How to become a funny man soul of the company. Soul of the company - Natural charm or work on oneself

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Each in life there were such people who can be called without exaggeration soul company. They are cheerful, sociable, charming and interesting to everyone. In their place dreams of being everyone. We can delight you: there is nothing impossible. Just try to fulfill our advice, and you will find out on your experience, how can I become a soul company.

By knowing how to listen to your interlocutors and showing interest in them, you will very quickly deserve a reputation as an interesting person.

How can art be mastered to ask the necessary questions? Secret is simple - listen to who you are talking to. If you are focused on what the interlocutor tells you - in your conversation will not be awkward pauses when you are waiting for a question or comment, and you do not know what to say.

No less important in order to become a soul of the company is the skill. People love to talk with those who show in their appearance friendliness. A smile on your face will help to relax the interlocutor, feel more comfortable and your communication will occur much easier.

During the conversation, do not forget to look into the person's eyes with whom you are talking. This will allow him to feel the interest in his person. If you will look around, and your eyes will constantly jump from one person to another, your interlocutor can decide that you are looking for someone else who you are more like a partner in a conversation, and this will not help To become a soul company. Instead, you risks to be in the category of Hamov, communicating with which everyone is trying to avoid.

One of the key factors of your success is the body language. Try to repeat the movements of your interlocutor when communicating, and you will notice that there will be an emotional connection between you, which will also raise your authority in his eyes. Never forget to use this technique. It is very effective and can help with communication not only in informal companies, but also in serious working relationships.

A very important skill for who wants to become a soul of the company is the ability to complete the conversation on time and switch to another interlocutor. It is not necessary to fulfill with your society of one or feel the inconvenience from what you can not "take away" from someone too annoying. To interrupt a conversation, it is enough to make it clear that you have any urgent business - a call on the phone, the solution to the issue with someone who may soon leave, hike to the toilet, in the end. This technique should not be abused. Try to manipulate the course of the conversation. Let your tell your information, comment on it, ask a question and make a logical conclusion, making it clear that the topic has exhausted yourself. After that, you can report that you need to talk to anyone, while promising that if you can present the opportunity, you are ready to continue the conversation later. Such an approach will allow you to avoid the reputation of nonsense or Grubian and on the contrary, seem enjoyable in communication with a person.

Summing up, you can say that the answer to the question " how to become a soul company? "Is enough easy. For this, it is enough to just be able to listen to your interlocutors. This approach is equally effective for both friendly parties and corporate events. Showing interest in people, you will start using a good reputation, and each of those present will want to talk to you, but This means that you truly become a soul of the company and achieved our goal.

Thank you for attention!

If you were invited to a cheerful party, on which everyone spends a fun time, at ease, and you feel uncertain and dream to escape home, if you do not know how to become a soul company , Our article will help you.

The company's soul is so commonly called a person who knows how to support any conversation, in economically communicated to the topics proposed. This personality can cheer everyone, revive the holiday. Such people typically have many buddies and friends, they are popular, being welcome guests at any event.

But every person is unique in its own way - there are people who do not like to attract the views of others around, under the scope of someone else's attention they feel uncomfortable. Due to the insecurity and excessive shyness, these individuals are not very sociable. If you consider yourself one of them, but ready to change, the following advice will explain how to become a soul of any company:

  1. The mood is very important. Being in any society, try to relax both morally and physically. After all, people around you see your tension that replies them. Remember - the working day today has already ended.
  2. Try to move off all tense thoughts At the time of the event. Smile to reflect in the mirror, lower your shoulders and raise your chin - after all, you will find a pleasant communication with friends.
  3. Try to get a maximum of pleasure From what is happening here and now. Remember O. main reason Your presence in society - you came to have fun and relax.
  4. Do not talk about work. It is likely that this topic is not interested in anyone except you. At least for the time of this evening, forget production problems, postpone working discussions for later. At this time only rest and fun, a good mood.
  5. Offer your entertainment option For all, show your abilities. Do not expect someone to offer a party for a party - take the initiative to your hands. However, following this rule, it should be remembered that it is extremely unwanted to be intrusive - if you see that your interests are not divided by others, then you do not need to continue their implementation. Learn to lead in society and determine what is really interested in every member.
  6. Constantly work on yourself. Remember that you should prepare in advance not only for production meetings and important business meetings. If you decide to go on a picnic with friends, find fascinating contests and games for the company on the Internet. fresh air. Capture a ball flying to a plate. Invite to play the whole company in a circle, and you will see how sharing leisure can bring together friends.
  7. Stop shy! W. All are mistakes and failures. If you have come down with thoughts or related, you should not immediately close it in yourself, seek help to others. After all, the person who listened to you carefully will definitely support the conversation.

