Description of the old woman Izergil the story of the old woman. What role the image of the old woman is played in the same story

Gardening 24.09.2019

Maxim Gorky is famous for stood at the origins of social realism - the new art of the new country of the winning proletariat. However, this does not mean that he, like many of the Soviet propagandists, used literature for political purposes. His creativity is impregnated with touching romanticism: beautiful landscape sketches, strong and proud characters, rebellious and lonely heroes, sweet worship before the ideal. One of their most interesting works of the author is the story of the old woman Izergil.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story came to the author while traveling in South Bessarabia in early spring 1891. The work entered the "romantic" cycle of the works of Gorky, dedicated to the analysis of original and controversial human nature, where the lowestness and elevation alternately struggle among themselves, and it is impossible to say for sure that he will win. Perhaps the complexity of the question made the writer for a long time to think about him, because it is known that this idea was occupied by a writer for 4 years. The old woman Izergil was completed in 1895 and published in the Samara Gazeta.

Gorky himself was very interested in the work process and rejoiced the result. The work expressed his views on the purpose of man and his place in the system of public relations: "I can see, I will not write anything so slim and beautifully, as an old woman Izergil," he wrote in a letter to Chekhov. In the same place, he talked about the literary need to make life, make it brighter and more beautiful on the pages of books so that people heal in a new way and sought to high, heroic, elevated vocation. Apparently, this goal was pursued by a writer, writing his story about a selfless young man who saved his tribe.

Genre, Rod and Direction

Gorky started his literary path with stories, so early work Older Izergil belongs to this genre, which is characterized by the brevity of the form and a small number of actors. The genre features of parables are applicable to this book - a brief instructive story with a pronounced morality. So in the literary debuts of the writer, the reader easily detects an edifying tone and highly moral conclusion.

Of course, if we are talking about prosaic works, as in our case, the writer worked in line with the epic kind of literature. Of course, the rigging behalf of the narrative (in the stories of the bitter story, the heroes are conducted from the face, which frankly tell about their personal history) adds lyricity and poetic beauty to the story of the book, but it is impossible to call the old woman with lyrical creation, it belongs to Epos.

The direction, which worked as a writer, is called "Romanticism". Gorky wanted to push off the classic realism and give the reader an elevated, embezzlement, an exceptional world, to which reality could even even be angry. In his opinion, admiration from virtuous and beautiful heroes pushes people to become better, bolder, kinder. In this opposition of reality and ideal is the essence of romanticism.


The role of the composition is extremely great in Gorky's book. This is a story in the story: The elderly woman told the traveler three stories: the legend of Larre, the revelation of the life of Izergil, the legend of Danko. The first and third parts are opposed to each other. They are revealed against the contradiction between two different views on the world: Altruist (selfless good deed for the benefit of society) and selfish (actions for benefit of themselves without taking into account public needs and dogma of behavior). As in any parable, the legends are extremes and grotescas, so that Morality is understandable to everyone.

If these two fragments are fantastic and do not claim reliability, the link, which is located between them, has all the features of realism. In this strange structure and the features of the composition "Old Woman Izergil" composition. The second fragment is the story of the heroine about his frivolous, fruitless life, which passed as quickly as her beauty and youth left. This fragment immerses the reader in the harsh reality, where there is no time to make mistakes that Larra made, and made a storyteller herself. She spent her life on sensual pleasures, but did not find true love, as thoughlessly ordered himself and the proud Son of Eagle. Only Danko, killing in the color of the years, reached the purpose, the meaning of being, and was truly happy. Thus, the unusual composition itself pushes the reader to make the correct output.

What a story?

In the story of Maxim Gorky "Old Man Izergil" states how old Yuzhanka tells the traveler three stories, but he carefully watches her, complementing her words with his impressions. The essence of the work is that two concepts of life, two heroes are opposed to each other: Larra and Danko. A storyteller recalls the legends of those seats where she comes from.

