Safety measures when using nuclear batteries. Disadvantages of an atomic power source

Engineering systems 20.09.2019
Engineering systems

Back in the 50s of the last century, betavolta - a technology for extracting the energy of beta radiation - was considered by scientists as the basis for creating new power sources in the future. Today, there are real grounds to confidently assert that the use of controlled nuclear reactions is inherently safe. Dozens of nuclear technologies are already being used by people in Everyday life, radioisotope smoke detectors are an example.

And so, in March 2014, scientists Jae Kwon and Baek Kim, working at the University of Missouri, Columbia, USA, reproduced the world's first working prototype of a compact power source based on strontium-90 and water. IN this case the role of water is an energy buffer, which will be explained below.

A nuclear battery will operate for years without maintenance, and will be able to produce electricity through the process of decomposition of water molecules when they interact with beta particles and other decay products of radioactive strontium-90.

The power of such a battery should be entirely enough to power electric vehicles and even spacecraft. The secret of the new product lies in the combination of betavoltaics and a fairly new physical trend - plasmonic resonators.

Plasmons have been actively used in the last few years in the development of specific optical devices, including ultra-efficient solar cells, perfectly flat lenses, and special paint to print at a resolution many times greater than the sensitivity of our eyes. Plasmonic resonators are special structures capable of both absorbing and emitting energy in the form of light waves and other forms of electromagnetic radiation.

Today, radioisotope power sources already exist that convert the energy of the decay of atoms into electrical energy, but this does not happen directly, but through a chain of intermediate physical interactions.

First, the tablets of radioactive substances heat the body of the container in which they are located, then this heat is converted into electricity by means of thermocouples.

Lost at every step of the transformation great amount energy, from this the efficiency of such radioisotope batteries does not exceed 7%. Betavolta was not used in practice for a long time due to the very rapid destruction of parts of the batteries from radiation.

In the end, scientists found a way to directly convert the energy released along with the decay products of unstable atoms. It turned out that beta particles (electrons whose speed is quite high during the decay of an atom) are able to decompose water molecules into hydrogen, hydroxyl radical and other ions.

Research has shown that these decomposed portions of water molecules can be used to directly extract the energy absorbed by them as a result of collision with beta particles.

In order for a water nuclear battery to work, a special structure of hundreds of microscopic columns of titanium oxide coated with a film of platinum, similar in shape to a comb, is needed. In its teeth and on the surface of the platinum shell there are many micropores through which the named products of water decomposition can penetrate into the device. So in the process of battery operation, a series of chemical reactions- there is a decomposition and formation of water molecules, while free electrons appear and are captured.

The energy released during all these reactions is absorbed by the "needles" and converted into electricity. Due to the plasmons that appear on the surface of the columns, which have special physical properties, such a water-nuclear battery reaches a maximum efficiency, which can be 54%, and this is almost ten times higher than classical radioisotope current sources.

The ionic solution used here is very difficult to freeze even at fairly low temperatures. environment, which allows the use of batteries manufactured according to new technology, to power electric vehicles, and with the right packaging, in spacecraft for various purposes.

The half-life of radioactive strontium-90 is about 28 years, so Kwon and Kim's nuclear battery can operate without a significant loss in power for several decades, with a decrease in power of only 2% per year. Such parameters, scientists believe, open up a clear prospect for the widespread distribution of electric vehicles.


Energy application nuclear decay gives, in contrast to, for example, solar power sources, qualitatively different types of long-term space power plants. The fact is that the energy sources of space nuclear installations (a reactor or a radioactive isotope) do not receive this energy from space, but are, as it were, batteries. At the same time, a nuclear reactor is not a direct source of electricity. A reactor or isotope is a powerful source of heat. Receipt electric current in a nuclear power source is reduced to the conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy.

The nuclear power source will be located directly on board the OCS, and this makes it possible to receive energy almost continuously and regardless of any external factors.