You always have bad mood? Check out our article about.

Psychological training

The main thing is our wealth is communication with people. Not very easy to be always in the center of universal attention. But it allows you to get the maximum pleasure of communication with friends, to send a conversation in the right direction, lead vitality important events and conversations. It is worth remembering that not only the nature of your behavior helps to keep correctly in humans, but also psychological training.

No need to be in the whole ideal, feeding an example. Ideal people do not exist in nature, one should always try on this mask everywhere. Recall that people are difficult to stay next to a person who is constantly striving to be perfect in all their affairs, words and actions. Communicating with such personalities, many feel their own and discomfort. Only the right approach - Be yourself, with all your flaws (not stopping work on them, of course).

The most good interlocutor at all times was the one who knows how to listen to the surrounding carefully. Understand that your friends came to the meeting in order to find understanding and support. Look around - maybe someone near, maybe right at that moment, needs help and attention, waiting for a good advice and outstretched.

You need to learn not only to listen, but also hear What is trying to bring others to you, correctly understand your friends and their aspirations. Try to create such an atmosphere in which a person can easily reveal, talk about his experiences, expose the soul - and this is considered to be riding confidence between people. Friends always brings the ability to listen.

It is not necessary to love their friends and buddies, it is not difficult to maintain good relations to respect them and maintain good relations. Man is a social being. And this means that meetings and communication are an integral part of its existence and will inevitably occur throughout life. And to make these events friendly and warm, having received pleasure from communication, exclusively in your power.

Summing up, it is safe to argue that everyone can succeed in any company. Be sure to smile - not only others, but also in the mirror! A smile and positive mood always attract people, making you the company's attention center, and this allows you to achieve any goal.

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Being in the center of the company is the dream of every person, at least one day. But how to impress people how to become a soul company to love you and are interested in? In fact, it is not so difficult, the main thing is to be yourself and believe in your strength. But of course, without a sense of humor, if you do not understand a wide variety of jokes, you can only become part of the company, and not its center.

In general, the soul of the company is not just a position of a person in a certain company, this is a whole art, such a "Center" person can easily cheer up the company with funny dats and songs, funny bikes and jokes, etc. Often, the company's soul is worth it and easier to be born than become

As a guy become a soul company

There are several rules for a guy who wants to become the center of the company. To begin with, remember that if you do not know what to say, it is better to keep silent than "flaw that it fell." Read more and use interesting expressions from the read, or express our thoughts competently: briefly, in the topic and understandable. So you can, and will listen, it will be nice not only to you, but also your listeners.

Do not boast your knowledge in style: "Yes, I have a red diploma!" or the like If you know something, tell me where they heard that they heard and what you think about it. But remember: it is not always necessary to say what you know about, sometimes it may seem excessive, but you do not want to listen.

Do not speak with people about your hobbies if they do not interest them, otherwise you will seek a boring and tedious person. Find common interests and talk about them. Agree, if you are a musician, and you are interested in only music, you will be a little interested in the topic of development social Policy In the regions, as well as with your listeners: Do not ship them what is interesting only to you.

Be in the center of events. But not woven: who and when he met is not about you. The company's soul is a person who knows about new and interesting news, about fashion, politics, incidents and speeches. Thanks to the knowledge of this, you will enlist your interest in yourself at least for a while.

Always be yourself, even if it does not make you a soul of a big company. In some kind of small companies You will definitely become the center. Or look new companywhich will be interested in your hobbies. If you want to stay in the former company, you can do this:

- Surprise everyone and make something unusual (change the image, show all your talent, it is in the end),

- Examine psychology, thanks to which you can better understand every member of the company and get closer to everyone.

How to Girl Become a Soul Company

A big difference between a girl and a guy - femininity. The girl should always remember his nature and even being in the center of the company do not forget about femininity. This is distinguished by a girl from the guy, so the girl can easily become a soul of the company even in a boyish company. What distinguishes each person - the soul of the company? This is a constant smile on the face. Such people always stretch as guys and girls.

Required, the girl's soul company should be at the "level". Those. Follow the fashion, dress stylish and in the figure. Then you will always be able to put to comparison, idealize, as often happens with the company. It is also necessary to look good, especially if you want to become a soul female company: The girls are equal to the best, so become such.

More often make bright actions: do thoughtful gifts, lead an active lifestyle, rejoice in life, chat more with people and spend time on the street. It is also worth watching passersby on the street, for example, in the park, when you can see the essence of a person by chance. Those. As you understand, it is important to be the same psychologist as the guy-soul of the company.