  1. In the first myth, we are talking about the cruel and arrogant Son of the Eagle and the abducted beauty - Larre. He returns to people, but despises their laws, killing the daughter of the elder for the refusal of his love. He is circumscribed on eternal exile, and God punishes his inability to die.
  2. In the interval between the two histories, the heroine speaks about his failed life, full of love pregnancy. This fragment is the enumeration of the adventure of the isergile, which was once a fatal beauty. She ruthlessly treated fans, but when he loved herself, she was also rejected, although he painted the life for the sake of saving his beloved from captivity.
  3. In the third legend of the old woman describes Danko, brave and selfless leader, which brought people from the forest own Life, breaking the heart and refreshing to them the road. Although the tribe did not support his aspirations, he was able to save him, but no one appreciated his feat, and the sparks of the burning heart were flooded "just in case."
  4. Main characters and their characteristics

    1. Image of Dankoromantic heroSince he was much higher than society, was not understood, but Gord is aware of what was able to rise on a routine fuss of life. Many, it is associated with the image of Christ - the same martyrdom for the sake of people. He also felt his responsibility and was not angry with crucial and misunderstanding. He understood that people would not cope without him and perished. Love for them made him strong and almighty. Pretty inhuman flour, the mission led his flock to the light, happiness and a new life. This is a sample to imitate any of us. Everyone can do much more by putting a good goal to help, and not get caught or deceive. Virtue, active love and participation in the fate of the world - here is the true meaning of life for morally pure man, as Gorky believes.
    2. Larry image It serves as a warning: it is impossible to ignore the interests of others and come to someone else's monastery with their charter. It is necessary to honor the traditions and morals adopted in society. This respect is the key to the world around and the world in the shower. Larra was a egoist and paid for the pride and cruelty eternal loneliness and eternal exile. No matter how strong and beautiful he was, nor something, no other quality helped him. He begged about death, and people only raised him on laughter. No one wanted to facilitate him wear, as he did not want, when he came to society. It is no coincidence that the author emphasizes that Larra is not a man, he, rather, the beast, a savage, who is alien to civilization and a reasonable, humane world order.
    3. Old Isergil - Passionate and temperamental woman, she got used to surrender whenever it gave, without burdening himself with concerns and moral principles. All his life she spent on love adventures, attributed to people indifferently and was dismissed them, but the real strong feeling passed by her. For the sake of salvation of the beloved, she went to murder and loyal destruction, but he answered her the promise of love in gratitude for liberation. Then, from pride, she drove him, because she did not want to oblige anyone. Such a biography characterizes the heroine, as a strong, bold and independent person. However, her fate has developed aimlessly and empty, in old age she lacked his family nest, so she ironically called himself "cuckoo."


    The topic of the story of the story of Staruha Ishergil, which has a wide range of issues affected by the author of questions is observed and interesting.

  • Theme of freedom. All three heroes are independent of society in their own way. Danko drives the tribe forward, not paying attention to his discontent. He knows that his behavior will bring freedom to all these people who are now, due to their limitations, do not understand his design. Liberation and naughty attitude towards others allowed himself the Izergil, and in this insane carnival of passions, the essence of freedom, acquiring a duty, vulgar form instead of a pure and light gust. In the case of Larra, the reader sees permissiveness, which violates the freedom of other people, so loses its value even for its owner. Gorky, of course, on the side of Danko and the independence, which allows the personality to go beyond stereotypical thinking And lead the crowd.
  • Theme of love. Danko possessed a big and loving heart, but he felt affection not to concrete person, and to all of the world. For love for him, he donated himself. Larra was full of selflessness, so he could not really feel strong feelings towards people. He put his pride above the life of a woman who he liked. Izergil was full of passion, but its objects were constantly changing. In her unprincipled run, the true feeling was lost, and in the end it was not necessary for whom it was intended. That is, the writer prefers the saint and disinterested love for humanity, and not its small and egoistic analogues.
  • The main topics of the story concern the role of a person in society. Gorky reflects on the rights and obligations of the individual in society, that people should do for each other for universal prosperity, etc. The author denies individualism of Larra, who does not put the environment in anything and wants only to consume a good, and not to give it in return. In his opinion, the real "strong and beautiful" person must apply his talents for the benefit of the remaining, less prominent members of society. Only then will be true his strength and beauty. If these qualities are wasting, as in the case of isergil, they will quickly die, including in human memory, and not finding decent use.
  • The path path. Gorky allegorically portrayed the historical path of human development in the legend of Danko. From the darkness of ignorance and the wildness of human genus moved to the light due to gifted and fearless personalities, who serve as progress, do not regret themselves. Without them, society is doomed to stagnation into a stagnant, but these outstanding wrestlers are never understood in life and become victims of cruel and short-sighted fellow.
  • Topic of time. Time is fleeting, and it needs to be spent with the goal, otherwise his run will not slow down the late awareness of the futility of being. Izergil lived, without thinking about the meaning of days and years, gave himself to entertainment, but in the end came to the fact that her fate was dismissed and unfortunately.


