When you plant dahlias in the spring. Landing dahlias by tubers in spring

Landscape design and layout 16.06.2019
Landscape design and layout

In Georgins, not only their beauty and abundance of paints, but also the simplicity of cultivation attracts. Nevertheless, if you are new in this matter, there may be many questions. On the basis of country reference books and personal experience, we made up this article, with one simple goal - to figure out, when better Still plant Georgina B. open sad (Middle bar). Spring or early summer? At the same time will notice B. Moon calendar Gardener and gardeners and listen to the opinion of astrologers ...

About timing: When is it better to plant dahlias?

If you plan to breed these wonderful decorative plants, Flowers are recommended to acquire tubers in the fall. We will negate that the tuber in dahlias is called roots with the root cake and the bottom of the stem. Sometimes the flowerflowers (inexperienced) cut off the tube roots and plant them into the ground, and the rest are thrown. But such segments of the sprouts will not give.

For the cultivation of dahlias, it is necessary to highlight an open, sunny place. They develop well at the southern wall of the house, fence. Faulty soil.

Georgina is useful to water and give them a helpful feeding; Look unnecessary shoots.

The easiest way to reproduce dahlias by the division of tubers. It is necessary to start a week for two before the landing in the flower garden. The tubers from the winter storage are transferred to the room with a temperature of 15-18 degrees and begin to spray water temperature.

Only when the kidney is designated on the root cake or small sprouts will appear, the tubers can be divided. Each part should be one or two dormitory roots and part of the root neck with small sprouts. Plusions plucked with crowded charcoal. Separate parts of the tuber plant so that the neck is on three or four centimeters below the soil level.

Georgins grown from non-small tubers, blooming weakly.

In the middle lane, the divided and germinated dahlias are planted in a flower garden usually in early June, when you can no longer be afraid of frosts.

It turns out that in the spring to plant dahlias in open ground is still early. At least in all sources we studied, it is recommended to do this at the very beginning of summer. And we are on your cottage plot Also doing so. An exception can be only a favorable weather forecast for the end of May. But then you can risk and planting dahlias on the flowerbed a little earlier.

Attention! Spring frosts - a serious danger for dahlias!

And in 2018 ...

According to the lunar gardener and garden calendar for 2018,

Flowers of twarm and perennials well plant:

In May: 4-6, 14, 16-24, 26-28 numbers.
In June: 1-3, 10-12, 15, 16, 18-20, 22-25 numbers.

Cloths and bulbs of flower crops:

In May: 4-6, 20-24, 26-28 numbers.
In June: 1-3, 5-8 numbers.

And in the lunar calendar of the newspaper "Sed. Garden. Flower garden »These dates are indicated specifically for landing Georgin in 2018:

  • 6 and 7 June, 10 and 11 June,
  • June 13 - an unfavorable day to work with plants.
  • in the spring, this lunar calendar of favorable dates for disembarking Georgin does not call.

Breeding dahlia and cuttings

Plants grown from cuttings give particularly large inflorescences and sweaty tubers.

To get pipes, tubers need to germinate. At the end of March or in April, place them in the boxes with the ground, deepening to the ground by a third or half. When the sprouts reached the height of five to eight centimeters, they are cut off so. So that half the heel remains on the cutlets (the end of the sprout at the root cervy). Another half of the heel remains on the club. Do not cut the cuttings without heel.

Prepare flower pots Or drawers for rooting cuttings. Fill their ground, and on top of three centimeters - sand. Cutted cuttings plant with rejolation by two centimeters. All this can be covered with glass or glass cans, protecting the first days from the sun. Water gram. As soon as the cuttings go into growth, begin to give them helpful feeding.

Before landing in a flower garden, Georgina is useful to temper: put them in quiet weather on the street. Plants in the pits with a diameter and a depth of 40 centimeters, where to add fertile land and fertilizer. At the edge of the yams, hammer the stake, to which you are subtracting the stem. Between the plants, leave a distance of 60 - 100 centimeters depending on the variety. Around the planted plants, make holes and well.

