Download the collection of rules in the Russian language. Collection of the basic rules of the Morphology of the School Course of the Russian Language - St. Petersburg TI

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For rare exceptions, Russian is one of the most unloved items at school. Complex control, many homework and endless rules ... Unfortunately, today's lessons do not help schoolchildren to become competent and, most importantly, they do not develop at all. What's the matter?

Russian as foreign

Let's imagine yourself in the place of the child. He hears his native language since birth and almost from year to two starts talking on it. To seven years, future first paints speak in general no worse than adults.

In the first grade, the main task is to teach the child to write and read. How does the school copes with this?

It was during the first school year that the child masters and understands the important essence of our language: we say one thing, but write another. The one who has already learned to read not in the syllables is aware that the word "milk" is read as "Malako", and agrees with it.

Meanwhile, the study of the Russian (native!) Language in our school resembles the study of a foreign - the child constantly sew phonetic transcription, although he himself knows perfectly, as words sounds.

If the child is already reading, then, undoubtedly, understands the difference between sounds and letters, since the reading process, actually, is translated into letters in sounds. Transcription only prevents the student, confuses it, not allowing you to remember the only correct form, the "image" of the word.

So children in the first second-second classes once or two make a phonetic analysis of the word "path", determining the softness of the consonants, the number of letters and sounds. What for? To safely forget about it in high school, remembering only before GIA and EGE.

There is an opinion (and it is supported by textbooks), that it is thanks to the active study of phonetics in elementary school, children begin to write competently. Alas, this is completely inconsistent with the observations of any parent - children are now no more (and possibly less) are literate than previous few generations that phonetics studied in 5-6 grade and not longer than one quarter.

Terrible grammar

Judging by textbooks and working notebooks, students learn literacy, simply applying and competing rules or (if there is no rules) Words.

By the way, try to remember at least one rule (except "Zhi, Shi Write with the letter and").

Case names? End of nouns of the first decline in the parental case? And in general, the nouns of the first decline is what? And the verbs of the first auction? Remembered? And now think what rules do you regularly apply when writing?

Recall the spelling rule of vowels after hissing in the suffix:

Under the stress in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives that are not educated from the verbs are written about, (girl, galcoonok), and without emphasis - E (Song).

When this topic is "pass" in the class, students make a lot of exercises, most of which simply offers to insert the missed letter. In fact, the tasks themselves suggest the place of application of the rule, as well as the dictates on the specified topic. After the paragraph "passed", the exercises can be forgotten almost to the final exam.

And now we will try to imagine yourself on the site of a schoolchildren who learned a lot of rules, and he now needs to just write competently (in general, we are all in this place and are so we are). Tips in the form of brackets and ellipsis is not. To apply the rule, it is necessary to actually realize the need for its application. How to do it? Let's say, writes the word "Girl" and ... What? There are three options:

    writing the word is no doubt;

    writing the word for some reason causes doubts (as?);

    a person checks every word at all, so immediately allocates the root, suffix, selects the rule and corrects the error.

What do you think is often found to be the last option?

The fact is that in fact two options: either a person writes and does not notice the mistake, or notices due to the fact that he does not like the "appearance" of the word.

Many call the second option "congenital literacy", although in fact it is not so much congenital as purchased. Good visual memory and the love of reading helps to memorize the "images" of words, and, accordingly, to competently write.

Already in the first class, schoolchildren are obliged to learn quite a lot of "vocabulary" words, whose writing does not obey the rules. How are they taught? Yes, just rewrite each 10-20 times in the notebook. And after that they write correctly.

Here and the dog is buried. In order to properly write most words in Russian, it is not necessary to learn and apply the rules. It is enough just to read and write more - rewrite texts from books and textbooks. Texts without skips and dots, so that all important letters of the word are visible. Then, the most "congenital literacy" will be formed, which those who are forced to constantly look into the dictionary will be envied.

By the way, in this regard, you can remember how foreign languages \u200b\u200bare taught in our school. Both in English, and in French no one bust the rules (and in any case their number is simply incompatible with the number of rules in Russian), but simply remember the type of word and its sound.

It turns out, many rules do not help write correctly, they only organize the language base, create it "logic".

Most people write competently without applying rules or applying them sometimes, and in this case they are often presented not in the form of rules, but in the form of convenient associations (for example, what does? - Bathers; what to do? - swim).

By the way, despite such a simple rule, many people in this case still incorrectly write a soft sign ... Why would it? Yet it was taught at school!

Speech development? No, you did not hear!

Interestingly, many Russian scientists-linguists, teachers and historians of the language of the nineteenth century put in the first place by no means grammar, but the development of speech! The ability to thought thoughtfully, understand and express read, mastering a live speech another hundred and fifty years ago was considered a much more important skill than a competent letter.

For example, Fedor Ivanovich Buslaev, Linguist and the historian of the language, which began the beginning of a scientific study of Russian people's literature, wrote:

"All grammatical teachings should be based on reading a writer. The main task is that the children clearly understood the read and be able to correctly express verbally and writing. "

Konstantin Dmitrievich UshinskyThe scientist and teacher, believed that the study of the Russian language has three goals: the development of speech, conscious mastering the treasures of the native language and the absorption of grammar. Please note that grammar is in third place!

Vladimir Petrovich Sheremetevsky, Teacher of the Russian language and Methodist, wrote that the subject of teaching the native language is a living word. And first place again put the mastery of a live speech.

But at the beginning of the twentieth century, the scientific and linguistic focus was stronger in the methodology of teaching the Russian language, although attention was paid to the development of all sides of the oral and written speech: sponge culture, work on lexicuity and phraseology, development of the skills of connected speech.

But by the end of the twentieth century, despite all sorts of new techniques (and maybe thanks to them), the Russian language as the subject is almost powered up to pure grammar. Of course, in modern textbooks there are exercises on the development of speech, but they are not enough, and children and teachers are not much drawn attention. Yes, and not before! So much rules must be learned, so many places to make that writing an essay or presentation seems to be trifling and not requiring attention to the task. It is not surprising that the skills of a connected speech (at least!) And a connected letter, the ability to competently formulate thoughts is very bad. But any five-grade in a couple of minutes will make syntactic and morphological analysis.

But for what, in fact, do we teach our language? It is probably not for the reason to hit the audience at the conference by the syntactic analysis of the sentence.

Word will adjust our grammatical mistakes, but with the ability to conjuniently present thoughts orally and in writing he, alas, will not help.

Meanwhile, children are drowning in the pile of rules and analysis, not even suspecting that the ability to speak, read and understand - much more important to decline and sudium. It is a pity that it is in Russian that the infinite study of the rules does not guarantee literacy at all, moreover, there is a disgust to the lessons of the native language (try finding a schoolboy who loves "Russian").

A truly competent person knows the rules of the language and is able to apply them, and not just relies on intuition. This skill comes through a concentrated study of grammar. It is divided by detailed guidance, how to memorize and apply the rules of the Russian language.

