Among the diploid also many elite large-flowered varietiesSustainable in the middle lane of Russia.

Many large-flowered varieties have flowers up to 25 cm (and even 35 cm) in diameter, with "flounces", color border, "watermarks", gear edge of petals. In the cold summer, such a perianth cannot fully disclose due to lack of heat and light in our climatic zone. If the flower petals are not revealed in cloudy weather and the bud is kept unscrewed 3-4 days, then such a thermal-loving variety of a loyal is not suitable for the medium strip climate. At the same time, the flowers of some varieties prematurely wandered in the sun on hot days, but when landing in a full-warning place bloom until late evening.

Purple, raspberry, cherry, pink flowers are burning on a hot afternoon sun. Lemon yellow, orange and red flowers are not damaged either by the sun or rain. It is explained by the fact that plant pigments, giving pink and crimson tones, are synthesized in vacuoles of the cells of the outer layer of epidermis of petals and are not protected by additional layers of tissues from damage to ultraviolet rays. Yellow pigments, carotes and xanthophylls are contained in plastids of mesophyll petals protected from sunlight by overlying fabrics.

Council. Do not give up all old varieties. For example, there is an old grade with orange flowers hidden in the leaves that blooms already in late May. Interesting grade with yellow flowers with dark lilac ispand, blooming in June.

New beautiful varieties You need to try to get from the neighbors, in the second place - in solid stores, there is often a balance. In exhibitions and fairs, buy seeds only from proven manufacturers, avoid dealers. Do not buy from random individuals: old grades with red flowers are guaranteed.

Sometimes you manage to buy a favorite variety in the winter store. In this case, you should almost immediately plant the Delleka in a flat shallow dishes with a slightly wet earth, so that there are placed roots, place it in a plastic bag with holes and put it in the refrigerator. Once a week to get, venting, remove the embryos of mold. If required, moisturize, spray "phytoosporin M". In April, get, put on the windowsill, where cool, watered as needed. In early May, land in the ground, pre-hardening.

How to multiply and grow a Lilynik: when to plant

Before planting a loyal, it should be found that it is possible to plant and transplant plants during vegetation, but usually do it in spring when the aboveground part is riveting to 10-15 cm or late in summer after flowering. For the North-West, this is the best landing time and transfers. Before growing a loyal on the site, pick up a suitable place for it.

The pit should be prepared in advance, its size should be greater than the root system. Fill it with a mixture of soil taken out of the pit, with sand and peat, adding a well-reworked compost or manure in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1, add a glass of ash and well moistened.

Before multiplying the Lilynik, the roots before landing to shorten their lengths, put them on half an hour into the solution of thuggy bright pink color, then sprinkle "rhoin" or another rooting agent.

Growing of Lilyniks in opened ground conditions: landing and care

For subsequent correct loyal care in the open ground when planting the plant, you need to make a low holmik in the center of the pit, straighten the roots on it, pour the root neck with large sand, and the roots - soil. Now it is necessary to pour the plant and to climb the soil under the plant with overwhelming dung. Check if the root neck is shrunk. Blowing during the cultivation of loyers in the open soil should not exceed 2 cm, otherwise there will be no blooming plant! Terminic conditions should be as follows: good lighting, sufficient watering and good fertilized soil.

In the spring, caring for a loyal garden when growing, when the frosts end, adopt the landing of nitrogen and potassium (on the tablespoon of each on 10 liters of water, spending half a liter can. If the plants are thrown out the flowers, then adopt them with phosphorus. It can be simply glowing into the soil under the landings (1 tablespoon under the bush), and after flowering, adapt to phosphorus and potassium (on one tablespoon of each on 10 liters of water). In the future, carrying out the care of the loyers, the plants can not be supported by the mineral fertilizer if autumn will be sinking a little overwhelmed manure under them, and in the spring - the half of the ash. Or water the soil under them with a solution of "phytosporin" or "Gum" in spring and autumn. You can make a teaspoon of granulated Fertilizer "AVA" in the soil once every three years. Either instead of all this is to feed the lotibas in the spring, during the bootonization period and after flowering by buoy fertilizers for colors. Over time, the rhizome can be offended, therefore, once every 2-3 years, plunge sand and above the soil.

Reproduction of loyteliki dividing bush

Conduct the reproduction of lyploves by dividing the root, but it is possible to do this only, starting from the five-year-old age. You can dig through the entire bush with the whole bush. Blur with water from the roots hose. Disassemble their hands and gently cut the rhizome on the part. Each decene must have 2-3 kidneys. All sections immediately sprinkle ash or lubricate with green (sold in a pharmacy). But you can simply separate the sharp spade half of the bush, dig up with a pitchflower and divided into delays. Folded emptiness to fall asleep good fertile soil. In the same way, the rejuvenation of the old bush is made.

There is one interesting way The reproduction of Lilyiniki dividing the bush, developed by American gardeners. In the spring, as soon as the above-ground part occurs to a height of 5-7 cm, it is low (almost by the level of soil). If you leave a big funeral, then the plants will not bloom for a long time. The cut part can be immediately rooted in the usual way. From the root remaining in the soil, several shoots will immediately go out of the ground. If a plant is required to multiply, then in the autumn part of the shoots can be separated.

When growing plants from seeds, varietal characteristics are not saved. Seeds are seeded by freshly collected under winter or in the spring of next year to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. In the spring sowing, the seeds are stratified at a temperature of + 2-4 ° C for 1.5-2 months. Plants grown from seeds bloom for 2-3 years.