In the case of frosts, cutting dahlias may die, the tuber often survive.

And what then? Dahlia in autumn

Pumping tubers before the onset of large cold weather, usually in the first five days of October. Carefully removing the remnants of the Earth, hang the label with the name of the variety and dried two or three weeks in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of 15 - 20 degrees of heat. Then put the tubers for storage in a dry clean room. The temperature in it should be approximately 7 -10 degrees of heat. With zero temperature and below zero, tubers may die. Some flower trees fall asleep with sandball and store them in the coolest room.

Do not lay the tubers close one to another. In the repository they are well put on the shelf that is ventilated from all sides. One or twice a month, tubers inspect. If they appeared rot, carefully cut it to a healthy place. Do not forget to fall asleep with crowded charcoal.

You can save and dry, wrinkled tubers. Before the germination, place them in the water temperature of the clock at 12 or a day.

Luxurious flowers of Georgina are a real "pearl" flower garden. This thermal-loving flower pleases its lush and bright blossom only in summer time of the year. After the end of flowering, with the onset of autumn, the tubers of George in obligatory Drop out of the ground and send for winter to a dry cool place.

Landing Georgin Perennial

In the spring, as soon as the warm spring rays thoroughly warm the land, it is time for landing of these wonderful flowers on the beauty. In order to understand how to plant dahlia, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the detailed rules:

  • It is necessary to choose a suitable place to disembark. Planting Georgin is produced on well-lit, ventilated areas, where the colors will be comfortable to develop and blossom. However, it is not necessary to fall in extremes and plant plants on drafts - dahlia will be sick and will not be able to please our luxurious blossom. It is best to organize a landing on an open solar lawn or on the south side of a plot protected from strong wind gusts with dense shrubs, hedge or fence. Since Georgina is mostly perennials, in order for this flower culture not "degenerated", it is desirable to change the landing sites every spring and only after 2-3 years to return to the previous site.


  • The soil. It is known that almost all beautiful-flowing plants planted on a light nutritious soil, the dahlia perennial is no exception, also love the "delicious" soil. Landing the tubers is made in neutral soil or weakly acidified land. If the acidity level is lower than the acidity of pH 5, then in this case, the soil can be conducted, with more high meaning The level of acidity in the soil is added peat. In the fall, at a peopling of a flower garden, one m² is made by half a compost or humus. In the spring resistance, the flow of the flower garden feces the compost with a small amount of ash.
  • Training of tubers. Color growing begins with spring preparation of planting material. To this end, in mid-April, a visual inspection of dahlias tubers is performed in order to remove dry, damaged root and disinfection parts. The prepared planting material is planted in pots or tanks filled with a nutrient earth mixture. The tuber is placed in such a way that the tops of the plants perform a little over the soil.

    Planting Georgin in Soil

  • Caring for tubers. Capacities with drop-down rhizomes put on light in warm room, Moisturize the soil and watch which kidney starts to produce. The root is divided in such a way that on every bulb there was a new shoot of escape. After dividing part of the tubers placed back to the ground and close with transparent glass or pVC film.
  • Before landing on the site on each instance of seedlings in the central part, one most abnormal kidney leave, and the remaining side sprouts are removed. Cut shoots can be used to obtain new dahlias. For this, the sprouts must be rooted into a pot or a bin with wet sand, cover and remove into dark place For germination. After rooting, new specimens are planted in a flower garden.

On a note. Dahlia flowers can be various shapes and color shades. Who at least once in his garden grown these magnificent plants, it is necessarily interested in the emergence of new elite "dahlias" -Krasavitz in his flower bed. To do this, it is recommended to contact the specialized flower shops And choose high-quality planting material.

Rules and landing schemes

It is difficult to call a clear date when planted dahlia into open soil in spring. It is best to navigate the weather and climatic conditions. In the regions of the middle strip of Russia, the flowers of Georgin begin to plant in the first days of May, and in the Urals and Siberia, the landing time is chosen after the land will warm up quite well, and the threat of return freezers will arrive.

