Why condensation occurs on cold water pipes and how to get rid of fogging. Tired of a puddle under a pipe? How to minimize condensation on water pipes Cold water pipe is wet

Encyclopedia of Plants 20.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Many are interested in how to eliminate condensate on a cold water pipe. Because this problem is encountered very often.

At first glance, damp pipes for supplying cold water are a source of dampness in a kitchen or bathroom. Also, this phenomenon can provoke the appearance of mold.

These factors will shorten the period between system repairs in a wet room. Why condensation occurs, and how to resist it, will be discussed further.

Most often, condensate from a cold water pipe appears due to insufficient ventilation in the room. It is for these reasons that moisture is collected in droplets in a system that transports cold water.

Moist air helps a lot. For these reasons, before installing cold water pipes, it is recommended to create a thermal insulation layer that will prevent any temperature difference on the top of the pipe.

This problem also occurs when the pipes for cold and hot water are located close together.

With such a problem in the bathroom or bathroom, it is recommended at the very beginning to check the functioning of the ventilation.

For a long time, it could become clogged. Malfunctions in the ventilation network are clearly visible when the windows are closed, if there are plastic windows in the room. This can be checked very easily.

ADVICE! If you take a paper sheet and attach it to the hood with the plastic windows closed, and then do the same with the windows open, then the difference will be visually noticeable. If there is no ventilation, then it will be visible immediately.

And one more feature in the bathroom is the layout of pipes with cold and hot water. They are often carried out in close proximity, without laying thermal insulation.

It is not surprising that in the place where water is supplied to the plumbing, the pipes begin to “cry”. On open wiring, it is easier to eliminate condensate.

But, in a situation where the network is hidden in the wall, the solution of the issue entails more complex work. This will include repair measures, because the fastest way is to change the geometry of the structure.

Considering the reasons for the condensate of a water pipe with cold water in a bathroom or bathroom, it should be noted that in general the situation is similar to the one described above, but one “BUT” arises.

In these rooms, there are an order of magnitude more pipes, and the space, as a rule, is smaller. And here, even at the installation stage, it is necessary to solve the issue of thermal insulation of pipes.

How to solve this problem

And she deserves special attention. You can purchase special material that can be easily purchased at any hardware store for little money.

It does not matter if this was not at hand, you can use improvised means. Mounting foam and corrugation can save the situation.

The volume of the corrugation should slightly exceed the volume of pipe products laid in the network. The process itself is deceptively simple.

The corrugation is pre-cut into the necessary pieces, and they are put on the nozzles. The empty space is filled with mounting foam. At this point, the mission is considered completed.

There is another very simple method that will help eliminate the appearance of water drops on the pipes. For work you need to prepare:

  1. sanding paper;
  2. phosphoric acid;
  3. thick thread;
  4. strips of old fabric;
  5. putty knife;
  6. acetone.

Course of action:

  • Any pieces of unnecessary fabric are cut into strips no more than 7 cm wide, which are rolled up. They are recommended to be prepared with a margin so as not to be distracted during work.
  • The pipe is plastered, otherwise the material will not firmly adhere to it. Then it is degreased with acetone.
  • At this stage, a rust converter is applied, and when the pipes dry, putty is applied to them. This material instantly hardens, for this reason, you will have to act quickly.
  • The prepared pipes are wrapped with fabric strips, so that each subsequent turn overlaps the previous one. The final coup is tightly tied with a cord.
  • Thus, insulation from fabric strips is applied in several layers.
  • The procedure is completed by applying an epoxy layer. When it dries completely, the pipe products are sanded and the paint of the selected shade is applied.

How to get rid of condensation on plastic pipes

Leaks in plumbing fixtures are a common basis for the appearance of condensate. If the workpiece that supplies water to sanitary fixtures gets wet, then breakdowns can be in the tap, in the shower faucet, in the inlet valve of the toilet tank. A wet riser may indicate that there are leaks in neighboring apartments from above.