Seed reproduction, as a rule, only breeders are engaged.

How to plant a loyal and care for him

Single or groups, in mixlers and borders. Especially the effects of water bodies. They are well combined with a driver of point, decorative cereals, Derbennik, Yarrow, Hostel.

Before planting a loyal and care for it, you need to learn some features of culture, for example, that flower is decorative both during flowering and without flowers. This plant is suitable for both the front plan of the Rosary (dwarf varieties) and the center. One of the first, already in May, blooming yellow (N. Lilio-Asphodelus L.) blooms, and most of the varieties blooms closer towards the end of the first wave of roses flowering. Lilyniki contrast with roses due to foliage, and flowers selected in roses are perfectly complemented by the composition.

Lilyiks are very powerful plants, therefore it is desirable to combine them with large rose bushes and with landing to withstand some distance between them. Dwarf varieties can be combined with low roses.

To preserve the decorativeness of the bush, the sworded buds need to be regularly deleted. Sticking flowerons are best removed when they completely shrug. After the freezing will be laid on the ground yellowed leaves, they should be cut off at an altitude of 15-20 cm from the ground, trying not to damage the growing young green leaves.

The Lilynik is used in Chinese medicine to restore forces in weakened patients, with diseases of the heart, hypertension, and the most interesting, prescribed with viral and alcohol hepatitis. For the restoration of the Forces, the Chinese are preparing soup from the Lily, and it is mandatory on the broth from the old chicken. In the flower of the Lilynik, many carotene and its most useful variety is a leicope with anticancer activity.

See how landing landing and care for them on video, where the main techniques of agrotechnology are shown:

To buy in the online store of Lilyikov, you need to enter the store. Name of Lilyika Leads to a page with photos, descriptions and button for purchase. If a lily buy it is impossible Instead of a button-basket, the reason will be indicated. Putting in the basket the desired flowers of the Lilynik do not forget checkout.

1 Select the analysis

2 Slip count
Lily lily planting material
© Collector page
"\u003e Delleka 250 rubles
Kush Lilyika
© Collector page
"\u003e bush 950 rub
3 Click the basket button

The name of the parsing leads to the photo of the landing material of the loyal and the color of the background:

If you made a purchase copy of the order comes to you on E.mail and order will appear in the "My Data" section. Before buying, read the rules and.

Sale of Lilynikov is under the order - we do not have a warehouse where you can drive up and buy a loyal in place

buy Lily in Moscow

1 when buying Lilynikov in Moscow, specify: Surname Io City Moscow + Mobile number
2 for Muscovites the minimum order amount is not
3 prepayment is not needed If the variety does not specify "payment n weeks"
4 2 weeks before the prison we will contact you by email + sms asking valide purchase
5 the timing of Lily Lily attitudes are indicated at the beginning and on the pages of the varieties.
6 about the progress of the order will not report on E.mail + SMS
7 distribution of orders next to the metro Belyaevo (900m)
from Monday to Thursday from 11 to 20 hours
For coming to Moscow and orders of acquired familiar in Moscow:
50% of prepayment is needed for a month.
Good shopping and blossoms

purchase of Lilynikov by mail

1 lilyniki by mail we send only in Russia Delivery by couriers and EMS, if they take the order from the institute (I'm at work 10-22)
By mail, we send only lily lily dollars - sending bushes by mail is not possible.
2 please specify the name Name Patronymic and Postal Address. Mobile number is desirable
3 minimum order 1500. rub. on plants are sent one-time (one parcel)
4 prepayment for 1 month When ordering: - up to 3000 rubles 100% prepayment
-\u003e 3000 rub 50% prepayment + installment
After processing the order, we will contact you, informing the cost of sending and payment details postal transfer And at the expense of the bank
5 After sending plants, we will send you
order Register + Par 6 Data

Pleasant shopping

Lily Catalog 2019.

In the directory included 114 The new varieties of the Lilynik and the spring are possible supplements from collections .
Updated section ours seedlings of Lilynikov .
In 2011 we registered in the international register of American Society of Lilyinikov first grade of Lilyika from Russia. In 2019, we lowered the prices of 12.8% and new items included on the basis of the course 59 rubles per dollar. We sell B. 2 times cheaper What bought themselves!

Now what would buy Fily flowers Collectors must fly for landing material in America, Europe or Australia. Many breeders I. collectors of Lilynikov Already expressed the ban on customs for shipment of flowers. New Lilyika for Custom 2019. To register new varieties in the Register, the American Society of Lilyikov Collectors must become controlled! And yet we were able to include new Lilyiks in the category of 2019.

* Distribution deadlines in Moscow ♦ Order of the Lilynikov for Muscovites extended to their transplant & landing in the fall of how to order Lilyniki via the online store in Moscow and Russian Post: Please do not send orders by mail or by phone in Moscow. To order Lilyiki, use the online store and you will receive a copy of the order by mail (E.Mail). Download Price list to Lilyniki.

Payment options

From 2019, the Lilyniki will be paid for Yandex money

collection of Lilynikov in our garden

In the spring of 1994, we brought to Russia the first varietal laidels from the United States. From our collection in the gardens of collectors already fell hundreds of new products of Lilynikov. Now in the collection of 2100+ new products, not counting seedlings. In 1998, we took up the selection of Lilynikov, who revealed more than 100 seedlings (hybrids) prepared for registration in the international register The American Hemerocallis Society (AHS).

