How to care for the royal pelargonia to achieve a bright "terry" blossom. Description of Pelargonia species

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Geranium, or, as our grandmothers, "Kalachik", is in almost any tender. Dark green slightly pubescent leaves and gorgeous flowers of various shades create in the house of the comfort. There was a time when this flower, along with Ficus, was called Meshchansky, but fortunately, these times were rushed into the fly, and Geranians continue to delight us with his flowering.

Among the numerous family of Geranium there are plants that are completely unpretentious in care, and the newcomer will cope with their cultivation. But perhaps, not everyone knows that among these plants there is a variety that is awarded the rank of royal. This flower is difficult to call just geranium, many inexperienced flowers and will not find similarities between her and their cute and more modest and of course, it is unlikely that someone will call him "Kalachik".

The heroine of our article will be luxurious royal room geranium. The plant is not an easy, requiring constant attention and careful care. But we assure you, your works will be more rewarded when you see bloom royal Gerani.


Royal Geranium, or is a representative of a numerous kind that has more than 250 species. This is great room flowerWhich with proper care pleases the owners huge (15 cm), extraordinary beauty with flowers of various color.

This is a native of the wet and hot climate of South America. She feels great in conditions high humidity air and does not tolerate direct sun ray. At home, the Royal Pelargonium grows up to 60-80 cm. A higher plant does not make sense to grow, because buds are only at the top growth points. With a height of 100 centimeters, the plant completely loses its decorative properties.

Today, many flower flower are interested in royal at home, behind such a magnificent plant has many pitfalls that need to be bypassed so that the capricious beauty pleased with his flowering. It must be remembered that even with the full observance of all the rules of the agrotechniki, it is impossible to extend the period of flowering of royal geranium. It is much shorter than the usual species.

Royal Geranium does not bloom: what to do?

This question worries many flower flowers. There may be several reasons for any. To understand them, it is necessary to understand what the royal order needs for this plant involves right choice landing tanks proper primer, timely watering and trimming, ensuring the winter period of rest, transplantality if necessary.

Consider more the reasons for which geranium refuses to bloom. In the case when the plant is planted in a too big pot, Pelargonium begins to actively increase the green mass and expand. In this situation, the plant simply lacks the strength for flowering, because its energy goes to the growth of the root system and landscaping. Peread flower to a smaller vase.

Another reason - the flower is damaged roots. It should be known that royal geranium is susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections of the root system. Immediately determine the disease is not easy. It becomes visible when the disease amazes stems and leaves. Geranium suffers from lack nutrients. In this case, the plant is processed by antiseptics that sell in all flower stores. However, if the disease is launched, save the plant is rarely possible. Flowers should be aware that any disease and pests (TLL, weevils, ticks, etc.) cause the plant to spend all their strength to fight them. About blossom in such a situation can not be speech.

Another rather common cause is the absence of a rest phase. What should I do in this case? Reduce watering in the autumn winter, do not feed the flower. Transfer the plant into a cooler place (for example, on the loggia). Heat B. winter time Definitely for royal geranium. Watering also affects the flowering of the plant, although not as much as the above causes. What irrigation requires geranium and why a literate trimming is very important for her, we will tell below.


Probably, looking at the photo presented in our article, many will like the royal geranium very much. Care at home for this beauty has its own characteristics. In particular, it concerns watering. This procedure is better done through the pallet. The plant independently adjusts the required amount of moisture. Water for watering should be stretched, room temperature, you can use boiled chilled water.

Before flowering leaves, it follows from time to time to spray. Dry crust that appeared on top layer Soil, is a signal to watering. Excessive moisture can provoke plant diseases, and its deficiency leads to the absence of flowers.

Royal Geranium: Trimming for Lush Blossom

Quite often, the flower makes a very common mistake in caring for this plant - trimming is produced in spring. It would seem that this is the most suitable time, but in this case it can stop blooming the royal geranium. Trimming for lush flowering should be made in autumn and winter.

