Spraying trees from pests - when, with what and in what order. Protecting trees from pests and sunburn in the fall How to treat fruit trees with diesel fuel

Encyclopedia of Plants 17.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The main part of the work in the garden falls on maintaining the optimal condition of decorative green spaces and cultivated plants. Pest control, disease prevention, increased fertility and other measures to take care of the dacha flora are mandatory in the chores on the site. Trees and shrubs are perhaps the least demanding care, however, regular spraying - necessary condition for their development and beautiful flowering. And fruit and berry varieties will provide the summer resident with natural delicacies, but again, subject to well-prepared spring spraying.

Time and conditions

Many gardeners and summer residents are engaged in tree care along with other work on the site. In other words, when time permits. But to get the highest effect, you should not focus only on a personal schedule. Experienced farmers recommend spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs after the snow cover has completely melted and warm weather has returned. At the time of processing, the temperature should be at least +5 ° C. In time, two periods can be noted - the beginning of March and the middle of April. Spraying at the very beginning of spring is aimed at destroying microorganisms, when the buds are just starting to grow. In April, the preparations will protect apple, apricot, pear and other trees from insects, bugs and fungal diseases. May spraying is also possible, after flowering.

Technical means

The traditions of domestic dacha management involve the use homemade devices and spray equipment. Converted watering cans, canisters and buckets eliminate the cost of special apparatus. But this way is doubtful from the point of view of efficiency and safety. Since the spraying of fruit trees, shrubs, and cultivated plants requires accuracy and sometimes spot treatment, it is more expedient to use specialized units. Firstly, they are more convenient, and secondly, they do not pose a danger to the user. The main thing is to correlate the requirements for the chemical treatment of a particular garden and vegetation with the parameters of the apparatus.

Battery, gasoline, manual and automatic models allow you to efficiently spray fruit trees and shrubs with a poisonous substance in spring, eliminating the risk of burns or poisoning. Some devices are also equipped with extension cords and other accessories that provide access to hard-to-reach areas.

What to spray?

Despite the development chemical industry a set of preparations for the treatment of garden vegetation has not fundamentally changed for decades. However, some modifications based on traditional preparations make modern spraying of trees and shrubs in the spring more efficient and safer.

The most common means include the following:

  • copper sulfate;
  • lime milk;
  • insectoacaricide (the so-called drug 30B);
  • soap-ash mixture (urea).

The choice of a specific spraying agent is made on the basis of the effect that is required to be obtained: pest control, disease prevention, increased fertility, etc. You should also consider how safe the drug is in relation to application to a particular type and variety of a tree or shrub.

Spraying with copper sulphate

This is one of the most famous compositions, which professionals also call Despite the popularity of the product, few know how trees are sprayed with copper sulphate to maximize the effect.

Vitriol should be applied before the buds have blossomed, that is in early spring. A three percent solution has the following recipe: for 10 liters of water, 300 g of vitriol directly and 400 g lime base. Regarding the use in the processing of pears and apple trees, the effectiveness of scab control is noted. In cases of plum and cherry, it performs well against clasterosporiasis and coccomycosis. Shrubs also protect with this remedy, for example, blackberries and raspberries can be rid of spotting.

Spraying with milk of lime

This solution will help maintain health, fruitfulness even in late frost conditions. Properly prepared spraying of trees and shrubs in the spring with milk of lime will delay flowering for a week, but it will save the buds from death. During processing, a thin calcareous layer is formed on the branches, which prevents the eggs, pupae and larvae of pests remaining after wintering from growing and developing. The solution is prepared from water and freshly slaked lime. Optimal combination: 1.5 kg of active mixture per 10 liters.

Spraying with urea

Quite common in the farms of experienced summer residents is urea, which is a soap-ash mixture. It is prepared in this way: for 10 liters of water, 1 kg of sifted wood ash. The mixture is boiled, after which it must be cooled, filtered and allowed to stand. But before spraying fruit trees in the spring with a soap-ash mixture, you must add to it green soap(20 g) and directly urea (30 g).

