Why does resin flow from wood? Cherry resin or gum: causes, control measures

The buildings 13.06.2019
The buildings

» Plums

Plum is a fairly common plant that can be found in every garden. Get good harvest tasty and healthy fruits can only be healthy tree. However, often gardeners are faced with growing problems such as plum diseases and pests that can lead to the death of the entire garden.

Tree diseases are associated with insufficient care and improper planting. Most often, plum is affected by viral and fungal diseases that appear on weakened trees. In order to start treatment on time, it is important to know the main signs of the manifestation of the disease.

Plum bushiness or sprouting

This fungal disease in the common people was called "witch's broom." On the affected tree, many thin, short shoots are formed, which are collected in bunches. Such shoots will not bear fruit. In the fight against the disease, only the destruction of infected plants will help.

As a preventive measure, not only mineral and organic fertilizers, but also Bordeaux liquid. In addition, in order to secure the site, only healthy seedlings are planted in the garden. They must be purchased only from trusted nurseries.

Gum treatment

The disease is widespread on stone fruits that were previously affected by fungi. Most often, the disease begins to develop if the irrigation regime is disturbed or too much fertilizer is applied to the soil. Resin on a tree can stand out after frost or improper pruning. The signs of gum disease are as follows:

  • wounds and cracks are visible on the trunks and shoots;
  • in places where the gum flowed, transparent frozen drops appeared.

If time does not pay attention to the signs that have appeared, the tree may die. Damaged bark - perfect place for the development of bacteria that lead to tree cancer.

The affected areas on the trunks must be treated with a 1% solution of copper sulfate or garden pitch. Strongly affected shoots are best cut. In order to further increase the immunity of the plant and avoid re-infection, you need to properly care for the plum.

Plum dwarfism

insidious viral disease, which occurs more often in a latent form. It is difficult to identify the affected tree. Dwarfism can manifest itself only at the last stage, when the fight against the disease is meaningless. Therefore, all actions of the gardener should be directed more towards preventive measures.

Signs of the disease:

  • depressed tree growth;
  • unnatural shape of the leaves. They become elongated, clumsy and more like willow leaves;
  • premature leaf fall. This is because the sheet plate becomes brittle;
  • yield reduction;
  • lack of peduncles or a small number of them. The flowers are ugly and underdeveloped.

At the last stage of the development of the virus, there are practically no leaves on the branches of the tree, they are bare. Single needle-shaped leaves can be seen only on the tops of the shoots.

Infected trees cannot be treated and must be uprooted.

As a preventive measure, resistant plum varieties are planted in the garden, and plants are regularly treated for pests.

Fungal disease, the causative agent of which is the fungus. Infection occurs in the conditions of a cold long spring, when the humidity of the air is increased. The spores of the fungus penetrate the flowers of the tree, so ugly ovaries are formed.

The fruits of the affected plant are unsuitable for food, they grow deformed. The development of the fungus occurs inside the fetus, in a kind of pocket, so there is no stone in the plums. The flesh becomes grainy and wrinkled. Since the fungus affects only the fruits, the disease manifests itself once per season.

Fighting methods:

  1. Destroy the affected shoots in the first half of summer.
  2. The collection and disposal of infected fruits is carried out until the spores of the fungus disperse.
  3. Preventive spraying of plums with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture. The first time the treatment is carried out before bud break, then before flowering and after.

The mycelium overwinters in the branches of a tree, so the fight against the disease must begin in the fall. To do this, carry out sanitary cleaning and pruning of shoots, preventive spraying with copper oxychloride, copper sulphate.

Clasterosporiasis or perforated spotting

Fungal disease develops in conditions of prolonged warm but rainy summers, when air humidity exceeds 70%. The fungus overwinters under the bark. Mycelium begins to develop already at a temperature of +4 degrees. It can be found on the shoots or buds of a plant in the form of a dark, weak coating.

Spores are carried to young leaves by wind and most pests. The disease spreads very quickly. During the season, many colonies of the fungus are formed, which adversely affects the condition of the tree.

Signs of damage can be seen on all tissues of the plant, but most often they appear on young leaves.

  1. Small rounded spots of various colors that increase in size over short term.
  2. In the center of the spot, tissues die off, which leads to the formation of holes in the leaves.
  3. The edges of the holes have a reddish border. This is the main sign of clasterosporiasis, which distinguishes it from other types of spotting.
  4. When the disease is advanced, the bark of the tree is covered with orange-red spots with a dark border. Subsequently, they are pressed into the trunk, crack and lead to the flow of gum.
  5. Gum also flows from affected buds and shoots. leading to their death and reduced yields.
  6. The fruits are affected by ulcers, become one-sided, dry out, harden and fall off. They can also leak gum.

