Who is Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs - Founder of Apple - Think new, think different

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Not only bibliographers are concerned about the topic of the fate of people who left their mark on world history. Those who want to succeed in life are interested in life paths celebrities. For example, they study both the biography of S. Jobs and the story of his success.

The full name of Steve Jobs is Steven Paul Jobs. The date of birth of this American entrepreneur in the field of IT technologies is February 24, 1955. Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco. It was Steve Jobs who stood at the origins of Apple's CEO, being not only its founder, but the chairman of the board of directors. The CEO of the Pixar film studio owes his birth to him.

Steve Jobs died relatively recently - October 5, 2011. Steve Jobs died as a result of pancreatic cancer, which he tried to fight for eight years.


The biography of Steve Jobs is different from the fate of many people. After all, he spent his childhood, youth not with his parents.

Steve Jobs was born out of wedlock to Joana Schible. Steve's father was Syrian Abdulfatta (John) Jandali. The young people were both students. Joan's parents, German immigrants, were against their daughter's marriage to Jantali. As a result, the pregnant Joan, hiding from everyone, left for San Francisco, where she was safely relieved of her burden in a private clinic and gave the child up for adoption.

The childless Jobs family adopted a baby. Adoptive father, Paul Jobs, worked in a company that produced laser systems, performing the duties of a mechanic. His wife Clara, nee Hagopyan, was American, in which Armenian blood flowed. She worked for an accounting firm.

Steve Jobs saw his own mother only at the age of 31. At the same time, he met his blood sister.


When Steve Jobs celebrated his second birthday, he had an adopted sister, Patty. Almost at the same time, the family moved to Mountain View.

Paul Jobs, in addition to official work, was engaged in part-time work, repairing in own garage old cars for sale. He tried to involve his adopted son in this case. The work of an auto mechanic Steve Jobs was not carried away, but, thanks to the hours spent together in the company of his father for car repairs, the young man learned the basics of electronics. In his free time, Paul, along with his son, was engaged in disassembling, assembling and repairing radios, televisions - this was the thing that young Steve Jobs liked!

The mother of Steve Jobs also does a lot with her son. As a result, the boy enters school able to read and count.

Meeting with Stephen Wozniak (Legend 1)

Biography of Steve Jobs, perhaps, would have been different, if not one insignificant at first glance phone call, who wrote an important line in the success story of Steve Jobs.

While assembling some kind of electrical appliance, the teenager made a home call to William Hewlett, who was then president of Hewlett-Packard Company, asking him to help him find some parts. After a twenty-minute conversation with Steve, Hewlett agreed to help the kid.

But most importantly, he offered the teenager to work for summer holidays in the company he was in charge of. There was a fateful meeting between Steve Jobs and Steven Wozniak, from there the story of his success originates.

Meeting with Stephen Wozniak (Legend 2)

According to this version, Steve Jobs met Steven not at all at work in the company, but through his classmate Bill Fernandez. Just an acquaintance seemed to coincide with the start of work. By the way, in addition to this, Steve Jobs was also engaged in delivering newspapers. And the very next year he became a warehouse employee in an electronics store. Thanks to his diligence and high capacity for work, at the age of 15, Steve had the opportunity, with the help of his father, to buy his own car, which he changed to a more modern one the next year. We can say that the success story of the future creator of "Apple" Steve Jobs originates precisely at this time - in the period of early youth. Even then, an insatiable desire to become rich woke up in him, which he tried to realize through work.

Father's Resentment

The free money of Jobs Jr. brought the family not only joy, but also trouble. It was then that the biography of the future entrepreneur entered an ugly page: the young man became interested in hippies, became addicted to marijuana and LSD. The father had to make a lot of efforts to get his son back on the right path.

Friendship with Stephen Wozniak

New friend Jobs was considered a "legend" of the school, he was her graduate. Among themselves, the guys called Stephen "Woz". Despite the fact that Woz was five years older than Jobs, they developed a wonderful relationship. Together they were collecting records of Bob Dylan. school evenings, the music and light shows that young people put on at school have always been a huge success.


Enrolling in 1972 at Reed College, located in Portland, Oregon, Jobs Jr. decided to drop out immediately after the first semester. It was a rather decisive step, because the parents had already paid a substantial amount for the tuition fees. But the young man insisted. He later called this step one of his best decisions.