Spray insecticide

This is a relatively new tool in Russia, which was approved for use in private households in 2013. Summer residents and gardeners know it as a 30B drug. Among its advantages are ecological cleanliness and versatility in the fight against various garden pests. In addition, the strong effect of insectoacaricide allows you to cope with biological problems in old gardens where plantings have been exposed to nesting insects for years.

With this tool, not only spring spraying is possible fruit and berry trees, but also processing ornamental shrubs. The procedure is performed once a season, usually before bud break. Important to consider temperature regime: as indicated in the instructions, the thermometer should not show less than +4 ° C.

Spraying with diesel fuel and iron sulfate

Also, in some cases, diesel fuel is used and, due to the specificity of the action, they are less common, but in the same neglected gardens they can protect the flora from unwanted animals. The advantages of diesel fuel include a potent effect - covering the branches and crowns with a film, it eliminates any damage by insects and kills the larvae remaining under the bark. But it is important to know how to spray fruit trees and shrubs in the spring with this tool.

The fact is that diesel fuel is an oil product, so the concentration should be as gentle as possible. In addition, with regard to some particularly capricious ornamental varieties its use is not recommended, since the film closes the pores of the plant.

Iron vitriol, in turn, in addition to the protective function, supplies plants with useful trace elements. When spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs is carried out, it is worth treating the soil with vitriol as well - the iron entering the ground acts as a recharge and promotes the production of chlorophyll.

How is spraying done?

Since the event involves working with chemically hazardous solutions and preparations, you should prepare a respirator or multilayer goggles and gloves (preferably rubber). Despite special protective equipment, in the course of work, direct contact with the composition used should be avoided.

Before starting the spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs, you need to inspect the branches and trunks. Lichens and moss should not remain on them - removal is done with a metal brush. Next, you need to assess the condition and readiness of the sprayer. The course of work should be planned in advance, comparing the availability of high-growing branches with the capabilities of the device. When everything is ready for processing, you can pour chemical composition to the appropriate compartment.

Spray evenly on the surface of the post, branches and foliage. As noted, tillage may be required, but this is the last resort. In order for the coverage of irrigation to be uniform and the solution not to be distributed too thickly, it is necessary to maintain the optimal distance, usually 80 cm. When the work is completed, all elements of the sprayer are thoroughly washed. Wash your face and hands with antibacterial soap and rinse your mouth.

Fruit trees and shrubs, like other crops, are susceptible to diseases and pests. To protect the garden and preserve the harvest, you need to regularly carry out preventive treatment by special means.

From this article you will learn which preparations are best used for processing and how to properly carry out procedures to protect horticultural crops from diseases and pests.

Preparation for processing

To protect the garden from diseases and insects use chemicals and folk methods. However, before using them, some preparations(picture 1):

  • Cut off all dry and damaged branches that may be the source of the disease;
  • Remove dead bark from the trunks, which prevents crops from developing. In the process, be sure to check the surface of the trunk for insects. If they are, they must be removed;
  • Leaves, branches and dry grass are removed from the surface of the soil. They can prevent the drug from being absorbed into the soil.

Figure 1. Preparing the garden for cultivation

If spraying is planned, you need to wait until the air temperature stabilizes and will be at least +8 degrees. It is also necessary to prepare equipment and means for spraying.

Work in the garden depends on the season. For example, in the spring the plants are examined, the trunks are pruned and whitewashed, and in the fall the plants are prepared for winter. A more detailed calendar of work is given in Table 1.

In the cold season, you need to arrange protection for the bark from rodents and animals, and also make sure that the branches do not damage a large number of snow. Let's take a closer look at the stages of care depending on the season.

autumn processing

In autumn, dry and damaged branches are pruned, the bark is inspected for the presence of insects, and preparations are made for winter.