How to learn the rule and learn to apply it

Read carefully

The case will not be moved, if you learn to music or with the included TV. Lay in a convenient location and concentrate on the textbook. Thoughtfully read the rule, paying attention to the selected words, examples and schemes. If the essence of what was written in the head did not immediately, read the text again.


Do not bust, but try to delve into the essence of the rule. Each items will say to yourself. Unclear words and formulations can be found in the dictionary. It is also worth retelling the rule in your own words. Carefully consider examples.They show the rule of the rule.

On the writing of complex nouns, adjectives, as well as the shorter teacher of the Russian language Victoria Romanova says. More video on school subjects you will find on our YouTube Channel


Saying the rule, you run. It remains only to keep information in the head. This will help the retelling out loud. Memorization is given hard -. Learn to reproduce the topic of the house, and you easily repeat it at the board or to yourself, when you encounter in the text with the spell or the problem of forming a punctuation.

Screshing in practice

Bring to automatism the ability to write competently only in practice. After thoughtfully completed exercises, you no longer have to vote each time. So that it does not destroy, periodically return to theory and tasks on this topic.

What else will help better understand and memorize the rules


Places in the rules where you need to remember a lot of words exceptions are postponed faster in memory with the help of mnemonic phrases (a way to memorize information using associations). One of these: "Larous wound, climbed onto the tree." This line helps to distinguish the words that are in oral speech coincide on the sound. Ready Associations You will find in the bookE. A. Lisovskaya "".

Schemes and tables

To collect a great rule in one picture, use schemes or tables. Also look for infographics inpublic Audukar in Russian.

And also well study the language by video. Rollers in all the rules that will be suitable for the CT, you will find at our service.

Understanding the word structure

To apply the rules correctly, you need to see the structure of the word. It is important to understand the orthogram in the root or suffix. The easiest way to disassemble a lex on the morphemes is to pick up single words.

Determination of part of the speech

Writing often depends on the part of the speech to which the word belongs. Learn to clearly distinguish the adverb on behalf of a noun with a pretext or infinitive fromthe verb in the form of an imperative ignition.

Syntactic skills

To correctly put the punctuation signs, learn from understanding the composition of the proposal and allocate its parts. The correctly constructed scheme of the non-Union offer will save you from a punctuation error.

If a schoolboy is able to disassemble a proposal for members completely, it will help him when setting the punctuation marks. The scheme will be by the way for proposals with different types of communication. It is also necessary to draw attention to the presence of revolutions (involved, consignment), interjections, appeals.

Svetlana Pashukievich, Lecturer, Russian Language

Reading books

Specification directly. The more likely you saw the word, the more likely you will write it correctly. Even commas will become intuitive if you have ever seen similar designs in the text.

Following each time these tips, remember the rules you will be easier. The effort is worth. In return, you get a high score on the CT, saved time to correct errors in important texts, respect for others and self-esteem.

Participate for free of charge on January 25, 2020, to learn to effectively notify the rules for solving a CT!

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58. Principles of Russian spelling, orphogram

ORFography - the system of spelling rules. The main sections of spelling:

  • writing morphemes in different parts of speech,
  • fusion, separate and defisid writing words
  • consumption of capital and lowercase letters,
  • hyphenation.

Principles of Russian spelling. The leading principle of Russian spelling is the morphological principle, the essence of which is that the Morphem common for the kindred words retain a single design on the letter, and in speech they may vary depending on the phonetic conditions. This principle is used for all morphemes: roots, consoles, suffixes and endings.

Also, based on the morphological principle, a uniform writing of words belonging to a certain grammatical form is issued. For example, b (soft sign) formal sign infinitive.

The second principle of Russian spelling is a phonetic writing, i.e. Words are written as they hear. An example is the spelling of the prefixes on the Z-C (Intangular - Restless) or a change in the root initial and on the prefixes ending on the consonant (play).

There is also a differentiating spelling (Wed: burn (souche.) - Ozheg (verb.)) And traditional writing (letter and after letters w, sh, c - live, sew).

Orfogram is a case of choice when 1, 2 or more different writing is possible. It is also a writing corresponding to the rules of spelling.

The spelling rule is the rule spelling rule of the Russian language, how many writing should be selected depending on the language conditions.

59. Used capital and lowercase letters.

cursive letter

lowercase letter

- Write at the beginning of the offer, paragraph, text (I want to go walk. When I do lessons, I will go to the street.)
- Writing at the beginning of a direct speech (she said: "Please come," please ".)
- He is written by the middle and in the end of the word (Mom, Russia).
- Writing the middle of the sentence, if the word does not represent the name of his own or some name (he arrived late at night).
Written from a capital letterFrom the lowercase letters are written

Names of institutions and organizations, incl. International (State Duma, United Nations),
- names of countries and administrative-territorial units (United Kingdom, United States, Moscow region),
- names, patronymic and surnames (Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich)
- the names of historical events and, holidays are their own): March 8, the Great Patriotic War.

- Names of ranks, title (Lieutenant Popov),
- Words of comrade, citizen Mr., Mr., etc. (Mr. Brown, Citizen Petrov)

60. Word Transfer Rules

  1. Words are transferred by syllables (ma-ma, ba-ra-ban),
  2. It is impossible to separate the consonants from the subsequent vowel (ge-ro "y),
  3. You can not retard on the string or transfer part of the syllable (Pu-Stuck, Pus-True - right; empty yak (incorrectly),
  4. It is impossible to leave on the line or transfer one vowel, even if it is a whole syllable (anal-mia - right; A-on-Mi-I is wrong),
  5. It is impossible to tear b (soft sign) and b (solid sign) from the previous consonant (rolling, mini),
  6. The letter and does not come off from the prevish vowel (heaven-he),
  7. With a combination of several consonants, transference options (CE-CE, SES-TRA, SEST-RA) are possible; In such cases, such a transfer is preferred in which morphemes do not understand (under-press).

61. The spelling of the vowels is rooted.

If the voice is in the root, it stands in a weak (unstressed) position, then the problem arises the problem of choice, which letter should be written.

  1. If you can choose a related word or change the word so that this vowel is under an emphasis, then such a vowel is called checked. For example, pillars - one hundred "LB; reconcile (friends) - Mi" r.
  2. If the unstressed vowels can not be checked with an emphasis, then such vowels are called unverified, and the spelling of words with such vowels should be stored or check by spelling dictionary (CATO "FEL, ELCSI" P).
  3. In Russian, there are a number of roots with alternating vowels. As a rule, the vowel is written under the stress, which hears; The choice of letters in an unstressed position depends on certain conditions:
  • from the stroke:

Gar Mountains: Under the stress is written a (ZAGA "R, Razi" R), without emphasis - o (Zagora "Lya, prigor? Н), exceptions: you are" Garca, and "Zgar, with" Gar;

Zaror: without emphasis is written a (glow "of Central Asia, Ozari"), under the emphasis - which hears (ZO "Ryka, for" Revo), the exception: Zorava ";

Clan-clon: without emphasising is written about (pre-clone "with the locations", under the stress - which hears (KLA "to nail, appeal" H);