Invite all the flower water to the nursery, alas, not real, but we have come a video tour of the nursery: lily lily landing in garden and photo of Lilynikov In the nursery. C 2019 Except photos of Lilynikov and photo of seedlings We began to shoot video of Lilyikov in our garden. During the year, the collection increased by 312 grades and the groceries of the loyal hybrid in the nursery increased by 21%.

lilyikov - Photo Gallery Flowers

Photos of the best colors of Lilynikov are collected in the photo gallery. Color pictures are divided into groups of 50 images in Flash format and you need Adobe Flash Player. Gallery load can take from 1 to 4 minutes and depends on the speed of your Internet

Growing Lilynikov, landing and care.

On a separate page writes agrotechnology Lilynikov Which will also be available in the Agrotechnology tab in all varieties.

Sorry, this section is now in work!

Floral CE Ma Fore

45 + Summary Experience in growing colors showed that the flowerflowers love not only a large selection of colors of loyers, but 100% selection of their orders. Our Flower Database5.0 program predicts the selection of orders for flowers and the online store of Lilynikov keeps accounting material. Last year, the selection of orders was 96.9 % I. 98.3 % for Moscow and mail. The presence of landing material of the loyal shown color Radio buttons:

PR O G N O HP o d b about r
Very exactselection\u003e 95%
standardselection 75-90%
doubtfulselection 50/50%
hopelesslily sold
No predictionthe variety was not calculated.
In Opera browser, the color is located inside the button.
1 Lily of EFSR varieties and types of scratch. The name comes from the Greek words "hemera" - the day and "kallos" - beauty, which is associated with the short-term blossom of most types, each flower usually flowers one day. The genus of Lilynikov has about 25 species commonly in the east of Asia, less often in Europe.
2 MOO "Lilyniki" Society of Russian Lilynikov with a photo of the base of varieties and seedlings of Lilynikov. The breeders of loyers from Russia, Ukraine, Bularus, Kazakhstan may regret their seedlings and varieties of Lilynikov on the website of the Moole Society.
3 American Hemerocallis Society American Society of Lilynikov with a forum and international register of varieties.

The popularity of Lilynik is increasing every day. After all, no flower-like amateur can resist the beauty and wondrous aroma of this excellent flower. It is not necessary to be a professional in this matter in this matter, it is possible to plant the varieties of a loytelik in open soil yourself, and then take up their reproduction and growing.

Lily of unpretentious plants and proper landing They will grow in any climatic conditions. But so that the bushes look healthy and well-groomed, and the flowers are abundantly blooming, it is necessary to carry out proper care to the fullest.

Lilyiks are very diverse and in color, and in form

Varieties and varieties of loyers

World breeders do not bother hands working on improving the varieties of a loyal, bringing new and new varieties. Today they have more than 70,000. Most of the new varieties that fall into our edges have American origin, although there are no domestic species in them.

Lilyrik red

Lily classs class on several parameters:

  • the type of the growing season (sleeping, evergreen and semi-axes);
  • set chromosome (diploid and tetraploid);
  • smell (fragrant and non-smelling);
  • form (terry, patch-like, uncertain form and all others);
  • painting (divided into 11 groups from almost white to almost black, since there are no pure-white and pure-black colors);
  • flowering time (very early, earlier, medium, medium, medium-stage, late, very late and re-blooming).

The best varieties of Lilynikov - Photo

Chang Dinest (Chang Dynasty Stamile, 2008) - Coral pink flower with orange wavy cut. This is the so-called chameleon: depending on weather conditions Create color from completely red to pink-orange. Is different abundant blossom - Over 50 buds are formed on each blur.

Grade Chang Dinest

Paul Dask (Polar Dusk. Stamile, 2011) - an impeccable pink flower with a luxurious creamy-yellow rumble in the form of ruffles and folds. Another pleasant characteristic is a diamond coating - shine on the surface of petals, as from the place of small diamonds.

Grade Pole Dask

Robin Lie (Robin Lee. Hansen, 2010) - Pink-red flower with a slightly corrugated white edge. Despite their impressive size, it creates the impression of transparency and weightlessness due to the elegant form and the harmonious combination of the main color with the border.

Sort Robin Lie

How to plant

No matter how unpretentious a plant for its livelihoods need to create appropriate conditions. First of all, you need to decide on the landing site. All varieties of loyers in one way or another prefer sunlight. Flowers with light coloring (yellow, orange, white, etc.), love to grow under the right sunlight, but there are little waterfly flowers with flowers (purple, purple, red) better to plant in the sun, since they will burn quickly in the sun And wither.

The perfect soil for the cultivation of Lilynikov is a rich orientica loam, others are also suitable for them to be not exhausted, and their acidity corresponded to the norm (6-6.5 pH).

Varieties with dark flowers is better to plant in half

Before boarding, you need to carefully inspect the seedling, if necessary, trim dead roots. Next, you should soak the root line of the Lily in the growth stimulator. It can be cooked independently from iV branchesBy insisters them in water for 2 days. In the resulting infusion placed a plant for 4 hours.

Lily landing in the open soil is carried out like this:

  • digging a spacious landing pit with a depth of 40-45 cm;
  • throw a handful of organic fertilizer;
  • inside the hole make a small size of the elevation, compacted to get a slide;
  • sizza is planted on a slide, as on the cap, gently lay the roots and fall asleep the earth.

Young bush of Lilyika

Attention! The distance between the seedlings do not less than 40 cm, otherwise they will mule each other during growth.