The main idea in this work is the search for the meaning of human life, and the writer found him - it consists in disinterested and self-safe service to society. This point of view can be explained on a specific historical example. In an allegorical form, Gorky exceeded the heroes of the resistance (underground revolutionaries, who already called in the author sympathy), those who sacrificed themselves, withdrawing the people from the wilderness to meet the new, happy time of equality and fraternity. In this idea, the story of the story of the Staruha Ispergil is consistent. In the image of Larra, he joined all those who thought only about themselves and her profit. So the people called many nobles, without recognizing laws and not regret the lower fellow citizens - workers and peasants. If Larra recognizes only the domination of a strong person over the mass and hard dictate, then Danko is a real national leader, he gives everything herself for the sake of rescue people, without requiring even recognition in return. Such silent feat made many fighters for freedom, which protested against the royal regime, against social inequality and oppressing defenseless people.

The peasants and workers, as well as the Danko tribe, doubted the ideas of socialists and wanted to continue slavery (that is, not to change anything in Russia and serve the power of the property). The main idea in the story of the "old worm of Izergil", the bitter prophecy of the writer is that the crowd though breaks away to the light, taking the sacrifice, but the bay of the heart of his heroes is afraid of their fire. So many revolutionary figures later were illegally accused and "eliminated", because their influence and strength was already afraid of the new power. The king and his minions, like Larru, the society rejected, getting rid of them. Many were killed, but still more peoplewho did not accept the Great october Revolution, expelled from the country. They were forced to wander without the Fatherland and civility, since in their time the laws of moral, religious and even state, coal, their own people and perceiving slavery, as properly, were proudly.

Of course, the main thought of Gorky today is perceived much wider and comes out not only by the revolutionary figures of the past, but also to all the people of the present. The search for the meaning of life is renewed in every new generation, and each person finds him for himself.


No less rich in content the problem of the story of the Staruha Ispergil. Here are presented both moral and ethical and philosophical issues that deserve the attention of each thinking person.

  • The problem is the meaning of life. Danko saw him in the salvation of the tribe, Larra - in satisfaction of Pride, Izergil - in love adventures. Each of them was entitled to choose their own way, but who of them felt satisfaction from her decision? Only Danko, because he chose it right. The rest were cruelly punished for selfishness and faintness in determining the goal. But how to take a step so as not to regret after? On this question and trying to answer the bitter, helping us to trace themselves, what is the meaning of life turned out to be true?
  • The problem of selfishness and pride. Larra was a narcissistic and proud man, so he could not normally live in society. His "paralysis of the soul", as Chekhov would say, did not give him peace initially, and the tragedy was predetermined. No society will endure the abuse of his laws and principles from insignificant self, who misses himself with navel of the earth. An example of an eagle's son allegorically shows that the one who despises the environment and elevates himself over him, not a man at all, and already half a beast.
  • The problem of active life position is that many try to counteract her. She enters the conflict with eternal human passivity, reluctance to do something and change. So Danko came across misunderstanding in his environment, trying to help and move the deal from the dead point. However, people did not hurry to meet him towards and even after the successful finals of the way were afraid of the revival of this activity, trampled the last sparks of the hero's heart.
  • The problem of self-sacrifice is that it is usually appreciated. People crucified Christ, destroyed scientists, artists and preachers, and none of them thought that he was in good by evil, but on the feat - betrayal. On the example of Danko, the reader sees how the people apply to those who helped him. Black ungrateful attires in the souls of those who take the victim. The hero saved his tribe of life, and did not even receive well-deserved respect.
  • The problem of old age. The heroine lived to old years, but now she remains only to remember his youth, since nothing can repeat again. The old woman Izergil lost the beauty, strength and all the attention of men who were once so proud of. Only being a weak and ugly, she understood that she was waste himself in vain, and it was necessary to think about the family nest even then. And now the cuckoo, who stopped to be a proud eagle, is not needed to anyone and can not change anything.
  • The problem of freedom in the story manifests itself in the fact that it loses its essence and turns into permissiveness.