Georgina Perennial, landing and preparation for it:

The flower culture "Georgin" is an undemanding plant. Flower can be planted even in a shady garden or flower garden. True, the lack of full-fledged solar lighting significantly affects the size and color color. But in such a shady location there is also your plus: you can enjoy the beauty of flowering, on decorativeness easy plants Halfing does not have a significant effect.

There is a fair interest in the disembarkation scheme and how to put dahlias in the flower bed, depending on the height of the plants:

Georgins are good to come true, they can be raised on any type of soil: on loamy, sandy and black earth soils. That is why dahlias "beauties and pets" are universally decorated with flower beds and gardens of all Russia.

The only condition for full development And the flowering of dahlia is observing a moderate humidity level. Corneels of the plants are prone to loading, so in places with a high level groundwater And in low-rise areas, they will not grow actively. Flowers with extensive experience of breeding flower crops are advised to the landing pits on the bottom of the drainage from a brick combat or clay crushed stone.

Is it possible to transplant flowering dahlias

Sometimes a beginner flower descender for some reason was incorrectly or unsuccessfully landed the plant into the flower garden, then the question becomes quite understandable: is it possible to transplant the blooming dahlias in the summer, in the midst of flowering?

Seedard Georgin

As a rule, during the flowering period, the rhizome begins to actively turn new escapes through which the plant absorbs food from the ground. Dropping a flower for transplant, some of these roots is destroyed, and the plant instead of blossoming, will spend their internal reserves to restore the integrity of the root system. Such a decrease in growth activity leads to loss of decorativeness and decrease in color color. The plant will seem sick and chahl.

If an acute need arises in the transplanting of an adult blooming plant, then in this case, the flower can only transplanted with a large earthen room, to prevent damage to gentle roots. So the answer to the question "Is it possible to translate dahlias in summer" depends on the degree of importance of such a transplant and on whether it is worth risking blooming plant For the sake of this procedure.

Features of landing Georgin by region

Growing Georgin in the harsh climatic conditions Siberia and Urals have their difficulties associated with the thermo-liftingness of this flower culture. For this reason, it is important to know how to plant dahlias in such zones of risky agriculture and flower growing.

The first serious spring frost can cause irreparable harm to the plant, it may die. To avoid deceptive weather surprises and do not give your favorite dahlia to frozen from the cold, a thermal-loving beauty in the Siberian region is planted in the open soil until June 10. With short-term change in the weather and cutting cold, the plants are covered with PVC film or agrovolok.

Annolete dahlia

In the suburbs, as in middle lane, warm weather comes significantly earlier, the earth to May the month is already well warmed and, starting with the third decade, Georgina plant on a permanent place in open ground. Cold spring, when the land in May did not work out, the dates of the disembarkation are shifted to the onset of sustainable heat.

Decorate the flower garden in lush and luxury dahlias only when knowledge of the rules proper landing and competent leaving plants. Annual gradeswhich are grown out of seeds, are not so demanding towards care, and perennials are more capricious and require more attention. Annual culture is usually low, they do not need a fixing support. After flowering in the fall, they dig them and destroy, and the newest plant plant.

Growing bright and elegant Georgin does not require knowledge of special agrotechnical techniques and does not represent difficulties even for beginner flower products. Garden or flower garden decoration with bright large flowers of various shapes and color colors are quite able to everyone who loves beautiful dahlias.

Dahlias are not in vain deserved the love of flower water throughout the land. This is an amazing embodiment of the sun in a plant form, loving heat and distinguished by a variety of paints, can plant on her site. The main thing is to find a suitable place and comply with all conditions when landing and further proper care.

And nothing difficult

To plant dahlias to open soil in the spring you will not be difficult. The main point of B. this case Is competent training of tubers before landing. Georgina is divided into early, medium and late. Early and medium dahlias can be planted in the ground in mid-March. However, this land is located in a container, and not on the site, since it is too early to plant into the open soil - on the street at this time is usually still cold, and Georgine is a thermal-loving flower. By the way, the land for landing will need loose and nutritious.