Suitable Lily Care

After planting plants need watering and care. Strictly certain rules does not exist. Experienced flowerflowers based on their practice, recommend when growing a loyal to adhere to some simple rules.

  1. Planted cultures are daily water within 7 days. Adults are moisturized only with long droughts, and exclusively warm water, which is poured under the root.
  2. To prolong flowering regularly cut faded flowers and stalled stalks.
  3. The root cervix deeperately is strictly 2 cm, otherwise the flowers may not appear at all and have to be transplant.
  4. After irrigation, the soil is necessarily carried out.

Watering Lilyika

Filking and fertilizer of the Lily

Of course, the fertilizer of Lilynikov needs to be carried out, but before that it is necessary to study the composition of the soil on the site and on the basis of the result, to apply certain fertilizers.

The basic rule - fertilizers are made no earlier than 14 days after rooting. Basically, for young plants, 2-3 subcounting for the season will be enough, but for more adults (5-6-year-old) and even abundantly blooming - it will take 4-5 reception.

  1. Early spring makes a complete complex of mineral fertilizers, for example, one of the common NPK 16:16:16 (1 tbsp. L granules on 10 liters of water).
  2. In April-May, to assist the growth intensity make focus on complex fertilizers with a large amount of nitrogen (nitroammophosphate, ammophos, diammonium phosphate).
  3. In the summer, during flowering, you can feed the lyplines with organichea: a solution from a cowboy, chicken litter either by the birth.
  4. Upon completion of flowering before the onset of new growth (at the beginning of autumn), a fertilizer is performed by nitroammophos or sulfate with ash, depending on the climatic zone. This feeder contributes to an increase in the size of flowers, as well as their number in the new season.

Lily need to fertilize several times for the growing season

Reproduction of Lilynikov

There are several ways to reproduce Lilynikov who have their advantages and disadvantages.

Division bush

The easiest and most common way to get young Lilynikov, which in all signs will be identical to the maternal. If necessary, the bush can be divided throughout the vegetative period. As a rule, it is proceeded when the plant reaches 3-4 years of age. Another signal for transplant is grinding flowers. The optimal division time is the first half of the summer - the beginning of the autumn, then the plant will have time to grasp the onset of frosts.

Division of the bush of Lilyika

Seed reproduction

It is applied only for breeding activities, since in the daily life of the loyers planted with this method are not able to maintain their species characteristics.

Reproduction of offspring

In compliance with all the norms of transplant, allows you to increase the number of plants from one manufacturer, while maintaining all species signs. But before planting outlets into open ground, they should be searched in pots and put in a warm place for several weeks.

Lilayer reproduction Siblis

Important! If 6-7 weeks left before frosts, planted the sprouts in the fall, and if they did not have time to root, then in the spring (in mid-May).

Diseases and pests of Lily

Compared to other neighbors on the flower bed, the loyers are rarely ill, and the pests are not as hunted behind these magnificent flowers, but nevertheless the troubles of this kind sometimes happen.

Lilyniki is sick mainly root rot, fungal and viral diseases, spotty, rust and fusariasis. For the prevention of these diseases, plants are treated with fungicides. But if the trouble happened, the bushes are digging, the rhizomes are placed in a solution of manganese, dried, and then plant in a new place.

Rust Lilyika

Lilyniki is exposed to the invasion of several types of insects. The most extent of them:

  • tRIPS. Early spring out of the ground arise and sucks the juice and nutrients from the stalks and buds of the plant. For their destruction, the affected bushes are burned, and the soil on the flower is treated with insecticides;
  • lily midges. Live in buds, so that they will get rid of enough to cut the blooming;
  • cellite mites, slugs, notes and bugs. The methods of struggle are the same as in cases of damage to other plants.

Lilynik: a combination with other plants

Despite its greatness and variety of paintings, the loylays fit harmoniously into almost all the color compositions, the main thing is to choose plants to them, which will be perfectly combined with their painting, shape or texture.

The mono-composition will be brighter and richer if the loyal shades are scombinted with monophonic gravilants, and brightly lilac or crimson with gerans, monards, bells and cuffs.

Lilyrik on flowerbed

Filyniki and Barbaris Tunberg, Geikhera and Burbaris, as well as shrubs - Eugene, Chubuschnik, and Turkish, if they evenly distribute them to the mixboarder.

The ideal neighbors of Lilynikov are phlox, as they bloom almost simultaneously, and even in coloring are perfectly combined with each other. For example, lilac phloxes will complement the lavender lyvylines.

Lily in Landscape Design - Photo

Thanks to such a variety of coloring, Lilyniki is actively used in garden design.
Before filling out the flower flows, it is necessary to thoroughly think out, and even better to make a detailed plan for the flower garden, taking into account all the nuances. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account: the frequency of flowering, the height of the selected varieties of loyers, their color, as well as harmony with a common background.

Lily in landscape design

The cultivation of the Lily - is a delicate, requiring special attention, but the forces and work spent will soon be justified by the unearthly beauty and the amazing aroma of this elegant flower.

Unpretentious Lilynik: Video

Varieties of Lilynikov: Photo

Lilynik - perfect option Perennial decorative plant, attracting the flower flower of the whole world the beauty of the flower, unpretentiousness and variety of varieties.

In the title photo, the "Strawberry Candy" variety is popular. It is valued for abundant flowering and rare strawberry color.