Old woman Izergil - one of the most interesting stories from school Course. Studying literature at least because in it there are three independent stories actual at all times. The types, which described bitter, are not often found in life, but the names of his heroes became nominable. The most memorable acting person It is Danko, the image of self-sacrifice. It is in conscientious, self-challenging, heroic ministry to people teaches a work on his example. He remembered to people most of all, it means that a man in nature stretches to something kind, bright and great.

Moral in the story of the old woman Izergil is that selfishness and indulgence of their own defects will not bring a person to good. In this case, society is turned away from them, and without him people lose their humanity and remain in painful isolation, where the achievement of happiness becomes impossible. The work makes thinking about how much we are dependent on each other, how important it is to be together for us, even if we have different opportunities and inclinations.


"If Bitter would be born in the family rich and enlightened, he would not write to such a short time four volumes ... and we would not see many indisputable bad things, "wrote critic Menshikov romantic story Writer. Indeed, then Alexey Peshkov was an unknown, novice author, so his early works Reviewers did not regret. In addition, many did not like that before the literature, the art of elites in Russian EmpireThe leaving of the poorest segments of the population, which, because of the origin, many were raised by the assessment. The snobbery of critics was explaining that those who did not want to see even the equal gentlemen were increasingly encroaching on their shrine. That's what Menshikov explained his negative reviews:

Our author flows into oblivion in the strife, in a cripping, cold gesticulation of words. Such is his imitative, explicitly prompted by poor reading things - "Makar Miranda", "Old Wizergil" ... ... Gorky does not withstand savings of feelings

With this criticism was agreed by his colleague Yu. Anhenwald. He was outraged by the fact that the author spoiled the legend with his fringe and artificial style:

At bitter fiction is offensive than anyone else, his artificiality is worse than anywhere. Even annoying to see how he herself sin against her and against her own himself, sin against her and against himself, she crashes his own business and does not know how to truthfully draw to the end, until the end effect of truth.

A. V. Amphitheatres did not categorically agree with those who did not accept new talent in the literature. He wrote an article where the creations of Gorky raised and explained why his mission in art is so responsible and incomprehensible for many critics.

Maxim Gorky is a heroic epic specialist. Author "Petrel", "Sokoli Sokol", "Izergil" and countless epics former people different names, he ... achieved that he woke up a sense of human dignity and the proud consciousness of sleeping power in the most hopeless and disappearance class of Russian society

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- Author, whose works are permeated with the spirit of socialist realism. It was a new direction in the literature for the country, where the proletariat won in the revolution. Creativity The writer did not use as a tribune for political propaganda. In the stories of Gorky there is romanticism in the form of a description of nature, solid characteristics of heroes, ideals whose value is continued. Older Izergil is a vivid example of similar works.

History of creation

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story came Gorky on the trip on Bessarabia, which the writer took in 1891. The writing entered the cycle of romantic works of a writer, in which human essence and nature is analyzed. The bitter compared the low and sublime, not predestous which of them will take the odds. Work on the work took four years. The first publication "Staruhi Izergil" took place in 1895. The story printed a "Samara newspaper."

Work on the writing was fascinated by Gorky. The result satisfied the author, since the problem raised to them was covered. A view of the author on a man in the mechanism social relationship Displayed in this work. "Old Man Izeregil" writer recognized the best creation. Creating an image, bitter specially embellished the narrative and characteristic characteristic to light the desire for heroism and thrust to the elevated.

The book is different small shape Works. The genre is defined as a story, but in the composition it is viewed elements of parables with a moralistic subtext. In the narrative few heroes, there is a motive of edification. We are spent on behalf of the character. Gorky believed that the comparison with heroes capable of a feat will allow the reader to become better, strive for good and the best manifestations of the soul.