Table 1. Calendar of work in the garden

To do this, you need to whitewash the trunks, wrap them with roofing material or other insulating material and spread them around the bait for rodents.

Winter processing

The main winter activity is pruning. Since the crowns are free of leaves and fruits, it is much easier to detect branches damaged by diseases in winter. They must be removed and burned.

Note: Pruning should not be done in severe frost, as in this case the wound on the trunk will take too long to heal.

During the thaw, you can re-whitewash the trunks with lime. This will be of great benefit by protecting crops from insect invasion. You also need to carefully monitor that the branches do not bend under the weight of snow. If there is too much precipitation, the snow must be shaken off. In severe frosts, the soil around the trunks is spudded to prevent frostbite.

Spring treatment for pests and diseases

It is in the spring that an active fight against diseases of fruit trees begins. It is recommended to carry out several sprayings that will help protect the crop and the crops themselves from diseases.

Spraying is carried out in several stages(picture 2):

  • In early spring, after the snow has melted, they are sprayed with diesel fuel. This will help destroy pests and their larvae under the bark. You can also use Bordeaux mixture and blue vitriol to prevent diseases.
  • Before flowering broad-spectrum insecticides are used that destroy insect larvae remaining under the bark.
  • During flowering(when opening buds and falling petals) use complex preparations aimed at the destruction of insects and the prevention of fungal diseases.
  • After flowering combinations are also used. This is a kind of fixing procedure that helps to develop immunity against diseases and destroy the remaining insects.

Figure 2. Spring spraying of trees and shrubs against pests and diseases

When processing, it is necessary to calculate the dosage. As a rule, all the necessary data are indicated on the package of the preparation, and the amount of the preparation and its type depend on the age of the tree and its type.

More information about the types and features of spraying is in the video.

Diseases of fruit trees and their treatment

There are several diseases that can damage fruit crops, cause a decrease in their yield, or even lead to death.

In order to prevent the development of diseases and take timely measures to combat them, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the pathology. A description of the most common diseases will be given below.


This is a fungal disease that often spreads in high humidity. Spores are carried by insects and through the air, therefore prerequisite care is preventive spraying (Figure 3).

Note: The disease is especially dangerous for weakened and recently transplanted plants that do not have enough strength to fight the fungus.

On the initial stage Infection leaves become covered with brown spots, which gradually merge and lead to drying of the leaves. As a result, the tree does not receive enough nutrients and weakens. If the humidity is high, anthracnose spreads from the leaves to young shoots, causing them to rot.

Figure 3. Symptoms of anthracnose trees

For prevention, it is necessary to regularly conduct inspections and remove all damaged shoots and branches. After each trimming, the tool must be disinfected. If the soil on the site is too wet, equip drainage, and when the first symptoms are detected, spraying with systemic fungicides is carried out.

bacterial cancer

Bacterial cancer is also called cortical necrosis (Figure 4). Most often, stone fruits and pears suffer from the disease, but with mass infection, anthracnose can spread to other trees.

After infection, the bark begins to darken and dry out, forming characteristic depressions on the branches. The buds and leaves also begin to darken and dry out. If action is not taken at this stage, the cancer can spread throughout the culture and cause its death.

Figure 4. Signs of bacterial canker on trees

To prevent the disease, fertilizers are applied under the root, the soil is regularly loosened and anti-aging pruning is carried out. Trees are also recommended to be whitened with lime in spring and autumn and sprayed with Bordeaux mixture before flowering in spring and after leaf fall in autumn. The affected branches are cut and burned, and the wound is covered with garden pitch.


This fungal disease can be diagnosed by a characteristic green coating (Figure 5). Gradually, it spreads, darkens and leads to the drying of shoots and leaves.