To prevent the disease in the fall, they clean the garden, dig up tree trunks, destroy shoots, collect and dispose of affected fruits and fallen leaves. In addition, it is important to treat wounds and cracks in the tree in time, preventing gum bleeding. For processing, a solution of copper sulfate, manganese or garden pitch is used.

In the fight against the fungus, spraying the tree during the growing season will help. Treatments begin in early spring, repeat in late autumn. Use drugs Kuproksad, Skor, Horus, Topaz or Vectra. The last treatment is carried out 20 days before harvest.


The causative agent of the disease is the monilia fungus. Infection of the tree occurs during the flowering period, if there are drops or a decrease in temperature. Cold spring weather only speeds up the process. Spores penetrate the plant tissue through the pistil, gradually affecting the entire tree.

Signs of defeat:

  • sharp fall of flowers;
  • drying of peduncles and adjacent leaves;
  • old shoots and branches crack, gum flows out of the formed wounds;
  • the whole tree looks "burnt".

The disease spreads not only to fruits, but also to shoots, plum leaves. The pathogen overwinters in the affected tissues of the tree. Prevention of moniliosis begins in the fall. All affected shoots are cut out and the garden is treated with Hom, Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride. To spray one tree, you will need up to 4 liters of solution.

Smallpox on plum

Sharka, plumpox among the common people, - viral disease. It appears on young leaves of a tree in the form of chlorosis, spots or stripes. Over time, the leaves acquire a characteristic marbling, light areas appear on them. If you do not take any measures, then the disease passes to the fruits. They become spotty, the flesh coarsens and loses its taste. In addition, the spots begin to deepen into the fetus. Sick plums ripen ahead of schedule, crumble or dry out right on the tree.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to fight the disease. All affected trees must be burned. Control measures are only preventive in nature, aimed at timely treatment of the garden from pests that can spread the virus.


In July, rusty spots can be seen on young plum leaves, which gradually increase in size. Affected trees shed their leaves earlier. Leave the plum in this state can not be. The winter hardiness of the plant and the future harvest are sharply reduced.

For prevention purposes, trees are treated with copper chloride before and after flowering. In autumn, after harvesting, spraying is carried out with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Rusty plum leaves

Plum coccomycosis

A dangerous fungal disease that affects the leaves of a tree, less often fruits and young shoots. The first signs of the disease are noticeable in early summer.

  1. The leaves are covered with small, red-brown spots.
  2. On the reverse side of the leaf, a whitish coating can be found. These are fungal spores.
  3. Leaves quickly turn yellow and fall off.
  4. The fruits do not develop, become watery and fall off.

Most often, the disease develops in warm and humid weather, which reduces the winter hardiness of the tree. The fungus overwinters in fallen leaves, so in the fall it must be collected and burned. In addition, the trunk circle of the tree is sprayed with copper preparations or Bordeaux liquid.

root cancer

Recently, the disease is frequent. The reason for its appearance are pathogenic bacteria in the soil, which penetrate into the tissues of the plant through cracks in the roots. Specific growths form on infected plum roots, which leads to the death of the tree. Severe drought and a weakly alkaline environment contribute to the development of the disease.

As a preventive measure, the garden is located in a place where outbreaks of the disease have not previously been observed. Severely affected seedlings are destroyed. The landing site is disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate.

Dangerous fungal growths on the bark of a tree. Penetrating through small cracks in the bark, spores destroy the wood. Hollows form in the affected areas. A few years later, a solid fungal body grows in their place. Sometimes she looks quite harmless.

To prevent infection of the tree, you need to carefully treat wounds and cracks on the plum bark. The fruit bodies of the fungus are destroyed before the spores disperse, usually in early June. The remaining wounds are cleaned of rot, washed with a solution of copper sulfate, and then poured with a mixture of cement and sand (1: 4).

This is an insect of a bizarre shape that settles near the fruit buds of plums in growths - galls. One gall can contain up to 400 insects. At the end of May, overwintered individuals come to the surface of the bark and feed on the cell sap of the plant. In places of bites, reddish growths form again on the bark, where the females lay their eggs. More than one generation of pests grows in one season. It is possible to determine the defeat of a plum by a gall mite by characteristic ugly growths.

You need to fight insects immediately after plum blossoms. Several treatments are carried out with colloidal sulfur preparations. At mass defeat it is recommended to cut and burn the shoots.


This is a white butterfly, the abdomen of which is covered with yellowish hairs. Pest caterpillars hibernate in fallen leaves. The golden tail begins to harm after the plum buds open, actively eating them. Butterflies are nocturnal, laying their eggs on the surface of leaves. The caterpillars that have appeared are very voracious, in a short time they cause great damage to young leaves. They eat holes in them, slowing down the normal growth of the plant.