If the pipe network is laid out of plastic, then the problem of how to eliminate condensate on plastic pipes is solved as follows:

  • The hoods are checked and the ventilation grille is replaced with a compact fan.
  • The network is isolated with special tubes with a cut. These products are offered in every hardware store. They are made from energy flex and polyethylene foam. This is a very simple method, only before starting the insulation, it is necessary to dry the pipes thoroughly.
  • Full insulation of plastic pipes can be provided by the use of fabric strips and plastering. Above is a detailed description of how this is done.

Features of a metal water pipeline

The problem of how to eliminate condensate on metal water pipes is no less acute than in previous situations.

If plumbing metal pipelines are constantly exposed to drops of water, they will quickly be damaged by corrosion.

The following actions help to eliminate the condensate of metal pipes:

  1. Branch pipes are protected from rust, dried and opened with drying oil, oil paint.
  2. Cover with carbolate. This is a paste-like agent for sealing cracks in the walls and floor, it is applied with a layer of 0.5 cm. This composition should harden for a day, and then the surface is sanded with fine sandpaper and painted with oil paint.
  3. Projector primers. They consist of zinc dust, which is diluted with drying oil. With this composition, the highway is opened, and then it is painted (enamel).
  4. The line in the toilet can be treated with a product based on drying oil and minium, or with special primers (for example: FL-031, FL-053).

Advice! In the bathroom, the cold water pipeline is allowed to be painted with any kind of enamel, and the water pipes for hot water supply can only be covered with oil-resistant enamels.

How else do you deal with condensation?

Video: how to eliminate condensate on plastic water pipes

Eliminating condensation on pipes is not an easy task, without determining the exact cause of this phenomenon.

Experts on this subject express such an opinion.

  • Professional plumbers are advised to purchase Gofroterm. This is a special composition that can be bought at building materials stores. It is superimposed on the surface of the pipes, and forms a strong and elastic film there, which prevents wet manifestations.
  • Also, experts are confident in the effectiveness of liquid thermal insulation, which is applied to a dry and cleaned line.
  • If all plumbing and piping is in good condition, then condensate may accumulate due to the temperature difference between the pipes and the air. In this situation, only the insulation of the system will help. The most suitable option for such insulation, professionals call foamed polyethylene or merylon, which are not difficult to buy at any building materials store for a low cost. This insulating material is fastened by putting it on the pipeline. Fix it with a clamp and wire.

IMPORTANT! Experts warn that it is possible to eliminate fogging of the water supply system that supplies cold water using various methods. Which of them to choose, can be decided only after a thorough analysis of the situation.

The fact is that in addition to the main ones, there are side effects that lead to the formation of condensate. The source of dampness is evaporation from the basement, poor waterproofing and wall insulation.

Because of this, condensation and frost appear. In such situations, there is only one way out - this is the insulation of the floor and walls in the house with high-quality material.

In addition to the reasons already listed, leading to "wet" troubles, there are others. For example, weather conditions. Frequent and prolonged rains, the proximity of a reservoir, the proximity of groundwater also significantly increases the moisture index in the house.

You can reduce it by installing a moisture absorber or an air conditioner that has the function of dehumidifying the air. Dehumidifiers on the market today are an excellent method for removing moisture.

These are plastic boxes containing absorbent tablets. When using these devices, they not only get rid of fogging on pipes, but also eliminate moisture throughout the house.

Experts can advise how to eliminate condensate on a cold water pipe. If they are entrusted with this task, then you can be sure that they will quickly and effectively eliminate the causes leading to dampness in the apartment. And in this case, it will be possible not to worry about the health of people.

Condensation forming on the pipeline is a common occurrence. In this regard, it is worthwhile to understand what such a situation could threaten. If you think that a steamy pipe only makes your home unattractive, then you are seriously mistaken. There may be certain problems that require urgent attention to eliminate the possibility of more serious problems. In any case, you should understand what is the reason for this situation and how to solve it.