Modest people are sometimes not in itself. Many people look with envy, as one or two people set the company, ask the tone, they are joking effectively and entertain. Such people stretch, their presence is always happy. Around such mercenary always reigns a "live" atmosphere.

Probably, every second wondered how to become a soul company? " Many people have the gift of oratory art. They calmly argue on any topic. Their brain is quickly adapted to any situation and find some relevant statement or joke. But some can become a soul company, learning this art. Here are some tips to help humble and quiet people stand out against the background of others, to become more noticeable, collect friends and fans around themselves.

Learn better your friends

In order to be able to laugh in time or cause trust, it is necessary to be interested in people, try to understand them and come to the rescue in a difficult moment. Support is very important for everyone. In our life, the moments happen when you need to speak. The soul of the company usually performs the role of "vests", he is always ready to understand everyone.


Knowledge in the field of this science will help to better understand themselves and the surrounding people. It is often enough to predict the course of events to find out the spotlight. Possessing certain knowledge in the field of psychology, you can easily gather around themselves from many people. An example is different sects. Sufficiently exaggerated, but eloquently. Leaders of these sects - good psychologists. They know that people need to hear, and give them it. People want to believe - here you are faith, want to love - here is love and so on.

Pay attention to yourself

It is necessary not to be afraid to pay attention to themselves in the center of the circle of communication, and most importantly - to do it right. It is easier to successfully joke, it is necessary to maintain your success in time and exactly said phrases. Otherwise, surrounding simply lose interest and switch to a person who has a "tongue is well suspended."

You can pay attention to yourself with an interesting and original costume. Do not dress stupid. There are several bright and catchy elements that emphasize your personality and tell the world that you are an interesting and bright person. Can be resorted to help stylish accessories. No need to cast your hair in bright green. It may not be understood by society.

Based on the statement "I will not love myself - no one will love," we can say that a person who is not interested in himself can not arouse interest among others. Expand your knowledge and opportunities. Read books. Everyone has some favorite genre or writer. Even if you do not like the subject of your friends, then you should force yourself and read a couple of books. It will help better understand friends, their interests, it will bring you closer. And maybe you will have to do with open topics.

Drink movies

Go along with friends to sessions. Arrange the cinema halls at home in a cozy company. Feel free to express your opinion when discussing the viewed by the film, even if it does not coincide with the rest. On the contrary, it will only emphasize your individuality. People love distinguished from all people, independent and bold.

Be bolder and confident in yourself

"Only the sea are boldly ..." - all familiar phrase. You should not be afraid of loud words and actions, of course, if they are not meaningless. The constraint will start you in a modest corner, so if you are a shy person, then practice the art of the home declaignation in front of the mirror. No need to be afraid of your own voice. Find out how wide is its range. Put in the shower or in your room in full voice. Know your opportunities. Among friends at a party is not in the city library or lecture at the university: here we are glad to be bright and loud phrases, said to maintain universal zador.

Everything needs to know the measure. Often, entering the taste, you can overdo it and move from innocuous jokes to malicious ridiculation of someone from others. It is possible that everyone will have to do it, except for ridiculous. But over time, you can lose all friends and stay with nothing. Therefore, it is very important to know the measure and not to overtake the stick. You need to be able to restrain your feelings and gusts, so as not to offend or do not hurt someone from others.

Do not confuse shyness and modesty. The latter always serves as an decoration of any person. Immunity often interferes to achieve his goals. The soul of the company must be cheerful, clown, but at the same time be able to listen to a person, come to the aid, keep secrets and cause trust in humans. To be a soul of the company does not mean thoughtlessly to merry all. The soul of the company is a responsible person who loves his cheerful and light temper and trust him for honesty and openness.

The company's soul is everywhere finds a place, feels comfortable, makes friends, and then he changes the environment and feels also perfectly. How well and you so be? Or rather, how good that you will be like that, because in this article we will tell you how to become a soul company!


Part 1

We will get into the consciousness of the human soul consciousness from the inside
  1. Dedote yourself to this. When it comes to the point that you need to change the person, it should be more than just desire. You must really need it. At this point, you reach the point when you just can no longer continue to live as before. Think why you need to become a soul of the company. Pretty think about this idea. And integrate it into your brain. And now you can proceed to changes.

    • In short, it will be just a small initial step. You will not be able to see the cardinal changes after 1 day, but you will feel how your consciousness changes. You can't start running before you feet on your feet! You will not feel that they have become a soul of the company, while one day you do not catch yourself on this thought during the regular party and you will not think about "Hmm when it happened to me?".
  2. Put in front of you small goals. As soon as you decide to work on yourself and become a soul of a company, you should not think "Well, tomorrow party from Max?! I'll fight there. " This is an incorrect method. It will simply touch you on the failure, and you finish the fact that you will be sad to break home, rushing into your scarf. And then you will not get out of the house until you find hunger. Put in front of you small goals. For example, to start the crowd for 5 minutes - it is a row and do not have to overtake the whole night.