Here we will not dwell on the principle of operation and the design of a nuclear reactor; quite a lot and in detail has been written about this. Consider only some ways of converting thermal energy into electrical energy.

Turbine generator set with a nuclear reactor is considered one of the most promising systems for long-term use in space, so we will consider it in more detail.

On fig. 31 shown circuit diagram such an installation, with a heat transfer agent and the working medium of which is a liquid.

Rice. 31. Diagram of a nuclear turbine generator set:

1 - reactor; 2 - boiler; 3 - pump; 4 - turbine; 5 - electric generator; 6 - refrigerator; 7 - pump

The heat released in a nuclear reactor is absorbed coolant primary circuit. The liquid heated to a high temperature enters the heat exchanger - boiler, where it gives off its heat working body secondary circuit. After that, the primary coolant pump high pressure is distilled back into the reactor.

The main operating cycle of the installation is carried out in the secondary circuit. The working fluid (also liquid) is first heated to the boiling point in the boiler, and then completely evaporates here. The steam that enters the working blades of the steam turbine drives an ordinary machine electric generator. The exhaust steam, after leaving the turbine, enters the refrigerator, where it is completely condensed, i.e., it turns into a liquid again.

As we have already said, the only way to release heat into the surrounding space in space is radiation. Therefore, the refrigerator of any space installation is a heat emitter. The working fluid, which has come to its original liquid state, is distilled by the pump back into the boiler. This completes the cycle of the main working circuit.

A scheme in which the main working fluid is not heated directly in the reactor, but receives heat through an intermediate coolant, is called double-circuit.

It is possible to use and single-loop a heat transfer scheme in which there is no primary circuit and the working fluid is heated and evaporated not in the boiler, but directly in the channels of the reactor fuel elements.

It is obvious that the single-circuit scheme is simpler and lighter, since it does not have a heat exchanger - a boiler and primary circuit lines. In addition, with such a scheme, it would be possible to significantly increase the heat removal from the heat-releasing surface of the reactor, to obtain a higher cycle temperature, and, consequently, a higher efficiency. But despite all these advantages, a single-circuit scheme cannot be applied to OKS. main reason- contamination of the system coolant with radioactive decay products and the occurrence of the so-called induced activity in the structural elements of the installation. And this entails an increase in the weight of anti-radiation protection for the crew and, in addition, makes it largely impossible to repair and preventive maintenance of the installation under operating conditions. With a two-circuit scheme, the main working fluid does not have direct contact with the nuclear reactor, and the secondary circuit of the system is quite accessible for maintenance.

The actual implementation of a space electrical turbine plant with a nuclear reactor is associated with the choice of a suitable working fluid for the main (secondary) circuit.

In ground nuclear power plants with a turbogenerator, water is used as a working fluid. But high corrosiveness, high vapor pressures (up to 280 atm and more), high induced radioactivity, and most importantly, low maximum cycle temperatures (not higher than 300 °C) make water completely inapplicable for space power plants.

The best properties are liquid metal coolants. Liquid metals: mercury, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium and some others have very high thermal conductivity, high latent heat of vaporization, low vapor pressures at high temperatures, which justifies their widespread use in the design of nuclear turbine generators. Anticorrosive properties and induced activity are also quite acceptable.

In principle, a turbogenerator circuit can be carried out not only on vapors of liquid metals, but also with gas as a working fluid - according to the so-called Brayton cycle, that is, as a gas turbine plant, which includes a compressor instead of a pump. But such a scheme, with some advantages (higher temperatures and high performance), has very significant drawbacks, in particular, a very large specific gravity.

The constructive solution of a turbogenerator nuclear installation can be considered using the example of the SNAP-2 system developed in the USA with an electric power of 3 kW (Fig. 32).