Mostly fogging is observed on pipes with cold water, which also applies to adjacent plumbing fittings. Much less often, drops appear on the surface of cylindrical products for the disposal of sewage. On pipelines of heating and hot water supply, condensate is completely absent.

The appearance of moisture on the pipes in the apartment is similar to how dew forms on the grass. The air in the room is usually warm, and the cylindrical structures are cold, so when one comes into contact with the other, moisture falls out of the air, which is condensate. For this to be realized in practice, certain conditions must be present: a temperature difference and a specific humidity parameter.

Moisture can form when the so-called dew point is reached, when the surface temperature reaches its maximum values. More detailed information on this subject can be obtained through a special table.

So, at an air temperature of 22 ° C and a humidity parameter of 70%, condensate appears on the pipes if the surface temperature differs from the corresponding ambient value by 6 ° C, that is, it is 16 ° C. If the temperature exceeds the mentioned value, condensation will not occur.

Drops are formed mainly in the cold season if the liquid is taken from open sources, for example, from rivers, since the water in them is characterized by a large temperature difference depending on the season: about 5 ° C in winter and about 14 ° C in summer. If the liquid enters the pipe system from an artesian well, such a dependence is not traced, however, this fact leads to the fact that condensate may also occur in the summer.

The so-called fogging of pipes provokes their rapid wear due to the appearance of rust. The formation of moisture on cylindrical structures contributes to the development of mold and fungus, leads to damage to the finish of the room and flooding of neighbors from below if the amount of condensate becomes prohibitive.

What else contributes to the appearance of moisture on the pipes


Condensation is not a problem per se. It is easy to get rid of it, having understood the causes of this trouble. The temperature difference causes the formation of moisture on the surface of the pipeline, therefore it is necessary to establish a barrier between cold products and humid air in the room. To achieve this goal, thermal insulation is used.

As a heat-insulating material, it is preferable to use foamed polyethylene, which has the following properties:

  • does not rot;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • differs in high characteristics of thermal insulation.

It is recommended to use foamed polyethylene, presented in the form of a tube. This type of product is convenient in terms of application, since its internal diameter corresponds to the cross section of standard plumbing cylindrical products.

The optimal solution is to place a heat-insulating tube during the installation of the water supply system. In this case, the best tightness is provided, but this is rarely possible.

Basically, it is necessary to isolate the already assembled structure, which is done by cutting the polyethylene foam tube along the length and putting it on cylindrical products, followed by fastening with plastic ties or plumbing tape.

To ensure tightness, due attention must be paid to the top and bottom of the pipe, otherwise you can get the effect that is inherent in the chimney. If it is not possible to reach some sections of the water supply, it is recommended to use mounting foam.

What materials are suitable for removing condensate

In addition to foamed polyethylene, as mentioned above, the use of polyurethane foam is available. But also for these purposes, a corrugation that has a larger diameter compared to the pipe, in relation to which work is carried out to prevent the formation of condensate, is quite suitable. To put this into practice, you will need to cut the material into the appropriate parts and wrap the pipes with them, filling the annular space with mounting foam.

Condensation in the bathroom

Having found a leak in the riser, you should contact your neighbors: perhaps they have problems with plumbing in their apartment. If moisture has formed on a pipe that is connected to a bathtub or sink, then the first step is to check the serviceability of the faucets, while it is desirable to insulate the pipes. Poor ventilation can also lead to condensation in the bathroom, so you need to make sure it works.

You can also resort to the use of special chemicals in the form of the same "Grafoterm". It will be possible to get rid of condensate if dry structures are rubbed with this substance. However, it should be noted that the effect will be temporary.

Condensate on the gas pipe

A cylindrical product coming from a gas boiler always has traces of drops. It will not be possible to completely get rid of this phenomenon, however, it is possible to significantly reduce the amount of moisture on the pipe walls. This is achieved by insulating the structure, focusing on its upper part, which reduces the cooling rate.