Groups of varieties and existing classification to today

Winter-hardy plant, blooming almost all summer, gained popularity and is among the leaders both by beauty and a variety of varieties. Today, more than 70 thousand varieties of hybrid loyal varieties are registered and each year is replenished with novelties. The breeders of America and Australia managed to remove many varieties of this amazing and unpretentious proper care Flower.

Each variety is widely used to form a landscape design of any style. Depending on the species, modern dyeers are used to decorate rocaries and alpine slides. As a living hedge fit little grades Lilynikov. Also derived varieties with extraordinary aroma.

Diverse lyvily flowers and shades will not find themselves equal among many decorative crops. Officially, they are made to distinguish with the form of a flower. It is on this basis that they are divided into the following groups:

  • simple (Single);
  • terry (double);
  • spiders;
  • unusual shape (UFO);
  • polymers (Polymerous);
  • multiforms (MultiForm).

American Society of Lilynikov is a global official registrar of varieties, developed a climbing classification, reflecting all the properties and features of the flower. It is she who will help the novice flower to make the right choice and understand the variety of varieties. To date, the classification includes the following criteria:

  1. Genetic fairness, characterizes a loytelik in terms of chromosomes, which in diploid (DIP) 22, and tetraploid (TET) 44. The latter have a larger flower in size, with a manifold of shades, as well as a developed vegetative system and increasing breeding capabilities. At the same time, the diploids can boast of delicate flowers of the exquisite shape and a high degree of reproduction due to a large number of seeds. The same plant variety can be diploid or tetraploid, but the latter will cost more because of the temporary and financial costs for the conversion of Lilyiniks.
  2. Types of vegetation that are divided into evergreen, native and sleeping. For regions with cold winters, native native or sleeping varieties are suitable, capable of adapting to variable temperature and come out in spring.
  3. Flowering time. Each subspecies has its own period of flowering, starting from mid-June and continuing until the end of August. Modern hybrid varieties are mostly repaired, that is, they have the ability to bloom several times throughout the season.

It's important to knowIn accordance with the international system, it is customary to designate the duration of flowering by the following abbreviation:

  • early (E);
  • medium (EM);
  • average (M);
  • medium-stage (ML);
  • late (L);
  • very late (VL).
  1. Flowering type:
  • night (nocturnal) - bloom mainly in the afternoon and remain open all night;
  • daytime (diurnal ) - bloom in the morning and bloom until the evening, one-day;
  • double flowering - After opening the flower pleases the gaze for 15-16 hours, regardless of the time of day.
  1. Aroma. Anyone flowering plant It has a smell and a loyal not an exception. And yet there are varieties, absolutely not having a fragrance or those whose weakly expressed, but the dream of the gardener is those that, with in addition to beauty, fascinate and captivate the aroma.
  2. The size of the flower, depending on which the varieties of lyleylices are divided into three groups:
  • miniature (miniature), where the flower diameter does not exceed 7.5 centimeters;
  • small flowered (small), with a flower diameter from from 7.5 to 11.5 cm centimeters;
  • large-flowered (LARGE) - flower in diameter from 11.5 centimeters.
  1. The height and branching of the floweros, where it does not cost without dwarfs and giants. Depending on the height of Lilyniki divided into four types:
  • low - not reaching 30 cm;
  • average - with a height of 30 to 60 cm;
  • half-lived - where the floweros has a height of 60 to 90 cm;
  • very high - from 90 cm and above.

An important meaning for the beauty of the shrub has the branchedness of the floweron, in which the total number of buds can reach 40. With the simultaneous disclosure of several colors, the bush will delight abundant and long blossom.

  1. The coloring of the loyal makes bright colors in the flower garden, especially in cloudy weather, where they manifest themselves most clearly. All sorts of colors, shades and spraying do not leave indifferent lovers of this type of plant and inspire breeders to withdraw all new varieties.

The most demanded and popular groups

Let's go back to the groups of the Lilynik and highlighting the most popular, we will study their advantages and look at the photo, there we will help you choose the best varieties for the season. The most popular and numerous groups with simple and terry flowers.

A simple flower consists of three petals, three cups, six stamens and one pestle.

This group is made to distinguish with the form of a flower:

  • round
  • flat;
  • informal;
  • retracted;
  • star-shaped (star);
  • triangular;
  • tubular (rubbed, Lily).

Group of terry flowers It is distinguished by an increased amount of petals divided into two types:

  • pionicin which the stamens were reborn in the petals;
  • flower in flower, with several levels of petals.

And here spandder Lilyika, with a spike-shaped flower shape, have proven themselves in not very warm climates. They make paints in everyday life, pleased with long blossom even in rainy weather. Unusual in shape and brightness. Flowers of huge sizes create unique bright stains on a flower bed or in the garden.

The plant is not lagging behind and a group of plants with an unusual flower shape. This is a real exotic, because the petals can be twisted, twisted, cascading or spatulane.

It is worth saying less popular, but still attractive polymer group Lilynikov. The plants of this type the structure of the flower is distinguished by an increased amount of petals and sewers to four pieces.

And the group of Lilynikov, combining two or more officially recognized forms in one flower, is customary Multiform.

Sort Multiform 'Fashion Leader'

Pink Lilyniki

Very common category of loyers are pink varieties. The plurality of shades vary in the tonality from white and pink to red-purple. In descriptions of varieties, such shades are often found as peach, coral, watermelon, flamingo colors, purple, salmon, crimson and many others.