Rice. 32. Power plant SNAP-2:

1 - condenser tube; 2 - emitter; 3 - reactor core; 4 - additional heater; 5 - coolant pump; 6 - reactor reflector; 7 - load management; 8 - payload; nine - expansion tank; 10 - mercury pump; 11 - plain bearing and thrust bearings; 12 - stator of the electric generator; 13 - turbine; 14 - plain bearing; 15 - pump

The primary coolant is sodium-potassium alloy, the temperature of which at the outlet of the reactor is 650 °C. The coolant of the secondary circuit is mercury. Maximum temperature duty cycle 621 °C. Turbine - two-stage. The area of ​​the radiation cooler - emitter - 9.3 m 2 . The electric generator provides alternating current with a voltage of 110 V, a frequency of 2000 Hz.

The total efficiency of SNAP-2 is only 6.5%. This means that out of 50 kW of the thermal power of the reactor, about 47 kW is dissipated by the emitter or is used to heat the structure. Total weight SNAP-2 systems without biological protection - 270 kg (of which 90 kg falls on the reactor), i.e. the unit weight without protection is 90 kg/kW.

But even this rather high specific gravity of a nuclear installation will noticeably increase due to the weight of biological protection, which to a large extent depends on the location of the power plant at the station, as well as on the operating conditions, in particular, on the place where the reactor is launched - whether it will be produced on Earth or after launching the OCS into orbit.

The ground launch of a nuclear installation complicates the maintenance of the launch site, but provides conditions for full check operation of the entire power system.

Launching in orbit is associated with a decrease in the reliability of the entire energy system and quite difficult to implement. In the case of a launch on Earth, the crew, at the time of preparation for launch and in flight when passing through the atmosphere, must be completely protected not only from directed radiation, but also from its “splashing” by ambient air molecules, i.e., in practice, the protection must be circular, continuous. In orbit, only the so-called shadow protection of the crew is enough, the weight of which, obviously, is much less. In addition, in orbit, the power plant can be removed from the main structure of the OCS at a certain distance, for example, using a retractable telescopic rod or in another way. And since the thickness of the protection depends on the distance to the source of radiation, the weight of the shadow protective screen can be made even less. How much should the biological protection for the SNAP-2 turbogenerator weigh? It is calculated based on the allowable radiation dose for the crew. If we assume that the total dose for the OCS crew for three months should not exceed 15 roentgens, then the weight of protection when the reactor is crushed from the crew by 15 m will be from 200 to 450 kg, depending on the mutual layout of the reactor and the cockpit.

Thus, the total weight of the installation can reach 720 kg, and the specific gravity - 240 kg/kW. It should be noted, however, that with an increase in the power of the installation, these figures decrease significantly.

Turbine generator plant is not the only way to use the energy of a nuclear reactor in space. There are other ways to convert it into electricity. We will discuss these methods in the section on non-machine methods of energy conversion.

The energy of nuclear decay can be obtained not only in a reactor, but also with the help of radioactive isotopes. The main advantages of this energy source, applicable for small powers up to 0.5 kW), are low weight and long time continuous and stable operation.

The principle scheme for the use of isotopes is no different from the scheme of a turbogenerator plant with a reactor - the coolant is pumped through a special boiler with tubes made of a material saturated with an isotope, such as strontium-90 or cesium-144. But the scheme used in solar batteries can be used: a phosphor layer irradiated with heat from an isotope emits photons that fall on a silicon element similar to a solar battery. It is very difficult to obtain high electrical power with the help of radioisotopes, and hardly profitable, given the difficulty in obtaining isotopes and their high cost.

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Finally, Rosatom showed up in our battery meadow, showing at the Atomexpo-2017 forum nuclear battery with a service life of at least 50 years. Taking advantage of this significant occasion, we will consider the prospects for the use of peaceful atom for mobile devices.

Atomic (nuclear) battery- this is still a battery, not a battery, since by definition it is a one-time source of electric current, without the possibility of recharging. Despite this, the public imagination is actively excited by the prospect of using atomic batteries in mobile devices. But first things first.

