The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up. Physical education minute

garden equipment 15.06.2019
garden equipment

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, (Torso to the right, to the left.)
I didn’t want to sleep anymore, (Torso forward, backward.)
Moved, stretched, (Hands up, stretch.)
Soared up and flew. (Hands up, right, left.)
The sun will only wake up in the morning
Butterfly circles and curls. (Spin around.)

Fizminutka Flowers

One-two-three flowers grew (squatted, get up)
Stretched high towards the sun: (stretch on toes)
They felt nice and warm! (looking up)
The breeze flew by, the stalks shook (they swing their arms to the left - to the right above their heads)
Swinged to the left - bent low. (lean to the left)
To the right they swayed - they crouched low. (lean to the right)
Wind run away! (threaten finger)
Don't break the flowers! (squat)
Let them grow, grow
Children will be happy! (slowly raise hands up, open fingers)

Our wonderful flowers (Children squatting)
Disperse the petals (Start to rise slowly)
The breeze breathes a little (open hands above your head)
Petals sway (sway)
Our wonderful flowers
close the petals
Shake your head (shake)
Quietly fall asleep (and slowly return to the starting position)

Sunflower growing in the yard

A sunflower grows in the yard
In the morning it reaches for the sun. (Children stand on one leg and stretch their arms up.)
Next to him is a second, similar,
He also reaches for the sun. (Children stand on the other leg and again pull their hands up.)
We turn our hands in a circle.
Don't accidentally hit a friend!
A few laps ahead
And then vice versa. (Rotation of straight arms forward and backward.)
We had a wonderful rest
And it's time for us to sit down. (Children sit down.)

Finger gymnastics Sunflower

The sunflower has a palm oh-ho-ho! (show left hand)
A hundred seeds in the palm of his generous hand (tap fingers)
In cramped conditions, but not offended, everyone is sitting, (squeeze your left palm into a tight fist)
They talk about summer with a clear sun. (Raise both hands up, spread fingers).

Finger gymnastics "poppy".

A poppy grew on a hillock (Pinch fingers of the left hand)
He tilted his head so (Bud tilt)
A butterfly flutters over him, (Cross your arms, wave)
Quickly flickering wings.
Petals flew around, (With your right hand, bend your fingers with your left)
The house dried up from the heat
began to rattle like a rattle. (Pinch fingers together)
This is such a nice toy. (Clench the fingers of the left hand into a fist to “rattle” like a rattle).

Fizminutka in the meadow

Together we walk through the meadow, (Walking in place)
We are not in a hurry, we are not behind. (Sipping - arms to the sides)
Here we go to the meadow (Bend over and touch the left foot)
A thousand flowers around! (Then touch right foot)
Here is chamomile, cornflower,
Lungwort, porridge - clover.
The carpet is spread
Both right and left. (Turns right - left)
To pick flowers in the forest, (Forward bends)
Bend over to your toes.
Once a flower, two - a flower,
And then we will weave a wreath. (Raise hands above head)
Again we go through the forest. (Walking in place)
And around so interesting! (Sipping - arms to the sides)
Time to rest my friend
We will sit down on a stump. (Children sit down.)


We stretch our hands to the ceiling,
Like a flower to the sun. (Sipping, hands up.)
Let's spread our hands to the sides,
As if we will spread the leaves, (Sipping, arms to the sides.)
Raise your hands sharply up
One two three four.
We flap our wings like geese.
And then quickly lower. (With a sharp movement, raise straight arms through the sides, then lower.)
Like in the classics, a little
We jump on the right leg.
And now on the left too.
How long can we last? (Jumping on one leg.)

Flowers grow in the meadow

Flowers grow in the meadow
Unprecedented beauty. (Sipping - arms to the sides.)
Flowers reach for the sun.
Stretch with them too. (Sipping - hands up.)
The wind blows sometimes
Only it's not a problem. (Children wave their hands, imitating the wind.)
flowers leaning,
The petals drop. (Tilts.)
And then they get up again
And they still bloom.