Figure 5. Scab of horticultural crops

Affected crops reduce yields, and if symptoms appear on fruits, they become unfit for human consumption. Contributes to the spread of the fungus high humidity and temperature. For prevention, the garden is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid and blue vitriol, and if symptoms are detected, with systemic fungicides.

The danger to trees in the garden is not only diseases, but also pests. With mass distribution, they can not only reduce yields, but also lead to gradual drying and death of plants (Figure 6).

To prevent insect invasion, regular inspection of plants and preventive treatment with insecticides are carried out. The most popular pests include brown fruit mites, glass bugs and sawflies.

Brown fruit mite

The insect can damage all fruit crops, but is most often found on apple trees. A tick, having settled on a tree, begins to drink juice. This stops the growth and development of the crop, and the fruits become too small.

To prevent the invasion of pests, the trunks must be whitewashed with lime, and during the period of bud opening, preventive spraying with insecticides is carried out. Recently, many populations of ticks have developed immunity to chemicals, so it is recommended to alternate the funds periodically.


Outwardly, it resembles a wasp, and causes significant damage to currants and gooseberries, but in some cases it can also affect fruit trees.

Figure 6. The main pests of fruit trees: 1 - brown fruit mite, 2 - glass box, 3 - sawfly

Both adults and insect larvae can damage plants. The symptoms are especially clearly visible on young shoots: they wither, dry out and gradually die. To prevent the spread of the pest, you need to regularly inspect the trees and carry out sanitary pruning, as well as spray them with special chemicals.


This group of insects includes great amount types of pests. Each type of sawfly harms a certain garden culture(for example, plum or pear).

The spread of pests is facilitated by drought and fever. Therefore, in order to prevent the spread of insects, preventive spraying with karbofos or other insecticides is carried out twice.

Plant protection products

In order for the garden to regularly bring a rich harvest and not be damaged by diseases and pests, it is necessary to spray regularly. For this, special chemicals are used. folk remedies(Figure 7).

Since the choice of drugs for combating diseases and pests is very diverse, we will focus on the most popular and effective.

From the video you will learn what drugs are needed to protect garden plants from diseases and pests.

blue vitriol

The use of copper sulfate is universal. It is used for the prevention and control of scab, powdery mildew, various rot and spotting. The tool can be used all year round and regardless of weather conditions.

Figure 7. Preparations for the treatment of fruit trees: copper sulfate, diesel fuel and urea

In addition, copper sulfate is used to prepare Bordeaux mixture. To do this, it must be mixed with slaked lime in equal proportion.


Urea is not only a nitrogen fertilizer, but also effective remedy pest and disease control.

Before spraying, the trunks must be whitened, and the soil around them must be dug up. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in warm (but not hot) and calm weather. In addition, urea can be mixed with copper sulfate. So you not only provide protection from pests, but also add the necessary nutrients to the soil.

Solar garden treatment

Diesel fuel is used to spray the garden in early spring. This liquid covers trunks and branches with a uniform oily layer, blocking access to oxygen for insects under the bark.

As a result, almost all pest larvae die. However, diesel fuel cannot be considered a full-fledged remedy against pests. In fact, it does not destroy them, so spraying with diesel fuel must be supplemented with preventive spraying with fungicides and insecticides.

Professional preparations for garden treatment

Professional products include special chemicals, the action of which is aimed at a specific type of pest or disease.

For example, insecticides are used to kill insects (except for mites), and fungicides are used against diseases. It is better to give preference to drugs of systemic (complex) action, as they are able to eliminate not only pests or diseases that you have been able to diagnose, but also hidden pathologies.

Spraying the garden against pests and diseases

Processing of trees in the garden is carried out in strict accordance with the schedule. Doing so better in spring, however, if diseases or harmful insects are detected in the summer, spraying can be repeated.

Figure 8. Ways to spray the garden

In early spring, before bud break, diesel fuel is used, which blocks access to oxygen for pest larvae. In the future, after swelling of the kidneys, during and after flowering, Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate and combined chemicals can be used (Figure 8).