To prevent condensation from forming inside the product, it is advisable to use sandwich pipes in which the outer walls act as a heat-insulating barrier.

Condensation in the toilet

Misting can also occur on the pipes in the restroom, which is associated with the appearance of steam in the air or a temperature difference. Settling of water droplets on cylindrical products is a problem that may be due to insufficient ventilation. To understand how true this statement is, you should open the door to the toilet and leave it in that position overnight. If the pipes are dry by morning, then the duct is not coping with its tasks.

Another reason for moisture condensation may well lie in a tank malfunction. Its flow leads to a continuous flow of cold liquid into the sewer drain pipe, which explains the formation of moisture on its surface. This can be avoided by restoring the normal functioning of the reservoir outlet valve.

Why is a wet pipe dangerous?

Condensation on cylindrical structures helps to reduce the life of the pipeline, since such an environment provokes metal corrosion. High humidity in the room is not only the smell of dampness, but also the appearance of fungi and mold, which can adversely affect the health of residents. Finally, abundant condensate causes serious smudges and puddles, and this inevitably brings the repair time closer, which implies an unplanned expenditure of funds.

Condensation appearing on the pipeline is a frequent phenomenon. This does not make the bathroom more attractive, but rather, it becomes a problem. Wet pipes fail much faster, humidity also rises and mold begins to form. The issue needs to be resolved as quickly as possible. What to do if the cold water pipes start to fog up and condensation begins to form? First of all - do not panic, any problems in the operation of your bathroom must be eliminated. You just need to familiarize yourself with the ways to deal with unwanted moisture and get down to business.

Causes of condensation

Residents of apartment buildings often encounter such a phenomenon as a “sweating pipe” with cold water. The causes of occurrence may be different. The nature of the appearance of water droplets on the pipes in the bathroom and in the toilet is slightly different. In a combined bathroom, the main reasons are:

Often the cause of condensation in the bathroom is poor ventilation.

  • insufficient;
  • continuous dialing ;
  • malfunction of work (passes the valve that shuts off cold water);
  • a large difference in the temperature of water and ambient air in the room;
  • high humidity or leakage from neighbors from above.

The bathroom should be well ventilated, air circulation allows you to remove unwanted moisture. With the continuous operation of the filling system of the tank, moisture condenses not only on the riser, but also on the wiring. A faucet dripping all the time causes a similar problem.

Faucet failure can also cause high humidity in the bathroom.

Each of the reasons can independently cause “fogging” of the riser or cold water distribution pipes, but, as a rule, the cause is precisely the combination of several points.

Advice! If the humidification of the pipes began suddenly, remember what changes you have made in your apartment lately. The reason may be the change of windows, and the installation of any other equipment that increases the temperature of the room.

What threatens the "sweating" pipe

The condensate that appears on the pipes is not just water droplets. First of all, it is an aggressive environment for. In conditions of high humidity, the material corrodes and quickly fails.

In conditions of continuous humidification, the smell of dampness appears in the room. In addition, in places of high humidity, excellent conditions are created for the development of various bacteria, including mold and all kinds of fungi. Constant human contact with this kind of "neighbors" is highly undesirable and can cause malfunctions in the body.

For metal pipes, constant moisture is fraught with rust.

If the appearance of condensate or its abundance is not detected in time, puddles may form on the floor. If they are not eliminated in time, then the time for repair work to replace the flooring in the bathroom can be brought closer.

What to do if you detect fogging on the pipes

If you notice in the bathroom that the riser or other pipes related to the cold water supply are covered with small drops of water, then a series of actions should be taken to find out the cause. Our algorithm will help you:

Important! If all the malfunctions in the water supply system have been eliminated, the ventilation is working correctly, then the appearance of moisture is due to the temperature difference.