As an insect control, trees are sprayed with a solution of karbofos. In the fall, the fight against the golden tail does not stop. They collect fallen leaves, loosen the soil under the trees, thereby destroying the nests of the pest.

For the first time, spraying is carried out before plum blossoms.

plum codling moth

This grey-brown butterfly is harmful to plum fruits. Its reddish caterpillars hibernate under tree bark or in top layer soil. In early spring, butterflies lay their eggs in the still green fruits. When the caterpillars appear, they feed on the pulp of the fruit, after which they leave for the winter. Affected plums acquire purple hue and fall, often you can see drops of gum on them.

Preventive spraying with karbofos is carried out against the plum codling moth, trapping belts are put on the trees, and the soil is regularly loosened.

At the beginning of autumn, additional tillage and loosening are carried out to destroy the pest's nests. In addition, all wounds and cracks are washed with manganese, covered with a garden thief.

Aphids on the tree

A small, pale green insect that sucks cell sap. You can determine the presence of aphids with the naked eye:

  • the tops of the shoots are twisted;
  • the tree is stunted;
  • pour dry and fall off;
  • small insects are visible on the reverse side of the leaf.

At the beginning of the growing season, the plum is treated with preparations against leaf-eating and sucking insects. Spraying is repeated after 10-14 days. The first treatment is carried out "along the green cone".


A white butterfly that is diurnal. Its caterpillars feed on buds, leaves, buds and plum blossoms. The methods of struggle are the same as with the golden tail, plum codling moth.

Why do worms appear in plum fruits

Very often, gardeners complain that almost the entire crop of plums is wormy. Why does this happen, which leads to spoilage of the fruit?

The reason for this is the presence of pests on the trees. Sometimes there may be more than one insect.

Plum sawfly and worm fruits

Plum weevil on leaves

The females of this insect eat the buds and plum flowers, biting into the ovaries. There they lay larvae that eat the fruits from the inside. The harvest is ruined. For wintering, larvae and beetles go into the soil. Trees should be treated in the spring.

How to get rid of fruit worms in a plum

It is necessary to process the trees in the garden as early as possible, without waiting until the pests get down to business and the fruits begin to rot. The first treatment should be in early spring. You need to re-spray the plum before flowering and after it. If the number of pests is very large, then the treatments are repeated at intervals of 10 days. But the latter must be carried out no later than 25 days before harvest.

To prepare a working solution, Phosphamide, Dursban, Metaphos, Bordeaux liquid or iron sulfate are used. With a small number of insects, spraying is done with infusions of tobacco, wormwood, dandelion or ash. Infusions are prepared in different ways.

A universal recipe for herbal infusion is prepared at the rate of 200 g of dry parts of the plant per 1 liter of boiling water. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes, then strain and cool. Dilute with water up to 10 liters.

How to deal with plum pests: preventive treatment

Every gardener knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure a garden. Therefore, prevention should always be.

  1. Every tree needs proper care, regular watering and top dressing.
  2. Sanitary cleaning of the garden is carried out regularly, thickened branches are cut out, fallen leaves are removed and the soil is dug up.
  3. In spring and autumn, spraying is carried out not only on the tree, but also on the soil under it.

It is very important that all actions are ongoing. If a neighbor's garden is affected by worms, scab, coccomycosis or curliness, then this means that it's time to get to work and process your own trees. You should not hope for "maybe it will blow over."


To reduce the risk of damage to trees by harmful insects and various diseases, you need to regularly inspect the garden. In addition, to carry out prevention, and at the first sign of illness, take immediate action. This will increase not only the yield of plums, but also the quality of the fruit.


Plum diseases become a real obstacle to the healthy growth of the tree and obtaining a quality crop. Regular care and seasonal spraying of the crop from diseases and pests will help prevent them.

It happens that oval gray-brown spots with a crimson edge 4-5 mm in size appear on the leaf plates, which dry out and fall out after a couple of weeks, and through holes form in their place. These signs indicate the development of a fungal disease called clasterosporiasis or perforated spotting. With a large scale of damage, the leaves dry out ahead of time and fall off.

Fruit gum

Often the disease also affects the fetus. On them you can see small depressed spots, where growths form over time, from which gum protrudes. With the further development of the disease, the plum is affected to the very bone, is significantly deformed, stops growing and dries up.

In advanced cases, entire branches are affected. Elongated spots form on the bark, they burst, and gum oozes from the cracks. Neglect of treatment leads to the death of entire groups of shoots and bacterial cancer. The spores of this fungus overwinter in the leaves, so remove fallen leaves regularly and don't leave them to decompose until next year. In time, remove the affected shoots in early spring and autumn after harvesting, do not allow the plantings to thicken, in case of gum formation, clean the wounds and treat them with garden pitch.

