Scenario of the action for the world health day. I

Site arrangement 23.09.2019

Target: To develop a sense of collectivism, a sense of unity, cohesion, to form teachers' responsibility for their health, motivation for healthy image life.

Leading: Good evening, Dear friends, colleagues! We are glad to see you at our sports event dedicated to the Day of Health! Fun and jokes await you today! You will not be bored here for a minute!

I am glad to introduce you to our distinguished jury, as well as our wonderful teams and dear fans. So! Let's start with a warm-up!

I will say a phrase after which you must say in unison “ We do not argue! "If you agree with the statement, or"We argue - we argue!"If you do not agree.

It rains in the fall.
Spring awaits us ahead.
Snowstorms swept all day.
Birds came from the south.
The maple leaf is falling off.
White lily of the valley blooms.
The apples in the garden are ripe.
In the grove the nightingales began to sing.
We salted the cabbage.
And the skating rink was filled with water.
There is fog in the fields.
There are only weeds in the garden.
And the holidays are waiting for everyone.
Victory Day is right there.
Let's go sunbathing in a crowd.
The exam is waiting for you and me.
The days are getting longer.
It will be colder soon.
The puddles began to freeze.
The birds began to fly away.
It's very difficult for us without sweets.
Autumn is coming, by the way.
I will deceive you now.
You have been wrong many times.

  • So, the first competition!


You are invited to "open" a new kindergarten - inflate the balloon as quickly as possible, and then "populate" this kindergarten with children - quickly draw figures of children on the balloon with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “children” in the kindergarten is the winner!

(by the number of teams Balloons and threads, according to the number of participants felt-tip pens)

  • We are starting the second competition!

And now we will check if you know so well the fairy tales that you yourself read to children. I will read you a fairy tale, and you will have to write down the names of the familiar fairy tales you heard, and the jury will then check the correctness of the assignment.

How many fairy tales have you heard?

Once upon a time, they had a grandfather and a woman, they had a hut not ice, but bast. They lived in it for thirty years and three years. They lived, did not grieve, and everything was fine, but God did not give children. So the old woman says to the old man: “Go, old man, to the goldfish. Bow to the fish, obey, and beg from her for an egg, but not a simple one, but a golden one ”. And the old man went to the blue sea. And the old woman sat down by the window to wait for him alone. Waiting - it will wait from morning to night. Looks out to sea, even his eyes hurt.

And the old man is not joking at this time: he twists his arms and legs to the fish with ropes. Sharp teeth plunges into the very heart and begs the testicle from her. And the old woman in the hut grins and Ivan is waiting for the fool. Soon the tale will tell itself, but it will take a long time before the deed is done.

Now the winter is over, spring has come. The sun began to bake and the old woman wanted to drink the spring water. She went to the well, scooped up water, but the trouble is - she stumbled. The bucket fell to the very bottom of the well. The old woman cries, she washes her face with bitter tears. Lo and behold - a puddle. Give, the old woman thinks, I'll drink from this puddle. And then the mouse runs and in a human voice says: “Don't drink, old, you will become a kid.” The old woman did not listen to the mouse and drank from a puddle. Suddenly thunder burst out, lightning flashed, and the old woman turned into a frog. Ivan the Fool was returning from the hunt. Lo and behold, the frog was sitting. He pulled the arrow, took aim ... Then the frog prayed: “Don't ruin me, Ivanushka, I'll be useful to you.” And so it happened, like a frog.

Ivanushka brought the frog to the palace to the tsar-father. And immediately the emperor ordered to prepare three cauldrons: with icy water, with boiled water and with fresh milk. The frog bathed in three cauldrons and became a written beauty, no matter what to say in a fairy tale, or describe with a pen!

Then they played a wedding. And the kids were not long in coming. They had a great multitude of children: in scales, like the heat of grief, thirty-three heroes.

And the old man by the blue sea walks to this day: he goes to the right - the song starts, to the left - the fairy tale that I told you tells you. So it turns out that the tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows and old people.

(the teams have leaflets, felt-tip pens, the jury has answers)

Answers for the jury:

  • "The Fox and the Hare" or "Zayushkina Hut";
  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish";
  • "Snow Maiden";
  • "Ryaba Chicken";
  • “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes”;
  • "Fly Tsokotukha";
  • "Baba Yaga";
  • “The Tale of Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”;
  • "Moroz Ivanovich";
  • "Princess Frog";
  • "The Little Humpbacked Horse";
  • "The Tale of Tsar Saltan";
  • "Ruslan and Ludmila".


So that we do not get bored,
We will answer in rhyme.
Is it clear to you yet?
The game begins!
And let's present it well
We are a big aquarium.
It will fit here
Scuba diving ... diver!
And here he sleeps, snores,
Enormous blue ...
Reacting to snoring
Runs sideways ...
And lay down in the sand at the bottom
With tentacles ...
I'm glad to bury myself next to him
Electric brother ...
Without getting hooked
The sea lives here ...
Looking for the best places
Five-winged ...
I just swam nearby
With a flat body ...
And behind her, like a burden.
Burning rushes ...
Swims in a shell without fear
Among the fish ...
Somewhere the jaw flashed
Black Sea ...
Here at the bottom, well, like a toy,
Lies a wonderful ...
Near a stone, like a tree stump,
And behind him is the sea ...
Not one is frolicking here
Smart, affectionate ...
They play with him like tag,
Long-tailed ...
Someone shakes his head ...
What? There are no mermaids?
But I, friends, dreamed ...
And in the game came ...
the final.

  • We are starting the third competition!

Now, we will take a look at the quality of your work as educators.


Two dolls are in the cribs. You are provided with cards with tasks that you must complete in order. You have to wake up the doll, do exercises with it, wash, brush your teeth, comb your hair, make the bed, dress, feed, walk with the doll, play with it, wash its hands, feed it, wash, undress, put it in bed and sing a lullaby. The winner is the one who does it faster and better.