Spraying the garden is carried out after its preliminary preparation: whitewashing, pruning and cleaning of dry leaves. In the process of processing, it is imperative to wear protective clothing, gloves and goggles so that chemicals do not get on the skin or mucous membranes.

When and how to spray fruit trees in the fall before wintering

What and when about sprinkle fruit trees in the garden in autumn? Quite often the reader asks this question.

In order for the wintering of trees to be successful, the gardener will need to protect his fruit trees. trees from pests and diseases.Spraying the trees autumn, you will provide them with a healthy and blooming view throughout the next season.

autumn tree spraying- an important factor in the care of the garden.fruit processing trees carried out with the help of spray guns, while observing all safety rules, since later spraying carried out with pesticides. In view of this, each gardener needs to have a set of clothes for this procedure: gloves, a protective gown and, of course, a respirator.Spray preparationfruit trees in the fall, you need to select based on the existing diseases and pests, as well as whether this treatment is early or late. Since late autumn is usually rainy, it is necessary to wait for dry weather, in no case spray plantings before rain, otherwise the rain will wash away the substance and the garden will remain unprotected or will not bring sufficient effect. The weather should be dry and calm.

spraying trees in late autumn, they are performed just before the onset of winter. Of course, if there are plantings in the garden that are sick, the procedure is carried out outside the schedule.

With the onset of early autumn, the garden is especially in need of care and attention. In order for fruit trees to be resistant to winter and cold, in late November spraying they are also fertilized with potash and phosphate fertilizers.

For autumn spraying fruit trees it is good to use a solution of urea, with the calculation: for 10 liters of water 500-700 grams of urea. Interestingly, when spraying, it is necessary to treat both the tree itself and the area under it so that the entire infection is killed. Spraying should be dusty, fine. This procedure will reduce the risk of disease in the garden next year.

However, many gardeners are in a hurry and commit serious mistake, working on your garden in early autumn, when the trees have not yet lost all their leaves. Spray with such a solution, a garden can only achieve a burn and an untimely fall of foliage. In this case, no effect will be achieved. As a result, the gardener will end up with a weakened, nutrient-starved garden that can hardly survive the winter. A solution of this concentration is much more prudent to use in late autumn - in November.

In mid-autumn, in October, the bases of the branches and stems must be whitened lime mortar, having previously cleaned them of dead bark. As for young plantations, they are covered with a solution of chalk. Apple and pear trees protect against the invasion of rodents by tying boles and bases of skeletal branches. tie fruit trees can be matted or burlap with the help of young branches of cherry or walnut. Some use stockings.

Preparations for tree spraying .

inkstone it is applied for spraying plants and soil under them before the start of the growing season or in autumn after the leaves fall, in order to combat diseases of pome and stone fruit fruit crops and berries (diseases of the trunk and branches, moniliosis, scab and other spotting), grapes (anthracnose, bacterial cancer, spotted necrosis, mildew).

Urea is an effective measure for the destruction of leafworm caterpillars, aphids, suckers and apple beetles. The effect of nitrogen spraying lasts about 2 weeks, so after a while, it is recommended to repeat the spraying procedure.

Autumn treatment with a nitrogen solution should also take place with the participation of some kind of fungicide and include spraying not only the trees themselves, but also the soil under them. Fallen leaves should be subject to mandatory processing if they are not planned to be removed.

Carbamide can spray your garden, both in spring and autumn. Only in autumn it is important not to rush. If we start doing this before trees lose all their foliage, we run the risk of slowing down their growth, as a result of which they are more likely to freeze in winter. The concentration - 700 grams of the substance per 10 liters of water - is optimal for both spring and autumn spraying. Spraying with carbamide will protect the trees from aphids.

spraying trees diesel fuel helps to achieve the complete destruction of the larvae due to the fact that the solution sprayed on the surface of the bark forms a uniform oily film on the surface of the branches and the pillar, which does not allow the larvae to breathe, as a result of which they as soon as possible after processing, suffocation occurs.