To combat perforated spotting, use a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride. We carry out the first spraying in early spring before bud break and after the appearance of the first buds. Then we repeat the procedure immediately after flowering and again after 2-2 weeks. The last spraying should be no later than three weeks before harvest. If klesterosporiosis has affected the stone fruit culture too much, additionally spray the tree with a more concentrated 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid after the final collection of all fruits.

Gum therapy - how to avoid the "bitter tears" of a tree?

Gum disease is a common problem in stone fruits, including plums. It appears as a thick mass, the color of which varies from light yellow to brown. In appearance, the gum resembles a hardened resin. It is formed in the most vulnerable parts of the cortex. Mechanical damage, inaccurate pruning of branches, lack of incorporation with garden pitch, sunburn and unfavorable weather- all this leads to cracking of the bark and the formation of wounds, which eventually fills with gum.

Gum treatment

Excessive watering and oversaturation of the crop with mineral fertilizers, especially nitrogen, can provoke the development of gum. Damp and cold weather, numerous damage to the bark by pests are another faithful companions of gum treatment. Gum is a good platform for the development of bacteria, stem cancer and the death of the tree as a whole.

In order to prevent gum bleeding, regularly monitor the condition of the bark, do not allow cracks and wounds to form on it. In case of gum formation, remove it with a sterile one, clean the place to living tissue, disinfect with a 1% solution of copper sulfate and carefully seal it with petrolatum or garden pitch. Remove severely affected branches.

Brown spots that are localized near the veins of leaf plates indicate infection of the plum with a fungal disease - rust. The main peak of the disease occurs in July. If the tree is left untreated, then small brown swellings will appear on the outside of the leaf, which over time can occupy the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leaves. Trees affected by rust are weakened due to premature fall of leaves and a decrease in immunity. Rust is caused by a fungus. Therefore, in order to avoid infection, remove fallen leaves in time, and also treat trees with fungicides. Spray before flowering garden culture copper chloride and 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid after harvest. Attention, three weeks before harvesting the fruits, we stop all spraying.

sooty fungus

A dangerous and very common plum disease is coccomycosis. The main focus of its defeat is the deciduous part of the tree, although the fungus can also affect young shoots and fruits. The activity of coccomycosis occurs in the first half of July. The first signs of damage the formation of multi-colored spots on the leaves, from purple-violet to red-brown. With a prolonged course of the disease, small spots grow and cover almost the entire surface of the leaf plates, and a pink-whitish coating appears from the inside of the leaf. These are fungal spores. These leaves dry up and fall off.

If the fungus infects the fruits, they become covered with watery spots, stop growing and dry out. Favorable conditions for coccomycosis are warm, humid weather. However, the spores of the fungus perfectly tolerate cold and frost, settling in fallen leaves, so it must be removed and burned for the winter. We fight coccomycosis using standard familiar methods: we spray the trees before flowering and after harvesting with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride, using 30–40 g of the substance per 10 liters of water to prepare a solution.

An unpleasant black coating has formed on the leaves and shoots? This is a clear sign of soot fungus. It prevents the penetration of oxygen and sunlight into the tissues of the plant, thereby slowing down growth and disrupting the normal vital activity of the culture. Whatever the cause of the soot fungus, reduce watering and reduce planting density. As the main control measure, use spraying with a copper-soap solution, at the rate of 5 g of copper sulfate and 150 g of laundry or green soap per 10 liters of water.

If the branches of plum trees dry, become covered with brown spots, this is a sign of a fungal disease - moniliosis. This disease appears in cold and wet weather in the spring, when the flowering of trees begins. The flowers are the first to fall into the lesion, then the leaves and branches dry. Over time, spores form on them, from which the bark becomes covered with gray growths. Affects monoliosis and fruits. Wet weather is ideal conditions for the development of the fungus in fruits.


Plums with mechanical damage and cracks are the first to be affected. Penetrating into them, the fungus forms brown spots, they increase in size and merge. At the final stages of the lesion, the spores of the fungus form small gray-brown growths on the drain. This is one of the most dangerous fungal diseases. If you do not take measures to treat it, infected trees can completely die.