(to-do list for two teams and a jury)

(prepare everything for the competition)

  • Fourth competition!


Many swear words in ancient times had a completely different meaning. I bring to your attention a question and three possible answers. You write the question number and the answer 1, 2 or 3.

1. Halturoyu used to be called ...

1) The priest's field work is the funeral service for the deceased at home, not in church.
2) An award in the form of a medal made of cheap copper.
3) Verification of documents at the entrance to the city.

2. Girls of easy virtueoriginally called those young ladies who ...

1) Graduated from high school with poor grades;
2) Learned French;
3) Did not get married until the age of 20.

3. The bastard is ...

1) Tax collector in Kievan Rus;
2) The profession of barge haulers, “dumping” ships going through water obstacles;
3) Settlement on the border of two volosts.

4. Fiends once called ...

1) Too talkative people;
2) Old Russian farmers, that is, those who left the community for the sake of private farming.
3) Children who have been publicly flogged.

5. Idiot translated from Greek ...

1) Private person;
2) A person who can read:
3) A person who refused to continue his father's craft.

6. The word bastard came to us from Latin. Its true meaning ...

1) Border guard (the letter "R" dropped out of the word over time;
2) A person who is not versed in mushrooms, picking some toadstools;
3) Peasant, villager.

7. Scoundrel in Polish it meant ...

1) A simple, ordinary person;
2) A convinced bachelor with a great fortune.
3) A person hiding from military service.

8. Doodle in Old Russian ...

1) Unselfish person,
2) Widower,
3) Massive block, rock.

9. Did not apply to swear words scoundrel because it meant ...

1) a distrustful person;
2) A recruit unfit for military service;
3) A person incapable of hard physical labor.

10. Word contagion in the past meant ...

1) Lovely;
2) A girl who laughs very contagiously,
3) An ugly girl.

11. They called it a nut ...

1) Shepherd;
2) The groom;
3) The headman of the village.

12. Kopec previously represented ...

1) Men's pre-wedding ceremony, that is, "bachelor party";
2) A formidable throwing weapon in Ancient Russia;
3) A mound of earth (mound) to mark the boundaries of land ownership.

And we'll play a little again while the jury sums up the results.

Theatrical riddles:

At least ask about that,
They know - they were in Russia
Amusers are daredevils
Actors are merry.
Scenes, jokes and tricks
They composed ... buffoons!

He walks around the stage, jumps,
Now he laughs, now he cries!
At least someone will portray -
The skill will amaze everyone!
And formed for a long time
Type of profession ... actor!

He leads everyone
Thinks, runs, shouts!

He inspires actors
He controls the whole performance,
As an orchestra conductor,
But it is called ... director!

First a king, and then a jester,
A beggar or a king
Lady, witch or fly,
Robinson or an old woman
Become will help, for example,
Theatrical… dresser.

Narrow eye and a long nose
In theater, this is not a question.
If you want to be different
Call for help ... makeup!

The performance was a success
And the audience is happy with everything!
Special applause for the artist
For colorful ... Scenery.

The jury announces the results of the competitions.

  • Fifth competition!

Now let's see how you play with the kids!


All team members are blindfolded, then pyramids are scattered according to the number of teams, large and small. Teams must touch the pyramids correctly and quickly.

  • Sixth competition!

Well, and the last, final competition!

Favorite fairy tales.

According to the principle of edible - inedible: for each correct answer - a step forward.
Each participant raises his hand if he knows the answer.
Whoever picked it up first answers.

  • Elevator for evil spirits (pipe).
  • Character bursting with laughter(bubble).
  • The personification of the family, which Buratino poked his nose(hearth).
  • Winnie's friend - Pooh, who was left with a tail(Eeyore).
  • Commander of the 33 heroes(Chernomor).
  • Cave Lockpick - Spell(Sim - sim, open up!)
  • Detail of a woman's dress in which lakes and swans are placed(sleeve).
  • The Tsar's radar is a lazybones who are tired of military affairs(cockerel).
  • A cloven-hoofed maze for Tiny - Havroshechka(Cow).
  • The reward for the feat, which is given in addition to the kings(my kingdom).
  • A reliable means of orientation in fairy-tale situations(clew).
  • The friendliest communal apartment(teremok).
  • Seven desires on one leg(seven-color).
  • Ungrateful listener of songs(Fox).
  • The name of the great English glutton(Robin - Bobin Barabek).
  • The highest achievement of a fabulous catering(the tablecloth is self-assembled).
  • Traditional dish Enikov - Benikov(vareniki).
  • The roundest fairytale hero(Gingerbread man).
  • Furry boot wearer(cat).
  • Residence of Baba Yaga(a hut on chicken legs).

While the jury is summarizing, we'll play a little.

Everything in motion:

Everything lives in motion!
Who flies and who walks
It is necessary to show with a gesture!
I will help you.
Who flies - wave your hand!
Who swims - mark it as a wave!
Who just walks - clap!
Whoever crawls - drown!

Heavy Colorado Potato Beetle ...
Candidate of Medical Sciences…
Fast-fast seahorse ...
A buzzing swarm of bees ...
A beautiful white moth ...
Fluffy little ferret ...
Long earthworm ...
A pot-bellied, little hamster ...
Airy white jellyfish ...
A poet or composer's muse ...
Spotted nimble snake ...
He, she, you and me ...
Winged bird ostrich ...
Santa Claus or Santa Claus ...

- And now our esteemed jury will sum up the latest competitions and announce today's winners!

Award Ceremony.

Scenario sports event Health Day.

World Health Day is celebrated every year in April around the world. The events of the day are held so that all people can understand how much health means in their lives.

Target: the formation of students' need for a healthy lifestyle.