Since this oil product is not a fungicide, it can be spray not only in early spring and late autumn, but throughout the entire flowering period of the fruit tree. Usually, it is bred according to one of the following recipes:

    To 10 parts of water, add 1 part of ferrous sulfate, then 10 parts of 10% milk of lime, and only then 20 parts of diesel fuel. The resulting mixture will have a 50% concentration and is recommended for use before bud formation and after leaf fall.

    5 parts of clay and 5 parts of water are mixed with 20 parts of fuel. The resulting solution has the same concentration as the previous one, but does not contain a fungicide and can be used during the fruiting period.

    Another option for obtaining a 50% solution for spraying- this is 9 parts of water mixed with 1 part laundry soap and 10 parts of diesel fuel.

The article used materials from the site

All fruit trees in autumn need to be prepared for winter. They need to be protected from diseases and pests.

In autumn, it is advised to spray trees to prepare them for winter. This is done in late October or early November, when all the leaves have already fallen.

Pruning branches and collecting leaves

Plant processing begins with pruning dry branches, collecting all fallen leaves and burning them.

Cleaning trees from old bark, growths, lichens

Next, the trunks are processed, they are cleaned of old bark, lichens, mosses, outgrowths. Do it with a metal brush. It is necessary to clean off the bark and growths carefully and carefully, because it is required not to damage living tissues.

Cleaning is done due to the fact that the old dead bark begins to rot, and pests appear on the lichens.

If you see cracks in the bark, then cover them with self-prepared pitch. To prepare the composition, mix mullein, clay, copper sulfate, straw dust. The density of garden pitch should be the consistency of sour cream.


So that hares and other rodents do not damage apple and pear trees in winter, skeletal branches and stems are tied with burlap or matting. This material is tied with young hazel branches or stockings. To protect young seedlings from frost, they are wrapped with agrofiber or cloth.


After whitewashing the trunks, it not only disinfects the trees, but also protects them from severe frosts. Also, whitewashing saves the tree from negative impact rays of the sun. Whitewashed tree trunks will not rot and will be protected from ultraviolet radiation. That is, during the day the trees will not be able to overheat from the sun, and at night they will not freeze. Whitewash destroys harmful microorganisms that were under the bark.

Most often, tree treatment is done with a solution of slaked lime. 2 kg of slaked lime or 1.3 kg of quicklime and 300 g of copper sulfate are poured into a bucket of water. If you do not have lime, then use clay and liquid manure. A solution is made, tree trunks and branches are coated with it. Because of the snow in winter, the composition is washed off, so at the beginning of spring the trunk is re-whitened.

You can also whitewash with emulsion paint, it contains antibacterial components, they protect fruit trees from any insect pests. But it is not advised to whitewash young trees with emulsion paint.

It takes several times to dig the ground. When digging the soil in September, you should get rid of weeds and plant residues in which pests can hide in winter.


The greatest harm is brought to fruit trees:
  • juice-sucking insects: these are aphids, suckers, psyllids and mites;
  • pests that gnaw on leaves are bears, whites, and also cocoon weavers, volnyanka.
  • fungal diseases, it is mainly scab and phytophthora;
  • pests that damage the kidneys: weevils and tubeworms.
When processing is carried out, it is required to observe safety measures, to do procedures, dressing in a protective suit, putting on gloves, a mask. In addition, spraying should be carried out in dry and calm weather.

