Does iron emit a lot of radiation. Danger of radiation to the human body

Landscaping and layout 20.09.2019
Landscaping and layout

Even small children are aware of the existence of invisible deadly rays today. From the screens of computers and TVs, we are frightened by the terrible consequences of radiation: post-apocalyptic films and games are still fashionable. However, only a few can give a clear answer to the question "what is radiation?" And even fewer people realize how real the radiation threat is. Moreover, not somewhere in Chernobyl or Hiroshima, but in his own house.

What is radiation?

In fact, the term "radiation" does not necessarily mean "lethal rays". Thermal or, for example, solar radiation carries practically no threat to the life and health of living organisms living on the Earth's surface. Of all known species radiation is a real danger only ionizing radiation, which physicists also call electromagnetic or corpuscular. This is precisely the very "radiation" the danger of which is spoken about on TV screens.

Ionizing gamma and X-ray radiation - the kind of "radiation" talked about on TV screens

Peculiarity ionizing radiation consists in the fact that, unlike other types of radiation, it has extremely high energy and, when interacting with matter, causes ionization of its molecules and atoms. Particles of a substance that are electrically neutral before irradiation are excited, as a result of which free electrons are formed, as well as positively and negatively charged ions.

The four most common types of ionizing radiation are alpha, beta, gamma, and x-ray (which have the same properties as gamma). They consist of different particles, and therefore have different energies and, accordingly, different penetrating ability. The "weakest" in this sense, alpha radiation, which is a stream of positively charged alpha particles, unable to "seep" even through an ordinary sheet of paper (or human skin). Beta radiation, consisting of electrons, penetrates through the skin already by 1-2 cm, but it is quite possible to protect yourself from it. But there is practically no salvation from gamma radiation: only a thick lead or reinforced concrete wall... However, the fact that alpha and beta particles can be easily stopped by even a minor obstacle like paper does not mean that they will not enter the body in any way. Respiratory organs, microtrauma on the skin and mucous membranes - " open gate"for radiation with low penetrating power.

Measurement units and radiation rate

The main measure of exposure to radiation is considered to be the exposure dose. It is measured in P (X-rays) or derivatives (mR, μR) and represents the total amount of energy that the source of ionizing radiation had time to transfer to an object or body during irradiation. Because different types radiation have a different degree of danger with the same amount of transferred energy, it is customary to calculate another indicator - an equivalent dose. It is measured in B (rem), Sv (sievert) or their derivatives and is calculated as the product of the exposure dose and the coefficient characterizing the quality of radiation (for beta and gamma radiation, the quality factor is 1, for alpha - 20). To assess the strength of the ionizing radiation itself, other indicators are used: the exposure and equivalent dose rate (measured in R / sec or derivatives: mR / sec, μR / h, mR / h), as well as the flux density (measured in (cm 2 min) -1) for alpha and beta radiation.

Today it is generally accepted that ionizing radiation with a dose rate below 30 μR / hour is absolutely safe for health. But everything is relative ... As recent studies have shown, different people have different resistance to ionizing radiation. Approximately 20% have increased sensitivity, the same amount - reduced. The consequences of low-dose irradiation usually appear after years or do not appear at all, affecting only the descendants of a person affected by radiation. So, the safety of small doses (slightly exceeding the norm) is still one of the most discussed issues.

Radiation and man

So, what is the effect of radiation on the health of humans and other living beings? As already noted, ionizing radiation penetrates the body in various ways and causes ionization (excitation) of atoms and molecules. Further, under the influence of ionization, free radicals are formed in the cells of a living organism, which disrupt the integrity of proteins, DNA, RNA, and other complex biological compounds. This, in turn, leads to mass cell death, carcinogenesis and mutagenesis.

In other words, the effect of radiation on the human body is destructive. With strong radiation Negative consequences manifest themselves almost immediately: high doses cause radiation sickness of various degrees of severity, burns, blindness, the occurrence of malignant neoplasms. But no less dangerous are small doses, which until recently were considered "harmless" (today an increasing number of researchers are coming to this conclusion). The only difference is that the effects of radiation do not affect immediately, but after several years, sometimes decades. Leukemias, cancerous tumors, mutations, deformities, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, circulatory system, mental and mental development, schizophrenia is far from full list diseases that can cause small doses of ionizing radiation.