Creaters: without emphasis is written about (creating ", the creature" Nie), under the stress - what he heard (yours "Rty and TV" ry), the exception: the "creature;

  • from subsequent letters or combinations of letters:

Caskos: If in the root it follows, it is necessary, then it is written about (kosn ", touched" the "Nie), in other cases is written a (casal", casia);

Lag lodges: Before r is written a (apply, adjective), it is written about (app, suggest), exceptions: by "log;

Rasp- (-) - Ros: Around Art and I am written a (grow ", Nara" Pitch), before with written about (for "Rosl, you" grew), exceptions: about "Trasl, Rosto" k, you "Ros-current, Rostov" to. Rosto "in;

Skak-Skop: Before K is written a (Skak "T), before h is written about (you" smoke), exceptions: jump "K, jump";

  • From the presence or absence after the root of the suffix -a-:

Viros-, -Dero, -mer-Mir, - Picture, -Ter, -Benect,-Bliste, -Gegigue, -Hell, became, - Cheat: in front of the suffix - It is written and (collision "q, ignition" T, flooring "TD), in other cases it is written e (bleak, zozh" whose), exceptions; combined "th, combined"

Roots with alternation A (I) - to them (in): in front of the suffix - is written by them (in) (zamina ", clamping" T), in other cases is written a (I) (deputy "b, jazle") ;

  • from the value:

McCloc: -Mak- Used in the value "Immerse into a liquid, to do wet" (poppy "of bread in milk), -Mo - in the value of" flowing liquid "(the wet boots);

Equal: -stolvn - used in the value "equal, the same, along" (fuel "), -ovn - in the value" smooth, straight, smooth "(" RO-Venya, Zingry ");

  • - Plot - floating: oly written only in the words of the pilaf "C and Plovci" ha, s - only in the word floating ", in all other cases I am written (Llava" Honor, Poplating "K).

62. The spelling of vowels after hissing and C.

  • After the hissing consonants, h, sh, the vowels are written, and, and, and never write vowels, Yu, s (thorough, fat). This rule does not apply to words of foreign-speaking origin (parachute) and on comprehensive words, in which any combination of letters (inter-rig) are possible.
  • Under the stress after the hissing is written in, if you can choose related words or another form of this word, where it is written e (yellow - yellowness); If this condition is not performed, then it is written about (changing, rustling).
  • It is necessary to distinguish between the noun burns and his related words from the verb in the last time of the burden and his kindred words.
  • A quick vowel sound under the stress after hissing is denoted by the letter O (knife-knife "H).

The spelling of the vowels after c.

  • At the root after C, (civilization, mat) is written; Exceptions: Gypsies, tiptoe, chicks, chicks their single words.
  • Letters I, Yu are written after c only in the names of own non-Russian origin (Zurich).
  • Under the stress after C is written about (CSC "cat).

Choice of vowels; and or e.

  • In foreign language words, it is usually written e (adequate); Exceptions: mayor, peer, sir and their derivatives.
  • If the root begins with the letter E, it is preserved and after the prefixes or cut the first part of a complex word (save, three-storey).
  • After vowel and written e (requiem), after the other vowels - e (maestro).

The letter and writes at the beginning of the iodine words (iodine, yoga).

63. The spelling of the consonants is rooted.

  1. In order to test dubious ringing and deaf consonants, you need to pick up such a form or related word so that these consonants stood in a strong position (in front of the vowel or sonorny (l, m, and, r)) sound: a fairy tale.
  2. If a dubious consonant cannot be verified, then its writing needs to be remembered or know in the spelling dictionary. ;
  3. Double consonants are written:
    - At the junction of morpheme: consoles and root (tell), root and suffix (long),
    - at the junction of two parts of comprehensive words (maternity hospital),
    - In the words that you need to remember or determine by spelling dictionary (entrance, yeast, burning, buzzing, juniper and word-sized words; words of foreign-speaking origin (for example, a group, class) and derivatives from them (group, cool).
  4. In order to check the writing of words with non-promotable consonants having a combination of letters of branches, UDN, NDK, NTSC, STL, STN, etc. It is necessary to choose such a single word or so to change the word shape so that after the first or second smoke there is a vowel (sad - sad, whistling-to-wear); Exceptions: shine (although "glistening"), staircase (although the "Lanenka"), splash (although "splash"), a flask (although "glass").

64. The spelling of the consoles.

  1. The spelling of some prefixes must be remembered, they do not change under any circumstances (convey, attribute, put it, etc.). The prefix of the C-, which in speech before ringing consonants is spinning, and does not change on the letter (escape, do).
  2. In the prefixes on the E-C (non-influenza, WHO (VZ) - - V- (Sun-), because of the low- (ros-) - rates (Ros- ), after- (Along) - Cherve- (Cres-)) is written in front of the EAON, kimi consonants or vowels (anhydrous, flared up), and before deaf consonants are written with (infinitive, rebel).
  3. Special difficulty represents the writing of the prefixes of pre-. Basically, their difference is based on their lexical meaning.

Prefix is \u200b\u200bused in value:

  • high quality of quality (it can be replaced by the words "very", "very"): exaggerated (\u003d "very enlarged"), the previous one (\u003d "very interesting");
  • "Through", "Ooo" (this value is close to the value of the prefixes of the Pere-): Crime (\u003d "Operate).

The prefix is \u200b\u200bused in value:

  • spatial proximity (suburban, bite);
  • approximation, attachment (approach, sailing);
  • incompleteness of action (cover up, suspend);
  • bringing action to the end (to nail, facing);
  • action in whose interests (progress).

In some words, the prefixes are pre-and not stand out and the spelling of such words must be remembered: to stay (in meaning "to be in some place or condition"), despise (in meaning. "HATE"), neglected, president (word of foreign language origin); Device, order, charity (in meaning "Care"), etc.

4. If the prefix ends in a consonant, and the root begins with a vowel and, then instead of and written on (Birds, play); Exceptions:
  • complexed words (pedigree), -
  • prefixes of inter- and super- (Mezhinskitsky, over-interest),
  • the word "two-pulse", etc.
  • initial consoles Des-, counter, post, super-, trans-, pan- (conagra, subpongre).

65. The spelling of the dividing \\ and l spelling of the separation Kommersant (solid sign).

1. The dividing Kommersant (solid sign) is written before vowels E, E, Yu, I:

  • after the console ending on the consonant: the entrance, a detour;
  • in the words of foreign-speaking origin after the prefixes ending with the consonant (ab-, administrative, inter-, inter-, trans-) or after an integral part of the Pan- : Adjutant, Trans-European;
  • in difficult words, the first part of which is numeral two-, three-, four-: bunk, three-storey;

2. This rule does not apply to comprehensive words: chatted.

The spelling of the dividing b (soft sign).

The dividing b (soft sign) is written:

  • inside the word in front of the vowels E, Yu, Yu, I: peasant, blizzard;
  • in some words of foreign language origin in front of the letter O: Medallion, Champignon.

The spelling of the vowels after hissing and c in suffixes and endings.