Spray solutions


They are sprayed with apple, peach and cherry trees, plums. After spraying, the plants receive many useful elements and iron. The solution has a very high acidity, if it gets on the leaves, it will cause burns, which is why the plants are sprayed at a time when all the leaves have already fallen. Iron sulfate fights fungal infections:
  • downy mildew;
  • anthracnose;
  • coccomycosis;
  • clusterosporiosis;
  • with gray rot;
  • slows down the development of true powdery mildew.
It does not penetrate into plant cells and is quickly washed off with water. Iron vitriol helps to cope with scab, mosses, lichens, cytosporosis, black cancer, fights pests.
To prepare the solution, mix 1 kg of dry powder of iron sulphate and one and a half buckets of water. It is necessary to use all the solution on the day of its dilution.

blue vitriol

Tree processing is done with copper sulphate. This drug fights powdery mildew, scab and spotting. In autumn, they are advised to spray apple, pear, plum or other fruit trees.

Copper sulphate fights moniliosis, coccomycosis, clasterosporosis and curly plums. It protects apple and pear trees from scab, monioiosis, phyllosticosis.

For one young tree up to 6 years old, 2 liters of solution are used. If the plant is older, then apply up to 10 liters.
The garden is sprayed with copper and iron sulphate in the early morning or late evening. The air temperature should be + 5-30 degrees.
To get the maximum effect from copper or iron sulphate, laundry soap is added to the solution.


It is advised to spray trees in the garden with urea. Until mid-October, trees are treated with urea, this excellent remedy from fungal diseases, including scab and spotting. In addition, urea burns pest eggs and kills larvae.

Apply urea when all the leaves fall off, the solution is made from 0.5-0.7 liters and a bucket of water. Spray them on trunks, branches and soil.

diesel fuel

The treatment of fruit trees with diesel fuel destroys the larvae, since the solution forms an oily film on the branches and trunk, which prevents the larvae from breathing.

Usually, diesel fuel is bred like this:

  • A bucket of water (10 l) is poured into the barrel, after 1 l of ferrous sulfate, then 10 l of 10% milk of lime, and only at the end 20 l of diesel fuel. The resulting solution has a concentration of 50%, it is advised to apply after the leaves have completely fallen off.
  • You can mix 9 liters of water with 1 liter of laundry soap and 10 liters of diesel fuel.
  • The main thing to remember is that exceeding the concentration of diesel fuel can destroy trees, so it is better to add less diesel fuel than to overdo it.

Preparation 30

Treatment with preparation 30 is quite safe, since the composition is not phytotoxic. This drug destroys the water and air balance of pests. Plants are sprayed with it in the fall after the leaves have completely fallen off, it is required that the air temperature is not below + 4 ° C. Spray the trees carefully and plentifully, so that there are no dry places left.

If the trees are not given due attention, even with excellent seedlings and varieties from orchard can hardly wait good harvest. One of the most important care activities is spraying fruit trees in the spring.

Timely and well-executed procedure:

  • help build reliable protection from the mass of dangerous plant diseases;
  • prevent pest infestations;
  • will create a reserve for future flowering and harvest.

One of the most important events that opens the new summer season is aimed at the destruction of pests that are still hidden from the eyes of the gardener. Many of the worst enemies of fruit trees overwinter and develop inside the bark, in the surface layer of soil under the trees, and even inside the buds.

At what time in the spring will the treatment of fruit trees from pests bring the greatest benefit? To prevent the mass appearance of an army of insects, the first battle with it is carried out when the average daily temperature overcomes the barrier of +5 ° C, and the main snow cover comes down. Exact dates it is impossible to name, because much depends on the climatic features of the region and the conditions of a particular year.

Spring processing of fruit trees before bud opening

In most areas middle lane preparation for spraying should begin from mid-March.

What is this preparation? Before proceeding with the spring processing of fruit trees from pests:

  • plants are inspected for damaged and dead shoots, cracks and wounds on the bark, grinding of branches and other problems;
  • carry out the detected dry shoots;
  • they clean the trunks and skeletal branches from lichens and exfoliated bark damaged during the winter;
  • under trees and shrubs, they clean up last year's foliage and other debris in order to exclude the reproduction of soil pests and carry out not only pest control of fruit trees in the spring, but also clean the trunk circles under the plantations.