We plant flowers in the garden

We plant flowers in the garden
We water them from a watering can.
Asters, lilies, tulips
Let them grow for our mother! (Reciting a poem, the children perform movements, repeating them after the teacher.)


Delicate little bud
It is rolled up tightly.
(Hands pressed to chest)
The sun will give him a ray
And the bud will become a carnation.
(Rise on tiptoe, hands up)

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

Moved, stirred

It flew up and flew away. (Butterfly)

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off -

He fluttered and flew away. (Butterfly)

On the chamomile at the gate

Helicopter descended

Golden eyes.

Who is this? (Dragonfly)

Over the flower sometimes freeze

Multicolored plane.

He will sit on a blade of grass

Suddenly flutter - and fly. (Dragonfly)

striped hostess

Flying over the lawn

Pat over a flower -

He will share the honey. (Bee)

She is graceful and light

Like a brooch on a hat near a flower.

Flew, made a turn

And sat down on the flower again.

flower for decoration

He gives her a treat. (Bee)

What kind of house, tell me?

Every inhabitant flies in it.

The people work hard

Gathering sweet honey. (Hive)

Not a motor, but buzzing

Not a pilot, but flying

Not a snake, but stings. (Bumblebee)

The house is small, but there are no residents. (Bees in the hive)

Who is above us upside down

Walking - not afraid

Are you afraid to fall? (Fly)

Lives in a dark corner

Weaving silk thread.

He sneaked in here

Build new house gathered. (Spider)

A bug crawled

For a big daisy

But fluttered in a hurry

And entangled in the nets.

Guess the kids:

Who set up the nets? (Spider)

The fly gasped first:

Ah, what lace!

And got into lace -

And the head is gone!

Poor thing, as if in mud,

Stuck in ... (web).

Jumping spring -

green back,

From grass to blade of grass

From the branch to the path. (Grasshopper)

Not a beast, not a bird

Needle in the nose.

Flying - screaming

And he sits down and is silent.

Who will kill him

Shed his blood. (Mosquito)

Not the sun, not fire, not a flashlight, but it shines. (Firefly)

Look at the good guys

Cheerful and boisterous.

Drag from all sides

Construction material.

Here one stumbled suddenly

Under a heavy burden

And a friend comes to the rescue.

The people here are good!

No job for the life of me

Can't live... (ant)

Cheren, but not a raven,

Horned, but not a bull.

Six legs without hooves.

Flying - howling

He sits down and digs the earth. (Bug)


I am sitting on a branch.

I keep repeating the letter "g".

Knowing this letter firmly,

I buzz in spring and summer. (Bug)

Growth, though crumbs,

Bite - it will be bad. (Wasp)

nursery rhymes

Beetle buzzing:

I walked and walked

I found a yellow stone.

It's an acorn!

You're wrong!

The giraffe says to the beetle.

Well hang it on the bough

The beetle says to the giraffe.

T. Rozhdestvenskaya

Along the path, along the path:

There was a bug in big boots:

But the trouble is that the boots stung:

The legs of the bug are tired:


T. Rozhdestvenskaya

Along the path, along the path:


There was a bug, but without shoes:


On a humpbacked thick back:


The bug carried his boots:



The bees flew into the field

They buzzed, they buzzed.

The bees sat on the flowers

We play - you drive.

"Zhu" yes "zhu" -

Flew in a circle


june beetle,

Rhinoceros beetle,

swimming beetle,

beetle son

And father beetle.

Ground beetle,

bug beetle -

Everybody got caught

Into my bag.

Proverbs and sayings

A bee sits on every flower, but does not take a diaper from every one.

The cricket is small, but sings loudly.


Cabbage butterflies

P. Solovieva

We slept like dolls

We dozed, and now

They took off our covers,

And right away we got

In the spring round dance.

Like white patches

We are flying together.

Grasses flash, bumps,

Where are the wings, where are the leaves

We will never understand.

G. Glushnev

With white wings

Waving cabbage.

Just rise -

It will go down right there.

Leads with a spout

Along the edge of the chamomile:

Honey or tea

In this white cup?