Creating a positive attitude and a favorable environment for teaching and educating students;

Stimulating the desire of schoolchildren to exercise independently.

Attracting students to engage in various sports;

Conducting recreational activities aimed at strengthening the body of children and adolescents

Increasing the resistance of the body of children and adolescents to various diseases, the efficiency of schoolchildren, the productivity of their education.


In the gym there are posters on the theme: "We are for a healthy lifestyle!" "To be healthy, strong, you need sports, friends, love."

(To the sounds of a sports march, students and teachers of the school enter the hall for the opening of the Day of Health)

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! Today, April 7, people all over the planet are celebrating World Health Day. On this day, sports competitions and holidays are held all over the world so that children of the whole planet grow up healthy and strong, brave and courageous, dexterous and strong!

Why does such a day exist? Yes, because health is the most precious thing a person has. But what is health?

Health is when you feel good!

Health is when nothing hurts!

Health is beauty!

Health is power!

Health is flexibility and slimness!

Health is endurance!

Health is harmony!

Health is when you wake up cheerful and cheerful in the morning!

Health is when you can easily climb to the 4th floor!

Health is when you are happy to do any job!

Health is when you enjoy life!

Leading: Guys, I want to start our meeting with a parable: a man lived in the same house. Together with him lived his wife, his elderly mother and his daughter - already an adult girl. One late evening, when all the household members had already gone to bed, someone knocked on the door. The owner got up and opened the door. There were three men on the threshold. "What is your name?" the man asked. They answered him: “We are called Health, Wealth and Love, let us into your house”. The man thought about it. “You know,” he said, “we have only one free seat in our house, and there are three of you; Who do you think they let into their house? The daughter offered to let Love in, the wife - Wealth. And the sick mother asked to let Health in. And this is not surprising, since each generation has its own values, and a person begins to value his health only when there is an obvious threat to him.

Leading: Health must be protected, taken care of from an early age.

2 Pupil:

You guys should know
Everyone needs to sleep a little longer.
Well, don't be lazy in the morning -
Get started charging!

3 Pupil:

Brush your teeth, wash your face,
And smile more often
Get hardened and then
You are not afraid of the blues.

4 Pupil:

Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, dairy products -
Here's a healthy meal
Full of vitamins!

5 Pupil:

Go out for a walk
Fresh air breathe.
Just remember when leaving:
Dress for the weather!

6 Pupil:

Here is some good advice for you,
Secrets are hidden in them.
To preserve health -
Learn to appreciate it!

Leading: Guys! Everyone has heard that to be healthy you need to move as much as possible. It’s not without reason that they say: “Movement is life”. I suggest you all move a little, stretch your body. After all, you need to start the morning with exercises. What is charging for?

(The physical education teacher commands: “Get ready for exercise!” And together with all the students and teachers performs the morning exercises).

Leading: Well done boys! I see that many of you do physical exercises, go in for sports.

We all need sports, guys.
We are close friends with sports!
Sport is an assistant!
Sport is health!
Sport is a game!
All physical education - hurray!


Hello everyone,
Who took the time
And I came to school for a holiday of health!
We will be healthy, we are friendly with charging,
We need sports with physical education, as we need air!

Leading: And now we continue the day of health, and proceed to our relay races.

1. Relay: "Jumping rope"

(We jump rope to the cone and back)

Inventory: (skipping ropes, cones)

2. Relay: "Benches"

(run along the bench, 2 rolls on the mats, run around the cone)

Inventory: (benches, mats, cones)

3. Relay: "Jumping"

( jumping over hurdles, returning back dribbling)

Inventory: (barriers, balls used, cones)

And now, while the teams are resting, questions for the fans:

1. What is the name of the start of the race? (start)

2. What is the end of the race called? (the finish)

3. What are the sports starting with the letter "b"?

(basketball, badminton, baseball, biathlon, bobsleigh, boxing, wrestling)

4. What are the types of sports balls?

(basketball, football, volleyball, handball, water polo, tennis, baseball, field hockey, golf, equestrian polo)

5. Name the Motherland Olympic Games? (Greece)

6. Where and how is the Olympic flame lit? (in Greece from the sun's rays)

7.What is the Paralympic Games? (games for the disabled)

8. What are the colors of the Olympic rings? (Green-Australia, Black-Africa, Red-America, Yellow-Asia, Blue-Europe)


Cleverly cuts the air,

Stick on the right, stick on the left,

Well, there is a rope between them.

It's a long ... (skipping rope)

We compete in skill

We throw the ball, we jump deftly,

We tumble at the same time.

So they pass ... (relay)

We are like acrobats

We do jumps on the mat

Over the head forward,

We can also vice versa.

For our health for the future

There will be everyone ... (somersault)

We are physically active

With him we will become fast, strong ...

Strengthens our nature

Strengthens the muscles.

No candy, no cake needed

We only need one ... (sport)

Win a competition -

This is our credo.

We don't ask for recognition

We need... ( victory)

Winner in sports competitions,

Only he is ahead all the time.

What does a proud name sound like?

Everyone knows what it is ... (champion)

We were broken into teams

And they give the task.

We are participating for the first time

In sports ... (competitions)

This sports equipment is two poles,

Attached to the rack by hinges.

With them I will become strong.

The shell is called shortly - ... (bars)

Loud music plays.

The motion class is executing.

The movements are not easy

These are exercises.

Gymnastics to music

Heals us.

Tell me the name

Its friendly to me, class! (Aerobics)

It's not easy for me to pull up

I'm short.

Every student knows

What will pull us up ... (horizontal bar)

You can play with him in the lesson,

Roll it and rotate it.

He seems to be the letter "O":

A circle, but nothing inside ... (hoop)

Legs and muscles are in motion all the time -

It is not just a person who walks.

Such are the fast movements

We call shortly - ... (run)

Legs, arms - everything is in motion,

I'm crawling under the ceiling

Muscles are just tension -

I was able to lift myself.