Often, irregular pruning leads to the fact that the plant grow too long stems and it loses its decorative attractiveness. To form a beautiful crown, it is necessary to strictly fulfill uncomplicated rules:

Autumn trimming

Experienced flower products know that a very responsive to the competent formation of the bush is a royal geranium. Pruning for lush flowering is most often immediately after Pelargonium is blocked. This is usually happening at the end of August. It follows this procedure in two stages with an interval of 1.5 months. This is necessary in order to prevent strong stress of the plant.

With such an early autumn trimming, the new shoots royal geranium increases very quickly. Paging them (above the fourth pair of leaves) stimulates the formation of new young shoots.

Order of trimming

To Pelargonia pleases you with lush bloom, a certain order should be observed:

Winter trimming

Flowers with experience celebrate that in short winter days, in the absence of sunlight Pulls in the height of the royal geranium. Pruning for lush flowering at this time is partially replaced by pinching, and the long shoots are cut off.

In April, the Royal Pelargonium begins to bloom, so in mid-March, the trimming should stop. So that the shape of the bush is maintained, the september can be carried out in the summer, after flowering. It is categorically recommended to cut geranium from December to February, so as not to break the period of rest. Resting. At this time, he needs minimal watering and illuminated, cool (no higher than 15 degrees).


Royal geranium is multiplied, as well as ordinary varieties, stalling. At the end of August, cut the cuttings with a length of 7-9 cm, to withstand them a few hours in the air, then drop them in a peat-sand mix. Using a plastic bag, create a greenhouse effect and make sure that soil mixture Always moistened. Then prepare a mixture of sand, a delicate and leaf land and fall out the rooted cuttings.

We told you what is required in order to please you with your beauty royal geranium. Care and reproduction of this luxurious plant somewhat different from ordinary species. But if you do all the rules of the agrotechnology, this wonderful flower will reward you for the works with lighted bloom, unfortunately, not too long.

Very big popular among flower water and all lovers indoor plants Enjoy Pelargonium. In the people, this type of color is called geranium, the brightest and beautiful is the Royal Geranium grade. It is distinguished by the extraordinary puff of flowering, its sizes and exceptional variety of color palette.

Very very popular among the flower water and all lovers of indoor plants use Pelargonium

Royal Geranium is one of the most large varietiesHer beauty leaves no one indifferent, it grows with a large, wide shrub, which, while flowering, it seems to be saturated with thick flowers, often achieve 15 cm in diameter. Flowers can have a different color depending on the variety, the characteristic difference between this species is the dark splash on the top of the petals, in appearance, many compare them with pansies.

So, it is worth learning more, in what care is this beauty needs and how difficult it is to grow it.

What is called this pelargonium royal gives a certain definition of her mind. Indeed, this variety is quite capricious and requires special care at home. His appearance corresponds to the name, it differs from other varieties in its sizes and shape. More large flowers Among this kind, it is difficult to find - perhaps it is its main difference.

Her leaves also possess characteristic features: They seem to be covered with small hairs, which makes to the touch become rough, and quite large, the edges of them have a served shape.

It is worth noting that the royal geranium does not emasculate the fragrance. Specialists persistently work on new varieties of this species, surprising each time the extraordinary coloring and size of flowers.

The place where the royal geranium is placed is well lit, many experts recommend provide it with additional lighting, for this, fluorescent lamps are perfect. Does not like the plant of drafts and cold, so it is worth it to be located in such a way that the room can be carried out, without creating drafts.

Royal Geranium is one of the largest varieties, her beauty does not leave anyone indifferent

The optimal place for this flower will be the south side, namely the windows or loggia. IN summer period The plant should be protected from direct sunlight hits to avoid burns of foliage. If the pot with a flower is not rearranged from the windowsill, you can adjust the flow of light with the help of blinds. The temperature in the room where the flower is located, should be no lower than + 10ºС and not higher + 30ºС.

It blooms mainly short, but when proper care And regular feeding the royal geranium can start its color from April to August. For the formation of the bush, it is necessary to periodically accumulate twigs, as well as to carry out sanitation, removing the shockless flowers and dried leaves.

Cutting geranium bushes should be regularly, it will significantly increase the number of colors on it. Cutting for lush flowering is performed, since the plant redirects all its strength not to landscaping the twigs, but on the lycle of flowers. Conduct crop several times a year. For the first time it is performed before the winter period, as soon as the plant will flash.