We begin the fight against moniliosis by collecting the affected fruits located on and under the tree. All collected specimens must be burned, they are not suitable for compost. After harvesting, we spray the trees with a 1% solution of copper, iron sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

Deformed plums are not uncommon in the garden. However, if the fruits on your trees form elongated and do not have a distinct shape, these are clear signs of plum pockets or marsupial disease. In such infected specimens, there are no bones, taste qualities fruit. Other hallmark fungal infection is the formation of a sticky powdery coating with spores. You can track the infection of stone fruit crops with marsupial disease immediately after the start of flowering. As with many fungal diseases, ideal conditions for the development of plum pockets is high temperature and high humidity air. The fungus overwinters in the scales of the buds and forms mycelium on the shoots.

plum pockets

If you do not start the fight against marsupial disease, you can lose up to 60% of the crop. To prevent this from happening, remove the branches that are dry and damaged by the fungus, and burn the affected fruits. In early spring, before bud break, treat the trees with a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid, and immediately after flowering begins with a 1% solution of the same preparation. To chemical drug lingered in the tissues of the plant, and was not washed off during the first precipitation, use systemic fungicides, such as Horus, before and after flowering.

If fungal diseases are quite easily treatable, then the same cannot be said about viruses. One of the dangerous viruses is plum dwarfism. Its initial signs can be seen in small leaves, they have an elongated shape and uneven edges. Over time to non-standard form the compaction of the sheet plate and its fragility are added. A large number of such leaves are located at the top of the shoots. The flowers of stone fruit crops are tied poorly, have a painful and pale appearance. As a result, the dwarfism virus leads to slow growth and death.

Fighting the virus is useless. Dig up the infected tree and burn it. As a preventive measure against dwarfism, we recommend using only sterile garden tools, using all pest control methods on the site, and choosing virus-resistant seedlings.

Smallpox occurs not only in humans, but also in stone fruit crops. Smallpox, also known as Sharkey's virus, primarily infects leaves, forming chlorotic ring spots on them, which can be clearly seen in sunlight. The fruits are also susceptible to infection. They become dense, significantly deformed. Inside, the pulp acquires a brown-red hue, and ring depressed spots form on the skin, gum is visible in the cracks. Such fruits lose their taste, they fall off and are absolutely not suitable for human consumption.

Plum viral infections

To prevent the development of Sharkey virus, choose resistant varieties such as Renklod, avoid planting Mirabelle Wangangheim, Nancy and Zimmer. The disease can manifest itself on stone fruits throughout Russia, it is especially common in the southern regions, where all favorable conditions for its development. Aphids are frequent carriers of Sharka, so be especially attentive to this pest and take appropriate measures to destroy it in time. You should not plant near plums, as well as those crops that may be potential carriers of the virus - clover, sweet clover, nightshade, etc. Infected specimens are not subject to treatment, they are uprooted and burned.

Chlorotic ringspot is another dangerous plum virus. It is characterized by the formation of a blurry pattern on the leaf plates. Over time, the annular spots fall out, and in their place there is a thin mosaic border and through holes. The virus also affects the leaves. They become smaller, become narrow and rigid, have a wrinkled texture. Infection can occur through non-sterile equipment, poor quality planting material and also be carried by pests. Affected trees must be dug up and burned.

Witch's broom is a fungal disease that affects stone fruits, especially plums. Affected branches become thin, close to each other, there are no flowers on them, and leaves are rarely found, which are significantly deformed and small. Outwardly, the overall picture really resembles a panicle, from which the disease probably got its name. Over time, a whitish coating (spores) can be seen on the underside of the leaf plates, from which they become even more fragile and wrinkled. The pale shade of the leaves often changes to red.

Witch's broom

A proven method of spraying trees with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture in early spring, as well as a less concentrated 1% solution of the drug after flowering has begun, helps prevent the development of the disease. Among other fungicides good action against the fungus has Ridomil Gold, which should be applied a few days before flowering, as well as Thiovit Jet - after flowering.

There is not a single person who has not seen at least once in his life a viscous liquid on a tree trunk. Children like it most of all, because you can take it off the tree and play or even live.

Some make crafts out of them and do not even always know about the name of this resin, its purpose and that it is an indicator of tree disease. In fact, the appearance of amber streaks on the trunk fruit tree(cherries, plums, peaches and cherries most often suffer) is called gum, and our conversation will be about why gum disease occurs in cherries, the ability to prevent this disease.

Gum disease or gummosis

The liquid released to the surface from a tree trunk, literally immediately hardening in the air, is a disease - gommosis. It has an amber color, viscous, attracts attention, looks like drops, tastes a little bitter. This disease inhibits the growth and development of cherries. It is not uncommon for a tree to die as a result of the death of branches first, and then the entire trunk due to gum disease.