Even a small amount of radiation exposure has catastrophic consequences. But radiation is especially dangerous for young children and the elderly. Thus, according to the specialists of our website, the likelihood of leukemia caused by exposure to low doses increases 2 times for children under 10 years of age and 4 times for babies who were in the womb at the time of exposure. Radiation and health are literally incompatible!

Radiation protection

A characteristic feature of radiation is that it does not "dissolve" in environment like harmful chemical compounds... Even after the elimination of the radiation source, the background remains elevated for a long time. Therefore, a clear and unambiguous answer to the question "how to deal with radiation?" does not exist until now. It is clear that in case nuclear war(for example) invented special means protection against radiation: special suits, bunkers, etc. But this is for " emergencies". And what about small doses, which are still considered by many to be" practically safe "?

It is known that "the rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves." While the researchers are deciding which dose should be recognized as dangerous and which should not, it is better to buy a device that measures radiation and walk around territories and objects a mile away, even if they "radiate" quite a bit (at the same time, the question "how to recognize radiation?" with a dosimeter in hand, you will always be aware of the surrounding background). Moreover, in a modern city, radiation can be found in any, even the most unexpected places.

And finally, a few words about how to remove radiation from the body. To speed up cleansing as quickly as possible, doctors recommend:

1. Physical activity, bath and sauna - accelerate metabolism, stimulate blood circulation and, therefore, contribute to the elimination of any harmful substances from the body naturally.

2. Healthy eating- special attention should be paid to vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants (this is the diet prescribed for cancer patients after chemotherapy). Whole "deposits" of antioxidants are found in blueberries, cranberries, grapes, mountain ash, currants, beets, pomegranates and other sour and sweet-sour fruits of red shades.

Radiation is a stream of particles formed during nuclear reactions or radioactive decay ... We have all heard about the danger of radioactive radiation for human body and we know that it can cause a huge number of pathological conditions. But often most people do not know exactly what the danger of radiation is and how you can protect yourself from it. In this article, we examined what radiation is, what is its danger to humans, and what diseases it can cause.

What is radiation

The definition of this term is not very clear for a person who is not associated with physics or, for example, medicine. The term "radiation" refers to the release of particles formed during nuclear reactions or radioactive decay. That is, this is radiation that comes out of some substances.

Radioactive particles have different ability to penetrate and pass through different substances... Some of them can pass through glass, human body, concrete.

Based on the knowledge of the ability of specific radioactive waves to pass through materials, rules for protection against radiation have been drawn up. For example, the walls of X-ray rooms are made of lead, through which radioactive radiation cannot pass.

Radiation happens:

  • natural. It forms the natural radiation background to which we are all accustomed. The sun, soil, stones emit radiation. They are not dangerous to the human body..
  • technogenic, that is, one that was created as a result of human activity. This includes the extraction of radioactive substances from the depths of the Earth, the use of nuclear fuels, reactors, etc.

How radiation enters the human body

Acute radiation sickness

This condition develops with a single massive irradiation of a person.
... This condition is rare.

It can develop during some man-made accidents and disasters.

Degree clinical manifestations depends on the amount of radiation that has affected the human body.

In this case, all organs and systems can be affected.

Chronic radiation sickness

This condition develops with prolonged contact with radioactive substances.... Most often develops in people who interact with them on duty.

In this case, the clinical picture can grow slowly over many years. With prolonged and prolonged contact with radioactive sources of radiation, the nervous, endocrine, and circulatory systems are damaged. The kidneys also suffer, failures occur in all metabolic processes.

Chronic radiation sickness has several stages... It can proceed polymorphically, clinically manifesting itself as damage to various organs and systems.

Oncological malignant pathologies

Scientists have proven that radiation can provoke cancer pathologies... Most often, skin cancer or thyroid gland Also, there are frequent cases of leukemia - blood cancer in people suffering from acute radiation sickness.

According to statistics, the number of oncological pathologies after the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant increased tenfold in areas affected by radiation.

The use of radiation in medicine

Scientists have learned to use radiation for the benefit of humanity. A huge number of different diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are in one way or another associated with radioactive radiation. Thanks to sophisticated security protocols and state-of-the-art equipment such use of radiation is practically safe for the patient and for medical staff , but subject to all safety rules.

Diagnostic medical techniques using radiation: radiography, computed tomography, fluorography.

Treatment methods include different kinds radiation therapy, which are used in the treatment of cancer pathologies.