A half sprigs with flowers are removed, it reduces the risk of developing diseases and makes it possible to successfully go to the state of hibernation. The main thing is not to make a fertilizer immediately, otherwise the flower, on the contrary, will actively begin its growth and restoration of cuttings, and root system In this case, will receive stress and exhaustion.

The second time the pruning is performed at the end of winter or early spring. If the bush significantly scored growth, then it can be cut a little and give it a form. The cut must be made on the scenario and an exceptionally acute instrument that is disinfected before starting work.

The soil for the plant is the easiest to purchase in a flower room or shop, to prepare the substrate and independently, taking in the same proportions:

  • chernozem from the greenhouse;
  • large river sand.

It should be borne in mind that purchased substrates have a large number of nutrients than the usual black soil. The soil should be fertile, rather loose, not easy. During the landing, it is necessary to lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot, the ceramzite or small crushed stone is ideal for this.

Watering royal geranium loves regular. For moisturizing, it is necessary to use only the dilated water temperature. It is necessary to water as the upper layer of the Earth graze, but the formations of soil crusts and cracks do not wait for the formations of soil crusts and cracks. Excess moisture is also undesirable for southern beauty, stagnation of moisture in a vase leads to the disease of the root system and the death of the flower. In winter, if there is enough moisture and low temperature in the room, watering is reduced.

The tsarist geranium loves, make it necessary regularly. In winter I. autumn period It is possible to fertilize 1 time in 2 months, and in the summer and spring - 1-2 times a month.

Often flowerfints a special diary, in which the royal geranium is celebrated every day. After all, it is important to know when they fell flowers and what drugs. It helps not get confused and fertilize according to the scheme. The optimal fertilizers for the flower are prepared preparations, which include:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • minerals.

Fertilizers can be made only after the plant was poured, the moistened soil will avoid possible burns of the root system.

Do not use for feeding organic fertilizers, decorative View Gerani can even die from such substances.

If you correctly feed the plant, it will allow it to bloom more durable and magnificently.

Gallery: Royal Geranium (25 photos + video)

Vaccusion Plants

One of the most important moments In care of this species of plants is the implementation of the so-called vaccination. Perform it in order to obtain a new color on an adult bush and for the formation of the crown. The process itself is a transplant of a young sprout or escape from one plant to another. Young plants are not subject to vaccination, which has not been fulfilled another 1 year, as well as exhausted and sick specimens.

So, the first stage is a piece of a piece of a young sprout from a cutter. To do this, it is better to use the usual blade, it is thinner, and they can make a curly cut. Top A sprout with a length of 2-3 cm is cut with a V-shaped form by the edge. For the sublayer choose a stalk of the same width so that at least one side of the vaccine material coincided. Paste the lead in the dot and, if desired, fix.

The optimal place for this flower will be the south side, namely windows or loggia

Reproduction of seeds

To propagate this decorative type of geranium in 2 ways:

  1. Stalling;
  2. Seeds.

And the other method is actively used by floweries.

So sowing seeds:

  1. The best time for sowing is the Winter or Spring Period. A substrate enriched with useful minerals is placed in a special container. You can buy ready-made soil or mix yourself the following components: 2 pieces of turf land, 1 part of river sand and 1 part of peat.
  2. Then it is worth to prepare the seeds themselves. Initially, their B. obligatory Proceed in solutions such as zircon or epin, it should be strictly according to the instructions. After processing, they need to soak in water room at least 2-3 hours.
  3. Since the seeds are pretty small, they are not deepened by the piece of magnitude. Landing passes as follows: The seeds are neatly laid out into the container with soil and slightly sprinkled with the substrate from above. After that, the container needs to be covered with glass. In the future, every day you need to carry out, opening glass cover And removing condensate. The container is placed in a warm and well-ventilated room with air temperature + 20ºС.
  4. After 14 days, young shoots will appear. As soon as there are 2-3 sheets on each of them, you can transfer a transplant to an individual pot. Its size should be small, no more than 10-15 cm, depending on the seedlings.

Of course, this method of breeding is rather long and time-consuming, and it does not always work out the first time.