The installation of new windows or additional heating systems necessarily affects the temperature in the room. If the difference between the temperature of the water in the pipe and the air in the room is more than 17 ° C, then condensation will certainly appear.

We get rid of the problem with the help of special devices

If the temperature difference was established as the cause of the “sweating” pipes, then the first necessity will be the insulation of the cold water riser. A variety of materials can serve as a heater, they all differ from each other in price, appearance and degree of insulation.

The simplest option is purchase of pads made of foamed heat-insulating material. They look like soft pipes with a cut along. The insulation is put on the pipe like a cover and glued together. It is very important not to make a mistake with the size. If you purchase an overlay with a larger diameter, then there will be no effect, just like with a smaller size (you cannot glue this one).

Insulation lining for cold water pipes

A more expensive, but very effective way is to apply heat-insulating paint. To insulate the cold water riser, it is necessary to apply 4-6 layers of the substance, allowing each layer to dry completely. When working with paint, it is important to ensure forced ventilation of the room. To do this, you can use a conventional fan.

Heat insulating paint

For greater effect, you can combine the two previous methods. Make sure that the coating is completely dry before putting on the painted pipe insulation. It is also allowed to apply a layer of paint on top of the heat-insulating nozzle, but only after it is well fixed.

Another means for warming is a larger plastic pipe, put on the main one. The formed air space is filled with polyurethane foam.

Important! When carrying out any work on the insulation of the pipe, it is necessary to completely dry it in advance from the formed drops.

Each of these methods is very effective, but if you did not count on your funds to purchase expensive coatings, you are better off using the old proven method - to create thermal insulation yourself.

Creating thermal insulation with your own hands

It is not so difficult to make a heater for a cold water riser yourself. For this we need:

  • sandpaper;
  • rust converter (eg phosphoric acid);

Rust Remover

  • strong thread;
  • cotton fabric (you can use old things);
  • epoxy putty;
  • putty knife.

An old sheet or duvet cover is well suited as a heater. Various bandages and other materials can be used. Large and wide canvases are best cut into strips up to 10 cm wide and rolled into rolls.

Epoxy putty

Next, you need to clean the pipe itself and degrease the surface. A regular acetone-based nail polish remover will do the trick. The next step is to treat the riser with a rust converter.

After careful preparation, you can begin warming. Apply a layer of putty and, without waiting for it to dry, wrap the pipe tightly with a cloth from the bottom up. Wind the fabric so that each turn overlaps the previous one and is saturated with putty. At the end, secure the bandage tightly with a thread.

Noticing that condensation often appears on the pipes in the bathroom, do not delay solving this problem.

After drying, apply a few more layers of insulation. The final step will be coating the pipe with putty. When the homemade casing is completely dry and hardened, it can be sanded and painted to match the wall.

Do not leave the problem with high humidity unattended. Not only the appearance of your bathroom depends on this, but also the integrity of the cold water pipes.

How to get rid of condensation in the bathroom: video

Condensate on pipes: photo

Condensation on pipes occurs due to the temperature difference between the ambient air and the water in the pipe. Especially often this phenomenon can be seen in the warm season. Excessive moisture on metal pipes leads to their rapid destruction, and on plastic pipes - to the formation of mold, so the cause of condensation must be eliminated in a timely manner.

Causes of condensation and solutions

Causes of moisture

If condensation accumulates on a pipe with cold water, in order to figure out how to fix the problem, it is necessary to identify the main causes of this phenomenon. There are several reasons for the accumulation of moisture on the pipes:

  • if condensate mainly accumulates on the water pipes of the riser in the bathroom or sewer, then the neighbors living on the floor above may have a problem with the formation of a leak;
  • poor ventilation in the room. The reason for the lack of air movement may be a clogged ventilation duct or metal-plastic windows that, when closed, do not let air in from the outside. With poor ventilation in the living room, water vapor accumulates, which subsequently settles on plastic pipes (metal pipes, and so on). You can check for proper ventilation with a match or a lighter. The flame from any object should be "drawn" into the hood. If this effect does not occur, then the channel is either clogged or unable to cope with its task.