The outflow of gum comes from the bark at the place of cracks, as well as from the berries. The bark is damaged if:

  • occur due to improper care behind a plant;
  • improper preparation for wintering a tree, possible crackling from a big frost, freezing and, as a result, the death of branches;
  • gum disease occurs during hot summer days, the tree can get burns, which also harm the trunk and branches;
  • with high humidity or due to an excess of fertilizers;
  • swatching of branches and their thinning is carried out incorrectly, at the wrong time, too many branches are cut;
  • any damage caused by mechanical means is harmful and allows the disease to progress. As a rule, pathogenic microbes and other fungal diseases get into such cracks, which definitely harm the fruit tree;
  • gum disease occurs after the bark beetle damages the skin of the plant, in addition to gum disease, diseases such as clasterosporiasis, moniliosis, and cancer can begin.

Is it possible to warn?

If there is a desire to prevent the disease, then there are solutions. As mentioned above, we know exactly how the infection enters the plant. Accordingly, it is necessary to protect the tree from gum disease and take measures to preserve it:

  1. Careful attitude loves all living things. It is a mistake to think that the plants in the garden do not hear or feel. They are so alive, like animals, birds, people. Only they can’t move, and it’s unlikely to say. As science has proven, the more often you talk with a plant, the more returns a person receives. For some reason, it is customary to communicate only with flowers. Believe me, as soon as you begin to feel sorry, hug and talk with a tree, the improvement in yield, growth and appearance will be on your face.
  2. To ensure a calm wintering, treat the tree trunk with special solutions and cover the trunk one meter up from the root with oilcloth and a fabric base. Cherries, like cherries, need protection from frost and rodents that love to eat the bark of trees.
  3. To protect against gum disease three times a year, apply a layer of whitewash on the tree trunk from the roots. This is an excellent fire protection product. It is recommended to do this: in the summer, before wintering and shelter, after waking up in the spring.
  4. All trimming points require right approach. If the action is not carried out in a timely manner, the plant begins to fall ill with gommosis.
  5. All shelters after winter cannot be overexposed. A tree after waking up needs air and processing.
  6. Watch the soil around the roots of the plant. You also need to fertilize wisely, do not overdo it, as an excess will affect the condition of the cherry. If the soil is acidic, it is recommended to lime it. Due to excessive feeding with potassium and magnesium, there is a lack of calcium. This phenomenon is a provocateur for gum disease. In order to avoid this, water the soil more often. During the spring-autumn period, it is advisable to water the soil at least twice with a light solution of manganese, which neutralizes the earth from fungal diseases and other pathogenic microbes. As an additional care product, garden experts recommend top dressing, which includes calcium chloride. It is easy to do: dilute 10 milliliters of calcium in 10 liters of water at room temperature. For one tree - ten buckets of mortar.
  7. You can apply the method of furrowing trunks and skeletal branches. This is done in the spring, as soon as sap flow begins. To do this, grooves are made on the trunks along their circumference every 18 centimeters. As for the skeletal branch - every eight centimeters parallel to each other vertically. Furrowing is not done every year, but at least after one or two years. Follow the previous furrow, as soon as it increases to 4 mm, then there is a need to repeat the procedure.

Advice. All tools must be well-groomed, processed and sharp.

About treatment

If the disease has already begun to appear on the trunk of the cherry, then, firstly, you did something wrong for prevention. And, secondly, treatment is necessary. What we need:

  • sharp garden knife, pre-treated in a light solution of manganese;
  • copper sulphate solution;
  • garden var.

The treatment process is as follows:

  1. We carry out a complete cleaning of the affected area on the bark. Cut to undamaged wood.
  2. We treat the cleaned place with a pre-purchased 1% solution of copper sulfate or use only cut sorrel leaves. After 7-10 minutes, rub again and let dry.
  3. After processing, carefully cover the place with garden var.
  4. Do not forget to look every day at the place where we had to treat our cherries.

How to cook var

Such a thing as a garden pitch is always necessary in the household. This will help in grafting, in treatment, in processing a tree after injuries and damage by rodents. This is the unique solution that any gardener needs at hand.

Advice. The usual var can be purchased at any store where fertilizers and other necessary solutions are available, but it would be better to cook it yourself. There are several ways to do this. You are required to choose the one that suits you the most.

  1. We heat spruce resin (1.5 parts) and add 2 parts to it linseed oil and 0.5 wheel ointment. Boil for a long time, after cooling add 1 part of turpentine. Mix everything and the var is ready to use.
  2. Melt 3 parts of wax and 2 parts of propolis. While they are languishing on low heat, grind 6 parts of rosin and continue to boil until completely dissolved. Remove from fire and cool. Finishing touch- Pour in turpentine and mix thoroughly. The mixture is quite thick, so knead with your hands before use.
  3. Melt 400 grams of resin, after cooling, add 25 g of linseed oil and 50 g of alcohol. We mix everything.

So now you can be sure that gum disease in cherries can be stopped and prevented. Do not forget about the possible consequences that may arise if treatment is not started on time.