    • It all depends on how much you feel comfortable in the company. For some people, a simple trip to the party is already a whole torture. Some like parties, but they are modestly standing in the corner and are watching. Others will communicate, but only with people familiar to them. Whoever you are, just try to be 10% more sociable. When you get to achieve this goal, put a new one.
  3. Forget about fear. Now you know how you need to act, do it, let him slowly, but right. Start with the fact that stop afraid and nervous before any social contact. Here are a few things that should be borne in mind:

    • 1) Everyone is afraid that it will be damaged or rejected. And if someone says it's wrong, it is a lie. Perhaps they are simply accustomed to it, so do not think that something is abnormal with you! Find a person who easily feels in the company, and ask him about it. They definitely find that you tell you about your fears!
    • 2) You will not lose you. If only during the conversation you do not say that you hate the cat of your interlocutor, everything will be fine. The chances that something can go wrong, strive for zero.
    • 3) At the end of the day, we are considering only their actions and actions. We do not think about anyone else. So, if you think that someone condemns you and thinks about you, you should not worry, believe me, they are immersed in their own thoughts and events. They do not have before you!
  4. Be yourself. Sometimes, when people get into the awkward situations with which they do not know how to cope, it changes their identity. If you have been sorted by the thought "I have to impress these people to like it," drop it aside.

    • Be yourself is the best thing you can do. Each (and you are targeting everyone) I want to be surrounded by people who behave naturally and do not expose themselves at the bottom. If you yourself speak your presence "Here I am! Take me the world, "no one will argue with it.
  5. Be sure, but modest. Sometimes, people lead the next tactics "Whatever you know, I will do it better." This is definitely ne. the best way Support a conversation! Of course, you must be confident. But you should not ask for attention and praise from others. They must come to you naturally!

    • Take compliments with gratitude. When someone makes you a compliment that you need to answer? Right! "Thank you". So simple. In turn, also do not forget to make compliments.
    • Dilt the tempo of speech and action. Usually, people confident in themselves are calmer and measured in their movements and have a leisurely tempo of speech. Insecure people are always afraid that they will interrupt them, so they say quickly, trying not to take a lot of someone else's time. So beturn turns! You will source confidence.
  6. Think positively. Take and change your identity - not easy task. To overcome yourself, you will need to think positively. Fortunately, you have everything under control. You can become a soul company, and you will become her. The only thing that stops you is you yourself.

    • Most of the positive thinking lies in what you need to like yourself. When you love yourself, your whole life seems rainbow. You are the same as others. You just need to realize it.

    Part 2

    Develop the ability
    1. Learn to read the stories of others. It is enough to talk about abstract, moving to action. If you want to become a favorite of society, you must learn to read the stories of other people. There are thousands of ways to find an approach to man. And if you are observational enough, the whole process of communication will be much easier.

      • Watch not just behind their gestures, tone of the conversation or visual prompts, but look at how they communicate with each other. Do they keep a big distance? Do they like jokes and humor, or maybe they are more calm and intellectual. If you can calculate it, wonderful! Join any social environmentSo, just act, like other members of the group.
    2. Learn to own gestures and contact your contact. In some groups, gestures may vary. However, for most people exist universal rules: Be open and look into the eyes of a person as often as possible. You want to seem confident and relaxed, and not intense and formidable.

      • Some groups flirt is an integral attribute of successful communication. Everyone likes when they flirt with them, and it great way to set up a contact. Touch make us closer to each other. So, if you want to achieve something, start flirting!
    3. Find a new hobby. You and your friends may have a lot of similar interests. But if you want to become a soul company, you need to open new horizons. So you will gain new skills, meet new people and learn to talk to people who are not like you. So, change the deck. Instead of learning swimming, unlock diving. Instead of chess, choose cricket. Just go out a bit of your comfort zone!

      • If you are interested, take the lessons of acting skills. When you have to play any role and get used to the permanent game, it becomes much easier to portray the company in the company. Perhaps sometimes, you will feel completely not capable of communication, and then one of the roles will come to your aid. And if you have to play this role for a certain period of time, it will go into your habit!
    4. Start notice. Some people are completely unscrewed from the world. Turn on the tactics "Stop and skip roses". Catch the moment. Watch. Do it right now: Think about what you think, you feel (touch), you see. What did you notice from the fact that you did not notice only 10 seconds ago?