F. Grubin

Dot, dot, two hooks -

These are the legs of a beetle.

two shiny petals

Move apart slightly.

Right - dot, left - dot,

In black dots on the sides.

I blow on a beetle -

Fly beyond the clouds!

Like a red helicopter

He will go straight to heaven.


M. Shapovalov

Dragonfly, dragonfly -

Curious eyes.

She flies forward

It hangs like a helicopter

Blue above the water

Over meadow grass

Above the forest glade.

V. Viktorov

Where it is sweet, there it circles like a bee.

She stings and buzzes like a bee.

And gets caught in the compote, like a bee.

But it does not give honey, like a bee.


3. Moshkovskaya

He jumped into the road -

And I put my foot

And almost came!

How jumped that grasshopper!

He's funny! He is alive!

Good thing I noticed!

Good thing he's alive!

L. Modzalevsky

Tell me moth

How do you live, my friend?

How do you not get tired

Day-to-day all flutter?

I live in the meadows

In the glare of a summer day

Aromas of flowers -

That's all my food!

But my age is short -

He is not longer than a day.

Be kind man

And don't touch me!


V. Paspaleeva

Sat down at noon sparkling

Bee in fragrant clover.

Took off the naughty cap

And covered them with a flower. “Wh! -

And the little bee

Bitten in the hand.-

Don't break my flower

Let me collect the honey!

After all, they all - and you

Slept flower and suddenly woke up, No longer wanted to sleep, Moved, stretched, Soared up and flew. The sun will only wake up in the morning, Butterfly is spinning, winding. Above the flower the flower flies, And flutters, and flutters...

Name the words-si from the poem of the physical education minute

(Soared up, spinning, curling, flying, fluttering.) 5. Finding synonyms in context. Work with text

Read the text on the board.


Our Fatherland, our Motherland - Mother Russia. We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial.

We call it homeland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us; mother - because she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters, taught us her language ...

There are many in the world, besides Russia, all sorts of good states and lands, but a person has one own mother - he has one homeland.

(KD Ushinsky.)

Name the synonyms. (Fatherland- motherland- mother.)

What are the similarities between these words? Are there any differences?

Why is the native land called differently? How do you answer
tea K.D. Ushinsky to this question?

Why do we call Russia Fatherland? Make up the floor

We call Russia the Fatherland because "our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial."

Why do we call Russia Motherland? Make up a complete
the answer to this question, using the words of K.D. Ushinsky.

We call Russia Motherland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us.

Why do we call Russia mother? Make up a complete
the answer to this question, using the words of K.D. Ushinsky.

We call Russia mother because "she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters, taught us her language...".

On the desk:

Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her. ,

From the Motherland breathes warmth, from a foreign land cold.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

Explain the meaning of the proverbs.

Read the proverb that contains antonyms.
Name the antonyms.

From the Motherland breathes warmth, from a foreign land cold. (Motherland- foreign land, warmth- cold.)

6. Differentiation of words-synonyms and words-antonyms. Generalization of the covered

Warped text on the board:

The richness of the dictionary.

There are many words in Russian. Among them there are words that call the same thing in different ways. For example: brave, brave, ... cheerful, ... These are words - ...

There are words that are opposite in meaning. For example: weight
ly - .... brave - ... These are the words - ...:

Read the text. Complete unfinished sentences

Read the restored text.
U 2 *


11 lesson

Antonyms Synonyms -

7. Summary of the lesson

What are words that are close in meaning called?

Why are synonyms used in the text?


The use of synonyms in speech to overcome the unjustified repetition of words.

to form the ability to select a synonym for the word
to you various parts speech, edit text,
eliminating repetitive words;

Develop sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words,
auditory and visual attention, the ability to

EQUIPMENT: writing on the board, “Glossary of synonyms and antonyms. 1-4 classes. M.R. Lvov.


1. Organizing time

The one who will select the “extra” word in the row of words will sit down and
determine the number of letters in this word:

Think, think, think to tell.(7 6.) Wonderful, big, large, gigantic. (13 b.) Silent, taciturn, talkative, silent. (9 6.)

worry, worry please, bother. (8 b.) Red, ruddy, yellow, scarlet. (6 6.)