With proper care, dahlia turn a plot into a flowering festive glade

It is thanks to landing to the container you can count on early blossom Unlike direct landing in open ground. Here Georgina should be planted not earlier than May, but also you need to navigate the weather. Some medium I. late varieties You can not sung in containers. For them, the landing is characterized by straight into the open ground - then they will bloom on time. Provided that the landing time will be observed.

Landing of dahlias in spring (video)

It all starts, of course, with the training of tubers. These tubers are digged in autumn and persist until spring, and now they are purified by the fallen parts in the spring, after which the entire node is divided into parts, each of which consists of two tubers with sprouts. So you can get a plant with a large margin of vitality, which in the future will give many buds. If the number of non-zoom to zoom, the pig is hung and will interfere with each other during growth, which will affect the result. Slices in the fools need to be sprinkled with charcoal.

E.if at least one of the tubers has damage or rotted, it can be safely disposed of, in order not to expose the risk of infection the rest of the tubers. Such a strawberry is separated by a sharp knife, and healthy nodules are immersed in a weak manganese solution for half an hour.

After this procedure, the tubers are left without actions so that those were able to get used to the surrounding temperature and awaken the growth of new kidneys. This is done if the sprouts have not yet appeared. Fresh loose ground is stirred with sawdust, moistively moisturize, and pour into this mixture of tubers. Containers with tubers during this period are kept in or outdoors, avoiding direct sun ray. For the night they are transferred to the house.

Depending on the variety of Georgina, the time of its landing in open ground is changing

As soon as the temperature on the street will steadily be held within 10-15 degrees, the time of landing of dahlias to open ground will come. For landing, you can dig up small grooves, where tubers will disembark at an equal distance from each other, or well. The second option is simpler and convenient.

The distance between the bushes is chosen depending on the estimated growth of plants. So, the distance in 30cm is suitable for low-speed dahlias, and for the highest - 80cm.

The well is made in a depth of 10 cm. Too strongly plugged the sprouted tuber is not required. If the earth is dry, it is necessary to pour water directly before planting plants. Put up a tuber in the well horizontally - so Georgina will be able to develop a good root system.

Spring Flower Care

Dahlia landed - give them time to adapt and do not worry on trifles. Only periodically remove those who pop upside the weeds - there are no competitors to the colors. Even simple watering from you is not required now. Still in the spring in the soil there is still enough moisture. The only exception in Mae month should be done if there is too hot steady weather. After irrigation, break the soil over the dropped tubers so that they receive enough oxygen and could safely increase the greens.

As soon as the shoots are growing, you have to leave only two sprouts - the strongest and tall.

Hourging will have to be carried out regularly until flowering - it contributes to the formation of powerful buds.

In the spring, it is not necessary to get involved with the filtering of flowers - greens grow enough, but the flowers will be too small.

Photo gallery of grades Georginov

Here are just some varieties from a variety of garden products offered in the market.

Midnight Moon grade - Pomponic dahlias "Lucky Nambr" ("Happy Number") - Character Georgina Mingus Gregory Grade - Lace Georgina Musetta Grade - Decorative Georgina

Some important conditions

When choosing a place it is important to remember that the shaded places need to be bypass. In the shadow of Georgina, of course there will be grow, but at the same time it will be decently stretched and there will be badly blossom. Yes, and tubers will not get the right stock nutrients and forces that will be suitable next year.

Georgina is undemanding to the soil, exposing only two conditions - a large content of nutrients and well-transmitting soil.

Another an important rule - Georgina, though not against the water, but its oversupply only hurts, and even more so it is impossible to plant them in those places where water is stirred.

Do not love dahlia neighbors with a highly developed root system. Those are able to take the necessary colors of substances from the soil, depriving dahlias the ability to fully grow and develop.