1. In the end and suffixes of nouns, adjective and suffixes, the adverbs under the stress after hissing and C are written about, without emphasis - e (knife "m, the big" go, book "NCA, the end" M, Ovczo "you, you, and Ekil "Well, P" Waving, Ry "Whago, Bargo" VTS, Ocoltsev "T).

2. After hissing under the stress, it is written.

  • in the end of the verbs (rzhet, lying),
  • in the verb sufficse -ёviv- (tortured),
  • in the suffix of nouns - the development (highway),
  • in the suffix of the exclusive nouns -Exc- (targeting),
  • with the suffix of the suffering communion, it is (n) - (fasten, harnessed),
  • in the suffix of the exclusive adjectives (burning) and in words derived from these adjectives (Zhezhka),
  • in pronounty about
  • words and hope.

66. Spelling nouns names.

Spelling of endancing in nouns:

  1. in nouns of men's and middle clan, in which the vowel and, in an unstressed position in the p.p. written ending-and; The nouns of the female genus this rule applies to D.L. and pp; I.P. Police, genius, blade R.P. Police, Genius, Blade D.P. Police, Genius, Blade V.P. Police, genius, blade, etc. Police, genius, blade p.p. About the police, about Genius, about blade
  2. in nouns of the middle kind on -ye in P.P. Without emphasis, it is written e, and under the stress - and: about happiness, in forgetting;
  3. in nouns on - with the preceding consonant or both in line. B (Soft sign) At the end not written: Bedroom - bedrooms; Exceptions: young ladies, villages, hawa, kitchens.
  4. in nouns on -ov, -Ev, -Ev, Yun, In, denoting Russian surnames, in TV.P. The only number is written by the end of them, and in nouns on-s, -in, denoting foreign surnames. -Ove: Ivanov, but Darwin.
  5. nouns on -Os, -Ev, -Ii, н, -On, --Ino, ENO, denoting the names of populated points, have in the tr. ending-one: under Lviv, for walking;
  6. if the noun with the suffix is \u200b\u200ba male or middle kind, then it is written by the end, if the female is - -Ah: swamp - swamp, but the hand is a swirl;
  7. animate nouns with suffixes, - UCHK-, -YUCHK-, -EV, - Hydro-male clan and nouns of female sorts with the same suffixes in I.L. have the ending - a: dat, grandfather; Inanimate nouns Male genus and the nouns of the middle kind with these suffixes have the end of -1: Herbushko, Domishko;
  8. in the nouns of the middle kind after suffix, the letter O: Chisel, and in animated nouns of men and middle kind - A: Zublila.

Spelling of nouns name suffixes:

1. If the Suffix -IK - (- Chic-) is written in the noun, then it is also preserved in indirect cases, and if the suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten - (-chek-), then in indirect cases, it alternates with zero sound (Wed: a piece - a piece, finger-finger);
2. In nouns, the suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten in nouns, in the nouns of the female kind - the suffix is, and in nouns, it is written in nouns, it is written - if the emphasis falls on the end and -, if the emphasis falls on the syllable in front of the suffix ( Wed: Handsome (M.R.) - Beauty (Zh.R.) - Whether "(SR.R.) - Place" Tiece;
3. Reductantly-laxed suffix -ink-in-writer in nouns formed from the nouns of the female genus ending on-room (scratch - scratch, straw - straw); But in the words denoting female faces (for example, refugee, Frenchwoman), a combination is written - aik- (no diminitious and lascal value);
4. The combination is also written in words formed from noun, ending on-room or -d, and not having a soft sign) at the end of the word in the parental case of a plural (cherry - cherries - cherry);

note: If the nouns are on -ny, "have a plural in the parental case of a plural at the end of the (soft sign), then a combination is written -Ex- (kitchen - kitchens - kitchen);

5. In the mascara suffixes -On- (written after solid consonants) and -Enx- (written after soft consonants, less often - after solid) after H is written (soft sign) (for example, ripple, nadya),

note: In the modern Russian language, the suffixes are, -yny-, -Ank- do not exist, the words with such suffixes are found only in artworks until the XIX century inclusive and in folklore (non-commercial, Lolosynka, Nadinka; CP. Modern flights, Nadya ), Exceptions: Painka, Zainka, Bainica (suffix -in-);

6. Sufifix -shek is written into the extension of "middle-sized (sun-sun, feather feather); Suffix is \u200b\u200bcovered in nouns for men and female (neighbor - neighbor, head-head chair); Suffix-Yushk-speaking in nouns of all kinds formed from nouns for a soft consonant (field - Polyushko, Uncle - Uncle); Some nouns of the male race are formed with the help of suffixes-hay, Eshek-, ears- (clins, pegs, rollers, pillows, pills; pebbles, edge; words of sparrows, pebbles are used in folk, colloquial speech);
7. With nouns denoting people by the nature of their activities, the suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten - in front of the consonants of D, T, A, C, F (translator, Lbstchchka, the Defector, etc.), and in all other cases, the suffix - (typewriter, projection);

note 1: In some words of foreign-speaking, after t, the suffix-machine- (flouser, asphalt) is written,

note 2: b (soft sign) is written in front of the suffix - only after the consistent l (roofer),

note 3: If the base ends on consonants to, c, h, then in front of the suffix - they are replaced by the consonant T (distribution - distributor);

8. In many women's middle names, [Ishna] is heard, but he is written (Ilinichna, Fominichnaya).

67. Spelling the names of adjectives. Spelling the endings of the adjectives.

the declination of high-quality and relative adjectives; the declination of attractive adjectives with the basis for j (for example, fox, bearish); The declination of the attractive adjectives with suffixes -in-, (s), -One- (-Ev-): Lisitsyn, Mimin.

In the multiple number of the end of all kinds coincide.

1 type

male Rod

feminine gender

neuter gender

units. number


merry, early
merry, early
merry, early
cheerful (fun), early (early)
cheerful, early
about cheerful about early

cheerful, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
about cheerful, about early

cheerful, early
merry, early
merry, early
cheerful, early
cheerful, early
about cheerful about early

mN. number

cheerful, early
merry, early
cheerful, early
merry, early
merry, early
about funny, about early

2 type

male Rod

feminine gender

neuter gender

units. number


about fox.

about fox

about fox.

mN. number


about fox

3 Type

male Rod

feminine gender

neuter gender

units. number


fathers, nursing
otzova, sister (or sister)

fathers, nursing
otsovy, sister
about fathers, about sister

otzova, Nursina
otzova, sister
otzova, sister
fathers, sister
otsova (OY), sister (Noah)
otzova, about sister

food, sister
otzova, Nursina
fathers, sister (or sister)
fathers, sister father, sister
about fathers, about sister

mN. number


fathers, nursing
otz, sister
otsovy, sister
fathers, nursing
fathers, sister
about fatty, about sister

Note: The accusative case of adjectives in the male genus of the only number coincides with the form of a genitive case, if the adjective refers to animate extensive or pronoun, and with a nominative case - if the adjective depends on inanimate nouns or pronoun.