Explain how you excluded the word? ("Superfluous word
has another lexical meaning, not similar to the rest
with synonymous words.)

2. Recording the number, topics of the lesson

Finish the sentence:

These are words, these are words...

3. Working with text. Auditory perception of the text. Editing

Listen to the story. (Speech therapist slowly, expressively
reads the text.)

Animals came to man.

I will sing in the morning and wake everyone up,” said the rooster.

And I give wool, - said the sheep.

I will guard the house, said the dog.

And I will give the children milk to drink, - said the cow.

What word is repeated in the text too often?

Choose synonyms for the word SAY.
TO TELL - pronounce, add, say, report,

utter, declare, speak, promise, etc.

Which text do you like best? Why?

4. Physical education

Trees have grown in the field. It's good to grow free! Everyone tries, To the sky, to the sun stretches. Here a merry wind blew, Branches swayed right there, Even thick trunks Bent to the ground. Right - left, back and forth -

So the wind bends the trees.

He turns them, he turns them.

But when will the rest be?

The wind died down. The moon has risen.

There was silence. Children sit at their desks.

The one who from the poem of the physical education minute will name synonymous words will sit down

(Oppression, twirl, twirl.)


5. Working with text. visual perception of the text. Text editing

Guys, Dunno wrote a note to the newspaper. Note not
it is necessary to edit, i.e. check, fix; Yes
let's try to edit Dunno's note.

Text on the board:

It was a hot summer. The days were very hot. The hot sun shone from morning to evening. Children sunbathed under its hot rays. Reading the text aloud by students, (1-2 students).

What is the main thing in the story?

Suggest a title for the article. (Summer.) Write to
the title of the article in the notebook.

What word is repeated in the text? (Hot.)

Choose synonyms for the word HOT.
Board writing:

Hot - scorching, sultry, burning.

How many sentences are in the text?

Read the first sentence. Do you need an editor
tidy? (Not.) Write the first sentence in your notebook.

Read the second sentence. Which word from the series
si (Hot days.) Read
those edited sentence. Write down edited
bathroom proposal in a notebook.

The days were very hot.

Read the third sentence. Which word from the series si
nonims fit better Total? (Scorching sun.) Read
corrected offer. Write the sentence in your notebook.

The sun shone from morning to evening.

Read the fourth sentence. Which word from the series si
nonims would be best? (The rays are burning.) Read otre
drafted offer. Write the sentence in your notebook.

Children sunbathed under its burning rays.

Read again the Dunno article on the board. (Is reading
1 student.)

Read the edited article in your notebook. (Chi
melt 1-2 students.)

Which article did you like best? Why?

Conclude what words are used in speech

Lesson 12

CONCLUSION: synonyms are used in the speech of the SHW for a more accurate expression of thoughts and feelings, to avoid repetitions of the same words. Mastering the synonymic means of language makes our speech figurative,

expressive and colorful.

6. Bottom line lessons

Direct and figurative meaning


develop the ability to identify direct and
nominal meanings of polysemantic words, correct
nogo word usage;

Raise interest in linguistic phenomena;
improve sound-letter analysis and syn
these words.

EQUIPMENT: writing on the board.

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up (Torso right, left.)

I didn't want to sleep anymore. (Torso forward, back.)

Moved, stretched (Hands up, stretch.)

Soared up and flew. (Hands up, left, right.)

The sun will only wake up in the morning

Butterfly circles and curls. (Spin around.)

The children stood exactly in a circle

The children stood exactly in a circle,

And then they suddenly sat down.

Made a jump together

Over the head - cotton.

And now everything is together

Let's jump over the puddle!

And now they're going in circles

They smile at each other.

(Movement through the text.)

flock of birds,

A flock of birds fly south

The sky is blue all around.

(Children flap their arms like wings.)

To fly faster

You have to flap your wings.

(Children wave their hands more intensively.)