A mat is laid under me,

I climbed up. Helped ... (rope)

The ball is in the ring! The team has a goal!

We play ... (basketball)

4.Tumbleweed Relay.

(Run backwards and use the hoop to roll the ball to the cone and back)

Inventory: (hoops balls cones)

5.Relay "Jumping on bouncy balls".

Inventory: (bouncy balls cones)

6.Relay "Cockroaches".

(On your hands, run back to the cone.)

7.Relay: "Gatherings".

(Participants sit on the gymnastic bench at the back of the head one after another and pass the ball over the head to the one sitting behind the ball, the last one runs with the ball and sits forward in front of the team, passing the ball again.)

Inventory: (benches, balls).

Our relay races are over and we are moving on to the awarding ceremony.

Determination of the winners of the competition, awarding:

The winners are determined by the best results and awarded with medals and diplomas.

Leading: Friends! Despite the results of today's competitions, all participants and fans received a charge of vivacity and good mood!

So our sports holiday is over, today we have become even stronger, enduring and courageous. We wish you to have a “Health Day” every day: both at school and at home.

Grow strong, healthy and agile!

Podgornaya Lyudmila Nikolaevna physical education teacher MBOU gymnasium number 18 G. Krasnodar


school-wide sports event

"Day of Health and Sports"

Target: upbringing a generation striving for a healthy lifestyle by involving children in such forms of organizing health-improving work as sports relay races, competition in different types sports, agitation performances on the topic of health.


    contribute to the formation of students' skills in leading a healthy lifestyle;

    promote the development and improvement of such qualities as endurance, agility, strength, thinking, the ability to coordinate their movements;

    contribute to the determination of the value of their health and measures to preserve it;

    attract the attention of children to various sports.

Celebration participants: students in grades 1-11, teachers, parents.

Sports hall decoration ( sports ground): posters “A healthy mind in a healthy body”, “Health is a human pearl”.

Recreation design: trunk of the Tree of Life, poster "Health and work go together!" exhibition-poster "Heading for a healthy lifestyle!"

Relevance: According to the medical examination carried out in an educational institution, in the 1st grade 20% of children who have chronic diseases, in the 5th grade - 30%, in the 9th grade - 44%. In general, only 12% of schoolchildren have a satisfactory functional state of the body. From grade 1 to grade 9, the frequency of decreased visual acuity increases by 1.5 times; the frequency of non-observance of posture - 1.5 times; the prevalence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, digestive organs - 1.4 times; prevalence of diseases endocrine system- 2.6 times. According to the head of the department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Alina Levitskaya, the reason for this situation is not only the influence of factors of the living environment and genetic heredity, today hypodynamia is progressing - a sedentary lifestyle during training sessions and at home.
Today's schoolchildren are the future of the country tomorrow. According to Art. № 12,13,20,32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", which clearly defines the responsibility educational institution for the life and safety of children, strengthening the health of children and taking care of it is one of the main tasks of the school.

Organizational stage:

    Drawing up a school-wide regulation on the Day of Health and Sports and an action plan.

    Drawing competition on the theme: "If you want to be healthy, go in for sports!"

    Publication of an informational wall newspaper "It's great to be healthy!"

    Preparation and publication of a leaflet, an information booklet, covering the topic: "I choose sports as an alternative to bad habits."

    Preparation and publication of an information booklet on the topic "Prevention of bad habits."

Grand opening

School-wide Day of Health and Sports

The introduction of the song "Fizkult-hurray!" The presenters appear on the stage.Lead 1: It's good to be human! This is power for the whole century! Lead 2: This is knowledge and wisdom, This is dexterity, speed! Lead 1: To be fashionable for a day, for a month, And healthy forever! Lead 2: I, you, he, she - We are a beautiful country! We are a healthy country! We have all the power, I know! Lead 1: The sun is shining over Russia, The path is bright for life. Be happy in the world, be healthy, be! Lead 2: So let's say firmly - No troubles for all! We will be healthy then For many, many years! Lead 1: Being healthy is fashionable!
Lead 2: Being healthy is great!
Lead 1: Being healthy is not dangerous!
Lead 2: And a healthy generation is a strong province, a strong country! It is under this motto that the events dedicated to the Day of Health and Sports will be held today!
Lead 1: Participants of the Our Youth propaganda team will become the pioneers of the school-wide Day of Health and Sports.
Lead 2: How many problems modern youth have! I don't want to learn lessons, but I want to play on the computer, walk the streets with a company. And then we say, where do sick people come from?
Lead 1: The guys will tell us about this now.

"Youth chooses health!"

Agitation presentation, dedicated to the Day health

Against the background of the musical splash, the words sound:
Where do sick people come from? Maybe they are not bad at all? Maybe sick people fly in? And healthy people don’t know? Where did Seryozha's illness come from? Perhaps they pushed the sick from Saturn? Why are we sitting and wondering in vain? this story now we learn?

A boy comes out, pulls a briefcase by the strap. His head is down, his eyes are down.

The words sound in the background:

A little man is walking home from school, He carries a heavy briefcase with him. His back is sideways, aching legs, Now he will fall, if he says ... Boy: ... Ah! I am losing so much health, friends, Kuril - immediately threw - I am not lying at all! Friends called me to the skating rink in winter, And I answered them: "Reluctance, not a gallop!" I, and this is for scrap! I'd rather put on thieves' pants, Mike, baseball, sunglasses from the sun And sit in the shade, I don't need a heat, I'll take out a cigar - I'm still a boy! Friends say that all this is harmful - Kurnu just once I'll eat some candy. Maybe nothing will happen once?

(The boy sits down in the shade and falls asleep).

A musical beat on the theme "Youth" is played. Representatives of the youth propaganda team come out.