  1. Russian men's surnames on -Os (-Ev), -in (-yn) in the arterial case of the only number have the ending-one (as well as brief adjectives): Pushkin - Pushkin.
  2. Geographical names, ending with on -i, -Ev, -Yo, andino, -yn, -in, -On, -Evo, in the arterial case of the only number have the end of the end: under the city of Pushkin.
  3. Adjective suburban, mb inclusive, suburban, suburban have in the nominative case of the only number of end (-th, -th), and the adjective non-resident end of the end - "and (s).
  4. Adjectives - "Brief form have the ending -" H (slim - built), an exception: worthy-one;
  5. Perhaps a two-way writing and pronunciation of adaptain (-shah, -eis) - beless (-th).

Spelling of suffixing instant adjectives:

1. The suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten under the stress -, without emphasis - suffix -Ev- (Wed: beautiful - battle "th), exceptions: Mi" Salovy, Yuro "Wiwely;
2. With suffixes, it is always written and (ugly, arrogant);
3. Sufifixes -Own-, -On, are written after solid consonants, and after soft consonants, suffixes are written after hissing and C, -Evit-, -Ev-, -Vit- (cf., greenish, business - glossy , bluish);
4. In the adjectives, ending with the noun, formed from the noun, ending with one, under h, under the stress, are written and, without accepted - E (Wed: Frog: Flag "Chiy - Lang" Shechy);
5. In front of the suffix, the letter, if the sound that it is indicates is one morpheme (for example, a board - aging); If, in the base-based under the suffix, there are the letters of blood pressure, C, ST, W, then they are preserved in a new word, and to alternate with h (freckles - spring);
6. If the base ends on C, and the suffix begins at h, then the C alternates with T (tiled - tiled);
7. Spelling suffix -sk-:
  • if the base ends onto d or t, then in front of the suffix -sk, they persist (flesh - carnal, cattle - Skotsky);
  • if the base ends on to, h, c, then after them suffix is \u200b\u200bsimplified and becomes just -K-, and the C and C change to C (Fisherman - fishing, weaver),

note: In some adjectives, the alternation of K, h with C does not occur (Tajik - Tajik, Uglich - Uglich):

  • if the basis of the word of foreign-speaking origin ends on the SC, then in front of the suffix -sk, it is lowered and the combination of sec (San Francisco - San Francisky) is descended,

Exceptions: Basque, Osksky;

  • if the base ends on C, then it is lowered and only written the combination of SC letters (Wales-Wales),
  • if the base ends up onto, then one C is lowered, since in Russian there can be no combination of the TBC of the same consonant letters (Odessa-Odessky);
  • if the base ends on -ny or -re, then in front of the suffix -sp (soft sign omitted),

Exceptions: b (soft sign) is written

- In the adjectives formed from the names of months (July - July),
- in adjectives formed from some foreign-speaking geographical names (Taiwanese),
- in combination day-day,

8. In front of the suffix-and finite consonants to, C are moving to h, and x - in the uk (boredom - boring, turmoil - turmoil);

Spelling N and NN in adjective suffixes:

1. In adjectives formed with the help of suffix -in: swan;
2. In the adjectives formed by suffix -an- (-yan-): leather, silver), exceptions: wooden, glass, tin. 3. 8 brief adjectives, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, have -On- (Slender - Slim).
1. In adjectives formed with the help of suffix -enn: straw,
2. In the adjectives formed with the help of suffix -onn: organizational,
3. In adjectives formed by suffix - from the basis on H: Sleepy, long.
4. In brief adjectives, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, have -in- (long - length).

Note 1: They are written in adjectives: spicy, crimped, rye, drunk, ruddy, young, green, windy, pork.

Note 2: Written windy, but windless.

Note 3. It is necessary to distinguish the adjectives of the oil (for oil, on the oil) and oil (blurred, soaked in oil); Compare: Oil stain - oil hands.

Note 4. It is necessary to distinguish the adjective windy (day, man), windmill (pump) and chickenpox (chickenpox).

68. The spelling of complex words.

1. Sophisticated words can be formed using two simple foundations connected by connecting vowels O (written after the basis for solid consonants) or E (written after the basis for a soft consonant, hissing or c): whirlpool, birds.

2. The spelling of complex words without connecting vowels:

  • it is necessary to distinguish complex words formed with the help of a connecting vowel (locomotive) and without it (psychstore;
  • numbered names in the parental case are part of complex words without connecting vowels (three-storey, two-year);
  • the attachments of foreign-speaking origin are written to the root: anti-arch, hyper-, inter-, infra-, control, post-, sub-, super-, ultra-, extra-anti-magnitary, ultravy, counterattack);
  • the words are not complicated, before this combination of letters is written and (gasification).

3. Spelling of complex nouns:

a) they are picked:

  • complicated nouns with the first part: AUTO, AGRO-, AERO-, VELOH, HELIOV, GEO, HYDRO-, ZOO-, IO, CINE, STERE-, RADIO-, MACRO-, etc. (cinema, stereo, radio station);
  • complicated nouns with the first part of the verbal, ending on and (Derportord, Sorvigolov),

Exception: roll-field;

  • all comprehensive words (Sberbank, Balt Fleet).

b) through the hyphen is written

  • sophisticated nouns without connecting vowels, denoting scientific and technical and socio-political terms and names (stop-crane, prime minister);
  • names of intermediate sides of the world (southeast, north-west);
  • sophisticated owl, denoting the names of plants, which have a verb in their personal form or the Union (mother-and-stepmother, do not love);
  • words with foreign language elements: Ober-, Unthr-, Leib-, Headquarters, Vice-, Ex- (Vice President, Unter-Officer).

4. Specify complex adjectives: a) picked together:

  • adjectives formed from complex nouns that are writing pneuged (stereo system-systemose system);
  • complex adjectives formed from phrases, where one word is subordinate to another (railway - rail);
  • complex adjectives, which are scientific and technical terms or speech styles belonging to book styles (highly paid, thick-linked, the above);
  • complex adjectives, the first part of which cannot be used in speech as an independent word;

b) they are written through the hyphen:

  • adjectives formed from complex nouns writing through the hyphen (southeast-southeast);
  • complex adjectives formed from a combination of own names (Jack-Londonskih, Petr-Petrovic);
  • complex adjectives formed from the combination of words with equal members connected by writing bond (convex-concave);
  • complex adjectives denoting colors (pale pink, blue-brown); \\
  • complex adjectives, denoting geographical or administrative names and with the first part of the West, South, South, North, North, East-, North, North, East-, East-Yeropia Plain).

69. The spelling of numerals.

  1. Complex numerals are written in a punk (thirty);
  2. Components and fractional numerals are written separately (forty-five, three seventh);
  3. Ordinal numerals that end on-day, -mallone, - a billion is written in a punch (thirty thousand);
  4. Nutritive five or nineteen and twenty, thirty writing with b (soft sign) at the end, and numeral fifty - eighty, five hundred - nine hundred b (soft sign) is written in the middle of the word between two bases;
  5. There are two forms: zero and zero. The second is used in the terminological meaning in indirect cases, both forms are found in sustainable expressions.
  6. Numerical flooring of a complex word is written
  • through a hyphen, if the second part of the word begins with a vowel letter or L (half-liter, half-watermelon), or if it is the name of its own (half of Russia);
  • ply, if the second part of the complex word begins with a consonant letter (except L): Polkylogram;
  • separately, if it has an independent value and torn off from the noun determination: Paul teaspoon.