Plums are sweet, tasty and fragrant fruits, which are liked not only by people, but also by harmful microorganisms. They settle not only in fruits, but also in leaves, multiply rapidly, and destroy a tree that cannot get rid of them on its own. What diseases does the plum suffer from, and what remedies can be used to treat the tree?

Sooty fungus

Sooty fungus is manifested by blackening of the leaves. Black plaque is easily erased, but since it is impossible to wipe all the leaves on the tree, it continues to harm the tree, interfering with photosynthesis and normal oxygen access.

The disease develops from excessive moisture, therefore, at the same time as the treatment, it is necessary to change the irrigation regime. In addition, it is necessary to thin out the branches so that it easily penetrates into its crown. sunlight and Fresh air. The tree is sprayed with a solution of laundry soap and copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid or a solution of copper oxychloride.

Sooty fungus

fruit rot

Fruit rot - this disease very rarely occurs in dry summers. But in rainy weather it spreads very quickly, and not only on plums, but also on other stone fruit crops. It affects the fruits during their ripening, first those that suffered from hail and other mechanical damage, then spread to healthy and strong specimens.

The foci of the disease look like ordinary gray rot, which can be called a typical breeding ground for spores. With the help of the wind, these spores fly to other trees in the garden, and also harm them.

Unhealthy fruits must be removed and disposed of, and the tree should be sprayed with a one percent solution of Bordeaux liquid.

fruit rot

perforated spotting

Perforated spotting, which experts call clasterospiriasis, is fungal disease, developing on shoots, leaves, buds, fruits and flowers. They are manifested by ulcers and brown spots, around which a dark border is clearly visible. Sometimes the disease causes gum disease.

Another characteristic symptom is the appearance of holes and brown dots on the leaf plates. There are spots on the fruits, and the tender pulp is affected much faster than the leaves, they deteriorate to the bone, the fruit is deformed and stops growing. The fungus survives the winter, hiding in fallen leaves and small cracks on the branches. Actively begins to develop in the spring, in wet weather.

You can fight the disease with the help of Bordeaux liquid and copper oxychloride. Spraying is carried out 15 days after flowering. In addition, the crown must be constantly thinned out, removing branches affected by the fungus, and treating gum-exuding wounds with garden pitch. In autumn, the leaves must be raked and burned.

perforated spotting

Gum therapy (gommosis)

Gum disease (gommosis) is manifested by the release of gum, a yellowish resin, from cracks and cuts in the trunk and branches. Resin can be released in any damaged place, after which the branch dries up. Gum disease is a characteristic disease for all stone fruits, it develops due to excess nitrogen and moisture. In the gum, and the bark located next to it, bacteria develop well, contributing to the appearance of trunk cancer, as a result, the tree dies.

To protect the plum from this disease, it is necessary to spray it with a weak solution of copper sulfate in early spring. Coat wounds and mechanical damage with petralatum. Remove damaged shoots, coat the cuts with garden pitch.

Gum therapy (gommosis)


Coccomycosis is a fungal disease that attacks young leaves. shoots and fruits. It appears in the middle of summer, red-brown or purple spots on the upper part of the leaf plate. Gradually, small specks increase, grow, and completely cover the leaf. From the inside of the leaf, a white-pink bloom appears, in which spores of the fungus nest. Naturally, the leaves fall off, and the fruits stop developing. The disease greatly weakens the tree, reduces its resistance to other diseases and to winter cold. But the disease fungi themselves tolerate low temperatures well, hiding in fallen leaves, so it is better to burn them. The tree after harvesting is sprayed with copper chloride or Bordeaux liquid. The soil under the tree needs to be dug up just before the frost.


milky shine

Milky shine - this disease makes itself felt by the appearance of voids on the leaves. In addition, they acquire a silvery-white color and become thinner. As a result, they gradually die off and fall off, the bark darkens. Most often, the disease begins after a frosty winter, if there are too many dead branches on the tree.

To strengthen the tree, they are fed with mineral fertilizers in the spring, the branches damaged during the winter are removed, and they are sprayed with a blue liquid.

milky shine


Rust is another fungal disease that attacks plums. The disease is manifested by rusty spots on the leaves, as a rule, it is most active in mid-summer. The spots on the leaf plates increase, interfering with photosynthesis, as a result, the tree weakens, damaged leaves fly around. If the tree is still holding on in summer, then it is rather difficult for it to survive the winter, and if treatment is not started, it can be cut down in the spring.

To prevent trouble in the spring, the tree is sprayed with copper chloride, and after fruiting with Bordeaux liquid. The leaves are collected and burned.


marsupial plum disease

Marsupial plum disease - the causative agent of the disease is a fungus that damages the fruit. They grow, but without a seed. A white powdery coating appears on their surface, in which spores multiply.