But in reality, making the decision to leave college was much easier than surviving in a new environment. Steve now had to sleep on the floor in his former classmates' rooms. He handed over empty Coca-Cola bottles in order to be able to buy himself some food. On Sundays, the guy walked 7 kilometers to the other end of the city to the Hare Krishna temple in order to get the opportunity to eat normally.

This life continued for a full year and a half, until Steve returned to California in the fall of 1974. And here again, a wonderful meeting with Stephen Wozniak helps him make a fateful turn. Jobs decides to go to work for Atari, a video game company. And again, Steve starts to work. At that time, Jobs Jr. did not think about becoming a billionaire, did not build ambitious plans for the future in his imagination. His greatest desire, his cherished dream then was to go to India.

First steps to stunning success

In his spare time at the firm, Steve attended the Homebrew computer club in Palo Alto with Wozniak. And there they came up with a "great idea" - to make underground devices with which you could make free calls over long distances. Young people called their "discovery" "blue boxes". Of course, this can be called a dishonest business, but the guys simply did not know where to invest their intellectual potential and how to earn money as soon as possible.

But the actual success story of Jobs began in the late seventies of the last century, when he and Woz projected one of the first personal computers with commercial potential. It was the Apple II, which later became the first mass-produced omen product. Apple. Steve Jobs, together with Stephen Wozniak, organized this company themselves. Then a year later came the "descendants" of the Apple II, Apple Lisa and Macintosh (Mac).

During this period, Apple shareholder Steve Jobs was worth $8.3 billion. Moreover, only $ 2 billion was invested directly in Apple shares.

However, Jobs had to leave his "brainchild" in 1985, so he lost the power struggle on the board of directors of Apple. And then another remarkable trait of his character appeared again, thanks to which the success story of Jobs in this difficult period did not stop, but entered a new round.

NeXT and Pixar

Jobs after the defeat did not become discouraged, but began to look for new ways to apply his energy. And now he is the creator of a new company that develops a computer platform for business and higher educational institutions. This company is called NeXT.

And a year later, Jobs's success story is replenished with a new page: he acquires a division in the Lucasfilm film company that deals with computer graphics. He went to great lengths to turn a small division into a major Pixar studio. It was here that the films "Toy Story" and the famous "Monsters Corporation" were created.

But even now, Jobs is no longer just the creator of the studio, but also its main shareholder. The purchase of the studio in 2006 by The Walt Disney Company turned Jobs into one of the largest private shareholders and members of the board of directors of the world's most famous Disney company.

Jobs family

Constantly busy with business, creation and promotion the latest technologies, developing unique projects, Jobs gives his work "150% of his time and effort," as he himself put it. But here's to life young man a love named Chris-Ann breaks in. With her, Jobs spends quite a lot of time, but suddenly the personal life of the entrepreneur again faded into the background.

The mother of his daughter Lisa did not become Steve's legal wife. Even the birth of a daughter in 1977 did not change the life of the "workaholic" at all. They joked that Steve hardly noticed the birth of his daughter. And, despite the fact that during this period the state of the young father has already exceeded the million mark, Jobs does not even want to pay her alimony.

The girl lived with her mother, Jobs practically did not communicate with her. Steve's personal life did not change until his death. Although closer to old age, Steve Jobs realized that personal life is not only you. He remembered his daughter, began to communicate with her a little, to get to know her.

Later, a certain Lauren became Steve's wife, who gave birth to his son Reed in the early 90s.

The poorest CEO

Looking for information about what was the state of Jobs in the heyday of his business, the reader will be involuntarily amazed. And there is something! Jobs even got into the Guinness Book of Records: he, the chief executive of the largest company, has the most modest salary! It cannot be argued that the data recorded in official documents corresponded to reality. This was probably done to reduce taxes. But, one way or another, and the documents testified to the annual income of Jobs, which was equal to one dollar.

With the advent of the new millennium, Jobs' success story is replenished with new pages.

  • 2001 - introduction of the first iPod by Jobs;
  • 2006 - introduction by the company of a network multimedia player Apple TV;
  • 2007 - introduction of the iPhone mobile phone, its active promotion on the sales market;
  • 2008 - Introduction of the MacBook Air. thinnest laptop in the world.