Elimination of leaks

Why condensate forms on the pipes, found out. Now let's figure out how to fix leaks.

First of all, you need to determine the place where the water leak occurs. The leak may be:

  • due to a malfunction of the taps or mixer. In this situation, water will drip from the faucet;
  • after a pipe rupture;
  • due to wear of fittings on polypropylene pipes (metal-plastic pipes).

It is most difficult to detect pipe breaks or worn fittings if the pipes are hidden in the wall. To detect a leak, you will need to partially disassemble the box that closes the pipes, or resort to the help of specialists who will identify the malfunction with special devices - thermal imagers. Both of these methods will incur significant costs.

If a leak is detected in a mixer or faucet, then you can:

  1. change all gaskets. You can buy a repair kit for the mixer at any specialized store. To select a repair kit, you need to know the brand and manufacturer of the mixer. You can replace the gaskets yourself;

  1. if after the repair the formation of condensate on the pipes has not stopped, then it is necessary to replace the mixer.

If a leak is detected in the pipes, then you can:

  1. solder the pipe, that is, install the plug in place of the leak. This method is considered the least reliable, therefore it is recommended for use as a temporary measure.

Replacing fittings is no problem. It is enough to remove the leaking part and install a similar new product.

Before carrying out any operation, it is necessary to first shut off the water supply to the dwelling.

Troubleshooting ventilation problems

How to get rid of condensate on the pipes, if the reason lies in insufficient ventilation of the room? Required:

  1. contact the management company with a request to inspect and clean the ventilation shaft of the house. The specified work must be done free of charge and in a short time, since monitoring the technical condition of the house is the direct responsibility of managers;
  2. what to do if the problems in the mine at home are eliminated, but condensate still accumulates. Can be installed indoor bath, toilet, etc. additional fan built into the hood. The fan can be forced to turn on or work, for example, when the light is turned on;

  1. you can get rid of condensate on a cold pipe by installing an air conditioner or a kitchen hood for a stove or.

Do-it-yourself thermal insulation of pipes

How to remove condensate from cold water pipes if all of the above malfunctions have been eliminated, but the problem remains? You can make thermal insulation of pipes using:

  • chemicals;
  • specialized heaters.

Insulation with chemicals

For pipe insulation, mixtures can be used:

How to deal with condensate with chemicals:

  1. first of all, it is required to clean the surface of the pipe from dirt and rust (if metal pipes are used). To get rid of rust, you can also use various chemicals;
  2. further, the entire surface of the pipe is treated with a primer for the best fit of the insulating mixture to the pipe. The time for complete drying of the pipe is indicated on the package with a primer. On average, this takes 30 minutes - 1 hour;
  3. a protective mixture is applied to the surface of the pipe. To do the job, you can use a brush, roller or spray gun. As a rule, it is recommended to apply the chemical preparation in 3-5 layers, and each layer requires preliminary drying, the time of which is indicated on the package;
  4. to increase the service life of pipes over the insulating material, it is recommended to apply a kind of fixer, which, in addition to its direct function, will give the pipes an aesthetic appearance.

You can learn more about pipe processing with Teplomett mixture from the video.

The use of liquid mixtures as a heat insulator allows not only to reliably protect pipes from condensate, but also to extend the life of the plumbing system.

Insulation with heaters

As insulating materials for pipes can be used:

  • Styrofoam;
  • basalt;
  • foamed polyethylene;
  • mineral wool.

As a rule, pipe insulation material is ready-made rolls, inside of which a pipe is inserted. The roll consists of:

To make the thermal insulation of pipes with insulating materials, you need:

  1. prepare the surface of the pipe, having previously removed all dirt and rust from it;
  2. if an adhesive-based insulation is used, then remove the protective film from the inside and wrap the pipe. If the insulation is not equipped with an adhesive base, then the entire pipe must be covered with a special adhesive;

The diameter of the insulation roll must match the diameter of the pipe. Otherwise, it will not be possible to get rid of the condensate, since moisture will penetrate under the insulation.