The disease appears immediately after flowering, under conditions high humidity air. In winter, the fungus hides in the buds and in the form of colonies on the branches. Damaged fruits and shoots are cut and destroyed. As always, the best remedy for the treatment and prevention of fungal diseases of the plum is Bordeaux liquid, and in this case you can not do without it. The tree is processed after flowering.

marsupial disease

Gray rot

Gray rot (monilial burn) affects all parts - branches, leaves, fruits, flowers. If the disease began in the spring, it may not reach the fruits, if they have already begun to form, then they become soft and begin to turn brown. Then they are covered with a gray coating - fungal spores. The fungus successfully survives the winter on a tree, and with the advent of spring begins to develop with renewed vigor.

If there was gray rot on the tree in the summer, the damaged material is cut off in the fall, and in the spring it is sprayed with the same means that are used against other fungal diseases. The leaves are burned, the soil is dug up.

Plum blossomed well in the third year after planting, but the fruits began to crumble, but something remained. They cut it last spring. And in the summer on the branches came out very a lot of glue on the plum, several branches dried up.

It seems that the reason for the shedding of the ovary is not from insufficient pollination, because, as you write, the number of fruits on the tree increased every year. Perhaps the plum is deficient in moisture, in which it is poorly absorbed nutrients accumulating in the soil.

And without their help, the tree cannot hold the harvest. But most likely, the plum did self-regulation. In the first years after planting, her roots are weak, which means a large number she is still unable to “pull out” the fruits, so she got rid of the excessive load. And the appearance of "glue on the drain" (thick sticky liquid) is already a disease from which young trees especially suffer.

It can be caused by frost or sunburn of the bark (perhaps you did not whitewash the stem and skeletal branches in autumn and spring), excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers, damage by bark beetles and other pests, the proximity of groundwater, that is, a whole range of reasons. For example, the gum flow of a plum is not excluded if, after trimming the wound, it is not covered with garden pitch.

Chronic gum treatment weakens the plum and can cause the death of branches and even herself. To help her, you should clean the wounds with a sharp knife, grabbing around 4-5 mm of healthy tissue, and disinfect with a one percent solution of copper sulphate. In the same way, you need to remove dried branches.

Then it would be good to rub the wounds with fresh leaves of common sorrel two or three times with an interval of 5-10 minutes, and if it is not available, then horse sorrel. After that, cover the affected areas with petrolatum, which accelerates the healing of wounds. In its absence, you can get by with a mixture of mullein and clay in a 1: 1 ratio.

Isolation of glutinous resin from fruit trees (cherries, apricots).

Can't grow cherries and apricots. After planting, the trees take root well, but after two or three years, amber-colored resin begins to stand out on the trunk and branches - and the trees disappear. What kind of disease is this or maybe the trees are deficient in substances?

It is necessary to understand and remember, analyze what prompted the challenge of gum treatment. You know that the release of gum just does not happen. Usually this is a reaction of plant tissues either to excessive inept pruning, or to freezing, or to trauma to the bark. Sometimes the release of gum begins due to damage to the tree by pests or diseases, as well as its general weakening.

Gum on trees appears due to the dissolution of thin plant cells and tissue cell membranes. And in its structure, its composition is a variety of sugary substances. So the "tears" of cherries and most stone fruits taste sweet.

Constant strong gum disease leads to a decrease in yields, the death of individual groups of branches, and sometimes (as in your case) to the death of the entire tree. Therefore, the main thing is not to mechanically damage the tree skeleton (branches, trunks). In each case, of course, will require their own measures.

So, to prevent frost cracks, and then spring sunburn it will be necessary in late beautiful autumn, and at the end of winter, whitewash the central tree trunks and the initial bases of skeletal large branches. Instead of whitewashing from a freshly slaked form of lime or ordinary chalk, as well as casein glue and a solution of copper sulphate, paint can be used for whitening, which lasts from 1 to 3 years on the bark.

But the main condition for preventing gum disease is proper, systematic tree care, which includes not only watering and fertilizing, but also a systematic fight against annoying pests and unpleasant fruit trees diseases. However, if the gum still appeared on the tree, it should be treated.

What do gardeners advise? First of all, it is necessary to clean the wounds on fruit tree trunks with a small extension of 4-5 mm along healthy stem tissue. Then disinfect them with a one percent solution of ordinary copper sulphate proportion: (10 g per ten liters of water) and cover with garden pitch.

Good results are shown by applying wounds with a mixture of organic matter - cow dung plus the addition of clay (1: 1), and rubbing the cleaned wounds with sorrel leaves (two or three times, we look at the process of drying the juice). As a rule, gum disease affects trees growing preferably on acidified structural soils. It is probably time for liming in your garden as well.

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