"Old Isergil"

Entry in the story is a description of nature and atmosphere. The author communicates with the old woman named Iergil, who recalls the biography and best years. A woman tells the interlocutor two legends.

The first story about says that a shadow appeared on Earth. It happened as follows. Once the eagle poured out of the tribe strong people A girl and began to live with her, as with his wife. When his death fell, the girl returned home not alone, but with his son. The story tells about the son of a girl and an eagle, which despised others and was arrogant. The daughter of the elders attracted him, but the young man received a refusal. In the anger, Larra killed the elect. After a while it became clear that the hero was immortal. Years and travels have exhausted a man physically, and he turned into a shadow.

The story of the old woman sounds realistic. He intertwined with stories from saturated life Elderly woman. Her men could provoke the conviction of readers, but the old woman experienced a lot of tests and did a lot. Such arguments balance contradictions in the image. The energy of the heroine has a reader and a story listener to it. In his youth, she worked Preyuya, but did not satisfy such a life. Running with the beloved, Izergil did not live with him for a short time and went to another man. In her life were Gutsul and Russian, a military personnel and a pole, a young Turk and other heroes.

Old Isergil

Every man she loved her warmly, but no one would like to remember. The question of loyalty and treason woman perceives innocently, saying that the main thing is that the person be discovered to her. And it is most important in relationships.

The story of Danko takes the main place in the story. Character causes admiration for a teacher. A man from a tribe of strong people, like his relatives, tolerated the attacks of the enemies that drove them on the swamp. On one side stood the attackers, and there was a different dark forest. The tribe was aware of the war and thought about agreeing to capture. Danko's courage played a decisive role. He led people along the dense forest, although at first the tribesmen reproached him. Torning your breasts, he snatched the burning heart, rush from thirst to help close.

Danko covered his heart from the forest and, coming out of him, died. No one noticed the victims. One of the tribesmen accidentally stepped on the hero's heart and trampled him into sparks. It is their lights that are visible in the steppe plane in front of a thunderstorm. Description of the act of Danko is the challenge of his courage and humans. This part is the most important in the narration.

The image of the old woman was created by the author of no accident. Old and weak, she impressed incredible dilapidation. Her age was difficult to guess. Did not hint at him and appearance. The voice of a woman seemed to creak, and wrinkles were attacked by the story of the storytellers.

Gorky looking for a special in man, the current generation for inertia and inspiration. The writer was upset that everyone around is looking for the benefit that heroism themselves is forgotten. Izergil describes Russians as sullen and excessively serious people. The essence of this character is that the Izergil is an intermediary between the author and the reader, broadcasting the thoughts of Gorky.

Illustration for the book "Old Man Izergil"

The story of the old woman is full of specific revolutions, differs from the stylistics of the narrative from which the work begins. Spoken manner takes top of the harmony of speech. From this legend is authentic and exciting. The old woman embodies the vital energy, and its heroes are human vices and virtues. Through it, Gorky broadcasts the idea of \u200b\u200bfull life, in which there are no restrictions and frameworks, idleness and passivity.


The life of the oldest isergil, approaching the logical final, became the one that the younger generation prefers, and such an existence feels bitter. He compares those who prefer inaction, with shadow:

"And all of them are only pale shadows, and the one they kissed, sitting next to me, live, but desired by time, without a body, without blood, with a heart without desires, with eyes without fire, is also almost shadow."

In the monologue of the heroine, Gorky invests covenants. From the mouth of the old woman, the isergil is broken up with a comparison of those who live life, drawing her full bowl, and those who are on her side:

"Those who do not know how to live, would lay down to sleep. Those with the life of Mila, so they sing. "
"And I see that people do not live, but everyone is trying and put on it all their lives. And when they make themselves, I spent time, it will begin to cry on fate. What is fate? Every fate itself! "

The story of Gorky "Old Man Izergil" is a legendary work written in 1894. Idea this story Fully corresponded to motives dominant in the early romantic period of the writer's creativity. The author in his artistic searches tried to create a conceptual image of a person who is ready to go on self-sacrifice, for the sake of sublime humane purposes.