1st: Let's go guys to the school stadium, it's Health Day there today! 2nd: Being healthy is great! (Make claps) 3rd: Who's sitting here? Yes, this is Anton from the next class! 4th: Anton, come with us!
Boy: I'm not going anywhere - I don't want to see you.
1st: How is it, what's wrong with you? 2nd: What happened to you? 3rd: Maybe a temperature? 4th: (notices a Pepsi jar near the boy) A very strange potion! 1st: What have you done to yourself? Boy: What kind of onslaught and show-off? I said I was resting! Well, I know you, I don’t know! 1st: We are guys, just class! 2nd: Strength, grace with us! 3rd: We are all friends with sports, so that we can be completely healthy! 4th: Being healthy is our full house ... Together: Take the right step with us! 1st: The first step is daytime mode: Know how to eat when the dream is yours! 2nd: Step two - exercise in the morning! 3rd: The third step - be calm, In the lesson, be smart, At home, forget your anger! 4th: Step four is the ball. Don't hide it far! Come out to play with your friends. 1st: Well, five - you are with us Walk along the path to health, And sing a song together!

Participants of the propaganda team sing the song "Be Healthy!"

on the theme of "Chunga-chang"

There is a miracle remedy for health,

You can count everything on your fingers:

Hygiene - this will be the time

The mood is like we have now!


That's two, and three is charging.

To keep everything in order

We need to go in for sports, temper.

And four are vitamins,

There is no reason for disease

You just have to really, really try.

We will be able to accumulate health,

So that it becomes more joyful for us to live,

So that you and I can take care

Give the planet blue.


So that the rivers are not shallow

Springs to sing loudly

To warm all the animals with love.

So that the children are healthy

On a happy planet

We wish everyone and everyone health!

All health!

We are young, beautiful, energetic! We have strength, intelligence and excellent biceps! In our body, dexterity, speed, We cannot live without sports, friends! At our favorite stadium We will break all records And replace the champions Very soon we will come! 1st: Being healthy is great! 2nd: Friends, it's cool to be healthy! 3rd: It doesn't hurt at all to be healthy! 4th: Illness is evil, and our deceit. Together: Health is our wealth!

Fun starts

"Sports Kaleidoscope" for students in grades 1-5


    Formation of a healthy lifestyle in children.

    Development of interest in sports.

Location: gym.
Inventory: balls, hoops, skipping ropes, golf clubs, tennis rackets, ski equipment.
Evaluation conditions: correct execution - 10 points, victorious + 1 point, penalty - 1 point. Competition progress: The host introduces the guests, the jury (the strongest athletes of the school).
Teams greet each other, name, motto.

The teams are presented. We wish everyone success in the upcoming competitions. Teams, to their original positions, step march!

At each relay, we will collect the keys to health. At the end of the game, we find out which team has the most keys.

Relay 1

"Go through the swamp"

Imagine that there is a swamp around us. We need to get to the bowling pin, take the key from the hoop and bring it to the team. You can go through the swamp by jumping from "bump" to "bump". Task: shifting the mats, reach the pin, take the key and jump back over the jump rope. The second participant jumps over the jump rope - back on the mats.

Relay 2.

Run to the pins, jumping over the jump ropes, back - the ball is sandwiched between the legs.

Relay 3

"Overcome the obstacles"

Children run to the mat, crawl under the arc, walk along the gymnastic bench, take one key from the hoop. Run back.

Competition "Creative Fantasy"

On an album sheet of paper, draw a team drawing on the theme "Bad habits are death!"

Relay race

"Who is first?"

They are installed parallel to the benches (you need to crawl on the bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your hands), then jump the distance to the ball on two legs, take the ball and hit the big ball with it. Hitting - back to the team. In the event that the participant misses the target, he does 5 squats.

Relay race.

Bring the tennis ball on the racket, overcoming obstacles (pins) to the line, put the racket, do five squats and carry the ball back on the racket. The relay is passed to the next participant.

Relay race


Running in pairs: one participant stands on his hands, the second holds his legs, overcoming obstacles (pins) together, runs to the line and changes places.

Relay race

The first participant sits on the skate, the second drives him to the line, the first hits the big ball with the ball. The second sits down, and the first delivers to the place.

Summarizing. Rewarding teams.

"Your health is in your hands!"

(Meeting with the FAP health worker)

Form of carrying out: TV program"Health"


Guys, imagine that we are not in the school hall, but in the Health program. All of you, probably, were spectators of the "Health" program, hosted by Elena Malysheva. Today we have our own program on the air at school, and also about health. Greetings to the host.


Hello! The program "Health" is on the air and I am its host - Ganina Tatiana. Today, on school-wide Health and Sports Day, we will burn about health. Hello! I do not just say hello to you, I wish you hello, be healthy.

Today our guests are medical worker feldsher-obstetric station Kondratyeva Olga Vladimirovna, teacher physical culture Agapov Vyacheslav Vasilievich, teacher of biology Gorelova Tatyana Vasilievna.

Today we will talk about health, what factors affect it and how to preserve our wealth - health!

Health is wealth for all time. And it is laid in childhood. Your health is like a treasure that is deep in the earth, and to find a treasure, you need to make great efforts.

Olga Vladimirovna, tell us what human health is.

Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, you work in the system of health preservation and disease prevention. What is the importance of physical education for health?

Tatyana Vasilievna, what conditions at school and at home should surround a person in order for him to remain healthy?

Today, an attempt has been organized on our health from the side of bad habits that hunt us everywhere: at home, at school, and on the street.

Now I propose to all together to answer the questions "Useful - harmful"

Looking at a bright light ... (harmful)

Flush your eyes in the morning ... (helpful)

Watching TV close ... (harmful)

Eat carrots, parsley ... (useful)

Rubbing your eyes with dirty fists ... (harmful)

Exercise ... (useful)

We ask our guests to comment on the children's responses.