The use of radiation methods of diagnosis and therapy should be carried out by qualified specialists. These procedures are prescribed to patients solely on the basis of indications.

Basic methods of radiation protection

Having learned to use radioactive radiation in industry and medicine, scientists took care of the safety of people who may come into contact with these dangerous substances.

Only careful observance of the basics of personal prevention and protection from radiation can protect a person working in a dangerous radioactive zone from chronic radiation sickness.

The main methods of protection against radiation:

  • Distance protection. Radioactive radiation has a certain wavelength beyond which it does not act. That's why in case of danger, immediately leave the danger area.
  • Shielding protection. The essence of this method is to use for the protection of substances that do not pass radioactive waves through themselves. For example, paper, a respirator, and rubber gloves can protect against alpha radiation.
  • Time protection. All radioactive substances have a half-life and decay time.
  • Chemical protection. A person is given orally or injected with substances that can reduce the negative effect of radiation on the body.

People who work with radioactive substances have protocols for protection and behavior in different situations... Usually, dosimeters are installed in the working rooms - devices for measuring the background radiation.

Radiation is dangerous to humans. With an increase in its level above the permissible norm, various diseases and damage to internal organs and systems. Against the background of radiation exposure, malignant oncological pathologies can develop. Radiation is also used in medicine. With its help, diagnostics and treatment of many diseases are carried out.

Radiation is ionizing radiation that causes irreparable harm to the entire environment. People, animals, plants suffer. The biggest danger is that it is not visible to the human eye, so it is important to know about its main properties and effects in order to protect yourself.

Radiation accompanies people all their lives. It is found in the environment as well as within each of us. External sources have a tremendous impact. Many have heard about the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the consequences of which are still encountered in our lives. People were not ready for such a meeting. it once again confirms that there are events in the world beyond the control of humanity.

Types of radiation

Not all chemical substances stable. In nature, there are certain elements, the nuclei of which are transformed, disintegrating into separate particles with the release of a huge amount of energy. This property is called radioactivity. As a result of research, scientists have discovered several types of radiation:

  1. Alpha radiation is a stream of heavy radioactive particles in the form of helium nuclei that can cause the greatest harm to others. Fortunately, they have low penetrating power. In the air, they spread only a couple of centimeters. In fabric, their mileage is fractions of a millimeter. Thus, external radiation is not hazardous. You can protect yourself using thick clothing or a sheet of paper. But internal exposure is a formidable threat.
  2. Beta radiation is a stream of light particles moving in the air for a couple of meters. These are electrons and positrons that penetrate two centimeters into the tissue. It is harmful when it comes into contact with human skin. However, it gives a greater danger when exposed from the inside, but less than alpha. To protect against the influence of these particles, special containers, protective screens, a certain distance are used.
  3. Gamma and X-rays are electromagnetic radiation penetrating the body through and through. Protective equipment from such exposure includes the creation of screens from lead, the construction concrete structures... The most dangerous of the radiation from external damage, since it has an entire effect on the body.
  4. Neutron radiation consists of a flux of neutrons with a higher penetrating power than gamma. Formed as a result of nuclear reactions occurring in reactors and special research facilities. It appears during nuclear explosions and is found in the waste of utilized fuel from nuclear reactors. Armor from such an impact is created from lead, iron, concrete.

All radioactivity on Earth can be divided into two main types: natural and artificial. The first includes radiation from space, soil, gases. The artificial one appeared thanks to man when using nuclear power plants, various equipment in medicine, nuclear enterprises.

Natural sources

Naturally occurring radioactivity has always been on the planet. Radiation is present in everything that surrounds humanity: animals, plants, soil, air, water. This low level of radiation is believed to have no harmful effects. Although, some scientists have a different opinion. Since humans do not have the ability to influence this hazard, circumstances that increase the permissible values ​​should be avoided.

Varieties of natural sources

  1. Cosmic radiation and solar radiation are the most powerful sources capable of eliminating all life on Earth. Fortunately, the planet is protected from this impact by the atmosphere. However, people have tried to remedy this situation by developing activities that lead to the formation of ozone holes. Do not stay in direct sunlight for a long time.
  2. Radiation crust dangerous near deposits of various minerals. Burning coal or using phosphorus fertilizers, radionuclides actively seep into a person with the inhaled air and the food they eat.
  3. Radon is a radioactive chemical element present in building materials... It is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. This element actively accumulates in soils and goes out together with the extraction of minerals. It enters the apartments together with household gas, as well as tap water... Fortunately, its concentration can be easily reduced by constantly ventilating the premises.