Sensitive method

This variety can multiply with stalling, for this you need to cut off the main twigs of young cuttings with branching on the top. Length planting material There must be at least 5-8 cm, the location of the cut is mandatory to be processed with crowded coal, and when working, use a sterile and sufficiently acute tool.

Royal - originating from South America. They brought him to Europe in the XVIII century, and since then, a lot of varieties have been brought by breeders. This article will be discussed about the Royal Pelargonium, about the caring for a flower at home, and also be able to see the photo.

Short description

This flower Small, can reach up to 60 cm in height. The plant has a reprehension and stems. The bustice is completely covered with emerald leaves, which have a rough surface and a lightweight cannon. The inflorescences of Pelargonium are large, and with proper care, they can reach 25 cm in diameter.

On average, the diameter of inflorescences is 15 cm. Flowerines have different length: from 5 to 10 cm. The flower itself grows up to 7 cm in diameter. Forms and colors can be the most different: and purple, orange and lilac, red and pink. Buds can be monophonic or with contrasting inclusions. Flowers can be wavy, corrugated or smooth edges.

Flower royal Plant.Unlike the usual, long, approximately 4 months. Flowers look perfectly on the windowsill, balconies and suspended in.

Popular varieties

Consider the popular varieties of royal pelargonium with the photo:

Did you know? Geranium essential oil, which is obtained from the green part of the plant, is a very valuable drug. It is also used in aromatherapy to calm the psyche and raise the mood.

What to pay attention to when buying

Acquire a flower best in proven places. Buying Pelargonium, pay attention to the state of inflorescences and bush. They should not be faded. There should be no damage on the leaves - this may indicate the presence of diseases.

Do I need to transplant the plant after purchase

Basically, the colors are sold in disposable containers and with an unsuitable substrate. Therefore, after buying a flower recommended to transplant.

Important!Plant transplanted only if it does not bloom.

For the preparation of the substrate for Pelargonium, 1 part of the sand and 2 parts, sheet and turf. If it is not possible to prepare a mixture yourself, you can purchase a regular nutritious substrate for colors in the store. The pot must match the size of the root system. You should not take a big container, as Pelargonium will go to greens in it, and the flowering can not be waiting.

Subsequent home care

Pelargonium (geranium) Royal requires a certain care at home.

Location and lighting

So that the royal plant is thickly bloody, he is required good lighting. If you arrange the Royal Flower in, it will grow, but will not give buds or blossom will be short.

To provide need quantity Light flower need to put on the southern. But it is necessary to follow, so that the bright rays do not fall on the plant, otherwise they can burn the leaves. In winter, the royal flower needs auxiliary, since due to lack of light, the stalks are pulled out.

Temperature mode

In the hot season optimal temperature For Pelargonium should not exceed 24 ° C. In winter, the flower will feel good at 12-15 ° C. If the plant overheats or stand on a draft, then the flowering can not be expected.


Royal Pelargonium loves moisture, so absolutely needed. But it is impossible to allow water. On hot days, the flower is necessary 2 times a day. In winter, cut. Pelargonium does not like when water falls on the leaves, so the flower is not recommended. And the plant is needed under the root.


Fertilize the royal plant should be regularly - in the spring and summer it is done 1 time in 2 weeks. Feed the flower is necessary, in which 3 components include: magnesium ,. Ready complexes with additional additives can be bought. If fertilizers are made independently, then you need to take equal parts. And before flowering, the composition of potassium increases and reduce nitrogen.

To increase the number of buds, the flowers are recommended to add: 1 iodine drop is bred in 1 liter of warm water. This solution should be watering the pot on the wall so that there are no burns. One plant uses 50 ml of solution.

Important!The main thing is not to overdo it with feeding, it will lead to the yellowing of the leaves.