Some facts from the life of Jobs

It would be wrong to say that Steve Jobs, whose biography is being studied by many today, was a man created from merit alone. The life of an entrepreneur had its "dark" sides, many of Jobs' actions were negative. Today, many can condemn, blame Steve. But how many can boast that they could create something truly significant from almost nothing, that they made a fortune as a billionaire, starting to earn money by delivering newspapers?

Perhaps today, the majority of people, when it comes to an apple, will first of all think not about a fruit, but about the largest corporation, a well-known brand, a technological giant - Apple Corporation.

Yes, indeed, it is, people who do not know about the existence of the products of this American company and do not dream of an apple-made laptop, tablet or smartphone probably do not exist today.

But the history of the modern giant began with an ordinary garage and with Apple founder, a simple guy Steve Jobs.

Steve's childhood and youth

Steve was born in 1955, and his parents were students who were not even married. Given life's difficulties, problems with parents and many other factors, the biological parents were forced to give the boy up for adoption. So the future billionaire ended up in the family of Paul and Carla Jobs, people whom in the future he called his real parents.

It was Paul who introduced his son to the basics of electronics even in childhood, which attracted the boy very much and gave him the main hobby and passion for the rest of his life.

Jobs almost missed primary school due to the possession of extraordinary knowledge. And thanks to a suggestion from the director, I skipped several classes, going straight to high school.

Friendship with Steve Wozniak

At fifteen, Steve struck up a friendship with one of his classmates in new school, whose name was Bill Fernandez. He, like Steve, was interested in electronics, but this acquaintance did not become such a significant moment because of this. Bill had a friend who was almost more passionate about technology and innovation than Jobs himself. And that was Steve Wozniak. Over time, Bill introduced the two namesakes, and this made, subsequently, their best friends.

Apple's iOS is


Crucial moment

In 1971, a turning point occurred in Jobs' life, which made him understand that electronics can bring quite serious money, but simply be a kind of hobby, a hobby.

All this happened due to interesting history, which, by the way, was the first business project of the two Steves. Then the guys were able to invent the so-called "Blue Box", which imitated the sounds of payphone tone. Thanks to the use of the product, it was possible to make completely free calls from payphones to anywhere in the world.

The guys very quickly realized that with such a device you can make good money and soon began to sell them to their peers for $ 150.

A year later, Jobs entered Reed College, where he met Daniel Kotke. The college was abandoned by the founder of Apple six months later, but Daniel stayed with him best friend along with Wozniak.

Apple I

In 1975, Wozniak created the Homemade Computers Club, where meetings were held for everyone. Steve joined soon after. Over time, these meetings resulted in the creation of the first of its kind Apple computer.

Presentation this computer was held already when the club was significantly expanded, and even moved its meetings to the university premises. After the presentation, the person interested in buying a computer was Paul Terrell, who offered Jobs one of the main and first deals in his life: he immediately requested 50 such computers in a complete set, for which the entrepreneur was ready to pay $ 500.

Work on computers was carried out in the garage of the Jobs family, and all available forces and acquaintances were involved in it. Daniel and the two Steves worked around the clock building computers to complete the order within a month.

The completed order was successfully delivered, and with the money saved, the guys assembled a new batch of computers. It was a success that eventually led to the creation of the Apple Corporation.

This is how the story of such an influential person began, who will forever remain in the history of not only the innovation and technology industry, but also of all mankind.

I don't trust a computer that I can't lift.

With the creator of the iPhone, Steven Paul Jobs, better known as Steven Paul Jobs, Steve Jobs, is one of the founders of Apple, Next, Pixar corporations and a key figure in the global computer industry, a person who largely determined the course of its development.

The future billionaire was born on February 24, 1955 in the town of Mountain View, California (ironically, this area would later become the heart of Silicon Valley). Steve Abdulfattah's biological parents John Jandali (a Syrian immigrant) and Joan Carol Schible (an American graduate student) gave their illegitimate child up for adoption to Paul and Clara Jobs (née Hakobyan). The main condition for the adoption was that Steve higher education.

Even at school, Steve Jobs became interested in electronics, and when he met his namesake Steve Wozniak, he first thought about a business related to computer technology. The partners' first project was the BlueBox, a device that allows free long-distance communications and was sold for $150 apiece. Wozniak was involved in the development and assembly of the device, and thirteen-year-old Jobs was selling illegal goods. This distribution of roles will continue in the future, only their future business will now be completely legal.