The place for Georgino should be sunny, water should not be intermedible

Place for landing Georgin, look for another fall.Dispose the soil and make compost or overwhelmed dung. With the onset of spring, the soil breaks down with a pitchfork, and bone flour is introduced into it. To protect flowers from pests such as a wire and onion root tick, enter insecticides in the form of granules.

A solution of copper sulfate, potassium mangartageous or formalin can be used if roses grew up in this place to dahlias fruit cultureswho suffered any diseases.

In compliance with all the conditions, Georgina will grow strong, they will not waste all the forces on greens and please you with large buds that will look beautiful both on the site and in the cut. After the successful result, Georgin will certainly become one of your favorite colors and will be included in the list of annual landings.

Thanks to the unmatched flowers of beautiful color and the diversity of forms, Georgin deserves a noticeable place in any garden. Rarely, some of the flower water admires the magnificence of this plant. The history of the appearance of Georgina is connected with the legend that Georgine appeared on the place of the last fire, who was fired upon the occurrence of the glacial period. And sprout first after the arrival of the heat, marking the victory of life over death, and warmth - over cold.

Intensive selection work led to the creation huge number varieties - now their number is calculated tens of thousands. This flower has two official names - Dahlia (most common in England) and Georgina.

Aztecs bowed before this plant, considering it by the embodiment, the warriors portrayed him on their shields and clothes, worn as an amulet, believing that he gives them strength and courage. The aborigines used tubers in food, and hollow stems were used when building a water supply. Georgin is considered a symbol of all-leaving life, persistence, freedom, inaccessibility, pride. The Japanese consider it a symbol of greatness. Georgine is the national flower of Mexico.

Georgins that we admire today were obtained by crossing Mexican species Dahlia Coccinnta and Dahlia Variabilis. This is grassy perennial plantswhose roots have powerful tuber thickening with nutrient reserves. Stems hollow, branching carry on elongated stiffs peristoids, opposite, green-blue leaves. Flowers are collected in inflorescences - baskets, blooming from summer to the first small frosts. The tongue flowers are flat, shovels, ribbons, rolled into the tube various in color; Tubular - yellow or orange.

Depending on the size of the inflorescence, dahlia is divided into gigantic (diameter more than 25 cm), large (up to 25), average (20-25), small (10-15) and miniature - up to 10 cm.

Growing dahlias from seeds

Sowing immediately in the soil

Considering that these plants are very thermalized and do not tolerate even short-term light frosts, it is possible to sow them in the ground only after the 20th of May, to be sure that the night freezing will not destroy shoots.

However, there is a significant drawback: in this case, you can see not before August.

Therefore, many gardeners still arrange mini-greenhouse or guy for these colors and sow in the twenties of March. You can use old window Rama Or pull on the arc film.

  • The prepared bed should stand a couple of days after Popile, to asslave the land.
  • The furrows are stuffed with shallow, distance 60 cm.
  • In the series SEE SEE, plants need a space, thick shoots after breaking through or transplant, leaving the distance between the bushes at least 60 cm.
  • After sowing, the land is aligned with robbles, falling asleep furrows.
  • We pour out well, you can pour out a thin layer in the garden with overworked to prevent the formation of an earthen crust.

Often it is not necessary, natural moisture should be enough for several days. But if it is hot weather, control the land does not drive.

Growing dahlias to seedlings at home

When landing Seeds, Georgin immediately on the gardening flowering will come not earlier than the middle of August. When landing seeds at home, the seedlings are achieved earlier than the beginning of flowering. Growing in this way usually does not cause any hassle of flowerfish. The only moment to be considered - seedling Georgin does not tolerate even weak frosts.

Seeds are convenient to grow dahlia for the design of borders, Rabatok. Plants grown from seeds for the autumn form a small tuber. Therefore, you can save your favorite instance and land in the next season to admire them in the future. Seeds Georgin are well anticipated - they can be collected, saving for landing for the next year.

Annual dahlias sow on seedlings in April, but if you wish to get a nodule perennial grades, it is necessary to sow in early March.