The trimming of the royal pelargonium (geranium) is carried out for lush flowering and in order to make the flower shape compact. It should be done after flowering. Mostly do it at the end and at the beginning. The second wave of trimming is carried out after 1.5 months so as not to injure the pelargonium.
Rules Trimming:

  • it is necessary to cut, considering the peculiarities of the plant - the flower must be small and have a shape of a coastal;
  • the procedure is carried out using an acute disabled knife or at the level of the sheet node;
  • cuts should be processed;
  • stems growing inside must be completely deleted.
Procedure trimming:
  • it is necessary to remove faded stems and inflorescences that beat away;
  • it is worth cut dried leaves;
  • it is necessary to carefully inspect the pelargonium and determine which better trim shoots to get a beautiful crown;
  • long and long stems are removed;
  • the flower that is preparing for wintering must be cut off the third part of the main stem.

Features of care in winter

In October, the Royal Pelargonium comes a period of rest, which lasts in March. Flower care is almost no need to care. The main thing is to keep drying coma. The feeding stops. To be in winter, the flower should at a temperature of 12-15 ° C. Also, with the help of additional lighting, it is necessary to extend the daylight day for geranium so that the stems are not very pulled from the lack of light.

How often to make a transplant

Many are interested in the question why the royal geranium does not bloom. One solution to this problem can be a timely transplantation of the plant. It is necessary to do this at least 1 time in 2-3 years. It is also not recommended to conduct a procedure more often - Pelargonia can slow down flowering.

The flower should be transplanted in a small pot so that the roots are placed in it. In the tanks must be drainage holes. Special attention It is necessary to give it yourself that does not allow water to be stamped. You can use the drainage brick, sea pebbles or clamzit.

Diseases and pests: Prevention and treatment

Pelargonium diseases include:

  1. Gray rot. This disease is developing due to excess moisture in and large nitrogen content in it. Brown spots appear on the leaves and stems. In all parts of the plant, gray raids appear. Flower need to transplant in new sad and treat, such as, "Roughl", "Vitaros".
  2. Rink root and stem. He indicates a black root neck, which begins to rot. The leaves become pale, and later they turn yellow and wither. The reason for such a disease is increased moisture and low. It is recommended to deal with the rot with the preparations "Tibira", "Phytolavin".
  3. Phytoofluorosis. The flower is amazed by fungus and quickly slugg and rot. The fungus is mainly transmitted to, but can move from another plant with a draft. The disease is developing due to increased humidity. Pelargonium leaves are pale, the plant slows down in growth. You can also notice the white gun in the focus rot. The plant is treated with. Damaged parts of the plant must be removed, and cuts to treat charcoal. Be sure to have a transplant to a sterile pot and a substrate.
  4. Eden. On the leaves are formed tubercles and growths. This disease appears due to overvailing

Royal Geranians are known to lovers of home plants as "Royal Pelargonium" and is famous for its capriciousness. Country of origin - South AmericaAnd therefore the pelargonium is used to hot climate with wet air. Care rules at home can be found on this page. Classic royal geranium is a flower or a small dense bush with branching stems. Sheet shape - round, with slightly blade edges and characteristic of geranium smell. Flowers are similar to spherical umbrellas, stems thin and long. Their color depends on the variety: from the snow-white for dark purple. At home, the royal geranium grows up to 50 cm. With proper care, it will be from the beginning of the spring until the end of the summer. Look at the photo of a royal geranium variety, intended for room breeding:

How to put royal geranium

All varieties of pelargonium or royal geranium are multiplied by cuttings. Crop them is recommended in summer or autumn, cut the stem at an angle of 45 degrees just below the interstitial. Bottom leaves And buds also need to be deleted. Before improving the royal geranium correctly, you need to prepare high-quality cuttings and soil with suitable properties. Cuttings need special care. For example, they should not be put in water - due to high humidity They can be lost quickly. Experts recommend simply sprinkling a slide with a mixture of the drug "Kornin" and charcoal, after which even an hour to "dry" the plant. For the first planting, a pot of small diameter is suitable, at the bottom of which you need to put a layer of the shards - this will provide sufficient drainage. For the landing of the royal geranium, as a shop land for decorative plantsAnd a conventional mix of sand and peat in a 1: 1 ratio. For rooting, you can use peat tablets: They are soaked for a few minutes in warm water. In the center of the tablet is deepening, where the stalk is inserted. After the roots appear from the drain hole, the cuttings can be transplanted into the pot. After disembarking, you need to pour the land along the edge so that the substrate is not too wet. The cuttings are rooted quickly, the first sprouts are usually formed for 4 weeks. After that, it is possible to increase slightly, but you still need to avoid excessive soil moisturizing. Only after 8 weeks after disembarking behind a young royal geranium, it will be possible to care for adults. After rooting, geranium is planted into the usual soil on a compost basis. Young royal geranium grows quite actively, with time from the drainage opening of the flower pot, the roots will begin to appear. This is a faithful sign that the plant requires a transplant. Usually adult geranium must be transplanted into a new soil every two years. During the transplant, it is worth cutting thick shoots and the roots half, and the old Earth is gently shaken from the rhizoma. Earth B. flower pot - Fully update. If the transplant pot is reused, it should be disinfected with a special solution (a chlorine lime is suitable).