What exactly did Rosatom present at the forum? CEO Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NII NPO Luch", Pavel Zaitsev stated that the presented source, operating on the Ni63 isotope, is capable of delivering 1mkW with a voltage of 2V for 50 years. Pavel Zaitsev quite frankly speaks about modest current-voltage characteristics, focusing on a long service life. Probably, solely out of personal modesty, the General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NII NPO Luch" indicated in technical specifications only power, not the generally accepted capacity. But we won't lend it great importance and just calculate the capacity:

C = 0.000001W * 50 years * 365 days * 24 hours / 2V = 219mA

It turns out that the capacity of a nuclear battery, the size of a small universal battery, is just like a lithium-polymer (Li-Pol) battery for bluetooth headphones! Pavel Zaitsev suggests the use of his nuclear battery in cardiology, which is very doubtful given such a huge size. Perhaps this nuclear battery can be considered as a kind of prototype for generating electricity from isotopes, but Rosatom will need to reduce the battery thousands of times to match modern pacemakers.

Not at all happy with the price nuclear battery- director of the state unitary enterprise announced the price of nickel isotope in dollars (!) 4000USD/gram. Does this mean that the main component will be purchased outside of Russia? And how many grams is needed to make one battery? At the same time, it was noted that diamond elements would also be required (it is also not clear how much?), But the cost of which (already in rubles) ranges from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles apiece. What will be the total cost of such a battery? In Russia, pacemakers are installed under the CHI policy free of charge in emergency cases or if there is a quota. If the quota is insufficient and for foreign-made pacemakers, patients have to pay on their own. Will nuclear batteries be installed at the expense of the MHI budget or will the elderly have to purchase them separately? If the leadership of Rosatom remembered that Russian pensioners live in the mode of "stay day and hold out at night," then they would probably realize that absurd dissonance between space service life and cost. This suggests that the respected Pavel Zaitsev is actively using the funds allocated for R&D, without thinking at all about the end users. A similar assessment of the "invention" of Rosatom is given by users social networks:

It's unlikely to be used anywhere. I am more than sure that the budget, as always, was mastered, part of it was spent on the presentation, and no one will ever see the product itself :)

The declared service life (50 years), as we guessed, is just half the half-life of Ni 63 (100 years). The same logic is used by scientists at the University of Bristol in a concept video. Unlike the Rosatom battery, the Bristol atomic battery uses the C 14 isotope and can last 5730 years! The University of Bristol forgot to divide by 2, but 2865 years is too long for a pacemaker. The uniqueness of the Bristol concept lies in the fact that the problem of nuclear waste is solved by processing them into nuclear batteries.

If you carefully listen and translate the text of this video, you will find much more interesting information. First, the origin of the C 14 isotope is described in detail.

Since 1940, England has made many nuclear reactors for scientific, military and civil purposes. All these reactors use uranium as fuel, and inside the reactor is made of graphite blocks. These graphite blocks are used in the nuclear fission process, allowing control of the chain reaction that produces permanent source heat. This heat is then used to turn water into steam, which then turns turbines to make electricity. Nuclear power plants produce nuclear waste that must be disposed of safely. We just need to wait for this waste to cease to be radioactive. Unfortunately, it takes thousands and millions of years. It also requires a lot of money to keep the security under control for these many years. Since we use graphite reactors, England has created 95,000 tons of graphite blocks containing radiation. This graphite is only one of the forms of carbon, a simple and stable element, but if you put these blocks in a highly radioactive place, then part of the carbon turns into carbon 14. Carbon 14 can turn back into regular carbon 12 when its extra energy is gone. But this is a very long process because the half-life of carbon 14 is 5730 years.
Recently, scientists from the University of Bristol's Cabot Institute have demonstrated that carbon 14 is concentrated in blocks by radiation from the outside. This means that it is possible to remove most of the radiation by heating them - most of the radiation comes out as a gas, which can then be collected. The remaining graphite blocks are still radioactive , but not as much, which means that it will be easier and cheaper to dispose of them.Radioactive carbon 14 in the form of a gas, can be recycled with low pressures and high temperatures into diamond - this is another form of carbon. Man-made diamonds, made from radioactive carbon, emit a stream of beta radiation that can create an electrical current. This gives us the nuclear power of the diamond battery. To make it safe for our use, it is covered with a layer of non-radioactive diamond, which completely absorbs all radiation and turns it into electricity by almost 100%. There are no moving parts, no maintenance, the diamond just produces electricity. Since the diamond is the most solid in the world, no other substance can give such protection for radioactive carbon 14 . Therefore, a very small amount of radiation can be detected outside. But that's about the same amount of radiation as a banana, so it's completely safe. As we said, only half of the carbon 14 decays every 5730 years, which means that our diamond battery has an amazing life - it will be discharged by 50% in only 7746 years. These diamond batteries will be best used where conventional batteries cannot be changed. For example in satellites for space exploration or for implanted devices such as pacemakers.