These bad habits disrupt our normal state of health. And then there are habits that deal a devastating blow to our health.

Attention to the screen.

Once upon a time in our forest there were many different animals: bears, and wolves, and foxes ...

And where did they go now? Imagine, dear viewers, they were destroyed by bad habits.

Music sounds. A disheveled, cheerful Fox runs in with a handbag that says "Heroin". A bear with a bouquet is trudging towards him.
Bear. Will you marry me, Liska? Fox. Misha! My friend! Is it you? We didn’t see each other all summer. How did you, poor man, lose weight, As if you hadn’t eaten for a whole year. What's wrong with you? You are sick? Bear I don’t know what’s wrong with me? trembling paws. Fox. Why won't you go to a woodpecker? You need to turn to a woodpecker, He is such a bird with us, He will immediately say what's what. Don't think, go to him. Bear. I'll wait a little, It gets worse, so I'll go. Music is playing. The fox preens, looks in the mirror. A wolf in an old fur coat is staggering, carrying empty bottles.Fox. Listen, Little Johnny-Wolf, what's wrong with you? The pigs are cleaner too. Oh, your eyes have dimmed, The brakes have failed? Can't you stop drinking? Wolf. I can't, longing has stuck, Fox, longing has eaten me. My heart is washing, my paws are trembling ... I disappear. Fox. You will disappear, To the Owl if you don’t go. To the Owl you need to turn, She is such a bird with us - She will understand, give advice: Yes, yes, no, no! Wolf. Tomorrow I will rush to the Owl. Well, you answer my feelings! Fox (sings). Here I am walking beautifully Along the forest path, Well, I am 16 years old. Tails flashed again at my hole, I will tell you two again no. Heroin takes me into the sky again, I shout to you all “hello”, “hello”. Fox. Misha, Vovik, I love you so much! But I won't get married. I'd better take the dose. The Owl comes out:Wolf. Owl, dear, our friend. Bear. Come closer. Owl: Bah! Wolf, Toptygin, hello to you! You are healthy? Wolf and Bear. Apparently not. Bear. The cough hurts. Wolf. The side hurts. Owl: Misha, smoke! And you, buddy, are drinking. Bear. Yes, I smoke, how do you know? Wolf... And I drink. Owl: It hurts like smoke you stink. (He listens.) Don't breathe or sniff. You are sick, even though you are a bear. Bear. Not fatal? Not dangerous? Owl: Soot has accumulated in my lungs, Smoking is all the trouble. Do you, Toptygin, want to stomp? Quit smoking forever! And now you are my friend. (He listens to the Wolf.) Rapid pulse, hypertension. A sick liver, arrhythmia. If you quit drinking, you will survive, but if you drink, you will become numb. Follow my advice, Otherwise, on the way, both of you will stretch your legs. get the cigarettes out.
Leading: So, dear guests, I ask everyone to comment on the plot shown fairytale heroes.


Wolf: I know a remedy for these diseases, Then this dirt will disappear from here. Bring justice scales here, We will prove that we do not need black girlfriends! Bear: Help, friends, to find justice, Put your arguments on the scales. Friends, do not fail, Approach the scales one by one. Put your arguments on the scales.

Leading: And in order to confirm our actions, let us remember once and for all: "A healthy mind is in a healthy body!" Thank you all for your attention!

Arguments are white and black checkers. Checkers put all bad habits on one side of the scale. On the other side, all the rest.


    Newspaper "Leisure at school" №1 / 2008.

Protection of projects

Each classroom team is invited to create a leaflet newspaper on the topic: "Be healthy!". The content of the newspaper must fully correspond to its name and reflect the basics of a healthy lifestyle. The form of material presentation is arbitrary: poems, drawings, slogans, diagrams, articles, etc. Execution form - arbitrary: handwritten text, use of elements computer design... The format and volume of the newspaper are unlimited.

Newspapers must be submitted to the organizing committee in advance. Protection creative works will take place during the theatrical program "We are for a life without bad habits!" In the presentation of the work, you need to indicate: the topic, explaining its relevance, summary(headings of the main articles; their summary);

Action "Tree of Life"

The tree of Life was chosen as the symbol of life. The guys, proving their desire for a healthy lifestyle, attach each of their leaves to a tree.

Action "Bright sun for healthy children!"

Children, expressing their desire for a healthy lifestyle, choose a certain color of the beam, thereby demonstrating their state of health and mood. Green color- I am well; yellow - something does not suit me; red - I'm sick.

The intended result is:

By participating in the event, students develop a complete, clear understanding of the principles and rules of a healthy lifestyle, the harmful effects of bad habits on the adolescent's body, aspirations are developed to engage in physical culture in order to maintain physical fitness.

Scenario of the holiday "World Health Day" for children preschool age

The target audience: children 5-7 years old.

Objectives of the event:

  • to introduce children to sports and physical education,
  • develop physical activity, consolidate personal hygiene skills.





Holiday progress

(Cheerful sports music sounds, the host enters)

Leading.Hello guys! Today we have gathered for a sports festival dedicated to World day health. I see you all healthy, strong, cheerful and it's high time to go to the country "Health".

(A cold appears to the disturbing music, says, coughing in a malicious and squeaky voice)

Cold.Well, kids, do you think you are all healthy and strong here?

Leading.Guys, who is this? What kind of guest has come to visit us?

(Answers of children)

Cold.Yes, I am Cold! Do you want to go to the country "Health", but where will your strength come from? Ha ha ha, I saw something this morning. For example, this boy did not exercise! This one didn't eat breakfast this morning. And in general, my mother brought this in a stroller, like a little lyalka, ha-ha-ha. Why do you need this country "Health"? Come, better with me, to my country, (proudly) to the country of "Cold and Sickness", where you can lie in bed all day, do nothing, sleep a lot, watch TV, take pills. And, most importantly, mom will not scold for anything! Come with me, you don't want to go in for sports anyway!