Care for royal geranium at home

The care of the royal geranium at home is not at all difficult and with it will cope any colorland. Despite the fact that Pelargonium is a plant moisture, excessive watering can lead to diseases and infections, so it is important to adhere to certain rules glaze. An adult bush is enough 50 ml of water for one watering, the soil should not be too wet. In winter, it is enough to water the royal geranium once a day, in summer time - Two times: up to 10 in the morning and in the evening after the sun is no longer scorching. As a feeding, you can use a weak solution of iodine: one drop on 1 liter of water. A small amount (about 50 ml) spill a pot on the walls. Be extremely careful: in larger quantities The feeding can seriously damage the roots. Fertilize the plant you need every two weeks from the end of March to mid-November. The ideal temperature for the content of the Flower of the Royal Pelargonium fluctuates within +18 - +25 degrees. Increase and decrease in temperature, drafts and dry air from the heater can quickly destroy the plant. In the summer, the royal geranium can be reached on the balcony, but it is important to ensure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight - there may be burns. Light The plant loves, but at the same time he needs a shadow. To provoke active bounds of buds, in winter, geranium can be put in a cool well-lit place. In general, from October to March, a sleep period for the royal geranium comes. The perfect temperature at this time is about +15 degrees, care can be limited only by watering. Before the sleepy period, it is better to remove flowers, buds and cut 1/3 of shoots. Flowers are recommended to delete - they have already lost their beauty, and only in vain take the strength at the plant. In addition, it stimulates the active growth of new colors. You can delete them after brown spots appeared on the petals. But it is worth removing flowers if you don't need Pelargonia seeds - the seed tie comes in inflorescences.

The variety of varieties of royal pelargonium and their photos

In the genus pelargonium is more than 280 different species Plants, the most common variety is the royal geranium. Popular varieties include large-flowered pelargoniums (the "Angels" group) or vivo-color. Flowers of these varieties are similar to pansiesThe top petals are somewhat larger than small, there are accommodation on the petals. The following presented the most popular varieties of royal pelargonium and their photos - the variety of species is simply not possible to submit in one article. Candy Flowers - These varieties belong to Pelargonium large-flowered. Breeders withdrawn a group of varieties due to the crossing of two types of pelargonium, which is intended for cultivation on open soil. The peculiarity of this variety is earlier than flowering, flowers are larger than the "Angels" group.
Pelargonium shining (Pelargonium Fulgidum) is a high bush pelargonium, the size of which is slightly smaller than that of the royal. The main difference is the deeper dissected leaves with a sharp spicy smell. Flowers without aroma, the prevailing color of the flowers of this variety of pelargonium - red.