Night Beacon - Hybrid Lily with gorgeous velvet petals of dense-burgundy. It was widely popular for his coloring, as well as unpretentiousness, excellent power and the possibility of transplanting by dividing the bush even in the summer. Frost and drought-resistant, with a flower glass height 60-70 cm and a flower diameter of 10-12 cm magnificent and long (3-4 weeks) blooms from mid-July, with a repetition in September. Graduate reviews are the most flattering, and the price is budget.

Mildred Mitchell Lily (Mildred Mitchell) - a long-term hybrid with pink-lilac large, up to 16 cm in diameter, and fragrant colors. Evergreen Tetraploid begins to bloom in late July and is repeated in September. Middle height flower, frost-resistant, suitable for bouquets. Owners of the original flower are shared by positive impressions of growing garden pets.

Hybrid Bestseller (Bestseller) - A real masterpiece of selector art. Half-tree tetraploid has incredibly beautiful flowers of a siren shade with a corrugated border of yellow. The diameter of each - 14 cm. Flowers long and long, starting from June, releases the flower per day. Resistant to diseases, has excellent growth power. It is these advantages that allocate flower products that recommend this variety of a loyal.

Lily of Hybrid Knight Ambers (Night EMBERS) - Bright cherry flower with good frost resistance and unpretentious character. In the photo of Knight Ambers, you can see all the beauty of the terry flower reaching in diameter 13 cm. The height of the flower table is average, up to 75 cm. The ability of asthenia to winter in the conditions of frosts without additional shelter attracts flowerflowers.

Day-lily Lacy Doily (Lacey Dolly) - The coral terry two-colored was at the peak of popularity due to a strong root system capable of surviving in drought. It is frost-resistant, height can reach from 60 to 90 cm. Multiplied by dividing the bush.

Hybrid Janice Brown (Janice Brown) - small corrugated light pink flower. It is a half-green variety with a high degree of frost resistance. Blooms in July, it lasts long. The height of the flower maker reaches 45 cm, the flower diameter is about 11 cm. Like flowerfish for brightness and expressiveness.

Lily hybrid Divas Choice (Chois Divas) - Gentle coral and pink flowers with a diameter of up to 17 cm are pleasing to flowering over one and a half months. Half-impeded tetraploid frost-resistant and unpretentious. Suitable for regions with severe winters.

Hybrid Double Dream (Double Dream) - terry loyal with repeated and abundant blossoms. The gentle peach shade and the flower diameter (15 cm) attracts beauty and early bloom. Frostability resistance, drought resistance and unpretentiousness - the main advantages of the plant.

Day-lily Darla Anita (Darla Anita) - Medium grade with pink-lilac petals and corrugated border. Evergreen, many years of tetraploid, frost-resistant. The variety requires warm weather and moderate rains. Bright paints I. amazing form The flower pleases long-term medium blossom.

Hybrid Burgundy Love (Burgundy Love) - Sleeping tetraploid with repeated abundant bloom pleases the eye with a bright wine flower. Through a dimer of 15 cm. The flower products are satisfied with the rankship of the variety, its high winter and drought resistance.

Final Touch (File Touch) - Delicious pink-lavender hybrid with yellow-green throat and curved petals. Aromatic, perfectly winter, sleeping, diploid. Failing as a flowerfish beauty and unpretentiousness.

Day-lily Elegant Candy (Elegant Candy) - Hospital bias fragrant hybrid with large flowers Pink salmon shade. Multi-flower, with a spawn height up to 60 cm perfectly tolerate frost and copes with drought. It blooms abundantly from mid-July to August. Attracts flowerflowers with yellow-green throats and unpretentiousness.

Pardon Me (soup s) - Miniature, bright red hybrid with corrugated edge and abundant long blossom. The fragrant, disposable, creates an excellent composition in a bouquet. Not withering.

MINI PEARL (mini pearl) - Decorative perennial with creamy-pink small flowers. A bus tide up to 50 cm has long blossom, starting from July. Unpretentious, but does not make an excess of moisture. Resistant to disease.

Lily hybrid Charles Johnston (Charles Jones) - Gentle red large fragrant flower with yellow throat. Unpretentious, prefers illuminated areas and watering into drought. Transfers frost. The height of the bloomer is up to 60 cm. Popular due to repeated abundant flowering.

SILOAM DOUBLE CLASSIC (SILOAM Double Classic) - a gentle pink hybrid with a flowerpoint height about 40 cm and a flower diameter up to 12 cm. Sleeping, diploid, blooms early and long. Wintering perfectly. Great terry and fragrant flowers admire Lilynik lovers.

White Lilyniki

In addition to white, this group of loyers includes varieties with shades of cream, pink, lilac flowers, ivory. It also includes flowers with yellow corrugating around the edge of petals. The tender combination of flowers attracts the attention of flowerflowers with its estimacy and nobility.

Pandora's Box (Pandoras Boxing)perennial With dense bushes and large, practically white funnel-shaped flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. A long period of blooming duration of 30-45 days begins in mid-July. If the flower in sunny weather lives one day, then it is capable of blossoming to six days in a cloudy. The height of the flower makeup is up to 50 cm. Excellent proven itself among lovers of fragrant, unpretentious and elegant perennials.

Day-lily Blue Bay (BLIZZARD BAY) - A very beautiful cream-white flower with a green throat and a corrugated leaf edge, reaching a height of 60-90 cm and a flower diameter up to 15 cm. Flowers from July abundantly and re-in early September. With high frost resistance and drought resistance, he won the love of plant connoisseurs.