Stop, car

Stop, car, stop, car,

Stop, car, stop!

Stop, car, stop, car,

Stop, car, stop!

(Each one beats the rhythm with his fist on his palm. Then everyone silently, without moving, in complete silence, without moving his lips, repeat the text to himself. At the right moment, the children (no one gives a sign) should call out in chorus: “Stop!”)

Motor ship

From the green pier

The ship pushed off (Children stand up.)

He stepped back first (Step back.)

And then stepped forward (Step forward.)

And swam, swam along the river, (Wave-like movement of the hands.)

Gaining full speed. (Walking in place.)

tick tock

Who's walking left and right?

This is the pendulum in the clock.

It works properly

And repeats: "Tick-tock, tick-tock."

(Hands on the belt, tilts to the right and left.)

And above him sits a cuckoo.

It's not a toy at all.

The bird opens the door

The exact time is reported.

(Arms are bent in front of the chest, with sharp jerks the arms are straightened to the sides.)

And the clock goes, goes,

Don't rush, don't lag behind.

We won't know without them

That it's time to get up.

(Walking in place.)

Quiet splashing water

Quietly splashing water

We are sailing on a warm river.

(Swimming movements with hands.)

Clouds in the sky like sheep

They fled, who went where.

(Sipping - arms up and to the sides.)

We get out of the river

Let's take a walk to dry off.

(Walking in place.)

And now a deep breath.

And we sit on the sand.

(Children sit down.)

Let's sharpen the knife!

Sharpen, sharpen, sharpen the knife!

It will be very good.

He will cut supplies:

Butter, Salo, Bread, Sausages,

Tomatoes cucumbers...

Eat well, well done!

(Children imitate the movements of the grinder. On lines 1-7, they pass the palm of the right hand back and forth along the palm of the left with a coup. From the 8th line, the same movements, but already with the palm of the left hand, are carried out on the right, also with a coup. On the last two lines - four claps.)


(This fun game teaches children to strict observance of the rhythm. All the children repeat in chorus.)

Tra-ta, ta-ta-ta, tra-ta!

Tra-ta, ta-ta-ta, tra-ta, ta-ta-ta.

Tra-ta, ta-ta-ta, tra-ta.

(Then everyone beats this rhythm with a fist on the palm. In conclusion, everyone silently, without moving, in complete silence, without moving their lips, repeat the text to themselves (“Tra-ta, ta-ta-ta, tra-ta ...”) and at the right moment (no one gives a sign) they must exclaim in unison the last “tra-ta!”)

Come on, don't be lazy!

Hands up and hands down.

Come on, don't be lazy!

Waves do it clearer, sharper,

Train better shoulders.

(Both straight arms are raised up, jerk your hands down and put them behind your back, then jerk them up - up and back.)

Body right, body left

We need to stretch our back.

We will make turns

And help with your hands.

(Turn the body to the side.)

I stand on one leg

And I'll bend the other one.

And now alternate

I will raise my knees.

(In turn, raise your legs bent at the knees as high as possible.)

Rested, refreshed

And they sat down again.

(Children sit down.)

We are surprised at nature

We are standing in the garden

We marvel at nature.

Here's the lettuce, and here's the dill.

We grow carrots there.

(Right hand touch the left foot, then vice versa.)

Let's work with you

Let's declare a fight to weeds -

We will uproot

Yes, squat lower.


At the fence everyone marvels

The nettles flourished.

(Sipping - arms to the sides.)

We won't touch her.

Already burned a little.

(Sipping - hands forward.)

We poured everything from a watering can

And we sit on the benches.

(Children sit down.)


Up and down hand jerks,

It's like we're waving flags.

Stretching our shoulders.

Hands move forward.

(One hand up, the other down, hands change jerkily.)

Hands to the sides. Smile.

Lean left and right.

(Tilts to the side.)

Squats start.

Don't rush, don't lag behind.


And at the end - walking in place,

Everyone has known this for a long time.

(Walking in place.)

Exercise repeat

We wave our hands cheerfully

Let's stretch our shoulders.