In 1972, after graduating from high school, Steve Jobs enters Reed College (Portland, Oregon), but quickly loses interest in learning. After the first semester, he was expelled own will, but remained to live in the rooms of friends for about a year and a half, sleeping on the floor, living on the money for the returned Coca-Cola bottles and once a week coming to the local Hare Krishna temple for free meals. Then he got into calligraphy courses, which later prompted him to think about equipping the Mac OS system with scalable fonts.

Then Steve got a job at Atari. There, Jobs is developing computer games. Four years later, Wozniak creates his first computer, and Jobs, continuing to work at Atari, establishes its sales.


And from the creative tandem of friends, the Apple company grows (the name “Apple” Jobs suggested due to the fact that in this case the phone number of the company went in the telephone directory right before “Atari”). Apple was founded on April 1, 1976 (April Fool's Day), and the first office-shop was the garage of Jobs' parents. Apple was officially registered in early 1977.

And the second most development was Stephen Wozniak, while Jobs acted as a marketer. It is believed that it was Jobs who convinced Wozniak to refine the microcomputer circuit he had invented, and thereby gave impetus to the creation of a new market for personal computers.

The debut computer model was called the Apple I. In a year, the partners sold 200 of these machines (the price of each was $666.66). A decent amount for beginners, but it's nothing compared to the Apple II that came out in 1977.

The success of Apple I and especially Apple II computers, coupled with the appearance of investors, make the company the undisputed leader in the computer market until the early eighties, and two Steves millionaires. It is noteworthy that software for Apple computers was developed by the then young company Microsoft, created six months later than Apple. In the future, fate will bring Jobs and.


The key event was the signing of a contract between Apple and Xerox. Revolutionary developments that Xerox could not find a worthy application for a long time later became part of the Macintosh project (a line of personal computers designed, developed, manufactured and sold by by Apple Inc.). In fact, the modern personal computer interface, with its windows and virtual buttons, owes much to this contract.

It's safe to say that the Macintosh is the first personal computer in the modern sense (the first Mac was released on January 24, 1984). Previously, the control of the machine was carried out with the help of intricate commands typed by "initiates" on the keyboard. Now the mouse becomes the main working tool.

The success of the Macintosh was simply stunning. In the world at that time there was no competitor, even close comparable in terms of sales and technological potential. Shortly after the release of the Macintosh, the company ceased development and production of the Apple II family, which had previously been the company's main source of income.

Jobs leaving

Despite significant progress, in the early 80s. Steve Jobs is gradually starting to lose ground in Apple, which by that time had grown into a huge corporation. His authoritarian style of management leads first to disagreement and then to open conflict with the board of directors. At the age of 30 (1985), the founder of Apple was simply fired.

Having lost power in the company and work, Jobs did not lose heart, and immediately set to new projects. First, he founded NeXT, which specialized in the production of complex computers for higher education and business structures. This market was too narrow, so it was not possible to achieve any significant sales.

Much more successful was the graphic studio The Graphics Group (later renamed Pixar), bought from Lucasfilm for almost half the price ($5 million) of its estimated value (George Lucas was getting divorced and needed money). Under Jobs' direction, several super-grossing animated films were released. The most famous: "Monsters Corporation" and the famous "Toy Story".

In 2006, Pixar was sold to Walt Disney for $7.5 billion, while Jobs received a 7% stake in Walt Disney. By comparison, Disney's heir apparent only inherited 1%.

Return to Apple

In 1997, Steve Jobs returns to Apple. First, as an interim director, and since 2000, as a full-fledged manager. Several unprofitable directions were closed and work on the new iMac computer was successfully completed, after which the company's business rapidly went uphill.

Later, a lot of developments will be presented that will become trendsetters in the technology market. This is an iPhone mobile phone, an iPod player, and an iPad tablet computer, which went on sale in 2010. All this will make Apple the third largest company in the world by capitalization (it will bypass even Microsoft).


In October 2003, an abdominal scan revealed that Steve Jobs had pancreatic cancer. In general, this diagnosis is fatal, but the head of Apple turned out to have a very rare form of the disease that can be cured with surgery. At first, Jobs refused it, because, according to personal convictions, he did not recognize interference in human body. For 9 months, Steve Jobs hoped to recover on his own, and all this time, no one from Apple management informed investors about his fatal illness. Then Steve nevertheless decided to trust the doctors and informed the public about his illness. July 31, 2004 medical Center performed a successful operation at the Stanford Institute.