Artificial sources

This species appeared thanks to people. Its action increases and spreads with their help. During the outbreak of a nuclear war, the strength and power of weapons are not so terrible as the consequences of radioactive radiation after explosions. Even if you are not caught in the blast or physical factors- radiation will finish you off.

Artificial sources include:

  • Nuclear weapon;
  • Medical equipment;
  • Waste from enterprises;
  • Certain gems;
  • Some antiques removed from hazardous areas. Including from Chernobyl.

Radiation rate

Scientists were able to establish that radiation has a different effect on individual organs and the entire body as a whole. In order to assess the damage arising from chronic exposure, the concept of an equivalent dose was introduced. It is calculated by the formula and is equal to the product of the received dose, absorbed by the body and averaged over a specific organ or the entire human body, by a weight factor.

The unit of measure for the equivalent dose is the ratio of Joule to kilograms, which is called the sievert (Sv). With its use, a scale was created that makes it possible to understand the specific danger of radiation for humanity:

  • 100 Sound Instant death. The victim has several hours, maximum a couple of days.
  • 10 to 50 Sv. The injured person of this nature will die in a few weeks from severe internal bleeding.
  • 4-5 Sound When this amount is ingested, the body copes in 50% of cases. Otherwise, the sad consequences lead to death after a couple of months due to damage to the bone marrow and circulatory disorders.
  • 1 Sound When such a dose is absorbed, radiation sickness is inevitable.
  • 0.75 Sv. Changes in the circulatory system are not large gap time.
  • 0.5 Sv. This amount is enough for the patient to develop cancer. The rest of the symptoms are absent.
  • 0.3 Sv. This value is inherent in the apparatus for the X-ray of the stomach.
  • 0.2 Sv. Acceptable level for working with radioactive materials.
  • 0.1 Sv. With this amount, uranium is mined.
  • 0.05 Sv. This value is the rate of exposure of medical devices.
  • 0.0005 Sv. Permissible amount of radiation level around a nuclear power plant. It is also the value of the annual exposure of the population, which is equated to the norm.

The safe dose of radiation for humans includes values ​​up to 0.0003-0.0005 Sv per hour. The maximum permissible exposure is considered to be 0.01 Sv per hour, if such exposure is short-lived.

The effect of radiation on humans

Radioactivity has a huge impact on the population. Harmful effects not only people facing danger are exposed, but also the next generation. Such circumstances are caused by the action of radiation at the genetic level. There are two types of influence:

  • Somatic. Diseases occur in a victim who has received a dose of radiation. Leads to the appearance of radiation sickness, leukemia, tumors of various organs, local radiation damage.
  • Genetic. Associated with a defect in the genetic apparatus. It manifests itself in subsequent generations. Children, grandchildren and more distant descendants suffer. Gene mutations and chromosomal changes occur

In addition to the negative impact, there is also a favorable moment. Thanks to the study of radiation, scientists have been able to create a medical examination based on it, which can save lives.

Mutation after radiation

Radiation consequences

When receiving chronic radiation in the body, restorative measures take place. This leads to the fact that the victim acquires less stress than he would receive with a single penetration of the same amount of radiation. Radionuclides are distributed unevenly inside a person. Most often they suffer: respiratory system, digestive organs, liver, thyroid gland.

The enemy does not sleep even 4-10 years after exposure. Blood cancer can develop inside a person. It is especially dangerous in adolescents under 15 years of age. It has been noticed that the mortality rate of people working with X-ray equipment is increased due to leukemia.

The most common result of radiation exposure is radiation sickness, which occurs both with a single dose and with a prolonged dose. At a large number radionuclide leads to death. Breast and thyroid cancer is common.

Suffers great amount organs. The victim's eyesight and mental state are impaired. Lung cancer is common among miners involved in uranium mining. External radiation causes severe burns to the skin and mucous membranes.


After exposure to radionuclides, the manifestation of two types of mutations is possible: dominant and recessive. The first occurs immediately after irradiation. The second type is found after a long period of time not in the victim, but in his next generation. Disorders caused by mutation lead to abnormalities in the development of internal organs in the fetus, external deformities and mental changes.

Unfortunately, mutations are poorly understood, as they usually do not appear immediately. After a while, it is difficult to understand what exactly had a dominant influence on its occurrence.