Destined to See (Destind TU SI) - Cream Lily with a lavender middle and yellow throat. A flower up to 15 cm has a gentle corrugated border and pleasant aroma. The plant of medium bloom, winter-hardy, evergreen. By dividing the bush, reproduction occurs. Flowers are satisfied with a variety as a single or group planting.

Day-lily Sabine Baur (Sabina Bauer) - Unpretentious beautiful color variety with a gentle color. The zado- and winter-resistant plant has a magnificent fragrance and reaches 60 cm height. The flower is white, with a dark burgundy middle and the eye will be an ornament for any flower beds. Drought tolerance increases the demand for the plant.

Hybrid Arctic Snow (Arctic Snow) - large-flowered unusual shape of a loyal in diameter up to 15 cm with chic corrugated petals. Durable bush blooms from July to August. Proven itself as a frost-resistant and perfect plant borders.

Finders Keepers (Finenders Kepers) - Excellent option of a huge hybrid handsome with a corrugated edge. Creamy petals admire tenderness and abundant long blossoms. It feels well in the sun or in a half, does not require painstaking care, for which it was widely popular.

Day-lily Happy Happy (Heppi Happie) - Magnificent creamy white flower with cherry eye and green throat. It has a dark cherry edging with cream-white border. On the flower make up to 28 buds. The many years of average grade is not whitewashed and frost-resistant, for which he got popular, despite the high price.

Day-lily CANADIAN BORDER PATROL (Canadian Border Patrol) - Unusually beautiful, tricolor hybrid. Creamo-beige petals with a stupid purple border and yellow throat attractions. This elegant handsome is beginning to bloom in early July and re-in September. The height of the bush 40-60 cm, the flower diameter is 15 cm. Moderate growth and good wintering has caused the popularity of the variety.

Yellow Lilyniki

Hybrid Bonanza (Bonanza) - Many years of sleeping handsome diploid with bright flowers. Sustainable frost and feels good summer. Flowers in diameter up to 14 cm are revealed on a 55-65 cm flowers with a medium-bed variety with long and abundant flowering. Any garden soil is suitable with the addition of humus. Gardeners of the whole world admire this unpretentious and very bright variety.

Stella d'Oro (Stella de Oro) - Record holder among yellow loyers on the duration of flowering. This sunny flower Not whimsical, frostons, not very high (up to 45 cm), rarely subjected to diseases. Perfectly proven itself as jewelry of lawns and flower beds.

Eye on America - Beautiful yellow-cream terry flower with purple eye. Blooms at the end of July and blooms for 25 days with a repetition in September. The height of the bloomer is up to 65 cm, the flower diameter is about 13 cm. Recommended for landing in open areas.

Day-lily Middendorf (Middendorfii) - One of the most early-minded among the fellow. Blooming in May and pleases with its bright yellow flowers up to 10 cm in diameter until September. The fragrance is not peculiar to this plant, but appearance Decals a lot of flower.

Bright lemon hybrid Double River Wy (Double River Wai) - Fumby lovers. Saturated terry flowers with a diameter of up to 13 cm bloom at the end of July and continuously flower. Excellent winter and do not require complexity in care.

Spiders Lilyika

Spiculous flower forms are gaining increasing popularity in the world. Perfectly look in landscape design near the pond or other reservoir.

Spider Epspique (Applique) - Tetraploid spider-shaped Lily. Perennial, reaches a height of 70-80 cm, with a huge flower in diameter (20-27 cm). Has a rated and long blossom. It is multiplied by dividing bushes in early spring or autumn.

Day-lily CRIMSON PIRATE (CRIMSON PIRATE) - The bright red spider is a sleeping diploid. This hybrid won the love of flower water due to flower size (up to 15 cm), excellent winter hardiness and flowering duration. With it, perfect compositions are created on flower beds.

FREE WHEELIN (Free Vinn) - Huge Spider Lily. Evergreen, tetraploid variety with a large creamy-yellow flower, which has a burgundy star-shaped center, and the throat of an emerald green shade. Loves open illuminated areas, suitable for cutting. Received popularity for long flowering.

Orange Lilyniki

Very original and bright stains on the flowering beds and in flower beds are the inflorescences of orange Lilynikov. Unpretentious, with a strong character and endurance, they please many flower flowers.

FRANS HALS (France Hals) - winter-hardy hybrid variety, which has a bright two-tone color of petals. Flowers lush, starting from the end of July. A large flower, 15 cm in diameter, the smell almost does not have. Each bloomer has up to 20 flower kidneys. The average grade reaches 65 cm in height and as much in diameter, a perennial. A plant is developing quickly, for which and popularity is gained.

Green and other Lily

The breeders of the whole world are stubborn and painstaking work to bring new varieties. Green Lilyniki is no exception, but a dream, which will become a reality in the near future.

Also, among popular varieties there are loyal flowers with blue chroma. These include hybrid Catherine Woodbery (Katerina Woodbury)having a pleasant aroma big flower With long blossom and having a high winter hardiness.

Day-lily ENTRAPMENT (ENTRAPMENT) - Hybrid with large (up to 15 cm) blizzard paints in flower bed. This rhizuy perennial is resistant to frost and drought. Long and richly blooms, while not folded in care.

Voodoo Dancer (Voodoo Danser) - Very rare, unpretentious, but slow-growing variety. By description, a photo can be seen beautiful, almost black flower with a bright yellow throat. Velor view of petals fascinates flower views.