All of these measures are aimed at reducing the risk of spreading infections from dead parts of plants to healthy ones. Therefore, after filing and cleaning all wound surfaces and cuts on shrubs and in spring, using a 1-3% solution of the substance in water. And only then is the incorporation of garden pitch carried out.

How to spray fruit trees in spring?

The choice of drugs for pest and disease control today is so wide that when visiting a store it is difficult to navigate in colored packages. What means are suitable for spraying fruit trees in spring?

The most popular tool among gardeners in Russia can be recognized. Copper sulfate is a fungicide that successfully resists such common diseases of fruit trees and berry bushes as powdery mildew and scab. It can be used in any weather throughout the year.

To make the processing of fruit trees in spring with copper sulphate more effective, they are prepared on its basis. To do this, vitriol is mixed in equal proportions with slaked lime.

The resulting blue liquid not only has the properties of a fungicide, it:

  • fights bacterial infections;
  • helps to cope with certain types of insects.

Spring spraying of fruit trees with iron sulphate is also aimed at combating plant diseases, but at the same time it is used as foliar fertilizing with an iron preparation. As in the case of copper sulfate, two treatments of the garden with iron sulphate are required to achieve a lasting effect.

In early spring, diesel fuel is effectively used to treat trees from pests wintering under the bark. Forming a thin film that does not allow air to pass through, it is deposited on the surface of the bark and does not allow insects to breathe. Usually the effect comes in a few hours. The larvae and eggs deposited in the kidneys and under the bark die without developing into an adult insect.

Spraying fruit trees in spring before and after flowering

The second stage of the attack on diseases and pests is carried out when the plants are preparing to bloom, the buds have already opened, and also at the stage of the appearance of the ovary. At this time, the main emphasis is on the extermination of pests, as well as consolidating the results of the fight against diseases and infections.

How to spray fruit trees in spring in order to harvest a full-fledged healthy crop in summer? Garden processing is carried out in two stages:

  • when colored buds are just emerging on the trees;
  • when most of the petals will fly around, and the first signs of the ovary will become visible on the branches.

At this stage, complex insecticides are used in combination with fungicidal agents. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the foliar treatment of trees or urea. chemical drug copes with several tasks at the same time:

  • fights most diseases of apple, pear and stone fruits, including all kinds of rot;
  • destroys pests at the stage of eggs and pupae;
  • is a nitrogen supplement that simulates the growth of green mass.

AT large gardens located far beyond the boundaries of residential properties, the spring treatment of fruit trees from pests is carried out using the DNOC drug, which simultaneously acts against ticks, insects and pathogens.

The drug is toxic, so when using it, serious safety measures are needed. The treatment is carried out in very early spring or autumn, when the plants do not show signs of active growth.

Recently popular drugs biological origin good for disease prevention. If the tree is already sick or damaged by pests, such remedies, although they are safer for the plants themselves and humans, will not help much, or may not cope with the problem at all.

How is fruit trees sprayed in spring?

How to spray garden plantings? How much solution may be required to irrigate a particular tree?

If you refer to the instructions attached to the chemical plant protection products, there are always the proportions of dilution of the drug, as well as the approximate flow rate of liquid per square meter. But how to be guided by these figures, when the spraying of fruit trees in spring is carried out not only on the ground, but primarily on the crown?

That is why it is extremely important to prepare a high-quality sprayer before the beginning of spring, which allows using a directed jet to moisten the most inaccessible areas of the tree. As a rule, a good apparatus saves chemicals, avoiding waste and providing a powerful fine jet. A video about spraying fruit trees in the spring will help you master the technique of competent selection of drugs and irrigation of plants. Processing can be considered completed when the crown of a tree or shrub is wetted from all sides, the trunk and root area of ​​the soil are processed, where insects can hide and fungal spores hibernate.

Spraying fruit trees in early spring - video

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