  1. press the material against the pipe for the best grip;
  2. seal the hole through which the pipe was wrapped.

Condensation on pipes can destroy or destroy the sewers of a house, as well as harm the health of people around, therefore it is necessary to get rid of the accumulation of moisture on pipes in a timely manner by any of the most effective and affordable methods.

Condensation can almost always be observed on cold water pipes. This phenomenon not only spoils the appearance of the bathroom to some extent, but can cause serious problems. Constantly wet tubular elements have a limited service life.

Therefore, such a problem should be solved very quickly. In this case, questions arise about what to do if drops of water are found on the pipeline and how to remove condensate from cold water pipes. First, there is no need to over-dramatize the situation. Secondly, you need to familiarize yourself with all the methods for eliminating this problem. Thirdly, choose the most optimal option and put it into practice.

Causes of condensation

Condensation on cold water pipes can appear for the following reasons:

  • The presence of a source of high humidity in the room.
  • Insufficient ventilation.
  • Water supply pipes have poor quality thermal insulation.
  • Temperature changes. For this reason, in the summer, a stronger formation of condensate can be observed, which simply flows down the surface of the pipes.

The main part of the reasons for the formation of condensate does not require explanation. As for the first item from the list, some clarifications are required.

Sources of high humidity include the following:

  • Problems arising in the process of functioning of communication systems and buildings. These can be steam from cooking, evaporation from wet laundry, a flooded basement, a pipe failure, and a vent clogged with debris.
  • Defects in the building resulting from a violation of construction technology.
  • Geographical features of the region: the proximity of large bodies of water or high levels of humidity in combination with rocky soil, which contributes to the formation of condensate.
  • Unfavorable natural phenomena: sleet, prolonged rains or humid climate of the area.

Prerequisites for the appearance of condensate on cold water pipes

In most cases, condensate appears on pipes located in bathrooms. Despite the specifics of these rooms, it is not only for this reason that the pipes become wet.

There are a number of factors that can cause condensation to form on the pipes in a toilet:

  • Insufficient ventilation. To determine that condensation appears precisely because of this, it is enough to leave the doors to the toilet open at night. If the pipeline turns out to be dry in the morning, then you should repair the ventilation system and make it better.
  • Constant flow of water in the tank due to a malfunction of the valve. This leads to the fact that the pipeline begins to cool, resulting in a greater accumulation of condensate on its surface. A simple repair of the inlet valve and tank taps will help fix the problem.
  • Leak in the toilet of the neighbors living on the top floor. In this case, you need to inform the owners about the situation. In their absence, you can temporarily eliminate the condensate with your own hands. To do this, the section of the pipeline, on which the accumulation of water drops is found, is wrapped with a bandage in several layers and one end of the winding is lowered into a container, the accumulated water is regularly poured out. See also: "".

The accumulation of water on the cold water pipes in the bathroom can occur in the following situations:

  • Incorrect location of the water supply system. If the pipes of hot and cold water supply pass close enough to each other and do not have thermal insulation, then accumulation of water droplets is observed on the elements through which cold water flows. The way out of this situation is to ensure high-quality thermal insulation of pipe elements using suitable materials.
  • Mixer failure. If water constantly drips from the tap, the overall temperature of the working medium decreases, which leads to cooling of the pipes and the formation of condensate on their surface. Repairing the mixer will help solve the problem.

How to remove condensate, how to wrap pipes

For those who have encountered such a phenomenon, the question immediately arises of how to wrap the pipe so that there is no condensate. There are several ways to prevent the appearance of water droplets on the surface of cold water supply pipes, one of which is thermal insulation. This option is considered the most effective, as it eliminates the cause of their appearance - a temperature drop. The easiest and fastest way to resolve the issue is by means of an insulating tube, cutting it lengthwise for convenient placement. For the manufacture of the tube, polyethylene foam, energy flex or thermoflex is used.