  • Prepare containers in which drainage is provided. If you use food packaging, be sure to do in the bottom of the hole.
  • Fill the containers with a nutrient loose soil rich in organic. Remember, simple garden land He will affect the health of seedlings: during the departure, it has a property to be very compacted. Therefore, it is better to buy a special blend for flowers. Well, or not be lazy, adding to garden primer Redempted organic, peat and sand in equal shares.
  • Sowing make a shallow, 1-1.5 cm. It is advisable to sow less frequently, leaving a distance of 2-3 cm between seeds.
  • When small geogies will release 2-3 sheets, they carefully dive into separate cups. You can use a fork, tea spoon or any other tool comfortable. The main thing is not to damage the gentle roots and transfer them to the land of the earth.
  • Next, just water and provide sufficient lighting.
  • At the occurrence of warm weather, the seedlings arrange walks to the street: teach to the wind and the sun. We gradually increase the time and by the end of the second week of quenching our seedlings should stay on the street full day. Such tempered seedlings will not hurt after disembarking and quickly accepted.

When to plant dahlia into outdoor ground

At the end of May, when there is no threat of night frosts, seedlings and tubers plant on the flowerbed. In some regions before, it all depends on the weather. Georgina bloom after 60-90 days after they rose, depending on the variety.

Planting seedlings of dahlias in spring in the ground

Planting seedlings of dahlias in the ground - Joyful stage for gardener. Finally, flowers will go to the flowerbed. Here you want to give a few tips:

  • Try to avoid strict rows, landing will look unnaturally, too stupid. It is better to combine dahlias with, Rudbecia's bushes, or asterisus, imitating natural chaoticism.
  • Give the space more for each bustle, the distance to other plants is at least 60 cm.
  • The wells are preparing in advance, make them wider and deeper with seaside cups, it is advisable to pour a little fruit to the bottom.
  • Planted seedlings, carefully taking out the earth, so that the earth is not tremended with the roots.
  • They have vertically in the well, trying to keep the existing root neck level.
  • Pop up the earth, abundantly moisturize.
  • It is desirable to climb the root space by any grain material: fresh grass, sawdust, cheese.

Landing dahlias by tubers in spring

Before boarding the tubers, Georgin should be prepared: wash from the ground and to withstand in a weakly pink solution of mangalls about half an hour. Then tubers lay out in boxes with treated boiling water sawdust and germinate at room temperature until sprouts appear.

After the tubers gave sprouts, they should be divided before landing to enable bushes to develop full in the new season.

How to split tubers before landing, look at the video:

After the tubers are ready for disembarking, the process itself begin. Prepare deep wells, approximately 30 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter. Pour into the bottom of humus, stirred with garden earth. Put on one piece of tubers in each well, fall asleep the earth, the distance from the tuber to the surface of the Earth is approximately 5-8 cm.

Details on landing dahlias by tubermies in the spring, look at the video:

Reproduction of dahlias dividing tubers

  • Tubers for landing are preparing in advance. First, they are placed in wet sawdust or peat.
  • After the appearance of sprouts, they are neatly separated by a sharp knife into several parts, so that each has sprouts.
  • Sections are dried and sprinkled with ash or activated coal. After that, they are placed in sawdust for rooting.
  • As soon as the warm weather is established without, they are planted in advance prepared wells.
  • Each hole is made by 1/3 buckets of humus or compost.
  • Delleka is placed in the well so that the sprouts are at the surface of the soil.
  • Spilled well and fall asleep with a compost.
  • The root cerv should be at the ground level.

Reproduction of dahlias Cherenca

  • At the end of February, Korni Georgin is treated with a weak solution of manganese and placed in the boxes, falling asleep by half nutrient substrate, moderately watered.
  • The cuttings take after 3-4 weeks.
  • Processing roots and plant in individual cups.
  • To accelerate rooting, you can cover the planting by polyethylene.
  • The rooting occurs within two weeks.
  • In early June they are planted with groups or ranks at a distance of 60 cm.