Leading.(Sternly) Wait, Cold! Where are you luring our children? They are not like that, and now we will show you how we can do exercises.

(The cold moves aside, first observes the children, then joins in. The presenter conducts exercises with cheerful music.)

Cold.Yes, the guys are doing great. But just for health, one charge is not enough. You will not get to the country "Health", I have prepared too many surprises for you, with which you will not have the strength to cope. Ha ha ha.

(Runs away)

Leading.Guys, what should we do? How to get to the country "Health"? The cold has closed all the paths for us.

(A letter is thrown into the room where the event is taking place. The presenter reads the text of the letter to the guys: "Guys, save me. The Evil Cold has put me under lock and key, I cannot get out without your help. If you complete all the tasks of the Cold, guess the word, you will immediately get country "Health" Fairy country Health)

Cold.So, after all, they found the Fairy's letter. Nothing will work for you.

Leading.Cold, you promised to release the Fairy if the guys and I cope with your assignments.

Cold.Yes, okay, I will, if you can handle it, of course. I have prepared tasks for you that are too difficult. There are 3 of them. So what else do you need to be healthy?

(Children's answers - Hardening. A cold silently shows ways of hardening, and children must guess what it shows: airing the room, rubbing off with a damp towel, swimming in an ice hole, walking barefoot, pouring cold water).

Leading.Well done, guys, they guessed all types of hardening.

Cold.Well, okay, you barely coped with the first task. We did the exercises, hardened ourselves, and what else is needed to be healthy and strong.

(Children's answers - Personal hygiene. A cold puts pictures with different objects (or real objects) on the table. The presenter chooses 3 children to complete the assignment. Children need to choose from all the pictures, only pictures with personal hygiene items (toothbrush, paste, soap, washcloth, etc.) If a paramedic is present, a demonstration for children and colds can be held on how to properly brush your teeth).

Leading.You see, Cold, how well our children know about personal hygiene items and how to use them. Even you were shown and told everything.

Cold.I really didn't know that teeth should be brushed 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. Thank you guys. Okay, so I'll count this assignment for you too. All the same, you cannot cope with the third one. It is the most difficult one. We did the exercises, tempered, washed, combed our hair, brushed our teeth, but our body still lacks something. What?

(Children's Answers - Vitamins)

Leading.Guys, where can we get vitamins? The pharmacy is far away, and you can't go anywhere without your parents. What to do? Where can we get these vitamins?

Cold.Ha-ha-ha, we got the darlings. Nothing will come of it. Bye Bye.

Leading.No, no, Cold, wait. The guys and I will think of something. Guys, where else can you get the vitamins our body needs?

(Children's answers - vegetables and fruits)

Leading.Right. And where vegetables and fruits grow.

(Answers of children - in the garden, in the garden, in the garden)

Leading.This is where we will go with you.

(The presenter conducts the game "We will go to the garden")

Here goes into the garden, cheerful people (children go in a circle).

We need to plant a turnip, surprise everyone in the neighborhood.

We will take everything with a shovel, we will start digging the beds (they are digging the ground).

Together we dig everything, we plant a turnip (sit down and put grain in the ground).

We didn't have time to plant, we need to water the turnip.

They took the watering cans in their hands, watered the turnip (water the turnip).

Bake the sun (hands up and shake them above your head) -

Warm our turnip (lower your hands and point to the turnip).

The turnip will grow large (show a large turnip),

We will eat with you (children pat themselves on the stomach).

(At this time, the Cold disappears, changes clothes and appears in the form of a Fairy with lyric music).

Fairy.Hello guys! So you cast a spell on me with your knowledge, your friendship and perseverance.

Leading.Guys, this is the evil Cold, which did not want to let us into the country "Health", wanted all the children to get sick, cough and sneeze.

Fairy.An evil wizard bewitched me and turned me into a Cold so that I would never see my beautiful country again. But you helped me, and I invite you to visit me. You performed the tasks correctly, you know a lot about health and how to be healthy. Now you can have some fun.

(Outdoor games and children's disco are held)

Fairy.We had a lot of fun with you. Thank you guys. I have to go. Goodbye.

Leading.Guys, we have had an interesting journey. Promise me that you will not forget the rules for staying healthy and will follow them every day. Goodbye.

Scenario of the sports event "World Health Day" for senior preschool children (2014)

Targets and goals:

  1. Formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle. Expanding knowledge of healthy lifestyles and preventive measures.

  2. Promotion of physical culture and sports, as better remedy from any disease.
Formation physical qualities: quickness, strength, agility

Leading: Hello dear guys! This is how it is customary to greet each other and wish you health. After all, it is health that is so important to all of us. Today our holiday is dedicated to World Health Day. And today we have gathered with you to talk about health. Adventures await us, we will go on an unusual journey, and where you will soon find out. Who wants to be healthy?

Children : Everything!

Leading: : What kind of person can be called healthy?

Children : Cheerful, agile, not ill ...

Leading: : Now the guys will tell us what to do in order not to get sick.

1. Good dream and appetite

Physical education gives us

Ebullient energy for games

And for walks.

2. We are at any time of the year,

Even in the cold and frost,

Do not wrap your neck

And don't hide our nose in a scarf!

3. Who is strongly friends with sports,

Runs through the puddles in summer

And barefoot on the grass!

4. So as not to get sick with sore throat,

Engage in culture!

Leading : Well, you see, the guys advise us to do physical education. But this is not enough. What else needs to be done in order not to get sick, we will find out today. To do this, we will go to the country of Health and we will take a train,

You will move from station to station of the country of Health and learn a lot of new and interesting things. And when you hear a long whistle, then it's time for you to move to a new station. But before our trip, we will play a game of "YES and NO". You need to be careful, if the food is healthy - answer "Yes", if not healthy - "No".