The history of creating a work.

It is believed that the work was written in the fall of 1894. The date is based on a letter V. G. Korolenko Member of the editorial commission "Russian Vedomosti".

For the first time, the story was printed a year later in the Samara Gazeta (numbers 80, 86, 89). It is noteworthy that this work became one of the first, where the revolutionary romanticism of the writer, improved in literary form, is particularly pronounced.


The writer tried to awaken the faith of a person to the future, set up an audience for a positive way. Philosophical reflections The main characters were concrete moral. The author operates such basic conceptsHow true, self-sacrifice and thirst for freedom.

An important nuance: the old woman Izergil in the story is a rather controversial image, but, nevertheless, full of high ideals. The author, inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bhumanism, tried to demonstrate the strength of the human spirit and the depths of the soul. Despite all the gravity and deprivation, contrary to the difficulties of nature, the old woman Izergil retains faith in high ideals.

In essence, Izergil is an impersonation of the copyright. She repeatedly emphasizes the primaryness of human actions and their the greatest role In the formation of fate.

Analysis of the work


The historia tells the old woman named Izergil. The first should be a story about the proud of Larra.

Once a young girl kidnaps the eagle. The tribesmen are looking for it for a long time, but they do not find it. After 20 years, she herself returns to the tribe along with her son. He is a beautiful, bold and strong, with a predeveloped and cold look.

In the tribe, the young man behaved arrogantly and rudely, demonstrating contempt even to the most elderly and respected people. For this, the tribesmen acted and kicked him out, condemned for eternal loneliness.

Larra lives one for a long time. From time to time he steals cattle and girls from former tribesmen. The rejected man is rarely shown on the eyes. Once he approached too close to the tribe. The most impatient men rushed to meet him.

Approaching close, they saw that Larra kept the knife and tried to kill him. However, the blade did not even damage the skin of a man. It became clear that the man suffers from loneliness and dreams of death. No one became killed. Since then, the game is wandered by the shadow of a beautiful young man with an eagle look, which cannot wait for his death.

About the life of the old woman

Old woman talks about themselves. Once she was extremely beautiful, loved life and enjoyed it. She fell in love at 15 years old, but did not experience all the joys of love. Unhappy relations followed one after another.

However, no Union brought those touching and special moments. When a woman was 40 years old, she came to Moldova. Here she married and lived the last 30 years. Now she is a widow that can only remember about the past.

As soon as the night comes, mysterious lights appear in the steppes. This is a spark from the heart of Danko, which the old woman begins to tell.

Once a tribe lived in the forest, which expelled the conquerors, forcing it to live near the swamp. Life was severe, many community members began to die. In order not to conquer to terrible conquerors, it was decided to look for a way out of the forest. Brave and courageous Danko decided to lead the tribe.

Heavy path washed out, and there was no hope for a quick solution. No one wanted to recognize her guilt, so everyone decided to blame the young leader in his ignorance.

However, Danko so longed to help these people, which felt the heat and fire in the chest. Suddenly, he snatched his heart and raised her head like a torch. It lit the path.

People hurried to leave the forest and were among the fertile steppes. And the young leader fell dead on the ground.

Someone came to the heart of Danko and stepped at him. Dark night lit sparks that can be seen so far. The story ends, the old woman falls asleep.

Description of the main characters

Larra is a prideous individualist with exorbitant selflessly. He is a child's child and an ordinary woman, so it is not just considered to be better than others, but opposes his "I" to the whole society. Receives, staying in the society of people, seeks to freedom. However, having received the desired independence from all and all, it feels bitterness and disappointment.

Loneliness is the most terrible sentence, much worse than death. In the void around himself depreciates everything around. The author is trying to convey the idea that before demanding anything from others, you should first make something useful for others. The real hero is the one who does not put themselves above the others, but the one who can sacrifice themselves high idea, Performing complex missions, important for the whole people.

Such a hero is Danko. This courageous and bold man, despite youth and inexperience, is ready to lead his tribe through the dense forests dark night In search of a bright future. In order to help their tribesmen Danko sacrifices his own heart, committing the greatest feat. He dies, but acquires that freedom that Larra only dreams of.