Growing conditions

  • Georgians prefer sunny sections. In the fellow, they grow perfectly, but are significantly higher than plants planted in the sun.
  • Deep shadow adversely affects development and flowering.
  • Love enough wet soil - For this, the land under the landings should be mulched by semi-surge sawders or beveled herbs. This will prevent the evaporation of moisture and relieve the weeding.
  • The feeding is made in cases where the organic components were not added to the soil.
  • Use liquid complex fertilizer every two weeks.
  • Under the tall varieties necessarily puts the support - it will protect it from breakage of the stem during weather and strong wind.

Each bush should be left no more than 3 shoots. To get more on central blooms, all the side shoots should be overtaken. Be sure to remove the sworded buds to give the opportunity to develop young. The smaller the buds, the larger the flowers.

After the first frost damaged the bushes, they should be digging. Cropped stem at an altitude of 15-20 cm from the ground and gently dig root, trying not to damage it at the same time. Very often, the liquid is accumulated inside the hollow stem and from it during storage, the plant boots. Therefore, the tuber turn over the stem down, giving the fluid to fall out. After that, you can dry the tubers outdoors during the day, if the weather allows. Then they are transferred to storage in a dry basement.

Diseases and pests

Georgins are sufficiently stable, but should not allow the soil to oveurgement, which contributes to the development of diseases and attacing the slug. Anti-tree and ticks periodically irrigate your plants with tar water. With the damage to the viral mosaic on the leaf plates, light spots appear, yellowing along the veins. Such plants should be selected. When the tubers are found on the tubers, which indicates a bacterial cancer, infected tubers destroy.

Types of Georgine with photos and descriptions

Georgina Tree Dahlia Arborea - View with a powerful obsess stem, reaching the height of 2 m. It has simple lilac baskets.

Dahlia Coccinea. - Leaves of this type of filament with pointed blades. Baskets are simple and small.
At the kind of Dahlia Juarezii stem with a height of about 1 m with deeply rugged dark-malachite leaves and multicolored inflorescences. From him there were cacti-shaped dahlias.

Georgina Changed Dahlia Variabilis - It has simple baskets with red tongue and yellow tubular flowers.
All these types of Mexico laid the foundation for various varieties, so love to our flowers. They do not completely tolerate even the easiest frosts and in our strip are grown as annual plants. But Georgian tubers are perfectly overwhelming in dry, cool premises are like potato tubers. To do this, they are digging and re-imprisoned in the spring.

There is a division of Georgin in the form of inflorescence

Anemoneovoid. The average group with semi-world inflorescences looks like anemone.

Wollenchkovy. The tubular petals of this plant are shorter than other species. The cities of the inflorescence make up small tubular petals with a collar from one row of large flat petals of contrasting color.

Pionic. Externally similar to peonies. The most extensive and colorful look.

Lotomovoid or nymphysy. All varieties of this species belong to the terry and largest.

Decorative. The most common variety that includes the greatest number varieties.

Character and pomponoid. Similar to each other and differ in size. In both terry flowersresembling a ball consisting of a variety of petals. Pomponoid diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm. Spherical - 8-15 cm. Both types are tall.

Cactus. SAMI original varietyThe inflorescences consist of long narrow, rolled petals, sometimes dissected at the ends.


Therapeutic properties of dahlias allow them to be counted them to medicinal plants. Bales of these colors normalize metabolic processes, useful for cardiovascular system. The root mixture is used as a prophylactic agent against diabetes. Fresh leaves are applied to the skin for acne treat. Rhizomes are used in crushed form as a mask for aging skin. Powder from tubers rubbed into the base of hair bulbs to strengthen hair.

Low varieties are used for borders, vases, balcony boxes. Most varieties are used in free compositions or group landings. And especially spectacular, abundant-flowering - in single landings. A varieties with long, durable flowers are used on the cut, perfectly stand in the water more than a week.

Georgina was always loved by our flowers. Some of them collect entire collections - their flower beds attract attention to the abundance of blooming dahlias. The abundance of planting material on store shelves, sufficient unpretentiousness, lush flowering Georgin put in a number of the most popular plants in our sites.

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