Note: The numeral half-in size is always written in a punch: half-blooded, half-sided.

The spelling of the expirations is numerical.

1. Declination of quantitative numbers:

The numerical one is inclined in the same way as adjective in the singular:

In numeral two, three, four are special case endings:

Nutritive five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and nullifying on the fifteen and -dinteen inclined the same as the nouns of the third decline:

I. p.
P. P.

about six

about thirty

Nutigatory forty, ninety, a hundred have a special declination (the accusative case coincides with the very famous, in the rest of the case - ending-a):

In quantitative components, each word is inclined:

Special declination in numeral one and a half, a half, a half place:

3. Collective numerals are inclined in the same way as adjectives in the plural:

4. Declination of ordinal numbers:

The ordinal numerals are inclined in the same way as the adjectives of the first type:

Concultuous sequence numbers, only the last word changes when declining:

70. Spelling pronouns.

1. Spelling of negative pronouns:

  • under the stress is not written, but without emphasis - nor, (Wed, Kikto "-n" who, Nisco "LCON - not" how much);
  • if there are no 48 pretext in negative pronsections, they are picked together, and if there is something in three words (Wed: someone - not anyone, nothing to do with something),
  • the combinations are no one else, as is nothing, as they have the meaning of opposition and are written separately, and none else's combinations are written, nothing else has this opposition value and therefore they write in a punk (cf. it can resolve anyone else like a school principal. - No one could do it better.).

2. Spelling of undefined pronouns:

  • undefined pronouns that have in their composition of a particle of COO-, it is, -libe, they are written through a hyphen (Someone, anything, anyone),
  • if after the particle follows the pretext, then the pronoun is written in three words (someone with whom someone).

71. Spelling of verbs.

Spelling the endings of verbs.

1. Depending on personal endings, the verbs are divided into two large groups: on the verbs of the I and II of the loss.

To the II conjunction belongs:

  • the verbs are (except for verbs shave, to sharpen, silent, which relate to the I solve),
  • 7 verbs smell (twirl, see, depend, hate, offend, look, tolerate),
  • 4 verbs to have (tatting, breathing, keeping, hearing).
All other verbs belong to the I solve.

Personal endings of verbs in the present or future last time:

2. There are several single-tracking verbs that are not related to any of their two suits: want, run, eat, create, give.

1 person read, take
2 person read, take
S face reads, takes
1 person read, take
2 person read, take
3 person read, take

want wants

We want
want to

being running


Eat eating eating


Create creation will create


Let us give to give

3. If the verb with the prefix is \u200b\u200bmono- (obliged) is a transition, it is hidden by the II of the sink, and if nevertheless, according to i with singe (for example, compare the leasing verbs to exhaust (someone) and exhaust (yourself).

4. In the verbs of the I Hiding in the form of a real time, the end is written - "those, and in the form of an imperative ignition - the end-inventory (Wed: you will send this letter tomorrow. - Send this document urgently.)

B (Soft sign) and verb shapes.

1. B (Soft sign) is written:

  • in infinitive (write, wish, want to wash),
  • in the endings of 2 persons, the only number of the present or simply future time (you will choose, you will wash, do, wash it),
  • in imperative lifestyle (correct, hide), but Lagge, lie,
  • in a return part, which stands after vowels (brought down, turned, return);

2. B (Soft sign) is not written:

  • in the form of 3 persons of the only number of present or simply future time (washed, done).

Spelling of Suffix verbov.

1. If in 1 face of a present or simply future time, the verb ends with an on-one (s), the suffixes are written in the infinitive and in the form of the past time -, -, - (the head - to manage, managed, fighting - to fight, fought );

if, in 1 face of the present or simply future time, the verb ends up, ", in the infinitive, the suffixes are written in the infinitive and in the past time - after, I put it - impose, imposed).

2. The verbs to-try, "I have in front of the suffix - the same vowel, as in infinitive without this suffix (extend - to extend).

  • if they are formed by connecting the pretext with adverb (forever) or with a brief adjective (tightly, left),
  • if they are formed by adding prepositions in and on to a collective numerical (trip, in two),
  • if they are formed by adding the pretext to complete adjective or pronoun (manually, outlined, might and main)
  • Exception: If the adjective begins with a vowel, then the pretext in is written separately (in open),

    • if nouns, from which adverbs are formed, are not independently used in modern Russian (locked, to smithereens),
    • adcharations with a spatial value formed from such nouns, like Dahl, Vash, beginning, etc. (distance, first)

    note: If there is an explanation of the expectation to the noun, then such words are no longer adverb, but the combination of nouns with the pretext and are written separately (from the beginning of the book),

    • if there is no definition from the prepiction and nouns between the prestick and nouns, if it can be done, then this word data is preparing a noun with a pretext and are written separately (Wed: Relief Broadcast - come to the horses of the corridor):

    4. Adcharations are written through a hyphen:

    • if they are formed with the help of the console, from complete adjectives or shorter, ending on among, -eo, -n, b (in my opinion, no-old, in Russian, feline),
    • if they are formed using the prefix in (in-) from the ordinal numeral (first, secondly, thirdly),
    • if they are formed by repetition of one or the same adverbs or by adding synonymous words (barely, quietly-quietly);

    5. Nareny combinations are written separately:

    • if they consist of nouns with the pretext between them (with gas to the eye, shoulder to captivity),
    • if they are combinations with pretexts without, to, on, s, etc. (without retaining, on the run, going away),
    • if the noun in this combination has retained some value of the case (abroad, conscience),
    • if the adjective, from which the adverb is formed, begins with a vowel, then the pretext in is written separately (in open).

    74. Spelling of predictions.

    The spelling of the predictions must be remembered or checking on the spelling dictionary. Sometimes it is very important for the correct writing of the word to determine whether it is or not.

    1. Through the hyphen, the complex pretext of Iercise is written, from under, because, etc. (due to illness, from under it);
    2. Such prepositions are written pickedly, as in view, instead, it seems, due to (due to the absence, like pit), but to be included in consequence;
    3. Separately writes such pretexts as in the form, in connection, etc.
    4. Prepositions in the continuation, for the course, as a result, at the end of E (during the lesson), but during the river.