A special character is the oldest isergil. This lady tells not only two men with a fundamentally different fate, but it is divided with the reader interesting stories from his own life. A woman craved his love all his life, but he was free to freedom. By the way, for the sake of his beloved Izergil, as well as Danko, was capable of much.


The compositional structure of the story of the Staruha Ispergil is quite complicated. The work consists of three episodes:

  • Legend of Larre;
  • The story of a woman about his life and love of the loving peripetia;
  • Legend of Danko.

The first and third episode are narrated by people, vital philosophy, morality and actions of which are radically opposed. One more interesting feature: The story leads two people at once. The first narrator is the old woman itself, the second is an unknown author who gives an assessment of everything that is happening.


M. Gorky in many of their novels tried to reveal the key aspects of human morality, thinking about the main qualities of a typical hero: freedom, courage, the strength of spirit, courage, a unique combination of nobility and love for humanity. Often the author "shaded" one or another, using the description of nature.

In the story of the Staruha Ispergil, the description of the landscapes allows to show the beauty, elevation and unusualness of the world, as well as the person himself, as an integral component of the universe. Gorky romanticism here is expressed in particular: touching and naive, seriously and passionately. Traction to the beautiful conjugate with the realities modern life, and the silence of heroism is always calling for a feat.

The question of how many men were from the old woman Izergil. And what fate has suffered each of them? Posted by the author chevron The best answer is It seems about the beautiful and sensual love would have to tell a young girl, and in the story - a deep old woman.
Izergil is confident that her life, filled with love, was not in vain at all.
She confessed, it would seem main value Life is love, but in fate Izergil love is primarily a selfish pleasure that covers this once beautiful woman and becoming a "plague" for her beloved.
She was subordinate to this passion, but in love she was free and did not allow neither humiliated herself or even subjugate. She understood people well, but I was looking for only love, and when love passed, then a man died for her.
She remembers only episodes of meetings with their beloved.
In his youth, she was very beautiful, but now, after a lot of years later, it looks like a terrible reminder of the flow of life.
Izergil was fifteen years old when "high, flexible, black, and cheerful man"She saw him standing by one foot in the boat, and the other -on the shore. He was surprised at her beauty, and she loved him. Four days later she became it. He was a fisherman with a rod. The mother learned about everything and beat her.
The fisherman called Izergil with himself on the Danube, but by that time she had already sang him: "But I no longer liked it, only sings yes kisses nothing more! It was already boring it already!"
Then the girlfriend introduced her with Hutsul. "Redhead was, the whole red-and mustache, and curls!" He was sometimes gentle and sad, and sometimes, like a beast, roared and fought. She went to Hutsul, and the fisherman burned for a long time and cried her about her. Then I found another. Later, both of them hung: Fisherman and Gutsula. They were captured by Romanian; He was revenged: the farm burned, and he became a beggar.
The narrator guess what I am doing Ispergil, but on his question the old woman evasively replied that she was not alone, she wanted to take revenge. There were executed friends.
Izergil remembered how Turka loved. He had in a harem in a scunt-ri. For a whole week I lived, and then missed.
The Turku had a sixteen-year-old son, Izergil and ran from Hama to Bulgaria, later with a monk went to Poland. To the question of the interlocutor, what happened to the young tour, with whom she ran away from Harem, Izergil replied that he died from longing to house or from love.
Pole-monk was humiliated, and she once threw him into the river.
It was difficult for her in Poland. "There are cold and false people living." They are hissing like snakes, because false.
Then she fell into Kabalu to Zhid, who traded it. Then she loved one pan with a chopped face. He defended the Greeks, his face was burned in this struggle.
Then there was Magyar, later killed. A "Last Her Game-Shlokhtich". Beautiful very, and Izergil was already forty years old, old , immediately threw. Then he fought with the Russians and captured, and Izergil saved him, killing the clockwork. Pan Lgal Ispergil, what will love her forever, but she pushed a "false dog."
Izergil arrived in Moldova, where he lives for thirty years. She had a husband, but a year ago he died. She lives among young people who love her fairy tales. And the old woman looks at the young and remembers the living.

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