New 2017

Selection does not stand still and every season are offered new the best varieties Lilynikov. In the renovated catalogs, you can find the names of varieties: Michael Bennet (Michael Bennet), Through A Glass Darkly (Rauta E Glaz Dakli), Defying Serenity, RattleSnake Rake (Rattleside Rake), Pinewood Lily Pad (Pinewood Lily Pad). The latter will be interested in gardeners who are in search of green leaflines. Its outer petals are green, and internal - with red tips.

Also, the new items include the varieties of Awesome Memories, Emerald Dream, Buzzing About, Iridescent Splendor, Smiling Cobra, Wild Wanda. The newest variety registered in 2017 is Bei Mir Bist Du Schön.

Any selected variety of beautiful colors will climb the view, please be plentiful and long blossom and admire unpretentiousness.

From the collection of Larisa Kdatina

The video below shows a part of this collection, which is notable for one of the largest in Russia - more than 400 varieties.

Probably every owner pricework I would like to grow with my own hands the flower of the sun - the loyal yellow. Dachnips are still called Krasnodv because each separate bud only flowers only 24 hours. He came to us in the sixteenth century from Asia and worried good. The beauty of its flowering can be observed at the beginning of summer. To date, breeders are brought about a hundred species of this plant, a variety of paints. However, his natural beauty was always in the first place.

Description of the Lily of Yellow

The yellow loyal is very similar to a lush bush, beautiful juicy green, a meter height. Its petals of about seven ten cm long, thin and straight. Before starting blooming, the bush releases the arrows on which up to 10 flowers will grow.

Flowers in a loyal in the form of a funnel, they consist of 5-6 large petals. Petals during flowering are widely opened towards the sun. The middle of the flower decorate a bouquet of long stamens. Most often, the flower of a yellow, orange or almost red.

In a bush of a yellow loyal can immediately bloom about three flowers. And the bush himself will decorate the surrounding area for almost a month. Especially long yellow loylays bloom in wet and cool weather. After that, the arrows need to cut, and leave the green shrub until the end of the summer.

Diseases and pests

Flowers lovers and landscape designers with pleasure decorate the plots natural species Lilynikov. It is important to consider that they breed well and are not completely demanding towards themselves. Well get along hot and dry summer weather. Also, they are practically not attacked on them various bugs and flower diseases.

Sometimes a loytelika can get a root chick or rust. To get rid of rot, you need to dig a bush and rinse it well with water with water, then dry a few days in dark place. After, planting a plant, but already on another bed. And the place where the flower has become infected be sure to shed or boiling water, or a mortar of manganese.

Rust meets extremely rare, but the risk of infection is still there. When rusty growths will appear on the yellow loyal leaves, after which the sheet fades quickly. It is necessary to deal with such a nuisance with special preparations. You can buy them in any flower or garden shop.

From the garden pests, TRIPS can be attacing on the flowers of Yellow Lilynik. They are breeding in buds of colors, because of which the plant loses its beauty. Some gardeners are treated with a solution of washing soap with water, or serum (5 liters of water, 1 liter of serum). If it does not help, you will have to resort to purchased drugs.

Than attractive yellow loyers

Despite the beauty of the Lily Yellow, he has a lot of other good qualities:

  • They will be perfectly located in any corner of the garden and in the illuminated, and in the shadow of it;
  • Its flowering is long enough;
  • Yellow Lily Busts are well combined with other types of Lilynikov, and with the rest of the garden plants;
  • Yellow Lilyniki multiply quickly, sprouts are always a lot, and they grow long years.

How to put a loytelik

The approval of the gardeners that yellow loyers grow like a weed grass fairly fair. And people who are well acquainted with them use Lilyniki and benefit. With the help of these colors, summer houses get rid of unnecessary weeds.

Lilaylik's lined bushes over time are so smaller and the root and leaves that the other grass does not have a chance for survival.

To dilute the flowers of a yellow loyal, you need to follow the following rules:

  • Soil, where future flowers will settle, you can use the most different. But the Earth must be fertilized. In clay and sandy lands, flowers grow worse;
  • The best for the development of a yellow loyal will be the soil, which has a dried upper layer, and a slightly deeper moisture should be more;
  • Yellow flueers quickly grow up to the size of the lush bush. Therefore, planting one small process, you need to take into account and keep the right distance between the sprouts;
  • Before the fallout seedling, the roots purge from the ground. Then neatly remove dry roots, and if the wound was formed somewhere, it was poured with wood ashes.

And so, the roots of the sprouts of Lilynikov yellow wash in order to prevent hitting your site various diseasestransmitted through the ground.

The root system in the Lilynikov is wide enough, therefore the fossa for them should be not small. Approximately 25 cm. In length and as much wide, and on the bottom of the wells you need to put some organic fertilizers. This will give the plant to the power to the rapid growth.

Then, in the middle of the pits, you need to pour a little elevation and to sit on it itself, and the roots will be carefully hung on the sides.

At the base of the bush, there is a cervix of a root, planting the future bush, you need not to deepen it into the ground, but on the contrary, raise a centimeter on 3 above the ground level. Otherwise, in case of abundant moisture, the plant may die, the root cervix rotates in the ground.

Then gradually sprinkle the roots of the loose ground, slightly tamping the soil so that the soil makes it more closely to the roots of colors. After, the planted bush needs to pour well.

In the next three days, it is desirable to not water the plant, it is necessary for the roots strengthened as it should. The first time, while yellow flowers did not rise, they need to be cleaned from weed from time to time and water.

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