In December 2008, doctors discovered a hormonal imbalance in Jobs. In the summer of 2009, according to representatives of the Methodist Hospital at the University (Scientific Medical Center) of Tennessee, it became known that Steve had undergone a liver transplant. March 2, 2011 Steve spoke at the presentation of a new tablet - iPad 2.

Promotion Methods

To determine the charisma of Steve Jobs and its impact on developers original project McIntosh, his colleague at Apple Computer Bud Tribble coined the phrase "Reality Distortion Field" in 1981. Later, the term was used to define the perception of his key performances by reviewers and fans of the company.

According to colleagues, Steve Jobs is able to convince others of anything, using a mixture of charisma, charm, arrogance, perseverance, pathos, self-confidence. Basically, PIR distorts the audience's sense of proportion and proportion. Small progress is presented as a breakthrough. Any errors are hushed up or presented as insignificant. The difficulties overcome are greatly exaggerated. Certain opinions, ideas and definitions can change dramatically in the future without any regard to the very fact of such changes. In principle, PIR is nothing more than a mixture of political propaganda and advertising technologies.

For example, one of the most typical examples of PIR is the claim that consumers are "suffering" from competitors' inferior products, or that a company's products "change people's lives." Also often unsuccessful technical solutions explained by the fact that it is not necessary for the consumer. The term is often used in a pejorative context to criticize Apple, or its supporters. However, many companies today are moving to a similar technique themselves, seeing how far it has been able to move Apple economically.

Stephen Paul Jobs is an American inventor and entrepreneur. One of the founders of Apple Corporation and Pixar film studio. He went down in history as a man who revolutionized mobile gadgets.


Steve was born in 1955 in San Francisco. His parents are unregistered Syrian Abdulfattah (John) Jandali and German Joan Schible, who met at the University of Wisconsin. Joan's relatives were against this union and threatened to disinherit the girl, so she decided to give the child up for adoption.

The boy ended up in the family of Paul and Clara Jobs from California's Mountain View, who named the newborn Steven Paul Jobs. The foster mother worked in an accounting firm, and the father worked as a mechanic in a company that produced laser machines.

At school, Steve was a restless bully, but thanks to the efforts of the teacher Mrs. Hill, little Jobs began to show amazing academic performance. So, from the fourth grade, he went straight to the sixth at Crittenden High School. because of high level crime in the new area, Steve's parents were forced to buy a house in the more prosperous Los Altos at the last expense.

At 13, Jobs called Hewlett-Packard President William Hewlett at home. The boy was assembling an electrical appliance, and he needed some details. Hewlett spoke with the boy for 20 minutes, agreed to send everything he needed, and offered to work in his company for the summer.

As a result, Stephen left the University of California, Berkeley, where he went to classes, and began working at Hewlett-Packard. There, Jobs met a man whose meeting determined the future fate of the boy - Stephen Wozniak.

Education and first job

In 1972, Jobs entered Reed College in Portland, but dropped out after the first semester, because the university was too expensive, and his parents spent all their savings on studying. With the permission of the dean's office, a talented student attended creative classes for free for another year. During this time, Steve managed to get acquainted with Daniel Kottke, who became his best friend along with Wozniak.

In February 1974, Steve returned to California, where his friend and technical genius Wozniak called Jobs to work as a technician at Atari, a company that produced games such as the famous Pong arcade.

Since the university, Stephen has been interested in the hippie subculture, so after six months of work, he went to India. The journey was not easy: Jobs had been ill with dysentery, lost 15 kilograms. Kottke joined him later on the trip, and together they went in search of a guru and spiritual enlightenment. Years later, Steve admitted that he went to India to resolve the inner feelings caused by the fact that his biological parents abandoned him.

Steve Jobs' legendary speech to the graduates of Stanford University

In 1975, Jobs returned to Los Altos and rejoined Atari, volunteering for as soon as possible create a wiring diagram for the Breakout video game. Steve had to keep the number of chips on the board to a minimum, each with a $100 reward. Jobs convinced Wozniak that he could complete the job in 4 days, when such work usually took several months. In the end, the friend managed, and Wozniak gave him a check for $350, lying that Atari paid him $700 instead of the real $5,000. Having received a large amount, Jobs quit his job.