We ask everyone to send their suggestions to #diamondbattery. The development of this new technology would solve many problems, such as nuclear waste, clean electricity, and extended battery life. This will take us to the "diamond age" of energy production.

A very beautiful concept of scientists from Bristol in 2016 and a very modest box of Rosatom may (?) Someday be finalized to diamond power plants, but not nuclear batteries for mobile devices. It will be difficult to persuade people to walk around with Fukushima in their pocket, even if they start paying extra for it.

The use of the atom for peaceful purposes is one of the controversial issues of our time, given that energy is the most monopolized sector of the economy, when more than 90% of the KW price of electricity is taxes and fees. The effectiveness of the peaceful atom is questionable, since the price of conditionally cheap nuclear energy does not include the cost of man-made consequences. Therefore, some countries, including Germany and Japan, have decided to completely abandon the use of the atom in the energy sector. Indeed, by developing renewable energy sources, one can not only completely abandon nuclear energy, but also create a high-tech industry with millions of highly qualified jobs.

Summing up, we most likely have another techno-fool like "Superaccumulator", and not a breakthrough "invention" of the diamond age. In other words, using a peaceful atom in micro-energy is like shaving a pig - there is a lot of squealing, but little wool!

Russian physicists have developed a battery that can convert the energy of beta decay into electricity - the radiation of electrons from a radioactive element.

A team of researchers from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, led by Professor Yury Parkhomenko, Head of the Department of Materials Science of Semiconductors and Dielectrics, presented prototypes of radioisotope batteries created using the technology of converting beta radiation energy into electrical energy based on piezoelectric single crystals. The radioactive isotope Nickel-63 was used as a source. Its half-life is about 100 years, which allows you to create batteries with a service life of up to 50 years.

Prototype of a nuclear battery presented by MISiS

Head of work Professor Yuri Nikolaevich Parkhomenko

These batteries are also often referred to as "nuclear" because they use the process of beta decay, in which one of the neutrons of the nucleus is converted into a proton with the emission of an electron. Although beta decay is a type of radioactive radiation, people have nothing to fear. Beta radiation in this case has a low penetrating power and is easily retained by the shell. And the nickel-63 isotope used has no accompanying gamma radiation. So the batteries themselves do not radiate and are completely safe.

To compensate low power natural beta decay, physicists use a pulsed mode with charge accumulation. In this case, it is possible to provide a continuous electric current power of 10-100 nanowatts from each cubic centimeter of the device. This power is enough to power, for example, a pacemaker.

Thanks to long term battery services will find application in cases where their replacement is undesirable or simply impossible: in medicine, nuclear power, aerospace engineering, nano- and microelectronics, in security and control systems.

The choice of the nickel-63 isotope, which does not exist in nature, is not accidental. Our country has also developed a unique technology for its production in special nuclear reactors and enrichment to the required "not lower than 80%". The production of batteries is planned for the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The unique characteristics of the developed device, its compactness and safety allow us to hope for its competitiveness in the market of similar power supplies.
The only drawback of the battery is its high cost. Due to the high cost of production of nickel-63 on initial stage it can be several million rubles. However, as the technology develops and mass production is established, the price will inevitably fall sharply.

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