There is another way to deal with condensate on tubular elements, but it is considered more complicated. Using this option requires the following materials: epoxy putty, acetone, rust remover, sanding paper, spatula, nylon thread and strips of fabric about 5 cm wide.

The process looks like this:

  • The pipe is cleaned with sanding paper to improve surface adhesion.
  • Degrease the skinned area with acetone.
  • The surface is treated with a rust remover and allowed to dry (read also: "").
  • A thick epoxy putty is applied to the pipe and wrapped with strips of fabric. The edges are fixed with a thread.
  • Another layer of putty is applied on top and again wrapped with a cloth.
  • Cover the fabric with putty and leave to dry completely.
  • After all layers have dried, the pipe is sanded and painted.

In the event that drops of water appear as a result of a malfunction of the plastic pipeline, you can independently replace the damaged section of the pipeline with a new elbow. Metal pipelines can only be replaced by plumbers with special equipment and skills.

To prevent condensation on plastic cold water pipes, the following types of insulating materials are recommended:

  • Styrofoam or expanded polystyrene is considered a universal insulation for pipelines made of polymeric materials. It comes in the form of a shell, consisting of two halves. They are connected to each other by means of a tongue-and-groove lock. The use of such insulation is quite simple: the shell halves are put on the pipe and fixed with adhesive tape.
  • Mineral wool for pipeline insulation is produced in rolls, which greatly simplifies the use of this material.
  • Polyurethane foam refers to heaters with high insulating characteristics. The temperature range of such a material is quite wide, from -160 0 C to +150 0 C. Almost all polypropylene pipes have such a layer, it is formed on products during the production process. In this case, the thickness of the insulation reaches 5 cm.

Chemical elements that help get rid of condensate

Products of the chemical industry help to protect cold water supply pipes from condensate formation: Stermizol, Korund, Teplomett and others.

The use of these insulating compounds implies the following actions:

  • The pipe is cleaned of dirt and rust.
  • Apply a layer of primer for better adhesion of the insulation to the surface and leave to dry.
  • Using a roller, brush or spray, cover the surface with a protective mixture. The most effective is the application of 5 layers of insulation, and each layer must dry well before the next application. The optimal drying time for such mixtures is about 1 hour.
  • A special fixer helps to extend the service life of a heat-insulated pipeline, which in parallel will make the pipes more attractive.

Which method to use to deal with condensate on cold water pipes depends on the reasons for the formation of this phenomenon and the specific operating conditions. It is very important to consider how often the problem occurs, as well as at what stage it is.

Condensate drain - condensate trap

To remove the formed condensate in automatic mode, a float-operated condensate trap is used. This device is installed at the outlet of the apparatus that provides heat exchange, including water heaters and heaters. Through such a technical device, the water accumulated in the system simply evaporates.

Steam traps fall into three main groups:

  • Combined devices.
  • thermostatic.
  • Float.

The operation of float type steam traps is based on the use of the difference between the density of condensate and steam. These devices are very popular due to the large number of positive characteristics.

The main advantages of this type of device are the following:

  • High degree of reliability.
  • Excellent performance figures.
  • Possibility of work at the minimum loadings.
  • No need for condensate cooling.
  • Resistant to sudden temperature changes.
  • Uninterrupted operation under increased loads.

It is also impossible not to note the optimal energy saving indicators of thermal systems with float-type steam traps.

To deal with condensate, you can choose any of the following methods. In most cases, their use helps to eliminate unwanted moisture. If these options are not effective enough, it is possible to get rid of the formation of condensate on cold water pipes by waterproofing all surfaces of the room. High-quality performance of this type of work is possible only with special knowledge and skills.

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