Inventor career

Steve was 20 when Wozniak showed him the computer own production and convinced a friend to build a PC to sell. It all started with the production of printed circuits, but in the end, young people came to assembling computers.

Draftsman Ronald Wayne was hired in 1976 and Apple Computer Co. was formed on April 1. For start-up capital Steve sold his van and Wozniak sold his programmable calculator. In total, it turned out 1300 dollars.

A little later, the first order was received from a local electronics store, but the team did not have the money to buy parts for 50 computers. They asked suppliers for a 30-day loan, and ten days later the store received the first batch of computers, dubbed the Apple I, each costing $666.66.

The world's first mass-produced computer from IBM appeared the same year that Wozniak completed work on the Apple II, so Jobs ordered an advertising campaign and a beautiful packaging with a logo to beat the competition. New Apple computers scattered around the world with a circulation of 5 million copies. As a result, already at the age of 25, Steve Jobs became a millionaire.

In late 1979, Steve and other Apple employees got to the Xerox (XRX) research center, where Jobs saw the Alto computer. He was immediately on fire with the idea of ​​creating a PC with an interface that would allow commands to be given with a cursor.

At that time, the Lisa computer, named after the daughter of Steve Jobs, was being developed. The inventor was going to introduce all the developments of Xerox and lead the project of an innovative computer, but his colleagues Mark Markulla, who invested more than 250 thousand dollars in Apple, and Scott Forstall reorganized the company and removed Jobs.

In 1980, computer interface specialist Jeff Raskin and Jobs began work on a new project - a portable machine that was supposed to fold into a miniature suitcase. Raskin named the Macintosh project after his favorite variety of apple.

Even then, Stephen was a demanding and tough boss, it was not easy to work under his leadership. Numerous conflicts with Jeff led to the fact that the latter was sent on vacation and later fired. A little later, disagreements forced John Scully to leave the corporation, and in 1985 Wozniak. At the same time, Steve founded the company NeXT, which worked in the field of hardware.

In 1986, Jobs took over the helm of the Pixar animation studio, which released many world-famous cartoons, such as Monsters, Inc. and Toy Story. In 2006, Steve sold his brainchild to Walt Disney, but remained on the board of directors and became a Disney shareholder with 7 percent of the shares.

In 1996, Apple wanted to buy NeXT. So Steve returned to work after a years-long suspension and became the manager of the company, entering the board of directors. In 2000, Jobs entered the Guinness Book of Records as the CEO with the most modest salary - $ 1 a year.

Presentation of the first iPhone. When the world has changed forever

In 2001, Steve introduced his first player called the iPod. Later, the sale of this product brought the company the main income, since the MP3 player became the fastest and most spacious player of that time. Five years later, Apple introduced the network multimedia player Apple TV. And in 2007, the touch-sensitive mobile phone iPhone appeared on sale. A year later, the thinnest laptop on the planet, the MacBook Air, was already demonstrated.

Stephen skillfully used all the old knowledge: his passion for calligraphy during his university years allowed him to create unique fonts for Apple products, his interest in graphic design made the iPhone and iPod interface recognizable around the world.

Jobs had a keen sense of what the customer needed, so he sought to create a miniature machine that could satisfy any whim of the modern user. Stephen's ideas were not always innovative, he skillfully used already existing foreign developments, but brought them to perfection and "packed them in a beautiful wrapper."

Steve Jobs and his 10 rules for success

In 2010, Jobs introduced the iPad Internet tablet, which caused bewilderment among the public. However, Stephen's ability to convince the buyer that he needs this product, raised the sales of the tablet to 15 million copies a year.

Personal life of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs called Chris Ann Brennan his first love. He met a hippie girl in 1972, having run away from his parents together. Together they studied Zen Buddhism, took LSD and hitchhiked.

In 1978, Chris gave birth to a daughter, Lisa, but Stephen stubbornly denied his paternity. A year later, a genetic test proved Jobs' relationship with his daughter, which obliged him to pay child support. The inventor rented a house in Palo Alto for Chris and Lisa and paid for the girl's studies, but Steve began to communicate with her only years later.