    75. The spelling of unions.

    1. They are written punk:

    • union so (he asked me to come me early.); It is necessary to distinguish the Union so that the combination of pronouns and particles would (what would you say, I do not believe you);

    note: Remember! no matter what,

    • the unions are also written in a jigger (you too will also go to the concert?); It is also necessary to distinguish between alliances, also with combinations of pronoun with a particle (the same) and adverbs with a particle (also): if the particle can be omitted or put on another place in the sentence, then the data of the combinations are written separately (you brought something (s), and me too.);
      • some particles, or, or,, not, -u, -e, -c, -the, -tho, -taki (yes, somebody, give, he de, enough),

      Spelling of particles not with different parts of speech

      part of speech


      sUD1. If not used (Nevezh, Neversgod),
      2. If you can choose a synonym without not (not true - a lie, there is no part - friend),
      1. If there is or meant contrast; not friend, but an enemy),
      2. In an interpretation of a groom with a logical sub-nominal denial of nursing (a father arranged here, isn't it?
      arr.1. If the databases are not used (negligent, unprecedented).
      2. If you can choose a synonym without not (rather big, GVMSLODA-old),
      3. If there is opposition to the union but (the river is not-yard, but cold),
      4. With briefs of adjective-AI, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, are written in not nullly low - low)
      1. If there is or implied opposition with the Union A (not big, small),
      2. With relative adjectives (the sky is south here),
      3. With brief adjectives, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, are written with not separately (the book is not interesting, but boring)
      numberswith uncertain and negative pronouns without prepositions (several, no one, something)always written separately (not three, not seventh)
      place.with other discharges of pronoun (in not my class, not on our floor)
      verbif not not used (hate, perplex)
      note: Typecracing verbs are picked out to be poured, since they include a single console.
      with all the other verbs (not to know how to cry
      deeprich.if not without not used (hate, perplexed)
      note: The verbalism formed from the verbs with the prefix is \u200b\u200bnot allowed, as well as the verbs (invotional)
      with all the rest of the veefronts (not knowing, on the crying)
      poshestivif full of intersices do not have dependent words with them (unpleasant student)one . If the full communities have dependent words (not a student who has come in time),
      2. With brief communities (test works are not checked),
      if there is or is supposed to oppose (not finished, but only the work has begun)
      adverbone . If not not used (ridiculous, carelessly),
      2. Adcharations on -O, -e, if you can choose the synonym for white not (neglofo - clever)
      1. Again on -O, -e, if there is or implied opposition (not ridiculous, and sad),
      2, adverching on -O, -e, if they have explanatory words at all, not at all, not, not at all (not at all funny).
      3. If the adverb is written through a hyphen (not in Russian)

      The spelling of the particles is not

    Name: Collection of the basic rules of the morphology of the school course of the Russian language.

    The reference manual includes all the basic rules of the school course of the morphology of the Russian language. The collector is drawn up taking into account the current textbooks and is intended for extensive use by students.

    Words of independent parts of speech have a lexical meaning. National names denote us different items. Adjectives denote signs of these items. With the help of numenual, you can count the items or designate their order at the score. Proponation, in contrast to nouns, adjectives and numerical, not called, but indicate objects, their signs and quantities. Actions of objects are designated verbs. But the actions of objects have their own signs that call such a part of speech as adverb. The state category as an independent part of the speech means the state of nature, the environment and the physical and mental state of the person.

    MORPHOLOGY. Parts of Speech
    Independent parts of speech 11
    Special forms of verb 12
    Service parts of speech 12
    Interdomitia 12.
    Noun. 13
    National names are animated and inanimate 13
    Nouns Nouns Own and Mennaya 13
    Genus nouns 14
    Nouns general kind 14
    Rod of tilted nouns names
    Changes in nouns nouns in numbers 15
    Multiple number of nouns 16
    Nouns names having a multiple number of 16
    Nouns names that have the only number of 17
    Three shocks of nouns noun .... i17
    Different nouns. ...... nineteen
    Spelling is not with nouns. ... 21.
    Spelling of Suffix Nouns - Schedule 22
    Spelling of complex nouns 23
    Morphological analysis 25.
    Verb 26.
    Change the verb by numbers. 26.
    Change the verb on persons 26
    Spelling is not with. verbs 27.
    Uncertain form of verb 27
    School spelling and -a: I
    Spelling b after hissing
    Types of verb 29.
    Time of verb 29.
    Last time 29.
    Currently 30.
    Future time - 30.
    Slotting verb 31.
    Metraiming verbs 32.
    Verbs transitional and non-freight 32
    Verbs Return and non-return 33
    Cleaning verb 33.
    And lively challenge 33
    Conditional inclination 33.
    Imperative mood
    Impersonent verbs 35.
    The spelling of vowels in the suffixes of verbs 35
    Morphological analysis 36.
    The name is adjective 38.
    Changing the adjectives by numbers 38
    Changing the names of adjectives by childbirth 38
    Changing the implications of adjectives by cases of 39
    Spelling of vowels in the case of adjectives 39
    Spelling of brief adjectives with the basis for hissing 40
    The degree of comparison of the names of adjectives 41
    Excellent degree of adjective names 43
    Discharges of impressive names 44
    Qualitative, adjectives 44
    Relative adjectives 44.
    Mattering adjectives 45.
    Spelling is not with adjective 46
    Spelling - and -n- with adjectives 47
    The spelling of complex adjectives. . . 49.
    Morphological analysis 50.
    Proponation 52.
    Discharges of pronoun 52.
    Personal pronouns 52.
    Return pronation itself 53
    Questionful pronouns 53.
    Relative pronouns 54.
    Undefined pronouns 54.
    The spelling of the consoles is not in uncertain pronouns 55
    Defisc in undefined pronsections. . . 55.
    Negative pronouns 55.
    The font and separate spelling is not in negative pronouns 5 (5
    Holding pronouns 56.
    Indexing pronouns 56.
    Determined pronoun 57.
    Morphological analysis 58.
    NUTLE 59.
    Simple and composite numeral 59
    Soft sign at the end and n mean of numeral 59
    Quantitative and ordinal numerals. Discharges. Nutigatives denoting integers 60
    Fractional numerical 61.
    Collective, numeral 61
    Conditional numerical 62.
    Morphological analysis 63.
    Instant 64.
    Semantic groups Narachchi 64
    Circumstantial adverbs 64.
    Determining adverbs 65.
    Discharges of locomotive mock 66
    The degree of comparison of the shorter 66
    Comparative degree of mock 66
    Excellent degree of mock 67
    Morphological analysis 67.
    Status category 67.
    Morphological analysis (IS
    Special forms of verb. Communion 69.
    The declination of the communion and crop singing of their endings 70
    Brief and complete suffering communion 71
    Valid Yuchulgptch brushes ^ s time. The spelling of suffixes is - (- (Yusch-), and AST - (- shrine) 72
    Vowels about suffixes of valid communion, present 73
    Valid times of the coming time 73
    Paddative communities of the present time, spelling suffixes of vowels I suffer from the suffering communities of the present time 74
    Persistent communion of past time. Vowels in front of - and - in communion 75
    -I - and - in the suffixes of complete communities and exclusive adjectives ......... 76
    -I- and -n the suffixes of short communion and exclusive adjectives 77
    Spelling is not with communion 78
    The letters e and ё after hissing in sfifixes of communion 79
    Morphological analysis 79.
    Tempecility 81.
    Commas with verprices and consuming 81
    Spelling is not with adapters 82
    The verbalia of the imperfect and perfect species 82
    Morphological analysis 83.
    Service parts of speech. Preposition 84.
    Prepositions of derivatives and not about water 84
    Prepositions simple and composite 84
    Spelling of derivatives formed by Narachi 85
    Companies and separate writing derivatives
    Spelling at the end of derivatives of predictions 8 (5
    Morphological analysis 87.
    Soyuz 88
    Unions Simple and composite 88
    Unions writing and subordinates. . 88.
    The spelling of the unions also, also to 89
    Morphological analysis 90.
    Particles 91.
    Particle discharge 91.
    Separate and disfiscated particle writing. . 91.
    Spelling of particles is not 92
    Morphological analysis 94.
    Special part of speech. Arctic 95.
    Arctic derivatives and non-derivatives 95
    Separation of interjections 95.