      • It will help you install contact with people. You will always have something to say. You get to ask more interesting questionsAnd, since no one will notice anymore that you notice, others will be impressed.
    5. Do not judge others. When you are in society, you must smack like a butterfly from one group to another. You will meet a lot different people Different views. You must be open to each. Otherwise, you find yourself a butterfly without wings - caterpillar.

      • Being a soul company does not mean being popular. So how to be popular does not mean everyone. Of course, you should become friends with popular kids (they remain kids and outside the school), but try to come together and with all the others.
    6. Commmise Sofit. You will have to be where the majority, and make everyone know what's your name. You can start right now. Offer your candidacy as president of the class. Than more people You know, the more comfortable you will feel at all these parties!

      • Try to take the leader's position everywhere. At school, at work, in a place where you spend your leisure. So people will reach to you!

    Part 3.

    Communicate with each other
    1. Find a way to people. Above, we talked about how to properly take compliments, simply saying "thank you." Such simplicity will suit almost any conversation. "Hello, I don't think we met before" - a very straight and easy way to start a conversation. People just love to complicate everything!

      • Sometimes, you should start a conversation just because the other is missing the spirit. But you grabs him! Others are nervous and twitch, not daring to start a conversation. Just find someone, look at him / her eyes, smile and tell me: "Hi, my name is Masha", so you will begin your conversation (and the order of hands does not prevent anyone).
      • When you have free 3 minutes, use the chance to talk to someone. At the bus stop? Talk to a guy who stands next to you, about his backpack. Ask someone like him / her things. Small conversations also in the bill!
    2. Become a brief conversation master. Fortunately, they will not be extremely long and will not force you for a long time. A short conversation may benefit, especially if you are interested in the plot. If you have even just 5 minutes alone with someone, just say. From this, too, no one will be worse!

      • The British, for example, love to talk about the weather. What? Do you have no desire for it? Then just make a conversation about something that surrounds you in this situation. Long line in the supermarket? Holidays are coming soon? Loose bus? Or maybe you do not know what to order in a cafe! Do not think about it as a meaningless chatter - it is better to think that you have made someone's boring day brighter.
      • And the next skill will help you fill out awkward pauses of silence. So the next time you sit at one desk with that girl with whom I have recently exchanged a couple of words, discuss the project with it, which you will do next quarter.
    3. Talk with everyone in a row. Naturally, you will like to talk with one people anymore than with others. You will attract to people with whom you have a lot in common. It is normal to spend a lot of time with these people, but also do not forget about others. Only practice will help you become a soul company!

      • This is the best way to find something in common. Are you in the same class? Or do you have the same hobby? One director? Or maybe talk about the weather? Everyone likes, when they pay attention to, so do it. When you have free 5 minutes, rear themselves and come to that girl, with which I have long wanted to chat, and not to your best friend.
    4. Show interest. Best maskwhich you can put on yourself during a conversation, this is a mask of interest. Did you ever say with anyone else, who else, what are you talking about? Worse and imagine difficult. And now, did you say with anyone who makes you believe that you are a spotlight? Bingo.

      • In addition to smiles and attention, ask questions. When a person tells you something, ask about the details. This is the best way to bring a conversation to the state when both of you will seem significant.
    5. Pretend, as if you know their lifetime. With those people who you do not know at all, it will be a little difficult to conduct a conversation at first. If the idea of \u200b\u200bconversation with unfamiliar people You scare you, you will have to cross it through it! This is what makes the soul of the company in this case. Most easy way To overcome yourself is to imagine as if you know these people all my life. What prevents you from telling "Hi, friend. What are you doing? " So go ahead.

      • When we know someone all your life, we dump the masks. When unfamiliar beautiful girl or a handsome guy enters the room, you start worrying about the state of your hairstyle and appearanceAnd when a neighbor comes to the room long ago, a neighbor, where all your experiences disappear? Dirty hair and tutu chips on her knees. Oh yeah. Of course, it may not cost to go so far. The main thing is to relax and be yourself.
        • Perhaps someone your behavior is frightened. Inspective introverts are unlikely to appreciate your approach. So before checking such tactics on someone, try to understand whether it will like them.
    6. Let you see everywhere and everywhere. You are a man-machine. Now that you started to join any type of situations, there is nothing to wait. Go to parties where only a few people are familiar with you. Go to wine tasting with your bowling team. And then invite your colleagues in the pool and karaoke. Forward!

      • Visit so many events as you can. If you stop making efforts, you will stop invite. So plan the game of chess on Tuesday, on Thursday - the preparation of Italian cuisine along with comrades in the class, and on Saturday you have fun with friends from school parties.

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