Stephen Paul Jobs- a successful American entrepreneur, a talented designer, a brilliant inventor, revolutionized the field of personal computers, one of the founders of the film studio Pixar, one of the founders and chairman of the board of directors of the corporation Apple. Birthplace: San Francisco, California, USA.


Biological parents Steve- Syrian Abdulfattah Jandali and Joan Shible from a family of German immigrants. Parents Joan were against their relationship, so the couple decided to give the child up for adoption. From foster parents Joan made a promise that they would give the boy a good education. adopted him Paul and Clara Jobs, which Steve I have always considered my real parents. Two years later, an adopted girl appeared in the family, Patty. Soon the family moved to live from San Francisco to Mountain View. Father worked as an auto mechanic financial company. To earn money for his son's education, he had to earn extra money: he repaired cars in his garage. Through cars Floor introduced Steve with the basics of electronics. Mother, Clara Jobs, American Armenian origin, worked as a regular accountant for Varian Associates.


AT school years Jobs actively interested in electronics, was a permanent member of the research club Hewlett Packard. His abilities were noticed by the president of the company of the same name and invited the boy to work part-time during the holidays. At the same time, acquaintance Steve With Wozniak, his future colleague Apple.

After school Jobs enrolled in Reed College in Portland, which he soon dropped out, not seeing the point in spending the huge money that had to be paid for education. Attended calligraphy courses.


Returning to California in 1974, Steve started working as a technician in a company Atari, which specialized in the production of computer games. After that, he goes on a trip to India. Returning to work at Atari, Steve begins to collaborate with Wozniak and arranges a presentation of a computer board, assembled by Wozniak, which later became the prototype computer Apple I. In 1976, friends founded the famous company Apple Computer Co., which was officially registered in 1977. Each had its own function: Wozniak engaged in computer development, and Jobs- search for customers, employees, necessary materials.

The first product released by the company was a computer Apple I. The advent of the next product, the computer Apple II, brought the company to one of the leading places in the personal computer market. The company quickly gained momentum, grew and was transformed in 1980 into a joint-stock company. Jobs became Chairman of the Board of Directors Apple.

In 1985, the situation within the company developed in such a way that it underwent a major reorganization, and Jobs was removed from the affairs of his own organized company. Jobs always distinguished by strength of character, determination and the will to win. He was not used to showing his feelings in public, although it was probably hard for him to leave his offspring in the wrong hands. Jobs founded another company NeXT, which began to successfully develop software and hardware.

In 1986 Jobs became the owner of a company that was actively engaged in research in the field of computer animation, - Pixar Animation Studios. Under his leadership Pixar released Toy Story and Monsters, Inc.. In 1996, Apple was going through hard times, needing a new strategy. The situation is such that Apple acquired NeXT. Jobs returns to his position in his own company: first he becomes an adviser to the chairman of the board of directors of Apple, and soon he is appointed to the position of executive director. To bring the company out of the crisis, Steve closed its unprofitable projects (Apple Newton, Cyberdog, OpenDoc). In 1998, a new achievement of the company appears - the iMac computer. In 2000 Steve Jobs rightly becomes CEO Apple. It was under his talented leadership that the company flourished, giving the world a portable iPod player, an iPhone smartphone and an iPad tablet computer.

Pixar Jobs sells studios Walt Disney, remaining on the firm's board of directors and becoming the largest shareholder Disney holding 7% of their shares. In 2011 Jobs forced to resign for health reasons Apple, although he remained as chairman of the board of directors.

Personal life

His inspiration and muse was his wife, wife Lauren Powell who bore him a son reed and two daughters Erin and Yves. When I was young, I dated an artist Chris Ann Brennan who bore him a daughter in 1978, Lisa Brennan-Jobs.


In 2003 Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. As a result of the operation in 2004, metastases in the liver were found. The entrepreneur had to undergo chemotherapy. In 2009, he received a liver transplant. Health status Jobs worsened, and in October 2011 he died.

Jobs' Major Achievements

Founder of Apple, which has become one of the leaders in the world of computer technology.

Designed iMac computers.

Inaugurated a new generation of iPhone and iPod.

At Steve has a sister from biological parents, a well-known writer in America Mona Simpson, which the entrepreneur met only in the 90s.

Steve for a long time did not recognize his daughter from Chris Ann Brennan because he considered himself infertile.

Steve didn't eat meat.

Guru Steve there was a Buddhist monk who performed his wedding ceremony.

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