One-two, one-two, one-two-three

Repeat the exercise.

(One straight arm up, the other down, jerk to change hands.)

We rotate the case to the left,

Three-four, one-two.

We repeat the exercise:

Right shoulders, head.

(Turn body left and right.)

We all managed to warm up,

And they sat down again.

(Children sit down.)


We turn the mill forward,

And then vice versa.

(Rotation of straight arms forward and backward.)

We'll all bow down

It's like jumping into a pool.

(Leaning forward.)

And then we bend back

Let's have a good break.

(Tilts back.)

And jump the port for us

We haven't jumped since morning.

(Jumping in place.)

Step on the spot in confinement.

This is also an exercise.

(Walking in place.)

Jumped, pulled

Here we had a good rest.

(Children sit down.)

Rowan grew by the river

Rowan grew by the river,

(From the position of emphasis, crouching, gradual straightening of the body, arms forward up.)

And the river flowed, rippled.

(Turns to the right, to the left with smooth movements of the hands.)

Middle depth.

(Forward bends, arms straight.)

Fish-bee-na walked there.


This fish is the king of fish


It's called a minnow.

(Walking in place.)

Meadow duck

Children: meadow duck,

Gray, field, Where did you spend the night?

Duck: Under a bush, under a birch.

I myself, duck, go, I drive my children.

By myself, duck, I'll swim.

I will take my children.

(A duck is selected. Children, following the duck, must perform all movements behind it: either they roll from foot to foot, then they walk with their palms on their knees, then they swim, making circular movements with their hands in front of their chest.)

In the morning the gander got up on its paws

In the morning the gander got up on its paws, (Stretched, hands up - inhale-exhale.)

Ready to charge. (Jerks of hands in front of the chest.)

Turned left, right (Turns left and right.)

Did the squat right (Squats.)

Cleaned the fluff with a beak, (Head tilts left and right.)

Hurry into the water - plop! (Sit down.)

Stop sleeping!

Here is the morning! Stop sleeping!

Before you take off

You need to stretch your wings.

Up wing, down wing

And now vice versa!

(One straight arm is raised, the other is lowered, hands change with a jerk.)

We spread wings to the sides,

And bring the shoulder blades together.

(Hands in front of the chest, jerking the arms to the sides.)

Leaning left and right

And swayed back and forth.

(Tilts left-right, forward-backward.)

We squat on command -

One, two, three, four, five. We do the exercise. Chur, friends, do not lag behind! (Squats.)

Hamster-hamster, hamster

Hamster, hamster, hamster,

Striped barrel.

Hamster gets up early

Washes cheeks, rubs neck.

Homka sweeps the hut

And goes to charge.

One, two, three, four, five!

Homka wants to become strong. (Children imitate all the movements of a hamster.)

The heron walks on the water

The heron walks on the water

And dreams of food.

Raise your legs higher

You, like a heron, do not yawn!

(Jerk to raise the leg, bent at the knee, as high as possible, then the other.)

To catch food in the water

The heron must bend over.

Come on, bend over too.

Reach for the toe.

(Bend over and reach right hand left foot, then right foot with left hand.)


Tick-tock, tick-tock

All clocks go like this:

Tick-tock. (Tilt your head first to one shoulder, then to the other.)

See what time it is:

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.

(Swing to the beat of the pendulum.)

Left - one, right - one,

We can do that too.

(Legs together, hands on the belt. As for “one”, tilt your head to the right shoulder, then to the left, like a watch.)

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

To fully wake up

To wake up completely

Need to stretch!

(Hands down in front of the body, fingers interlaced. Put your hands on the back of your head, move your elbows, straighten your torso.)

Stretched out, stretched out

And now they've leaned back.

(Tilts forward and backward.)

We also stretch the back,

Bend it back and forth.

(Tilts back and forth.)

Turn after turn

Now to the window, and then to the wall.

Let's do the exercise

To give your back a rest.

(Turns the body to the right and left.)

We had a wonderful rest

And it's time for us to sit down.

(Children sit down.)

We recommend reading