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    Download the book Collection of the basic rules of the Morphology of the School Course of the Russian Language - St. Petersburg T.I. -, fast and free download.

    To test the unstressed vowels in the root, it is necessary to choose such a related word or the form of the same word so that this vowel is under stress.

    Spelling alternating vowels in the roots of words

    If the root follows the suffix -but-, roots with alternating e.(and) Written andand in roots -We-(-) I. -Kos-(-) Written but.

    Fundamentally gor-(gar about. Exceptions: groaning, izgar, prigar (Special and dialect words).

    In roots clone-(clan-), creative(creat) in an unstressed position is written about.

    Fundamentally zor- in an unstressed position is written but. An exception: dawn.

    Fundamentally -(-) before art and sh Written but. Exceptions: industry, Sprout, Growth, Rostovist, Rostov, Rostislav, Rosokino.

    Fundamentally -(-with how-) before c. Written aboutbefore k written but. Exceptions: jump, jump.

    The spelling depends on the value about and but in roots -(-poppy-) I. -(-the):
    - - in the meaning of "flowing liquid";
    -poppy- - in the meaning of "omitting into a liquid";
    - - in the meaning "smooth", "smooth";
    -the - in the meaning "the same, identical"

    Fundamentally -tlav- always written but: swim, buoyancy. Exceptions: swimmer, swimmer, floating.

    Spelling of unprofitable consonants in the roots of words

    To verify the spells of the roots with non-promotable consonants ( sTN, ZDN, LNTS, RDD) You need to pick up such a related word so that this consonant stood before vowel.

    Spelling about(e.) after nouns hissing in roots and adjectives

    In the root of the word after hissing is written e.if in relationships it alternates with e.; If it is formed from the verb or the persistent communion of the past time.

    O and ё in the suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives

    In the suffixes and endings after hissing under the stress are written about.

    Spelling and-s after

    At the root after c. Written and. Exceptions: roma, tiptoe, chicken, ksyz.
    In suffixes and endings after c. Written s (except for words on -tsiya).

    Spelling about (e) after C

    In suffixes and endings under the stress speech about, without emphasis - e..

    Soft sign in the forms of verbs

    B Writing in an indefinite form of verbs: to wash, in the form of an imperative ignition: put, in form 2 l. Units: wash.

    Spelling Kommersant

    Dividing kommersant Writing in front of root e, E, Yu, I After the consoles on the consonant and in foreign language words after the following consoles for consonants: aB, Hell, Diz, In, Inter, Con, Counter, Ob, Sub, Transas well as after the initial pan.

    Spelling s-and on the junction of the console and root

    After the console ending on solid consonant, in the root of the word instead and write s (as hearing, and write). In a word charge Written and According to pronunciation.
    Note. This rule does not apply to comprehensive words, for example: pedium Institute, Sportsman.

    After consoles inter-, in excess of- Save andbecause after hissing and posterior-speaking not written s.

    Save and Also after the input and particles ( counter, des-, trans-, pan-, sub-, post-, super-).

    Spelling consoles

    The spelling of the consoles of prefixes

    Console pri- Used in values:
    - "Approach, accession, infidency, proximity": sew, open, school.
    - bringing action to the end: sust.
    - accomplishing action in someone's interests: pretty.

    Console pre- Used in values:
    - "very" (the highest degree of manifestation): pessenger.
    - "Pere-": blocked.

    The spelling of the prefixtops of the method (races) and other consoles (non-, the (occasion), output, lowered (through-) on the Z - C

    In consoles on hz written before the ringing, and from - Before deaf consonants.

    The spelling of the root of the floor as part of a complex word

    Floor- written through a hyphen in front of root vowels, l. and capital letters. In other cases floor- Writing pits.
    Console half- Writing pits.

    Spelling of complex words

    Difficult words - These are words that are formed by a compound in one word two bases.

    The spelling of complex words with connecting vowels O and E

    aboutIf the first base ends on a solid consonant.

    Roots in difficult words are connected using connective vowels e.if the first base ends on soft consonants, hissing and c..

    Fusion and Defisc Writing of Complicated Nouns

    Through the hyphens are written -
    - names of the parties of the world: northeast, southwest;
    - the names of complex mechanisms and units of measurement: diesel Motor, Koyko-Place. An exception - labor;
    - Names of some plants: Blooming Sally;
    - with initial foreign language elements vice-, Lab-, headquarters.
    - formed from two words of one thematic group (words-synonyms, antonyms clarifying each other): mount-Zonchast (synonyms), cloak tent (cloak And he is - tent).

    Picked sophisticated words -
    With verb and in the first part: sorvigolov. An exception - tumbleweed;
    With a nipple in the form of a genitive case in the first part of the word: pate. But: centipede (Because not in the direct account value). Exceptions: 90 (Ninosteralogram), 100 (Stater), 1000 (millennium);
    Names of a resident of the city: almaty;
    Complexed: selfish.

    Fusion and Defis Writing Adjective

    The adjectives are written through the hyphens:
    Educated from writing phrases: russian-English dictionary (dictionary with Russian and English words);
    Expressive quality with an additional shade: light green;
    Educated from nouns writing through a hyphen: new York;
    The rest of the complex adjectives are picked.

    Spelling of the suffixes of nouns and adjectives

    Nouns suffixes

    Suffix - Pic written in nouns with the value of the face after the root consonants d, t, s, s, wIf there are no other consonants before them: defector; Alimenchik.

    Before suffix - Pic Finite consonants k, C, h Replaced t.: distribution - Razdatchik.

    Before suffix Schedule written soft sign only after l.: roofer.

    Suffix -Ek written if when changing the word e. falls out: lock - CastleBut: key - Klyuchik.

    Suffix (unknown) - Writing in nouns M.R.: well, - - In nouns railway: beauty.

    Spelling suffix communals

    From the basics of infinitive on -the, -t, -th, - Forms of the priests of the past time with suffix -n.

    From the basics of infinitive on "Tay," say Paddative communities of the past time with suffix -nwhile the verb suffixes -but- and -I- In the communion are saved.
    (Competent person. Tutorial. LD Bednarskaya, L.A. Konstantinova, E.P. Schestnikova)

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