Ecology of consumption. Science and discovery: When nuclear reactions occur, they divide particles with such energy that electrons are ripped off the atoms. The altered bonds create pairs of ions that are chemically extremely reactive. This is ionizing radiation, and this is where all problems begin.

Let's say some crazy world leader decides to push the big red button. Or terrorists will take control of nuclear reactor... You survived the first explosion. The world is poisoned by radiation. How does it feel? When nuclear reactions take place, they divide particles with such an energy that electrons are ripped off the atoms. The altered bonds create pairs of ions that are chemically extremely reactive. This is ionizing radiation, and this is where all problems begin.

There are many types of ionizing radiation. Cosmic, alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray, neutron and others. Another thing is important: how strongly the organisms are exposed to this radiation, that is, what dose of radiation it receives.

The absorbed dose is measured in grays (Gy, Gy) or sieverts (Sv), which take the measure of Gy and multiply it by the type of radiation to calculate the effective dose in living tissue.The average exposure in a couple of seconds of an abdominal x-ray is 0.0014 Gy, which is a light dose that is applied locally, so it is not so bad. The danger begins if the entire body is exposed to radiation - for example, as in the control room of Chernobyl immediately after the explosion. There you would absorb 300 Sv per hour. But they would hardly have lasted an hour. The dose would become lethal in 1-2 minutes.

How will you die

Large doses of ionizing radiation for a short time lead to acute radiation syndrome, that is, to radiation poisoning. The severity of symptoms depends on the level of radiation exposure. A radiation dose of 0.35 Gy will be similar to the flu - runny nose and dizziness, headaches, fatigue, fever.

If the body is exposed to 1-4 Gy of radiation, the blood cells will begin to die. You will be able to recover - treatment for this type of radiation syndrome usually includes blood transfusions and antibiotics, but the immune response can also be weakened due to a drop in the white blood cell count, the blood will not clot and anemia will develop. You will also notice strange sunburn when exposed to 2 Gy of ionizing radiation. Technically, it is acute radiodermatitis and its manifestations include red patches, flaky skin, and sometimes swelling.

A dose of 4-8 Gy can be fatal, but the path to death will depend on the level of exposure. With this exposure, patients suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and fever. Without treatment, you could die just a few weeks after the radiation.

Physicist Louis Slotin, who died from radiation during his 1946 research at the Manhattan Project, was exposed to 10 Gy of gamma and X-rays. And today he would not have survived, despite modern procedures such as bone marrow transplantation. Patients who are exposed to radiation between 8 and 30 Gy experience a runny nose and diarrhea within an hour and die within 2 days to 2 weeks after exposure.

Radiation doses over 30 Gy cause neurological damage. Within minutes, patients experience severe vomiting and diarrhea, dizziness, headaches and unconsciousness. Seizures and tremors are common, as well as ataxia - loss of control over muscle function. Death is inevitable within 48 hours.

Remains to survive

If you're lucky enough to dodge radiation poisoning caused by a nuclear explosion or reactor meltdown, that doesn't mean a happy ending. Long-term exposure to ionizing radiation, even at doses that are weak to weaken you, can lead to genetic mutations and cancer. This is the greatest risk faced by the survivors of the Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters. According to the latest estimates, thousands more will die from cancer caused by radiation damage from the fallout.

Cells are usually controlled by the chemical structure of DNA molecules. But when radiation releases enough energy to disrupt molecular bonds, DNA strands collapse. Although most of them recover normally, about a quarter do not, so a long process begins, which leads to an increase in the rate of mutations in future generations of cells. The likelihood of cancer increases with the effective dose of radiation, but the severity of cancer is independent of the dose. The very fact of exposure matters, not low or high level radiation.

For long-term exposure to radiation, models predicting the level of risk do not provide unambiguous answers. The most common model assumes that low-level background radiation is the most dangerous source of radiation in terms of exposure to most people. Therefore, although acute radiation poisoning is terrible in itself, it is worth worrying more because of the slow but constant exposure. publishedIf you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the specialists and readers of our project.

The decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1966 proclaimed the need to diversify the production of the country's energy resources, first of all, to compensate for the lack of electricity in the European regions of the country, which a priori also affected the Ukrainian USSR. the Chernobyl nuclear power plant(ChNPP), the first power unit of which was put into operation in 1978 and marked the beginning of the operation of the power plant.

Effective radiation protection

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