Porridge is delicious food.

Is this useful to us?

Green onions sometimes

Is it useful to us, children?

There is dirty water in a puddle

Is it useful to us sometimes?

The cabbage soup is a great food.

Is this useful to us?

Fly agaric soup is always ...

Is this useful to us?

Fruit is just beauty!

Is this useful to us?

Dirty berries sometimes

Is it healthy to eat, kids?

A ridge of vegetables grows.

Are vegetables healthy?

Juice, compote sometimes

Are we useful, children?

Eat a big bag of candy

Only healthy food

On the table we always have!

And since healthy food -

Will we be healthy?

Well, are you ready to go now?

Children: Yes!

Leading : Well, then go ahead! Our train leaves happy all the way, guys!

(A whistle blows and the "train" starts to move. The train stops at each station for 10 minutes.)

1. Station "Umyvayka".

(The children are met by the owner of this station, Voda-Vodichka.)

Water : hello guys, you arrived at the Umyvayka station, and I am its owner - Voda Vodichka. You come across me everywhere. In the morning, getting out of bed, where do you go?

Children: Wash your face.

V : Yes, of course. Let's wash with you now. And you can also say:

Water, water,

Wash my face

To make your eyes shine

To make your cheeks pink

So that the mouth laughs,

To bite a tooth.

Well, now you've washed yourself, what you have become clean, pretty, with shiny eyes. What else should you remember to do while washing your face?

Children: brush your teeth.

V : right. What good fellows you are, you can immediately see that you do it regularly, do you recognize? (shows toothbrush and pasta) are our faithful helpers. It is necessary to drive the toothbrush over the teeth to the right and to the left, up and down, and also in circular rotations along all the teeth. (shows). It is imperative to brush your teeth every day,

After all, if this is not done, many microbes accumulate in the mouth, and the teeth begin to hurt. You have to go to the doctor.

V : What is it, guys? (shows a comb)

Children: Hairbrush.

V : And what is it for?

(Answers of children and story B-B what a comb is for.)

V : Tell me, when do you need to wash your hands?

(Children's answers and explanation by BBC.)

(Makes riddles):

1.Although she looks not very good,

And a little bit like a hedgehog

He loves very much before going to bed,

Dance on my teeth for a minute. (Toothbrush)

2. How beautiful you look!
Nice, very nice
Neat hairstyle -
Helped you…(hairbrush)

3.Both terry and smooth happens.
Whoever has washed himself does not forget about him:
Adult, baby
Wipe ... ( towel)

Well done, the guys coped with the riddles. Today you have learned a lot about your health, about how to properly take care of your body. We will always wash our hands, brush our teeth and follow other rules, right?

Children: Yes!

V : So that's great. Now all of you smile at me and each other. After all, a smile is good mood and also a guarantee of health. Smiling, we give each other health and joy.

Station "Vitaminnaya".

(The children are met by the Gardener.)

Gardener : Hello guys! You arrived at the Vitaminnaya station, and with you I am your friend Gardener. Today we will talk about what grows in the garden. Listen to my riddles and guess. Puzzles:

1 curly braid

And the dew glistens on it!
Whose scythe is in the garden?
Where are the orange heels?
A cheat hid in the ground,
Vitamin ...

2.Like in our garden

Riddles have grown
Juicy and large
These are the round ones.
They turn green in the summer
By the fall they turn red.

3. One hundred clothes -

All without fasteners.

4. She is pulled by her grandmother with her granddaughter,

A cat, grandfather and a mouse with a bug.

Gardener: Well, it's time to say goodbye. Today we learned the vitamins that grow in our garden. Eat healthy foods and you will be healthy.

Station "Nebolika".

(The children are met by the doctor).

Doctor : Hello guys. I am a doctor of the country of Health today we will talk with you about what you need to do in order not to get sick. Where do you think to start every day?

Children: With charging.

D : well, of course, with charging. Well, get on, let's do a light warm-up with you.

Children are doing exercises.

D : And also, guys, it's very important to be tempered. How do we temper ourselves in kindergarten?

Children answer.

D : How can you temper in the summer?

Children answer.

D : and now we are parting. You go to another station. Goodbye. Do not get sick, be healthy!

Station "Sportivnaya".

(Children are met by the head coach of the country of Health.)

Hello guys, you have arrived at the Sportivnaya station, and I, the Head Coach of the Country of Health, greet you.

Sport - is life. This is the ease of movement.

Sport is respected by everyone.

Sport propels everyone up and forward.

He gives vigor and health to everyone.

Everyone who is active and who is not lazy

They can easily make friends with sports.

And so, we begin the competition.

1. Collect the vitamin basket.

Task: on command, the player takes the basket and runs to the hoop, puts a vegetable or fruit in the basket, and runs back. Pass the basket to the next player.

2. Passing the baton.

Objective: At the start command, the first players run to the cone, run around it and run backward, pass the stick to the next, etc. Whoever completes the task faster and more correctly will win.

3. Race of the hoops.

Problem: Children stand at arm's length, the hoops lie on the cone at the start, on command, the first one runs up to the cone, takes the hoop, passes it to the next, he runs to the other, etc. the latter folds the hoops on a cone and so on until all the hoops run out.

4. Relay with the ball.

Objective: The first player jumps with the ball clamped between his knees to the cone, takes the ball in his hands and crawls into the tunnel. Returns back at a run, and passes the ball to the next player.

5 .Run quickly to the flag and back.

So our sports competitions took place, all the guys coped with the task, well done! I wish you all good health and good mood.

Leading : Well, guys, you've visited the country of Health.

Did you like it?

Today you learned about what you need to do in order not to get sick. You need to keep your body clean, eat healthy foods, take vitamins, temper, move as much as possible and be friends with sports. Truth?

Det and: Yes!

We say goodbye to you and wish you not to get sick and lead a healthy lifestyle!

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