Possible problems with royal geranium

With proper care, the royal geranium is rarely ill, but some possible problems There can be touched even experienced flowerflowers. Range of the legs of the plant most often provokes excessive watering. If the flower has already begun to rot, it is impossible to help him and it is better to remove the affected plant as soon as possible. Not only geranium itself is quickly affected, but also the soil in which it is, so the primer will have to throw away. Attacking royal geranium can also pests: TLL, ticks, whitefly. If it touched on your plant, the lower side of the affected leaves is necessary to wash the infusion of tobacco with green soap Or infusion of the usual pharmacy chamomile. In order to get rid of the whiteflink, you can apply special medicines ("Fufon", "Aktellik", "bison"). Often about problems the first thing flashes the leaves. If they are wishes, and the edges of the flower dried up - this is a signal about the lack of moisture. The yellowed leaves warn that Gerani is little light or a place in a pot. If the leaves are withering, then you may have too mooring the land. If there is a time of flowering, and geranium did not bloom, you need to urgently determine the problem, otherwise the flowering can be inhibited in the future. Why not blooms royal geranium? There may be a lack of light, low temperature (below +10), the soil can be too fertile, or a pot is too large. In addition, the reason may be untimely trimming of royal geranium. Sometimes geranium may be subject to Rust, during which brown or yellow spots. The victims can also shoot and flowers. It is important to monitor the state of the plant and remove the ills as soon as possible. Remember: If the plant is sick - it is better to wait with reproduction. Problems can quickly go to the cuttings.
In general, the plant is not a whimsical, it is well multiplied, grow and do not create any problems with their owners. In order for the royal geran to please the eye, you need to adhere to the recommendations of experienced flowerflowers that will help protect the pelargonium from problems.
  1. Provide a good drainage and sufficient lighting.
  2. It is not necessary to use the feeding too active: it is better to underminate than to overgrow.
  3. Delete the diseased plants in a timely manner and never use the soil again.
  4. Water geranium only when the soil really needs it.

In the courtyards, on the windowsill, balconies and even in the city clubs with the onset of summer, you can see brightly blooming bushes of Pelargonium, in the people who are often referred to as geranium. Thanks to the unpretentiousness and simplicity of Pelargonium's care enjoy honored flowerflowers. But few people, unfortunately, suspect that among the family of real "Cinderellas" there are their "queens".

Since the root system of the plant does not tolerate moisture, for Pelargonium requires a powerful drainage layer, no less attention is paid to the planting pot. It is because of the transplanting in the too large dishes that many flower disappointment are frustrated in culture, and the Royal Pelargonium does not bloom.

Finding into a bulk pot, the plant rapidly increasing the green mass, but completely "forgets" about the set of buds.

A similar process goes and with an incorrectly selected fertilizer mixture. If the nitrogen, stems and leaves are growing in the formation of buds and blossoms to the formation of buds and flowering, and the buds are becoming less and less. Best mixes For feeding of pelargoniums are distinguished by increased potassium content and providing abundant and long blossoms.

Trimming Pelargonia

The reason why Pelargonium Royal does not bloom, may be the wrong or insufficient trimming. Since plants grow rapidly, and the buds are formed on the tops of the shoots, it is easy to increase purely flower kidney, in July and August, pinning or cutting up the tops of overly thumping stems. This measure will allow:

  • obtained cuttings use for breeding;
  • achieve lush flowering in the future season;
  • stimulate the growth of young shoots;
  • provide a compact attractive form.

Crop the plant is better gradually, seriously injured the pelargonium, and after the operation, the plant must be fed. At the end of winter, with the beginning of the new formation of the pruning buds is completed.

Shining pelargonium

The resulting cuttings can be rooted year-round, but in the warm season to do it much easier.

As the planting material, they take strong tops of shoots, having at least two pairs of leaves and cut by 5 mm below the node. The lower leaves are better to cut off and leave no more than 3 top leaf plates. After that, the sections on the cuttings are treated with chopped charcoal and leave in the air for 18-24 hours.

True, there is another way. Already 10 minutes after separation from the maternal plant cut cuttings:

  • processed root;
  • planted in a sand mix and peat mixture;
  • for 2-3 days they are covered with nonwoven material.

Not bad results gives landing of cuttings into moisturized peat pills.

In any case, the landing is watered with a solution of phytosporin, which will protect the cuts from the development of rot. And how to care for Pelargonia after the cuttings gave roots?

Until the moment when the cuttings, located at a temperature of 19-23 ° C, are well rooted, it will take place from 8 to 12 weeks. After this time:

  • young plants planted on a permanent place;
  • plug the main escape over the third pair of leaves, which will make the bush give new side stems.

If at home care for the royal pelargonium, as in the photo, good, young plants are developing perfectly, and the next spring, small neat bushes give the first inflorescences.

How to root a pile of royal geranium - video

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